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Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

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    Abdu-l-Majeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

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    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {But after them there followed a posterity who missed Prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face destruction, except those who repent and believe, and work righteousness.} (Maryam: 59-60)

    Commenting on the above verses (Ayat), Ibn 'Abbas said,
    "Allah's statement, "Who missed Prayers does not mean that they did not perform it at all but rather they did not perform it in its due time.”

    Sa'id Ibn AI-Mussaiyyib, Imam of the Tabi'een (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "It is he who postpones the Dhuhr (Early Afternoon Prayer) until the time of Asr Prayer (Late Afternoon Prayer) and so are Maghrib (Sunset Prayer) until' /sha' (Evening Prayer), /sha until Fajr (Dawn Prayer) and Fajr until the sun rises. If someone dies persisting in such habits and does not repent to Allah, Allah promises to make him face Ghayy (destruction). But Ghayy may also be the name of a valley in the Hell whose bottom is so
    deep and tastes so bitter.

    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {So woe to the worshipers who are neglectful of their Prayer.} (Ma'un: 4-5)

    Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas related, "I asked the Prophet (pbuh) about the meaning of "the worshipers who are neglectful of their Prayer.' He said, "It is the delaying of performing the Prayer in its definite time." The word (Wayl) in the Ayah may refer to severe torture or it may be the name of a valley in the Hell. Were the whole mountains of the world brought in such valley it would melt because of severe heat. This is the abode of those who are not serious in Prayer unless they repent to Allah and regret for what they have done.

    Allah, the Almighty, says,
    {O ye who believe! Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah, if any act thus, surely they are the losers.} (AI-Munafiqun: 9)

    The exegetes said, "The remembrance of Allah in the above Ayah means the five daily Prayers. Therefore, whoever preoccupies himself with his property, trade, livelihood or children rather performing Prayer in its definite time will be a loser. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The first of one's works that he shall be called to account for on the Day of Judgment is the Prayer. If he performed it well, he will be prosperous. Otherwise, he will be loser.” (1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi who said it is authentic hadith but singular.)

    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {What led you into Hell-Fire? They will say, 'We were not of those who prayed, nor were we of those who feed the indigent. But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment until there came to us (the Hour) that is certain. Then will no intercession of any intercessor profit them.} (Al-Muddathir: 42-48)

    The Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "The covenant between us and them consists of the Prayer:Whoever leaves it has disbelieved.” [1]

    It was related that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Between a man and unbelief is the nonperformance of the Prayer.” [2]

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer of 'Asr (Late Afternoon Prayer) will have his deeds vain.” [3]

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer intentionally will be free from Allah's covenant.” [4]

    "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah and perform the Prayer, and pay Zakah. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the right of Islam over them, and their final reckoning is with Allah.” [5]

    "Whoever keeps on performing Prayers (in its due time), it will be a light, a proof and redemption for him on the Day of Judgment. Otherwise, he will be assembled with Pharaoh, Qarun Haman and 'Ubai Ibn Khalaf .” [6]

    'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said,

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer is beyond the pole of Islam.” [7]

    One of the scholars of sacred knowledge said, "He (the one who neglects the Prayer) will be assembled with these four people because he is either preoccupied from performing Prayer by property, kingdom, ministry or trade. If he is preoccupied by wealth, he will be assembled with Qarun. If by kingdom, he will be with Pharaoh. If by ministry, he will be with Haman and if by trade, he will be with Ubai Ibn Khalaf."

    Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever intentionally missed an obligatory Prayer there by becomes an unbeliever.” [8]

    'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab said, "A man came to the Messenger of Allah and asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what are most beloved deeds to Allah in Islam?" The Messenger said, "To perform Prayers on time, and whoever neglect Prayers has no religion. Prayers are the pillar of Islam.” [9]


    1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi.
    2 Reported by Muslim.
    3 Reported by AI-Bukhari.
    4 Reported by Al-Haythami and Ahmed
    5 Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    6 Reported by Ad-Darmi and Ahmad.
    7 Reported by Malik.
    8 Reported before.
    9 Reported by AI-Baihaqi. It has a weak chain of transmission.

    To be continued, in sha Allah...

    Taken from: Major sins, by imam Adh-Dhahabi, rahimahullah. You can download it here: http://abdurrahman.org/character/major_sins.pdf Just right click the link, and then click on "Save target as" or "Save link as"
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    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    In times of difficulties don't ever say, "Allah, I have a big problem!", say "Hey problem, I have a big Allah!"
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    When Umar was stabbed he was called to Prayer and replied by saying,
    "Yes, whoever misses Prayer is non-Muslim." He then prayed while bleeding."

    'Abdullah Ibn Shaqiq, one of the Tabi'een, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Prophet's Companions did not view the nonperformance of anything as unbelief besides the Prayers.” [1]

    When' Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about a woman who did not Prayers, he said, "Whoever neglects Prayers is unbeliever."

    Ibn Mas'ud also said,

    "Whoever does not pray is an infidel."

    Ibn 'Abbas stated, "Whoever intentionally missed an obligatory Prayer entails Allah's wrath when he dies."

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever dies neglecting the Prayers, Allah will not regard any of his good deeds.” [2]

    Ibn Hazm said, "The most heinous sins next to Shirk (polytheism) are the delayment of Prayers and taking a life of a believer except for just cause."

    Ibrahim An-Nakh'i also said, "Whoever leaves the Prayers has disbelieved."

    Moreover, 'Aun Ibn 'Abdullah said, "When a servant is laid in his grave, he will be asked, first about the Prayers. If it is accepted, his other works will be examined. If not, nothing will be examined any more."

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "When a servant performed a Prayer on time, it will rise skyward enveloped with light until it reaches the Throne. There, it asks forgiveness to its doer up to the Day of Judgment, and says, "May Allah preserve you as you have preserved me." But if the servant performs a Prayer out of its time, it will rise skyward enveloped with darkness. When it reaches the sky, it will be folded as an old cloth and then kicked back to the doer's face and says, "May Allah make you lose as you missed me.” [3]

    'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn AI-As related that the Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "Allah does not accept the Prayers of three people: whoever leads a group of people who dislike him, whoever prays after missing the due time of the Prayer, and he who enslaved someone after freeing him.” [4]

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever joins two Prayers together without a legal excuse, he then commits a major sin.” [5]


    1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi.
    2 It is cited by AI-GhazaIi.
    3 Reported by A1-Haithami and At- Tabarani.
    4 Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah
    5 Reported by At-Tirmidhi and AI-Hakim
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    In times of difficulties don't ever say, "Allah, I have a big problem!", say "Hey problem, I have a big Allah!"
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    Abdu-l-Majeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    The Benefits of Performing Prayers

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever keeps on performing the prescribed Prayer, Allah will grant him five honorable rewards: he will lead a happy life, avoid the torment in the grave, receive his record by his right hand, cross Sirat (the bridge on Fire) as swift as lightening and enter Paradise without being reckoned. But who is remiss in performing the Prayer, Allah will make him suffer fifteen kind of punishment, five in this world, three when dying, three in the grave, and three when being resurrected. The worldly punishments are: he loses the glamor (the blessing) of his life span, the righteous appearance diminishes from his face, he works in vain, he will not have his supplications answered and he will not make use of the righteous people's supplications.

    When dying: he dies humiliated, hungry, thirsty even if he drinks all the rivers of the world. In the grave: he will be compressed so tightly that his ribs permute, blazing in fire day and night and will face a baldheaded poisonous male serpent with two black spots over its eyes which are created of Fire and the fingernails of iron; each fingernail is equal to the distance covered in a day. It will address the deceased in a very roaring sound like thunder saying, "I am the baldheaded poisonous male serpent, My Lord commanded me to beat you for missing the Fajr Prayer until sunrise, the Dhuhr until Asr, Asr Prayer until Maghrib, Maghrib Prayer until 'Isha' and Ish until Fajr."

    Whoever he strikes him, he sinks in the earth for seventy arms deep and he will keep sinking therein until the Day of Judgment.

    Eventually, when being resurrected from his grave, he will be risen up with three lines written on his face:
    1) You neglect Allah's right
    2) You got Allah's wrath
    3) As you have neglected Allah's right in the world, you should despair His Mercy on this Day.” [1]

    Ibn 'Abbas said, "On the Day of Judgment, a man is brought before Allah. Then Allah issues a command to cast him into Fire. The man asks Allah, "O My Lord, why? Allah, then, replies, "Because you neglected to perform the Prayer in its time and you swear falsely by Me."

    One day the Prophet (pbuh) said before his Companions:

    "O Allah, let not any of us wretched or deprived." Then, he said, "Do you know who the wretched and deprived is? “They said, "Who is that, Messenger of Allah?" He said, "The one who neglects the Prayer. “ [2]

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "The first faces that will turn dark on the Day of Judgment are the faces of those who neglect the Prayer. In the HellFire.. there is a valley called AI-Malham that contains serpents. Each serpent is as fat as a camel's neck and its length is equal to the distance covered in a day. Then, it stings the one who neglects the Prayer, the poison boils in his body for seventy years then the flesh is torn out.” [3]

    Once, an Israelite woman came to Musa (pbuh) and said, "0 Messenger of Allah, I committed a grievous sin but I repented to Allah. So may you invoke Allah to forgive me and accept my repentance?"

    Musa said, "What was your sin?" She replied, "I committed adultery and then gave birth to a child whom I killed." Musa (pbuh) said, "Go away corrupt woman lest the fire strike from the sky and bum us." Accordingly, the woman went out with a broken heart. Then, Jibreel (Gabreal) lauded and said, "O Musa, Allah the Almighty asked you, why you rejected the penitent woman. Have not you found anyone worst than her?" Musa asked, "Who is that Jibreel?" He replied, "The one who intentionally neglects the Prayer."

    Mas'ud AI-Badri related that the Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "A Prayer is not valid if one's back is not upright after bowing and prostration.” [4]

    Thus, he who prays should remain motionless for a moment while bowing, prostrating, standing etc.

    It was related that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "The worst thief is he who steals from his Prayer.” Someone asked, "How?" He answered, "When he does not bow, prostrate or recite therein perfectly.” [5]


    1 Reported by As-Siuti who said it is a forged hadith.
    2 Not found.
    3 Reported by Al-Hakim.
    4 Reported by Ahmad.
    5 Reported by Al-Darami, Ahmed and Al-Hakim.
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    In times of difficulties don't ever say, "Allah, I have a big problem!", say "Hey problem, I have a big Allah!"
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

    May Allah make us among those who pray on time and may Allah accept our Prayers.
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    70:28 Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure
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    Muhaba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    great article. ty for posting.
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    Abdu-l-Majeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by muhaba View Post
    great article. ty for posting.
    You're welcome, sister.
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    In times of difficulties don't ever say, "Allah, I have a big problem!", say "Hey problem, I have a big Allah!"
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    cat eyes's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    good posts.. thanks for that reminder! i sometimes do not pray on time and its because i am either cooking or i am out shopping or doing something useless.. i will start praying on time now

    its usaually the afternoon pray that i do late but every other pray i do on time but still its not good enough that i am doing that afternoon prayer late after coming from outside theres no excuse for it at all... what you think i will be forgiven or get so punishment for it?.

    Suppose i have gotton some bad habits from people also. they make it seem its not a big thing, you can do late. thats the problem with being a revert i suppose you listen to other muslims and they are not even educated or know the first thing about it but they think they know because they are born muslim and you just follow them. i hope inshallaah i can do a better job.

    i feel like crap now
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    Bub's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes View Post
    good posts.. thanks for that reminder! i sometimes do not pray on time and its because i am either cooking or i am out shopping or doing something useless.. i will start praying on time now

    its usaually the afternoon pray that i do late but every other pray i do on time but still its not good enough that i am doing that afternoon prayer late after coming from outside theres no excuse for it at all... what you think i will be forgiven or get so punishment for it?.

    Suppose i have gotton some bad habits from people also. they make it seem its not a big thing, you can do late. thats the problem with being a revert i suppose you listen to other muslims and they are not even educated or know the first thing about it but they think they know because they are born muslim and you just follow them. i hope inshallaah i can do a better job.

    i feel like crap now

    Sis, dont worry i was in the same shoe as u, but is it a sin for delay it? But still, make it up better than never??? I do not know abt it, . I missed Thohor and Asha prayers today bec i was in shopping but i made it up.
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    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

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    Abdu-l-Majeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes View Post
    what you think i will be forgiven or get so punishment for it?.
    Sincere repentance erases any sin. Now that's Allah's, swt, mercy.
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    In times of difficulties don't ever say, "Allah, I have a big problem!", say "Hey problem, I have a big Allah!"
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer


    What if we miss or delay the salat due to our work? I might have to join Dhuhur with Asr and pray them at around 6pm when im working....after reading all this, i am scared...

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    OmAbdullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdu-l-Majeed View Post
    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {But after them there followed a posterity who missed Prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face destruction, except those who repent and believe, and work righteousness.} (Maryam: 59-60)

    Commenting on the above verses (Ayat), Ibn 'Abbas said,
    "Allah's statement, "Who missed Prayers does not mean that they did not perform it at all but rather they did not perform it in its due time.”

    Sa'id Ibn AI-Mussaiyyib, Imam of the Tabi'een (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "It is he who postpones the Dhuhr (Early Afternoon Prayer) until the time of Asr Prayer (Late Afternoon Prayer) and so are Maghrib (Sunset Prayer) until' /sha' (Evening Prayer), /sha until Fajr (Dawn Prayer) and Fajr until the sun rises. If someone dies persisting in such habits and does not repent to Allah, Allah promises to make him face Ghayy (destruction). But Ghayy may also be the name of a valley in the Hell whose bottom is so
    deep and tastes so bitter.

    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {So woe to the worshipers who are neglectful of their Prayer.} (Ma'un: 4-5)

    Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas related, "I asked the Prophet (pbuh) about the meaning of "the worshipers who are neglectful of their Prayer.' He said, "It is the delaying of performing the Prayer in its definite time." The word (Wayl) in the Ayah may refer to severe torture or it may be the name of a valley in the Hell. Were the whole mountains of the world brought in such valley it would melt because of severe heat. This is the abode of those who are not serious in Prayer unless they repent to Allah and regret for what they have done.

    Allah, the Almighty, says,
    {O ye who believe! Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah, if any act thus, surely they are the losers.} (AI-Munafiqun: 9)

    The exegetes said, "The remembrance of Allah in the above Ayah means the five daily Prayers. Therefore, whoever preoccupies himself with his property, trade, livelihood or children rather performing Prayer in its definite time will be a loser. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The first of one's works that he shall be called to account for on the Day of Judgment is the Prayer. If he performed it well, he will be prosperous. Otherwise, he will be loser.” (1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi who said it is authentic hadith but singular.)

    Allah, the Most High, says,

    {What led you into Hell-Fire? They will say, 'We were not of those who prayed, nor were we of those who feed the indigent. But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment until there came to us (the Hour) that is certain. Then will no intercession of any intercessor profit them.} (Al-Muddathir: 42-48)

    The Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "The covenant between us and them consists of the Prayer:Whoever leaves it has disbelieved.” [1]

    It was related that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Between a man and unbelief is the nonperformance of the Prayer.” [2]

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer of 'Asr (Late Afternoon Prayer) will have his deeds vain.” [3]

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer intentionally will be free from Allah's covenant.” [4]

    "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah and perform the Prayer, and pay Zakah. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the right of Islam over them, and their final reckoning is with Allah.” [5]

    "Whoever keeps on performing Prayers (in its due time), it will be a light, a proof and redemption for him on the Day of Judgment. Otherwise, he will be assembled with Pharaoh, Qarun Haman and 'Ubai Ibn Khalaf .” [6]

    'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said,

    "Whoever neglects the Prayer is beyond the pole of Islam.” [7]

    One of the scholars of sacred knowledge said, "He (the one who neglects the Prayer) will be assembled with these four people because he is either preoccupied from performing Prayer by property, kingdom, ministry or trade. If he is preoccupied by wealth, he will be assembled with Qarun. If by kingdom, he will be with Pharaoh. If by ministry, he will be with Haman and if by trade, he will be with Ubai Ibn Khalaf."

    Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever intentionally missed an obligatory Prayer there by becomes an unbeliever.” [8]

    'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab said, "A man came to the Messenger of Allah and asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what are most beloved deeds to Allah in Islam?" The Messenger said, "To perform Prayers on time, and whoever neglect Prayers has no religion. Prayers are the pillar of Islam.” [9]


    1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi.
    2 Reported by Muslim.
    3 Reported by AI-Bukhari.
    4 Reported by Al-Haythami and Ahmed
    5 Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    6 Reported by Ad-Darmi and Ahmad.
    7 Reported by Malik.
    8 Reported before.
    9 Reported by AI-Baihaqi. It has a weak chain of transmission.

    To be continued, in sha Allah...

    Taken from: Major sins, by imam Adh-Dhahabi, rahimahullah. You can download it here: http://abdurrahman.org/character/major_sins.pdf Just right click the link, and then click on "Save target as" or "Save link as"

    Jazaak-Allaho Khaira
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    Jazakallah khair for this beneficial reminder subhan'Allah
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    This is importance of prayer
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    A very important Reminder
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    noraina's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    Assalamu alaykum

    for the reminder.

    I just wanted to ask - sometimes if I'm out or I'm just finishing a task or something I'll read the salah maybe 10-15 minutes after the time has begun.

    For example, Asr these days is at around 2:50 pm, if I read it at 3 pm, is that classed as unnecessarily delaying the prayer? I'd love to know, then I'll begin reading my salah exactly on time inshaAllah.

    Also, I heard it's better to delay Isha until before you go to bed, is this true?
    Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    Oh turner of the Hearts make my heart firm on Your Deen

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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by noraina View Post
    Assalamu alaykum

    for the reminder.

    I just wanted to ask - sometimes if I'm out or I'm just finishing a task or something I'll read the salah maybe 10-15 minutes after the time has begun.

    For example, Asr these days is at around 2:50 pm, if I read it at 3 pm, is that classed as unnecessarily delaying the prayer? I'd love to know, then I'll begin reading my salah exactly on time inshaAllah.

    Also, I heard it's better to delay Isha until before you go to bed, is this true?
    Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

    Sis, we should try pray our salah on time as it is disliked to delay it until the end of its time, but there is no sin if this is done through necessity. It is considered contrary to what is best for us though and even evidence that salah is not being prioritised as it should be. It is considered a bad habit to get into and is something I will pick up my kids on, you know, when they whine and say they'll come soon when I tell them it's prayer time.

    Yes, Isha can be delayed until bedtime though.
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    Re: Allah's punishment for delaying the prayer time or neglecting the prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdu-l-Majeed View Post

    When Umar was stabbed he was called to Prayer and replied by saying,
    "Yes, whoever misses Prayer is non-Muslim." He then prayed while bleeding."

    'Abdullah Ibn Shaqiq, one of the Tabi'een, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Prophet's Companions did not view the nonperformance of anything as unbelief besides the Prayers.” [1]

    When' Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about a woman who did not Prayers, he said, "Whoever neglects Prayers is unbeliever."

    Ibn Mas'ud also said,

    "Whoever does not pray is an infidel."

    Ibn 'Abbas stated, "Whoever intentionally missed an obligatory Prayer entails Allah's wrath when he dies."

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever dies neglecting the Prayers, Allah will not regard any of his good deeds.” [2]

    Ibn Hazm said, "The most heinous sins next to Shirk (polytheism) are the delayment of Prayers and taking a life of a believer except for just cause."

    Ibrahim An-Nakh'i also said, "Whoever leaves the Prayers has disbelieved."

    Moreover, 'Aun Ibn 'Abdullah said, "When a servant is laid in his grave, he will be asked, first about the Prayers. If it is accepted, his other works will be examined. If not, nothing will be examined any more."

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "When a servant performed a Prayer on time, it will rise skyward enveloped with light until it reaches the Throne. There, it asks forgiveness to its doer up to the Day of Judgment, and says, "May Allah preserve you as you have preserved me." But if the servant performs a Prayer out of its time, it will rise skyward enveloped with darkness. When it reaches the sky, it will be folded as an old cloth and then kicked back to the doer's face and says, "May Allah make you lose as you missed me.” [3]

    'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn AI-As related that the Prophet (pbuh) said,

    "Allah does not accept the Prayers of three people: whoever leads a group of people who dislike him, whoever prays after missing the due time of the Prayer, and he who enslaved someone after freeing him.” [4]

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,

    "Whoever joins two Prayers together without a legal excuse, he then commits a major sin.” [5]


    1 Reported by At- Tirmidhi.
    2 It is cited by AI-GhazaIi.
    3 Reported by A1-Haithami and At- Tabarani.
    4 Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah
    5 Reported by At-Tirmidhi and AI-Hakim


    A thread every Muslim MUST BE AWARE OF .
    Last edited by talibilm; 01-24-2017 at 10:36 PM.
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