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Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

  1. #1
    Jewel of LI
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    Lightbulb Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! (OP)

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
    April 25, 1996

    As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmahtullahi wa Barakatu (May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you).

    I am Canadian-born of Scandinavian and other ancestry, and I was raised in Canada. I have been a Muslima since February 1993 when I was 23. While growing up, I was never affiliated with any religion nor was I an atheist. When I was in my mid-teens I started to think somewhat about religion and at that time I did believe in the Oneness of God (Tawheed). Christianity never interested me.

    My first contact with Muslims occurred when I was introduced to some Muslim international students in 1988. Through them I learned a bit about Islam, such as Ramadan fasting. But it was really not until 1992 that I became interested in Islam. In the summer of that year a Canadian newspaper published a series of articles attacking Islam by using examples of anti-Islamic behaviour of some Muslims in an attempt to vilify Islam itself. Non-Muslims tend to judge Islam on the basis of the behaviour (which is not necessarily Islamic) of Muslims. I was not yet a Muslima but the articles were so outrageous that I sent a letter to the editor in defence of Islam. Now I was curious about Islam. I re-read some articles I had picked up several months earlier from the MSA Islam Awareness Week display at my university. One was about 'Isa (Alaihe Salam) [Jesus] as a Prophet of Islam. Also, I asked a Muslim to get me some books about Islam; they were about the overall ideology of Islam and were written by two famous Muslim authors. Impressed, I thought, "This is Islam? It seems so right." Over the next few months in my free time while attending university I continued to learn about Islam from authentic Islamic books, for example The Life of Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihe wa Salam) by Dr. Muhammad Haykal. One certainly does not learn the truth about Islam from the mass media! Also, newcomers to Islam especially must be careful to avoid the writings of deviant groups which claim ties to Islam so as not to be misled. And just because the author has an Arabic name does not necessarily mean that he or she is a knowledgeable Muslim or even Muslim at all. Also, I learned about Islam from some kind, knowledgeable Muslims and Muslimas who did not pressure me. Meanwhile, I had begun to Islamize my behaviour which did not require huge change. I already avoided consuming alcohol and pig meat. Also, I always preferred to dress conservatively/modestly and not wear makeup, perfume, or jewellery outside my home. I started to eat only Islamically slaughtered meat. Also during this time I visited a masjid (mosque) in my city for the first time.

    Until I discovered Islam, I knew almost nothing about it. I say discovered because the "Islam" that I had always heard about through the mass media is not true Islam. I had always assumed that Islam is just another man-made religion, not knowing that it is the Truth. I had also assumed that a person had to be raised as a Muslim to be one. I was not aware of the fact that all humans are born Muslim (in a state of Islam - submitted to the Creator). Like many "Westerners" I associated Islam with the "East" and did not know that Islam is universal in both time and place. However, I never had negative feelings about Islam, al-Hamdulillah. The more knowledge that I acquired about Islam, the more I felt that I too can actually be Muslim as I found that many of the beliefs that I already had were actually Islamic not merely "common sense."

    So after familiarizing myself with what Islam is basically about and what are the duties and proper conduct of a Muslim person, as well as thinking and reflecting, I felt ready to accept Islam and live as a Muslima. One day while at home I said the Shahada (declaration of faith) and began to perform the five daily salawat (prayers), al-Hamdulillah. That was in February 1993, several days before the fasting month of Ramadan began. I did not want to miss the fasting this time! I found the fasting to be much easier than I had anticipated; before I fasted I had worried that I might faint. At first there was a bit of an adjustment period getting used to the new routine of performing salah and fasting, and I made some mistakes, but it was exciting and not difficult. I started to read the Qur'an (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation) when I was given one soon after accepting Islam. Before that I had read only excerpts of it in other books. Also in the beginning, I found The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi to be a useful guide.

    In January 1996 (during Ramadan) I started to wear the Islamic headscarf (hijab). I realized that I could not fully submit to Allah (SWT), which is what being Muslim is about, without wearing it. Islam must be accepted and practised in its entirety; it is not an "alter-to-suit-yourself" religion. Since becoming a Muslima I was aware that the headscarf is required of Muslim women and I had intended to wear it eventually. I should have worn it immediately upon accepting Islam but for many Muslimas (even some from Muslim families) it is not easy to take that step and put it on in a non-Muslim society. It is silly how so many persons get upset over a piece of fabric! Also, it is interesting to note that Christian nuns are never criticized for covering their heads. Never in my life did I have negative feelings toward muhajjabas (women who wear hijab) when I saw them. What made me hesitate to put it on was fearing receiving bad treatment from others, especially family. But we must fear Allah (SWT) only, not others. In the few months before I permanently put on hijab I started "practising" wearing it. I wore it when I travelled between my home and the local masjid on Fridays when I started attending the jum'a salah (Friday congregational prayer). (Of course, since becoming Muslim I always wore it during every salah). A couple of weeks prior, in du'a I began asking Allah (SWT) to make it easy for me to wear it.

    The day I finally put it on permanently I had reached the point where I felt that I could no longer go out with a bare head, and I thought "tough bananas" if others do not like me wearing it since I alone am accountable for my actions and am required to perform my Islamic duties, and I could never please everyone anyway. Sometimes opposition to hijab is a control issue: some persons just plainly do not like those who are determined and independent especially if it is their child.

    Upon wearing it I immediately felt protected and was finally able to go out and not be the target of stares/leers from men. At first I felt a bit self-conscious but after several weeks I felt completely used to wearing hijab. Sometimes other persons look puzzled/confused, I think because they are not used to seeing pale-faced, blue-eyed Muslimas! By the way, wearing hijab is da'wah in a way as it draws attention to Islam.

    Since accepting Islam I continue to seek knowledge about the Deen (religion) which is a lifelong duty for all Muslims--male and female. Currently, I am learning Arabic and hope to be able to read the Qur'an in Arabic soon, insha'Allah. Reading, discussing Islam with other Muslims, and the Friday jum'a khutba are all educational. Striving to be as pious as one can be and fighting against one's own evil traits (jihad al-nafs) takes effort and is continuous and never ending for Muslims.

    I find Islam ever-more fascinating, and I enjoy living as a Muslima.
    Last edited by Ansar Al-'Adl; 05-04-2005 at 01:40 AM.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.

  2. #221
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Bismillah. Asalaamu Alaikoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. This is my own story, may it inspire others and remind the remainder that anything less than Islam will leave you empty. Aouthoo biAllahi min aShaitan-ir rajeem. Bismillah-ar rahman-ir raheem. Its been for me this Ramadan four years since i shed the burden of kufr. Alhamdulillah it was the best thing in my life since Allah(SWT) blessed me with life. Nearly four years ago i was a person who had tried nearly all forms or thought and life. From athiesm to buddhism, moaism, socialism and communism. All, which i hadnt the incling then, all lacked essential part of life which i only discovered like a moment of "eureka", they all lacked La Ilaha IlAllah. For most of my life i didnt give much thought for monotheism. The thought of times past sickens me nearly to death Alhamdulillah those times are ever fading to distant memory by each passing day.Before i was guided to my birthright i was a much different person.I dont like to talk about in great detail but to give one an idea, i used substances, smoked cigarettes,drank heavily and gave little thought to things outside my own agenda. AstaghfirLi. During the time before Allah(SWT) guided me to Islam, i was a communist. AstaghfirLi. As for my family its the typical story they didnt really have to high feelings or a good word to say about me then and now since i lovingly and thankfully proclaim La Ilaha IlAllah wa Muhammad-ar Roosulullah aameen. However i endever and keep my head up to coin a phrase Alhamdulillah. Being a muslim to me is wonderful and im thankful to Allah(SWT) for guiding me to the truth. Im thankful to have all my brothers and sisters in Islaam and to be apart of such an amazing line from Roosul Adam (AS) to Al Nabi Muhammed (SAW). It truly is a blessing from Allah(SWT) the All Mighty. Pardon me this story is a page turner or a hundred pages long but its my personal experience and just an insight to the life of a brother who could just as easily be standing next to you at the masjid. BarakaAllahu feekoum.
    Asalaamu alaikoum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu.[/B]
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    format_quote Originally Posted by alapiana1 View Post
    I would also like to own the Quran and visit a Mosque. Does anyone know where one is in Chesapeake, VA or how I can get the Quran?

    free Quran for non-Muslims


    To order more free Islamic materials (only pay for shipping), please visit: www.media4islam.com

    The Message International: P.O. Box 50336 , Staten Island , NY 10305 , USA

    Toll Free: 1877-AL-ISLAM

    Tel: 718-448-2004

    Fax: 718-874-1384

    [email protected]

    Visit a mosque

    Toll Free Line. Dial 877-WHY-ISLAM


    Last edited by Muslim Woman; 07-23-2007 at 12:37 AM.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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  5. #223
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Islam and Christianity
    Oum Abdulaziz, Ex-Christian, USA
    (part 1 of 4)

    I did not become Muslim overnight. In fact, at first, learning about Islam came quite unexpectedly on my part. I had simply become acquainted with some Muslims and questioned them wanting to understand something of their beliefs. I was surprised to discover many similarities between the teachings of Islam and Christianity. I came to understand that I could not judge Islam merely from the actions of some “Muslims” I had seen and heard about. To learn something of the real teachings of Islam, I was going to have to throw away my prejudices and begin to learn about it open-mindedly. Unfortunately, I found a great deal of misunderstanding between the Christian and Muslim communities partly due to biased media coverage on both sides and by Muslim and Christian individuals who are not living by the standards of good conduct taught in both these great faiths. Just as the teachings of Christianity are not always apparent from observing the actions of the “typical American Christian,” I realized that to understand Islam I was going to have to look beyond the actions of some Muslim individuals to get to the truth. I was encouraged by a new friendship with a sincere, amicable Muslim woman. As I have always enjoyed reading, I went in search of some good books about Islam.
    What surprised me most, initially, was that the Muslims already had some knowledge of the teachings of Christianity because Muslims, too, love and believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. I learned that the word “Islam” literally means peace through submission to God by belief in His Oneness and by obedience to Him. Thus, Islam claimed to be the same religion preached by all the earlier prophets, in whom Muslims must also believe. These prophets include Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, John the Baptist, and Jesus (peace be upon them all), among others. The Quran says:

    “And We (God) did not send any Messenger before you but we inspired him (saying): There is no god but God. None has the right to be worshipped but I (God). So worship me.”
    (Quran 21:25)

    Islam encourages marriage as a means of sexual chastity and a means of comfort and happiness in life. A marriage is considered a contract between a man and a woman with each of the parties having rights and responsibilities. Upon marriage, a Muslim woman loses neither her family name nor control of her own property. In fact, I discovered that Islam is not oppressive to women, as I had previously thought. I learned that for centuries Muslim women have had rights that most Western women have only obtained in recent years.
    I also learned that the followers of Islam worship God in ways strikingly similar to the worship described in the Bible. The Muslim prays daily reciting these words from the Holy Quran: “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgement; Thee (alone) do we worship and Thine aid we seek; show us the straight way, the way of those on whom thou has bestowed Thy Grace, those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray.” (1:1-7)
    Christians are kindly referred to in the Holy Quran as the People of Scripture or “People of the Book” and are addressed directly.

    “Say: O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; That we associate no partners with Him; That we erect not from among ourselves lords and patrons other than God.”
    (Quran 3:64)

    Christians and Jews are also told that their own scriptures will guide them to the truth of the Quran and Mohammed’s prophethood (2:146, 5:41-47, 7:157). Obviously, I was going to have to take this “challenge” and see if my Bible could really vouch for the divine origin of Islam.
    Evidence of the unity and oneness of God as taught in Islam is found throughout the Bible. In Deuteronomy (32:39) God says, “There is no god beside Me,” and in Isaiah (43:10) “Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me.” In Exodus (8:10) “No one is like the Lord our God,” and in Jeremiah (10:6-7) “There is none like unto Thee, O Lord.” Other verses stating the same can be found in Deuteronomy (4:35, 4:39, 6:4), Isaiah (45:5, 45:21-22, 46:9), II Samuel (7:22), I Kings (8:60), I Chronicles (17:20), Psalms (86:8, 89:6, 113:5), Hosea (13:4), and Zechariah (14:9). When asked “Which commandment is the first of all?”, Jesus answered, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One.” (Mark 12:28-29) Even after the ministry of Jesus, Jesus’ apostles understood this oneness of God. Evidence of this is found throughout the epistles. “God is One” (Romans 3:30); “There is no God but One” (I Corinthians 8:4); “One God” (Ephesians 4:6, I Corinthians 8:6, I Timothy 2:5); and Paul writes to James (2:19), “You believe that God is One: you do well.”
    It is over the nature of Jesus (peace be upon him) that Islam and Christianity really differ. I could agree with the Muslim on basically every other issue, as I found Islam to be both simple and rational. That Jesus was the divine Son of God and part of the Trinity is the essential belief of most Christians. That Jesus was not divine but rather an honored prophet of God is the essential belief of every Muslim. I knew that I had to prove to myself (in order to remain a Christian) that the Bible unequivocally affirms the trinity (i.e. that God is One yet made of three equal and distinct parts), one of part of the trinity being Jesus, the Son. Yet, when I earnestly searched, I could find no real base for the trinity in the Bible. I could not find proof that Jesus or any of the prophets who came before him (peace be upon them all) taught trinity. They all preached monotheism. And how could it be that all of the prophets were ignorant of the very basic nature of God and misguided of the true religion? This could never be! Further investigation showed that the word “trinity” itself is found nowhere in the Bible. The verse that for years seemed to give it some justification has been expunged from the Revised Standard Version and other versions of the Bible because it is not found in any old texts of the New Testament (i.e. it was added to the Bible much later). This is the verse found at I John (5:7) in the King James Version: “The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.”
    According to Christian sources, “Various Trinitarian concepts exist. But generally the Trinity teaching is that in the Godhead there are three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; yet, together they are but one God. The doctrine says that the three are coequal, almighty, and uncreated, having existed eternally in the Godhead.” (Watchtower) This is the fundamental doctrine of most churches. Because there is no rational or logical way to explain the trinity teaching that three can be separate yet equal one (1 + 1 + 1 = 1)! most churches say this doctrine is a “mystery,” cannot be proved, and must be accepted merely on faith. But I began to question how or why I should accept such a doctrine on faith when it is not explicitly taught in the Bible. If it was not a Biblical teaching, then whose teaching was it? It seems that the trinity concept evolved as an explanation of the supposed divinity of Jesus. So I decided to look further for Bible proofs of Jesus’ divinity.


    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    I may have answered or posted my story before in this thread, but I feel that now I can give a fuller, richer account of my journey to Islam.

    The true start to my road to becoming a Muslim started around the year 2000-ish (maybe a little earlier). Islam wasn't on my radar, but at the time I was just feeling lost. I was born and raised Catholic, but around the age of 6 or 7 stopped attending Church regularly (to no fault of my parents, they had to work A LOT in my early years to make ends meet). So from age 7-15 I was a firm believer in a God. Never in my life has that fact wavered in my mind. But I began to question many other things, nothing specific, just went through a general "Why" phase.

    So in my "Why" phase I began reading about any and all religions I could find. And one day I came upon Islam, I read about it was SHOCKED that is fell in line with Judaism and Christianity, so I kept read more and more and more. I fell in love with the faith and everything it encompassed and in the Summer of 2001 was SERIOUSLY thinking of reverting. Then 9/11 happened. And I just felt to uncomfortable in that climate to go to my parents and tell them my feelings about reverting. They're wonderful and open minded, but at that time it just would have been hard for them to swallow. For the next few months after 9/11, I drifted away from Islam. Not only because I didn't know how people would react to me studying and reading, but because the attack on the World Trade Center just had a HUGE impact on me.

    Slowly but surely I started back on my search to find inner peace, and again Islam was the brightest light. I kept on reading and listening to EVERYTHING about Islam I could, I wanted to be absolutely sure that IF I were to revert it was going to be the best thing for me. Little did I know it would take 4+ years for me to reach that level of certainty. Yes, 4+ years later I was sure Islam was my path. And the reason it took so long is because I understood Islam wasn't a half-hearted faith, and by jumping in half-heartedly I'd only be hurting myself.

    Almost a year ago my life changed forever. I gave my declaration of faith, and filled that emptiness in my heart with my new submission to Allah (SWT). I'm learning more everyday, and striving more and more everyday. And although being a Muslim can be tough. Just the feeling of waking up every morning is a wonderful thing now.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by palestine_heart View Post
    Coming To Islam

    My name is Sister Fatemah Islam. I am 37 years old.
    I am an American citizen by birth. A Native Indian of the United States.
    I was raised in Nebraska in a very poor Indian neighborhood, but then
    I was a child I didnأ know too much about being poor (it is just how things
    were). I was raised under the Indian ways and ALLAH (swt). I knew nothing
    of Islam.
    I thought that all families were like mine, abusive, disruptive, and dangerous.
    I thought that the pain was ALLAH(swt) preparing me for life as an adult, those
    were some hard lessons with deep scars. This was ALLAHأ's will? I didnأ like ALLAH
    very much back as a child. The innocence of blame. I grew up in a household of
    drugs, alcohol, and sex . I hated everyone and everything around me. I started
    drinking and drugs at the tender age of 11. Suicide was always on my mind I
    figured ALLAH had made a mistake and I was going to give this life back. Well,
    as you can see I am still here, ALHAMDULILLAH.
    I married at the age of 17 (just turned). My first child was born to me while I was
    Still in high school. Two children later and a few hard beatings the later I was pregnant
    I divorced my husband. Not knowing how to be independent I fell for the first boy
    To look my direction and married him. Again two children later and more beatings
    I left my second husband. Four beautiful daughters and two divorces I decided
    to live alone with my children.
    I moved to Denver, Colorado started working in gay bars and still drinking and
    Doing drugs. 14 years like this and alone, depressed, and very suicidal by this time.
    I was still not speaking to ALLAH(swt)I had all but forgotten about ALLAH(swt).
    One day I was surfing the net to find advertising ideas for the bar. I came across
    This ad that had a banner flashing at the bottom of itأ¢â‚¬â„¢s page. www.islamnow.com
    Is what it read. I was excited I thought Islam was a Country , I clicked onto the site.

    Islam found me
    From that moment Islam had me. I read the entire site and the adjoining sites
    There. Went on like this all night. I cried, laughed, and was even angry why ALLAH
    hadnأ¢â‚¬â„¢t shown or guided Islam to me before. After all I had read I knew not to question
    ALLAH (swt). By this time it is morning I didnأ¢â‚¬â„¢t sleep, drink, or eat this whole time
    Over 24 hours of non-stop Islam. I stood up asked a customer to take me to the nearest mosque, she did. The one hour drive was the longest wait.
    I was afraid to come to ALLAH(swt). I thought maybe what if ALLAH said no to me.
    I met the Imam and told him why I was there. He scared me. He started saying things
    I didnأ understand, loudly but happily. When he calmed down, He calmed me down
    I thought I was going to faint. This when I entered Islam. The first time I had ever
    heard Arabic language up close and I was speaking them to the most important words
    I will ever say in my life..SHAHADA.

    fee amaan Allah
    sister fatemah

    Salaamu alaikum Sister!

    If you don't mind - I have copy pasted your reversion story for my collection... I needed stories like your for my future Dawa. May Allah bless you more and keep you and your family always in his guidance... Ameen
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Salaamu alaikum everyone...

    After Isha... I called the Athan and - since the usual Imams where not yet there... the congregation pushed me back in front to be Prayer Imam. It felt natural right now and I feel very much at home in front.

    Then, I finally got the chance to start reading all these Reversion Stories starting from Page 1.... Alhamdullillah! it's now 1:30AM - and I just finished it. Most of the stories I copy pasted for my compilation project.

    I wanted to put my story here now... but I found out that my story in my Website isn't finished yet, I only have a brief sumary in the Introduce Yourself Threads... I guess I will just copy paste that one and place it here.

    This is truly a site Blessed and protected by Allah SWT. And I thank HIM for keeping and guiding me always into the right path.

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar!

    HERE'S MY REVERSION STORY (digested form)

    Alhamdullillah! I am so happy and thankful to Allah (SWT) for guiding me and helping me find the company of the righteous here in cyberspace.

    I am also glad to find a fellow former seminarian (Woodrow) who also discovered the truth and embraced the true religion preached by all prophets sent by Allah, One God Almighty.

    My journey in discovering Islam is one long and lonely road. I really never had any chance to come across any Islamic material or literature whatsoever before and I would say that my entrance to Islam was a divine journey.

    Eversince I was a child… I read in the bible that we shouldn’t be calling anyone father… since there is only One father… but how come I need to call the Jesuit Rector in my school as Father Lutz?.... I grew up with this hanging question in the back of my head. I joined many sects of Christianity in their Sunday services before I entered the seminary in 1986. My entry into the seminary was actually accidental… I was frustrated with so many things that time – I wanted to enter a Monastery and be a monk… even Shaolin Monk or Budhhist – whatsoever – as long as I can live in seclusion and be away from the cares of this world. It turned out to be a secular order seminary… Nevertheless, I though I can find the answers in this formation house.

    I didn’t, however – I learned many things… in fact, I learned a lot…. Since it was a formation house… I have to live there with problematic adolescents… so I learned to drink, smoke and everything that is associated with alchohol and nicotine and Bars.

    Since I befriended the Bishop and some Major Seminarians… I have advanced my Regency… but it’s actually an excuse to get out of the seminary and get busy with the family business.

    To cut a long story short. I became a man of the world… Been there… done that…. You name it… I’ve been it. And eventually, got married… had a child… became domesticated by a Christian wife… underwent into a long marriage crisis. Lost one of the family houses… Lost 2 family Businesses… Family broke apart…. Almost lost my own family… Almost died for about 7 times more or less, Became down and out… Hitting rock bottom. I have been at many times experiencing the downs of life… but this time 2 years ago – was the lowest and the darkest. I locked myself in a room and faced the floor with my hands stretched… crying and surrendering. I knew that there are only two things that can happen to me after this. It was –1. asking for the devil and end my life… or 2. Surrender to God. I cried so hard until I couldn’t cry anymore… talking to God directly… somewhat having a conversation with Him. I have seen my life flashing back in front of me starting from the day I was born to the turmoil to the present… all the bitterness, hardships and pain… all rushed in as if it was a wild stream. And suddenly… it was peace and calm. I felt like a veil was suddenly lifted up and it’s as if I can see the sun rising for the first time in my life. I felt like it was the first day of my life…

    After that incident… I attended my brother in laws Ecumenical Prayer Group and also my Mother in Laws Protestant Church… I became active in both and they all wanted me to become a pastor since they were all touched by my testimony.

    My brother in law who knew me for so long couldn’t believe that I really have changed. He recall that I was always critical about protestants before… due to my Catholic family background. But I was ecumenical already even before I entered the priesthood seminary. I just became my real self once again before I was introduced to the dirty world.

    But, this was just a short introduction to where I was truly led for. I was without a job for about a year already and the small business I am setting up was cut short due to my raptured appendix last January 2006. Since I surrendered to God, I will accept whatever He will provide for me… no matter what. I was prepared to accept even a small job like selling Fishballs in the market – and I will not be ashamed – even if this will be embarrassing for somebody whom a lot of people in my area would consider as among the upper class of society. I really don’t care about family pride anymore, I was already a new man. As most Christians would say… I was born again.

    Then after a few weeks… although my family is still at the risk of breaking up… I asked and prayed with the Christian Groups I was involved in and I was only encountering miracle after miracles. But this is not yet the gist of the story.

    I just received a call from Saudi… I never wanted to go in this place, I never applied for any job whatsoever specially not here anyway. It was a job offer… and it was an offer I cannot refuse. The job was something I always dreamed of doing for so long since childhood. To cut the long story short…

    I asked my Saudi employer when I got here last September to buy me an English Qur’an… after he heard my story, he told me… my friend… you are a Muslim. I was shocked to hear it… I asked how and why? He told me the definition of Muslim and Islam… and eventually, bought me an English Qur’an.

    I read it and I was crying while I was reading it. At last! I have found the truth! I FASTED that October since it was Ramadan after I made my informal Shahadah… I made 3 informal Shaddahs since every place I visited thought I didn’t made shahadah yet. But I Didn’t have a Muslim guide who can always be with me… but the Qur’an. I have read it day and night… prayed in the mosque 5 times… Been friends with the Imam… The Imam who don’t speak a word in English except Good Morning! whose name is Muhhamad always kid me that I will become Imam when he goes back to Egypt. I never took him seriously… I know he’s just kidding – It was impossible for me to learn Arabic… it was like a tongue twister… moreover, I am nearly 40 and memorizing a foreign language would be really difficult.

    My dear Brothers and sister… for the past months… I was occasionally the Imam and I don’t recall how it happened and when it happened. I am recognized already a the official Muazzine. I sometimes wonder… how it could be.

    But – I have never felt more happier… “a day in the courts of the Lord is better than a thousand elsewhere…” -

    Please pardon me for writing long… since this is not off topic… it is still introducing myself. I tried my best to summarize my story but it’s hard to give the big picture without showing the small ones that make the connection.

    What I really wanted to say… “When Christ mentioned in the book of Timothy: Ask anything to my Father using my name, cast evil using my name… but there will come a time when you can pray directly to the Father without using my name,” - I am not sure what verse but I was grasping the context of that chapter. I was wondering why… no apostle of Jesus (Issa AlleihiSalaam) asked.. WHEN?

    Then I found myself into Islam… all my hanging questions were answered.

    I believe!… I surrender!…. I submit!…. I follow!...

    May Allah be pleased with us all and Bless Us always to Say the Right words, think the Right Thoughts, Do the right Deeds and all at the Right Time, all the time.

    Sallaamu Alikum Warahmatullahi wabarakathu Brothers and Sisters in faith!

    A Believer.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by believer View Post
    Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar! Allahu-akbar!

    HERE'S MY REVERSION STORY (digested form)

    A Believer.
    thanks for sharing ur story ..i saved it ..InshaAllah will read when i go offline..may Allah bless u
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Ya7ya View Post

    I really liked this story of a boy who converted at the age of 10 !!!!!
    just read on :

    very inspiring and very touching . May ALLAH TALLAH shower his blessings on you.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    subhanallah the stories left me in tears!!
    i really liked the story of the ten year old who became muslim. Hopefully al be able to read the rest of the stories .


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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Hopefully Ur Members Here And Al Get To Talk 2 U One Day When I Become A Full Member!!
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Ya7ya View Post

    I really liked this story of a boy who converted at the age of 10 !!!!!
    just read on :

    just wondering at that age, assuming that the boy hasn't reached adolesence yet and since children are not resposible for the actions at that age, would he still be considered as a revert. does that make sense?
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Brother believer..that was touching story. Subhaanallaah. Allah guides whom He wills. You were sincere in search and you finally found. Hopefully your family havent broken down.
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  18. #234
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    Re: Coming to Islam part 1 and 2

    asalamu aleyk sister. i really liked ur story.i wud like to ask u some questions and i was wondering how i will get in touch. Praying that ur family become muslims (if they arent already).
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    very touching
    may Allah bless u all
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  21. #236
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    mashallah very very nice article!!
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  22. #237
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    believer your reversion is so amazing... Allahu Akbar...
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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  23. #238
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Its always nice to hear reverts' stories.It makes me think that I took my religion for granted sometimes.
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  24. #239
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    thank u ol 4 sharing ur stories!!it makes me contemplate my islam, my actions..and thank the Almighty for making me a muslim..
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    assalamu aleykum.hope u guys dont mind if i use ur stories in our school's muslim magazine...
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