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Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Jewel of LI
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    Lightbulb Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! (OP)

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
    April 25, 1996

    As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmahtullahi wa Barakatu (May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you).

    I am Canadian-born of Scandinavian and other ancestry, and I was raised in Canada. I have been a Muslima since February 1993 when I was 23. While growing up, I was never affiliated with any religion nor was I an atheist. When I was in my mid-teens I started to think somewhat about religion and at that time I did believe in the Oneness of God (Tawheed). Christianity never interested me.

    My first contact with Muslims occurred when I was introduced to some Muslim international students in 1988. Through them I learned a bit about Islam, such as Ramadan fasting. But it was really not until 1992 that I became interested in Islam. In the summer of that year a Canadian newspaper published a series of articles attacking Islam by using examples of anti-Islamic behaviour of some Muslims in an attempt to vilify Islam itself. Non-Muslims tend to judge Islam on the basis of the behaviour (which is not necessarily Islamic) of Muslims. I was not yet a Muslima but the articles were so outrageous that I sent a letter to the editor in defence of Islam. Now I was curious about Islam. I re-read some articles I had picked up several months earlier from the MSA Islam Awareness Week display at my university. One was about 'Isa (Alaihe Salam) [Jesus] as a Prophet of Islam. Also, I asked a Muslim to get me some books about Islam; they were about the overall ideology of Islam and were written by two famous Muslim authors. Impressed, I thought, "This is Islam? It seems so right." Over the next few months in my free time while attending university I continued to learn about Islam from authentic Islamic books, for example The Life of Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihe wa Salam) by Dr. Muhammad Haykal. One certainly does not learn the truth about Islam from the mass media! Also, newcomers to Islam especially must be careful to avoid the writings of deviant groups which claim ties to Islam so as not to be misled. And just because the author has an Arabic name does not necessarily mean that he or she is a knowledgeable Muslim or even Muslim at all. Also, I learned about Islam from some kind, knowledgeable Muslims and Muslimas who did not pressure me. Meanwhile, I had begun to Islamize my behaviour which did not require huge change. I already avoided consuming alcohol and pig meat. Also, I always preferred to dress conservatively/modestly and not wear makeup, perfume, or jewellery outside my home. I started to eat only Islamically slaughtered meat. Also during this time I visited a masjid (mosque) in my city for the first time.

    Until I discovered Islam, I knew almost nothing about it. I say discovered because the "Islam" that I had always heard about through the mass media is not true Islam. I had always assumed that Islam is just another man-made religion, not knowing that it is the Truth. I had also assumed that a person had to be raised as a Muslim to be one. I was not aware of the fact that all humans are born Muslim (in a state of Islam - submitted to the Creator). Like many "Westerners" I associated Islam with the "East" and did not know that Islam is universal in both time and place. However, I never had negative feelings about Islam, al-Hamdulillah. The more knowledge that I acquired about Islam, the more I felt that I too can actually be Muslim as I found that many of the beliefs that I already had were actually Islamic not merely "common sense."

    So after familiarizing myself with what Islam is basically about and what are the duties and proper conduct of a Muslim person, as well as thinking and reflecting, I felt ready to accept Islam and live as a Muslima. One day while at home I said the Shahada (declaration of faith) and began to perform the five daily salawat (prayers), al-Hamdulillah. That was in February 1993, several days before the fasting month of Ramadan began. I did not want to miss the fasting this time! I found the fasting to be much easier than I had anticipated; before I fasted I had worried that I might faint. At first there was a bit of an adjustment period getting used to the new routine of performing salah and fasting, and I made some mistakes, but it was exciting and not difficult. I started to read the Qur'an (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation) when I was given one soon after accepting Islam. Before that I had read only excerpts of it in other books. Also in the beginning, I found The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi to be a useful guide.

    In January 1996 (during Ramadan) I started to wear the Islamic headscarf (hijab). I realized that I could not fully submit to Allah (SWT), which is what being Muslim is about, without wearing it. Islam must be accepted and practised in its entirety; it is not an "alter-to-suit-yourself" religion. Since becoming a Muslima I was aware that the headscarf is required of Muslim women and I had intended to wear it eventually. I should have worn it immediately upon accepting Islam but for many Muslimas (even some from Muslim families) it is not easy to take that step and put it on in a non-Muslim society. It is silly how so many persons get upset over a piece of fabric! Also, it is interesting to note that Christian nuns are never criticized for covering their heads. Never in my life did I have negative feelings toward muhajjabas (women who wear hijab) when I saw them. What made me hesitate to put it on was fearing receiving bad treatment from others, especially family. But we must fear Allah (SWT) only, not others. In the few months before I permanently put on hijab I started "practising" wearing it. I wore it when I travelled between my home and the local masjid on Fridays when I started attending the jum'a salah (Friday congregational prayer). (Of course, since becoming Muslim I always wore it during every salah). A couple of weeks prior, in du'a I began asking Allah (SWT) to make it easy for me to wear it.

    The day I finally put it on permanently I had reached the point where I felt that I could no longer go out with a bare head, and I thought "tough bananas" if others do not like me wearing it since I alone am accountable for my actions and am required to perform my Islamic duties, and I could never please everyone anyway. Sometimes opposition to hijab is a control issue: some persons just plainly do not like those who are determined and independent especially if it is their child.

    Upon wearing it I immediately felt protected and was finally able to go out and not be the target of stares/leers from men. At first I felt a bit self-conscious but after several weeks I felt completely used to wearing hijab. Sometimes other persons look puzzled/confused, I think because they are not used to seeing pale-faced, blue-eyed Muslimas! By the way, wearing hijab is da'wah in a way as it draws attention to Islam.

    Since accepting Islam I continue to seek knowledge about the Deen (religion) which is a lifelong duty for all Muslims--male and female. Currently, I am learning Arabic and hope to be able to read the Qur'an in Arabic soon, insha'Allah. Reading, discussing Islam with other Muslims, and the Friday jum'a khutba are all educational. Striving to be as pious as one can be and fighting against one's own evil traits (jihad al-nafs) takes effort and is continuous and never ending for Muslims.

    I find Islam ever-more fascinating, and I enjoy living as a Muslima.
    Last edited by Ansar Al-'Adl; 05-04-2005 at 01:40 AM.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Sikh Enters Islam

    A Muslim scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Farraj, continuously invited an Indian Sikh (who used to live in Saudi Arabia) to Islam. He (the Sikh) neither refused nor accepted the idea because of his family.

    Then one day Allah opened his heart to Islam, he came to the sheikh in his mosque to embrace Islam. The sheikh was busy with his students and some Du'ah (Muslim missionaries who invite people to the worship of Allah).

    Sheikh Muhammad did not know that the man wanted to enter Islam so he did not give him any attention and he left the mosque with his students.

    The man, who wanted to enter Allah's religion, remained standing at the door of the mosque watching the sheikh and his students driving their cars and moving away. On that sight he could not prevent himself from crying and burst into tears. While he was standing weeping at the door of the mosque, a young man who lived in the same quarter passed by him.

    He asked him about the reason of his crying and the Indian replied that he wanted to be a Muslim.

    The young man (May Allah reward him the best) took him to his house. He made him perform ablution (wudoo) and say the two testimonies (None deserves to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger). The Indian left after he said the testimony and it was about the dusk prayer (Al-Maghrib). Then he went to his room and suffered from a severe stomachache.

    The young man came to sheikh Muhammad and told him the whole story. The sheikh regreted what he had done though he was ignorant of the matter. He went to the Indian's room, but his colleagues told him that he had died last night and he was then in the morgue of the Central Hospital. The sheikh went with some Du'ah to the hospital to receive his corpse, but the hospital refused stating that the embassy had sent to his family in India and they would receive his corpse to be burnt there. The sheikh objected saying that the man became a Muslim and there were witnesses to that, but still the hospital refused.

    Sheik Muhammad went to Sheikh Abd Al-Aziz Bin Baz (May Allah have mercy upon him) and told him the whole story. Sheikh Abd Al-Aziz said that the Indian should not be given to his family as he became their brother in Islam; they should pray on his corpse and bury him there. He should not be given to the unbelievers. Sheik Abd Al-Aziz sent a copy of the subject to the emirate and requested an order to give the corpse to sheikh Muhammad Farraj.

    The emirate ordered the hospital to give the corpse to Sheikh Muhammad and he received it. Some Du'ah washed the man and put him in his coffin. The funeral prayer coincided with Al-Jumu'ah (the Friday congregational prayer). Sheikh Muhammad gave a wonderful oration on the one who embraced Islam then died without making one prostration to Allah. He stated in the first oration some similar examples from history, then he stated in the second one the story of the Indian man upon whom they would pray after Al-Jumu'ah. The Muslims prayed upon him, then they carried him upon their shoulders and they all went to the graveyard led by many Du'ah and scholars.

    It was a moving scene, May Allah accept him and have mercy upon him.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    "Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not." (Al-Ghafir:59)
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    How Allah (subhana wa tala) guided me to Islam

    Assalamu alaikum,

    About 6 years ago I worked as a Medical Assistant, and had just began my first semester at a community college for nursing. While I was doing my internship for my medical assistant program I worked for several doctors in an urgent care. One of the doctors was Muslim and his wife worked there as well. They hired me to baby-sit their children and I did, when I saw the way that they lived and how happy they were because of simple things I was intrigued. I began to ask questions and she started to tell me about islam.

    Growing up my family was Baptist, but with the exception of my grandmother, not very active in their religion. I had become close to my religion because of the large amount of time I spent with my grandmother and I stayed close even when I got older. At our Christmas parties I was the only one to leave and go to church, several members of my extended family are atheist and found that funny.

    So when I began to learn about islam at first I had a lot of questions and was confused because my accepting islam basically meant that what I had believed my whole life was wrong, and I had firmly believed without a doubt. But Islam put a doubt that would not go away in my faith. I knew my family would react badly and I was Christian and couldn't accept that I had been wrong all of this time, but I knew in my heart that I wanted to say shahadah. But I told her that I cant learn this anymore and my internship ended. So I went to work for another Dr I had found that I really enjoyed computer programming because of some work that I had done with the IT people who had created the new billing program we worked with. They had told me to stay with IT and so I decided that I would go on for my BS degree and go into IT. There was a transfer agreement between the community colleges here and a local university (with a large Muslim population) that I planned to enroll in.

    I still had doubts about my religion and hadn't gone to church since I left my internship. I still read the information she gave me and I still wondered but I kept trying to push it out of my mind and not think about it. On my way to class one day I was in a car accident alhumdulilah, I was pronounced dead, and am still listed as DOA on the police report. I was driving about 70 mph and went under a semi truck. They resuscitated me 2 times before they got me to the hospital and they stabilized me as well as they could. I had no ID and my family wasn't contacted until the next day when they had found a proof of insurance and called my insurance agent, who also insured my brother. He called my brother who told me mother and they came to identify me. But when they got there they couldn't identify me except finally by my legs because my upper body had been broken, cut, and twisted so badly. My head was swollen and my skull was crushed, I suffered a subarchnoid hemorrhage on impact (which is a usually fatal inoperable bleed in your brain), my neck was broken (c-1 and this is right at the brain stem and controls your breathing and heart rate etc.), both of my arms were broken, my face broken, my retina had started to detach on my eye that was out of socket, my shoulder was broken, several ribs, and my collarbone, etc. I stayed in a coma for a couple months. They said when I woke that I would never walk or talk again and they asked my family to unplug the life support that kept me alive. They refused. When I came out of the coma I was paralyzed from the neck down, and later only on the right side.

    I came out of the hospital and worked hard learning to walk again and eventually got to the point where I could walk 4 miles easily, alhumdulilah. I went back to school, I had a strong desire to go back to school and wanted very much to go to the university that I mentioned before, that had the transfer agreement and was located in a city with a large Muslim population. I finished my last semester at community college and graduated with honors. During my last semester my husband had gotten a job on the other side of the country and plans changed I was to go to a university there instead. But 1 week before the moving trucks came I learned of some horrible news and decided that I would ask for a divorce, alhumdulilah. I stayed here and called the university to see about enrolling for the fall. My first day on campus I was so nervous and I could see Muslim women wearing hijab (some niqqab) all over and I just watched. My first class was bio and my lab partners were fatima and Anisah. They were really kind and I asked questions and they took me to the masjid and gave me hijab and answered all of my questions. In another of my classes I met people from the MSA and they took me to jummah and Introduced me to the Sheikh that I said shahadah with a few weeks later during Ramadan. I kept going to jummah and studying and learned the difference between Sunni and shia, and Ramadan began. I fasted all of Ramadan and went to ifthars on campus. In the last week of Ramadan I said shahadah.

    I have a new outlook on life and cherish the simple things, never taking for granted the gifts Allah (subhan wa tala) has given to me. Every second that I am here able to do things I would have complained about before, or watch the sunrise, or the sunset, smell the grass after it rains, or watch the rain, or spend time with my family and friends. All the things that I am here for and can do, even the ones I don't want to do, everything that happens even when it doesn't look like there could be any good reason for it, I thank Allah (subhan wa tala) and I know (from experience) that Allah (subhan wa tala) is the best of planners and what looks like the worst thing in your life could very well turn out to be the best thing.

    Allah (subhan wa tala) wanted to get my attention and he took me apart, took everything that I took for granted that only he could have given me and only he could give me back. I knew laying in the hospital bed, even though I couldn't speak, that I was only alive because of Allah (subhan wa tala) . And when I could speak the first thing I said (to my father) was that God had a plan for me. Dr's were constantly amazed or unable to explain things. But I could explain it, it was Allah's (subhan wa tala) will. Eventually Allah (subhan wa tala) put me back together (like only he could do) and I can walk and talk and with the exception of a few scars people would never know what happened to me. (and with the exception of my face and hands I am covered so when I tell people this they cant believe it and say that I don't look like this happened, then I show them the pictures and they say subhanAllah. Allah (subhan wa tala) had a plan and it involved getting my attention and making sure that I got to that university and met the people that i met and my saying shadah, and only Allah (subhan wa tala) could have planned it so perfectly. alnumdulilah

    Sorry its so long
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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  6. #44
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    Re: How Allah (subhana wa tala) guided me to Islam

    "So verily with every difficulty there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief." (Al-Inshirah 94:5-6)

    Alhamdulillah beautiful story sister, may Allah (SWT) guide you on the straight path and make you prosper in this life and the next, ameen.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    "Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not." (Al-Ghafir:59)
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    Cool Re: How Allah (subhana wa tala) guided me to Islam

    Masha allah sis. Glad you came to Islam.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    :rose:This beauty that I have is just a simple part of me.This body that I have, no stranger has a right to see.These long clothes and this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.Faith is far less fickle than fashion. Wouldn’t you agree?
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  9. #46
    Abu Zakariya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    As-salaamu 'alaykum

    I just thought I might tell you a little bit about how I started practising, insha'Allah.

    I was born in Bosnia. Both of my parents were communists.
    We moved to northern Europe because of the war, when I was only about 4 years old.

    My parents didn't really talk to me much about islam, but I knew somethings and what always struck me was how beautiful the salaah was (I was still young when feeling this).
    And I knew that there was a Creator and that we should obey him and that we would be judged by Him in the Life Hearafter (this was my fitrah, because noone really taught me this). I even felt that we should submit to that Creator (I didn't know that word existed, but that was my feeling). We should submit/surrender to the will of God, I just knew that deep down in my soul.

    But, watching TV and everything I thought that Christianity was what I later on found out islam is. I saw people praying to God and asking Him for things. I didn't understand arabic and I didn't even know that the Qur'an was in arabic, I had no idea what kind of language that was (when i occasionaly heard the Qur'an). So, I assumed that Christianity was what I really believed in (because they told us the stories of the prophets in school and because of what I thought Christianity was). I wanted to belong to a religion whose followers pray to God in a way they understand. But I still felt that the movements in the salaat were special. The prostration was THE ultimate thing. I wanted to do this. I wanted to surrender to God, obeying Him and prostrating to Him. I wanted to praise Him. I didn't find this in Christianity and when I ultimately found out that they believe in the Trinity, well... That was it...

    I did feel that Islams belief in God was something I could understand and that it was logical. As I mentioned, watching TV and going to school I got the impression that Christianity was what I believed in, but it all collaped as I found out the truth, so when I learned more about islam it made sense. The only thing I didn't understand was the Qur'an and it's language. I had never even picked up a translation (I was still a kid though).
    One thing I couldn't put my finger on was the islamic prayer. There was something very, very magical about the Fajr prayer especially. Waking up early at dawn, washing yourself, praying to God and submitting to Him! Is there anything more beautiful?

    So I learned how to pray by myself when I was twelve and did a couple of mistakes and wanted to correct myself, so I surfed the internet looking for info about the salaat. And I came across some info about islam and one thing just dazzled me when I came to know about it. Islam means submission! It MEANS SUBMISSION TO GOD! This, in my opinion, is evidence that islam is the right way of life. This was my fitrah. This was what I believed in.
    Also, when I finally picked up a translation of the Qur'an... I can't describe it with words. It's as if all my feeling that I have in my heart, that I can't express were taken out and put on paper. It was unbelievable.

    Imagine then how I felt when I came across the verses in the Qur'an that told us to look in our own selves for signs and the hadiths where the Prophet salallahu 'alayhi wa sallam informs us of the fitrah.

    The reason why I feel islam is the right way is because of the fact that every aspect of it totally agrees with the fitrah.

    This was just my little story that I wanted to share. Maybe it was gobbledygoo as I just wrote of the top of my head, but I think the point comes across, insha'Allah. =)
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    That was a beautiful story br. Abu Zakariyah . I would say that you have probaby come to discover Islam in the same way that Muslim converts/reverts do, mash'Allah.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.
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  11. #48
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Alahmdulillah very nice story brother. Mashallah judging by your posts you seem to subhanallah be a very knowledgable brother who has studied the deen, may Allah (SWT) make you steadfast upon the straight path, increase you in knowledge and make you an inheritor of Al Jannah Al Firdus, Ameen.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    "Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not." (Al-Ghafir:59)
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  12. #49
    Abu Zakariya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Ansar al-'Adl

    Yeah, because my parents never really taught me anything about islam.
    I even thought that the Qur'an wasn't in a real language, rather they just said something that only God understood. That's why I, for a while, felt closer to Christianity because I saw muslims reciting something I didn't understand and thought they also didn't understand, and I also saw christians praying and they let us watch movies about the prophets in school (I didn't even know that muslims believed in these prophets).

    But as the Prophet salallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, it's the parents that trn someone into a christian, jew etc. and my parents didn't teach me anything really, so my fitrah could stay intact alhamdulillah.

    And now I read all of these du'aas in the Sunnah and, as I mentioned, I can't even describe what a feeling I get when reading the Qur'an. It's like being reunited with ones family after a long stay in prison or something =)


    Ameen wa iyaak
    Last edited by Abu Zakariya; 08-03-2005 at 12:23 AM.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    there are many muslim parents that aren't much involved in islam. :'(
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  15. #51
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Saido
    there are many muslim parents that aren't much involved in islam.

    It's true. Many parents also fail to distinguish between culture and Islam

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    "I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge."

    ~ 'Abdullāh bin al-Mubārak (rahimahullah)
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  16. #52
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    This was a great story that I read recently I would recommend for everyone to read it.

    How Abu Muhammad Abdullah Bin Abdullah (Al-Tarjuman)
    The Majorcan became a Muslim
    By: Abul-Farag Ibn Ahmad

    a)An ex-priest, Anselm Tormeeda.
    b)The greatest Christian scholar (during) the 14th century.
    c)The author of "The Gift to the Intelligent for Refuting the Arguments of the Christians".

    While the Christians were expending all their efforts in disseminating distorted Christianity all over Andalusia after the evacuation of the Muslims, Allah, the Almighty, opened the heart of one of its great scholars to Islam. He submitted sincerely to Allah, and stood upright in obedience to Him and struggled with his hand, tongue and pen in His way.

    This man was Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abdullah Al-Tarjuman, the Majorcan, who was once a priest called Anselm Tormeeda. He was known as Al-Tarjuman (The Translator), because in less than five months after embracing Islam, the Sultan appointed him general of the Marine Administration where he learned the Arabic language and became a skillful translator in discussions between Muslims and Christians. After only one year, he excelled in the Arabic language and was appointed as the head of Translation Affairs.

    He was famous among the common people with some nicknames; the most popular was Sidi Tohfah, which means "My Master Gift", referring to his famous book "The Gift To The Intelligent For Refuting The Arguments Of The Christians.

    The book was a powerful blow to the structure of Christian belief because it was written by one of the greatest scholars of Christianity in those days, as admitted by Christians themselves. He began his book by mentioning the story of his guidance to Islam; how Allah freed his heart from the slavery of idolatry and polytheism, and how He opened his heart to Islam and filled it with His Light.

    What follows is a summary extracted from his story as related in his own words:

    Let it be known to you all, May Allah bless you, that my origin is from the city of Majorca -May Allah return it to Islam- which is a great city on the sea, between two mountains and divided by a small valley. It is a commercial city, with two wonderful harbours. Big merchant ships come and anchor in the harbour with different goods. The city is on the Island which has the same name - Majorca, and most of its land is populated with fig and olive trees.

    My father was one of the respected men in the city. I was his only son. When I was six, he sent me to a priest who taught me to read the Gospel. I memorised more than half of it in a period of two years. Then I began to learn the language of the Gospel and logic, which I finished in six years.

    After that, I left Majorca and travelled to the city of Larda, in the region of Castellion , which was the center of learning for Christians, in that region. A thousand to a thousand and a half Christian students gathered there. All were under the administration of the priest who taught them. I studied physical sciences and astronomy for six years. Then I studied the Gospel and its language for another four years.

    After that, I left for Bologna in the region of Anbardia. Bologna is a large city, it being the center of learning for all the people of that region. Every year, more than two thousand students gather together from different places. They cover themselves with rough cloth which they call "The Hue of God". All of them, whether the son of a ruler, or the son of a workman, wear this wrap, in order to make the students distinct from others. Only the priest who teaches them controls and directs them.

    I lived in the church with an aged priest. He was greatly respected by the people because of his knowledge, religiousness and asceticism, which distinguished him from the other Christian priests. Questions and requests for advice came to him from everywhere, from Kings and Rulers, along with presents and gifts. They hoped that he would accept their presents and grant them his blessings.

    This priest taught me the principles of Christianity and its rulings. I became very close to him by serving and assisting him with his duties until I became one of his most trusted assistants, so that he trusted me with the keys of his domicile in the church and of his food and drink stores. He kept for himself only the key of a small room where he used to sleep. I think, and Allah knows best, that he kept his treasure chest in there.

    I was a student and servant for a period of ten years. Then he fell ill and failed to attend the meetings of his fellow priests. During his absence the priests discussed some religious matters, till they came to what was said by The Almighty Allah through His Prophet Jesus in the Gospel:
    "After him will come a Prophet called Paraclete"

    They argued a great deal about this Prophet and as to who he was among the prophets. Everyone gave his opinion according to his knowledge and understanding; and they ended without achieving any benefit in that issue.

    I went to my priest, and as usual he asked about what was discussed in the meeting that day. I mentioned to him the different opinions of the priests about the name Paraclete, and how they finished the meeting without clarifying its meaning.

    He asked me: "What was your answer ?" I gave him my opinion, which was taken from my interpretation of a well-known exegesis. He said that I was nearly correct like some priests, and the other priests were wrong. "But the truth is different from all of that. This is because the interpretation of that noble name is known only to a small number of well versed scholars. And we possess only a little knowledge."

    I fell down and kissed his feet, saying: "Sir, you know that I travelled and came to you from a distant country, I have served you now for more than ten years; and have attained knowledge beyond estimation, so please favour me and tell me the truth about this name."

    The priest then wept and said: "My Son, By God, you are very much dear to me for serving me and devoting yourself to my care. Know the truth about this name, and there is a great benefit, but there is also a great danger. And I fear that when you know this truth, and the Christians discover that, you will be killed immediately."

    I said: "By God, By the Gospel and He who was sent with it, I shall never speak any word about what you will tell me, I shall keep it as a secret in my heart."

    He said: "My son, when you came here from your country, I asked you if is it near to the Muslim's. And whether they made raids against you, or you made raids against them. This was to test your hatred for Islam. Know, my son, that Paraclete is the name of their Prophet, Muhammad." to whom was revealed the fourth book as mentioned by Daniel. His way is the clear way which is mentioned in the Gospel. I said: "Then sir, what do you say about the religion of these Christians?" He said: "My son, if these Christians remained on the original religion of Jesus, then they would have been on God's true religion; because the religion of Jesus and all the other prophets is the true religion of God. But they changed it and became unbelievers."

    I asked him: "Then, sir, what is the salvation from this?" He said: "Oh my son, embracing Islam."

    I asked him: "Will the one who embraces Islam be saved?"

    He answered: "Yes, in this world and the Hereafter." I said: "The prudent chooses for himself; if you know, sir, the merit of Islam, then what keeps you from it?"

    He answered: "My son, The Almighty Allah did not expose me to the truth of Islam and the prophet of Islam until after I have become old and my body weakened. Yes, there is no excuse for us in this, on the contrary, the proof of Allah has been established against us. If God had guided me to this when I was your age I would have left everything and adopted the religion of truth. Love of this world is the essence of every sin, and look how I am esteemed, glorified, and honoured by the Christians, and how I am living in affluence and comfort! In my case, if I show a slight inclination towards Islam they would kill me immediately. Suppose that I was saved from them and succeeded in escaping to the Muslims they would say, do not count your Islam as a favour upon us, rather you have benefited yourself only by entering the religion of truth, the religion that will save you from the punishment of Allah! So I would live among them as a poor old man of more than ninety years, without knowing their language, and they would not know my real status and I would die among them starving. I am, and all praise is due to Allah on the religion of Christ and on that which he came with, and Allah knows that from me.

    So I asked him: "Do you advise me to go to the country of the Muslims and adopt their religion?" He said to me: "If you are wise and hope to save yourself, then race to that which will achieve this life and the hereafter. But my son, none is present with us concerning this matter, it is between you and me only. Exert yourself and keep it a secret. If it is disclosed and the people know about it they will kill you immediately. I will be of no benefit to you against them. Neither will it be of any use to you if you tell them what you heard from me concerning Islam, or that I encouraged you to be a Muslim, for I shall deny it. They will trust my testimony against you but will not trust yours against me. So, do not tell a word, whatever happens." I promised him not to do so. He was satisfied and content with my promise.

    I began to prepare for my journey and bid him farewell. He prayed for me and gave me fifty golden dinars. Then I took a ship to my city Majorca where I stayed with my parents for six months. Then I traveled to Sicily and remained there five months, waiting for a ship bound for the land of the Muslims.

    Finally a ship arrived bound for Tunis. We departed before sunset and reached the port of Tunis at noon on the second day. When I got off the ship, Christian scholars who heard of my arrival came to greet me and welcome me to their dwelling place. Some local merchants also offered their hospitality to me and I stayed with them for four months in ease and comfort.

    After that I asked them if there was in the Sultan's (Ruler) Palace a translator. The Sultan in those days was Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad. They said there was a virtuous man, the Sultan's Physician, who was one of his closest advisors. His name was Yusuf Al-Tabeeb ((Joseph the doctor). I was greatly pleased to hear this, and asked where he lived. They took me there and I met him separately. I told him about my story and the reason of my coming there; which was to embrace Islam. He was immensely pleased because this matter would be completed by his help. We rode to the Sultan's Palace. He met the Sultan and told him about my story and asked his permission for me to meet him. The Sultan accepted, and I presented myself before him.

    The first question the Sultan asked was about my age. I told him that I was thirty-five years old. He then asked about my learning and the sciences which I had studied. After I told him he said, "Your arrival is the arrival of goodness. Be a Muslim with Allah's blessings." I then said to the doctor, "Tell the honourable Sultan that it always happens that when anyone changes his religion his people defame him and speak evil of him. So, I wish if he kindly sends to bring the Christian priests and merchants of this city to ask them about me and hear what they have to say. Then by Allah's will, I shall accept Islam."

    He said to me through the translator, "You have asked what Abdullah Bin Salaam asked from the Prophet when he-Abdullah-came to announce his Islam . He then sent for the priests and some Christian merchants and let me sit in an adjoining room unseen by them. When they came he asked them, "What do you say about this new priest who just arrived by ship?"

    They said: "He is a great scholar in our religion. Our bishops say he is the most learned and no one is superior to him in our religious knowledge." After hearing what the Christian said, the Sultan sent for me, and presented myself before them. I declared the two testimonies that there is (no one worthy of Worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger), and when the Christians heard this they "crossed" themselves and said: "Nothing incited him to do that except his desire to marry, as priests in our religion can not marry" . Then they left him in distress and grief. The Sultan appointed for me a quarter of a dinar everyday from the treasury and let me marry the daughter of Al-Hajj Muhammad Al-Saffar.

    When I decided to consummate the marriage, he gave me a hundred golden dinars and an excellent suit of clothes. I then consummated the marriage and Allah blessed me with a child to whom I gave the name Muhammad as a blessing from the name of our Prophet.

    Thus we come to the end of the story of Al-Sheikh Abdullah Al-Tarjuman who mentioned after that in his book some events of the Hafsah State in which he served as the chief translator. He followed that with nine chapters; among them: a chapter on the truth about the writers of the four Gospels (Matthew, Marks, Luke, and John), whom he proved were not among the disciples of Christ. He also discussed other topics like Baptism, Trinity, Original Sin, The Lord's Supper, The Indulgence, The law of faith… etc. and refuted them all with the texts from the Gospels and logical proofs.

    He proved also the human nature of Christ and disproved his Divine nature. He then exposed the contradictions in the interpolated texts of the Bible.

    Lastly he discussed what the Christians criticise the Muslims about, like marriage of the religious scholars and the pious men, circumcision and physical enjoyment in Paradise. He concluded his book by proving the truth of the Prophethood of Muhammad with texts from the Bible.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    "Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not." (Al-Ghafir:59)
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    Re: Why did you embrace Islam?

    Assalamu alaikum

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Wow, Masha Allah, good on you sis...

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    My reversion to the true path - Salah ud Deen

    My reversion to the true path - Salah ud Deen

    Growing up I really didn't have a whole lot of religion, but I was from a Catholic family. I can remember going to church every now and then, usually on Christmas Eve and maybe a few other special occasions. For my teenage years and my earlier twenties I was really turned-off and even had a strong dislike and even a hatred of religion at the time. I had felt that it was a method of controlling people and manipulating them. I had also had one to many run-ins with Bible thumpers. I'm sure they probably meant well but all they accomplished was my aversion to religion, most specifically Christianity. I really didn't like the methods that they used. I think if they would not have been so overbearing they might have had more success.

    The beginning of my interest in religion started when I was twenty-three years old. I had been out of the Navy for a few months and was living in Washington State at my friend’s house. When I found out that the Jeep I had bought from a shipmate was stolen which I returned to the proper owner. Not having the proper transportation to stay in Washington I decided to move to Northern California to live with my Mom. When I left I had only a few boxes of things in a big Ryder truck with bald tires and a bad right-side mirror. Driving down I had decided to take a "short-cut" through Humboldt county so that I could get home quicker. I ended up going up a mountain with tons of snow already on the ground and plenty more coming down at a steady pace. Instead of going slow once I got over the peak of the mountain I kept going about 10-15mph. As I made my way down the mountain, I started to slide and ended up slamming into the side of the mountain, bending the front axle and the left-front rim. I didn't stay there long because I figured with as much snow was on the ground I could continue driving and the front of the truck would just slide along. This worked for about five to ten minutes before I ended up spinning out and ended up facing backwards. Now I really thought I was just stuck and I was going to have to wait for someone to show up and help me out. Instead of waiting I got back into the truck and started driving backwards with the door kicked open so I could see. This time I ended up almost going over the side of the mountain with the only thing stopping me was the snow which had been plowed up earlier that day. Now I was really stuck. There was no way I was going anywhere. I didn't want to sit in the truck because I feared it would fall over the side and, well, I just didn't want to be in it if it went over the side. So I waited and waited freezing and cold. After what seemed like a few hours, with ice in my hair and cold water running down my head I called out to God(swt). I said something like "God (swt), I know that I have been a pretty crappy person and that I have disobeyed you and even hated and spited you. I ask that if you are out there then help me. Help me out of this situation and I will obey you and follow you. I will change myself." After that I just started waiting again. In what seemed like an hour I looked behind me and I thought that I saw light coming up the mountain and sure enough it was, it was an SUV. I have never been so happy to see a gas-guzzling, environment polluting SUV ever before or since. They called a tow-truck for me and all I had to do was wait for it to arrive. While I sat there I thought about God (swt) and the fact that he had answered me when I really needed him. I was happy. When Larry (tow guy, I still remember him vividly) showed up he had to brace his truck because there was so much snow on the ground. After we started heading into town I was talking to him a little and said something like "someone was watching out for me tonight." He agreed and said something in the manner that I should be dead. When I checked into my hotel upon arriving into town I picked up some Christian pamphlets that they had in the office, went to my room and fell asleep.

    When I got to my Moms I read the pamphlets and got on the web and went to AudioBible.com. Why did I go here, well I had always found the Bible difficult to read so I figured that I would listen to it. I only listened to it for maybe ten minutes and then never again. I did stick to praying before I went to bed for about a week. Then my religious revival stopped, and I continued in my old ways.

    September 11th. Killer Muslims had just come across to the sea to attack the United States because they hate freedom and goodness. They attacked the US for no reason whatsoever. President Bush declared a Crusade against all who where not on our side. September 11th was a major turning point for me. A new hatred that I had never felt towards Muslims before rose up inside me, I wanted to join back up with the Navy so I could help make the Middle-East a giant piece of glass. I really didn't have any concrete information about Muslims or Arabs except that they where behind an attack on my country. This event sparked a new desire in me for religion and I wanted to try to read the Bible again. One of the waitresses at the restaurant that I worked at was given some Bible's by one of the customers that had come in. I got one from her so I could read it at home. I started reading Genesis for a few minutes and then set it down.

    Religion and I didn't seem to go together very well. I just couldn't get into reading the Bible which I felt was the most important thing to do if you where going to belong to any religion. Then something started to change. I started getting really big into politics. I was reading a lot of articles online that started to make me think. I found out that Bush was destroying the environment. I found out about the Patriot Act and how with its passage, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights ceased to exist. But the big kicker was what I learned about US foreign policy. Dead bishops and nuns in South America, 500,000 children under the age of five killed by sanctions, Muslims and Christian Palestinians being killed and oppressed with US financing and US supplied weapons and on and on and on. While this may not seem connected to religion in an outward manner, it was the study of politics that made me realize that all was not as it appeared to be. I had been fooled and been a fool. I had been a bigot on false assumptions and because I had no morality. This was when I decided to look into Islam. I wanted to know for myself if it was really true what the media and Jerry Falwell said about Islam. Was Islam a religion that promotes violence towards innocent people? What were their beliefs about God (swt), morality, combat and women? I wanted to know for myself and make my own decision about Islam. So I turned off my TV and started reading.

    I started my research on Islam by going to Islamic websites and reading about Islam. What was the basic beliefs, what did they do on a daily basis. I read some articles here and there. I downloaded a Qur'an from downloads.net and started to read it. One of the first things that I noticed was that it held my interest and made sense to me. I was having no problem reading the Qur'an. The entire book really impressed me. Here was a blueprint on how to live my life in a good manner, in the best manner. To gain knowledge for the sole purpose of pleasing Allah (swt) was the greatest form of worship. To save a life is as if you saved all of humanity and to take an innocent life was as if you had killed the world. There is no compulsion in religion. We where made different so we would know one another, not hate each other. Christians and Jews are people of the book (earlier revelation). And on and on. The scientific proofs in the Qur'an also had a profound effect on me. The detailed description of how the fetus forms in the womb, which we as humans have only come to understand in the 20th century. I was completely floored. I realized that this was verbatim the word of Allah(swt) and that he was speaking to me, telling me "this is why I want you to be a moral person and this is why you should not do this..." During the months of November and December I continued my reading and research. I knew that I believed in Islam, but with all the hatred for Islam it made it really hard for me. I had the view that Islam was an Arab religion. Also Muslims where the bad guys now, no longer the Soviet communists. I really felt hesitant. Then on January 11th, 2002, I read on one website a question that said "So your thinking about embracing Islam but..." I read the answer to this question and I knew then that Islam was for me. I believed in Islam. The thing that had been holding me back was indecisiveness. So I made my declaration of faith: I declare there is no god but Allah (swt) and Muhammed (saw) is the messenger of Allah (swt). After this I taught my how to pray with a computer program that I had downloaded on the net. I continued to read about Islam and to learn and grow. I began to change. My relationship with my mother improved at a huge pace. I even eventually started to read the Bible so I could have an understanding of it. For about three months I had been practicing in secret. Then I finally worked up my courage to tell my mother. When I told her, her reaction was "oh Salah ud Deen." Needless to say this didn't make me feel very good. But I marched on and as time has gone by I have gotten more and more acceptance with my family on my being a Muslim. My friends on the other hand were all very accepting. They where true friends. I have come to love Islam more than anything that is in this world, I just hope I can live to at least some of the high standards of conduct and being that Islam demands. Insha'Allah (God willing) I will be able to do so.

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Mashaa'Allah Br. Salah ud Deen! I didn't know you were a revert! May Allah reward you, and I hope you will continue to inspire others on this forum.

    And May Allah bless you too, Sr. A'isha ( marrakeshfresh) for your beautiful story as well! :brother:

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.
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  22. #57
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    Re: My reversion to the true path - Salah ud Deen

    Salah ud Deen,

    SubhanAllah. What an interesting story. Now you see why many Muslims like learning about how new Muslims came to Islam.

    May Allah guide us all to the right path (Ameen).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Salah ud Deen
    I started my research on Islam by going to Islamic websites and reading about Islam. What was the basic beliefs, what did they do on a daily basis. I read some articles here and there. I downloaded a Qur'an from downloads.net and started to read it.
    This is proof that the internet can be a very useful Da'wah tool in today's age.

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    ..Verily the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.. [The Holy Qur'an, Surah Hujraat (49), verse 13]
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  23. #58
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    wow.... sister A'isha and bro Salah ud Deen, very inspiring stories... Masha'allah...
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    Re: My reversion to the true path - Salah ud Deen


    asalamualykum warahmatulahi wabaralathu
    awwwh!! masha Allah im pleased for you...Allah s.w.a will help you throughout yo life so don't worrry...

    walkumasalaam warahmatulahi wabaralathu

    MODERATOR'S COMMENT: 16.When a long article/post has been posted, and you want to comment on the article/post, do not quote it since it is a waste of space.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    “Whoever puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is Allah for him.”
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by zAk

    I really liked this story of a boy who converted at the age of 10 !!!!!
    just read on :

    Allhumdulilah a wonderful example of the mercy of our Lord
    i have tears streaming down my face mashallah, i think i found it esspecially touching because my son is nearly 10,

    inshaallah i will share my story later.
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    Indeed Allah is Great and Good Allhumdulilah
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