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Is Music Haraam?

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    mmc's Avatar Full Member
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    Is Music Haraam?

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    I got question? ???

    Are we allow to listen to "Soldier of Islam" ? I mean music is haram in islam then??


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    WomanOfJihad's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: MUSIC - Soldiers of Islam

    hmm.. as far as i know. Anasheed containing instruments are nt Allowed .. However Dhuff is n Exception.. never listened to the Soldiers of Islam.. so Allahu Alim.. but .. one thing is Definate .. Anasshed containing instruments are Haram.. For example Al Muallim i realised lots of pple loved it . but pity we cant LIsten to it due to the TONES of Instruments being used .. Allahu Alim

  4. #3
    Ummatee's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: MUSIC - Soldiers of Islam

    erm Brother Aamir saab... just in contribution to wat Woman of jihad sed hers sumthng tht might help you:

    To assert on the basis of some Ahaadith that to listen to Islamic songs with music in the background is incorrect. Several Ahaadith clearly prohibit the use of the drum as well as other musical instruments. Consider the following Ahaadith:

    * Hadhrat Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) declared every wine, gambling, beating of drums and every intoxicant as Haraam. (Abu Dawud)

    * Hadhrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) prohibited the beating of drums. (Kanzul Ummaal)

    * The Kubah (drum) is Haraam. (Bayhaqi; Musnad Bazzar)

    These Ahaadith are general and prohibit the beating of the drum. Those who claim that the beating of drums is permissible generally use the Hadith wherein it is reported that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Announce the Nikah even though it be with the Duff.’ (Mishkat)

    In another narration, it is reported that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) passed by little girls who were beating drums. (Ibn Maajah)

    hope it helps everyoene inshALlah Ameen..!!!!

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    Sheikh Haroon's Avatar Full Member
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    Salaam All.

    Firstly, all music is not haraam. There are two types of music. U have that which is used for good, i.e. in nasheeds, in educational software, in calming tunes, and then theres the bad, repulsive music, like that associated with drug culture, or dirty sexually motivated music. Love songs and the like, they are all bad. That is islam on music.

    Who said music is not allowed in islam? Quran is silent over this topic and where Quran remain quite it means that matter is leave for us may we do or may not. poetry and music are leave upon us, but Allah have imposed a general rule that keep yourself away from bad things, this rule apply here too. So the poetry or music create bad senstions is not good otherwise there is nothing wrong with good poetry or music.

    It is true that by listening to certain types of music, it does not mean that the culture the music is associated with will be taken up, yes i agree. However, i do believe that it is in the best interests of the ummah to keep away from such ideals presented by certain themes and songs. Let us talk about the love songs then. I do not think that they are inherently evil, but what i do say is that they promote, and hence weaken the islamic principles of, fornication. It is a very seeing and hearing world out there; people are influenced by what they see and hear alot. This is one of the reasons that youngsters take up fornication and premarital intimacy, because of the fact that it is shown, promoted and spoken highly of by the voices out there. People dont like to feel out of society, they dont like to stand out, and Islam does tend to stick out a bit, with regards to modern practises, i.e. clubs, dating and all the other things that youth are preoccupied with in their free time. So, if the social voices out there are promoting evil, i.e. like Justin Timberlake's "I wanna rock your body", then it is, i believe, correct to abstain from such music, such abhorent voices, and to keep our people away from them too.

    Some love songs talk about the heart. I do not believe that they are wrong, because one can put himself in the situation and can be inspired to strengthen the heart-God relationship. I mean, some songs really do touch your heart, and amusingly they remind u of Allah! I mean, even though all the lyrics are not exactly approved of, ill admit that when i first heard "My heart will go on", it deeply touched me, not really the words, but the feel of the music, it hits u in the heart, and it can be very very inspiring at times.

    And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best.
    Is Music Haraam?

    "The brelvis cry for the love of the Prophet,
    The tablighis cry for dawah,
    The salafis cry about aqeedah,
    The ikhwan al muslimeen (egypt) cry for jihad,
    The ikhwan al muslimeen (pakistan) cry for zikr,
    The hizb ut tahrir cry for khilaafah,
    The shia cry for 'Ali (ra),

    I cry for unity."

    Sheikh Haroon

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    Dhahabi's Avatar Full Member
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    Post Evil of Music

    Evils of Music

    By Maulana I. Suleman

    Assalamu Alaikum dear respected brothers, sisters, learned scholars, friends, and colleagues.

    In the 20th century, as we approach its end, we have a big fuss being made over the new millennium. In England, we see the fuss in the form of a big dome. We have the fuss over the computer millenium bug. One way or the other, whether we read the papers, listen to the radio, listen to the reports by journalists on sky, the essential argument that is put forward is that the millennium will bring something bad with it and mankind has to do something to fight it otherwise we, as human beings, will be at a loss. If we look at the book, Ghost in the Machine written by Arthur Kestler, he looks at the 20th century and his main argument is that society, in the 20th century, has reached a stage as a direct result of scientific experiementations that people are at a stage that you can program them in whichever way you want. His argument is referred to as behaviourism. The scientists have discovered that if we give mankind a certain amount of training to do something, he will go that way without us doing anything. So, it is as though our minds are programmed to respond in a certain way given the right circumstances. A small example is that you can train a rat to do anything and this is the example Arthur Kestler gives in his book. You can train a rat to go and take the long route for its food. Likewise, in the modern day we have certain traps and tricks of Shaytaan to beguile mankind, not just the Muslims. Mankind is losing the identity that it acquired naturally regardless of what religion he follows.

    The concept of behaviourism, programming the mind to behave in a certain way is evident today in Europe and America. The young generation of Muslims growing up in western society has been programmed to ponder upon three or four issues that must be very important to him because these are the things that give him popularity, street credit, worth on the street. It revolves around these four issues. And all these four issues deal with the outside of a person.

    In England, 500 million pounds is spent on male cosmetics, not even women cosmetics like lipstick and nail polish, but 500 million pounds is spent only on male cosmetics. Why? Because the argument is put forward that the only reason you are going to get any worth, any status, is by the way you look. Which clothes do you wear? Which designer labels do you have in your closet? Do you wear Armani? Do you wear Ralph Lauren Polo? Do you drive a Mercedes? Your look is a trade worth 500 million pounds. So the brain has been programmed this way: You should have this product and the brain has been programmed to believe that if you dont have this product, you will have no street credit.

    The other issue that occurs is which political party or trend to you support. And this does not occur until you enter the doors of a university. This will give you your street credit. Are you to the right? Are you to the left? Or are you in the middle?

    The third issue is that what type of sport do you indulge in. This may mean the football team you support because that is going to give you street credit. That is going to make you look cool.

    And the fourth issue is the type of music you listen to. And this fourth issue doesnt just affect the youngsters of today, but it affects the adults, the youth, and the old-aged pensioners. It is on a global level that the damage is being done. The music industry, on a global level, is worth one billion dollars. That is the music trade. If you compare those figures to the economic figures of some third world countries, you will find on the one hand, you have one billion dollars of the music industry and on the other hand, countries like Africa, a third world country, does not even generate more than half a billion. In 1997 in England, according to figures published by the corporate intelligence in London, just the music cassettes and records and CDs were worth 1, 767,000,000 pounds. And this is only in England. And they informed us that by the year 2002, you can expect the sales to go up to 2 billion pounds. These figures tell you that the interest in music will increase day by day. The sales on Hi-fi equipment (record players, CD players, stereo systems, etc.) in 1997 was worth 1,492,000,000 pounds and in the year 2002 that number will go up to 1,500,000,000 pounds. From this, we can see that the music industry is never going to go down. And in the same report, it said that the new labour government has established a specific task force to make sure that music and the sale of music increases in England over the next generation period. If a young Muslim is trying to order something over the phone, hes told, Wait a minute, Sir, and you have the top ten hits blowing down your ears. You go to the Supermarket, Costco, Safeway, wherever you go, you have music pumped down your ears. Wherever we go, music is all around us, whether we listen to it or whether we claim not to listen to it, it is around us. And if we look at this issue in the Quranic teachings and Hadith teachings, we will see something different. Allama Qurtubi who belongs to the thirteen century said that in the whole of the Quran, there are three verses that refer to music. Im going to deal with one. The Quran says: And beguile whomsoever of them you can with your voice (17:64).
    When Shaytaan was evicted from Paradise, he complained to Allah and a dialogue took place. Mufti Shafi included it in his book, Islam and Music, page 163. On the authority of Allama Ibnul Qayyum Al-Jowzy, a fourteenth century scholar, he narrates a dialogue between Shaytaan and Allah when Shaytaan. When he was evicted from Paradise, he complained to Allah, I have been evicted from Paradise and it is going to be my task to make human life on earth a mission impossible. Im going to make sure that he boards the joy ride to Hell. That is my mission, but I will need some tools for that.

    Shaytaan said: Where will I go in the world?
    Allah replied: Your place is the public baths i.e., swimming pools, beaches, etc. (places of nudity).

    Shaytaan: Where will I sit and spend my time?
    Allah: In the town centers, in the market places i.e., malls, shopping centers, street corners.

    Shaytaan: What will be my food?
    Allah: Every animal that is not slaughtered according to Shariah principle, in the name of Allahthat will be your food i.e., haraam food, and you influence will penetrate into the person who eats such a food. (What do we see in the world today?)

    Shaytaan: What will be my drink:
    Allah: Every intoxicant will be your drink. (Notice that the word intoxicant is used, which means anything that intoxicates and not only alcohol.)

    Shaytaan: What will be my Quran?
    Allah: Your Quran will be music.

    Shaytaan: You will have a person who will call towards prayer and success, so who will be my prayer caller?
    Allah: Your prayer caller will be the musician.

    The Quran tells us music and musicians is this and society tells us music and musicians are something else. Compare the two versions.

    Shaytaan further asks: What will be my speech with which my influence will permeate within that person?
    Allah replied: Lies.

    Shaytaan: What will be my trap with which I can fish the human being into coming towards my way?
    Allah: Women.

    So music in the modern day is an art and the musician in the modern day, is a celebrity and an artist. The Quran tells us that music is the voice of Shaytaan. The hadith tells us that music is the Quran of Shaytaan. Now we must think about the path we are taking. We have to use the intellect, which Allah has bestowed upon us. There is a verse in the Holy Quran that describes the Jewish community at the time of Madina, the time of the Prophet SAW. Today that verse is befitting upon the Muslim community. It states that their hearts were disunited because they did not use their intelligence. We, Muslims, have to think now and not let others bombard us with useless information. Is our life only going to a corner shop or a gas station or fighting in the mosque everytime we meet? Is that our life? We have to think beyond this. The Muslims were the people who have the world intelligence. Hamilton Gibb was an Oxford lecturer united by the Queen. William Watt was a lecturer at Edinburgh University. Im not quoting Muslims. These are non-Muslim orientalists that studied Islam and said that the Muslims were the people who give Europe its lifestyle and it was the Muslims who gave Europe the intelligence to think with. They gave them the principle, the methodology to think with and now we have taken it over, but we dont want to think.

    We are like an alarm clock. It has a start button, a stop button, and a snooze button. We are at the snooze button. We just carry along with no care in the world. People can bombard us with any theory and we just accept it. Why? Because we are not using the Quran. Its there; its full of intelligence. Besides everything else, music is only one issue here.

    And in todays world, music has taken a very dangerous turn. A man named Alister Crowley, who died in 1947 put forward a suggestion that people should learn to think backwards, write backwards, speak backwards and this theory of his was a Satanists. He was one who worshipped the devil and todays musicians have picked up on this theory. Musicians like Michael Jackson, Madonna, The Spice Girls, the Beatles, and all modern groups from the 60s to today are using Crowleys idea.
    Music is worked out on three different levels. One is backtracking. This is when you play a record forward such as the song everyone seems to know, Another one bites the dust. If you play that record forward, you have the song, Another one bites the dust. But if you play it backwards with certain expensive tools, then the message on this song will be, Its fun to smoke marijuana. The argument put forward is that we cannot listen to the words, Its fun to smoke marijuana. Professor William Yellowed was a head of a company in the USA. He was told to carry out a study on the brain by the Pentagon. He is called over in a court hearing. A consumer committee was dealing with a complaint that an album by Led Zeppelin had backtracked messages and these backtracked messages were having a wrong affect on the mind and brain of a person and the court wanted Professor William Yellowed to confirm it. So he confirmed it and described how it happens. The brain is divided into two main areas. There is a right side and a left side and then there is a Euro-tunnel in the middle. Everything that we understand or tend to understand passes through the right side. If you understand it, then you understand it, but if you dont, then it will pass through this vacuum and go onto the left side and on the back of the left side, there is the sub-conscious memory, which is a very powerful too that Allah has given to human beings. It is called the cerebella. It works like a camera. If you give it a negative image, it will give you a positive message, so if you push through the brain a negative and backward sentence then it will read it frontwards. So, the phrase, Another one bites the dust will be understood as Its fun to smoke marijuana. And this sentence and message will stay there in the brain if you do not sit in the company of pious people. If you are spiritually very low, which is the big vacuum of the modern day society, that message will definitely affect you. What do we see today? This is the backtrack method.

    The second level which music has worked out on is known as back masking. Music is written on seven notes. Ill try to make it a simple explanation. The fourth and fifth are the best notes. Another way around Satan: will be written as notes and then everything would be written the other way around and then youll have a new message.

    Ninety-nine percent of books that are written on music are in favour of music. One percent of the works in the library are against music and in that you have to look with a microscope to find a sentence which is really against it. You may have heard two years ago about children who were killing their colleagues in school. Who knows that the cause may be the CDs they listen to in private in their bedrooms whilst parents are thinking that theyre doing their homework and at least they are not on the streets causing mischief.

    The third level which music has worked out in the modern era is that the so-called artist, so-called celebrity is acting out the message on stage. Michael Jackson is well known for his immorality on stage. The Spice Girls and Madonna are also well known for this.

    My brothers, music, drugs, and other activities are forms of drugs. If youre not pushed with the white powder drug then it is the drug of media. If its not the drug of the media then its the drug of music. If its not the drug of music, then its some other form of drug. All this is connected to what Arthur Kestler mentioned in this work, The Ghost in the Machine, which I mentioned in the beginning. It is related to behaviourism. You control people like that. People like Mic Jager of the Rolling Stones; he confirmed the big rows of disco lights and music is a powerful indoctrination tool and this is what youngsters are getting into. Sometimes if you look at a car and you check out the stereo system in it, youll find that the system is worth much more than the car. How can that be justified? The Quran tells us that the people who are expensive spenders are brothers of Shaytaan. And music is one other thing, which comes from the accursed devil. May Allah save our children and us from it!

    Let us brothers in islam discuss this crucial topic

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    JazakAllah for rising this topic in the forum... its very important .. considering todays youth . who r MusicManiac SubhanAlah ... from wat ive seen especialy the Sister ..along wit music they go Crazyy on the Singer as well..
    or shud i say ADDICTEd ...

    and as for Bak traking .. i m sure most pple must have heard abt it from the casete " THE SHADDOWS" its wrth listening...

    Is Music Haraam?

    The Prophet said, "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives (from Allah)."

  10. #8
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    Aslaamu Alkium..

    Jazakaa Allahu Khiraah...
    Is Music Haraam?

    Remember... Allah, subhana watala, sees everything we do!
    039 1 - Is Music Haraam?

  11. #9
    Dhahabi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Evil of Music

    Assalamu alaikum

    http://www.mohammedi.freeserve.co.uk/subliminals (hypnotism)

    Allah knows best

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    MetSudaisTwice's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Evil of Music

    i can't stand haram music, the only tuneful thing i hear is the quranic recitations by SS. SAS and SST.

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    Uthman's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Music is Haraam

    I bet that title lured you all right here Being the claimant, I guess the burden of proof lies on me.

    وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُولَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ

    Surah Luqman verse 6 (031:006)
    But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

    Sayydana Abdullah Ibn Masood was asked about the meaning of the verse to which he replied:

    “I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God, that it refers to ghinaa (singing).”

    Furthermore, let us not forget the hadith of Bukhari:

    The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said:

    "There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma'aazif (musical instruments)."

    This implies that ma'aazif was unlawful in the first place.

    Are we agreed?

    Last edited by Uthman; 08-10-2005 at 10:16 PM.
    Is Music Haraam?

    "I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge."

    ~ 'Abdullāh bin al-Mubārak (rahimahullah)

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    Re: Music is Haraam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman

    Are we agreed?


    Is Music Haraam?

  16. #13
    Far7an's Avatar
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    Re: Music is Haraam

    Assalamu alaikum

    Jazakallah khair Osman!!
    Furthermore, let us not forget the hadith of Bukhari:

    The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said:

    "There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma'aazif (musical instruments)."


    The portion of Al-Bukhaari's hadeeth, which is presently of concern, is that segment whose text states:

    "There will be a people of my ummah [nation] who will seek to make lawful: fornication, the wearing of silk, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments..."

    The word of consequence here is the Arabic term 'ma'aazif'. In order to discover what it implies, one must turn to Arabic dictionaries of hadeeth terms and other scholarly works. According to Lisaanul Arab,(*62) ma'aazif is the plural of mi'zaf or 'azf,(*63) and indicates objects or instruments of play or leisure which are beat upon for their sound. If the singular form is used (mi'zaf), it specifically means a type of large wooden drum used mainly by the people of Yemen. The noun 'azf also stands for the act of playing with ma'aazif, i.e. hand drums (dufoof)(*64) or other instruments which are struck upon. Al-Jowhari, the author of the ancient dictionary, As-Sihaah, asserts that ma'aazif signifies musical instruments, al-'aazif indicates one who sings, and the 'azf of the wind is its voice.(*65) In the famous Taajul 'Aroos min Jawaahiril Qaaamoos, besides quoting the above-mentioned meanings, the commentator Az-Zabeedi says that ma'aazif are instruments of leisure which are drummed upon or played, like the lute ('ood), the drum (tanboor), the small hand drum (daff) or other such musical objects.(*66) And finally, in the famous dictionary, An-Nihaayah fee Ghareebil Hadeeth,(*67) Ibnul-Atheer mentions the meaning of ma'aazif as it is used in various hadeeths. He comments, "By 'azf is meant playing with ma'aazif, consisting of dufoof [hand drums] or other instruments which are beat upon." He also mentions the derived noun form, 'azeef, which means "sound" or voice", while 'azeeful jinn signifies the ringing of the jinns' voices. It is said that the people of the desert imagined the shrill ringing of the winds in the desert air to be the voice of jinns.(*68)

    The commentaries of the scholars of hadeeth also agree on the above-quoted meaninings for the term maazif mentioned in Al-Bukhaari's narration. In Ibn Hajar's exhaustive commentary of Saheehul Bukhaari,(*69) he adds that an earlier hadeeth scholar, named Ad-Dimyaati, says that the word 'azf is also used to describe singing (ghinaa).(*70)

    Such a detailed analysis of the meaning of the term ma'aazif, as mentioned in the most authoritative dictionaries of the Arabic language, is necessary to refute any others' possible attempts to "explain away" or "interpret" it in a matter suiting their preconceived notions or opinions. It clearly has been established that the word ma'aazif - according to correct Arabic usage - indicates a specific number of things: (a) musical instruments, (b) the sounds of those musical instruments (music) and (c) singing to instrumental accompaniment.

    The Islamic Ruling on Music and Singing

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    Re: Music is Haraam

    Asalamu Alaikum

    Oooh, is percussion haraam also?

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    SalafiFemaleJih's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Music is Haraam

    its haraaam its haraaam its haraaam....im reminding myself...yeah.

    jazakAllah kher for the reminder akhi osman...May Allah swt reward u with Jannah ameen.

    wasalamualaikum wr wb.
    Is Music Haraam?

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    Re: Music is Haraam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman
    Instruments are often described as the voice of Satan.
    (Quote from another thread)

    This implies that ma'aazif was unlawful in the first place.
    Are we agreed?
    Yes, I agree it certainly does imply that. My question is why? What's wrong with music?

    I love music. I play the piano and the violin a little bit, but my main instrument is the guitar (an Arabic invention?). I play all the styles of music I can, from rock to jazz to classical to gypsy flamenco. It is quite a shock to be told that during all the many hours of work and practice I've put into advancing on the instrument I've simply been emitting the voice of Satan.

  21. #17
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    Re: Music is Haraam

    Peace Callum,
    Can you identify some things within the music industry which Islam would consider immoral? Can you see how music can inspire such things?

    On the subject of Islam's ruling on music, it is agreed that music with profance lyrics, encouraging sinful behaviour, and glorifying immoral deeds, all this is considered haraam (prohibited) in Islam. But with regards to music that can be beneficial, then there is a difference of opinion. The majority of scholars prohibit instrumental music as such thngs normally lead to man becoming lost in the petty pleasures of this world and indulging in the fulfillment of desires. Islam directs man towards worshipping their Creator and using our limited time in this life to benefit ourselves in the next life.

    As for spending one's time in the craft of satan, I would say that killing is the craft of Satan yet humanity spends countless resources to invent more powerful weapons to wipe out its own kind.

    Is Music Haraam?

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Music is Haraam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    Peace Callum,
    Can you identify some things within the music industry which Islam would consider immoral? Can you see how music can inspire such things?
    [In the text of the Islamic ruling on music that you linked me to, it said that sport was a good alternative to music. Among the sports mentioned were martial arts and marksmanship. The obvious question to ask is: can you see how those disciplines could inspire actions Islam would consider immoral?]

    With regard to your first question, I certainly can. However, many of those things are down to the music industry rather music itself. To survive in a capitalist economy, the music industry needs to make profits. The easiest to way to make profits is to cater for the lowest common denominator, filling songs with lyrics about sex or violence and music videos featuring girls with hardly any clothes dancing about in a ridiculous manner. Obviously this is contrary to the teachings of Islam. However, that is no reason to condemn all secular music. The people who make "music" of the kind I have described represent a tiny minority in the history of music. The point I'm trying to make is that music did not inspire such actions and words, money did.

    I don't really see how instrumental music can be considered as leading to sin. There are some truly beautiful pieces of music in the world which do not have lyrics directing people to be violent, lustful or whatever. I'm thinking of things like Francisco Tarrega's elegant meditation "Recuerdos del Alhambra", about the famous palace complex in Granada in Spain, or Edward Elgar's Cello Concerto in E minor, an immensely moving elegy inspired by the horrors of the First World War. Works of art like this help people to come to terms with their history, to understand themselves and where they came from. Is it sinful to appreciate such things?

    For me, the most impressive thing about music is its ability to bring people together. It's a cliche, but only because it's true. Sometimes, when people are brought together by something like music, they can accomplish great things. Think of Live Aid, in 1985, which sent an estimated $100 million to help feed the starving in Africa. Or, of course, the recent Live 8 concerts, intended to change the minds of political leaders regarding third world debt and unfair trade restrictions. Are these petty matters? Of course not.

    Would you be happier if all secular music was banned, and such benefits would not be available, not to mention the pleasure that music brings to countless millions around the world?

    As you can see, I'm quite passionate about this. I believe music (and all the arts) are of immense importance and benefit to humanity.

    As for spending one's time in the craft of satan, I would say that killing is the craft of Satan yet humanity spends countless resources to invent more powerful weapons to wipe out its own kind.
    Absolutely. The weapons industry is the second largest industry in the world, or so I'm told. It's such a shame that as a species we don't seem to be able to trust each other.

    Peace - the aim of life?

    Last edited by czgibson; 08-11-2005 at 12:51 AM.

  23. #19
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    Re: Music is Haraam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman

    I bet that title lured you all right here Being the claimant, I guess the burden of proof lies on me.

    وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا أُولَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ

    Surah Luqman verse 6 (031:006)
    But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

    Sayydana Abdullah Ibn Masood was asked about the meaning of the verse to which he replied:

    “I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God, that it refers to ghinaa (singing).”

    Furthermore, let us not forget the hadith of Bukhari:

    The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said:

    "There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma'aazif (musical instruments)."

    This implies that ma'aazif was unlawful in the first place.

    Are we agreed?

    is music without instrunments haram, i'm talking about music that keeps u in the thought of Allah (SWT). like music by kamaluddin, he uses no instrunments,

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    Re: Music is Haraam

    Well I guess the point is not that music is bad pro forma but rather dangerous. You'r wright that a lot depends on how it's used. The fact is, and this isn't even a religious claim, but psychologicly true, that music has a way of speaking to the subconscience. When you'r down a certain song can push you deeper. When you'r in love a certain song can make you smile. Sometimes even without words, just a rythm can change your mood from sad to happy or vice versa in seconds. I'd say that's something we need to be carefull with. This doesn't mean it's all bad, and that it can't be used in a good way. Concider alcohol for example, it also has it's benefits, but that doesn't make us drink it, now does it? And wichever way you turn it, society is better of without alcohol. I'm not saying ban music, but I'm sure you catch my drift.
    Is Music Haraam?

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