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The Relief After Hardship

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    The Relief After Hardship (OP)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Some years ago, a certain `Aalim requested me to translate a very beneficial Kitaab of Imaam as-Suyooti, named "al-Araju fil-Faraji" into the English language. The Kitaab itself is in Arabic, and in fact, it is a commentary of a Kitaab written quite a while before by Imaam ibn Abi-d Dunyaa, who had named his Kitaab: "Al-Faraju ba`dash Shiddah" (The Relief After Hardship).

    This Kitaab itself is written as a kind of "Tasliyah" (consolation), you could say. It provides an abundance of Ahaadeeth, Du`aas, even poetry, and the subject is about giving the Mu'min hope; increasing his Tawakkul in Allaah Ta`aalaa; assisting him in having Sabr and Shukr; inspiring him; motivating him; freeing him from depression, anxiety, worries and sorrows, etc.

    The reason this particular `Aalim had suggested I translate the Kitaab is because he said that, in these times, depression and anxiety have become very common, even among the Muslims (which should never be the case), and so he suggested that this Kitaab be translated which can act - In Shaa Allaah - as a kind of comfort for those who read it. That, after reading it, Allaah Ta`aalaa will remove all of their sorrows, grief and worries and replace it with happiness, Aameen. That was the intention of the respected authors, namely, Imaam ibn Abi-d Dunyaa رحمة الله عليه, and later on, Imaam as-Suyooti رحمة الله عليه.

    It was only recently, though, that I decided to start with the translation of this Kitaab, and Allaah Ta`aalaa granted me the Tawfeeq to begin, Alhamdulillaah. The translation is still in process. What I will do in this thread, In Shaa Allaah, is that, every time a new page is translated, I will post it here. The original Arabic Kitaab is only 86 pages.

    May Allaah Ta`aalaa make it a means of benefit to myself first of all and to all those who read it, Aameen.

    For today, I will post what has been translated thus far.
    Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 01-23-2017 at 04:32 PM.
    The Relief After Hardship

    اللي مالوش حد له ربّنا

  2. #41
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam View Post
    - 64 -

    Imaam ibn `Asaakir narrates in his Taareekh from Ja`far ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn al-Husain, that al-Mansoor once oppressed him, so he performed two Rak`ats of Salaah and then made the following Du`aa:

    اللهُمَّ بِكَ أَسْتَفْتِحُ وَبِكَ أَسْتَنْجِحُ وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ وَرَسُوْلِكَ أَتَوَسَّلُ اللهُمَّ سَهِّلْ حَزُوْنَتَهُ وَذَلِّلْ لِيْ صُعُوْبَتَهُ وَأَعْطِنِيْ مِنَ الْخَيْرِ أَكْثَرَ مِمَّا أَرْجُوْ وَاصْرِفْ عَنِّيْ مِنَ الشَّرِّ أَكْثَرَ مِمَّا أَخَافُ

    Allaahumma bika Astaftihu wa bika Astanjihu wa bi-Muhammadin `Abdika wa Rasoolika Atawassalu, Allaahumma Sahhil lee Hazoonatah, wa Dhallil lee Su`oobatah, wa A`tinee minal Khayri Akthara mimmaa Arjoo Wasrif `Annee minash Sharri Akthara mimmaa Akhaaf.

    “O Allaah, through You I seek victory and through You I gain success, and (O Allaah) it is through Your slave and Rasool, Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that I make Tawassul. O Allaah, ease for me its grief and its difficulty, and grant me more goodness than (even) what I hope for, and avert from me more than just the evil that I fear.”

    So when he entered upon al-Mansoor, he (al-Mansoor) met him and honoured him.
    Brother, is this the sixth Shia Imaam you have posted about because this website here has the same incident and refers to him as Imaam al-Saadiq?

    اعتقال- الإمام- الصادق- عليه- السلام- ودعاؤه- بالخلاص-

    أرسل- إلیه- ( إلی- الإمام- الصادق- ) أبو جعفر ( المنصور ) ذات- يوم- رزام- بن- قيس- يدعوه- للقائه-، ففصلا عن- المدينة-، حتّي- بلغا النجف-. فنزل- جعفر عن- راحلته-، فأسبغ- الوضوء وصلّي- ركعتين-، ثمّ رفع- يديه- وهو يقول-: اللَهُمَّ بِكَ أَسْتَفْتِحُ، وَبِكَ أَسْتَنْجِحُ، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ وَرَسُولِكَ أَتَوَسَّلُ. اللَهُمَّ سَهِّلْ حُزونَتَهُ، وَذَلِّلْ لِي- صُعُوبَتَهُ، وَأَعْطِنِي- مِنَ الخَيْرِ أَكْثَرَ مِمَّا أَرْجُو، وَاصْبِفْ عَنِي- مِنَ الشَّرِّ أَكْثَرَ مِمَّا أَخَافُ.
    ثمّ ركب- راحلته- حتّي- إذا بلغا قصر المنصور، أعْلَمَ المنصور بمكانه-. فلم- يحجبه- قليلاً أو كثيراً، بل- تفتّحت- الابواب-، ورفعت- الستر. فلمّا قرب- من- المنصور قام- إلیه- فتلقّاه-، وأخذ بيده- وماشاه-، حتّي- نتهي- به- إلی- مجلسه-، ثمّ أقبل- عليه- يسأله- عن- حاله-!


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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    It is the same person. That is because we regard him as being one of the great A'immah, whereas the vile Shi`a Kaafirs take him as some kind of god. He was an Imaam in Fiqh. So when Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah say, "Imaam Ja`far as-Saadiq", they mean Imaam in Fiqh, whereas when the Raafidhah say it, they mean a "demi-god". Our definition of Imaam differs entirely from their definition of Imaam. Ja`far as-Saadiq was the son of Imaam Baaqir, who was one of the Asaatidhah of Imaam Abu Haneefah. Imaam Ja`far as-Saadiq was a "Saathi" (like they say in Urdu) of Imaam Abu Haneefah. They studied together.

    والله تعالى أعلم

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  5. #43
    Huzaifah ibn Adam's Avatar Scholar
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 67 -

    Imaam al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi and Imaam ibn `Asaakir both narrate from Hadhrat `Aa'ishah رضي الله عنها that she said: "Be more hopeful of what you had not hoped for than you are for what you hope for, for verily Moosaa ibn `Imraan had gone out in search of fire and returned with Nubuwwah."
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  6. #44
    Huzaifah ibn Adam's Avatar Scholar
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 68 -

    Wahb ibn Naajiyah al-Murree wrote the following poem:

    كن لما لا ترجو من الأمر أرجى منك يوماً لما له أنت راجي
    إن موسى مضى ليقبس ناراً من ضياء رآه والليل داجي
    فأتى أهله وقد حكم الل ه وناجاه وهو خير مناجي
    وكذا الأمر ربما ضاق بالمر ء فيتلوه سرعة الإنفراج

    "Be, towards a matter you do not have hope for, more hopeful than you are to a matter you hope to attain one day.

    Moosaa went out in search of fire, from a light he saw in the darkness of the night.

    Thus, he returned to his family, but Allaah had passed His Judgement and had conversed privately with him in speech, and He is the best of those who converse.

    (In life), many a time affairs become constricted for a man, but it's followed up by a swift granting of relief."
    Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 02-28-2017 at 07:54 PM.
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    اللي مالوش حد له ربّنا
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  8. #45
    Serinity's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    JazakAllah khayr, brother. you can't imagine how happy I am to read this.

    This reminds me of the Mercy of Allah .

    And if I may add. There is always relief in reading the Qur'aan. Read as much as you can, because you never know when you will need it. The knowledge of the Qur'aan is of huge benefit.

    The knowledge of the Qur'aan will grant you relief, In shaa' Allah. It is a Mercy to the believers.

    And it increases the believers in Faith whenever the Quran is recited (there is an ayaat about this) but it increases the Kuffaar in aversion of it.

    And SubhanAllah. When I read the Qur'aan, weeks later, I see sometimes through real life that what is happening is what Allah told me in the Qur'aan. It made my belief in the Qur'aan even more firm, and made me love Allah even more.

    Such experiences come only if you read Qur'aan. I think. Cause I would have maybe overlooked such things, if I didn't read it in the Quraan.


    Allah says in the Qur'aan that there are Kuffaar who stretch out their hands, wanting you to be like them. And SubhanAllah, that is true.

    And you are like whom you imitate and are with. So if one's close friends are kuffaar, sooner or later, one will conform to their norms or them to ours.

    you know sociology? Socialisation? Conformity? As humans we like to be like those whom we are with, and comfortable with.

    And the hadith about being in good company, and bad company, resonates soo good with this. (correct me if I am wrong here)

    Please correct me if I said anything wrong.

    And may Allah forgive all of us.
    Allahu alam.
    Last edited by Serinity; 02-28-2017 at 08:00 PM.
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    The Relief After Hardship

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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  9. #46
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 69 -

    Abu-l Qaasim ibn Bishraan narrates in his Amaali, saying: Abu-l `Abbaas Ahmad ibn Ibraaheem ibn `Ali al-Kindi informed us that Muhammad ibn Ja`far as-Saamarree recited this poem to us, saying: Some of our companions asked me to recite this poem to Abu Mihjan ath-Thaqafi:

    عسى فرج يأتي به الله إنه له كل يوم في خليقته أمر
    عسى ما ترى أن لا يدوم وأن ترى له فرجاً مما ألحّ به الدهر
    إذا اشتد عسر فارج يسراً فإنه قضى الله أن العسر يعقبه يسر

    "Perhaps a relief will soon be forthcoming from Allaah; verily, everyday He brings about a new matter among His creation.

    Perhaps that which you see will not last, and you do not see the relief for such a difficulty which had been carrying on for a long time.

    When the difficulty becomes severe, have hope for ease, for verily, it is the Decree of Allaah that difficulty will be followed up by ease."
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  10. #47
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 70 -

    Some of them said:
    عادني الهم واعتلج كل هم إلى فرج

    "Anxiety and worries visited me, but each worry turned into a relief (from Allaah Ta`aalaa)."

    - 71 -

    Ibn an-Najjaar narrates in Taareekh Baghdaad from the chain of Ahmad ibn al-Qaasim ar-Rayyaan al-Misri, who said: Ahmad ibn Is-haaq ibn Ibraaheem ibn Nubayt al-Ashja`e narrated to us in Egypt, saying: My father narrated to me from his father, from his grandfather who said: `Ali ibn Abi Taalib رضي الله عنه said (in poetry):

    إذا اشتملت على اليأس القلوب وضاق لما به الصدر الرحيب
    وأوطنت المكاره واطمأنت وأرست في أماكنها الخطوب
    ولم تر لإنكشاف الضر وجهاً ولا أغني بحيلته الأريب
    أتاك على قنوط منك غوث يجيء به القريب المستجيب
    وكل الحادثات إذا تناهت فموصول بها الفرج القريب

    "When the hearts fill with despair, and become constricted after their spaciousness;

    And when the disliked matters take root and become firm and contented, and the troubles and misfortunes become anchored and take their place;

    And you do not see any way for the removal of these harms, nor any cunning scheme to suffice you from them;

    There comes to you, in your state of despondency, a help brought by the One Who is Most Near and Who answers the calls (of those who ask from Him).

    All difficulties, upon reaching their conclusion, are followed up by a relief near at hand."

    These verses of poetry have been narrated by Imaam ibn Abi-d Dunyaa without any chain of narrators leading up to Hadhrat `Ali رضي الله عنه.

    - 72 -

    Abu-l `Abbaas Ahmad ibn Abi-l Qaasim ibn `Iyaal recited this poem to me, saying: the Faqeeh, Abu-l Qaasim `Abdur Rahmaan ibn Salaamah al-Qadhaa`ee recited this poem to me in a gathering in which he taught, saying: Imaam Maalik used to recite these two verses of poetry:

    درّج الأيام تندرج وبيوت الهم لا تلج
    رُبّ شيء عز مطلبه قرّبته ساعة الفرج

    "Let the days pass on their course, and do not enter into the houses of grief.

    Many a sought-after thing is brought nigh by the hour of relief."

    - 73 -

    Hadhrat `Abdullaah ibn az-Zubayr al-Asadi recited the following poem:

    لا أحسب الشر جاراً لا يفارقني ولا أحزّ على ما فاتني الودجا
    وما نزلتُ من المكروه منزلة إلا وثقت بأن ألقى لها فرجا

    "I do not regard evil and misfortune as a neighbour that shall not depart from me, nor do I cut the jugular vein on account of what has passed me by.

    Never have I descended into any difficulty except that I had firm conviction that I would meet up with a relief from it."

    - 74 -

    Muntajab ad-Deen Abu-l Futooh al-`Ajali recited this poem:

    إذا ما رأيتَ فنون البلاء وعزّ المحيص لفرط الحرج
    فلا تحظ إلا بصبر جميل فعند اصطبارك يأتي الفرج

    "When you witness a plethora of difficulties headed your way, and any way of escaping from harm becomes rare;

    Do not react except with beautiful patience, for at the time of you patiently persevering shall come the relief."

    - 75 -

    Muhammad ibn `Abdillaah ibn `Abdil Hakam recited this poem:

    إذا ضقتَ فاصبر يفرج الله ما ترى ألا رُبَّ ضيق في عواقبه سعه

    "When you are put into difficulty, have patience; Allaah will grant you relief from all that you see of hardships.

    Take note! Many a difficulty has ease following closely in its wake."

    - 76 -

    Jahzhah recited this poem:

    فلا تيأس وإن صحت عزيتهم على الدلج
    فإن إلى غداة غد سيأتي الله بالفرج

    "So do not ever despair, even if the (difficulties) resolve to reach the darkest hour of the night, for indeed, by tomorrow morning Allaah will bring the relief."

    - 77 -

    Another poet recited this poem:

    ويومٍ كأن المصطلين بحرّه وإن لم تكن نار وقوف على الجمر
    صبرنا له حتى تجلّى وإنما تفرّج أيام الكريهة بالصبر

    "By a day which, it is as though those who warm themselves draw from its heat, though there may be no fire standing upon the coals.

    We will have patience until it appears; indeed, the unpleasant days are only passed through with patience."

    - 78 -

    Another poet said:

    إسترزق الله واطلب من خزائنه ولا تكونن مما ضقت في حرج
    فأبعد الأمر يامولاي أقربه وأضيق الحال أدناه من الفرج

    "Seek sustenance from Allaah, and seek from His treasure troves, and do not be from those who become constricted due to difficulty;

    For indeed, the furthest part of a difficulty is its closest part, O my master, and the most constrained of circumstances are the closest to relief."

    - 79 -

    As-Sam`aani narrates from his father, who said: I heard Sa`dullaah ibn Nasr al-Waa`izh saying: I was running from the Khaleefah due to something which had happened, and their pursuit of me became very intense, so one night, I saw in a dream that I was in a room and that I was writing something. A man came and stood in front of me, and he said: "Write down what I am about to dictate to you." And he then recited this poem:

    إدفع بصبرك حادث الأيام وترجّ لطف الواحد العلّام
    لا تيأسن وإن تضيق كربها ورماك ريب صروفها بسهام
    فله تعالى بين ذلك فرجة تخفى على الأبصار والأوهام
    كم من نجيّ بين أطراف القنا وفريسة سلمت من الضرغام

    "Through your patience, repel the difficulties of the days ahead, and place your hope in the Kindness of the One Who is Unique, All-Knowing.

    Do not ever despair no matter how difficult things may become, and the doubts of the hardships of the times shoot you with their arrows; Allaah Ta`aalaa has prepared for you, out of all of that, a relief; one that is hidden to the eyes and the imaginations.

    How many a person is saved despite being between the ends of the spears, and how many a prey escapes from the lion."

    - 80 -

    Ja`far ibn Shams al-Khaleefah recited this poem:

    هي شدة يأتي الرخاء عقيبها وأسى يبشر بالسرور العاجل
    وإذا نظرت فإن بؤساً زائلاً للمرء خير من نعيم زائل

    "It is a hardship that will be followed up by ease, and a sadness that gives the glad-tidings of a joy swiftly approaching.

    When you look, (you will understand) that a hardship that will leave a person is better than a transient blessing."
    Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 03-02-2017 at 02:08 PM.
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  11. #48
    Huzaifah ibn Adam's Avatar Scholar
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 81 -

    He also read the following poem:

    سأصبر حتى يأتي الله بالذي يشاء وحتى يعجب الدهر من صبري
    فكم فاقة بات الغنى من خلالها يلوح وكم عسر تكشّف عن يسر

    "I will patiently persevere until Allaah brings that which He wills, and until time itself is amazed at my patience.

    For, how many a rich man has come through poverty, gleaming, and how many a difficulty, after being uncovered, reveals ease."

    - 82 -

    Abu-l Fadhl al-`Abbaas ibn `Umar as-Sarraaj ad-Dimashqi recited the following poem:

    فخفّف عن القلب الهموم مسليّاً لعل الذي تخشاه ليس يكون
    وكن واثقاً بالله في كل حالة فما شدة إلا وسوف تهون

    "Lighten the burden of worries from your heart, and grant it consolation; perhaps that which you fear may never come to be.

    Have conviction in Allaah in every situation, for there is no hardship except that soon it shall become easy."

    - 83 -

    Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Basheer al-Himyari recited the following poem:

    لا تيأسن وإن طالت مطالبة إذا استعنت بصبر أن ترى فرجا
    أخلق بذي الصبر أن يحظى بحاجته ومدمن القرع للأبواب أن يلجا

    "If you have sought help in patience, then never fall into despair no matter how long the asking (i.e. Du`aa) has been.

    What a great characteristic he has, the one who possesses patience! He shall attain his request, just as the one who knocks on the doors shall enter."

    - 84 -

    Al-Hasan ibn Wahb recited this poem, addressing his brother:

    إصبر أبا أيوب صبراً يرتضى وإذا جزعت من الخطوب فمن لها
    إن الذي عقد الذي انعقدت به عقد المكاره فيك يملك حلّها
    الله يفرج بعد ضيق كربها ولعلّها أن تنجلى ولعلّها

    "Have patience, O father of Ayyoob - a patience that is pleasing, and when you fall into worries on account of the difficulties in your life, understand that there is no one (to remove it) except Allaah.

    Indeed, the One Who tied the knots of unpleasant things upon you is the only One capable of untying them.

    Allaah will grant relief to you after the constricting hardships, and perhaps very soon those hardships will be driven away."

    - 85 -

    Muhammad ibn al-Fadhl al-Jurjaani, the author, recited this poem:

    تعجل إذا ما كان أمن وغبطة وأبطء إذا ما استعرض الخوف والهرج
    ولا تيأسن من فرجة أن تنالها لعل الذي ترجوه من حيث لا ترجو

    "When it comes to matters of safety and happiness, hasten; and when what is presented is fear and confusion, slow down.

    Do not despair of acquiring a relief from Allaah; perhaps that which you are hoping for shall come to you from such avenues as you had never hoping for."

    - 86 -

    Abu Is-haaq Ibraaheem ibn al-`Abbaas as-Sooli recited this poem:

    ولربّ نازلة يضيق بها الفتى ذرعاً وعند الله منها مخرج
    كملت فلما استحكمت حلقاتها فرجت وكان يظنها لا تفرج

    "Many a hardship may cause the youngster to feel his life straitened; however, with Allaah is the way out.

    When the hardship achieved completion and the last of its links had solidified, it was removed - and he had been thinking that it would never be removed."

    As-Salaah as-Safadi said in his Taareekh: Whosoever reads these couplets at a time a difficulty has befallen, he will be granted relief by Allaah Ta`aalaa.

    - 87 -

    Ar-Rabee` ibn Sulaymaan al-Muraadee, the companion of Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee said, and the Haafizh, Zakiyy-ud-Deen al-Mundhiri narrated this from him, and Imaam ibn `Asaakir narrated it in his Taareekh, from ar-Rabee`, from Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee that he said:

    صبراً جميلاً ما أسرع الفرجا من صدق الله في الأمور نجا
    من خشي الله من ينله أذى ومن رجا الله كان حيث رجا

    "Exercise a beautiful patience, for how swiftly comes the relief!

    Whosoever is truthful with Allaah in all matters, he is saved; whosoever fears Allaah, he will not be overtaken by harm; whosoever places his hope in Allaah, he will be wherever he hopes to be."

    - 88 -

    Laqeet ibn Zuraarah recited this poem:

    قد عشت في الدهر أطواراً على طرق شتّى وقاسيت فيه اللين والفظعا
    كلَّا لبست فلا النعماء تبطرني ولا تخشّعت من لأوائها جزعا
    ما سدّ مطلع ضاقت ثنيّته إلا وجدت وراء الضيق متّسعا

    "In life, time and again I lived on different paths, and during that time, I endured both kindness and harshness. Both of these garments I have worn; thus, neither does favour spoil me, nor do I fear from hardships.

    The opening to any dawn never became constricted to me, except that I saw, beyond the constriction, a vast expanse.”

    - 89 -

    Abu `Abdillaah Muhammad ibn `Abdillaah al-Khazrajee recited this poem:

    لا تجزعن إذا نالتك موجعة واضرع إلى الله يسرع نحوك الفرج
    ثم استعن بجميل الصبر محتسباً فصبح يسرك بعد العسر ينسلج
    فسوف يدلج عنك الهم مرتحلاً وإن أقام قليلاً سوف يدلج

    "Do not fall into worry when some pain overtakes you; humble yourself to Allaah, for He will swiftly send relief your way. Take help from a beautiful patience, expecting relief from Allaah; verily, the morning of your ease will dawn immediately after (the night of) your hardship has passed.

    The worries that are afflicting you shall soon depart; even if they remain for a little while, very soon they shall depart."

    - 90 -

    Some of them narrate that ibn an-Najjaar recited this poem:

    لا تيأسن إذا ما ضقت من فرج يأتي به الله في الروحات الدلج
    وإن تضايق باب عنك مرتتج فانظر لنفسك باباً غير مرتتج
    فما تجرّع كأس الصبر معتصم بالله إلا أتاه الله بالفرج

    "Do not fall into despair when matters are hard and relief seems far; Allaah will bring it in the afternoons and in the darkest hours of the night.

    If one door becomes constricted upon you, find for yourself another door that is not constricted.

    None swallows the cup of patience, holding firmly to Allaah, except that Allaah brings him the relief."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    Can I compile this altogether as a PDF please? Is that permissible?

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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Indefinable View Post
    Can I compile this altogether as a PDF please? Is that permissible?

    You are free to do that, respected sister. However, that is currently my plan, In Shaa Allaah. You see, all of this that I am translating, as I explained in the first post, is from the Kitaab الفرج بعد الشدة of Imaam ibn Abi-d Dunyaa and then Imaam as-Suyooti. As I have translated each page of the Kitaab, I have been posting it here. At the same time, I have been compiling it together. So, once the translation is complete, I will be bringing it out as a Kitaab, In Shaa Allaah.

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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam View Post
    You are free to do that, respected sister. However, that is currently my plan, In Shaa Allaah. You see, all of this that I am translating, as I explained in the first post, is from the Kitaab الفرج بعد الشدة of Imaam ibn Abi-d Dunyaa and then Imaam as-Suyooti. As I have translated each page of the Kitaab, I have been posting it here. At the same time, I have been compiling it together. So, once the translation is complete, I will be bringing it out as a Kitaab, In Shaa Allaah.

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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 91 -

    Al-`Atawi recited this poem:

    مستشعر الصبر مقرون به الفرج يبكي ويصبر والأشياء تبتهج
    حتى إذا بلغت مقدور غايتها جاءتك تضحك عن ظلمائها السرج
    فاصبر ودم واقرع الباب الذي طلعت به المطالع والمغري به يلج
    بقدرة الله فارج الله وارض به ففي إرادته الغمّاء تنفرج

    "The one experiencing patience is connected with the relief; he sheds tears, he has patience, and very soon the conditions change to one of joy.

    When the difficulty reaches the end of its journey, the relief comes to you, laughing away the darkness into the brightness of many suns.

    Therefore, have patience, persevere, and continue to knock at the door by which is the sunrise, and the enticed one enters by the Power and Decree of Allaah.

    Thus, have hope in Allaah and be pleased with Him; for indeed, through His Will all the dark clouds of sorrow and difficulty shall disperse."

    - 92 -

    Ali ibn `Abdillaah ibn Muhammad ibn Daawud at-Tabari recited this poem:

    يامن ألحّ عليه الهم والفكر وغيّرت حاله الأيام والغير
    أما سمعت بما قد قيل في مثل عند الإياس فأين الله والقدر
    نم للخطوب إذا أحداثها طرقت واصبر فقد فاز أقوام لها صبروا
    وكلّ ضيق سيأتي بعده سعة وكلّ فوت وشيك بعده الظفر

    "O one who is besieged by worries and anxiety, and his condition has changed due to the hardships of the days gone by:

    Have you not heard of what was spoken in the parable at the time of despondency, "Where is Allaah and al-Qadr (destiny, i.e. have you forgotten about Allaah?)"

    Take rest when the hardships and difficulties strike; have patience, for the people who had patience were successful.

    Every hardship shall be followed up by ease, and every imminent loss shall be followed up by victory."

    - 93 -

    At-Taghraa'i recited this poem:

    لا تجزعنّ إذا ما الأمر ضقت به ذرعاً ونم وتوسد فارغ البال
    وما اهتمامك والمجدي عليك وقد جرى القضاء بأرزاق وآجال

    "Do not fall into anxiety when circumstances become difficult; take rest, sleep with peace of mind.

    Of what benefit to you is your anxiety and worrying, when the Divine Decree (of Allaah) has already passed the provisions and lifespans?"

    - 94 -

    Abu Taalib Sa`d ibn Muhammad al-Waheed said:

    يا نفس كوني لرَوح الله ناظرة فإنه للأماني طيّب الأرج
    كم لحظة لك مخلوس تقبّلها كانت مدى لك بين اليأس والفرج

    "O Nafs, await the relief from Allaah, for it is a most pleasing relief for the hopes.
    How many a moment of yours has been stolen, which had been alternating for you, during that time, between despondency and the granting of relief."

    - 95 -

    Some of them recited this poem:

    إذا الحادثات بلغن المدى وكادت تذوب لهن المهج
    وحل البلاء وعزّ العزاء فعند التناهي يكون الفرج

    "When the hardships reach the end of their course, almost having caused the hearts to melt;

    The knot of affliction is untied and consolation comes, for indeed, at the end of difficulties comes the relief."

    - 96 -

    Ibn an-Najjaar said: Muhammad ibn Sakeenah recited this poem to me:

    كن بلطف الله ذا ثقة وارض بالجاري من القسم
    واصطبر للأمر تكرهه فلعل البرء في السقم

    "Have full conviction in the Kindness of Allaah, and be content with what has been alotted to you.

    Patiently persevere over matters you dislike, for perhaps the cure may lie hidden in the illness."

    - 97 -

    Ibn an-Najjaar said: `Abdul Wahhaab ibn `Ali al-Ameen narrated to us, saying: I read in the presence of Abu-l Qaasim `Abdullaah ibn al-Qaasim ibn `Ali al-Hareeree, the author of al-Maqaamaat, and he said: My father recited the following poem to us:

    لا تيأسن عند النوب من فرجة تجلو الكرب
    فلكم سموم هب ث م جرى نسيماً وانقلب
    وسحاب مكروه تنشّ أ فاضمحل وما سكب
    ودخان خطب خيف من ه فما استبان له لهب
    ولطالما طلع الأسى وعلى بقيّته غرب
    فاصبر إذا ما ناب رو ع فالزمان أبو العجب
    وترجّ من رَوح الإل ه لطائفاً لا تحتسب

    "Do not become despondent at the time of difficulty, from receiving a relief that will disperse the harms.

    The simoom that rages turns into a gentle breeze. Clouds of worries form, then they disappear and there is no downpour.

    The smoke emitted by the firewood is feared from, but no flames appear from it.

    The sun of a hardship may rise (in the heart), but after completing its course, it shall set.

    Hence, have patience when fear and panic strikes, for time is the father of surprises!

    Have hope in receiving relief from Allaah; such subtle kindnesses as cannot be imagined."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 98 -

    Imaam ibn an-Najjaar narrates that Abu `Ali Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn ash-Shaatir al-Anbaari recited this poem:

    إذا ما ألمّت شدة فاصطبر لها فخير سلاح المرء في الشدة الصبر
    وإني لأستحيي من الله أن أُرى إلى غيره أشكو وإن مسّني الضر
    عسى فرج يأتي به الله إنه له كلّ يوم في خليقته أمر

    "When a difficulty becomes painful, patiently persevere; for verily, the best weapon of a person at the time of difficulty is patience.

    Indeed, I am ashamed to be seen by Allaah whilst complaining to other than Him, though harm may touch me.

    Relief will soon be forthcoming from Allaah; indeed, every day He brings about a new matter among His creation."

    - 99 -

    Al-Buhtari recited this poem to al-Mu`tazz prior to him (al-Mu`tazz) acquiring the Khaleefah:

    جعلت فداك الدهر ليس بمنفكّ من الحادث المشكو والنازل المشكي
    وما هذه الأيام إلا منازل فمن منزل رحب إلى منزل ضنك
    وقد هذّبتك الحادثات وإنما صفا الذهب الأبريز قبلك بالسبك
    أما في رسول الله يوسف أسوة لمثلك محبوساً على الظلم والإفك
    أقام جميل الصبر في الحبس برهة فآل به الصبر الجميل إلى الملك

    "May I be ransomed for you! Truly, time will never cease to be troubled by difficulties and afflictions bringing complaints...

    The days are nothing but stages - sometimes a stage of spaciousness and ease, sometimes a stage of constriction.

    The afflictions have purified you, and indeed pure gold only becomes pure through smelting.

    Is there not, for you, a perfect example in the Rasool of Allaah, Yusuf? Like you, he was imprisoned wrongly and falsely accused. He exercised a beautiful patience under imprisonment for a period of time; thereafter, that beautiful patience took him to kingship."

    - 100 -

    Ibraaheem ibn Ghaanim ibn `Abdoon, the writer, wrote this poem:

    ربما كانت الخلائق إن ضا قت بخطب معدودة في الخطوب
    وتهون الأحداث عند معان بفؤاد شهم وصدر رحيب
    ورجاء الميسور يثمر في الأن فس يسراً تناله عن قريب
    والصبور الداعي إلى الله محب وّ مجاب من السميع المجيب
    فتوكل عليه يكفيك والزم حكم ذي حكمة ورأي مصيب

    "Many a time the creations are constrained by difficulties, but the afflictions become easy when assisted by a magnanimous heart and spacious chest.

    The hoping for easiness (from Allaah) causes the fruits of ease to grow in the souls, and very soon you shall pluck it.

    The one who is patient and who calls upon Allaah is beloved by Him and answered by the One Who is All-Hearing, the Answerer of supplications.

    Therefore, place your trust in Him; He shall suffice you, and hold firmly to the ruling of He Who is Most-Wise and most correct in view."

    - 101 -

    Abu-l Hasan Zaid ibn Muhammad ibn Zayd al-`Alawi recited this poem:

    وراء مضيق الخوف متَّسع الأمن وأول مفروج به آخر الحزن
    فلا تيأسن فالله ملّك يوسفاً خزائنه بعد الخلاص من السجن

    "After every difficulty of fear, there is the spaciousness of safety; the first of the relief comes at the end of the grief.

    Thus, do not be despondent, for indeed Allaah gave Yusuf kingship over His treasure troves after removing him from the prison."

    - 102 -

    Abu `Imraan Moosaa ibn Muhammad at-Towlaqi, the poet, recited this poem:

    تصبّر إن عقبى الصبر خير ولا تجزع لنائبة تنوب
    فإن اليسر بعد العسر يأتي وعند الضيق تنفرج الكروب
    وكم جزعت نفوس من أمور أتى من دونها فرج قريب

    "Have patience, for indeed the end result of patience is goodness, and never worry about a hardship that afflicts you.

    Indeed, ease comes after hardship, and at the constriction of difficulty, relief disperses the difficulties.

    How often the souls have worried about a hardship, the relief from which came very soon after."

    - 103 -

    Ja`far ibn Warqaa ash-Shaybaani recited this poem:

    الحمد لله على ما قضى في المال لما حفظ المهجه
    ولم تكن من ضيقة هكذا إلا كانت بعدها فرجه

    "All praises belong to Allaah for whatever has been decreed concerning wealth, when one's life is safe.

    There is no hardship like this except that after it comes relief."

    - 104 -

    Ja`far ibn Makki al-Baghdaadi recited this poem:

    إلهي يا مولى الموالي وخير من تمد إليه الراح عند سؤال
    قطعت رجائي عن سواك لأنني رجوتك إذ كنت العليم بحالي
    ومن يك في كل الأمور مفوِّضاً إليك فقد حاز المنى بكمال

    "O my Ilaah, Master of all my masters, the Best in whom to place one's reliance at the time of asking;

    I have cut off hope from everyone besides You, for I have placed my hopes in You alone, as You are All-Knowing regarding my conditions.

    Whosoever entrusts his affairs unto You in all circumstances shall indeed acquire in totality all of what he desires."

    - 105 -

    Abu-l Qaasim al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Habeeb, the Mufassir, the orator, recited this poem:

    وصائب الأيام إن عاديتها بالصبر رُدّ عليك وهي مواهب
    لم يدج ليل العسر قط بغمة إلا بدا للسير فيه كواكب

    "Oppose the hardships of the days with patience, and they shall turn into gifts.

    No night was ever dark and cloudy except that the stars appear to the one travelling therein."

    - 106 -

    Abu Mansoor `Abdullaah ibn Sa`eed al-Khawaafi recited this poem:

    فلا تيأس إذا ما سد باب فأرض الله واسعة المسالك
    ولا تجزع إذا ما اعتاص أمر لعل الله يحدث بعد ذلك

    "Never become dispondent when a door is closed to you; the earth of Allaah is most vast and the roads are many.

    Do not fall into worry when a matter becomes difficult upon for, for perhaps Allaah will bring about a new matter very soon thereafter."

    - 107 -

    Abu-l Hasan `Ali ibn Muhammad ibn an-Nadhr al-Asnawi recited this poem:

    يا نفس صبراً واحتساباً إنها غمرات أيام تمرّ وتنجلي
    في الله هلكك إن هلكت حميدة وعليه أجرك فاصري وتوكلي
    لا تيأسي من رَوح ربك واحذري أن تستفزّي بالقنوط فتخذلي

    "O Nafs, have patience and expect reward (from Allaah); the diffiulties of shall pass by and disperse.

    In you perish for Allaah, your death will be praiseworthy, and upon Him shall be your reward; thus, be patient and trust in Him.

    Do not despair from relief from your Rabb, and beware of irritation (at your circumstances) and despairing, for then you shall be forsaken."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 108 -

    Hadhrat `Uthmaan ibn `Affaan رضي الله عنه recited this poem:

    غنى النفس يغني النفس حتى يكفّها وإن عضّها حتى يضرّ بها الفقر
    وما عسرة فاصبر لها إن تتابعت بباقية إلا سيتبعها يسر

    "Contentment of the soul enriches one and protects him, even if poverty bites onto him until it gets hurt.

    Have patience over hardship until the remainder of it has passed; it shall be followed up by ease."

    - 109 -

    `Ali ibn al-Jahm as-Saami recited this poem:

    لا يؤيسنّك من تفرج كربة خطب رماك به الزمان انكد
    كم من عليل قد تخطّاه الردى فنجا ومات طبيبه والعوّد

    "Do not despair of relief from a hardship thrown at you by a miserable time; how many a sick person was bypassed by death, thus he was saved and his doctor and those who visited his sick-bed passed away."

    - 110 -

    Abu Yusuf as-Suhayli recited this poem:

    لا البؤس يبقى ولا النعيم ولا حلقة ضيق ستفرج الحلقه
    صبراً على الدهر في تحيّفه كم فتح الصبر مرة غلقه

    "Hardship shall not remain (in this life) and nor shall pleasure; no constriction of circumstances is there except that relief from it shall come.

    Have patience over the hardships of the time; how often has patience opened up the locks of difficulty."

    - 111 -

    Ali ibn Muhammad ibn `Abdillaah ibn Hasan ibn Hasan ibn `Ali ibn Abi Taalib رضي الله عنهم recited this poem:

    عسى منهل يصفو فيروي ظمأة أطال صداها المنهل المتكدر
    عسى جابر العظم الكسير بلطفه سيرتاح للعظم الكسير فيجبر
    عسى صور أمسى لها الجور دافناً سيبعثها عدل يجيء فتظهر
    عسى الله لا تيأس من الله إنه يسير عليه ما يعزّ ويعسر

    "Perhaps the watering-hole shall become pure, thus it shall quench the thirst of the thirsty one; a muddy watering-hole only intensifies the thirst.

    Perhaps the bonesetter of broken bones - in his kindness - shall give rest to the broken bone in its splint, thus it shall heal.

    Performs the forms and voices which were buried unjustly shall be brought out with justice, and thus shall emerge once again.

    Do not become despondent with regards to Allaah; what is difficult to others is easy for Him."

    - 112 -

    Another poet said:

    إذا ما رماك الدهر منه بنكبة فهيّء لها صبراً وأوسع لها صدرا
    فإن تصاريف المزان عجيبة فيوماً ترى عسراً ويوماً ترى يسرا

    "When time throws a difficulty your way, prepare patience for it and let your chest be vast. Indeed, the changes of time are strange; one day you will see difficulty, one day you will see ease."

    - 113 -

    Another poet said:

    دع المقادير تجري في أزمتها ولا تبيتنّ إلا خالي البال
    ما بين رقدة عين وانتباهتها يغير الدهر من حال إلى حال

    "Let destiny runs its course, with its difficulties, and do not sleep except with peace of mind. Between the resting of the eyes and awakening again, time changes from one condition to another."

    - 114 -

    Another poet said:

    إذا ضاق بك الصدر ففكر في ألم نشرح
    فإن العسر مقرون بيسر قط ما يبرح

    "When your chest becomes tight from hardships, contemplate (Soorah) Alam Nashrah.

    Indeed, a hardship connected to ease can never ever remain."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 115 -

    Hilaal ibn al-`Alaa ar-Raqqi recited this poem:

    الناس في الدين والدنيا ذوو درج والمال ما بين موفور ومختلج
    من ضاق عنه فأرض الله واسعة لكل وجه مضيق وجه منفرج
    قد يدرك الراقد الهادي برقدته وقد يخيب أخو الروحات الدلج
    خير المذاهب في الحاجات أنجحها وأضيق الأمر أدناه من الفرج

    "People, with regards to their Deen and their worldly life are on differing stages. Some have wealth in abundance, whilst the minds of others are engrossed with worry (over acquiring some).

    Whoever is experiencing difficulty, (he should know) that the earth of Allaah is most spacious; for every difficulty there is a relief.

    A calm, sleeping person might acquire wealth despite his sleep, while the one who turns days into nights (searching for wealth) may be unsuccessful.

    The best of ways with regards to needs is that which is safest, and the most difficult part of an affliction is the closest part to the relief."

    - 116 -

    Shaykh `Alaa-ud-Deen al-Qoonawi recited the following poem:

    يا بعيد الفهم للحجج وقريب الشبه للهمج
    لا تبت للخوف من بشر رُبَّ صدر ضيق حرج
    تحسب الأشياء من حمق بإرادات الأنام تجي
    كل خلق الله لو طلبوا منك ما لم يقض لم يرج
    فاستقم واضرع لربك في دفع ما تخشى من الحرج
    وارج من ألطافه فرجاً فهو المرجوّ للفرج

    "O one far from understanding the proofs, bearing a resemblance to the savages. Do not spend a night in fear of any person. Many a chest there is, constricted with worries.

    Foolishly, you think that those things which occur are through the wills of the created beings.

    All of the creation of Allaah, were they to seek from you something whih has not been decreed (by Him), it shall not transpire.

    Hence, be steadfast and humble yourself before your Rabb, in repelling the harm which you fear.

    Rather, hope in relief from His subtle kindnesses, for He Alone is sought after for the granting of relief."

    - 117 -

    Al-`Utbi said:

    "One day, I I was travelling in the desert in a state of Ghamm (severe sorrow and grief) when the following verse of poetry was cast into my mind:

    أرى الموت لمن أصب ح مغموماً له أروح

    "I see that death is a relief for the one who has been afflicted with Ghamm."

    When the night came, I heard a voice in the air reciting this poem:

    ألا يا أيها المرء ال ذي الهم به برّح
    وقد أنشد بيتاً لم يزل في فكره يسنح
    إذا اشتدت بك العسرى ففكر في ألم نشرح
    فعسر بين يسين إذا كررته فافرح
    فإن العسر مقرون بيسرين فلا تترح

    "Take note, O man who has been tormented and exhausted by worries, and who has recited a verse in poetry that has not ceased passing through his thoughts:

    When difficulty and affliction becomes severe upon you, contemplate (the Soorah) Alam Nashrah. Indeed, a hardship that is between two periods of ease; when you contemplate upon this, and repeat it, you shall rejoice.

    Indeed, any difficulty is joined with two periods of ease, so be not grieved nor brokenhearted."

    He said: "So I memorised these verses of poetry, and Allaah granted me relief (from the Ghamm)."
    - 118 -

    Another poet said:

    مغيث أيوب والكافي لذي النون ينيلني فرجاً بالكاف والنون

    "He Who helped Ayyoob and sufficed Dhun-Noon, He shall grant me a relief from distress, by the Kaaf and the Noon (i.e. by His Saying, 'Kun')."

    - 119 -

    Abu-l Hasan `Ali ibn Haaroon al-Munajjim recited this poem:

    لا تأس من رَوح الإله فربما يصل القطوع ويحضر الغياب

    "Do not despair of relief from Allaah, for many a times we reconnect with one cut off from us, and the one who was absent returns."

    - 120 -

    Mukaarim ibn Wazeer recited this poem:

    ألطاف ربك في الضراء كامنة فكن لغائبة السراء منتظرا
    فغاية الليل فجر والسهاد كرى ومن أجاب دواعي صبره قدرا
    ورُبَّ راج أتاح الله بغيته عفواً وغارس آمال جنى الثمرا

    "The subtleties of your Rabb are hidden during times of hardship; hence, await the time of ease that is hidden from sight.

    The end of the night is dawn, and the end of sleeplessness is sleep. The one who responds to the requirements of patience, becomes capablen (of lasting the difficulty).

    Many a person hoping (in Allaah) is granted by Allaah that which he desires immediately, and many a planter of hopes there is, the fruits of which are hidden."
    Last edited by Huzaifah ibn Adam; 03-05-2017 at 02:41 PM.
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 121 -

    Shaykh `Alam-ud-Deen al-`Iraaqi, the Mufassir said, and this is narrated from him by Imama Abu Hayyaan:

    "While I was sleeping, I thought up this poem regarding the Qaadhi al-Qudhaat (Chief Judge), ibn Razeen, after he had been dismissed:

    يا سالكاً سبل السعادة منهجا يا موضح الخطب البهيم إذا دجا
    يا ابن الذين رسب قوعد مجدهم وسنا ثناهم عاطراً فتأرّجا
    لا تيأسن من عود ما فارقته بعد السرار يُرى الهلال تبلّجا
    وابشر وسرّح ناظراً فلقد ترى عما قليل في العدى متفرجا
    وترى وليّك ضاحكاً مستبشراً قد نال من تدميرهم ما يرتجى

    "O traverser of the paths of happiness; O clarifier of the blackest dangers when the night is dark; O son of those who, the pillars of their glory is established and their praise gleams brightly, perfumed, emitting a wonderful scent:

    Do not ever despair of reuniting with that which you parted from; after the moonless night, the new cresent appears, gleaming bright.

    Have glad-tidings; look freely in awaiting relief, for very soon you shall see it in the horizons. You shall see your Wali laughing, with glad-tidings, having acquired from their destruction that which is hoped for."

    - 122 -

    Ibn Baakawayh narrates in his Kitaab, "Hikaayaat as-Saaliheen", from Ja`far ibn Muhammad who said: "I was with al-Junaid when a man came to him, complaining of an affliction, so Junaid said, "In one place, I found a stone on which was inscribed the following:

    هوّن عليك فإن الأمر منقطع وخلّ عنك عنان الهم يندفع
    فكل هم له من بعده فرج وكلّ أمر إذا ما ضاق يتّسع

    "Take it easy, for verily the affliction shall come to an end; unfetter yourself from the fetters of worry. Every worry shall be followed up by a relief, and every difficulty, after it becomes most constrained, widens."

    - 123 -

    Ash-Shihaab ibn Fadhlillaah recited the following poem:

    عجباً لمنتظر الفرج أنَّى يضيق من الحرج
    والله يفعل ما يشا ء وما يغالط بالحجج

    "Amazing is the one who awaits relief; how would such a person ever be troubled by harm.

    Allaah shall do whatever He wishes, and He is not deceived through arguments."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    There are now only ten pages remaining, Alhamdulillaah. So, within the next ten posts the translation of the Kitaab will be completed In Shaa Allaah.
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 124 -

    Ibn al-Mu`tazz recited this poem:

    إصبر لعلك عن قليل بالغ بتفضل المنان ذي الإحسان
    فرجاً يضيء لك انفتاق صباحه متبلجاً في ظلمة الأحزان

    "Have patience, for perhaps you shall soon reach - by the bounty of the Bestower of Favours, the Most Kind - a relief, and the rendering asunder of the clouds of difficulty shall light up for you (the sun) of relief, shining brightly through the darkness of sorrows."

    - 125 -

    Another poet said:

    لا تضيقن بما نا لك من أمرك صدرا
    وإذا مسّك دهر بالذي ساء فصبرا
    فلعل الله أن يح دث بعد الأمر أمرا
    وعد الله تعالى أنّ بعد العسر يسرا

    "Let your chest not become tight for a hardship that afflicts you, and when time touches you with something bad, adopt patience. Perhaps Allaah will bring about a new state of affairs after this one; it is the Promise of Allaah that after difficulty shall come ease."

    - 126 -

    Another poet said:

    هوّن عليك فإن الأمر منقطع وخلّ عنك عنان الهم يندفع
    فكلّ همّ له من بعده فرج وكلّ أمر إذا ما ضاق يتسع
    إن البلاء وإن طال الزمان به فالموت يقطعه أو سوف ينقطع

    "Take it easy, for indeed the difficulty shall come to an end, and unfetter yourself from the fetters of worry. Every worry shall be followed up by relief, and when a matter becomes most constricted, it widens.

    Indeed, any affliction, no matter how long it may last, shall either come to pass or be ended by death."

    - 127 -

    Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn Abi-l `Ashaa'ir recited this poem:

    ما الهم ضاق به الرحيب تكفّل كشفه فرج قريب
    عرم الزمان على كريم أماط عرامه الداعي المجيب

    "No worry tightens the chest that is wide (with patience) except that it is removed by a relief near at hand.

    If the times become difficult upon a noble person, the Caller, the Answerer (of supplications) shall remove the difficulty."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    - 128 -

    Imaam Abu `Ali al-Husain ibn Muhammad al-Marwurroodhi recited this poem:

    إذا ما رماك الدهر يوماً بنكبة فأوسع لها صدراً وأحسن لها أمرا
    فإنّ الإله العالمين بفضله سيعقب بعد العسر من فضله يسرا

    "When time throws a difficulty your way one day, widen your chest (with patience) and deal with it with goodness. Indeed, the Ilaah of the worlds - by His Bounty - shall follow up that difficulty with ease."

    - 129 -

    Imaam Abu Is-haaq ath-Tha`labi, the Mufassir, recited this poem:

    وإني لأغضي مقلتيّ على القذى وألبس ثوب الصبر أبيق أبلجا
    وإني لأدعو الله والأمر ضيّق علىّ فما ينفكّ أن يتفرّجا
    ورُبَّ فتى سُدّت عليه وجوهه أصاب لها في دعوة الله مخرجا

    "Indeed, I close my eyes to the hardship, and I don the white, glimmering garment of patience.

    I call upon Allaah whenever things become difficult upon me, and the relief never ceases to come.

    Many a youngster whose means have been blocked off, shall find a way out by calling upon Allaah."

    - 130 -

    Another poet said:

    يا منن إذا اشتد البلا وتضايقت حلق الدواهي
    وتيقنت نفسي الهلا ك وأيقنت عند التناهي
    فرجتها بلطيفة من حسن برّك يا إلهي

    "O One Who, when the difficulty beomes severe, and the chains of misfortune tighten, and my soul becomes convinced of destruction as the difficulty reaches its peak, suddenly You grant relief from it with a suble kindness from Yourself, through Your kindness, O my Ilaah."

    - 131 -

    Another poet said:

    إن عضّك الدهر فانتظر فرجاً فإنه نازل بمنتظره
    أو مسّك الضر أو بليت به فاصبر عليه فاليسر في أثره

    "If time bites onto you with a hardship, await a relief (from Allaah); indeed, it shall descend upon the one who waits for it. Or if harm touches you, or you are afflicted with a difficulty, have patience; indeed, ease is following swiftly in its footsteps."
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    Re: The Relief After Hardship

    If I may share...

    It may be that Allah cures the sick and brings death to the healthy and cures the sick. What I mean is. It does not matter whether you are sick or healthy. It is important, but regardless, it is Allah who wills when one dies.

    It may be that a sick person who can't even walk without collapsing, has a relative who is worried about this sick person. This healthy relative worries a lot, and soon after the sick person begins to walk again and become healthy, and moments after, the healthy collapses while the sick became healthy..

    Morale of the story: Sick or healthy, strong or weak, poor or rich, kafir or Muslim, death comes to all. And many times unexpected. The healthy may die before the sick, and the rich before the poor. or the Muslim before the Kafir.

    it does not matter when you die, but how you die. What you have done in life.
    The Relief After Hardship

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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