MY friend told me fascinating story that he found on another website,ok here it goes:
One man was having a Dream, His dream was that he was getting chased by Lions.
He found a Tree to climb up for safety, he stayed on a thick a branch.
On the other side of the Branch where the branch connects to tree, was two mice, one black and one white, they were biting away the branch, almost breaking it, under the man there is a large black snake with its mouth open ready for the guy to drop. The guy then saw a honeycomb, he tasted it and found it very tasty that he kept on eating and didn't realize that he was going to fall. Suddenly the branch broke and he fell and woke up to realize that it was just a dream.
He went to ask a Muslim scholar what his dream meant, his reply was that:
The lions your DEATH!
The snake was your grave, ready for you to fall in,
The white and black mice where day and night, they are eating away your life like day and night, getting closer to your death,
The honeycomb was the pleasures and luxuries of this dunya (world).
This was a sign that this dunya is a distraction from your religion, you be so caught up with pleasures of this dunya that you don't realize your death is getting closer, day and night by day and night.
ye thats very true... the modern world has distracted many muslims and made them lose faith in Islam... but I can't be hypocritical about it because I also sometimes get distracted by the modern world...
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