Now I have never been much of a sleep walker, but I am starting to think I pray in my sleep. I get these vague feelings that I already prayed fajr on the days I oversleep for it. But last night was too weird, I couldn't even tell if i really got up and prayed , or if it was my imagination. I remember praying fajr, even though it hadn't reached fajr yet. And then me thinking afterwards "why did I pray fajr it's still dark out?" Now I can't even tell if this was a dream or a hallucination or me being weird. The strangest part was a had this unimaginable khushuu that I never have while awake, I was in the zone. and I was reading parts of the Quran I didn't even know. It felt too real and vivid to be a dream. So I think it was half hallucination/half reality.

lol I did each cheese before going to bed.