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Surely the Deen is easy

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    Surely the Deen is easy

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    An article by Amatullah Um Malik appearing in al- Asaalah magazine (no. 15&16)

    Many people circulate the saying, “Surely the Deen is easy”, and most of the time, they do not use it to praise Islaam or unite hearts upon it. Rather they intend by this saying to make some actions of theirs permissible which otherwise contradict the shari ‘ ah . So to them, it is a truthful saying which they use to support falsehood.

    As soon as one tries to fix an evil which he discovers that contradicts the shari ‘ ah the proponent of such act argues saying, “Surely the Deen is easy”. By this they hope to legislate by instituting a rukhsah [concession] which conforms to their desires. They manage to confuse themselves into believing that they have argued effectively against one who attempted to advise them to stick to legislating by the Book and the Sunnah.

    It is no surprise that when they argue with this kind of rukhsah , these people are quite aware that Islaam is an easy religion, when it comes to following what Allaah has commanded and what His Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) commanded, they know that Islaam is an easy religion, when it comes to taking advantage of what Allaah and His Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) facilitated us with, and the concessions that have been granted to us, or whenever they run across a difficulty in adhering to a basic element of the religion, they know that Islaam is an easy religion.

    The saying, “Surely the Deen is easy”, is actually part of a hadeeth which is reported by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) said,
    Surely the Deen is easy, and none will be excessive in the Deen except that it will overcome him. So do the right thing, do the best you can, and rejoice. And allocate [some time for devotional acts] during the morning, the restful times, and part of the night. ( al- Bukharee )

    Ibn Hajar commented on the saying, Surely the Deen is easy in his book Fath ul-Baaree (1/116) saying, “It means, ‘Islaam is the [true] religion of ease' or, it is called the religion of ease in emphasis of its ease over the religions before it, for Allaah raised a greater burden from this nation than He did for those before it....”

    If we look carefully at the hadeeth and what comes after “Surely the Deen is easy” , we discover that Allaah's Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) was showing us that it is obligatory that the Muslim not be severe in matters of worship, not to overstep the boundaries of the religion by doing new things in the religion which will not increase ones rewards. Like the three who intended do figure out a new way to perform and embellish upon their worship; the first of them saying, “I will not marry women”, the second saying, “I will fast eternally and never break my fast”, the third one said, “I will stay awake all night long.” So the Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) forbade them from this, and he encouraged them to perfect their deeds as much as they were capable, and to draw nearer to Allaah by means of the acts of worship which He made obligatory upon them, not to invent new ways in the religion which are not part of it for they would not be capable of that, because none will be excessively strict in the religion but it would overcome him.

    So the saying Surely the Deen is easy means that all of the legislation and rulings which Allaah revealed in His religion are easy to fulfill, and if it were not so, and men were left to innovate, then no one would be able to worship Allaah.

    Now when they find that the previous hadeeth actually does not support what they wish, the opponents will usually rush to other hadeeth s which they argue with to support their religious negligence. Among those hadeeth s is the following where the Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) said,
    Indeed Allaah loves that His rukhsah [concession] is used, just as He hates that sins be violated. ( Saheeh ; Ahmad and others)

    And in one report it is
    ..just as He loves to be obeyed. ( Saheeh ; Ahmad and others)

    As for the other hadeeth it is
    Be easy not forceful, and give good news not frightening news, and be conciliatory not contradictory. (Al-Bukhari)

    The third hadeeth (is the same as the last one, in part, but the commands are addressed to a group rather than an individual as is the case with the previous one.)

    As for the first hadeeth it requires that we realize that the rukhas [pl. of rukhsah or concession] in Islaam are many. Among them are; breaking the fast for the traveler, making up the missed prayer, fasting for the one who does not have a sacrifice to offer during hajj , tayammum for the one who cannot find water of who cannot use it due to some reason, etc.

    And there is no doubt for the attentive that these concessions are among the legislative decrees of Allaah and the sunnah of His Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) by the permission of His Lord and it is not becoming of a Muslim that he claim to utilize a rukhsah without an evidence for it, because he would be innovating in the religion what is not from it.

    Take note dear Muslim, the following aayah which Allaah speaks about the rukhsah of breaking the fast for the ill or the traveler, then after that He (SWT) says, (which means)
    «Allaah intends ease for you, He does not intend hardship on you .» [al-Baqarah 2:185]

    This aayah explains the correct understand about the ease that Allaah gives. It is a matter from Allaah whom there is no partners for, or a matter which has been legislated by His Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) through revelation from Allaah, and the aayah also clarifies the ease of adhering to Allaah's legislation, and all of this is in accord with the understanding of the first hadeeth .

    As for the second and third hadeeth s , the people of desires who argue to contradict the shari ‘ ah with them invalidate and change the saying of the Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) from its correct meaning, leaving the generality of the meaning of the texts.

    However, these hadeeth s refer to inviting to Islaam, in them the Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) established one of the most important rules among the fundamentals of da ‘ wah to Allaah and that is inviting with gentleness and kindness. So the first da ‘ wah to be established to the non-Muslims is inviting them to establish prayer, then fasting, then zakah , then to explain to them the importance of the sunnah of Allaah's Messenger (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam), then to clarify for them which actions are obligatory, recommended, or disliked. Since, due to ignorance or forgetfulness, none is free from error, then you must be patient and invite the people with mercy, gentleness and kindness, as Allaah said (the meaning of which is)
    «It is from Allaah's mercy that you deal gently with them, and if you were severe or hard-hearted, they would have entirely removed themselves from your situation .» [ Aal ‘ Imraan 3: 159]

    So after understanding these hadeeth s , and clearing up the meaning of rukhsah and the facilitation in it, we say to these people who change these meanings from those which are correct due to their desires: Fear Allaah and follow what He has commanded and stay away from what He has forbidden. Give up your attempts to distort the sunnah of His Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) and fear a Day of return to Allaah when every soul will be given what it has earned. And fear a Day when all who distorted Allaah's religion and the sunnah of His Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) will be turned away from the Hawdh of the Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam).

    We hope that Allaah will guide us and turn the Muslims towards following His Book and the sunnah of His Prophet (sall Allahu `alaihi wa sallam) and that He teach us what will benefit us, and cause us to benefit from what we learn, that He save us from the evil of innovation and distorting the religion.
    Surely the Deen is easy

    In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. By the time! Verily mankind is at loss – except for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, and advise one another towards the truth and advise one another towards patience.
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    Re: Surely the Deen is easy


    JazaakAllaah khayr!

    Surely the Deen is easy

    Even a Smile is charity!

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    Re: Surely the Deen is easy

    Deen can seem easy but in our heart we are fighting the Shytaan to attain it. A basic view of Islam:
    ISLAM We are Muslim. That means that we practice the religion of Islam. Muslims live in many different countries and cultures. The word Islam means "submission to God." Being a Muslim means following a way of life every day in order to please God. We pray five times a day. When we pray, we take off our shoes and kneel toward Mecca, a holy city in Saudi Arabia. ALLAH The word for God in Arabic, the language of our religion, is Allah. Nothing can be compared to Allah. Allah is different from all people and all things. Nothing is like Allah. We believe that Allah knows all things, can do all things, and has always existed. Everything exists because Allah wills, or wants, it to exist. MUHAMMAD We believe that a man named Muhammad was one of Allah's prophets. Muslims call him the Great Prophet and the Chosen Messenger. The book about how Allah wants us to live our lives was revealed to Muhammad in Arabic. This book is called the Qur'an. It was written in Arabic. Muhammad taught us that there is only one Allah. Whenever we say the name of Prophet Muhammad, we also say "Peace be upon him". THE QU'RAN We believe that Muhammad received the Qur'an from Allah's angel. We believe that the Qur'an came from Allah. We should read the Qur'an often. We study it so that we can understand how Allah expects us to behave. In the Holy Qur'an God teaches us everything we need to know to become the best human beings so that we can be close to Him. MOSQUE Muslims go to a mosque to pray and to learn about our faith. Muslim religious leaders, called imams, teach us. Every mosque has a tower called a minaret. Five times a day, a muezzin calls us to prayer from the tower. ISLAMIC LAW Islamic law is called Sharia'a. It is based on the Qur'an. Shari'a helps us understand how to practice our religion in our daily lives. Sometimes we ask our imams to explain the law and how we should understand it. PILLARS OF ISLAM There are five main duties or pillars in Islam. FAITH: Iman The first pillar of a Muslim is to recite the Shahada, or confession of faith: There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God PRAYER: Salat A second pillar is to pray correctly. We believe that an angel showed Muhammad how to pray. All Muslims pray in the same way. First, we remove our shoes. We wash our hands and face and feet. We kneel down on a clean spot on the ground or on a mat. When we pray, we face toward Mecca. We pray five times a day: at dawn, in the middle of the day, in the afternoon, afternoon, after sunset, and before going to bed. PILGRIMAGE: Hajj A third pillar is the Hajj, journey to the holy city of Mecca. Every Muslim must try to make the Hajj at least once in his or her life. During the Hajj, people say prayers and listen to sermons. There are special activities that everyone does together. In Mecca is the Ka'ba, the sacred cube building. It is the most sacred and holy place in Islam. FASTING: Siyam A fourth pillar is the observance of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar. In this month, we fast from dawn to sunset. This means that adults and older kids do not eat all day. Younger children do not have to fast. During Ramadan, we remember our duty to God. At the end of the month, we have a great feast. It is called 'Idu l-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast. CHARITY: Zakat A fifth pillar is giving alms, or charity to the poor. The giving of charity is a very important part of being a good Muslim. It is called Zakat. The Qur'an teaches us to give to the poor, the needy, and to travelers. MUSLIM BELIEFS We believe in one God (Allah), His Messengers from Adam to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), His Divine Books including Taurat [Torah], Injeel [Gospel]
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    Re: Surely the Deen is easy

    jazaki allahu khairan 4 posting it !!
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