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is dancing at home haram?

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    is dancing at home haram? (OP)


    i have a question for which i have no answer.

    i like dancing oriental music much and i like watching those who dance on the tv. i dont let anyone sees me except some of my intimate sisters. i love dancing but not regularly bc this helps me to have a good shape. but sometimes when i dance, though no one sees me, feel ashamed of myself and sometimes i stop dancing. im not sure if this haram or no. by the way, i dancing does not make me neglect my prayers nor reading quran. i dance in my leisure time.

    Pls reply me.

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

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    This will clear many, if not all misconceptions inshallah, By the way, Emperor of what? or who?

    Music is one of the purest and most beautiful creation of God Almighty who set the tone and rhythm of every sound in the universe. Music or singing like all the creations of God, that now constitute an important part of our daily life, can be lawfully used or maliciously abused. Both music and singing are created pure, and beautiful like our fresh air and fresh water and they can be corrupted or polluted by evil-doers of every nationality, color or gender. The corruption of some music shows or songs does not make all the music or songs haram (prohibited) just like the pollution of some water or fresh air by some people will not deem all the water and air haram (prohibited).

    The sincere Muslim who is following the Quran will not find in the Quran ANY PROHIBITION whatsoever OF MUSIC OR SINGING. God is very specific and His commands are very clear regarding any prohibition given in the Quran. God, the Most Merciful, NEVER prohibited music or singing in the Quran. Any prohibition of music or singing that is talked about among some Muslims has no basis in the Quran. These prohibitions are innovations made up by some of the scholars and their followers who do not shy from refusing to follow the clear commands in the Quran and instead follow man made laws and books of Hadith and Sunna that contradict the Quran, contradict simple common sense and insult the message of the prophet Muhammad. These books of Hadith and sunna were written over 200 years after the death of prophet Muhammad (See Hadith and the corruption of this great religion). The prophet Muhammad himself followed and preached ONLY the Quran. These scholars and their followers, who failed to accept God's law in the Quran, looked for different kind of laws in the interpretation of Imams (leaders), Sahaba (companions) and Tabi'in (followers). They invented their own law and claimed that "Music and singing are haram." Those who are confused or ignorant with their Quran choose to follow the interpretation of these human idols and their laws and disregard the clear laws of God in the Quran. After all we should always remember that Quran is the book that God calls COMPLETE, PERFECT and FULLY DETAILED,

    In the following paragraphs, we will see what the Quran says about this issue. I will expose the false teachings of those who refused the law of God in the Quran and made their own law to prohibit Music and singing. Understanding this issue is understanding Islam (submission) and what Islam stands for. There are certain basic understanding that you should know when talking about any laws in Islam (Submission). I will talk briefly about these basics first, God willing;

    (1) Quran is a COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED BOOK, (as far as this religion is concerned): See 6:19.,38 and 114; 7:52; 17:12; 11:1; 41:3; 12:111, and 16:89. Those who refuse this notion by God Almighty should not go any further. They will not see or understand anything as God promised in His book.

    (2) The Prophet Muhammad, lived by, ruled by, preached and followed the Quran alone. See 5:48-50

    (3) God is the ONLY source of law, 6:114. No one, including the prophet Muhammad, can prohibit what God did not, 66:1. When the Prophet Muhammad once did, God admonished him in public to remind the believers that ONLY GOD can prohibit. See 66:1 and 33:37.
    Many of those diseased at heart quote verse 59:7 as a proof that the prophet Muhammad permitted and prohibited on his own. They are hoping to confuse those who are not familiar with the Quran, as this verse is talking about the spoils of war and has nothing to do with any laws or any prohibitions.

    (4) In addition to reminding us repeatedly that the Quran is DETAILED, God told us that He detailed for us what has been prohibited for us, see for example 6:119. God did not need assistance from any Imams, Sahaba or Tabi'in. God did not expect or wanted the prophet Muhammad to make his own laws. The Prophet Muhammad did not bring any laws other than the Quran, but the fabricators of the books of Hadiths and Sunna did.

    (5) God does not forget, 19:64. He did not forget to prohibit Music or singing and waited for someone else to do it. The prohibition of Music and singing cannot be found in the Quran because God did not prohibit them.

    (6) Those who believe God in His book believe that Quran is a COMPLETE BOOK as far as Islam is concerned and it is as well regarding all the prohibition. The list of prohibitions in the Quran does not include Music or singing. When needed, prohibitions are given clear and straight forward so as to leave no doubt in the minds of the believers, See 39:28.

    (7) Some people do not want to believe God in the Quran, when He tells them that He has no shortage of words. God could have used both words, music AND/OR singing or words referring directly and clearly to them, if He so chose, See 31:27 and 18:109. The TRUE BELIEVERS know that the absence of these words from the Quran is because God never prohibited them and not because God does not use them, forget them, know them or know how.

    (8) The Quran teaches us that God is extremely displeased with those who prohibit anything that was not specifically prohibited in the Quran, see 16:112-116.

    (9) The upholding of any prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the Quran (e.g., prohibiting Music and singing) is tantamount to idolatry (6:142-152). Such prohibitions represent some other god) besides God.

    (10) God condemned innovated prohibitions in 7:32

    "Say, "Who prohibited the nice things God has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say," such provisions are to be enjoyed in THIS life by those who BELIEVE. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know." 7:32 (QURAN)

    (11) God condemned any other Hadith than the Quran for religious laws, and called His book, the Quran, the BEST Hadith. God called on the believers to follow only His Hadith, the Quran, and so did the prophet Muhammad. See 7:185, 10:36, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, 52:34, 68:44, 77:50, 39:29..., etc.

    Now and before responding to those who claim that Music and singing are haram in Islam (Submission), let us ponder for few seconds at our universe and the way God created this world.

    While we might remember that Galileo once said, "Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe.", it may be fair enough to say that Music has been the voice of that universe.

    Any keen observer of the universe will realize that the whole universe was created with music in every corner of it. Our talking, crying, laughing, singing, yelling or screaming are nothing but music. Our heart beats, bowel sounds, breath sounds, the sound of our blood flow or even our brain waves are but music. The birds, the animals, the trees, the oceans, the wind and the clouds are all created with their own music. Music is in every corner of our universe. With music in every thing around us, it is naive to think that the One God who created all this music prohibited it. Those who claim that Music and singing are haram, lie about God and prohibit what God never did.

    The human being was created and given one of the most valuable gifts, a voice box, which is in reality a music box. This voice box, or the larynx is one important instrument that allows us to communicate with each other and with other creatures around us. Our arrival and departure to and from this world are celebrated with that special music, the cry of the newborn or the cry for the departing one. The arrival of the newborn to this life is announced by his/her scream, the best music to the mother's ear. For the earlier months of the human being's life, the only way of communication is through the music that his/her voice box makes until he/she learns the more sophisticated music that is called the speech-language. It is not surprising to find out that listening to a foreign language is like listening to music with different tones. Those who prohibit music do not understand their Islam (Submission), or the basic gifts in life that God gave them.

    A quick look at the life around those who condemn music and prohibit what God did not, will only expose their hypocrisy. Life around these people is full of music, a music they do not understand or appreciate, the music that God put in their life to prove to us how wrong they are.

    Examples of such music around them are, the door bell, the car horn, the alarm clock, the telephone, fire alarm, the whistle of a tea pot , the computer, the radio, TV, the kids toys, the exotic birds, the lawn mower..., etc. All these are but few of the music producing instruments in our life. Those who missed the true Islam, missed what life actually means, they prohibit what God did not in His complete book, the Quran.

    Now let us look at what these people use to claim that Music and singing are haram. I will specifically quote from the posting in AOL Islam BB. library with the title "Music and Singing" , posted on 9/2/96.

    (1) First, it is interesting to see the inverted logic of these people. After finding no proof in the Quran to prohibit music, by their own admission, they resort to the weaker sources one after the other to try to prove what they could not find in the Quran. Those who refuse to accept the Quran as a complete book for this religion, are led by Satan into inventing all kinds of laws from sources outside the Quran.

    (2) In every verse they used in an attempt to prove that music is haram, they ended by concluding that the verse does not really prohibit Music. Despite that, they never got the message that God DID NOT PROHIBIT MUSIC OR SINGING. They also failed to understand that prohibition laws ONLY COME from God. When the prophet Muhammad gave any prohibitions it was FROM THE QURAN ONLY, and was not from his own. When the prophet Muhammad once tried to prohibit on his own, God admonished him publicly, see 66:1. Here are the verses that they claim to prohibit music and singing with few comments from me;

    a) Allah addresses the disbelievers of the Quraish as follows, "Do you marvel at this statement, and laugh and do not weep, while you amuse yourselves (proudly) in vanities? Rather, prostrate before Allah and worship Him." (53:59-62)

    Because of the expression "amuse yourselves" these Muslims twisted the words and the logic to make a conclusion that music and singing is what is meant here. They are missing the point and the meaning that is clear to any sincere believer. The word is general and indicates that any kind of amusement that keeps you from paying your duties to God is leading you to commit a sin. It does not make it haram or prohibited. If you amuse yourself by watching Baseball while forgetting to do your Salat-prayers on time then you are committing a sin but this does not make Baseball haram. If you amuse yourself by playing games with your children while forgetting to pray on time you are committing a sin but playing with your children will not be haram. If you listen to music or singing and forget to do your prayers then you commit a sin but music does not become haram. Remember that music is like air and water, it is not haram per se, but the way it is used in certain circumstances will control its status then. I will elaborate on this later, God willing. While God did not prohibit music in this or any other verse, these group of Muslims find in human beings like sahaba, tabi'in, and later scholars of tafseer, idols, to prohibit for them what God did not. Al-Qurtubi, At-Tabari , Ibn Abbas, Al-Hasan, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhak, Ibn Jareer ..., etc. are more important to these people than God.

    b) Allah SWT addresses Satan thus; "And excite any of them whom you can with your voice. Assault them with your cavalry and infantry, be a partner with them in their wealth and children, and make them promises. But Satan promises nothing but deceit" (17:64)

    Using this verse as a proof of prohibition of music and singing shows only how naive and misguided are those who are running after other gods than the One God who gave them a complete book, the Quran. No intelligent human being can accept the voice here as pointing to music and singing. If those confused at heart want to use the voice here to prohibit anything, then may be they should prohibit talking and all these people should not talk because Satan does.

    It is clear from this verse that there is no prohibition here. God does prohibit things by saying it without any confusion and without leaving a place for guess. They quote here Ibn Abbas, as saying "the voice mentioned in the verse refers to any form of invitation which calls to disobedience to Allah." If this form of invitation is "talking nicely" to someone to make him/her disobey Allah, this does not make "talking nicely" haram. If the invitation here is accompanied by music or singing, this does not make the music or singing haram but rather it is the invitation to disobey God in any form that is haram. They do not like what God says in the Quran, but find nothing wrong in listening to Ibn Abbas even if they do not know who is Ibn Abbas is.

    c) The third verse, and the one most often referred to as evidence of the prohibition of music and singing (according to them) is found is Sura Luqmaan.

    "And there are among men those who purchase idle talk in order to mislead others from Allah's path without knowledge, and those who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment." (31:6)

    Again, like the previous verse, using the expression "idle-talk" (lahwal hadiths) to condemn music and singing is clearly corrupt. It only exposes the confused minds and hearts of those who do not understand that God does not run out of words and that God controls all the languages and will not leave guess work for us to prohibit what He did not.

    Idle-talk can be any form of talk and not necessarily singing and music. There is usually more idle-talk that is calling on the people to disobey God in other forms than singing and music. These should be considered first. Hadiths and Sunna books are full of fabrications and lies that should be considered as idle-talk as they contradict the Quran and the true message of our beloved prophet Muhammad.

    NOW THAT QURAN DOES NOT PROHIBIT MUSIC OR SINGING, these people looked for other idols to do this for them. They refused the law of the book that God called the Best Hadith (Quran). They refused to obey God in the Quran when He told them to follow no other hadith BUT the Quran for religious law.

    A look at what they claimed as hadith of the prophet will show their misguidance and confusion. Here is an example of what these people quote and claimed it to the prophet which is a clear lie. The prophet cannot deviate from the Quran.

    * "The Prophet SAWS said, "There will be (at some future time) people from my
    ummah (community of Muslims) who will seek to make lawful: fornication, the
    wearing of silk by men), wine-drinking, and the use of musical
    instruments(ma'azif). Some people will stay at the side of a mountain and
    when their shepherd comes in the evening to ask them for his needs, they will
    say, 'return to us tomorrow.' Then Allah will destroy them during the night
    by causing the mountain to fall on them, while he changes others into apes and
    swine. They will remain in such a state until the Day of
    Resurrection.(related by Imam Al-Bukhari in Fat-hul Baari, graded sahih)

    FIRST, God teaches us in the Quran that the Prophet Muhammad did not know the future. This will immediately expose the falsehood of this hadith and similar ones and expose the hypocrisy of those who claim to be Muslims but refuse to believe God in the Quran. God told them Muhammad did not know the future.

    "Say (O Muhammad), "I have no power to benefit myself, or harm myself. Only what God wills happen to me. If I KNEW THE FUTURE, I would have increased my wealth, and no harm would have afflicted me. I am no more than a warner, and a bearer of good news for those who believe." 7:188

    "Say (O Muhammad), "I am not different from other messengers, I have NO IDEA what will happen to ME OR TO YOU. I ONLY follow what is revealed to me. I am NO MORE than a profound warner." 46:9

    SECOND, For the past 1400 years there have been millions who listened to music and songs without mountains falling on top of them or turning into apes and pigs. I guess we should rather be afraid that all these millions of people turning to their computers now will turn into pigs and monkeys because their computers have all kinds of music built in them. This only shows the non-sense seen rampant in these so called Hadith and Sunna books.

    As I said before, God created the music in our universe like the air and water and many other provisions. We cannot prohibit the water because someone washes his dirty clothes in it and we cannot prohibit the air because someone smokes around us. Music is as pure as fresh water and fresh air. It is up to us to use it or abuse it. Music is one of the great provisions from God that we should be grateful for. We should use it and enjoy it like we enjoy all the other provisions. If you indulge in eating your favorite food or drinking your favorite juice to the point you do not have time to do all your other duties towards God, then you committing a sin. Your food and drinks would not become haram (prohibited). If you indulge in any kind of music or singing that occupy you to the point that you do not remember God or your duties towards Him, then you are committing a sin but the music itself would not become haram (prohibited). If someone sings a song encouraging corruption or misbehavior then listening to that song intentionally may be a sin but this does not make all singing haram (prohibited.) It is true that many of the song lyrics we hear these days are disturbing but this does not make music or singing haram, it makes these specific songs undesirable and should be avoided. We need to warn our children and loved ones of these bad songs and bad lyrics but we should not prohibit what God never did, prohibit music or singing. We will not stop our children from reading books, newspapers, or magazines because some one produced a pornographic book, newspaper or magazine, we will tell them and warn them about these bad books or magazines. We will never stop our children from watching TV or videos because some people produce bad movies, programs or videos. If they do, they will miss all these great programs , movies or videos that teach them to appreciate God and His creation. We will instead teach them to choose the right programs.

    Those who really appreciate music and the beautiful voices that God created, are more appreciative of God's creations and closer to God than those who prohibit what God did not and see evil in every beautiful creation of God.

    "Say, "Who prohibited the nice things God has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say," such provisions are to be enjoyed in THIS life by those who BELIEVE. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know." 7:32 (QURAN)

    MUSIC AND SINGING WERE NEVER PROHIBITED BY GOD. They are part of the most beautiful creations of God. As long as they do not call on the people or encourage them to commit sins, they are for the TRUE BELIEVERS TO ENJOY while remembering God with every beautiful note or rhythm. Those who prohibit what God never did in the Quran will be surprised on the Last Day when the messenger of God will complain to God from them, See 25:30.

    Is it time yet to wake up and follow the QURAN, instead of following the man-made laws?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
    The Quran is the full word of God. The Book tells us it alone is our guide and is not incomplete or lacking in any way. Where does the Quran tell us we cannot listen to music or dance? To say we must look to texts authored by men is to say that God gave us insufficient guidance in the Quran which is His word.

    If you really want to discuss the issue on the sunnah/hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him.) Then you can start a thread in the refutations section insha'Allaah.

    Right now you can check this link insha'Allaah:

    Theres no point in arguing about the validity of hadith in a thread like this, and i'm sure alot of the members would be happy to discuss this further in another thread if you wish to create one.

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    what s a long thread, Iqram. well, what u mentioned is convincing that music and singing is not haram but the misuse of them which is haram. but i dont agree with u that hadith is man made, not all hadith. thats why there are sound and weak hadith. there are things which are not mentioned in the Quran are mentioned in sunnah, like the act of takin hair from eyebrows is haram but not mentioned in quran, this doesnt mean this act halal. God say that we have to follow what Mohammed order us to do and avoid doing what Mohammed (PBUH) order us not to do.
    yes, i think u r right "idle talk" is not always singing, just talkin about people badly is an idle talk, writing a poem describing a woman erotically is an idle talk.

    personally, i cant stop listening to music, it doesnt lessen my iman or anything but i have to be careful to choose good music, and choose the songs that praise God and Mohammed (PBUH) and talk about morals. i adore brother Sami yusuf songs though its full of music. at the end, Allahu a3lam, only God knows where is the truth, some scholars say music haram; others say no. who are able to live without music, i encourage them to do so. differnce in opinion b/n scholars is source of mercy and give us more options.
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Battle_4_Peace's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    The Quran is the full word of God. The Book tells us it alone is our guide and is not incomplete or lacking in any way. Where does the Quran tell us we cannot listen to music or dance? To say we must look to texts authored by men is to say that God gave us insufficient guidance in the Quran which is His word.
    Shariah is Qur'an, Hadith, opinions of the first three generation scholars and then your own opinion. Islam is not only Qur'an. If you don't accept the words of Prophet Mohammad, when he forbade music, you are disobeying Allah and His messenger. I can give you a very good link, but i cannot post it, until i have posted 50 posts. OK, let us agree with you, there is no Qur'an verse which forbids music. The Prophet Mohammad did forbid it. Allah says in several places in the Qur'an to obey Prophet Mohammad.

    Koran 4:59. O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is best, and most suitable for final determination.
    80. He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah. But if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil deeds).

    So if you don't obey the Prophet, you did not obey Allah, because Mohammad, Allah's peace and lessings be upon him, is not speaking from his own disires. Omar ibn Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, was walking on the street and he made a strange movement. People asked him, 'Why did you do that?' He said, 'I have seen the Prophet doing this in this place, so i did the same'. Subhan Allah! Look at how strict they were obeying the Prophet. Nobody is asking you to go to this extremes, but you have to obey the Prophet in this command, because this is serius. The Prophet said in Saheeh Bukharie that people will be turned into monkeys, even if they pray and give zakat. The people asked, 'Why is that?' He said, 'Because they allow musical instruments'. All the 4 Madhabs forbid it, there is no question or any need to discus this matter. Haram is Haram and Halal is Halal

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    Post look to the Quran


    format_quote Originally Posted by Battle_4_Peace View Post
    We know that there are 3 verses in the Qur'an, which speak about music, according to the greatest scholars of Islam.
    According to WHO?? Where in the Quran (God's Word) did God Almighty tell us we cannot listen to music? God didnt forbid it but some mortal man did? Are we followers of man or God?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Battle_4_Peace View Post
    The Mufasireen say it is about music, then who are we to say otherwise?
    Do you follow God or men? If God said it, then that's the deal and we as followers of Him obey. The same cannot apply to the words of people who wish to dictate Islam in their own words.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Battle_4_Peace View Post
    We don't even know the basics of Islam
    Are you saying we need the exegesis of a select group of mortals to know God???

    format_quote Originally Posted by Battle_4_Peace View Post
    There are many Hadith's which forbid listining to music. The Sahaba did not allow anyone to listen, the Tabieen did not listin, the students of Tabieen did not listin, the scholars of Islam do not allow it. Then who says it is allowed? Abu Haneefah said that even the striking with a stick is Haram. Imam Malik said that it is Haram and only the Fasiqeen listin to it. Imam Shafi said that the one who listens to music, his testinomy must be rejected.
    Again you keep pointing to claims made by men. It seems you would rather have mortals dictate to you and take what they say as if God Himself said it rather than follow God.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Battle_4_Peace View Post
    Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, it sprouts hypocrisy in the heart, don't sit to listin to it! All the Sahaba forbid it, all the scholars i know forbid it. So where is the question, if music is allowed or not? Music is only allowed for women, only in Eids and only the daf. That's it. In stead you can download Qur'an and for each letter you hear, you will get 10 rewards Insha'Allah. Is that not better? Or you can listin to Nasheeds (Without music in it). The real life and enjoyment for us is in the Hereafter Insha'Allah. Ofcourse we can enjoy life, but only Halal. The prophet said that this world is a prison to the Muslim and a Paradise for the Kafir. So seek the peace in prayers, not in music. Will you be alive the next hour? If you don't know, then would you dance and play music or pray to Allah?
    It seems you pray to men rather than Allah. You quote all these people as if they were God.

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    No, Muslims only pray to Allah. If anyone prays to any other being, he/she is a mushrik and that is the worst sin in Islam.
    The Quran is a book compiled of the words of Allah. And Hadiths are the sayings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Hadith are there so that we can have specific examples of everyday situations.

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    ivanna25's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    Battle-4-Peace, not all 4 madhabs or doctrines say music is haram, pls dont say that, i watch Iqraa tv , it an Arabic religious channel in which there are the greatest Muslim scholars, this channel broadcats songs praising God with music intruments. many Egyptian sheikhs say that music is not haram, they say its misuse is haram, so they will be the one to go hell if they lie not me or others. why u think u and your scholars are right and other scholars, no?

    choose what u like, ok?
    is dancing at home haram?

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  11. #48
    ivanna25's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    Oh , non emperor, you r hurting other brother like that by saying you pray to men arther than God. we have to admit that those who say that all kinds of music is haram, are people who fear God and seek His grace. we cant deny that. but i think and too many scholars say that not ll kind of music haram, thats s it, dont complicate things for us. i cant believe, ill return to pig bc i listen to music. ill return to pig if i disbelieve in God or harm others.
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    According to WHO? Where in the Quran (God's Word) did God Almighty tell us we cannot listen to music? God didnt forbid it but some mortal man did? Are we followers of man or God?
    hahaha ok tell me this. Where did your God tell you how to pray? How many times a day do you pray? How many Raka'at's is each prayer? How much Jazya must the non-muslims pay? Is it permissible for a man to look at a naked women? Can i pray naked? How long do i have to travel, before i am allowed to shorten my prayers? I can ask you thousands of questions you don't know, if you only follow Qur'an. There is a sect, called Qur'anites, they only follow Qur'an. This is kufr according to Mufti Ibrahiem Desai, from Pakistan. So you have to follow Qur'an AND the Sunnah, not only Qur'an. Only by reading Qur'an, you don't understand Islam. Do you know who that mortal man was? Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him. Do we know Islam better or he? We are followers of Mohammad, but the worshippers of Allah.

    Do you follow God or men? If God said it, then that's the deal and we as followers of Him obey. The same cannot apply to the words of people who wish to dictate Islam in their own words.
    Allah also said in the Qur'an, 'Chop off the hands of the thief' do you agree with that? I said, Mufasireen. They are those who have so much knowledge Masha'Allah, that they can explaine Qur'an. They make Tafsirs, read the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir for example. It forbids music. Or each tafsir you want, read the tafsir of the following verse for example Surah 53:23. According to Ibn Abbas and thousands of other Sahaba and Tabiëen, this verse is about music. Do you know who Ibn Abbas was?

    Are you saying we need the exegesis of a select group of mortals to know God?
    You are funny hehe, i have never spoken to a person like you. OK, if you don't need any Hadith or any Scholar, because the Prophet was MORTAL and the greatest scholars of Islam were mortals, then explaine to me what Allah ment with this two verses.

    Koran 2:108. Would ye question your Messenger as Moses was questioned of old? but whoever changeth from Faith to Unbelief, Hath strayed without doubt from the even way.

    Koran 8:17. When thou threwest, it was not thy act, but Allah's.

    What is Allah talking about? Don't use any Hadith to explaine this.

    Again you keep pointing to claims made by men. It seems you would rather have mortals dictate to you and take what they say as if God Himself said it rather than follow God. It seems you pray to men rather than Allah. You quote all these people as if they were God.
    You have to be very very carefull about what you say brother. With even laughing at the wrong moment, you can leave Islam, like some people did, see Qur'an 9:65 and 66. I do not worship people, i worship Allah. If you made a law which said, 'Eat during ramadhan' and Allah said, 'Don't eat during ramdhan' if i obeyd you instead of Allah, this would be your shirk, because i followed you instead of Allah. But this scholars do not say anything that goes against the Qur'an or the Sunnah. The Prophet said, 'I am commanded to break the music instruments'. So if he saw you today, with your sami yusuf or micheal jackson, he would not even look at you. Nasheeds are allowed, but not with music. Even Prophet Mohammad song nasheeds, during some battles. There is no problem with that, the problem is in music. Do you not understand, that you just fulfilled the prophecy of the Prophet when he said, 'Some people from my Ummah will allow musical instruments?'. (Saheeh Bukharie).

    Koran 24:51. The answer of the Believers, when summoned to Allah and His Messenger, in order that He may judge between them, is no other than this, they say, 'We hear and we obey' it is such as these that will attain felicity.

    Battle-4-Peace, not all 4 madhabs or doctrines say music is haram, pls dont say that, i watch Iqraa tv , it an Arabic religious channel in which there are the greatest Muslim scholars, this channel broadcats songs praising God with music intruments. many Egyptian sheikhs say that music is not haram, they say its misuse is haram, so they will be the one to go hell if they lie not me or others. why u think u and your scholars are right and other scholars, no? choose what u like, ok?
    Ofcourse i choose what i like sister, but the question is not about me. Tell me, which madhab said that music is allowed. The Hanafies even said, that listining to music is kufr (Its not true, but they were so extreme against it). So tell me, which Madhab allowed music? I don't know Iqra tv, but i do know other Islamic channels who use music. Do you follow those channels or Islam? Even if all the scholars said, it is allowed, if the Prophet said NO, then it is no. So which scholar said, it is allowed? There is no different of opinion amongs the scholars, all of them say its Haram, except those who follow their desires and they are less than 0.1%. Ibn Hajr, Ibn Taymyah, Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir etc. all of them said its Haram. All the Sahaba said its Haram, all the Tabieen, all the students of tabieen. Even if the scholars differ, you are not allowed to listin. Because if you are not sure, you have to leave it, according to the Prophet. So why don't you just say, 'It is Haram, i am trying to stop, i want to repent, but it is hard to stop with it etc?' That would be good, i would even pray for you sister, so that Allah makes it easy for you to stop with music, because now you are making Halal Haram and Haram Halal.

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    Exclamation Re: is dancing at home haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by islamgyal View Post
    Music is prohibited and condemned by many Qur’anic verses. Allah says, “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. Music, singing etc.) to mislead men from the path of Allah without knowledge and takes it (the path of Allah, or the verses of the Qur’an) by way of mockery. For such there will be humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).” (Luqmaan: 6).
    It seems that the parenthesized words were inserted into the verse by the translator. Do the words "music, singing etc." really exist in that verse?

  15. #51
    ivanna25's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bro Battle of peace, what s a huge difference b/n micheal jackson and sami yusuf. the latter has prooves to convince you that music instruments are not haram, based on sunnah also. why some scholars say covering woman's face is compolsory and give u prooves and other scholars can proove that nioqab is not obligatory. a woman can uncover her face. this is called diffrence and u choose the thing u want. what s haram is when woman sings or when the word of the song encouraging haram. pls dont think that know everything bro. at the same time, i dont agree with the one who says that we have to take prooves from quran without sunnah, well that s crazy. iss in this forum there is no balance, either takin islam literaly or leave it all. i cant believe that.
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?


    Or either following Islam according to ones needs and desires, and used a variety of Scholars to back their ways.
    is dancing at home haram?

    Got a question, or got something in general to say or ask me, drop me a line. Peace out!

    - Z.

  17. #53
    Battle_4_Peace's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bro Battle of peace, what s a huge difference b/n micheal jackson and sami yusuf. the latter has prooves to convince you that music instruments are not haram, based on sunnah also. why some scholars say covering woman's face is compolsory and give u prooves and other scholars can proove that nioqab is not obligatory. a woman can uncover her face. this is called diffrence and u choose the thing u want. what s haram is when woman sings or when the word of the song encouraging haram. pls dont think that know everything bro. at the same time, i dont agree with the one who says that we have to take prooves from quran without sunnah, well that s crazy. iss in this forum there is no balance, either takin islam literaly or leave it all. i cant believe that.
    I know that there is a difference between sami yusuf and micheal jackson, sami yusuf is a muslim, but on the field of music, they are the same. They both use music in their songs. There is a difference between a Niqab and Music. Nowhere did the Prophet say, 'Cover your face' the women of the Ansaar and the Muhajireen did it, so if you do it, that will be the best and if you don't do it, then its not obligatory. The prophet did not say that Niqab is fard but he did say music is Haram. This is a command you know, if he said it, the Muslim must say, 'We hear and we obey'. I still don't know which scholars you are talking about sister. We don't follow scholars blindly. If they speak the truth, we accept. If they Go against Saheeh Hadith's, we reject. Now you are making 2 sections. You say that if somebody sings halal its halal, and if somebody sings about haram things, its haram. Who said this? This is your interpretation, there is no proof for this in the Shariah. Music is music, if you use it by Qur'an or if you use it by singing other stuff. Where did i say i know everything? I did not say that, i only gave you proof from the 4 madhab's, all of them forbid music. So tell me, who said music is Halal? Will you follow him, even if i gave you a authentic Hadith?

    The Prophet Mohammad about music

    The Prophet, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, said, 'There will be [at some future time] people from my Ummah [community of Muslims] who will seek to make lawful, fornication, the wearing of silk, wine drinking and the use of musical instruments. Some people will stay at the side of the mountain and when their shepherd comes in the evening to ask them for his needs, they will say, 'Return to us tomorrow'. Then Allah will destroy them during the night by causing the mountain to fall upon them, while He changes others into apes and swine. They will remain in such a state until the Day of Resurrection'. (Saheeh Bukharie, Fathul Baari, vol. 10, p. 51).

    The messenger of Allah said, 'A people of my ummah will drink wine, calling it by other than its real name. Merriment will be made for them through the playing of musical instruments and the singing of lady singers. Allah will cleave the earth under them and turn others into apes and swine'. (Ibn Majah).

    The Prophet, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, said, 'Verily, Allah has prohibited for my ummah, wine, gambling, a drink distilled from corn, the drum and the lute'. (Ahmad).

    It is reported by Haakim in his Mustadrak that the Prophet (Upon whom be peace and blessings) took the hand of the companion, Abdur Rahmaan bin 'Owf, and they proceeded to visit the Prophet's ailing son, Ibraheem. They found the infant in the throes of death, so the Prophet took him to his breast and held him until his spirit left him. Then he put the child down and wept, whereupon Abdur Rahmaan asked in astonishment, 'You are weeping, Oh Messenger of Allah, while you prohibit crying!?' The following is the Prophet's reply, 'Verily, I did not prohibit weeping [per se] but rather, I forbade two voices [sowtayn] which are imbecilic [ahmaq] and sinfully shameless [faajir]: one, a voice [singing] to the accompaniment of musical amusement [lahw] and Satan's [wind] instruments; the other, a voice [wailing] due to some calamity, accompanied by striking of the face and tearing of garments. But this [weeping of mine] stems from compassion, and whosoever does not show compassion will not receive it'. (Al Hakiem).

    Anas bin Maalik related from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that, 'Two cursed sounds are that of the [wind] instrument played on the occasion of joy and grace, and woeful wailing upon the occurrence of adversity'.
    divd10hk - is dancing at home haram?

    End of the discusion. Why are we debating? Only if you don't believe in Hadith's, you can say its Halal. Look at those Hadith's and there are many others, but this is enough for a mu'min. I realy don't understand why we are debating. Think like this. What would the Prophet do, if he sat on a chair beside you? Would he listin and enjoy or break your radio? If you think the first one, you don't know him. If you think the second one, you are right.

    Koran 4:65. But no, by thy Lord, they [Muslims] do not have [real] faith unless they make you [Oh Muhammad] judge of all disputes between them, and then find within themselves no dislike of your decision, but rather, submit with full submission.
    Last edited by Battle_4_Peace; 04-16-2006 at 06:48 PM.

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by ivanna25 View Post
    well, thanks my sister, i read all this before but i heared in many religious channels , music is not haram, but some kind of music haram. there is a music in nature. the singing of the birds the sound of water falls, the sound of windows etc. music is part of our nature.

    i dont listen to music much, and when i listen, i choose sami yusuf. if music haram, why brother sami yusuf uses musical instruments in his songs though he is a religious and pious person.

    liste, w live in a world full of corruption, if we order people to stop doin everything, they wouldnt embrace islam. islam is religion of "yusr".

    many scholars say that women have to cover their faces and give proof from Quran and sunnah, while others say that women should cover all her body except face and hands, they also take arguemts from quran and sunnah. it s a matter of choice, you can choose the things that u like but without disobeying God.

    how can i dance if there is no music?
    no offence sister but it seems like you just want someone to say hey its ok fine you can dance..

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    well hafizmo that s what i do i dance in my leisure time, it s ok since no one sees me. in weddings i dance too when there is no men around. i cant understand what will happen if i listen to piano??? any way only God knows
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    listen bro Battle_4_peace, if u have Iqraa channel, Smart way channel, and Resala channel, then u can watch these channels and see what scholars say bout music. well i have one brother of islam called amr khaled he is "daiiya ila Allah " inviting people to islam. he did a lot to defend Mohamed (PBUH) when he was insulted by Denmark newspaper, he is the one who has made millions of people convert to islam and muslim sisters wear hijab and im one of them, this man has music instruments at home and he knows playin piano. here his site www.amrkhaled.net, u can ask him there if u like. if he knows that he will be returned to pig after playing the piano, he would certainly throw it bro
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    Listen bro Battle_4_peace, if u have Iqraa channel, Smart way channel, and Resala channel, then u can watch these channels and see what scholars say bout music. well i have one brother of islam called amr khaled he is "daiiya ila Allah " inviting people to islam. he did a lot to defend Mohamed (PBUH) when he was insulted by Denmark newspaper, he is the one who has made millions of people convert to islam and muslim sisters wear hijab and im one of them, this man has music instruments at home and he knows playin piano. here his site www.amrkhaled.net, u can ask him there if u like. if he knows that he will be returned to pig after playing the piano, he would certainly throw it bro
    Asalamu Alaikom respected sister

    If the Iqra tv told you, 'Jump from the balkon' would you do it? I gave you many Hadith's, where Prophet Mohammad said its Haram and you tell me Amr Khalid allowes music. Who is Amr Khalid? He is not a scholar, he did not even study by a scholar. He made mistakes and he did very good things Alhamdolillah. He shaves his beard while the prophet said, 'Do not shave your beards, be differen than the mushrikeen'. (Bukharie, Muslim). The Prophet did not even look at men, who had shaven their beards, as is narated by Tabarani in a Hadith. So shall we follow Amr Khalid or the Prophet? You know, Omar ibn Khattab did not accept the testimony of someone who shaved his beard.

    The Sahaba and Tabiëen did not pray behind someone who had shaven his beard and they did not trust such a person. So may Allah guide Amr Khalid. Ameen. This brother also made a few great mistakes. He said for example that when you are ill, Allah comes and sits beside you. This is not true, so you have to be carefull and take only the good things of a person. Every human being makes mistakes, the best is to follow prophet mohammad. I told you what i had to tell you, if you accept, that's your choice. If you reject what i say, that's your choice. I am not responsible for what you do and you are not responsible for what i do.

  23. #58
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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    Salam sister,
    Lets remember the principle behind why things are done or expected. Islam is full of beauty. Rightfully anything that reminds you of god and what is expected out of you as a muslim shouldnt be a problem. Based on what you said, you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that the purpose is to exercise. however the most important act is that you also ensures that You do not neglect the call for prayer. Personally, and May Allah forgive me if Im wrong, I believe that as long as you know your limitation and ensures that you do things within the framework or guidelines set out by the religion and the sunnah of the prophet... Insya Allah.. He knows best.

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    yes God knows that i do this for an exercice and any sport requires music t enable u to move your body effecintly. thanks sis
    is dancing at home haram?

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    Re: is dancing at home haram?

    If you want to dance without guilt, you could move many areas of the USA where I've yet to meet a Muslim who didn't dance and/or listen to music.

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