One Ma’mum Should Stand To The Imaam’s Right Side

By Sh. Mashhur Hasan Aal-Salmaan

If there is only one praying muslim with the Imaam, he should stand to the Imaam’s right side, this is the Sunnah as related by Ibn ‘Abbaas (ra) whose narration Al-Bukhaari reported in his Sahih under the title “One Ma’mum should stand to the Imaam’s right side”,(Bukhari, Vol. 2 / p. 190) not a step backwards nor a step forward.(Fathul Bari, Vol.2 / p. 190) This Sunnah is supported by the following points:

(1) Had the Sunnah been otherwise [at the prophet () time], it would have been related by the Sahaabah who were led by the prophet (saw) so often.

It is affirmed through many ahaadith -such as the one narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (ra)- that the prophet (saw) said to him: ‘What is the matter! I’am trying to make you stand beside me but you are retreating backwards’(1) It was also narrated in the two Sahihs of Bukhaari and Muslim that the prophet (saw) once turned Jaabir to his right side when the later stood to his left side. Imaam Muslim said: ‘The Sunnah as narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas is that the Ma’mum should stand to right side of the Imaam, not to his left’(2) if he was the only one to be led by the Imaam.

Ibn Dawyaan stated the same thing relating the aforementioned two ahaadith.(3)

(3) This Sunnah was earnestly followed and practiced by the Sahaabah such as: Abdullaah Ibn ‘Utbah Ibn Mas‘ud who said: ‘I entered ‘Umar’s house at noon and found him performing Salaat, I joined him and stood behind him. He (ra) then pulled me and made me stand exactly to his right side’.(4)

Abdir Razzaaq related that Ibn Juraij asked ‘Ataa’: ‘If there was one Ma’mum with the Imaam, where should the former stand? ‘Ataa’ said: ‘To the Imaam’s right’.

Ibn Juraij asked: ‘Should he stand exactly beside him not a step backward or forward?

‘Ataa’ said: ‘Yes’.

Ibn Juraij then asked: ‘Very close to him, that no gab is to exist between them?’.

‘Ataa’ said: ‘Yes, Indeed’.(5)

‘This ’Athaar and many other ahaadith affirm that the Ma’mum should stand to the Imaam’s side, not a step backwards -as some followers of some Mathaahib hold. ‘Umar’s narration and ‘Ataa’s Ibn Rabah answers affirm this authentic Sunnah. As for the other views that contradict this Sunnah, they should be left aside having good thought of those who stated them to have made their best in trying to know the Sunnah. Indeed the best of guidance is that of prophet Muhammad ()’.(6)


(1) Narrated by Ahmad in “”Al-Musnad” (vol. 1 / p. 330) through an authentic chain of narrators as mentioned in “As-Silsilah As-Sahīhah” (no. 606).
(2) See: “At-Tamyīz” by Imām Muslim (p. 137).

(3) “Manārus Sabīl” (vol. 1 / p. 128).

(4) Narrated by! Mālik in his “Muwatta’ ” (vol. 1 p. 154) through an authentic chain of narrators.

(5) “Fathul Bārī” (vol. 2 / p. 191).

(6) See: “As-Silsilah As-Sahīhah” (vol. 1 / pp. 221-2) and “Irwā’ul Ghalīl” (vol. 2 / p. 323).
