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Connecting the Lines for Prayer

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    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

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    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    by Abu Khaliyl

    Ibn Umar image001 - Connecting the Lines for Prayer reported that Allaah (AWJ)'s Messenger wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer said,
    Establish your lines [straight], for indeed the angels [pray] in lines. Align your shoulders, close the gaps, yield your hands to your brothers, and do not leave any gaps for Shaytaan. Whoever connects a line, Allaah maintains him, and whoever breaks a line, Allaah cuts him off.
    (Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa`ee and others. See Saheeh ul-Jaami no. 1187)
    Anyone who has prayed with different groups of people will probably have experienced the following situation: When you line up for prayer, the person next to you prevents your feet from touching theirs. If you try to move closer to them, they move away, if you persist trouble will most likely erupt.
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    The Evidence for Standing Four Fingers Width Away?

    Most people who stand away from their neighbor during group prayer do so simply out of custom. It would not be fair to claim that it is based upon a certain mathhab, for one will not find it taught in any of the source books for the mathhabs. For example, in the famous Hanafee fiqh book "Haashiyah" by Ibn `Aabidayn, the only mention of one not touching the feet to their neighbor during group prayer, is in the case of a man praying with his wife! . Similarly, it is not mentioned in "al-Um" by ash-Shaaf`ee. However, the opinion stating that it is allowable for one to stand four fingers width away from the person praying next to them is collected in some comparative fiqh books.(1) This opinion, we hope to show, is pure baseless conjecture, and furthermore implementing it violates numerous general and specific texts which govern how to stand in line for group prayers. Additionally, the manner in which the companions prayed in the presence of the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer is an evidence for the Muslims to follow. especially when he wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer said,
    ...For surely I can see you from behind my back... (Al- Bukhaaree)And he said so after commanding the companions to correct their lines. Were they to have not followed his command properly, or if they were excessive, then he, being able to see them in that state, surely would have corrected them further. And this is the argument against those who claim that concern over this matter constitutes excessiveness.
    Furthermore, this opinion is one that requires the praying person to do an additional act, that is - to move away, whereas were he to stand still when the person next to him put his foot next to his, he would be doing less, and less action is the rule in prayer unless there is an evidence otherwise! This is especially true in the light of the texts as we will prove if Allah (AWJ) allows.
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    The Command to Straighten the Rows and Close the Gaps, and That it is Waajib

    The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer said Make good your standing in the rows during prayer. (Ahmad and Ibn Hibaan. Authenticated by al-Albaanee in Saheeh ul-Jaami no. 195) And, Establish your lines [straight], and consolidate... (al Bukhaaree, Muslim, and others)
    Imaam al-Baghawee comments on the word "taraassoow" [translated here as consolidate] saying, "His saying taraassoow means to cling together until there are no gaps between you. As Allaah (AWJ) said,
    wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer Surely Allaah loves those who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were a solidified [marsoosan] wall. wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer (as-Saff 61:4)
    meaning they join together with each other. In this is the evidence that the Imaam should turn towards the people commanding them to straighten their lines."(2)
    The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer also said, Straighten your lines, for indeed straightening the lines is part of the completeness of the prayer. (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim), about which Imaam ash-Shawkaanee noted, "From this it is understood that straightening the lines is waajib." (Nayl ul-Aawtaar)
    And he wwwislamicboardcom - Connecting the Lines for Prayer commanded, Close the gaps... (Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa`ee and others. See Saheeh ul-Jaami no. 1187)

    ---Read Full Book Here
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    Prayer in Congregation - Shaykh 'Abdullâh al-Sabt - SalaafiPubs
    Pages: 27 - You can purchase here
    Salat (prayer) is the most important of the pillars of the deen (religion) and establishing salat like Allah ta'ala and thus His Messenger (SAW) want us to is the best way to get close to the Lord of the Heavens and Earth. This includes establishing salat in jama'ah (congregation).
    A Daar of Islamic Heritage Publications
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    By Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-'Uthaymin, rahimahullah
    س234: ما المعتمد في إقامة الصفوف؟ وهل يشرع للمصلي أن يلصق كعبه بكعب من بجانبه؟ أفتونا مأجورين؟
    الجواب: الصحيح أن المعتمد في تسوية الصف محاذاة الكعبين بعضهما بعضاً، لا رؤوس الأصابع، وذلك لأن البدن مركب على الكعب، والأصابع تختلف الأقدام فيها، فهناك القدم الطويل، وهناك القدم القصير، فلا يمكن ضبط التساوي إلا بالكعب .
    وأما إلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض فلا شك أنه وارد عن الصحابة –رضي الله عنهم- فإنهم كانا يسوون الصفوف بإلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض ، أي أن كل واحد منهم يلصق كعبه بكعب جاره لتحقق المحاذاة وتسوية الصف، فهو ليس مقصوداً لذاته لكنه مقصود لغيره كما ذكر بعض أهل العلم، ولهذا إذا تمت الصفوف وقام الناس ينبغي لكل واحد أن يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه لتحقق المساواة، وليس معنى ذلك أن يلازم هذا الإلصاق ويبقى ملازماً له في جميع الصلاة .
    ومن الغلو في هذه المسألة ما يفعله بعض الناس من كونه يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه ويفتح قدميه فيما بينهما حتى يكون بينه وبين جاره في المناكب فرجة فيخالف السنة في ذلك، والمقصود أن المناكب والأكعب تتساوى
    Question: What is the relied-upon position regarding the straightening of the rows (sufuf)? Is it prescribed for the praying person to join his ankle (ka'b) to the ankle of the person next to him? Please give us the fatwa, may you be rewarded.

    Answer: That which is correct is that the relied-upon position regarding the straightening of the row is that the ankles should be in line with each other, not the ends of the toes, and that is because the body is supported upon the ankle, and the feet differ in regard to the toes, because some feet are long, and some feet are short. So it is impossible to ensure straightness except by the ankles (i.e. by the ankles being in line with each other).

    As for joining the ankles to the ankles of the others, then no doubt this is reported from the Sahabah, radhiyallahu 'anhum, for they would straighten the rows by joining ankles, that is, every one of them would join his ankle with the ankle of his neighbour to ensure being line, and the straightness of the row. So it is not meant as an aim in itself, but rather as a means of achieving another aim, as some of the people of knowledge have mentioned. Therefore, when the rows are completed and the people are standing, it is befitting for every one of them to join his ankle to the ankle of his companion to ensure straightness. It does not mean that he should continue this joining and remain so for the whole salah.

    From the extremism that has occurred with regard to this issue is what is done by some people in that one of them will join his ankle to the ankle of his companion, and he will spread his feet so far apart until there is a gap between his shoulder and the shoulder of his companion, so he will oppose the Sunnah by doing that. But the aim is that the shoulders and ankles should be in line with each other.
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    1. According to the Hambali Math-hab there should be a ‘small’ gap between the feet of the musalli.

    2. According to the Maaliki Math-hab, the distance should be moderate, neither together nor so wide apart which is considered repugnant.

    3. According to the Shaafi Math-hab, the gap between the feet should be one hand. It is Makrooh to spread the feet wider than this.

    4. According to the Hanafi Math-hab, the distance between the feet should be four fingers.

    This is the Sunnah and the Way of the Salf-e-Saaliheen.


    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Jazakallah Khair Brother for your first post.
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    E'jaazi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Musalmaan View Post
    By Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-'Uthaymin, rahimahullah
    س234: ما المعتمد في إقامة الصفوف؟ وهل يشرع للمصلي أن يلصق كعبه بكعب من بجانبه؟ أفتونا مأجورين؟
    الجواب: الصحيح أن المعتمد في تسوية الصف محاذاة الكعبين بعضهما بعضاً، لا رؤوس الأصابع، وذلك لأن البدن مركب على الكعب، والأصابع تختلف الأقدام فيها، فهناك القدم الطويل، وهناك القدم القصير، فلا يمكن ضبط التساوي إلا بالكعب .
    وأما إلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض فلا شك أنه وارد عن الصحابة –رضي الله عنهم- فإنهم كانا يسوون الصفوف بإلصاق الكعبين بعضهما ببعض ، أي أن كل واحد منهم يلصق كعبه بكعب جاره لتحقق المحاذاة وتسوية الصف، فهو ليس مقصوداً لذاته لكنه مقصود لغيره كما ذكر بعض أهل العلم، ولهذا إذا تمت الصفوف وقام الناس ينبغي لكل واحد أن يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه لتحقق المساواة، وليس معنى ذلك أن يلازم هذا الإلصاق ويبقى ملازماً له في جميع الصلاة .
    ومن الغلو في هذه المسألة ما يفعله بعض الناس من كونه يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه ويفتح قدميه فيما بينهما حتى يكون بينه وبين جاره في المناكب فرجة فيخالف السنة في ذلك، والمقصود أن المناكب والأكعب تتساوى
    Question: What is the relied-upon position regarding the straightening of the rows (sufuf)? Is it prescribed for the praying person to join his ankle (ka'b) to the ankle of the person next to him? Please give us the fatwa, may you be rewarded.

    Answer: That which is correct is that the relied-upon position regarding the straightening of the row is that the ankles should be in line with each other, not the ends of the toes, and that is because the body is supported upon the ankle, and the feet differ in regard to the toes, because some feet are long, and some feet are short. So it is impossible to ensure straightness except by the ankles (i.e. by the ankles being in line with each other).

    As for joining the ankles to the ankles of the others, then no doubt this is reported from the Sahabah, radhiyallahu 'anhum, for they would straighten the rows by joining ankles, that is, every one of them would join his ankle with the ankle of his neighbour to ensure being line, and the straightness of the row. So it is not meant as an aim in itself, but rather as a means of achieving another aim, as some of the people of knowledge have mentioned. Therefore, when the rows are completed and the people are standing, it is befitting for every one of them to join his ankle to the ankle of his companion to ensure straightness. It does not mean that he should continue this joining and remain so for the whole salah.

    From the extremism that has occurred with regard to this issue is what is done by some people in that one of them will join his ankle to the ankle of his companion, and he will spread his feet so far apart until there is a gap between his shoulder and the shoulder of his companion, so he will oppose the Sunnah by doing that. But the aim is that the shoulders and ankles should be in line with each other.

    When people stand up from sujud, the line become unstraighten when they don't close the gaps by touching shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot. This is they way you keep the lines straight. Shoulder to shoulder alone does not work and I have seen it so many times before. Besides, when you stand shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot, you know what happens? You close all the gaps!
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by E'jaazi View Post
    When people stand up from sujud, the line become unstraighten when they don't close the gaps by touching shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot. This is they way you keep the lines straight. Shoulder to shoulder alone does not work and I have seen it so many times before. Besides, when you stand shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot, you know what happens? You close all the gaps!
    what about gaps between neck?
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    When people stand up from sujud, the line become unstraighten when they don't close the gaps by touching shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot. This is they way you keep the lines straight. Shoulder to shoulder alone does not work and I have seen it so many times before. Besides, when you stand shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot, you know what happens? You close all the gaps!
    lolll, it's funny when some people act so wierd, like they want to say "why are touching my foot with your foot, get away from me" and they just leave the gap. loll
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by abdurrahman.med View Post
    Jazakallah Khair Brother for your first post.
    Jazak Allah, you are a good muqallid of Shaykh ibn Salih al-'Uthaymin rahimahulla.


    While the case of the Four Math-habs is logical, the actual daleel (proof) for our view is not rational interpretation, but is narrational evidence. Such evidence has been transmitted down the centuries from the Sahaabah. It should be understood that the Aimmah-e-*Mujtahideen — the Imaams of the Math-habs — had acquired their knowledge of Islam from either the Sahaabah or the Taabi-een who were the Students of the Sahaabah. Whatever they taught is therefore, what the Sahaabah had instructed. It is the height of folly and deviation to differ with them and to choose a way which is at variance with what they had disseminated.

    It is not conceivable that the Salf-e-Saaliheen — all the Imaams of the Math-bas were among them — were in deviation and the present-day Salafis are on Rectitude. This is unacceptable to any Muslim who is prepared to reflect a bit. The greatest daleel for the view of the Math-habs is that whatever they teach has been acquired directly from either the Sahaabah or the Taabi-een.

    The Salafi practice of spreading the feet wide apart and the irritating attempt to touch the next man’s toes are in conflict with the Sunnah as the aforegoing Shar’i evidences have established.
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    The Salafi practice of spreading the feet wide apart and the irritating attempt to touch the next man’s toes are in conflict with the Sunnah as the aforegoing Shar’i evidences have established.
    is this trying to say that we shouldn't touch eachother foot (leave no gaps between each other) ??
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    is this trying to say that we shouldn't touch eachother foot (leave no gaps between each other) ??
    Absolutely, this is what the Jamhoor have said: ‘Verily, the meaning (of joining in this context) is complete nearness and lining up, not actual joining (or touching).’ Al-Haafiz said: The meaning of this is to emphasise in straightening the saff and closing the gaps. And Aini too has said so. With this, the indication is towards emphasis in straightening the sufoof and closing the gaps. Qustulaani and others have also said this.

    (Laamiud Duraari commentary of Bukhari)

    In Faidhul Baari it is reported as follows:

    It is stated in Sharhul Wiqaayah: ‘The musalli should stand apart (with his feet) so that there is a distance of four fingers in between them, and that is also the view of Imaam Shaafi (rahmatullah alayh), In another view it is said that the distance (between the feet) should be one hand (i.e. about 10 cm).’ (The author says): I did not find any difference of opinion among the Salf (i.e. Salf-e-Saaliheen) between the stance (of the musalli) in Jama’ah and in infiraad (i.e. performing alone). There is no difference regarding the gap (between the feet). It is not that the spreading of the feet should be more in Jama’ah than when performing Salaat alone.

    The summary of this is: When we do not find the Sahaabah and the Taabi-een differentiating in their standing position between Jama’ah and individual Salaat, then we understand that the only meaning of Rasulullah’s statement of ‘joining the shoulders’ is to line up closely and to abstain from leaving gaps (between the musallis).

    The following appears in Laamiud Duraari, Commentary of Saheeh Bukhaari:

    The Authorities (the Fuqaha) stated that it is best for the musalli to keep his feet about four fingers apart. They did not say that the feet should be united in ruku’ or sajdah. Aini says in Binaayah: ‘It is appropriate that there be the distance of four fingers between the feet of the musalli, for verily, this is nearest to khushoo.’

    Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhuma) would not spread (widely) his feet nor would the one foot touch the other, but between this there would be neither much closeness nor much distance.

    In Raddul Mihtaar it is reported as follows:

    The meaning of joining ankles to ankles is that everyone in the Jama’ah should stand alongside the other (i.e. in a straight line). So is it said in Fataawa Samarqand). (I’laaus Sunan)

    From all the narrations and views of the Muhadditheen and Fuqaha of the Khairul Quroon era it is abundantly clear that the Hadith which mentions joining foot with foot does not have a literal meaning. It simply means that the feet should be all in line, and this is achieved by the heels of the musallis all being in the same line. This will ensure a straight saff on which the emphasis of all the Ahadith is.
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    just to clarify, when I say touch eachother foot, I mean touch each other ankle.
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post

    just to clarify, when I say touch eachother foot, I mean touch each other ankle.
    ankle is the part of foot. There is no shari rule(command) to pray salah joining the ankles/foot, lol thats from the ppl. of desire. The detail to it is mentioned above. please read it all.
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    ankle is the part of foot. There is no shari rule(command) to pray salah joining the ankles/foot, lol thats from the ppl. of desire. The detail to it is mentioned above. please read it all.
    I see no hadiths or ayat used as arguments. all I see is just He said She said.
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    I see no hadiths or ayat used as arguments. all I see is just He said She said.
    thats why i said read the posts above, the link is mentioned above(for knowing Hadith related to this subject), and the fuqahaa understanding as well what they observed their teachers practicing and what they themselves concluded and practiced.

    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Musalmaan View Post
    Jazak Allah, you are a good muqallid of Shaykh ibn Salih al-'Uthaymin rahimahulla.


    While the case of the Four Math-habs is logical, the actual daleel (proof) for our view is not rational interpretation, but is narrational evidence. Such evidence has been transmitted down the centuries from the Sahaabah. It should be understood that the Aimmah-e-*Mujtahideen — the Imaams of the Math-habs — had acquired their knowledge of Islam from either the Sahaabah or the Taabi-een who were the Students of the Sahaabah. Whatever they taught is therefore, what the Sahaabah had instructed. It is the height of folly and deviation to differ with them and to choose a way which is at variance with what they had disseminated.

    It is not conceivable that the Salf-e-Saaliheen — all the Imaams of the Math-bas were among them — were in deviation and the present-day Salafis are on Rectitude. This is unacceptable to any Muslim who is prepared to reflect a bit. The greatest daleel for the view of the Math-habs is that whatever they teach has been acquired directly from either the Sahaabah or the Taabi-een.

    The Salafi practice of spreading the feet wide apart and the irritating attempt to touch the next man’s toes are in conflict with the Sunnah as the aforegoing Shar’i evidences have established.

    Sorry Bro., we do not spread our feet wide apart thus creating gaps. It is foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder.
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Jazakallahu Khayr for the post Br. Abdurrahman

    Straightening The Rows And Joining The Feet In Congregational Prayer

    Shaykh Muhammad Naasir Ud-Deen al-Albaanee

    [Translated by Oways al-Haashimee]

    An abandoned Sunnah that must be revived [1]

    There are many authentic ahadeeth from the Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam concerned with the command to straighten the rows (for congregational prayer), and so this is rarely hidden from any of the students of (Islaamic) knowledge let alone their teachers. However it remains unknown to many that straightening the rows requires straightening it with the feet, not just the shoulders. Indeed we have often heard some of the Imaams of the Masaajid (Mosques) pointing out - when ordering the people to straighten the rows - that the Sunnah is to do so with the shoulders to the exclusion of the feet! Since this is contrary to what is established in the authentic Sunnah, I thought it necessary to mention some ahadeeth that exist on this topic, as a reminder for whoever wishes to act in accordance with the authentic Sunnah, not being deceived by the widespread customs and habits present in the Ummah.

    There are two authentic ahadeeth on this topic: The first is the hadeeth reported by Anas, and the second is that reported by An-Nu’maan ibn Basheer, may Allaah be pleased with them both.

    As for the hadeeth of Anas, then it as follows;

    The Hadeeth of Anas ibn Maalik

    "Straighten your rows and come close together, for indeed I see you behind my back"

    The hadeeth is reported by al-Bukharee [2/176 - al-Fath, Boolaaq edition], Ahmad [3/182 and 263], and al-Mukhallis in al-Fawaa’id [1/10/2], all of them reporting via a number of transmission paths (turuq sing. tareeq) from Humayd at-Taweel who said Anas ibn Maalik narrated to us saying:

    "The call for commencing of salaah was made, the Messenger of Allaah Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam turned to us and said..."

    (then he mention the above hadeeth). Al-Bukhaaree adds in one narration of this hadeeth:

    "(He turned to us and said) before pronouncing the opening takbeer..."

    Also adding at the end

    "...each of us would adjoin his shoulder with that of his companion (standing next to him) and his foot with that of his companion."

    This addition also occurs in the report of al-Mukhallis and Ibn Abee Shaybah [1/351] with the following wording: Anas said ~

    "...So I saw each of us adjoining our shoulder with those of our companions and also (adjoining) our feet with those of our companions, but if you were to practice this today, a person would flee (from you) like a restless mule."

    Its chain of narration (sanad) is also saheeh according to the conditions stipulated by the Two Shaykhs (al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). Al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajr) ascribed this wording to Sa’eed ibn Mansoor and al-Ismaa’eelee. Al-Bukhaaree gave a chapter heading for this hadeeth by saying:

    Chapter: 'Adjoining the shoulder with the shoulder and the foot with the foot in the row (for prayer).'

    As for the hadeeth of an-Nu’maan (ibn Basheer) then it is as follows:

    The Hadeeth of an-Nu’maan ibn Basheer

    "Straighten your rows (he said it three times),by Allaah either you straighten your rows or Allaah will cause conflict between your hearts."

    The hadeeth has been selected by Aboo Dawood [no.662], Ibn Hibbaan [no.396], Ahmad [4/276] and ad-Doolaabee in al-Kunaa [2/86] from Abil-Qaasim al-Jadalee Husayn ibnil-Haarith who said; I heard an-Nu'maan ibn Basheer say:

    "The Messenger of Allaah turned to us and said..."

    (then he mentioned the above hadeeth). Then an-Nu'maan ibn Basheer added:

    "...So I saw each man joining his shoulder; knee and ankle with that of his companion."

    The sanad of this hadeeth is saheeh, al-Bukhaaree quoted it in discontinuous (mu'allaq) form in a decided manner (indicating that he considered it authentic). Ibn Khuzaymah also connected its chain of narration in his Saheeh [1/82,83] and al-Mundhiree [at-Targheeb 1/176] and al-Haafidh [al-Fath 2/176] both confirmed this. Ibn Hibaanselected the hadeeth in his Saheeh [14/396 - Mawaarid] reporting through the tareeq of ibn Khuzaymah.

    The text of the hadeeth is also reported by ad-Doolaabee by way of Baqeeyah ibnil-Waleed who said: 'Hurayz narrated to us saying: I heard Ghaylaan al-Muqri' narrate from Abee Qutaylah Marthad ibn Wadaa'ah (who said: I heard) an-Nu'maan ibn Basheer say...', (then he mentioned the hadeeth).

    There is no problem with the sanad for the purpose of supporting reports (mutaab'aat), its reporters are reliable apart from Ghaylaan al-Muqri' . Perhaps he is Ghaylaan ibn Anas al-Kalbee (their mawlaa) ad-Dimishqee. If that is the case then his condition (as a reporter) is unknown. A group of the reporters have narrated from him and al-Haafidh (ibn Hajr) said about him: 'He is acceptable (Maqbool).' Then it became clear that identifying this reporter in the sanad as al-Muqri' was a mistake, as al-Bukhaaree and ibn Hibaan had said, and that in fact he is Ghaylaan ibn Ma'shar al-Muqraa'ee [Lubaab 3/237]. Ibn Abee Haatim [7/53] has given a biography for him, mentioning that a number of people have reported from him, and Ibn Hibaan [5/290] declared him reliable.

    The Fiqh of these Ahadeeth

    In these two ahadeeth there are a number of important points of benefit and fiqh. 1. The obligation to straighten the rows for salaah and to stand close together in them, due to the command mentioned in the ahadeeth. The rule concerning such commands is that they constitute an obligation (wujoob) except if accompanying evidence (qareenah) proves otherwise as is well established in the science of fiqh principles. The qareenah here in fact emphasizes the obligation, and that is in the saying of the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam, "...or Allaah will cause conflict between your hearts", since such a warning is never given for leaving that which is not obligatory as is quite clear.[2]

    2. The forming and straightening of the rows mentioned in the hadeeth is only achieved by joining the shoulder and the side of ones foot with the shoulder and foot of the adjacent person. This is because that is what the Companions, Radiallaahu 'anhum, did when ordered to straighten the rows and stand close together in them. Hence al-Haafidh (ibn Hajar) said in al-Fath after mentioning the additional saying of Anas in the first hadeeth that I have quoted above:

    "This (wording) is an explicit explanation that the mentioned action (of the Companions) was done in the time of the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam. With this in mind the usage of this action as a pretext for explaining what straightening the row means becomes complete."

    It is regrettable that many Muslims have neglected this Sunnah of straightening the row, or rather they have lost it altogether, except for a few of them. For I have not seen this practiced by any group amongst them except Ahlul-Hadeeth (the People of the Hadeeth). I saw them in Makkah in the year 1368AH enthusiastic and concerned with adhering to the Sunnah as with other Sunan of al-Mustafaa (Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah) Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam. This contrary to others from the followers of the Madhaahib - and I do not exclude the Hanaabilah (Hanbalees), for this Sunnah has become utterly forgotten amongst them. In fact they have consecutively abandoned and turned away from it. This is because most of their Madhaahib state that the Sunnah in this regard is that a space of four fingers width should be kept between ones feet, and more than this is disliked, as is detailed in al-Fiqh 'alal-Madhaahib al-Arba'ah [1/207].

    This spacing has no foundation in the Sunnah; rather it is based on mere opinion. If it were correct then it would be necessary to restrict this practice to the Imaam and the one praying on his own so that the authentic Sunnah (of standing close in the row) would not be opposed with this practice, as the fundamental principles of fiqh (al-Qawaa’id al-Usooleeyah) necessitates.

    In short I appeal to the Muslims – especially the Imaams of the Masaajid, those who are concerned to follow the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam, and to acquire the virtue of reviving his Sunnah, I appeal to them to act by this Sunnah, have concern for it, and call the people to it until they unify upon it, and by what they will be saved from that warning "…or Allaah will cause conflict between your hearts."[3]

    I add in this addition [4] (of my book): It has reached from one of the callers to Islaam (du’aat) that he belittles the status of the Sunnah that the Companions practiced, and which they did so with approval of the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam. He insinuates that the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam did not teach them this practice. So he has not realized – and Allaah knows best – that (1) this was their understanding and that (2) the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam approved of their understanding and their practice. This is sufficient amongst Ahlus-Sunnah to affirm the legitimacy of this practice, because the witness sees what the absent does not, and the Companions are people whose followers will never be wretched (unsuccessful).

    3. In the first hadeeth there is an affirmation of a clear miracle (mu’jizah) given to the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam, and that was his ability to see behind him without turning his head. However it should be known that this was exclusively for the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam when he was in Salaah since nothing exists in the Sunnah that states that he used to see behind him without turning his head outside the Salaah. And Allaah knows best.

    4. In the two ahadeeth there is a clear proof for something that many people do not know about, although it has become recognized in the field of psychology, and that is the fact that outer (apparent) evil and corruption affects inner evil and corruption and vise versa. There are many ahadeeth about this, perhaps we will undertake the task of gathering and referencing them at some later opportunity if Allah, The Most High wishes.

    5. The entering of the Imaam into the opening takbeer for prayer when the mu’ahddhin says ‘The Prayer is about to start…’ (qad qaamati-salaah) is an innovation in the religion (bid’ah) due to its contradicting the authentic Sunnah, as these ahadeeth prove – especially the first one. The ahadeeth show us that after the Iqaamah has been called there is a duty upon the Imaam which he must fulfill, and that is commanding the people to straighten the rows, reminding them of that, for he is responsible for them and will be asked. "…And all of you are shepherds and all of you will be asked about your flock."



    [1] Translated from Silsilatul-Ahadeethis-Saheehah of Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee. Vol.1 pp70-74, Hadeeth no.31 and 32.

    [2] TRANSLATORS NOTE ~ Standing close in the row, filling the gaps and straightening the line carries a great reward and virtue as well as being obligatory. This is mentioned in a number of ahadeeth, like the following:

    "The best of you are those who stand with their shoulders closest (to the one standing next to them) in the salaah, and there is no step greater in reward than that taken by a man toward a gap in the row thus filling it." Reported by at-Tabaraanee in al-Aswat, refer to Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb (1/200).

    "Whoever fills a gap in the row, Allaah raises him up due to it a rank and builds a house for him in al-Jannah." Reported by at-Tabaraanee in al-Aswat and al-Asbahaanee in at-Targheeb, the hadeeth is saheeh as occurs in Saheeh at-Targheeb (no.505).

    [3] TRANSLATORS NOTE ~ There are a number of ahadeeth that explain the virtue of reviving the Sunnah and the calling the people to guidance and righteousness. For example the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alayhiwasalam said: "Whoever calls to guidance will have the same reward as all those who follow him in that guidance but this will not take anything away from their reward. Whoever calls to untruth will carry the same sin as the same sin as all those who follow him in that, but that will not take anything away from their sins." Reported by Ahmad in his Musnad, Muslim in his Saheeh and others.

    [4] TRANSLATORS NOTE ~ This article is taken from the newest edition.
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by E'jaazi View Post
    Sorry Bro., we do not spread our feet wide apart thus creating gaps. It is foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder.
    do you mean by this physically touching of foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder in salah?
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Musalmaan View Post
    do you mean by this physically touching of foot to foot and shoulder to shoulder in salah?
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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by E'jaazi View Post
    your wish... but remember your own understanding (which is not required) is going against the understanding of jamhoor(majority) of quroon-e-ula scholars (salaf-e-sualiheen), and they had more understanding and love of sunnah than us.
    Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: Connecting the Lines for Prayer

    The post by the Sister at the top of this page addresses your post. Please read it again.
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