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alfawaid - ebooks
Al-Fawaid (A Collection Of Wise Sayings) - by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah [PDF] [Book]
This book, AI-Fawaid: A Collection of Wise Sayings is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Shams Ad-Dm Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, who is well known by the name Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him). This blessed book is not like others that simply contain sections, chapters and themes, but it consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah, Exalted be He, bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them. I am sure that he did not sit down and write this book in one or two weeks, but surely it was developed over a long period of time. Whenever something came to his mind, he would record it, and whenever he learnt a lesson or anything crucial in his life, he would illuminate the lines of his page with the ink of his pen.
essentialrights - ebooks
Essential Rights - by Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Al Uthaymeen
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
Pages: 118 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher:

Short work detailing the basic rights due to God, his last Messenger, parents, siblings, children, spouses, neighbors, communitys, other citizens, and the world itself.
majorsins - ebooks
Major Sins (Al Kaba'ir)- Imaam Shamsud Deen ad-Dhahabi - PDF file [Book] [PDF]
Arabic- English (Full Arabic Text is Included)
Translated by Mahmoud Ibrahim
Hardback 511 Pages
Published by Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah Beyrouth Liban (Beirut Lebanon)
The major sins are those acts which have been forbidden by Allah in the Quran and by His Messenger (SAW) in the Sunnah (practise of the Prophet), and which have been made clear by the actions of of the first righteous generation of Muslims, the Companions of the Prophet (SAW)
Muharramat - ebooks
Prohibitions that are taken too lightly - Muharamat - by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Paperback 128 Pages. Published by IIPH International Islamic Publishing House
Some Muslims who are either ignorant or of weak faith still commit many acts which Allah never allowed. Ignorance is not an excuse for doing Muharramat, hence is the importance of such books which deal in detail with many Muharramat that should be consciously learnt and consequently never committed.
The author. Sheikh al-Munajjid. has dealt with matters such as calling for help from sheikhs, saints and things other than Allah; worshipping the dead and circumambulating their graves; invoking prophets, using magic and fortune-telling and believing in astrologists and planets, etc.
beardsalafkhalaf - ebooks
The Beard Between the Salaf and the Khalaf - Muhammad al-Jibaly [PDF]
This book is part of a series entitled, "Enter into Islaam Completely," which deals with various issues that are of importance for Muslim, but are underplayed or even slighted by many. When one of these issues is brought up, you often hear the objection, "This is merely an issue of peel! Let us only deal with the important issue of the core!" Classifying the teachings of Islaam into core and peel is a bid'ah that affects the hearts of the common people in a most detrimental way, and leads them to belittling many of the acts of worship and traits of the Islamic character, therby approving wrong acts and rejecting good ones based on a crooked scale that they have developed. Allaah commands the believers to adhere to Islaam in its totality.
aladabalmufrad - ebooks
Al-Adab al-Mufrad - HTML Frames Version - Imam Al-Bukhari [ .chm file download ] - A code For Everyday Living: The Example of the Early Muslims
Imam al-Bukhari is world-renowned for his major work, "al Jami' al Sahih" ("Sahih al Bukhari"), but he has also produced a number of other works, including "Al-Adab al-Mufrad", here translated into English. This book is a compilation of ahadith on Islamic morals and manners from various sources.
Weak Ahadeeth in Adab al-Mufrad - by Shaik Nasiruddin Albanee
Numbers according to Eng. Trans. Of Y. DeLorenzo. - Translation by Abu Rumaysah
40Personality - ebooks
40 Hadeeths on Islamic Personality - By: ‘Alee Hasan ‘Alee’ Abdul Hameed.
“This is a concise book which contains forty authentic ahadeeth from the fine sayings of the chosen Prophet () which I gathered as a reminder for myself and my brothers. They contain guidance for the cultivation of souls, purification of the hearts and refinement of character” “The Islamic personality is a clear and distinct personality. Its fabric is the Book of Allaah, and its thread is the Sunnah and these two are inseparable from it. It is a sincere and determined personality educated and refined upon a precise methodology which does not contain even the slightest deficiency, and how could it since it is the Religion of Allaah, Lord of all the worlds?!
Benefits of Fearing Allah - ebooks
The Fruits Of Taqwaa - by Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Al Uthaymeen
The Benefits of Fearing Allah -formerly titled - From the Fruits of Taqwaa
Publisher: Daar us Sunnah (01-Dec-03)
Pages: 64pp (Paperback)
This is the English translation of the book Min Thamaraatit-Taqwaa clearly illustrates the excellence of the muttaqee (the one who has Taqwaa) and shows that when Taqwaa affects the soul then changes should become apparent in the believer’s character, priorities and even his voice! It shows how it facilitates the believer in gaining knowledge and remaining strong, and all this is just a brief mention of what is within these covers.
weepingfromfearofallah - ebooks
Weeping out of fear of Allâh - by Husayn al-'Awâyishah [Book] - Pages:65
English Translation of al-Bukâ'u min Khashyatillâh Shaykh Husayn al-'Awâyishah publish by Al-Hidaayah UK. A guide and encouragement to soften our hearts and moisten our eyes through the rememberence of Allâh.
This is a moving book, which has been presented at a time when crying is considered a weakness rather than a virtue - and this has lead to the hardness of hearts. The author refers to the verses of the Qur'an, sayings of the Prophet (saw) examples of the Companions and reports from the pious predecessors. We pray that the heart rendering narrations that have been carefully chosen will act as a means of softening our hearts Insha-Allah.
dealingwithwands - ebooks
Dealing with Worries and Stress - by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: Daar us-Sunnah Publishers (2003 CE, 1423 AH) - 96 Pages Paperback
It is the nature of this life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is the place of disease, hardship and suffering. It is also the nature of this life that people have to put with suffering and hardship for various reasons. So people feel regret for what has happened in the past, anxious about what may happen in the future, and worried about what is going on in the present.
"o verily, with the hardship, there is relief, verily, with the hardship, there is relief." [al-Sharh 94:5-6].
patience gratitude - ebooks
Patience and Gratitude - by Imâm Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - PDF - 48 Pages
An abridgement of his original work entitled, “Uddat as-Sâbireen wa Dhâkirat ash-Shâkireen” © 1997 TA-HA
This well known author, one of Ibn Taymiyyah's students, explains the nature of sabr(patience, fortitude) and its counterpart, shukr(gratitude) in a practical fashion, showing how these important spiritual qualities may be incorporated into everyday life. Although the original Arabic text was written over six centuries ago, the author’s words are even more relevant today.
An Excellent Book Specially in today's world when life is in such a haste that sometimes we forget the Importance and the necessity of Patience and gratitude
EtiquettesMarriage - ebooks
The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding - by Shaik Nasiruddin Albanee - [pdf] - 74 Pages
There are in Islaam certain etiquettes to be followed by anyone who marries and wishes to consummate his marriage with his wife. Most Muslims today, even those who exert themselves in Islamic worship, have either neglected or become totally ignorant of these Islamic etiquettes. Therefore, I decided to write this beneficial treatise clearly explaining these issues on the occasion of marriage of someone dear to me.
idealmuslim - ebooks
Ideal Muslim - Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi [PDF]
Hardbound, 340 pages.
Translated by Nasiruddin Al-Khattab
Published by International Islamic Publishing House IIPH 2005 Edition
The Ideal Muslim is about the true Islamic personality of the Muslim as defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Written by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi (also the author of the Ideal Muslimah), this book defines the Ideal Muslim as a man of the highest moral character. This book will play an important role in directing the Muslim community towards the path of guidance and leadership, thus becoming a beacon for all mankind.
idealmuslimah - ebooks
The Ideal Muslimah - Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi [PDF] [ html link here ]
Translated by Nasiruddin Al-Khattab - Hardback 549 Pages
Published by International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
'How does Islam form her personality? How may her development reach such a high level that had never before been attained in the history of womankind, except in thireligion of Islam?
This is the question to which the reader will find the answer in the following pages. I ask Allah (SWT) to accept my work and make it purely for His sake. May He benefit others through it, make it a source of reward for me in this life and the next, and make it a help for me on the Day of Reckoning. May He guide me through it to what is right, and protect me from errors of thinking, bad intentions, slips of the pen, weakness of arguments and excessive verbiage. (Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi in the Preface to the First Edition)
islamichome - ebooks
The Muslim Home : 40 Recommendations - Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Pages: 144 - Published By Daar us-Sunnah UK
An excellent book discussing the foundation of an Islamic household.
The author addresses issues that are relevant to the majority of the Muslims, such as: the importance of choosing a righteous spouse, disciplining your wife and children, making your home a place for the remembrance of Allah, spreading kindness in the home, teaching good manners, discussing some of the evils present in the home, learning the Islamic rulings with regard to houses, creating an atmosphere of faith in the home, resisting bad manners in the home, choosing a good location and design of home, how to disciple the children which may be more effective than physical punishment and the books that we should read and much more.
family - ebooks
The Family - by Shaykh AbdusSalaam Burjis Aal- AbdulKareem [PDF]
A much needed explanation, advice and reminder concerning the importance of the family in Islam
Publisher: SalafiManhaj.com - - 27 Pages