
Shaykh Abdur Rahman As Sudays [(Muharram 14, 1425 (March 5, 2004)]

All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds. Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon the Messenger, his household and companions.

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah as He should be feared. For those who fear Allaah are the best of all creation. He who fears Allaah shall attain high degrees and shall be saved from calamities and trials. Allaah says,

"O you who believe, fear Allaah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is All-Aware of what you do."

(Al-Hashr 59:18)

Dear Muslims! Months and years pass and the Muslims are still suffering from calamities, tragedies and tribulations. Though these trials and calamities are numerous, the greatest of them and the most horrible of them all is intellectual trials where Muslims' minds are diverted from the will of Allaah, the will of His Messenger and the path of the righteous predecessors.

Fellow Muslims! When one reflects on the long history of Islaam, one will realise that there are many dangerous perversions by which this Ummah is afflicted. Intellectual perversion is however the most dangerous of all this. If some Muslim enthusiasts believe that the perversion that is widespread among members of this Ummah is only moral corruptions, the undoubtedly more dangerous perversion that has afflicted the Ummah through its history is ideological corruption.

When an Islaamic worker sees a man who is morally corrupt but ideologically upright and he sees another man who is both morally and ideologically corrupt, he exerts greater efforts with the later because; his ideology needs to be firstly corrected and after that his behaviour is corrected. This is the reality in the situation of most Muslims of today. Their corruption is not only moral but has reached its peak in religious as well. It is therefore, little surprise that our Ummah is now living in severe calamity and in the state of strangeness which the Messenger of Allaah has prophesied before. He said in a hadeeth narrated by Muslim, "The religion of Islaam started as a strange religion and it shall return to its state of strangeness."

Which strangeness is then greater than ours; where the enemies have become our rulers?

Brethren in faith! Proper understanding of Islaam is one of the most important issues that should be given utmost attention especially in this age that there are many crises and tribulations. This is because it is time of crises that people differ in their arriving at the truth. That is why Allaah commended His Prophet Solomon and his father David for their knowledge and wisdom. Allaah says,

"And We made Sulaimaan (Solomon) to understand (the case), and to each of them We gave Hukm (right judgment of the affairs and Prophethood) and knowledge."

(Al-Anbiyaa 21:79)

'Umar told Aboo Moosaa, "You should understand whatever you are assigned with." Aboo Sa'eed said, "Aboo Bakr was the most knowledgeable about the Messenger of Allaah among us."

The Messenger of Allaah also invoked Allaah to bless 'Abdullaah bin 'Abbaas with understanding of religion and interpretation [of the Qur'aan]. And this degree is above that of ordinary knowledge.

Ibn Al-Qayyim said, "Proper understanding and good intention are some of the greatest blessings of Allaah upon His slave. They are the next greatest blessings that Allaah could endow any servant with besides Islaam. Both are standing pillars of Islaam and it is by them that man can be saved from the path of those who have earned Allaah' anger because of their evil intentions and those who have went astray because of their improper understanding and intentions. The possessors of these two qualities are the people of the right path, the path of whom we are required to supplicate for in every prayer. Sound understanding is a light which Allaah casts in the heart of His slave. It is a quality by which man differentiate between the truth and falsehood, guidance and error."

He added, "No Muftee or judge will be able to discharge his duty without two types of understanding:

One: understanding the situation and have the knowledge about it.

Two: understanding what should be done in such situation. It is understanding of Allaah's rule on the situation in His Book or upon the tongue of His Messenger. Then each of these two understanding is applied to the other." He further said, "The keen observer of the Sharee'ah and the incidences of the time of the companions, will find that they were filled with this. Whoever takes other ways has violated people's rights."

Brethren in Islaam! The keen reader of the history of this Ummah will realize that improper understanding was behind every crisis with which this nation is afflicted. It is rather the cause of affliction for all the humanity. Was it not the reason that lead Satan to destruction? Was Haabeel not killed as a result of it? Was it not the cause of disunity among the people of the Book and even members of this Ummah? Was it not the cause of bloodshed among the Muslims and the reason for their enemy's subjugation of them? Why were 'Uthmaan 'Alee, Al-Husayn, Ibn Az-Zubayr, Ibn Jubayr and other Muslim leaders assassinated? What is it that subjected Imaam Ahmad to persecution and imprisonment? What is it that imposed the Tatar's swords upon the lands of the Muslims and cleared the ground for atheists, heretics, the hypocrite, the Khawaarij and other erroneous sects? It is because all of these sects misunderstood the texts of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

Fellow Muslims! How similar is today to yesterday! The present world crises and challenges also emanate from misunderstanding. The ideological, religious, moral and media war that we are facing today were all caused by lack of understanding. The imposition of cultures and ideas and dictating particular ways of reform in the name of globalization and freedom are nothing but war of conceptions. The accusations wrongly levelled against this Ummah under the guise of war on terrorism, denying people of their human rights and freedom, alienation of truth, peace and justice and attacking the Islaamic values and noble qualities are all products of the war of conceptions.

It is surprising that the media is used to twist the truth. Terrorism is something that should be fought if it is perpetrated by some erring Muslims. But if Muslim holy places are attacked and massacres are committed against the Muslims by other as the Jews are doing in Palestine, that heinous act will not be regarded as terrorism. If Muslims defend their human rights and protect their religion, their action is regarded as terrorism. Is there any worse way of twisting the truth?

More surprising is the impact of misconception among the Muslims where this is turned to bloodshed like what happened in Iraq recently. This act of unnecessary shedding of innocent blood should be condemned and rejected, for such vicious act provides the enemy with the opportunity to plunder Iraqi wealth. We are therefore, calling on our brethren over there to lay down their weapons and preserve the Muslim lives. Shedding of innocent blood should henceforth be stopped. The unity of the Iraqi Muslim people should be upheld and its interests should be protected. Let all Iraqis unite upon the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and shun whatever contradicts both.

Brethren in faith! One of the greatest wars of concept with which this Ummah is afflicted is how to actualize the meaning of the statement of testimony, and how to uphold Tawheed in acts of worship and in understanding Allaah's Names and Attributes; how to understand the concept of pre-decree and the concept of allegiance and renunciation.

We need to have proper understanding of the meaning of declaring others as disbelievers, extremism, love, the Prophetic qualities, the stand that Muslim should regarding the Prophet's companions, the events of the Last Day and so on.

Equally, acts of worship, all forms of human interactions, the judicial system, man's view of this world and life and the concepts of calling to the way of Allaah and fighting in His cause should all be based on proper Islaamic understanding. Likewise, ideological and cultural issues, the issues of women and the youth and matters pertaining to dialogue and reform should be understood and dealt with in the light of sound Islaamic injunctions. The stage which the Ummah is presently passing through should also be adequately considered when inferring injunctions from the texts of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

This call for proper understanding of our religion and laws should start first with us, the Muslims. We should first of all correct our belief, thoughts and perceptions. It is after this that we can correct the picture of Islaam in the eyes of world communities.

There are many people whose view about Islaam is polluted because they keep away from the light of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and instead adopt the path of error and confusion so much so that the proper Islaamic concepts are mixed with western ideologies and the sound Islaamic teachings are buries in the abyss of filthy methodologies. The Muslim scholars and reformers are therefore, called upon to rise up to the occasion and exert all their efforts to correct these misconception and bring the Ummah back to the understanding of the generation of the companions of Allaah's Messenger which is the best of all generations.

Ash-Shaatibee said, "The opinions of the Prophet's companions are better for us than our own opinions."

Imaam Ahmad said, "Loving the companions is Sunnah, supplicating for them is an act of worship, emulating them is a means [of attaining Allaah's pleasure] and following their footsteps is a virtue."

Ash-Shaatibee said, "It is compulsory for every scholar of Sharee'ah who studies the evidences to consider the understanding of the early scholars and their practice. That is more correct and more upright in knowledge and deed."

Though every Muslim should call upon his brother to correct his understanding; that should be according to the understanding of our righteous predecessors. Allaah says,

"If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allaah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination."

(An-Nisaa 4:59)

So fear Allaah and hold fast unto the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. Adhere to the understanding of the righteous predecessors; you will attain happiness and success in the world and the Hereafter.

Fellow Muslims! In order to avoid mix-up of conceptions, the disease should de diagnosed and the cure proffered.

Some of the major causes of misconceptions are ignorance, desire, bigotry, excessive love for this world, desire for praise from humans, weak faith, lack of piety and running after fame. Other causes are abandonment of clear evidences for ambiguous ones, seeking for uncommon issues and lack of knowledge. The Prophet said, "If you see some people following the unclear evidences, [know that] they are those mentioned by Allaah; so be careful of them." (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

'Umar said, "A people will come who will use the unclear verses of the Qur'aan to argue with you. Defeat them with the Sunnah, for the followers of the Sunnah know the Qur'aan more [than others]." The early scholars that should be followed are people like the four Imaams, Al-Awzaa'ee, Layth, Sufyaan Ath-Thawree, Sufyaan Ibn 'Uyaynah, the scholars of Hadeeth, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn 'Abdil-Wahhaab and others.

Another cause of misconception is lack of consulting the recognized scholars. Allaah says,

"If only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly)."

(An-Nisaa 4:83)

Young age, in most cases, causes lack of understanding and leads to misinterpretations.

In this age of information technology, many satellite stations that claim to promote freedom and independence have adopted system of casting doubt on true Islaamic concepts and attacking the Muslim figures. They also scorn the fundamental principles of this religion.

Dear brethren! The remedy for all these diseases is in the following: having good intention, searching for the truth, fear of Allaah and following the path of the righteous predecessors. If not, crises of misconception will continue endlessly. This is because; this age of ours is full of crises and tribulations that had never been in any of the previous generations, for those with wrong improper understanding see error as correct. Allaah says,

"Is he, then, to whom the evil of his deeds is made fair-seeming, so that he considers it as good (equal to one who is rightly guided)? Verily, Allaah sends astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills."

(Faatir 35:8)

The situation is so bad with some defeatists that they believe that the only way to cultural progress is to rebel against religion, attack its principles and subject all its fundamentals to criticism, thereby regarding corruption as reform. Allaah says,

"And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peace-makers."

(Al-Baqarah 2:11)

We are therefore calling upon the defeatists and those who wade into Islaamic issues without knowledge to leave the matter for the experts. The truth is clear and the concepts are obviously explained. There is therefore no more escape route for the dissident.

This Ummah cannot overcome all its crises and tribulations except by seriously correcting its understanding from within first and then correct other's perception of it. All modern means and technologies must be used to achieve this goal before it is too late.

Brethren in faith! There are lessons to be learnt from former leaders of misconception throughout history who regretted their actions and admitted to their confusions. You should therefore repent before it is too late. Allaah says,

"If then they answer you not, know then that it is (the Revelation (this Qur'aan)) is sent down with the Knowledge of Allaah and that none has the right to be worshipped but He! Will you then be Muslims (those who submit to Islaam)?"

(Hood 11:14)