So you see, with all these movies etc, there must always be the angelic side and then the satanic side. The Angelic side is usually depicted by a charming group of people and the evil group is usually dark and unfriendly. Very subtly, this ideology has creeped in to our brains. What ideology, you ask?

The ideology that there is always a good side and a bad side. There can never be two correct opinions coexistent amongst each other. This could very well be one of the root causes for the society’s tension today. Believe it or not, two ideologies can coexist. Have you ever seen that bumper sticker “Coexist”? Looks similar to this:

No religion, to my limited knowledge, commands that you should hate or despise a fellow in humanity. Of course, you might give preference to your brother or sister in religious terms but that doesn’t mean you push the man from the other religion off a cliff. There is such thing as “Compassion Despite Disagreement”. These three words have such a deep meaning. It can be used in so many ways, let it be political, religious, cultural, or what have you!

So the gist of it is that there can be two opinions existing at once. Democrats and Republicans, Jack and Jill, Beauty and the Beast, Black and White; you make your own pairs and post them below. The way cartoons depict it is such that one side is appeared to have a halo hovering over their heads while the other side has horns coming out of their brains. You’ll see this specifically in political cartoons. It’s quite disappointing to see that these pictures have now been engraved in our heads and carved into society.

Moral: Educate Ourselves.

Rashad Abdullah


^ Please do leave your comments on that link as well. :X (Jazakallah)