From the Fruits of Taqwaa - [Book]
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All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Peace and Prayers be upon our noble Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions and all those who follow in their footsteps until the Last Day.

Taqwaa is the shield for us and our families in this life, for whoever fears Allah then he is protected. It is from amongst the best provisions for a believer, benefiting him, easing his affairs for him, protecting him from Satan, causing him to enjoy high status in this world, as well as ease and good tidings at the time of death. Taqwaa is a treasure, which each one of us should seek and compete for as the virtues, blessings and fruits attached to it are vast.

Dear reader should we not race for something which can cause us to inherit Paradise, fulfil our heart’s desires and please our eyes, admit us into a place of security, among gardens and fountains, and much, much more? Who would deny or undermine such favours? Do you not want Allah as your friend or to occupy a seat of truth near the Most High?

Dear reader this book, the English translation of Min Thamaraatit-Taqwaa clearly illustrates the excellence of the muttaqee (the one who has Taqwaa) and shows that when Taqwaa affects the soul then changes should become apparent in the believer’s character, priorities and even his voice! It shows how it facilitates the believer in gaining knowledge and remaining strong, and all this is just a brief mention of what is within these covers. It has been compiled simply and concisely, with abundant Qur'aanic and Hadeeth references by the noble Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen, who is from amongst the leading Muslim scholars. May Allah reward him for all that he has done for this Ummah, and bless him in the da‘wah which he is currently engaged in.

We ask Allah to make us of the muttaqoon, and indeed success lies with Allah alone.

All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad , his family, his Companions and all those who follow him till the Last Day.

O believers !

Indeed the advice which Allah has given to His servants from the time of Aadam up until now, has been to have Taqwaa (fear) of Him, Glorified and Exalted be He.

The Mighty the Majestic says, And we have instructed those who were given the scripture before you and yourselves to have Taqwaa (fear) of Allah. But if you disbelieve then to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is on the Earth. And ever is Allah free of need and praiseworthy."[1]

It is also the advice of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) to his nation:

Abee Umaamah Suddee ibn ‘Ujlaan al-Baahilee reports: I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) giving a sermon in the farewell Hajj, saying, “Fear your Lord, pray your five prayers, fast the month of Ramadaan, pay your Zakaah, and obey your leaders, in doing so, you will enter your Lord‘s Paradise.”[2]

Whenever the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) sent a leader of a raiding party on a military expedition, he would advise him, to have a deep rooted Taqwaa (fear) of Allah and he would also advise the rest of his military party likewise.

The Pious Predecessors (salaf) did not stop giving mutual advice for having Taqwaa (fear) of Allah in their sermons, their letters and their testaments after the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) passed away.

‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab wrote to his son ‘Abdullaah: “To proceed: Verily I advise you to have Taqwaa (fear) of Allah the Mighty and Majestic, for whoever fears Him, Allah will protect him, and whoever gives a loan to Him, Allah will reward him, and whoever thanks Him, Allah will increase him.”

Alee gave advice to a man, and he said: “I advise you to have Taqwaa (fear) of Allah the Mighty, the Majestic. There is no escape in meeting Him and there is no other to meet you except Him when you reach the Hereafter, for verily Allah owns this world and the Hereafter.”

One of the righteous, wrote to his believing brother: “I advise you with Taqwaa (fear) of Allah who knows your secrets and sees your open actions, so remember Allah at every time of the night and day, and fear Allah according to His nearness, and the power He has over you. And know that He always sees you. And do not leave His Rule for another rule, nor His Dominion, for another dominion, So glorify Him, by fearing Him immensely.”

The meaning of Taqwaa is that the servant puts between himself and that which he fears, a guard that will protect him.[3]

The meaning of Taqwaa regarding Allah’s servants is “That the servant puts between him and that which he fears, i.e. gaining the anger and the wrath of his Lord, a guard which will protect him.” By obeying Him and abstaining from disobeying Him.

My noble brother, here are some sayings of our Pious Predecessors, in explaining the meaning of Taqwaa (fear) of Allah:

Ibn Abbaas said: “The ones who fear Allah, they are the ones who are wary of Allah and His Punishments.”

The Taabi’ee (successor) Talq ibn Habeeb said: “If an ordeal appears amongst you extinguish it with Taqwaa.” When asked what is Taqwaa, he replied, “Taqwaa (piety) is that you act in obedience to Allah, and hope in His mercy, upon a light from Him; and Taqwaa is leaving acts of disobedience to Allah out of fear of Him, upon a light from Him." [4]

Ibn Mas’ood said: “Speaking about the statement of Allah: "O you who believe, have Taqwaa (fear) of Allah, as you should have of Him and do not die except as Muslims. [5]

.. is that Allah is meant to be obeyed, and not disobeyed; remembered at all times, and not forgotten; and to be thanked, and we are not to be ungrateful to Him.”

So strive O my noble brother, in fearing Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, for He is entitled to be feared, revered and glorified in your heart.

[1] Soorah an-Nisaa' (4): 131. Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer said that “Allah instructed you just as He instructed others before you to fear Him and no one else.” Tafseer Qur'aan al-‘Adheem (1/504).

[2] Reported by Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Hadeeth no.73

[3] Ibn Rajab - rahimahullaah - said: “The essence of Taqwaa is to make a shield (which guards) against Allah’s anger and punishment. That shield is to obey His commandments and abstain from His prohibitions...” (Jaami’ul-’Uloom wal Hikaam: 190/191).

[4] Talq ibn Habeeb was a famous Taabi’ee. He was known for his knowledge, piety and his recitation of the Qur’aan. Related by Ibn Abee Shaybah in Kitaabul-Eemaan (No.99) and it was declared Saheeh by Shakyh al-Albaanee.

[5] Soorah al-Imran (3): 102