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View Poll Results: are you happy wearing hijaab?

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hijaab east and west

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    hijaab east and west (OP)

    salaam aleykum wr wb,my sisters in islam
    firts i thought i shoul not write about this topic then i thought why not because i have a efew friends and spoke to them about this subject a few who did not wear hijaab are now wearung through encouragement to wear it alhamdulilah :thankyou:

    Many muslim sisters weather they are from muslim housholds or not and are reverts.
    These days are finding it very hard to wear hijaab and islamic dress
    (eg,loose clothing and scarf)
    Sometimes through the lack of encouragement , lack of understanding and pride,and media and pop stars play a role also so friends who are not muslims(who can dress as they please)and even in some households where where islamic rules and not taught and are laspe and libreal often you find even in some religious familys don't advice thier daughters and sisters to wear hijaab and cover untill much older .
    Then the girl has great difficulty in ajusting to wearing the dress code they are sometimes forced to wear and without encouragement.
    Even some sisters whom are reverts or have been muslims all thier lives give excuses and answer " sister the hijaab is of the heart we don't have to wear hijaab " or we feel suffacated by it......
    but then some sister will explain to them that it is a command and law of Allah .s.w..t and a requirement for us also.
    We often get sway by western media and no muslim who say liberation!!!! liberation!!!
    You don't have to wear it -it's old fashioned, its an old law, laws are ment to be broken.
    Even you see muslim sisters these days wearing very tight clothing (to reveal thier figures)showing thier legs (this is also not allowed)but loose fitting garments.
    let me ask you a question?
    IF our prophet came and knocked on your door and you answered it,would you feel pride or embarrassed in front of him do you really think he would enter our households??? why we are dressed like that.
    my dear sisters in islam this is the dunya its only a tempory life for us our strive insha'allah is jannah hopefully insha'allah
    Do we as muslim sisters of this family of islam want to flaunt the laws of our beloved Allah s.w.t. and prophet s.w.s
    we need to remind each other with love and respect and encouragement especially those sisters whom are having a hard time with this humberley explaining to them that this is a request from our beloved Allah and also a law he gave us to forfil.
    And do we really want to disobey our beloved Allah.s.w.t we should forfil this small but important law with hope in doing so Allah is happy with us
    I pray and hope that Allah guides all my sisters in islam to stand firm and ignore the whispers of shataain to wear thier hijaab and islamic dress with pride for Allah.s.w.t and may Allah guide us to jannah ameen
    (i am happy wearing mine alhamdulilah)

  2. #41
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    Re: hijaab east and west

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    The modesty of an individual should be reflected in the way they conduct themselves and their external appearance. For example, someone who does not keep themselves clean is not reflecting the Islamic teachings of purity and cleanliness, even though this is only their outward appearance. People who say things like, "But faith (imaan) is in the heart!" display a misunderstanding of the Qur'anic and Prophetic teachings because we know that in Islam, imaan has three components - imaan of the heart, imaan of the tongue (speech) and imaan of our actions.
    I didn't say I wasn't modest; in past discussion to which you have been party, I have explicitly laid out my understanding, which includes covering the jayb and the saw'ât, which is what the Qur'ân tells us to do.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    As opposed to following the Qur'anic directive to veil yourself?
    Every time I opine on this verse, the thread is mysteriously closed.

    Still, I will repeat myself again: I disagree with your interpretation of the words. What is actually said in Sûratu n-Nûr, 30-31 A translation comparatively close to the Arabic says the following:
    Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and protect their private parts. That will make for greater purity for them. Verily, Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

    And tell the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not to display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof and to draw their khimars over their bosoms (juyûb and not display their beauty except to their husbands.
    So it says:
    • men and women should both cover their private parts
    • women should cover their jayb (pl. juyûb), or cleavage, with their khimar.
    In the modern world, it is understood that this verse orders believing women to wear a head-veil, which is what a khimar was in ancient times.

    But the khimar was worn by both women and by men in the time of the Prophet; it was an outer garment worn to protect the head from the hot sun. It was a practical and daily piece of clothing.

    This verse does not order the Believers to wear khimar; it orders us to cover our jayb with the commonly-worn piece of clothing of the day, a large piece of cloth to protect the head from the sun.

    This means that if we don't wear khimar, women can cover our jayb with something else.

    The issue here, for men and women alike, is modesty, and the words of the Qur'ân indicate that for women, the breasts are also to be covered in public, just like the genitals are.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    The point your missing is that the way one maintains their outward appearance is part of their behaviour. A filthy appearance is reflective of one's identity, especially with regard to the importance they place on cleanliness.
    I'm not missing this point, I'm criticising her making equivalent wearing the veil with being Muslima. That's not what the verse says and I and other non-veiling women am not defined by our headgear or lack thereof.
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  4. #42
    Ansar Al-'Adl's Avatar
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by NahidSarvy View Post
    I didn't say I wasn't modest
    Nor did I ever attribute such a statement to you. But here you are agreeing that one's dress does have importance and should be reflective of their moral character.
    in past discussion to which you have been party, I have explicitly laid out my understanding, which includes covering the jayb and the saw'ât, which is what the Qur'ân tells us to do.Every time I opine on this verse, the thread is mysteriously closed.
    I don't recall which discussion you're referring to or which threads you think were closed solely for your post. If you would like to make a comment or seek clarification on the moderation of a thread, please post in the comments and suggestiosn section of this forum.

    Still, let us examine your interpretation and see what the evidence is from the Qur'an and Sunnah for the scarf.

    Still, I will repeat myself again: I disagree with your interpretation of the words. What is actually said in Sûratu n-Nûr, 30-31 A translation comparatively close to the Arabic says the following:
    So it says:
    • men and women should both cover their private parts
    • women should cover their jayb (pl. juyûb), or cleavage, with their khimar.

    In the modern world, it is understood that this verse orders believing women to wear a head-veil, which is what a khimar was in ancient times.

    But the khimar was worn by both women and by men in the time of the Prophet; it was an outer garment worn to protect the head from the hot sun. It was a practical and daily piece of clothing.

    This verse does not order the Believers to wear khimar; it orders us to cover our jayb with the commonly-worn piece of clothing of the day, a large piece of cloth to protect the head from the sun.

    This means that if we don't wear khimar, women can cover our jayb with something else.
    Is the hijab obligatory in Islam? Let us see.

    First, let me quote Keller who specifically refutes the view of those who claim that the structure of the verse does not mandate the Khimar:
    The Qur’anic verse, “Say to believing women, that they cast down their eyes and guard their private parts, and reveal not their adornment save such as is outward; and let them drape their headcoverings over their bosoms, and not reveal their adornment . . .” (Qur’an 24:31) is a specific requirement for Muslim women to cover their hair.

    The word “headcoverings” (Ar. singular khimar, plural khumur), more familiar in our times as the hijab, is a word of well-known signification among scholars of Arabic, at their forefront the authors of the classical lexical reference dictionaries like Zabidi’s encyclopedic Taj al-‘arus or Mutarrizi’s al-Mughrib, both of which define khimar as “a woman’s headcovering”; or Fayumi’s al-Misbah or Fayruzabadi’s al-Qamus, which both define it as “a cloth with which a woman covers her head.” The Taj al-‘arus also notes that a man's turban is sometimes referred to as a khimar “because a man covers his head with it in like manner as a woman covers her head with her khimar when he disposes it in the Arab manner, turning part of it under the jaws nearly in the same manner in which a woman disposes her khimar.” These authorities are cited in the eight-volume Arabic-English Lexicon of Edward William Lane, who describes the khimar as “a woman’s muffler or veil with which she covers her head and the lower part of her face.”

    There is no other lexical sense in which the word khimar may be construed. The wording of the command, however, “and let them drape their headcoverings over their bosoms,” sometimes confuses nonspecialists in the sciences of the Qur’an, and in truth, interpreting the Qur’an does sometimes require in-depth knowledge of the historical circumstances in which the various verses were revealed. In this instance, the elliptical form of the divine command is because women at the time of the revelation wore their headcovers tied back behind their necks, as some village women still do in Muslim countries, leaving the front of the neck bare, as well as the opening (Ar. singular jayb, plural juyub, translated as “bosoms” in the above verse) at the top of the dress. The Islamic revelation confirmed the practice of covering the head, understood from the use of the word khimar in the verse, but also explained that the custom of the time was not sufficient and that women were henceforth to tie the headcover in front and let it drape down to conceal the throat and the dress’s opening at the top.

    This is why Muslim women cover their heads: because the Qur’an unambiguously orders them to, and there is no qualifying text or hadith or even other lexical possibility to show that the Qur’anic order might mean anything besides obligation. Rather, the hadiths all bear this meaning out, Muslim scholars are in unanimous agreement about it and have been from the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) down to our own day, and it is even known by all non-Muslim peoples about them.

    There was thus nothing new or surprising in the Islamic legal opinion promulgated in December 2003 by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh ‘Ali Jumu‘a of the Egyptian Fatwa Authority (Dar al-Ifta’ al-Misriyya) that “the hijab is an obligation on all Muslim female adults, as firmly established in the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad’s hadiths, as well as unanimously agreed upon by Muslim scholars.” He pointed out that unlike the cross sometimes worn by Christians, or the skullcap worn by Jews, the hijab is not a “symbol” of Islam but rather that “Islam orders female adults to wear hijab as obligatory religious clothing.” It is part of every Muslim woman’s religious practice.

    Some ink and words have been spent by some contemporary ethnic Muslim women writers (and an occasional convert) trying to do away with the covering of hair mandated by the Qur’an and the unanimous consensus of Muslims. They say—accurately enough, for a Muslim does not leave Islam merely by committing a sin—that one can take off the hijab and still remain a Muslim. But such a person remains a bad Muslim, who deems aping non-Muslims better than practicing Islam. For what? The Supreme Being knows our benefit better than we do; and if one believes in Allah, Master of every atom in the universe, it is only plain sense to follow Him. When all else fails, read the directions. Those who refuse to wear the hijab are acting out of ignorance or bad faith, and when one meets them, one seldom finds they manage to practice the other aspects of their religion. In the end, it is a matter of hearts. The heart that is alive has a sense of eternity, and knows that the infinite is greater than the finite. The heart that is dead follows the trends of the trend makers because it has turned its back on the Divine and forgotten endless time.
    (SunniPath Q4813)
    Your claim the khimar is not mandatory does not make sense in light of the verse. The verse says draw the khimar of the jayb, which, as explained above, forms the proper headcovering. If you don't have a khimar or headcovering, then you are not fulfilling the verse. The verse does not say to simply cover the bosom, it says to draw the khimar over the juyub.

    Your claim is that the verse does not mandate the head-covering. In order to find out the true meaning of the verse we need to see how it was implemented by the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and how it was understood by his companions, the original recipients of the message. Their understanding of the message was the correct understanding.

    First we have the explicit directive from the Prophet Muhammad pbuh, narrated in Sunan Abi Dawûd, where he said O Asma’! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands.. If the Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated this, should I not accept the Prophet's ruling? The Qur'an says:

    4:65 But no, by your Lord (O Muhammad), they have no Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction.

    Moreover, we find explicit statements from the companions which confirm their understanding of the verse. Abdullah ibn Abbas, Anas ibn Malik, Abdullah ibn Umar, Miswar ibn Makhrama, all explained the meaning of the verse as mandating the covering of the entire body, 'except that which is apparent', meaning the face and the hands. In fact, Aisha ibn Abi Bakr, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that when the Muslim women recieved this verse they covered themselves, appearing like crows were perched on their heads because of the head covering. Aisha also explained that the covering women were mandated was "nothing short of what covers both the hair and skin."

    And the truth of this matter is that not a single Muslim scholar, since the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh, has differed from the view that covering the hair is mandatory for women. How can one suggest that the unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars for over a millenia is wrong, and the personal opinion of a few modern secularists (who have no formal education in Islamic sciences) is correct?

    The issue here, for men and women alike, is modesty
    No disagreement there,
    I'm not missing this point, I'm criticising her making equivalent wearing the veil with being Muslima.
    The veil is an integral part of being a Muslima.

    hijaab east and west

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    Re: hijaab east and west

    Yes!Al-Hamdudillah im happy wearing Hijab

    i feel very Happy MashAllah

    I walk down the street and people look at me,rolleyes,etc

    but i dont care!i look sooo different!

    Im me!Im unique!Theres no one quite like me...

    I used to hate Hijab i used to hate it with ALL my heart
    (but back then i was having problems)i woke up one day,grabbed that niqaab looked in the mirror and said,''Allah wants you to do this!do it for Allah!''
    so i said,''mmmkay!LOL and then i embraced Burka 2 months after loving Niqaab my mom inspired me to do it!
    hijaab east and west

    ~!My hijab is my crown!~

    ~For My past will for ever be a part of my present and my future!~

    I know i look diffrent--im going through something.Make dua for me
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    wow subhanallah sis thats quite a story! Alhamdulilah and well done!
    hijaab east and west

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    Re: hijaab east and west

    I don't get no hassle for wearing my hijab. Many of my friends are non Muslim and their not particulary bothered either.
    Apart form this onr time when i was walking down the street and a lady told me to "go back to your country you ******* ****" That wasn't too polite of her!
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  9. #46
    Umu 'Isa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sarah999 View Post
    I don't get no hassle for wearing my hijab. Many of my friends are non Muslim and their not particulary bothered either.
    Apart form this onr time when i was walking down the street and a lady told me to "go back to your country you ******* ****" That wasn't too polite of her!
    awww subhan Allah! unfortunately, that isnt uncommon..
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  10. #47
    NahidSarvy's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    Nor did I ever attribute such a statement to you. But here you are agreeing that one's dress does have importance and should be reflective of their moral character.
    It can. I think that the Qur'ânic verse recommends that it is best for us to cover our sexual organs. And it also tells women to cover their breasts - though I also think that, for example, Western obsessions with criminalising women breastfeeding in public would not be covered because a breast must be seen.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    And the truth of this matter is that not a single Muslim scholar, since the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh, has differed from the view that covering the hair is mandatory for women. How can one suggest that the unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars for over a millenia is wrong, and the personal opinion of a few modern secularists (who have no formal education in Islamic sciences) is correct?
    Aren't you generalising here? Just because I cited El Guindi, an Egyptian woman, doesn't mean that this is the "personal opinion of a few modern secularists". I could argue that your reliance on modern conservatives is no different. Every age has variance in opinion.

    Just because something was accepted doesn't mean it is right. Numbers do not equal veracity. So much of what is written about Islam in the past defines women as chattel - owned, circumscribed in activity and potential, and assumed to be in the home.

    Just because a lot of women support veiling doesn't mean it is the definition of being a female Muslim. I don't buy the Islamiyyin arguments of what it means to be a Muslima.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    The veil is an integral part of being a Muslima.
    I am a Muslima and I simply don't agree.
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  11. #48
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post

    This is why Muslim women cover their heads: because the Qur’an unambiguously orders them to, and there is no qualifying text or hadith or even other lexical possibility to show that the Qur’anic order might mean anything besides obligation. Rather, the hadiths all bear this meaning out, Muslim scholars are in unanimous agreement about it and have been from the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) down to our own day, and it is even known by all non-Muslim peoples about them.

    And the truth of this matter is that not a single Muslim scholar, since the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh, has differed from the view that covering the hair is mandatory for women. How can one suggest that the unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars for over a millenia is wrong, and the personal opinion of a few modern secularists (who have no formal education in Islamic sciences) is correct?

    The veil is an integral part of being a Muslima.

    Actually, some notable early Muslim women did appear in public without covering their hair, and the interpretation of modesty varied according to whether one was slave or free, and whether one lived in the city or the country. The 'ijma that you speak of is rather limited to a specific time and place, and when you consider a complete 'ijma, that is, all scholars in all times and places, the supposed 'ijma falls apart. Scholars did not agree that covering all but the hands and face was needed for women, although all the scholars I know of agreed that covering from the chest to the knees was the minimum requirement of modesty. I am a Muslim woman, and I consider it rather demeaning to have a piece of cloth be considered an integral part of my relationship with Allah. Yes, I wear it, every day, upon leaving the house. But the most important parts of my faith include things such as the way I treat others, especially my parents. I consider it integral to my faith to give as much of myself to the world. Concerns over hair and cloth are concerns about things that are in fact dead, and my faith is a living thing.
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    Re: hijaab east and west


    Happy Hijabi...

    Aint dat difficult Just put one on init!! wah ya waitin 4?
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    As far as i know Jamal Badawi believes hijab is not qapplicable to this time, controversial opinion
    hijaab east and west

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  15. #51
    "..MariAm.."'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    [BANANA]i luv to wear jilbaab!!i m proud to wear jilbaab[/BANANA]
    yeah ......i disagree at ur point sheerheart1
    [PIE]just because one finds it difficult to wear or does not wear does not mean her imaan is not there hijaab is beautiful alhamdulilah i know a few muslim sisters who only wear hijaab when praying does not mean they don't love deen can but with gentle encouragement from other sisters her imaan will get stronger insha'allah and in time she will wear hijaab especially if she is around other sisters who wear it Allah knows best in what you think and do and knows the secrets of the heart
    um no sumay28 iz rite! a woman who doesnt like to wear or assumes it to be difficult to wear ...yes her imaan is not strong ... a momin woman is the one who abide by every law prescribed by ALLAH (SAW) .....
    i also like to say ...... that it is compulsory for every women to wear hijab+jilbab !! NOW sum people have a view that hijab is obligatory and jilbab is not obligatory .... now wats that? i mean how can it makes sense thay covering ur body is obligatory and it will be rele gud if u cover ur face .... ..... in quran :
    O’ Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils over their bodies. That is most convenient that they should be recognised and not be molested"
    (Sura Al-Ahzab 33:59)
    now face is also a part of ur body ......and women are obligated to hide their faces from strangers means every muslim woman is obligated to cover herself from strangers and every other person except her blood relatives...which r: ur father, brother, husband,grandfather, maternal grandfather, mother's brotherz, father's brotherz..........only these ppl are ur blood relatives .....
    so u see that hijab+jilbab is obligatory for every muslim women.
    and i m proud to say that started wearing hijab+jilbab from the age of 14
    Jazakumullah khairun
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    Personally, I don't like to assess other people's levels of faith, because doing so properly would require information that I don't have access to. If I were to presume someone else's level of faith, I'd do so on more reliable indicators of character, such as patience, kindness, generosity, etc.
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  17. #53
    Ansar Al-'Adl's Avatar
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by NahidSarvy View Post
    It can.
    Good. So you agree that sometimes what you belittle as a 'piece of cloth' can be an integral part of one's identity. After all, someone arrested for public nudity could have prevented that with just a 'piece of cloth'.

    I think that the Qur'ânic verse recommends that it is best for us to cover our sexual organs.
    I've already answered this and I have shown you how the Prophet Muhammad pbuh himself explained the verse and how the companions understood it. If you want to think the Prophet misinterpreted the Qur'an and you interpreted it correctly, that's your choice, but there are serious consequences.
    Aren't you generalising here? Just because I cited El Guindi, an Egyptian woman, doesn't mean that this is the "personal opinion of a few modern secularists"
    I didn't notice any names in your post actually, but if you can show me how this isn't the opinion of a few modern secularists, I'm all ears.
    I could argue that your reliance on modern conservatives is no different.
    Never did I construct my position on the views of 'modern conservatives'. We are to follow Islam not according to this secularist or that conservative but according to how it was revealed in the Qur'an, explained and implemented by the Prophet and how it was understood by the early Muslims, the direct recipients of the message. The conclusion that the headcover is obligatory is not the view of some 'modern conservatives' but the unanimous consensus of the Muslim scholars for over a millenia, since the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh himself.

    Just because something was accepted doesn't mean it is right. Numbers do not equal veracity.
    In this case, one can only be skeptical if someone claims that the unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars since the time of the Prophet was misguided, whereas some secularists 1400 years later who have no formal education in Islamic sciences suddenly have been inspired with the 'correct' meaning of the verse. What you're telling me is that the Prophet failed to convey the message properly since everyone who came after him for the next 13 centuries misunderstood it.

    So much of what is written about Islam in the past defines women as chattel - owned, circumscribed in activity and potential, and assumed to be in the home.
    This is a myth propagated amongst laymen in the west who have not studied Islamic sciences. I have refuted many such claims in the following thread:

    hijaab east and west

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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  18. #54
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA View Post
    Actually, some notable early Muslim women did appear in public without covering their hair
    Feel free to provide evidence.
    The 'ijma that you speak of is rather limited to a specific time and place
    The 'ijma I am speaking of is absolute; it is what Muslim scholars have agreed upon for centuries.
    Scholars did not agree that covering all but the hands and face was needed for women
    Who are these 'scholars'?
    I am a Muslim woman, and I consider it rather demeaning to have a piece of cloth be considered an integral part of my relationship with Allah.
    It is God who decides what constitutes part of your relationship and what doesn't. For a human being to dictate otherwise is sheer arrogance. You seem to conveniently forget that it is only 'pieces of cloth' which distinguish the nude from those dressed appropriately; it is only 'pieces of cloth' which archaeologists and evolutionists consider evidence of civilization and intellectual advancement amongst ancient populations. Our outward behaviour is reflective of our moral character.

    Yes, I wear it, every day, upon leaving the house. But the most important parts of my faith include things such as the way I treat others, especially my parents.
    What if someone did the same thing but wanted to appear nude in public? Is that acceptable? Why not? It's just a piece of cloth!
    I consider it integral to my faith to give as much of myself to the world. Concerns over hair and cloth are concerns about things that are in fact dead, and my faith is a living thing.
    No, our body is a living trust from God to us and we are to take good care of it. Some people do not have much value for cleanliness and keep themselves filthy. Is that a good thing? Why not? It's just skin, hair and cloth!

    hijaab east and west

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    Alhamdulilah, I am very much proud of wearing my hijaab, I feel very secure, protected, and modest. , I want people to think that I am a good muslim when I walk in public, Not a hindu, or mexican, ffended: in case if don't wear hijab. I am a very proud muslimah, Alhamdulilah:sister: I am never impressed with the American immoral dresses, I am only impressed with my modest dressing.......Alhamdulilah

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    Re: hijaab east and west

    Sukayna bint Hasan, among others, were women noted among men and women for not covering their hair in public. Sukayna was known for her unusual hairstyle. Barlas provides my favorite alternate opinion on the concept of hijab, but Ali and Wadud have excellent work as well, which would break the "absolute 'ijma" that you claim. The Qur'an speaks of actions and words more often and more vigorously than it does on dress, implying a far greater importance. If hijab is so integral to faith, can Islam nullified by a strong wind, or a ride on a roller coaster? Our outward dress is affected by far more than faith, and is ultimately of low importance. If someone wished to appear nude in public, or not bathe, that would create public health concerns, but not neccessarily moral concerns. I am grateful to God for my body, and try to care well for it, but if/when the choice comes between prayer and properly applying toner, I pick prayer.
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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by NJUSA View Post
    Sukayna bint Hasan, among others, were women noted among men and women for not covering their hair in public.
    According to which source? From which time period? Please be specific.
    but Ali and Wadud have excellent work as well
    Ali - ?
    Amina Wadud? No Thanks!

    Feel free to post your evidence, and we'll discuss it inshaa'Allah.
    The Qur'an speaks of actions and words more often and more vigorously than it does on dress, implying a far greater importance.
    The way one dress is part of their behaviour and conduct.
    If hijab is so integral to faith, can Islam nullified by a strong wind, or a ride on a roller coaster?
    If nudity is considered offensive, can modesty be nullified by a strong wind, or a ride on a roller coaster?

    Someone is not blameworthy for something over which they had no control, if that is indeed the case. And Islam is not nullified by a sin, anyway.
    Our outward dress is affected by far more than faith, and is ultimately of low importance. If someone wished to appear nude in public, or not bathe, that would create public health concerns, but not neccessarily moral concerns.
    Nudity in public is not a moral concern?!! Which society is this??

    I am grateful to God for my body, and try to care well for it, but if/when the choice comes between prayer and properly applying toner, I pick prayer.
    We don't pick and choose between God's commands, we fulfill all of them,

    hijaab east and west

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    What if someone did the same thing but wanted to appear nude in public? Is that acceptable? Why not? It's just a piece of cloth!
    Whenever I keep trying to tell about this to free-haired colleagues I always end up with the faith-in-the-inner side kind of thing. They think only faith matters and action don't. Very frustrating indeed!
    hijaab east and west


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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Knight View Post
    Whenever I keep trying to tell about this to free-haired colleagues I always end up with the faith-in-the-inner side kind of thing. They think only faith matters and action don't. Very frustrating indeed!

    If she is close to ALLAH and claims that she has good faith then she should not reject hijaab. She is feeling guilty, thats why she arguing. Basically she is trying to justify her actions and trying to find somebody to agree with her.
    Whether somebody agrees or not, she knows in her heart ALLAH will never agree with her argument. If she has no faith she can do anything she want to. If she has faith she should listen what ALLAH has Ordered.

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    Re: hijaab east and west

    format_quote Originally Posted by NahidSarvy View Post
    .I am a Muslima and I simply don't agree.

    thats not your choice

    It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.
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