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Visited By the Prophet!!

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    Visited By the Prophet!!

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    Shiekh Mohammad Hussan telling the following story in one of his TV shows in Arabic "can be found in youtube too":

    A student came to him telling him that his mother told him: "My son, go to Mohammad Hassan and tell him that I want to see him after he finished his lesson"

    The student was a bit reluctant to do that -due to sheikh busy schedule-, but he went to the Sheikh at the end and passed the message from that old lady.

    So Mohammad Hassan went to the place because he knew that there was something strange with that woman to ask him directly to come to her house.

    He met her and said that she was in her 80's if not more. He told her: "let me know your sickness and I will talk to one of my friends who are doctors to come to your home and treat you"

    She answered smiling: "O my son, I know what my treatment is"

    Sheikh answered: "Then tell me what it is"

    She started crying and said:" O my Son, it has been three nights since I saw the messenger of Allah last time"!!!!

    Sheikh Mohammad said that this sentence made him shocked that he couldn't even see his way back when he left her home!!!

    She was so sincere that she was daily seeing the prophet in her dreams and when she stopped seeing him for 3 days she felt so bad. SubhanAllah!!! What are we compared to her? How many times we see the prophet in our whole life?

    The prophet peace be upon him said: "the one who sees me in a dream has truly seen me for indeed the devil can not take my shape to deceive people."

    There are some people who travel to visit him in Madina, but this old woman was visited by the beloved prophet!!

    May Allah help us to be sincere like this woman.

    I thought of sharing this story to spread the benefit as it really touched me!

    Source: http://protectedpearl.webs.com/apps/...y-the-prophet-
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    Re: Visited By the Prophet!!

    Mashallah, v.nice and eeman increasing story...
    those who had makes effort for ALLAH SWT and His Profphet PBUH has such stories, i also had heard this for some ppl.
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    Re: Visited By the Prophet!!

    How to Dream of Prophet Muhammad (salAllah alaihi wasalam)

    This is part of a speech by Shaikh Muhammad Hassan

    [Watch here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RABMyhT6zo]:

    "By Allah the Prophet (sal Allah alaihi wasalam) does not come except those he loves.

    Listen up, there are those who go to visit the Prophet (saws), and there are those who the Prophet (saws) comes to visit.

    Do you remember the story of the honorable woman, the mother - she is now - we ask Allah to bestow on her vast mercy. The honorable, precious mother who sent her son to me - I've said this before, and I love saying it.

    The mother sent to me her son during a lesson in Al-Mansurah.

    He told me, "Forgive me, Sheikh that I have to say this."

    I told him, sure say it.

    He said "My mother (the son's mother) told him, "Go to Muhammad hassan and tell him, 'Muhammad Hassan, my mother is waiting for you to come visit her tonight.'"

    I told him, "Go ahead lets go."

    We went to a very remote village, to a house built of clay, a poor household.

    In it was a woman who has reached 70 years of age.

    Masha Allah she does not stop - I'm not going to tell you that for a miniute, or even a second.

    By Allah never stops invoking blessings upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

    She NEVER ceases to invoke blessings upon the Prophet, EVER.

    She would look at you, greet you, and then rush back to invoking blessings upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and persist in it, and so on.

    I felt such pity and lowliness next to this precious, honrable mother.

    So i said to her, "Oh, my mother, you called for me, and I came. Now tell me, what's bothering you? And with Allah's permission, I am promising you then next week, I will bring one of our medical brothers in the speciality that you need, and he will check up on you right here."

    So she looked up and she smiled a lovely smile.

    She's more than 70 years old, and she told me, "Oh my son, oh my son, I know my illness and my remedy. I know my illness and my remedy."

    So i told her "By Allah, tell me."

    She told me, "Oh my son, our master the Prophet hasn't come to me in my dreams for three whole nights!"

    I told her, "He hasn't come to you for three whole nights? Does he come to you every night?!"

    She said to me, "By Allah, if a single night passes without seeing him, I become ill. I've been ill for three nights. I havn't seen the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him."

    Remember when I told you "Your intention has been truthful, so your dream was truthful. And if your love for the Prophet (sal Allah alaihi wasalam) is true, then you shall see the Messenger of Allah!"

    For he is the one who said, "Whoever sees me in dreams, has truly seen me, for the Shaytan cannot take my form."

    (a fatwa from IslamQA):

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), because he said: "Whoever sees me in a dream has really seen me, because Shaytaan cannot appear in my image." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 5729).

    Rabee'ah ibn Abi 'Abd al-Rahmaan said: "I heard Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) describing the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He said: 'He was of average height, not too tall and not too short, with a pinkish colour, not very white and not dark, and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight. The Revelation came to him when he was forty years old, and he stayed in Makkah for ten years after the Revelation came, then in Madeenah for ten years. When he died, there were no more than twenty white hairs on his head and in his beard." (al-Bukhaari, 3283).

    Al-Baraa' ibn 'Aazib said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was broad shouldered and had thick hair coming down to his shoulders and earlobes. He was wearing red garments. I have never seen anything more beautiful than him." (Reported by Muslim, Kitaab al-Fadaa'il, Baab Sifat Sha'r al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), no. 2338).

    'Ali said: "He was neither tall nor short, and had large hands and feet. He had a large head and was big-boned, and the thin line of hair (starting from his chest and extending to the navel) was long. When he walked, he would lean forward, as if he was walking downhill. I have never seen anyone like him, before or since." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 3570, who said this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth).

    Jaabir ibn Samurah said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was dalee' al-fam, ashkal al-'ayn and manhoos al-'aqib." Shu'bah said: "I asked Maalik, 'What is dalee' al-fam?' He said: 'Wide-mouthed.' I asked, 'What is ashkal al-'ayn?' He said, 'Big-eyed.' I asked, 'What is manhoos al-'aqib?' He said, 'His heels were not fleshy.'" (Saheeh Muslim, Kitaab al-Fadaa'il, 2339).


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    Re: Visited By the Prophet!!


    "..I suffered from Eczema..." True Story of a brother

    Since I was born I suffered from Exema [Eczema] on my hands and arms and now I am 22 years of age and still suffering from such disease. Alhamdulelah it goes for a while but it comes back infected and inflamed.

    I always looked around me and saw other people's hands and arms in perfect condition and I would go back home and cry so much that my tears would fill a bucket. I was bullied so much in Secondary School because of my Exema and I was treated like dirt and abused because of my belief in Islam. One day in class I cried for over an hour my eyes stung because of the class saying abusive things to me and the teacher did NOTHING because he hated my faith which was apparent.

    Since I was small I always held the Quran each night and begged Allah for my suffering to end. Even as I write this my eyes are full of tears.

    As I grew up my passion to marry grew. I always wanted to have a child to raise for
    the mercy of Allah. But because of my suffering from Exema that always stopped me from marrying.

    One day in College I saw a really beautiful Sister in Hijab from Lebanon (I think) and I wanted to marry her, but because of my Exema I thought she would not want to even look at me. By Allah, through Halal ways she rejected me which I feel in my heart was because of my hands.

    I feel so alone sometimes. I suffer SO much that I cannot go outside unless my sleeves of my shirt cover most of my hands. I cannot make Salat in the Masjid without worrying that someone is going to look at my hands and not want to shake them or that they will give me a bad look. I cannot eat outside or be with my friends without feeling worried that they are going to see my hands.

    When I do Wudu with water, my hands sting so much I cry. After Wudu I will make my Salat trying to blot out the pain that I am going through with my hands.

    I feel no Muslim Sister will ever marry me
    but I try to keep strong about it. My only wife I want is a wife of Paradise. I wish I was with Prophet Ayub (AS) as he suffered alot and I would not feel alone as he would be with me worshiping Allah.

    My only dream now is to work hard and to die only for Allah.

    Please Brothers and Sisters of Islam make Du'a for me and for all Muslims suffering from illness's that they keep strong.

    I take this as a blessing from Allah as Allah tests those whom he truly loves.

    About three year ago I was sinking into severe depression. I was suffering so much and everything was just sinking deeper and deeper. I would stay up every night just worshipping Allah, begging him for mercy and help.
    I really thought that Allah abandoned me and hated me.

    Then one summer was a summer I would never forget. For six weeks in a row I had dreams that words would never be able to describe in 100% detail.

    The dreams are too much to mention. But one of the first
    was when I was standing on a red land, and then two Muslim men with large dark beards approached me. They asked me do I want to see Hell? I said to them yes. They smiled and I then followed them.

    In front of me was like a Hugh head with a wide open mouth. I can still picture this in my mind but I can never really describe it as it was so detailed. We went through its mouth and in it were all types of chambers of black fire. I saw people lying on their bellies on beds of spikes penetrating though their bodies while they were screaming.

    Another chamber I saw people being crushed again and again in fire.

    Another I saw their limbs being pulled off.

    After a few more chambers we left and one of the Muslim's said to me, "Is your life worse than what you saw?" I said, "By Allah, no."

    The best dream is of Prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam). In the dream I was sitting in a dark room crying. Suddenly a gold door appeared in front of
    me. The door said to me, "Don't cry and come inside."

    When I went in, I was in such a beautiful garden. There were all sorts of flowers and different coloured streams of water and honey. I heard laughing and talking further on, so I walked through this garden, and each step I took the garden just got more beautiful and different in colour. I saw a really bright gold table with food I have never seen before on this table. There were sweets and different shapes of fruit on the table. There were also crystal cups with drinks with at least 100 different shades of colour.

    Sitting around the table were all extremely handsome looking Muslims. I saw one Muslim holding a staff in his right hand so I was thinking that could be Musa ('AlyheeSalaam), and then another Muslim I saw with long wavy hair with pearls falling from his head, so I was thinking that was 'Isa ('AlyheeSalaam). There were at least 100 Muslims around this table. At the head of the table a Muslim
    turned around and faced me. Mashahallah I will never forget his face. His eyes were darker than black pearls and there was a beautiful light shining from his face. As he smiled at me I felt this warmth and this sweet smelling musk go over my body.

    He said Salam to me and called me by my full name. I asked him who he was. He said, "I am the final Messenger of Allah and my name is Muhammad Ibn Abdullallah (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam). I want you to sit next to me."

    A gold chair appeared next to him so I sat there facing him. He took my hand in his hand. It felt so warm and nice. He said something that even made me cry in my sleep. He said, "Dont cry because of the hardships of this life. Cry for the forgiveness of Allah. Don't cry and feel sad for Allah will never leave you alone to suffer. He is with the believer who calls his name. He smiles to the believer who repents. He loves the believer who runs to him in struggle. And on The Day that is coming, you will see how much love and comfort He gives to those Muslims who suffered for Him."

    I closed my eyes and then I woke up with tears all down my face

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    Re: Visited By the Prophet!!

    ^ JazakAllah khair brother for your addition, I looked for that speech in English but didn't find it so I just translated directly from the Arabic video I listened.
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    Re: Visited By the Prophet!!

    Ameen to the dua

    Subhaan`Allaah very touching jazakallahu khayran for sharing

    Wa`Alaaykum Salaam...
    Visited By the Prophet!!

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]
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