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Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

  1. #1
    Jewel of LI
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    Lightbulb Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! (OP)

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
    April 25, 1996

    As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmahtullahi wa Barakatu (May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you).

    I am Canadian-born of Scandinavian and other ancestry, and I was raised in Canada. I have been a Muslima since February 1993 when I was 23. While growing up, I was never affiliated with any religion nor was I an atheist. When I was in my mid-teens I started to think somewhat about religion and at that time I did believe in the Oneness of God (Tawheed). Christianity never interested me.

    My first contact with Muslims occurred when I was introduced to some Muslim international students in 1988. Through them I learned a bit about Islam, such as Ramadan fasting. But it was really not until 1992 that I became interested in Islam. In the summer of that year a Canadian newspaper published a series of articles attacking Islam by using examples of anti-Islamic behaviour of some Muslims in an attempt to vilify Islam itself. Non-Muslims tend to judge Islam on the basis of the behaviour (which is not necessarily Islamic) of Muslims. I was not yet a Muslima but the articles were so outrageous that I sent a letter to the editor in defence of Islam. Now I was curious about Islam. I re-read some articles I had picked up several months earlier from the MSA Islam Awareness Week display at my university. One was about 'Isa (Alaihe Salam) [Jesus] as a Prophet of Islam. Also, I asked a Muslim to get me some books about Islam; they were about the overall ideology of Islam and were written by two famous Muslim authors. Impressed, I thought, "This is Islam? It seems so right." Over the next few months in my free time while attending university I continued to learn about Islam from authentic Islamic books, for example The Life of Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihe wa Salam) by Dr. Muhammad Haykal. One certainly does not learn the truth about Islam from the mass media! Also, newcomers to Islam especially must be careful to avoid the writings of deviant groups which claim ties to Islam so as not to be misled. And just because the author has an Arabic name does not necessarily mean that he or she is a knowledgeable Muslim or even Muslim at all. Also, I learned about Islam from some kind, knowledgeable Muslims and Muslimas who did not pressure me. Meanwhile, I had begun to Islamize my behaviour which did not require huge change. I already avoided consuming alcohol and pig meat. Also, I always preferred to dress conservatively/modestly and not wear makeup, perfume, or jewellery outside my home. I started to eat only Islamically slaughtered meat. Also during this time I visited a masjid (mosque) in my city for the first time.

    Until I discovered Islam, I knew almost nothing about it. I say discovered because the "Islam" that I had always heard about through the mass media is not true Islam. I had always assumed that Islam is just another man-made religion, not knowing that it is the Truth. I had also assumed that a person had to be raised as a Muslim to be one. I was not aware of the fact that all humans are born Muslim (in a state of Islam - submitted to the Creator). Like many "Westerners" I associated Islam with the "East" and did not know that Islam is universal in both time and place. However, I never had negative feelings about Islam, al-Hamdulillah. The more knowledge that I acquired about Islam, the more I felt that I too can actually be Muslim as I found that many of the beliefs that I already had were actually Islamic not merely "common sense."

    So after familiarizing myself with what Islam is basically about and what are the duties and proper conduct of a Muslim person, as well as thinking and reflecting, I felt ready to accept Islam and live as a Muslima. One day while at home I said the Shahada (declaration of faith) and began to perform the five daily salawat (prayers), al-Hamdulillah. That was in February 1993, several days before the fasting month of Ramadan began. I did not want to miss the fasting this time! I found the fasting to be much easier than I had anticipated; before I fasted I had worried that I might faint. At first there was a bit of an adjustment period getting used to the new routine of performing salah and fasting, and I made some mistakes, but it was exciting and not difficult. I started to read the Qur'an (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation) when I was given one soon after accepting Islam. Before that I had read only excerpts of it in other books. Also in the beginning, I found The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi to be a useful guide.

    In January 1996 (during Ramadan) I started to wear the Islamic headscarf (hijab). I realized that I could not fully submit to Allah (SWT), which is what being Muslim is about, without wearing it. Islam must be accepted and practised in its entirety; it is not an "alter-to-suit-yourself" religion. Since becoming a Muslima I was aware that the headscarf is required of Muslim women and I had intended to wear it eventually. I should have worn it immediately upon accepting Islam but for many Muslimas (even some from Muslim families) it is not easy to take that step and put it on in a non-Muslim society. It is silly how so many persons get upset over a piece of fabric! Also, it is interesting to note that Christian nuns are never criticized for covering their heads. Never in my life did I have negative feelings toward muhajjabas (women who wear hijab) when I saw them. What made me hesitate to put it on was fearing receiving bad treatment from others, especially family. But we must fear Allah (SWT) only, not others. In the few months before I permanently put on hijab I started "practising" wearing it. I wore it when I travelled between my home and the local masjid on Fridays when I started attending the jum'a salah (Friday congregational prayer). (Of course, since becoming Muslim I always wore it during every salah). A couple of weeks prior, in du'a I began asking Allah (SWT) to make it easy for me to wear it.

    The day I finally put it on permanently I had reached the point where I felt that I could no longer go out with a bare head, and I thought "tough bananas" if others do not like me wearing it since I alone am accountable for my actions and am required to perform my Islamic duties, and I could never please everyone anyway. Sometimes opposition to hijab is a control issue: some persons just plainly do not like those who are determined and independent especially if it is their child.

    Upon wearing it I immediately felt protected and was finally able to go out and not be the target of stares/leers from men. At first I felt a bit self-conscious but after several weeks I felt completely used to wearing hijab. Sometimes other persons look puzzled/confused, I think because they are not used to seeing pale-faced, blue-eyed Muslimas! By the way, wearing hijab is da'wah in a way as it draws attention to Islam.

    Since accepting Islam I continue to seek knowledge about the Deen (religion) which is a lifelong duty for all Muslims--male and female. Currently, I am learning Arabic and hope to be able to read the Qur'an in Arabic soon, insha'Allah. Reading, discussing Islam with other Muslims, and the Friday jum'a khutba are all educational. Striving to be as pious as one can be and fighting against one's own evil traits (jihad al-nafs) takes effort and is continuous and never ending for Muslims.

    I find Islam ever-more fascinating, and I enjoy living as a Muslima.
    Last edited by Ansar Al-'Adl; 05-04-2005 at 01:40 AM.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.

  2. #121
    Mohsin's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    I'd like to post this really nice story i read. it reminds me of other stories of my non-muslim friends. I'm sterotyping them, but they were generally like the guy in the following story

    Taken from http://voiceforislam.com/PassionOfCh...nvertsMan.html

    Passion Of Christ Converts Man To Islam

    I begin in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    My next door neighbor used to grow Marijuana in his back yard. He rode a loud Harley Davidson and could not complete a sentence without saying the “f” word. There was a party every night at his house and God knows what went on but whatever it was the whole neighborhood could hear it. He loved my family because we treated him the way Muslims should treat their neighbors. We also never called the cops on him like his previous neighbors.

    [Everyone please research how Muslims should treat neighbors by studying the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)]

    Back to the subject at hand. My neighbor spoke to us on occasion about God and what we believed in. Sometimes he would kid around and ask us to have a few drinks with him. One thing that really stood out about him was that he “kept things real.” He told you what he felt and didn't care how you took it. Very straight forward guy--held nothing back. Amazingly, however, as open as he was, there was one area of his life he chose to keep very private: His deep love for God.

    Although he was the type of guy you never would have guessed went to church on Sundays, my neighbor still managed to attend every service. His parents, apparently, were very religious, out-spoken Christians.

    One Sunday we were both standing in front of our garages and he looked over at me and said, “Hey neighbor I'm not a Christian anymore, I'm never going to church again!” “I'm going to become a Muslim.”

    I looked at him stunned. Shocked! I thought he was joking. I said, “Yeah right bro.” He quickly assured me he was serious and I figured out quickly just how serious he was.

    I asked what brought about the change. He told me he watched the movie The Passion of the Christ the night before and that sealed it for him. I had been talking to him about Islam for a while but never got to him--or at least I thought I didn't. I asked how the Passion had caused this change.

    “I thought it would bring you closer to Christianity,” I said.

    He responded yelling in his biker voice,

    “You know men die for countries, men die for women, men die for money, men die for their friends and men have died for a lot less. Last night I watched the movie the Passion and I saw these disciples of Jesus and how they all claimed they didn't even know him when they were about to kill GOD or the SON OF GOD. Someone who has shown them miracles, brought the dead to life, supposedly GOD himself, and they run and not defend him. They could have eternal paradise; I would have died that night. How are you not going to die for GOD; and you're his DISCIPLE?! It makes no sense! Keep it real man.”

    Soon after, I gave the brother some videos and pamphlets to help further explain the beliefs of Islam--in case I missed anything important. About a day later I heard a knock at my door.

    “I'm ready” he said.

    And with those words, I asked him to repeat after me: “Ashadu Allah ilaha il Allahu, wa Ashadu ana Muhammad ar rasulullah.”

    I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the final messenger of God.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Make Dua for your Brothers and the Angels will make Dua for You!

    Happy moments, Praise Allah
    Difficult moments, Seek Allah
    Quiet moments, Worship Allah
    Painful moments, Trust Allah
    Every moment, Thank Allah
    If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it
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    palestine_heart's Avatar Limited Member
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    Talking Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Coming To Islam

    My name is Sister Fatemah Islam. I am 37 years old.
    I am an American citizen by birth. A Native Indian of the United States.
    I was raised in Nebraska in a very poor Indian neighborhood, but then
    I was a child I didnأ know too much about being poor (it is just how things
    were). I was raised under the Indian ways and ALLAH (swt). I knew nothing
    of Islam.
    I thought that all families were like mine, abusive, disruptive, and dangerous.
    I thought that the pain was ALLAH(swt) preparing me for life as an adult, those
    were some hard lessons with deep scars. This was ALLAHأ's will? I didnأ like ALLAH
    very much back as a child. The innocence of blame. I grew up in a household of
    drugs, alcohol, and sex . I hated everyone and everything around me. I started
    drinking and drugs at the tender age of 11. Suicide was always on my mind I
    figured ALLAH had made a mistake and I was going to give this life back. Well,
    as you can see I am still here, ALHAMDULILLAH.
    I married at the age of 17 (just turned). My first child was born to me while I was
    Still in high school. Two children later and a few hard beatings the later I was pregnant
    I divorced my husband. Not knowing how to be independent I fell for the first boy
    To look my direction and married him. Again two children later and more beatings
    I left my second husband. Four beautiful daughters and two divorces I decided
    to live alone with my children.
    I moved to Denver, Colorado started working in gay bars and still drinking and
    Doing drugs. 14 years like this and alone, depressed, and very suicidal by this time.
    I was still not speaking to ALLAH(swt)I had all but forgotten about ALLAH(swt).
    One day I was surfing the net to find advertising ideas for the bar. I came across
    This ad that had a banner flashing at the bottom of itأ¢â‚¬â„¢s page. www.islamnow.com
    Is what it read. I was excited I thought Islam was a Country , I clicked onto the site.

    Islam found me
    From that moment Islam had me. I read the entire site and the adjoining sites
    There. Went on like this all night. I cried, laughed, and was even angry why ALLAH
    hadnأ¢â‚¬â„¢t shown or guided Islam to me before. After all I had read I knew not to question
    ALLAH (swt). By this time it is morning I didnأ¢â‚¬â„¢t sleep, drink, or eat this whole time
    Over 24 hours of non-stop Islam. I stood up asked a customer to take me to the nearest mosque, she did. The one hour drive was the longest wait.
    I was afraid to come to ALLAH(swt). I thought maybe what if ALLAH said no to me.
    I met the Imam and told him why I was there. He scared me. He started saying things
    I didnأ understand, loudly but happily. When he calmed down, He calmed me down
    I thought I was going to faint. This when I entered Islam. The first time I had ever
    heard Arabic language up close and I was speaking them to the most important words
    I will ever say in my life..SHAHADA.

    fee amaan Allah
    sister fatemah
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  5. #123
    syilla's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    this thread really make me cry non stop...
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  6. #124
    Skillganon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by syilla View Post
    this thread really make me cry non stop...
    I know, me too! considering I am a man, I use to hunt up reversion story every where on the world.wide.web. It is also hitting britian also, I on the other week, saw a white sister (wearing a Hijab), (althoug I don't know if she was a revert or born muslim from another country), did not ask, or talked. It is strange sometime's but it makes me happy.
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  8. #125
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    I did not revert until I was 65 years old. I knew very much about Islam, in a scholastic manner for many years. But, I never saw what it meant until I was 65.

    I was born in a very good Christian home. Did everything in line with the teachings of the Church. I felt very close to God(swt) and had accepted Jesus(pbuh) as my personal savior.

    When I reached my mid twenties, I still loved God(swt) but I no longer agreed with the teachings of the Church. I became Buddhist, not so much as a religion, but rather as a philosophy of life.

    I was very blessed with having the opportunity to pursue a very good academic life. One of my Favorite studies was languages. I also was very much interested in Philosophy and Comparative Religions. My undergraduate days were actualy in a Seminary.

    My first career was as an USAF Combat Pilot. After being severly injured my Military career came to an early end. I then pursued mechanical engineering and ended up working as a Draftsman (Draughtsman for the old spelling). During that time I also continued my education torn between Biology and Psychology. I also had the opportunity to do considerable traveling. Lived in quite a few different places. I kept my interest in Languages and pursued the Arabic Language. During that time I did manage to get a copy of the Qur'an all in Arabic. I used it as a means to develope my Arabic skills. I was also interested in reading it as an informational source about Islam.

    Well during the years I had 3 Children 2 girls and a son. The two Girls were interested in the Arabic Language. At an early age they reverted to Islam. My grandchildren were all born Muslim. So, I had plenty of contac with Muslims. But, I still felt it was not what I was seeking.

    Finaly one day when I was 65 years old I decided to brush up on my language skills by reading the Qur'an again. For some reason, it looked different. I was not looking at it as a scholar, I was FEELING it, I do not know how long or how many times I read it in the next day or two. But, then I knew, I had to say the Shahadah, I said it to Allah(swt) immediatly and the very next Friday I said it at the Masjid.
    Last edited by Woodrow; 10-14-2007 at 05:55 AM. Reason: added the space between [B]FEELING[/B] and it
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Herman 1 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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  9. #126
    lfaridi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    asalamu alaykum

    all these revert stories are so wonderful. as for myself, i had no knowledge of islam before i met my muslim husband. i heard the word "islam" here and there, but never knew what it was. before i agreed to marry my husband i had told him that i did not wish to change my religion. i was a christian. many nights were spent debating about religion. to me it felt like he was saying my religion was wrong, which now i believe it was in regards to worshipping jesus (pbuh)as the son of God, and the cross, but at that time i was set on proving him wrong. i searched the internet and found the english transliteration of the quran. i skimmed thru alot of the surahs and when i found something that sounded strange i asked questions. i soon got bored of reading from a computer screen and went out and bought pickthall's transliteration of the quran. i didnt get too far into it before i realized that i couldnt stay a christian. in july of 2004 i said the shahada to Allah and a few days later said it to my father in law thru the internet and the following july i said it in front of my husband's family. i still havent gotten thru the english version because i gave it to a friend of mine after discussing islam with her. i still have a ways to go before being an ideal muslim but every day ashadu an la illaha ill allah washadu ana mohammedir rasulallah.

    walaykum asalam,

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  10. #127
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    it is very compelling...thank you...

    i think i better read another thread...

    have to stop crying hehe...
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  11. #128
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    oh... before i forget...

    i have this wonderful story taken from islamic forum

    [BANANA]Asalaamo aleykum ,

    This is my story of how I reverted.

    Before my birth my biological father run off when
    he found out I was on the way. My mother was
    forced to give me up for adoption and so directly
    after birth I went to a orphanage. My mother met
    another man in South Africa on holiday and he had
    planned to kidnap me out of the orphanage, but
    was stopped by my mother's family for doing so. I
    stayed in that orphanage untill I was 2 1/2. Then I
    got fosterparents. They wear extremely cruel,
    as ...the doctor told them just after marriage that
    they couldnot get children, so they registered for
    adopting a child....then they miraculous got three
    sons and forgot about the registration. When after
    some years the agency came with me, the mother
    was very dissappointed but ( as she numerous
    times told me) they felt forced as their Christian
    duty to accept me anyway though they hated the
    fact I was a girl. She always told and tought me I
    was the filthiest creature God ever made on earth,
    and that even a cat was cleaner as she would lick
    herself clean. Therefor she used to put me daily in
    the most horrifieing and humiliating situations and
    abuses untill at the age of 7, she called on her
    sons in the livingroom and "gave" me to them,
    while she and her husband would watch. They
    were very practising Christians i.e. they went to
    church every sunday and we'ld pray 3 / 4 times a
    day, help a lot with charities and all.

    The sexual and fysical abuse got so far that from I
    was 11 they used to tie me up with belts and
    ropes beaten me up daily and regular kept me
    awake at nights to clean, and used me numerous
    times at gunpoint or with threatning with a "bowie-
    knife". When I was sick, they made me stand in a
    kind of hole in the backgarden till I fainted while
    they observed behind the windows.

    I used to have many fantasy-worlds where I would
    live continuesly, had imaginary friends and
    parents. Well...only a fatherfigure really, "mothers"
    just freaked me out to death. Where I would be
    always, just feeling like I wasnot here anymore.
    And I wasn't. I used to dream about foreign places
    to go, foreign times and people. Just as long as I
    wouldnot be there.

    When I was 17 I went to look for my biological
    mother as she had only left me a diary when she
    left me. I found her parents and called them, and
    they were so happy. but as I didnot realize my
    childhood was not 'normal', ..one day grandpa
    asked me "how it was yesterday" ( just for the
    chat )..and I breezy told him they had tied me up
    again and hang me out of the third floor window on
    the roof by my feet for I didnot want to 'cooperate'.
    So grandpa and all went shocked and called the
    childfare here and at the same time the
    fosterparents found out I had layed contact with
    my biological family and they kicked me out, back
    to the orphanage.

    After a few months of refusing to talk as I thought
    there was nothing shocking or serious to talk
    about, there was a documentary on tv about incest
    and the girl was all crying and sad there. And I felt
    disguisted and filled with laughter ridiculing through
    the tv-lounge :" THAT is why she is crying ??? so
    stupid, that happened to me to , why would she
    cry ???" So.....again everybody shocked and
    called childfare again......they came over just to tell
    me and the orphange they had known that they
    raped me since I was 11 for the fostermother
    asked them to keep quiet if it would ever come
    up.....again people shocked.....

    They made me tell more and more and I got more
    and more confused and in pain. I used to faint
    quiet often, get panic-attacks, mutilated my hands
    and head against the wall frequent and even took
    overdose of sleepingpills. they made me meet my
    biological mother, who lives in South Africa, and
    she got panic and told me she was very
    dissappointed that I didnot had a ponytail (
    amazing but true ) and that my childhood wasnot
    what she thought to see and she couldnot handle
    that and abandonned me ( again).

    I went on trial against one of the sons for I feared
    my fostermother too much, and won the trial, but
    the loneliness and abandonness got too much of
    me and made me get a nervous breakdown
    completely and I locked myself up in my house,
    losed my job , and went back to my fantasyworlds.
    I lived as a zombie, I had no clue, awareness at all
    of the 'outside' world. I feared the world outside so
    immense, I had darkened my windows with
    sheets, and lived for years on crackers and
    peanutbutter . Every contact with the outside just
    confused me totally and I felt I wasnot human
    even. I knew there was something different with
    me, with my head, as it felt broken in peaces. I
    went to the hospital to have a CT scan and EEG,
    just to show them my head was broken, but the
    neurologist said it was fine, only had too many
    concussions he said, that is all. But I still was
    sure my head didn't work the same as other
    people, and I lived in tremendous pain and like
    nightmares while I was awake. The pain inside got
    so terrible I sometimes had to run on the street in
    the middle of the night as to scream for help.

    At one of those nights I came pass a church and I
    wrote on a little paper a message if the 'minister of
    the church would please have me in, and I slipped
    the note in the church mailbox. The next day the
    minister called and invited me over and I felt save.
    Everytime the pain was too severe I could go there.
    Through that church I got to know a woman who
    was into New Age...and she gave me a poetrybook
    of Rabindranath Tagore about God. This was so
    beautiful that I went to a bookstore and found more
    poetrybooks , but from Inayat Khan. When I read
    his poetry and books I wished I would marry such
    a man.

    I used to visit a Pakistani clothes shop and the
    lady there introduced me to a friend of her family.
    The moment I saw him I knew he would be my
    husband. Only he didnot neccesary feel the same
    so strong about me. Only after a week or so I told
    him about my childhood and he couldnot believe it.
    Rather...he laughed and called me a lier. I told him
    the f*** word and went outside. When I came back
    he apologized and said he had never heard from
    this kind of childhood / parents in his whole life. He
    said he just couldnot believe it to be true as it was
    too outrageous and he said he asked Allah to let
    him show me what love is and let him show me
    what to be cared for/about is, and that he loved to
    be my husband and make me loose my pain one
    day Inshallah. I agreed to marry him and called my
    mother in SA to tell her so. A few weeks later we
    married in Pakistan. After taht a specialist found
    out that I have Multiple Personality Disorder, it's a
    Dissociative Disorder that helped me survive and
    still does. I have 19 personalities / parts who
    connect and speak with eachother even through
    the induvidual moving of my fingers and muscles in
    my face/arms and legs, since several personalities
    are paralyzed of speech.

    I said Shahada at my Nikkah, and knew the
    meaning, though I didnot know much more about
    real Islam, since all my books were really Sufi
    books. My husband told me he is Sunni Muslim,
    but that was it. I rarely saw or knew him to pray,
    he never fasted, never said salaam to me, never
    taught me anything about hijab, haraam food (
    except pork), he never read Quran, never taught
    me about alcohol and much much more. Just after
    our first son was born he did adhaan in his ear and
    I had the child circumsized, and that was it. Only
    after 2 years of marrige I met another reverted
    sister and she asked me "are you Muslim?" and I
    didnot know what to tell her. I said " I think so, I
    am not sure?"..This made me interest in Islam. I
    bought booklets about salaat, I asked my husband
    for a Quran and started to wear khimaar. and read
    more books.

    My husband really didnot like this much. He had a
    meeting with friends and they also warned him that
    a revert is more "fundamental" then they were and
    his only response was to them " Saffia will never
    love Allah more then me ". So, he used to
    humiliate and insult me often about my hijab, he
    used to call me names and often order me to take
    it off when being with his/our friends and non
    mahram family. He would say mocking to the
    neighbours " look, I don't have a dutch wife, I have
    a Turk ", he even once kicked me under my butt
    over a tourist street when he felt embarressed of
    the drunken Kufar looking at me,... mocking " Hey,
    why are you so nasty mood ? Come on and
    laugh ! " Often when a Kufar or so is near, he calls
    me names, openly ridiculing my hijab. I have
    gotten stronger and stronger over the years. I
    refuse to take my hijab off since 2 years now
    Alhamdulillah. But the threats have gone worse.
    He even has threatened to break my nose and
    destroy my face if I wouldnot take it off for his
    friends, and Alhamdulillah I am strong I bear it. He
    even threatened to kidnap my children to Pakistan
    if I would obey Allah over him , ( the next day he
    went to a striptease-bar) and Alhamdulillah I bear
    it. I am the one to teach our children 'salaam', to
    teach them salaat and now 5 short Surahs
    memorized. Since 5 years I refuse to drink alcohol
    and even secretly emptied some beercans of him
    in the drain. When he was depressed of how 'rich'
    the non-believer was in compare with him, I had
    read him 3 ayahs from Quran. But as a thanks , he
    got furious and told me if I ever recited a word from
    Quran he would destroy my face. Now I only read
    Quran with the children and my oldest (8) makes
    constant duaa that we become Hafidha one day,
    mashallah. It is all the same with removing
    pictures/ statues in the house, or one day I told
    my son to beware of the meat he bought, that it
    was haraam and he should not eat with him. He
    furiated completely, saying how dare I humiliate
    him in front of his children. And he grabbed me and
    shouted and threatened me and all. it is not
    allowed, he constant puts me down by saying that
    he found me a non-believer and he will always see
    me as one.

    I have Faith in Allah Ta'ala. I know He sees me and
    He hears my prayers. I have faith that He is with
    me. I feel blessed that I have Islam now. He so
    often Shuker Alhamdulillah answers my prayers
    beofre the next prayertime enters. So often. I donot
    tell my husband that often, for I think he will be
    shocked as to how many duaas came and come
    true. I donot feel alone or lonely. I told Allah that as
    am to weak to run and I fear he will kidnap my
    children ( and raise them according to his way of
    practising the Deen) I will stay and bear my
    husband treatment and insults, just thanking that
    he only gives me another reason to let my tears
    drop on my prayer rug. Then sometimes I go to my
    husband and tell him with wet and tears-full red-
    face " see? This is how you make Duaa !" and I
    point to my face. And I know he must think about
    it. I know Allah ta'ala is so near. Last year
    Alhamdulillah my husband started to pray a little.
    This year he prays 5 times a week max. Last year
    he started to join fasting with me also. And even
    since 10 months ( Inshallah) he hasnot drunk
    alcohol. I have had the most wonderful mails from
    sisters here about Sabr and the reward of Allah,
    and that is what I hold strong to. I often think of
    that Hadith of the black woman with epilepcy. And
    I want to be as strong as she.I wouldnot want Allah
    to take away my headaches and limitations in my
    head, I couldnot live without. I feel it is Allah Who
    gave me this pains to help me coope with life after
    all. I know I forget so much due to the pressure
    and constant pain in my head, and I have constant
    black-outs, all day long. Often I cry why my head
    and life seems so difficult and Alhamdulillah I
    realise that it is only bearable for me as long as I
    have faith in Allah's Love, Power and Reward. Then
    with this in my thoughts I don't mind the torment,
    all the losses and hatric and insults and
    confusement. I still fear going outside alone, fear of
    getting lost in my panic . I only dream and pray
    that Allah gives me the time and strength to see
    my children grow up and become a grandma.
    Then , I tell Allah, if they donot need me anymore,
    He may take me with Him. And I love to go with
    Him, I dream of Him embracing me, holding me
    close to Him, and that I never have to bear any
    pain ever again.

    ps. I realise it looks like my husband is very cruel,
    and that scares me , I should tell that he does
    treat me very well as a woman, and his wife, just
    not the "Muslimah part" of it so much. Well, it is
    so, when a practising Muslim comes over he talks
    very proud of me, when a Kufaar comes over he
    talks bad and complains about me . At moments
    when he needs me most, he tells me he is proud
    of me that I am a Muslimah, but when that time is
    over, it is bad again.
    O well, my head is broken, please forgive me for
    talking so openly about this part of my Muslim-life,
    please forgive me ?

    from chaand (islamic forum)
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  12. #129
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Peace be upon yall, Salaam Aleykum

    I have been meaning to complete a piece of my life in written form, to be more precise the journey to the straight path.
    To the reader, this is not a means to give prove Islam right or to show it’s superiority, since this was a personal journey and Islam stands with or without this journey, and I cannot add any benefit to Islam nor can I take away from it’s beauty. The purpose is to merely share a journey of one man which may help others to see things in a better prospective, in the same way that the journey of others has helped me along my journey.

    EDIT: My knowledge of Islam was not very accurate, a muslim to me seemed to be an arabic guy with an ak screaming Allawackbar (thats how I used to say it and spell it)
    I was the type of boy that before becoming Christian used to play soccer and when I would score would scream ALlawackbar and bow down as I used to see the some muslims do, as a joke to annoy my muslim friends, and do stupid ignorant stuff like that, little did I know I would be postrating in tears pretty soon .

    Into Christianity

    Before reaching the final destination of Islam I was driven towards my family’s religion Christianity.

    During my first year in college (in the U.K. not American College) I found myself being asked to leave after a couple of months, at this period societies nature had taken it’s toll on me and I seemed to be doomed as another young male with no purpose. I found myself out of college, passing day by day with no actual focus. It was out of this darkness that the journey would begin. A sunny afternoon I found myself passing through the local shopping centre, as far as I recall I was going to pick my little brother up from his school, it was then that I found a lady’s outstretched hand, passing me a book, considering I had never read a book up to that point in life, never from cover to cover, except for maybe one for school, I found myself instinctively taking the book, without even knowing what it was about, funny enough after handing me the book the lady eagerly suggest I should provide a donation, nice tactics.

    The book was entitled ‘Survivors’ by a man named Zion Ben Jonah. This book struck me by total surprise with its hardcore and explicit statements; it was a great change from everything I had heard before then in Church. The loving, merciful and passionate side of God was always being talked about, what this book did was take the worst case scenario and apply it to the end times which was a very intriguing wake up call to the former ‘happy-go-lucky’ type of attitude in the Church, that nothing harmful would ever happen.

    From this concerned prospective I began to stand up and take more of a vocal point at church and began to start engaging with Christianity, I began stating my point of view and my distress at the one sided preaching that happened in the Church. I questioned and questioned as to why we didn’t speak about the end times, why we didn’t talk about the wrath of God and rather spend every Sunday speaking about the same thing again and again. It was this sort of blind Church going that provoked my reaction from myself. I began questioning and reading passages from Revelation to my peers to wake them up, that anyone ‘Luke-warm will be spat out’ and that 100% dedication would be needed and a part time Christian is no Christian at all.

    Christian Union

    By now the next curriculum year of college had began and I had enrolled in the same college. It was on one occasion that I found a family friend in a room with about 7 or so people at lunch time, intrigued I looked through the door-window hoping to get a glance; she then saw me and indicated that I should enter.
    I humbly entered not knowing what to expect, but hearing something very sweet, the speaking of God, on a serious level. I started from this attending the Christian Union meetings, and what I loved more was the preaching contained a balance of both love and justice, the never ending reminders that ‘your mouth will testify about what it was used for, the finger will testify what it was used for’ and so on kept me at an edge and consistently reminded me of the need for repentance and acceptance of God. Although the meetings only took place of Wednesday and Fridays I began to urge for meetings on every lunch time and would find myself restless if no meetings occurred. Such qualities must have been obvious because it was soon after I had expressed my intention of more meetings vocally, that I remember a couple of instances in which the group leaders, whom were all leaving that year, were sat round talking about finding a successor and all in turned expressed that God had spoke to them and revealed some names, now, I don’t claim to be a mind reader, but it was pretty obvious who they were indirectly saying God said.
    At that time, I was battling myself, with a major problem I had always had, the problem of putting myself in the right place, since practicing Christianity, the place being that I am nothing, and that all good that I may do is from God and so on, although I believe that and understand it, and even tried my best to practice it, I have always found it hard to even speak without feeling that I have let Satan find a way to place pride in me, so I told the leaders that I couldn’t see myself as a leader because I needed my humility, and with becoming a leader I feared pride.

    The Talk

    Although I have always had Muslim friends they have never been able to give me da’wah properly (another key factor, this is the need as to why Muslims should learn da’wah, had I died a couple of years earlier I would have never known the proper Islam) but somehow, although it had never entered my mind, I heard about a Muslim talk that was going to take place, I decided to go.

    [On a quick note, the decision to go was somewhat similar and instinctive as the decision to take the book from the lady.]

    On arriving, I didn’t know to expect, the speaker was not going to turn up, but there were plenty of books and a lot of chocolate, which sure helped me stay, a brother took up the speakers place and just entertained some questions.

    From there, December 2004 until July 2005 I started learning the views of Islam and started to also view Christianity, something I hadn’t done, although I had believed in it, I had never scrutinised it and examined it from a neutral viewpoint.

    Another point to help me was the Autobiography of Malcolm X, and the journey of his helped in a subtle way to shed a light on Islam.

    It was during this period that I slowly started to realise, that Eesa is but Abdullah, meaning that Jesus is but a Servant of Almighty God.

    And in, July 2005 I bore my testimony of faith.

    [All praise is due to Almighty God for any benefit that has occurred through this article and any mistakes are solely mine and may God forgive me]

    Salaam Aleykum Wa Rhametula Wa Berekatu
    [Peace be upon yall and mercy from Almighty God and blessings]

    Your brother in Islam and/or Humanity

    Eesa Abdullah
    [Jesus servant of Almighty God]
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    brothers and sisters

    These stories never cease to fill me with happiness that you all embraced this way of life. I personally cant imagine life without Islam. But i feel i fall short of what is good muslim. May Allah bless us with His mercy and make us those who are guided. aameen.
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  15. #131
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by swanlake View Post
    brothers and sisters

    These stories never cease to fill me with happiness that you all embraced this way of life. I personally cant imagine life without Islam. But i feel i fall short of what is good muslim. May Allah bless us with His mercy and make us those who are guided. aameen.

    Ameen, I hope I die Muslim. well we all die muslim
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  16. #132
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    i don`t remember ever crying this much.i`m so happy and glad i found this site.
    revert stories r always inspirational and brave.i thanks Allah for making us muslims.
    we born muslims take islam for granted while some had to srtuggle and fight for it.

    thank u every one for sharing ur stories,May Allah reward those who founded this site,

    wasalaamu aleikum.
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  17. #133
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    mashallah! all these stories are awsome!
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  18. #134
    Zohair's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    best thread ever!

    it is very touching. it is even more touching to actually see people convert, unfortunately I have not had the chance to see it with my own eyes yet.
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  20. #135
    bint_muhammed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah View Post
    Peace be upon yall, Salaam Aleykum

    I have been meaning to complete a piece of my life in written form, to be more precise the journey to the straight path.
    To the reader, this is not a means to give prove Islam right or to show it’s superiority, since this was a personal journey and Islam stands with or without this journey, and I cannot add any benefit to Islam nor can I take away from it’s beauty. The purpose is to merely share a journey of one man which may help others to see things in a better prospective, in the same way that the journey of others has helped me along my journey.

    EDIT: My knowledge of Islam was not very accurate, a muslim to me seemed to be an arabic guy with an ak screaming Allawackbar (thats how I used to say it and spell it)
    I was the type of boy that before becoming Christian used to play soccer and when I would score would scream ALlawackbar and bow down as I used to see the some muslims do, as a joke to annoy my muslim friends, and do stupid ignorant stuff like that, little did I know I would be postrating in tears pretty soon .

    Into Christianity

    Before reaching the final destination of Islam I was driven towards my family’s religion Christianity.

    During my first year in college (in the U.K. not American College) I found myself being asked to leave after a couple of months, at this period societies nature had taken it’s toll on me and I seemed to be doomed as another young male with no purpose. I found myself out of college, passing day by day with no actual focus. It was out of this darkness that the journey would begin. A sunny afternoon I found myself passing through the local shopping centre, as far as I recall I was going to pick my little brother up from his school, it was then that I found a lady’s outstretched hand, passing me a book, considering I had never read a book up to that point in life, never from cover to cover, except for maybe one for school, I found myself instinctively taking the book, without even knowing what it was about, funny enough after handing me the book the lady eagerly suggest I should provide a donation, nice tactics.

    The book was entitled ‘Survivors’ by a man named Zion Ben Jonah. This book struck me by total surprise with its hardcore and explicit statements; it was a great change from everything I had heard before then in Church. The loving, merciful and passionate side of God was always being talked about, what this book did was take the worst case scenario and apply it to the end times which was a very intriguing wake up call to the former ‘happy-go-lucky’ type of attitude in the Church, that nothing harmful would ever happen.

    From this concerned prospective I began to stand up and take more of a vocal point at church and began to start engaging with Christianity, I began stating my point of view and my distress at the one sided preaching that happened in the Church. I questioned and questioned as to why we didn’t speak about the end times, why we didn’t talk about the wrath of God and rather spend every Sunday speaking about the same thing again and again. It was this sort of blind Church going that provoked my reaction from myself. I began questioning and reading passages from Revelation to my peers to wake them up, that anyone ‘Luke-warm will be spat out’ and that 100% dedication would be needed and a part time Christian is no Christian at all.

    Christian Union

    By now the next curriculum year of college had began and I had enrolled in the same college. It was on one occasion that I found a family friend in a room with about 7 or so people at lunch time, intrigued I looked through the door-window hoping to get a glance; she then saw me and indicated that I should enter.
    I humbly entered not knowing what to expect, but hearing something very sweet, the speaking of God, on a serious level. I started from this attending the Christian Union meetings, and what I loved more was the preaching contained a balance of both love and justice, the never ending reminders that ‘your mouth will testify about what it was used for, the finger will testify what it was used for’ and so on kept me at an edge and consistently reminded me of the need for repentance and acceptance of God. Although the meetings only took place of Wednesday and Fridays I began to urge for meetings on every lunch time and would find myself restless if no meetings occurred. Such qualities must have been obvious because it was soon after I had expressed my intention of more meetings vocally, that I remember a couple of instances in which the group leaders, whom were all leaving that year, were sat round talking about finding a successor and all in turned expressed that God had spoke to them and revealed some names, now, I don’t claim to be a mind reader, but it was pretty obvious who they were indirectly saying God said.
    At that time, I was battling myself, with a major problem I had always had, the problem of putting myself in the right place, since practicing Christianity, the place being that I am nothing, and that all good that I may do is from God and so on, although I believe that and understand it, and even tried my best to practice it, I have always found it hard to even speak without feeling that I have let Satan find a way to place pride in me, so I told the leaders that I couldn’t see myself as a leader because I needed my humility, and with becoming a leader I feared pride.

    The Talk

    Although I have always had Muslim friends they have never been able to give me da’wah properly (another key factor, this is the need as to why Muslims should learn da’wah, had I died a couple of years earlier I would have never known the proper Islam) but somehow, although it had never entered my mind, I heard about a Muslim talk that was going to take place, I decided to go.

    [On a quick note, the decision to go was somewhat similar and instinctive as the decision to take the book from the lady.]

    On arriving, I didn’t know to expect, the speaker was not going to turn up, but there were plenty of books and a lot of chocolate, which sure helped me stay, a brother took up the speakers place and just entertained some questions.

    From there, December 2004 until July 2005 I started learning the views of Islam and started to also view Christianity, something I hadn’t done, although I had believed in it, I had never scrutinised it and examined it from a neutral viewpoint.

    Another point to help me was the Autobiography of Malcolm X, and the journey of his helped in a subtle way to shed a light on Islam.

    It was during this period that I slowly started to realise, that Eesa is but Abdullah, meaning that Jesus is but a Servant of Almighty God.

    And in, July 2005 I bore my testimony of faith.

    [All praise is due to Almighty God for any benefit that has occurred through this article and any mistakes are solely mine and may God forgive me]

    Salaam Aleykum Wa Rhametula Wa Berekatu
    [Peace be upon yall and mercy from Almighty God and blessings]

    Your brother in Islam and/or Humanity

    Eesa Abdullah
    [Jesus servant of Almighty God]

    so you are pretty new to Islam and it amazes me because you sound so informative about Islam. i'm born muslim however i'm studying the Quran in english now and its really amazing, however at the age of 18 i think the mosques and my parents haven't really taught us much about islam, and whenever they did culture would be involve, bear in mind i have supposed to have come from a religiouse family! anyway nice to have you brother!
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  21. #136
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    manshallah manshallah!!
    great posts keep it up!
    wa salaam
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    وَإِن كُنتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَالدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ أَعَدَّ لِلْمُحْسِنَاتِ مِنكُنَّ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا
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    Post Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    I know that quite a few of you have already seen most of this, but I've added a few bits to it now.

    Well, like how I refused my first drink, my conversion to Islam started with something that I misunderstood as a miracle, and I made a terrible mistake with my creed, which is too embarassing for me to talk about here (how do I say 'Allah forgive me' in Arabic?). But what kept me in Islam after I rejected my mistakes was actually something in the Bible. It was a prophecy that even now I believe must have been reffering to Makkah (It's not that 'vale of Baca' thing). I found it on wikipedia, but you won't find it there anymore, it's been deleted because of it's lack of neutrality. I found a post in the talk section of the article that said something like 'This is a crazy atempt by Muslims to make it seem like Islam is the true sucessor to Christianity and Judaism. Keep neutral-point-of-view and everything, but I want it to seem like this is false'. This is also partly deleted now. A lot of non-Muslims claim that there is a group of Muslims censoring wikipedia, but it's actually the other way round.
    I then read all the pages about Islam on wikipedia that I could understand, but felt I still wanted to know more. But I was really nervous about reading sites outside wikipedia.
    After I visited my first Muslim site, I felt more and more secure with my faith. I found answers to all my questions about other religions, I found amazing prophecies in the Books of religions from around the world that must be reffering to Islam, and I found out about the miraculous nature of the Quran itself.
    But then I stopped feeling so secure. I noticed that despite loads of people saying that Islam was completely compliant with science, I realised most of the 'scientific miracles' were fake, and some of what people were saying was made using psuedoscientific sites to back it up. I realised that all the people who I had counted on had been lied to, and some of them were liars themselves. I felt really sad, and I often cried at night, but Allah heard my prayers, as he always does.
    I miraculously recovered from my dramatic loss of Iman. I started thinking much more logically, questioning and evaluating my beliefs. I found explanations for the verses of the Quran I had worries about. I realised that the people who taught me were not liars, they were just making mistakes, or were being lied to themselves. I decided that when I grew up, I would free Islam from psuedoscientists like Harun Yahya, and all the others who mislead the innocent.
    Afterwards is pretty much the same as before I lost my faith (and got it back again, alhamdulilah!), just reading the web as much as I can, from Islam Online to Islamic-Awareness, from Muslimconverts to Muttaqun Online. Eventually, when I had learnt enough, I knew I was ready for my proper conversion. The trouble was, I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I was too scared of their reaction to tell my parents, and I was too worried I might offend the Muslim boy in my class by accident if I told him.
    After a while of just reading some more, I had a science project about famous scientists. Because I had also been reading about evolution, for my 'war (by words, of couse) on psuedoscience' that I wanted to fight in the future, I decided to do Darwin. One of my friends wrote a one-and-a-half page essay on the life of Darwin, and I wrote a 10-page book on the theory of evolution. In my book, besides other things, I talked about the Muslim theory of evolution from the Islamic golden age that was based on the Quran, in an attempt to show that there was no conflict between Islam and science.

    When I finished the book, I printed five copies of it. One to give to my English teacher (it was remarkably long), one to give to my RE teacher (it dealt with religion), one to give to my science teacher (it was my science project), one to keep, and, most importantly, one to give to my Muslim friend, called Rehan. After I had given it to him, we talked about Islam for a bit. He didn't get the hint that I wanted to revert, but afterwards, I felt happy knowing that I had taken some important steps. That night, like I often do, I prayed that I could become a Muslim soon. My prayers were answered, in the form of this site.

    After being on this site for a while, alhamdulilah I came to a decision. Even though I was very ill with a cold, and my mum said I could choose not to go into school on that day, I decided that I would go into school, for the sole purpose of telling Rehan about what I wanted to do. I walked down to school thinking about it all the way. When Rehan walked into my tutor group, I was shaking all over. As he walked past my seat, I said to him, my voice trembling, 'I want to tell you something really important'. I decided to go outside the room with him, whilst saying things that were so jittery that they couldn't be understood. When we were in the corridor just outside the room, I said what could be described as my second first words: 'the Quran is true'.

    He understood what I meant emmidiately. I can't exactly remember what Rehan said next, but I'm sure he referred to me as 'scary boy' (he often says strange things like that). I sat back down at my desk, and waited through my next lesson, maths, whilst still shaking. After maths, I caught up with him when I was walking to upper school. He talked to me about a few other people who he had heard of that converted to Islam, including the 'miracles of the Quran' scientists, and then told me about his grandfather, who is the chairman of a local Masjid.

    The next part comming soon, insha'Allaah!
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    wwwislamicboardcom - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:
    dear :brother: you have brought up something that lighted me up
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    nyc story fishman....but howcum ur way of life is undisclosed

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Post Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by dARk cRyStAl View Post
    nyc story fishman....but howcum ur way of life is undisclosed

    Insha'Allaah I will put it as Muslim after I formally say Shahadah on Monday!
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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