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    Self-reformation (OP)

    “O you who believe, FEAR ALLAH and speak that which is straight (correct) (s33 : v70)

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: Among the things that will throw people most into Jahannum will be the harvest of their tongue.” A Mu’min with Taqwa does not soil his tongue by uttering foul and putrid vulgar words. He also refrains from lying, backbiting, breaking hearts with sarcastic comments, mocking, etc.
    He keeps his tongue clean… so that he can take the pure name of Allah Ta’ala with a clean tongue.

    Allah (swt) knows best

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    Re: Self-reformation

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    ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) was once performing tawaaf when he saw a man from Yemen who was carrying his mother on his back in tawaaf. As the man carried her, he was uttering the following words of poetry:

    I am her subservient camel
    Although her conveyance may frighten and worry her, I will never cause her concern
    Though I am carrying her (on my back), the period for which she carried me (in her womb) was longer

    The man thereafter turned to Ibnu ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) and asked, “Have I fulfilled the right of my mother (by carrying her in tawaaf)?” Ibnu ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) replied, “No! In fact, you have not even repaid her for one gasp she emitted (due to the pain of labor).”
    (Shu‘abul Imaan #7550)

    The son of Husain (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), ‘Ali bin Husain (rahimahullah), who was also known as Zainul ‘Aabideen (rahimahullah), was once asked, “You are a person who always ensures that he is obedient to his parents. Why is it that you then refrain from eating out of one utensil with your mother?” Zainul ‘Aabideen (rahimahullah) replied, “I fear that my hand will reach for a morsel of food whereas my mother’s gaze may have fallen on it and she may have wished it for herself. If I have to take a morsel which my mother wished for herself, I will be regarded as a disobedient son.”

    (‘Uyoonul Akhbaar vol. 3 pg. 97)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    We should, at all times, remember that our life is coming to an end. We have also heard our elders say that a person should take stock of his life when going to sleep. He should ponder and reflect over the number of things he will be able to take with him when he passes away and the number of things he will be forced to leave behind. Constantly remember death! Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said in the mubaarak hadeeth, “Remember the thing which severs all pleasures of life, death.” Once a janaazah was passing by when somebody asked a pious person present, “Whose janaazah is this?” The pious person replied, “It is your janaazah.” When the person expressed surprise at this answer, the pious person said, “If it is not yours, then regard it to be mine.” (Merely being concerned about whose janaazah it is, is insufficient. What matters is whether one is prepared for that moment to be the moment of one’s own janaazah.)

    (Suhbate ba Awliyaa’ page.152)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Abu Abdillah Al Jadali reports, I asked Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) about the character of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
    ‘Aaishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) said,

    “The Prophet was not indecent, he was not obscene, he would not shout in the markets, and he would not respond to an evil deed with an evil deed, but rather he would pardon and overlook.”

    (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2016)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Sometimes, people go to extremes when praising people for their good or reproaching them for their mistakes. They either raise them up above the sky or push them down beneath the earth when praising them or reproaching them. This way is incorrect. We should refrain from exaggeration in speech. In the following aayah, Allah Ta‘ala commands us to adopt justice in our speech and actions at all times:

    وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَىٰ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا ۚ اعْدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَىٰ

    The enmity of any people should not cause you to surpass the limits of justice. Remain just (at all times), that is closer to piety.

    (Suhbat Baa Awliyaa pg. 106)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    There are many men and women who suffer from the bad habit of sometimes cursing their children, etc, out of anger and grief. Remember that in the court of Allah Ta‘ala there are certain moments of acceptance during which all du‘aas are answered. Hence, at times due to foolishness and stupidity, the children are cursed out of anger, and when the effect of that curse comes upon the children and lands them into a calamity, the parents go around crying, not even realizing that they themselves had asked for this calamity through their curse.

    Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has prohibited us from cursing ourselves, our children, wealth, servants, etc, as it is possible that this curse will coincide with a moment of acceptance. One should exercise even more care in the month of Ramadhaan as the entire month is a period in which du‘aas are accepted. It is thus extremely important to avoid cursing in this month.

    (Fazaail-e-A’amaal [urdu], Fazaail-e-Ramadhaan pg. 22)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    THE calico-covered corpse is gently lowered into the grave. Loving hands of sons and brothers receive the body of their loved one and place it in the narrow pit. The strips of plank are placed firmly next to each other. The last plank is placed leaving a dark and lonely grave under it. Spades are grabbed and heaps of sand come crashing down from all directions. However, all around the grave, business goes on as usual.

    While the most stark reminder of death is right in front of the eyes, the latest car on the market, the rand/dollar exchange and other gossip continues among many of those present . While they patiently wait for the ' fatihah' to commence, the time is passed by idle gossip. Carrying the janaza on our shoulders and witnessing the deceased being lowered into the grave also does not remind us of our own death. What then will remind us of that moment (which could be extremely soon) when we will breathe our last?

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "Remember excessively that which severs all pleasures — DEATH." The best reminder of death is the graveyard itself. Hence Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has greatly encouraged that one should regularly visit the graveyard. While this Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is unfortunately rarely practised, at least we get an opportunity to visit the graveyard when attending a funeral. However , this occasion of remembering death is also wasted gossiping .

    The condition of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when attending a funeral is clearly described in the following Hadith of Bara' (R.A.). He says: "Once we went with Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to attend the funeral and burial of a person. When we reached there, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) sat by the side of a grave and wept so profusely that the ground became wet with his tears. He then said: "Prepare yourself for (your entry in) the grave." (Targheeb)

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has also instructed us as to what we should be doing when attending a janazah. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once said to the Sahaba (R.A.) when they had buried a person: "Seek forgiveness for your brother and beseech Allah Ta'ala to keep him firm for verily he will be questioned now" (Mishkaat p.26)

    Thus the rare occasions when we visit the graveyard should serve as a reminder of our own death. Those few moments among the graves should not be wasted in idle gossip and worldly talk. While the burial is in progress, one should engage oneself in silently reciting whatever one is able to of the Qur'an with the intention of passing the rewards to the deceased. This would be of immense benefit to oneself as well as the deceased. May Allah Ta'ala enable us to remember our death often, especially while in the graveyard. Aameen.

    - - - Updated - - -

    THE calico-covered corpse is gently lowered into the grave. Loving hands of sons and brothers receive the body of their loved one and place it in the narrow pit. The strips of plank are placed firmly next to each other. The last plank is placed leaving a dark and lonely grave under it. Spades are grabbed and heaps of sand come crashing down from all directions. However, all around the grave, business goes on as usual.

    While the most stark reminder of death is right in front of the eyes, the latest car on the market, the rand/dollar exchange and other gossip continues among many of those present . While they patiently wait for the ' fatihah' to commence, the time is passed by idle gossip. Carrying the janaza on our shoulders and witnessing the deceased being lowered into the grave also does not remind us of our own death. What then will remind us of that moment (which could be extremely soon) when we will breathe our last?

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "Remember excessively that which severs all pleasures — DEATH." The best reminder of death is the graveyard itself. Hence Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has greatly encouraged that one should regularly visit the graveyard. While this Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is unfortunately rarely practised, at least we get an opportunity to visit the graveyard when attending a funeral. However , this occasion of remembering death is also wasted gossiping .

    The condition of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when attending a funeral is clearly described in the following Hadith of Bara' (R.A.). He says: "Once we went with Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to attend the funeral and burial of a person. When we reached there, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) sat by the side of a grave and wept so profusely that the ground became wet with his tears. He then said: "Prepare yourself for (your entry in) the grave." (Targheeb)

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has also instructed us as to what we should be doing when attending a janazah. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once said to the Sahaba (R.A.) when they had buried a person: "Seek forgiveness for your brother and beseech Allah Ta'ala to keep him firm for verily he will be questioned now" (Mishkaat p.26)

    Thus the rare occasions when we visit the graveyard should serve as a reminder of our own death. Those few moments among the graves should not be wasted in idle gossip and worldly talk. While the burial is in progress, one should engage oneself in silently reciting whatever one is able to of the Qur'an with the intention of passing the rewards to the deceased. This would be of immense benefit to oneself as well as the deceased. May Allah Ta'ala enable us to remember our death often, especially while in the graveyard. Aameen.
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

    Respected Moulana

    Please advise me as to what is the best method of removing malice and jealousy from my heart, and how do I create humility within myself?




    Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

    Brother / Sister in Islam

    Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

    1. Masha-Allah, your concern for your reformation and the effort being made towards having a clean heart is very admirable. It is mentioned in a hadeeth that keeping the heart clean, from harbouring any malice, is from the blessed sunnah, and a means of being with Rasulullah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in Jannah. (Sunan Tirmizi #2678)

    A Sahaabi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was given the glad-tidings of Jannah on the basis of having such a pure heart, wherein no ill-feelings were harboured towards any Muslim and no jealousy was accommodated, regarding any favour that Allah Ta‘ala had blessed anyone with. (Musnad Ahmad #12697)

    2. Commonly, where there is jealousy, then hatred and malice will be found, as well as backbiting and desiring evil for others; all of which are grave spiritual ailments of the heart and cause immense destruction to one’s imaan and Deen, and deprive us of the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala.
    We should bear in mind that Allah Ta‘ala is the Distributor of all bounties and He gives to whomsoever He wills. He does so with great wisdom and mercy, which we cannot fathom with our limited intelligence. Jealousy is objection, discontent and dissatisfaction with the decisions of Allah Ta‘ala. The one who is jealous has to contend with the most harm since his life becomes miserable and suffocating, and his own good deeds are destroyed.

    The ahaadeeth present easy prescriptions to rectify and purify one’s heart from these ailments:

    a. Make salaam and musafahah.

    b. Make du‘aa for the person. Making du‘aa will create within the heart the qualities of love and well-wishing.

    c. Give a gift.

    d. Be conscious of Allah Ta‘ala. Remind yourself: Allah Ta‘ala is aware of and seeing the malice and jealousy in my heart. Insha-Allah, this will create a sense of shame in the heart and prompt towards taubah and du‘aa.

    e. Frequently read this du‘aa:
    رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلِإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَا بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَا تَجْعَلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا غِلًّا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ رَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ

    “Rabbanagh fir-lana wa-li ikhwaaninal lazeena sabaqoona bil Imaan, wala taj‘al fee quloobina ghillal lillazeena aamanu Rabbana innaka Ra-oofur Raheem.”(Surah Hashr v10)

    3. Look at those who have less than you; those who are in want and dire need. Look at what Allah Ta‘ala has given you. There are so many bounties that we enjoy – spiritual, physical and material blessings – that cannot be counted. So increase shukr over the bounties and make taubah over sins.

    4. Pondering over the greatness of Allah Ta‘ala engenders the quality of humility. Figuratively speaking, if a little candle flame brags and boasts before the bright, shining sun: “I am very bright and I have a lot of light!” the sun will say: “How foolish you are! What does your brightness offer in this brightness of mine!” When we consider the ‘azmat and greatness of Allah Ta‘ala, our true state and insignificance becomes evident to us. We realise that there is no bounty except that it is from Allah Ta‘ala; it is not our achievement and should thus not make us exultant, proud and arrogant. With recognition (ma’rifah), humbleness will follow.
    Allah Ta‘ala bless us all with pure hearts and the reality of humility and submission.

    Was salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

    Yunus Patel (Moulana)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned:

    The purpose of going for a bayaan is not for excitement, but the thing to see is what you gained from it. The idea is that when you come out from a program there must be determination to change one’s life, a feeling of remorse over the wrongs one had committed, and the realization that one needs to correct oneself. This type of introspection over one’s deeds and looking for a way to correct oneself is called tafaqqud. One is tafaqqud over others (i.e. inspecting other people’s actions and lives) and one is tafaqqud within one’s own self. Are you inspecting and observing yourself or not? This was the general trend in the past. When they found that there was something short in their aspirations then they would inspect their own deeds. We need to think to ourselves that why do we not find a consistent pattern in our deen, why are we going up and then dipping? Similarly why are feelings and thoughts of jealousy and pride overcoming me?
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned:

    I received a letter from a person who wrote to me saying, “If you know any solution for saving oneself from gheebah (backbiting), then please share it with me, I will be grateful.” In reply, I wrote, “The solution is for you to always be conscious and aware that Allah Ta‘ala is watching you and that He will take you to account for whatever you do. Similarly, you should endeavour to refrain from gheebah and all types of sins at all times.”

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) thereafter mentioned, “When it comes to practising on the commands of sharee‘ah, then a person will not succeed to fulfil the command unless he has firm resolve and determination. Merely reciting some wazeefahs will not be sufficient in reforming a person and bringing him onto the path of righteousness.”

    (Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummat 5/375)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Umar b. Al-Khattāb once entered upon Abū Bakr – Allāh be pleased with them both – and found him pulling at his tongue. He said, “Oh, what are you doing?” Abū Bakr replied, “It is this (i.e my speech) that has brought me so much trouble.”

    Mālik, Al-Muatta 2:988
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    Re: Self-reformation

    *O you who are in the company of their worldly goods and great expectations! The appointed times of death will soon come and separate you from your hopes. Hurry up before the arrival of these appointed times. Look at sudden death. Death is not necessarily preceded by an illness. Iblīs is your enemy so do not heed to his advice. Do not trust him for he is not trustworthy. Beware of him. He wants you to die while you are standing on the foot of heedlessness, disobedience, and disbelief. Do not be forgetful of your enemy for his sword will not be prevented from hitting the truthful person or the disbeliever. Only a few individuals escape it. He removed your father Adam and your mother Eve (prayer and peace be on our Prophet and on them) from Paradise and he works diligently to prevent you from entering it. He urges you to commit disobedience, sins, disbelief, and noncompliance. All acts of disobedience are attributed to him, after Allah’s decree and His destiny. All creatures are subject to affliction except Allah’s sincere servants who have realized their servanthood to Him (mighty and glorified is He), so he has no authority over them. At times, he can cause them some harm, for when it is time for a decreed matter to take place, the eye becomes blind. His effect on them touches only the body, not the heart or the innermost being; only matters relating to this world, not matters pertaining to the hereafter; only matters relating to the creatures, not matters related to the Creator (mighty and glorified is He). He approaches the creatures mainly through the attachment to this world and the lower self. Seeking this world is a burning fire.

    O young men, occupy yourselves with what concerns and is good for you. Preparing for what follows death is of concern to you, striving against your lower self is of concern to you, paying attention to your faults is of concern to you, but attending to the faults of other people is of no concern for you. Remember death and work in preparation for what is after it, for the Prophet (Allah’s prayer and peace be on him) has said: “The intelligent person is one who calls himself to account and works in preparation for what follows death, whereas the incompetent person is one who lets his lower self follow its passion, yet still wishes for forgiveness from Allah.”
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    Re: Self-reformation

    The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “What have I to do with this world? As regards this world, I am like a rider who rests under the shade of a tree, and then continues his journey and leaves it.” [Tirmidhi; Kitab az-Zuhud]

    This is what the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said in response when Umar (radi Allahu anhu) expressed his dismay on seeing the marks left on the Prophet’s skin from not having a decent mattress to sleep on! It is not that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) did not let his need be known; rather, he didn’t consider it to be a need at all! What need does a rider have of a mattress if he is only resting for a short while under the shade of a tree?

    Life is nothing other than a road
    that leads to the Garden,
    or to the Fire.
    Its nights are a man’s workshop,
    and its days are his market place.

    Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says: “Know that the life of this world is only playing about and idle talk and showing off and boasting amongst yourselves, and competing in wealth and children. It is like a crop after rain whose growth pleases the farmer – but then it dries up, and you see it turn yellow, and then it becomes straw.” [Quran: Surah al-Hadeed, Ayat 20]
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    Re: Self-reformation

    JAZAKILLAH hu khairan ...
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    Re: Self-reformation

    The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), said: “Be in this life as if you were a stranger or a traveler.” [Bukhari]

    A traveler does not waste time in games and diversions; he travels light, with only a fraction of what settled people use; and he doesn’t stop at every eatery along the way, but only when necessary. This is because he cares most about reaching his destination safely and knows the difference between the route and the destination.

    The sons of Adam are divided into two types: The first type denies the existence of an abode which awaits Allah’s servants after this life is over, where reward and punishment are experienced. Such people have only one concern, which is to enjoy life and pursue all its pleasures – and the Exalted says: “And those who reject take it easy and eat like cattle eat – and the Fire will be their abode.” [Quran: Surah Muhammad, Ayat 12]

    The second type are those who accept that there is an abode after death, where there is both reward and punishment. These are the ones who follow the Messengers. They fall into three categories:

    First, those who are unjust to themselves form the majority. Most of them are content with the blossoms of this life and its pleasures, helping themselves to them and using them in ways which Allah has not commanded. The world appears to them to be their greatest concern, and with it they are satisfied; they only love and hate for its sake.

    These are the people who play about and chatter and are diverted by the attractions of this world. Although they may believe in the Akhira in a general way, they have not discovered what this life is meant for, nor are they aware that it is only a stopping place where provisions for the final journey can be acquired.

    Second, those who are mean to themselves are those who take what is permitted from this world and fulfill their duties in it, but who then pursue what lies beyond these duties for the sake of their own pleasure and in order to enjoy the delights of this world. Such people will not be punished for doing so, but their pleasure seeking will result in their rank being diminished.

    Umar ibn al-Khattab (radi Allahu anhu) said: “If it had not been for the fact that my station in the Garden might be diminished, I would have imitated you in your life of ease; but Allah has warned some people by saying, ‘You squandered the good things that you had in the life of the world, and you sought contentment in them.’ [Quran: Surah al-Ahqaf, Ayat 20]

    Third, those who are swift in doing good deeds are the ones who understand what the world is meant for, and they act accordingly. They know that Allah has only put His servants in this world in order to see which of them have the best actions. “Surely We have put what is on the earth as a glittering show so that We may test them, as to which of them have the best actions.” [Quran: Surah al-Kahf, Ayat 7]

    This means that Allah has put what is on the earth in order to test us, to see who is going to avoid the pleasures of this world and look for success in the next world, for: “And surely We shall turn what is on it into a heap of dust.” [Quran: Surah al-Kahf, Ayat 8]

    Those who race to do good deeds only take from this world whatever provisions are necessary for the journey.
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned:

    My Senior Buzrugaan-e-Deen have not only mentioned the following advice but I had seen them diligently practise upon it in their lives as well – a person should not be more concerned regarding how people deal with him, rather he should be more concerned regarding how he deals with them. In many writings of our Senior ‘Ulama and Buzrugaan-e-Deen, we will find this repeatedly being mentioned that if a person has outstanding rights which he owes to the people, be they monetary rights or other rights, then he should endeavour to fulfil them so that he is not held accountable in the Hereafter. As far as the rights which others owe to him are concerned, be they monetary rights or other rights, then he should not become over worried and concerned. The reason is that if they do not fulfil his rights in this world, Allah Ta‘ala will compensate him with a reward that is far greater than that which he lost in this world.

    (Qutbul Aqtaab Hazrat Shaikhul Hadeeth Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) pg. 389)
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    Re: Self-reformation

    O you who are in the company of their worldly goods and great expectations! The appointed times of death will soon come and separate you from your hopes. Hurry up before the arrival of these appointed times. Look at sudden death. Death is not necessarily preceded by an illness. Iblīs is your enemy so do not heed to his advice. Do not trust him for he is not trustworthy. Beware of him. He wants you to die while you are standing on the foot of heedlessness, disobedience, and disbelief. Do not be forgetful of your enemy for his sword will not be prevented from hitting the truthful person or the disbeliever. Only a few individuals escape it. He removed your father Adam and your mother Eve (prayer and peace be on our Prophet and on them) from Paradise and he works diligently to prevent you from entering it. He urges you to commit disobedience, sins, disbelief, and noncompliance. All acts of disobedience are attributed to him, after Allah’s decree and His destiny. All creatures are subject to affliction except Allah’s sincere servants who have realized their servanthood to Him (mighty and glorified is He), so he has no authority over them. At times, he can cause them some harm, for when it is time for a decreed matter to take place, the eye becomes blind. His effect on them touches only the body, not the heart or the innermost being; only matters relating to this world, not matters pertaining to the hereafter; only matters relating to the creatures, not matters related to the Creator (mighty and glorified is He). He approaches the creatures mainly through the attachment to this world and the lower self. Seeking this world is a burning fire.

    O young men, occupy yourselves with what concerns and is good for you. Preparing for what follows death is of concern to you, striving against your lower self is of concern to you, paying attention to your faults is of concern to you, but attending to the faults of other people is of no concern for you. Remember death and work in preparation for what is after it, for the Prophet (Allah’s prayer and peace be on him) has said: “The intelligent person is one who calls himself to account and works in preparation for what follows death, whereas the incompetent person is one who lets his lower self follow its passion, yet still wishes for forgiveness from Allah.”

    Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani

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    O you who are in the company of their worldly goods and great expectations! The appointed times of death will soon come and separate you from your hopes. Hurry up before the arrival of these appointed times. Look at sudden death. Death is not necessarily preceded by an illness. Iblīs is your enemy so do not heed to his advice. Do not trust him for he is not trustworthy. Beware of him. He wants you to die while you are standing on the foot of heedlessness, disobedience, and disbelief. Do not be forgetful of your enemy for his sword will not be prevented from hitting the truthful person or the disbeliever. Only a few individuals escape it. He removed your father Adam and your mother Eve (prayer and peace be on our Prophet and on them) from Paradise and he works diligently to prevent you from entering it. He urges you to commit disobedience, sins, disbelief, and noncompliance. All acts of disobedience are attributed to him, after Allah’s decree and His destiny. All creatures are subject to affliction except Allah’s sincere servants who have realized their servanthood to Him (mighty and glorified is He), so he has no authority over them. At times, he can cause them some harm, for when it is time for a decreed matter to take place, the eye becomes blind. His effect on them touches only the body, not the heart or the innermost being; only matters relating to this world, not matters pertaining to the hereafter; only matters relating to the creatures, not matters related to the Creator (mighty and glorified is He). He approaches the creatures mainly through the attachment to this world and the lower self. Seeking this world is a burning fire.

    O young men, occupy yourselves with what concerns and is good for you. Preparing for what follows death is of concern to you, striving against your lower self is of concern to you, paying attention to your faults is of concern to you, but attending to the faults of other people is of no concern for you. Remember death and work in preparation for what is after it, for the Prophet (Allah’s prayer and peace be on him) has said: “The intelligent person is one who calls himself to account and works in preparation for what follows death, whereas the incompetent person is one who lets his lower self follow its passion, yet still wishes for forgiveness from Allah.”

    Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Love every sunnah of prophet s.a.w:

    Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani دامت برکاتہم once explained,

    “The Noble Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) did not believe that there were insignificant and significant types of the Sunnah. Every Sunnah was significant and sublime in their eyes.They, therefore, took care to act upon each and every Sunnah.
    In fact a little care exercised in religious matters makes a great addition to the stock of good deeds at the credit of a man. It is therefore, the bounden duty of every Muslim to act upon the Sunnah without differentiating between significant and insignificant Sunnah.”

    (Islahi Khutbaat: Discourses on Islamic Way of Life, Vol: VII, pg. 180)

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    Hadhrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani دامت برکاتہم said,

    “This idea has crept into and firmly settled on, our hearts that what the western nations are doing is worth emulation and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عايه وسالم is – God forbid – an ordinary issue, unworthy of being followed. It is rather a hurdle and hindrance in the path of progress. Consider! What harm will fall on us if we take our food with the right hand?

    Our malady is that the evil of slavery to the west has over-powered our minds. We have given up slavery to the Holy Prophet صلى الله عايه وسالم and become slaves to the western powers, with the natural result that we are living and dying in slavery. We have become entangled in this slavery so badly that we now see no way out of it.

    The fact, however, remains that we cannot get out of this slavery, nor can we attain honour and superiority in this world unless we accept slavery to the Holy Prophet صلى الله عايه وسالم in the true sense and follow in his footsteps.”

    Islahi Khutbaat: Discourses on Islamic Way of Life, Vol: VII, pg. 184
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    Re: Self-reformation

    Purification of the Mind:

    *O young man, attach your heart to your Lord, so when Iblīs comes to seduce you and make you change course, seek the help of Allah (mighty and glorified is He) to drive him away. Seek His help as did those before you. Do good works then think well of your Lord (mighty and glorified is He). Thinking well of Him and obeying Him will bring about marvelous results for you. There is so much good in thinking well of Allah (mighty and glorified is He), His prophets, His messengers, and the righteous among His servants (Allah’s prayer and peace be on all of them).

    *O people, strive, work diligently, and do not despair for relief may come at any time. Have you not heard that Allah (mighty and glorified is He) has said: “Allah may bring after that something new to pass” (from 65.1)? Fear your Lord and pin your hopes on Him; have you not heard His following words: “And Allah warns you of Himself” (from 3.28)? As much as you have fearfulness and caution you will have safety. Put your trust in your Lord; have you not heard His following saying: “And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him” (from 65.3)? O Allah, let us do without Your creatures! Let us do without those who amassed the wealth of Your creatures, placed it beneath their feet, and withheld it from Your creatures while being totally indulgent in their pompous pride. The poor beg and appeal to them for help but they turn a deaf ear to them. O Allah, include us among those who get what they need through You and appeal to You for help in their serious problems! Amen.

    Sufyān Ath‑Thawrī (may Allah, high is He, show mercy to him) was asked: “Who is the ignorant person?” He replied: “One who ignores Allah (mighty and glorified is He) until he asks Him (mighty and glorified is He) for help with his needs.” His likeness is as the likeness of a man to whom the king assigned a job in his house, yet he left his work and went out to the door of a man in the same neighborhood and asked him for a piece of bread to eat. Should the king know about that, would not he hate him and prevent him from entering his house?

    O you who are dead at heart, listen to these words! What losers you are that you die without knowing your Lord (mighty and glorified is He)! O Allah grant us knowingness of You, working sincerely for You, and ceasing to work for other than You! Grant us knowledge of Your outward Law and Knowledge of the inward. Grant us patience and satisfaction. Sweeten for us the bitterness of Your affliction which You foreknow will come our way. Cause the flesh of our hearts to die so that we do not feel the pain of the scissors of Your power, and thus Your companionship will last for us forever. Amen

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    Re: Self-reformation

    The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “I swear by Allah that if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much, and you would not take delight in women, but you would go out to an open space and call on Allah for help. I wish I were a tree that could be cut down and cease to exist.” [Al-Bukhari; Kitab ar-Riqaq]

    This hadith indicates that if we knew as much as the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) knew about the Might of Allah, and His retribution for whoever disobeys Him, then our weeping and grief and fear for what might await us would be long lasting. We might never laugh at all.

    Aisha (radi Allahu anha) reported that whenever the wind changed and storms blew, the Prophet’s (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) demeanour would change and he would walk to and fro in the room in agitation, going out and then coming back in again. All of this was out of fear of Allah’s punishment. [Al-Bukhari; Kitab Bad al-Khalq]

    A servant with such a heart becomes watchful over every breath and every moment, and constantly reprimands the self for its inner thoughts, its actions and its words. His state is like that of a person who is trapped in the claws of a lion, not knowing whether it will leave him alone and allow him to escape, or whether it will attack him and kill him. Thus he becomes both inwardly and outwardly occupied with what he fears. There is no room in him for anything other than what he fears. This is the state of a person who is overwhelmed by fear of Allah.
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    Re: Self-reformation

    The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “No believer who has wept from fear of Allah, Exalted is He, will ever enter the Fire unless milk returns back into its udder.” [Tirmidhi; Kitab Fadha’il al-Jihad]

    Al-Fudayl ibn Iyyad said:

    “Whoever fears Allah will be guided by this fear to all good.”
    Fear burns up forbidden desires, and wrong actions which can be so dear to a servant become distasteful, just as honey becomes repugnant to someone who desires it, if he discovers that it is poisoned. Fear tames the limbs and fills the heart with submission, humility and tranquility. Arrogance, hatred and envy depart from it, and it is filled with Him, through fear of Him and through contemplating the danger of His punishment – and so it becomes occupied with nothing other than Him, and has no concern other than contemplation, bringing itself to account and striving in the way of Allah.
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