
Mistakes in Supplication

1. Invoking other than Allah (SWT) such as prophets, pious people, stone, idols ... etc this is Shirk (polytheism)

2. Wishing to die. Some people when they get sick, and they do not heal soon, or they have some personal problems they start wishing for death.

3. Asking Allah (SWT) to hurry or give his punishment in this life.

4. Asking Allah (SWT) to break the bond of kin-ship. (such as separating one from his parents)

5. Supplicating for sins to spread in the Islamic society.

6. The “Imam” (prayer’s leader) making supplication for himself without including the followers in his supplication. (during group prayer, At-taraweh in Ramadan)

7. Invoking Allah (SWT) to see if there is a response without a sense of genuine purpose.

8. Raising the voice during the supplication. It should be done secretly.

9. Saying Insha-Allah, (Allah willing) after the supplication. (Ex.: O' Allah forgive my sins if you will) Narrated Abu Huraira (Ra): the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “None of you should say: O' Allah forgive me if you wish, O' Allah be merciful to me if you wish, but he should always appeal to Allah (SWT) with determination, for nobody can force Allah (SWT) to do something against His will. (agreed upon)

10. Invoking Allah (SWT) aggressively, (asking Allah (SWT)) for impossible things such as asking Him to make you a prophet or immortality)

11. Asking Allah (SWT) to harm a Muslim.

12. Asking Allah (SWT) to have a Muslim commit a sin or die as a non believer.

Reasons for the Acceptance of Supplication

There are some reasons which cause the supplication to be accepted by Allah (SWT) They are:

Repentance to Allah (SWT): The almighty Allah (SWT) said “I said (to them): 'Ask forgiveness from your Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer) Verily, He is Oft Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance; And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers” (Qur'an 71:10,12)

Good income: The income must be halal (good) as the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was asked by one of His companions, How could I have my supplication responded to? The messenger of Allah (SAW) said; “Make your income good and your supplication will be responded to.”

Perform Supererogatory Deeds: Such as voluntary prayer and voluntary fasting.

Chose the preferred time for Supplication: (see above)

Reasons for the Rejection of Supplication

As there are reasons for acceptance of a supplication, there are also reasons for rejection of a supplication. Here are some reasons which will cause Allah (SWT) to reject the supplication:

Illegal Income
Committing a lot of Sins
Having doubt in Allah (SWT)
Being Aggressive When Supplicating

By Abdulaziz Addweesh