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Invoking others other than Allah???

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    shanu's Avatar Full Member
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    Invoking others other than Allah???

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    Assalamu alaikum
    im in great need 4 ur help?
    I learned religion on my own even though i was born muslim. Im of indian origin. And i dont accept some things my parents do as i feel they contradict with the Quran. Since young, when things go missing in the house, my mom asks this "auliya puppa" to help us find this? N after some time we get this. But what i feel upset about it is. isnt this shirk???? Allah is All mighty? I asked my mom who is this? And she says that its those who died in wars of islam and so on? She says that if we make du'a to these auliyas, they will tell God? But they are humans too, and they have passed away? how can they make dua? doesnt this sound like priests in hiduislm where they are the median between seeker and God??? But why ask this people when we ask God directly.?? Allah has said in Surah fateha, to worship him only and to seek help from him? Isnt it wrong to ask humans to make dua as they are duas will be better accepted as they are special? Is there such a thing? Is this even permissable. I read an article in Sunnipath they say we can use them as medians, as long as we dont pray to them???? I dont understand. I need help.
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    S H A N U
    :brother: :loving: :coolsis:

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    Umu 'Isa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    as far as i know that definately is shirk.. tell ur parents to refrain from that coz it is a serious sin and will not be forgiven by Allah (swt)

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    shanu's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    I got my answers
    its shirk all ryte!!!
    'Wasila' - Intercession, Ways of Intervention...

    Below are the selected passages from a scholarly response given by a learned Scholar Brother Burhan to a few questions on the above subject. To read the entire response, with the quotations from the Hadeeths, and the bio date of Brother Burhan, who happens to be a former Mustealiyyan Shiah Ismaili, please visit:



    Brother I want to ask that how much extent the wasila of imams, noble companions, prophet is correct because many time I heard in a darees that "mera soya hai muqadar aey hussain ab jaga do" and etc., I say to my family Allah can do everything, so beg directly to Allah but they said that we take wasila then I said your wasila should be your prayers, ibadaats, deeds, so please tell me that by how much extent wasila should be correct?


    Beloved brother in Islam, to assume that by invoking in the unseen the righteous imams, or the noble companions of the Holy Prophet (saws), or even the Noble Prophet (saws) himself, or invoking anyone in the Universe other than the One and Only True Lord of the Worlds would be a clear and manifest form of the unforgivable crime of ‘shirk’ in Islam.

    To assume that any of the pious departed slaves of Allah Subhanah, or anyone else in creation other than Allah Subhanah Alone can hear one’s invocations in the unseen, let alone has the power and ability to answer them or get them answered, is a clear and manifest form of the most heinous of sins: ‘shirk’ with Allah Subhanah.

    One of the Noble and Exclusive Attributes of Allah Subhanah is that He Alone is the All-Hearing or ‘Al-Samee’. To assume that anyone or anything in creation can hear us in the unseen, let alone having the ability and power to answer or respond to our invocations, is to share one of Allah Subhanah’s Exclusive and Sole Attributes with one amongst His creation; and that is a clear and manifest form of the sin of ‘shirk’!

    There is not a major Surah in the Quran, where Allah Subhanah has not warned the believers against this heinous practice and abomination of taking ‘wasila’, or invoking others with Allah Subhanah in the unseen! The noble and pious departed slaves of Allah Subhanah never advocated such a practice, nor did it behove them to do so!

    Just study these Aayahs of the Glorious Quran to understand and comprehend the Wrath and Anger of Allah Subhanah on those who invoke other beings in creation with Allah Subhanah:

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 20-21: All the other beings, whom the people invoke with Allah, create nothing! Nay, they are themselves created! They are DEAD, not living, and they do not at all know themselves when they shall again be raised to life!

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verse 66: Note it well that all the dwellers of the heavens and the earth belong to Allah. And those who invoke others besides Allah, follow nothing but surmises and merely indulge in guess-works!

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 35Surah Fatir verses 13-14: He merges night into day, and day into night, and he has subjected the Sun and the Moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for an appointed term. Such is Allah, your Lord! To Him belongs all Dominion. Those whom you invoke besides Him, do not own even a blade of grass! If you call them, they cannot hear your prayers! And if they hear, they cannot answer you! And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your ‘shirk’. None can inform you of the Truth, like the One Who is acquainted with all things.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 46 Surah Ahqaf verses 4-6: Prophet, say to them, "Have you ever seen them with open eyes those whom you invoke instead of Allah? Show me what they have created in the earth? Or have they any share in the creation and control of the heavens? Bring me a Book revealed before this, or produce some remnant of knowledge in support of your beliefs if you are truthful." And who could be further astray than the one who invokes, instead of Allah, those who cannot answer him till the Day of Resurrection. Nay, they are even UNAWARE THAT THEY ARE BEING INVOKED. And when all mankind shall be gathered together (on the Day of Qiyamah), they (the so called leaders and intercessors) will become enemies of those who invoked them and they will DISOWN THEIR WORSHIP!!!

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumur verse 2-3: So worship Allah Alone, making your religion His exclusively. Beware! Religion is the exclusive Right of Allah. As for those who have taken other ‘auliyas’ (guardians) with Allah (and justify their this conduct by saying): “We serve them only that they may bring us closer to Allah.” Allah will surely judge between them concerning all that in which they differ. Allah does not show guidance to any liar and denier of the Truth.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 10 Surah Yunus verse 18: These people serve beside Allah those which can neither harm nor benefit them, and say, “These are our ‘shofa’a’ (intercessors) with Allah!” (O Mohammed), tell them, “Do you wish to inform Allah of that thing which He knows not in the heavens or in the earth?” He is absolutely free from, and exalted above the shirk that they commit.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verses 81-82: These people have set up other gods that Allah, so that they may become their supporters! There will be no supporters! They will not only disown your worship, but also become their opponents.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter16 Surah Nahl verses 86-87: When the people who had committed shirk in this world will see those whom they had made associates with Allah, they will say, “Our Lord, here are those associate-deities whom we used to invoke besides You.” At this their deities will retort, “You are liars!” At that time, all of them will proffer submission before Allah, and all that they used to forge in this world shall vanish from them.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 7 Surah Aaraf verse 190-196: They associate with Allah partners who do not create anything, but are themselves created; who cannot help them nor have the power (even) to help themselves! If you invite them to follow the Right Way, they will not follow you! It will be all the same for you whether you call them or keep silent. Those whom you invoke with Allah are MERE SERVANTS OF ALLAH LIKE YOU! Just invoke them, and if what you say of them be true, they will answer your prayers! Have they feet that they should walk with them? Or have they hands that they should hold with them? Or have they eyes that they should see with them? Or have they ears that they should hear with them? Tell them, O Mohammed, “Call up the partners you have set up, and then all of you sit down together and plot against me, and give me no respite. My Protector and Helper is Allah, Who has sent down this Book (Al Quran), and, it is He who protects the righteous people.”

    Invoking other beings in creation in the unseen is a clear manifestation of the abomination and ‘the’ most heinous of sins in the deen of Islam, that is, ‘shirk’! Allah Subhanah has singled out this one sin as absolutely ‘unforgivable’ on the Day of Judgment, and has guaranteed the everlasting and unending punishment of the Fire of Hell to all those who die in the state of ‘shirk’, no matter what amount of good deeds they might have done! Such is the gravity of this abomination of ‘shirk’ or invoking other beings in creation in the Sight of Allah Subhanah, the One and Only Lord of the Worlds!

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 72: Whoever commits ‘shirk’ (invoking anything with Allah), Allah shall forbid for him Paradise, and Hell shall be his abode. And for such wrong doers there will be no one to help.

    Allah says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48: Shirk (associating other deities with Allah) is the only sin that Allah does not forgive, and He forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this. For whosoever associates any other partner with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 65-66: If you commit ‘shirk’ all your works will be rendered vain and you will be among the losers. Therefore, you should worship Allah Alone, and be among His grateful servants.


    Brother I want to ask that how much extent the wasila of imams , noble companions , prophet is correct because many time I heard in a darees that "mera soya hai muqadar aey hussain ab jaga do"?


    The meaning of the Urdu invocation "mera soya hai muqadar aey hussain ab jaga do" would translate in English to: “O Hussen, please wake up my sleeping destiny now!”; which basically means to ask the righteous and beloved grandson of the Prophet (saws), Imam Hussain ibn Ali Talib (r.a.), to help, invigorate or change or ‘wake-up’ the good destiny of the suppliant!!!

    To assume that this righteous and beloved grandson of the Prophet (saws), or anyone in creation, can hear the supplicant or invocation of the person in the unseen (let alone respond to it!!!) is to raise the status of the righteous and obedient slave of Allah Subhanah like Imam Hussain (r.a.) to the rank of the Only One Who is Capable and Able of Hearing and Responding to all in His Creation, The One and Only All-Hearing, All-Seeing, All-Knowing Lord of the Worlds, Allah Subhanah wa Taala! And that is nothing, but a clear and open manifestation of the abomination of ‘shirk’!


    Am I right when I say to my family Allah can do everything, so beg directly to Allah?


    Indeed, our beloved and dear brother in Islam, it is Allah Subhanah ALONE Who can and does hear, and respond to all our invocations. He Alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, and knows even the inner-most secrets and desires of our hearts. He Alone is the All-Mighty and All-Powerful, and He Alone has the Ability and Means to answer all our invocations. He Alone is our Creator and Sustainer, and He Alone deserves our invocations, our worship, our absolute obedience, and our total and absolute submission! And this is the precise Message of The Oneness of Allah Subhanah or ‘Tawheed’ that was taught by each and every Messenger of Allah to mankind.

    Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 186: And if My servants ask you, O Prophet, concerning Me, tell them that I am quite near to them. I hear and answer the prayer of the suppliant, when he calls on Me. So let them respond to My call and believe in Me. (Convey this to them), perhaps they may be guided aright!


    Am I correct when I said; your wasila should be your prayers, ibadaats, deeds?


    Indeed, our beloved brother in Islam, if one takes the term ‘wasila’ to mean a way or approach to get close to Allah Subhanah with one’s ‘taqwa’ or God-consciousness and ones own righteous good deeds; that is a state highly recommended by Allah Subhanah.

    Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 35: O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him (‘wasila’), and strive with might and main in His cause: that ye may prosper.

    If one takes the term ‘wasila’ out of its original context to mean glorifying, serving, and invoking other beings in creation in the unseen as a way or approach to get things from Allah Subhanah, that would be a clear and open manifestation of the abomination of ‘shirk’.

    Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    S H A N U
    :brother: :loving: :coolsis:

  5. #4
    thc's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    According to the ahle sunnah wal jammaah (which sunnipath.com follows) it is not shirk.

    When muslims go to these saints graves/dargahs/mazaara/tombs whatever you want to call them some DO shirk by performing sijdah to them or doing acts of ibaadat directly to them.

    Using waseela means that one prays to Allaah using their waseela meaning that they make duaa for you as according to the ahle sunnah wal jamaah these saints are alive in their graves anD can make dua to Allaah.

    Some muslims say that these saints are dead that is why they do not believe in waseela.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???


    I am not a scholar but here are my views

    When you are afriad or shy about meeting or asking someone something, you ask someone who is closer to this person to ask on your behalf.
    The same way, in times of difficulties, if you ask through the prophet or shaheed since they are closer to Allah, they ask on your behalf hence your hajaat is accepted.

    Allah gave Hazrat Isa the power to cure the sick. Now when people went to him and asked him to cure them, Isa (as) cured them. Is this shirk? No

    because Isa cured through the grace of Allah. The same way when your parents ask through the shaheed, they ask the shaheed to ask Allah to grant the wish.
    Invoking others other than Allah???

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    I am but a student. Please correct me if I am wrong. May Allah forgive my lapses.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    I dont think I should comment as I'm not a scholar yet something disturbs me so I'm going to say this.......to ask using a beloved of Allahs name is permissible because I remember reading about if someone uses the ashabs' name who participated in badr its a likely chance his dua would get accepted but asking directly to a dead person I think is shirk.!! before any of you start saying what are you talking about I'm going to back what I'm saying if you go to medina you will see the Prophet P.b.u.h grave and when people are making dua to the grave (asking the prophet for favours) you want to know what the guards have been ordered to do is tell you to turn around pray facing the kibla and ASK Allah s.w.t now no awliyah or sahabi or anyone (may Allah be pleased with them all) is superior in the eyes of Allah yet we are told to ask Allah ........so conclusion you can say Allah please help me with such such and thing in the fact that I am your beloved prophet s.a.w's ummati

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Soldier View Post

    I am not a scholar but here are my views

    When you are afriad or shy about meeting or asking someone something, you ask someone who is closer to this person to ask on your behalf.
    The same way, in times of difficulties, if you ask through the prophet or shaheed since they are closer to Allah, they ask on your behalf hence your hajaat is accepted.

    Allah gave Hazrat Isa the power to cure the sick. Now when people went to him and asked him to cure them, Isa (as) cured them. Is this shirk? No

    because Isa cured through the grace of Allah. The same way when your parents ask through the shaheed, they ask the shaheed to ask Allah to grant the wish.
    Are you saying here that it's ok to ask the dead to make Dua for you? When People went to Isa (as) and asked him to cure them, He was there and Allah gave him that ability. Still There has never been any narration that any of the Sahabah making tawassul with Isa (as) to make dua for them and as we know he is still alive. What about dead people? Saints or not saint, we're not supposed to ask teh dead for help. They are dead. They cannot do anything to help you.

    But for example if you go to a sheikh or someone who is ALIVE , who is capable of making dua, Then there are many hadeeths that the sahabahs went to the prophet to ask him to make dua for them. So that kind of wasilah, there is nothing wrong with that.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    definitly shirk sis... none is worth prayin to apart from Allah and none is worthy of worship part from Allah...
    Invoking others other than Allah???

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    shanu's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    surah fateha
    iyyaka na'budu wayiyakka nastaeen
    sorry bt spelluing mistakes
    but the above verse means that
    You worship only Allah, n u seek help only from Allah"
    So i feel its shirk, dua is a form of worship
    and Allah created everybody to worship him alone with no partners
    Surah Yunus verse 18: These people serve beside Allah those which can neither harm nor benefit them, and say, “These are our ‘shofa’a’ (intercessors) with Allah!” (O Mohammed), tell them, “Do you wish to inform Allah of that thing which He knows not in the heavens or in the earth?” He is absolutely free from, and exalted above the shirk that they commit.

    Any dua with full repentance and sinceirty will be accepted by Allah!!
    You dont need medians like priests, furthermore people can only make dua to Allah until they are alive. this ppl r dead n they r in barzaakh???

    Surah Aaraf verse 190-196: They associate with Allah partners who do not create anything, but are themselves created; who cannot help them nor have the power (even) to help themselves! If you invite them to follow the Right Way, they will not follow you! It will be all the same for you whether you call them or keep silent. Those whom you invoke with Allah are MERE SERVANTS OF ALLAH LIKE YOU! Just invoke them, and if what you say of them be true, they will answer your prayers! Have they feet that they should walk with them? Or have they hands that they should hold with them? Or have they eyes that they should see with them? Or have they ears that they should hear with them? Tell them, O Mohammed, “Call up the partners you have set up, and then all of you sit down together and plot against me, and give me no respite. My Protector and Helper is Allah, Who has sent down this Book (Al Quran), and, it is He who protects the righteous people.”

    Even wen Prophet Mohammed pbuh dont have this authority? How can humans like auliya have??Allah needs no medians? y do u suppose christians convert alot?? Becos in islam we ask Allah directly??? Thats y we make dua in the end of prayer? Furthermore? Allah is the ALL KNOWER right?? So whether u tell Allah or u feel shy abt smtg, he wil KNOW!!! so y do u need to invoke the DEAD???????
    Last edited by shanu; 04-07-2006 at 06:29 PM.
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    S H A N U
    :brother: :loving: :coolsis:

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    shanu's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    i hope u people remmeber this verse and stay away from all forms of shirk
    Prophet mohammed pbuh is the finest example of a muslim. N a walking Quran??? We r told to follow him right? Didnt he ask u nt to worship him? Do u see him praying to daed prophets or invoking help from jibreel who was the median between Allah and him????? Its true he will be the intercessor, but if we wanted to ask him to make dua 4 us, we should have asked wen he was alive, or on the day of judgement? not now?????

    When a person is alive, he can pray. Like e.g i go to a sister and say " Sister in islam make dua 4 me" just like that ppl in the past did to the alive prophet???
    Last edited by shanu; 04-07-2006 at 06:26 PM.
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    S H A N U
    :brother: :loving: :coolsis:

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    waji's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    In Quran Allah Says in Sura Fatir 35 (Ayaah 18-23)
    # Nor can a bearer of burdens bear another's burdens. If one heavily laden should call another to (bear) his load. Not the least portion of it can be carried (by the other). Even though he be nearly related. Thou canst but warn such as fear their Lord unseen and establish regular Prayer. And whoever purifies himself does so for the benefit of his own soul; and the destination (of all) is to Allah.
    # The blind and the seeing are not alike;
    # Nor are the depths of Darkness and the Light;
    # Nor are the (chilly) shade and the (genial) heat of the sun:
    # Nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that He wills to hear; but thou canst not make those to hear who are (buried) in graves.
    # Thou art no other than a warner.(to Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W))

    Saying Salam is a Duaa
    remember Allah is watching everything
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    Remember Me in your prayers!

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    رياح_الشمال's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    guyz da girl found da anwser
    I got my answers
    its shirk all ryte!!!
    no need 2 talk abt it repeatlly
    w slam

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by thc View Post
    According to the ahle sunnah wal jammaah (which sunnipath.com follows) it is not shirk.

    Using waseela means that one prays to Allaah using their waseela meaning that they make duaa for you as according to the ahle sunnah wal jamaah these saints are alive in their graves anD can make dua to Allaah.

    Some muslims say that these saints are dead that is why they do not believe in waseela.
    This is the denial of Allah's declaration in the holy Quran(Surah Ikhlas) that Allah does noty depend on anything of His creation; rather everything else depends on Him. So the faith you foster in your heart is clearly 'shirk' and 'kufr'.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    There are three permissible (one of which is obligatory and the rest are encouraged) ways of Tawassul.
    They are:

    1. By Allahs Names and Attributes. For instance, you say: Forgive me, ya Ghafoor (The All-Forgiving)!

    2. By faith and Tawheed. For instance, you say (as mentioned in the Qur'an):

    “Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger, so write us down among those who bear witness (to the truth).” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:53]

    3. By righteous deeds. For instance, you say: Oh Allah, by my obedience to you, save me from the Torment of the Hellfire!

    Read more!

    As for calling on dead awliya and these sort of things, it is clear shirk.
    Shaykh Sa'ad al-Humayd says:

    So it is not permissible to offer du’aa’ to or call upon anyone except Allaah. But the evidence indicates that it is permissible to ask another person for some things, but that is subject to two conditions :

    1- That it should be something possible and the person should be able to do it, such as asking a person to give you money when you are in need of it. But if it is something that he is not able to do, then it is not permissible for you to ask him, such as asking a man to let you be one of the people of Paradise, because he is not able to do that even if he is a righteous and pious man.

    2- The person who is asked should be capable, such as one who is alive. It is not permissible to call upon the dead, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmeer (the thin membrane over the date stone).

    If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you [Faatir 35:13-14]

    Read this.

    I strongly encourage you, and all of the Muslims, to listen to these series of lectures:

    An explanation of Kitab at-Tawheed (the Book of Monotheism), by Yasir Qadhi.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by shanu View Post
    Assalamu alaikum
    im in great need 4 ur help?
    I learned religion on my own even though i was born muslim. Im of indian origin. And i dont accept some things my parents do as i feel they contradict with the Quran. Since young, when things go missing in the house, my mom asks this "auliya puppa" to help us find this? N after some time we get this. But what i feel upset about it is. isnt this shirk???? Allah is All mighty? I asked my mom who is this? And she says that its those who died in wars of islam and so on? She says that if we make du'a to these auliyas, they will tell God? But they are humans too, and they have passed away? how can they make dua? doesnt this sound like priests in hiduislm where they are the median between seeker and God??? But why ask this people when we ask God directly.?? Allah has said in Surah fateha, to worship him only and to seek help from him? Isnt it wrong to ask humans to make dua as they are duas will be better accepted as they are special? Is there such a thing? Is this even permissable. I read an article in Sunnipath they say we can use them as medians, as long as we dont pray to them???? I dont understand. I need help.

    You should firmly believe that no person, dead or live--no matter if he was a prophet or a saint-- has any power to do any good or harm to you spiritually. If you believe that any person including a prophet(dead or alive) has any spiritual ability to do any good or harm to you, you will be committing shirk. Allah has always sent prophets to teach people to call hem directly and shake off all mediums. So be aware!!!

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by shanu View Post
    Assalamu alaikum
    im in great need 4 ur help?
    I learned religion on my own even though i was born muslim. Im of indian origin. And i dont accept some things my parents do as i feel they contradict with the Quran. Since young, when things go missing in the house, my mom asks this "auliya puppa" to help us find this? N after some time we get this. But what i feel upset about it is. isnt this shirk???? Allah is All mighty? I asked my mom who is this? And she says that its those who died in wars of islam and so on? She says that if we make du'a to these auliyas, they will tell God? But they are humans too, and they have passed away? how can they make dua? doesnt this sound like priests in hiduislm where they are the median between seeker and God??? But why ask this people when we ask God directly.?? Allah has said in Surah fateha, to worship him only and to seek help from him? Isnt it wrong to ask humans to make dua as they are duas will be better accepted as they are special? Is there such a thing? Is this even permissable. I read an article in Sunnipath they say we can use them as medians, as long as we dont pray to them???? I dont understand. I need help.

    You should firmly believe that no person, dead or live--no matter if he was a prophet or a saint-- has any power to do any good or harm to you spiritually. If you believe that any person including a prophet(dead or alive) has any spiritual ability to do any good or harm to you, you will be committing shirk.
    So be aware!!!

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by M H Kahn View Post

    You should firmly believe that no person, dead or live--no matter if he was a prophet or a saint-- has any power to do any good or harm to you spiritually. If you believe that any person including a prophet(dead or alive) has any spiritual ability to do any good or harm to you, you will be committing shirk.
    So be aware!!!
    Shirk?? Hah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Quran
    And seek a means (wasila) to Him. [Quran, 5: 35]
    Andwasila (a means of approach) in its general indication includes tawassul (intercession) by persons, and through actions.


    The Holy Prophet himself taught his companion to make Dua by his own waseela. Imam tirmizi narrats that:

    A blind man said to the Prophet pray that Allah may grant me goodness The Prophet (peace be upon him) said if you want, I can pray for you, or you can be patient and this is better for you. He said master (peace be upon him pray for me. The Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered him to perform wudu well and recite this Dua after offering two rakats of salaah.

    "O Allah I ask from you and make a mediator and draw my concentration towards you via your prophet ( peace be upon him) who is the merciful Prophet (peace be upon him ). O Rasoolallah (Peace be upon Him), I turn to my lord ( the most high) regarding this need via you so that my need be fulfilled. Lord (the most high accept His (peace be upon him) intercession for me.
    Hazarat Sayyidona uthman bin Hanif says " I swear by God we people had not even got up, but were still talking that they very blind person reached us. His eyesight had become so clear as if he was never blind. (Tirmizi)
    Invoking others other than Allah???

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    I am but a student. Please correct me if I am wrong. May Allah forgive my lapses.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    Read my last post, where I listed the allowed forms of tawassul.

    Seeking intercession from a Prophet (or any person for that matter) is only allowed if the person is present. So, you go to a person that is alive and you say to him: Make du'aa for me that Allah will cure me from my sickness.

    This is allowed.

    To ask the Prophet for this today, thinking that he may help you, although he is in his grave, is shirk.

    To ask Allah something using these kind of words: Oh Allah, I ask you by the essence of the Prophet, that you cure me is not allowed. However, it aint shirk.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Zakariya View Post
    Read my last post, where I listed the allowed forms of tawassul.

    Seeking intercession from a Prophet (or any person for that matter) is only allowed if the person is present. So, you go to a person that is alive and you say to him: Make du'aa for me that Allah will cure me from my sickness.

    This is allowed.

    To ask the Prophet for this today, thinking that he may help you, although he is in his grave, is shirk.

    To ask Allah something using these kind of words: Oh Allah, I ask you by the essence of the Prophet, that you cure me is not allowed. However, it aint shirk.

    so what you mean to say is that asking thriugh the prophet now is shirk because he is dead?
    Invoking others other than Allah???

    Don't Click Me (Updated)
    Updated 24/7

    I am but a student. Please correct me if I am wrong. May Allah forgive my lapses.

    If you want to see the rainbow,
    you have to survive the storm.

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    Re: Invoking others other than Allah???

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Soldier View Post
    so what you mean to say is that asking thriugh the prophet now is shirk because he is dead?

    Asking through any entity is always shirk as ordained in the Quran where Allah says:"Say: He is Allah the One and Only;Allah is the Self-Sufficient (independent of all, while all are dependent on Him); He begets not, nor is He begotten; And there is none comparable to Him." [112:1-4] Making a supplication to Allah through some human or other entity, live or dead, present or absent, nullifies the declaration of Allah that He is "independent of all, while all are dependent on Him". Therefore, the story narrated by Mr Tirmizi must be rejected as a mere ant-Quranic gossip.

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