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Praying in islam

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    Mahmud(dkinx)'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Praying in islam

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    Pls why do we Muslims pray 5 times In a day instead of the 3 times a day as stated in the Quran
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    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Praying in islam

    Muslims pray 5 times a day because Allah asked the prophet to teach the Ummah to pray 5 times a day. On the night of Mi'raj, Allah enjoined upon Muslims to pray 5 times a day. Please see the Hadith of Mi'raj mentioned here: Origins of the 5 daily prayers

    The OP seems to be a Quranist. He has to first understand that legislation in Islam is based on Quran and Sunnah. Allah does not say in the Qur'an to pray only 3 times a day, nor does He say in the Qur'an how to pray. Allah sent prophet Muhammad as a guide to mankind and instructed him to teach the Ummah each and every aspect of their lives. So we learn how to pray and when to pray based on the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, .

    Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) says:
    ... And We revealed to you the message that “you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them” and that they might give thought. [An-Nahl: 44]

    Please see http://sunnahonline.com/library/beli...his-sunnah-the for more details on why we should follow the Prophet .

    The obligation to obey the prophet (ﷺ):

    As for the obligation to obey the prophet (ﷺ), belief in him demands it. Confirmation of what he brought requires obedience to him because this is part of what he brought.

    Allah says, "O you who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger ... " [ 8:20]
    "Say: obey Allah and obey the Messenger ... " [ 24:54]
    He says, "Obey Allah and the Messenger and perhaps you will be shown mercy." [3:132]
    "If you obey him, you will be guided ... " [ 24:54]
    "Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah ... " [ 4:79]
    "That what the Messenger brings you and leave what he forbids you ... " [ 59:7]
    "Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger is with those whom Allah has blessed."[ 4:68]
    "We did not send any Messenger but for him to be obeyed by the permission of Allah." [ 4:63]

    He made obeying His Messenger (ﷺ) tantamount to obeying Himself, and He placed obedience to Himself alongside obedience to His Messenger. Allah promises that doing this will result in an abundant reward and threatens a severe punishment for opposing it. He made it obligatory to obey the things that the prophet (ﷺ) commanded and to avoid those he prohibited.

    The commentators and Imams have said that obeying the Messenger means to cling to his Sunnah and submit to what he brought. They said that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) did not send a Messenger without obliging those to whom he was sent to obey him and that obeying the Messenger in his Sunnah is equivalent to obeying Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) in His obligations.

    Sahl at-Tustari was asked about the Shari'ah of Islam and he quoted, "Take what the Messenger brings you." [ 59:7]

    As-Samarqandi said that it was said: obey Allah in His obligations and the Messenger in his Sunnah. It is also said: obey Allah regarding what He makes forbidden for you and obey the Messenger regarding what he conveys to you. It is said that it means to obey Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) by testifying that He is the Lord and to obey the Prophet by testifying to his prophethood.

    Abu Salamah ibn 'Abdur-Rahman heard Abu Hurayrah say that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever obeys me has obeyed Allah. Whoever rebels against me has rebelled against Allah. Whoever obeys my Amir has obeyed me. Whoever rebels against my Amir has disobeyed me." [Bukhari and Muslim ]

    Obeying the Messenger is part of obeying Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) since Allah commands that he be obeyed. True obedience is obedience to Allah's command and therefore obedience to His Prophet.

    Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) talks about the unbelievers in the depths of the Fire saying, "On the day when their faces are turned over in the Fire, they will say, 'Would that we had obeyed Allah and that we had obeyed the Messenger.' " [ 33:66] They will wish they had obeyed when the wish will not profit them.

    The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "When I forbid you to do something, avoid it. When I command you to do something, then do it as much as you are able."[Bukhari and Muslim ]
    Abu Hurayrah we find that the Prophet said, "All of my community will enter the Garden except for those who refuse to." They asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who will refuse?" He replied, "Whoever obeys me will enter the Garden. Whoever rebels against me has refused." [Al-Hakim]

    The prophet (ﷺ) said: "My likeness and the likeness of what Allah has sent me with is like a man who comes to a people and says, 'O people, I have seen the army with my own eyes and I am a sincere warner, so save yourselves!' One group of his people obey him and they travel at the beginning of the night, go at their leisure and are saved. Another group reject him and remain where they are and the army arrives in the morning and wipes them out. Such is the likeness of those who obey me and follow what I bring and the likeness of those who rebel against me and deny what I bring." [Bukhari]

    In an other similar Hadith: "It is like someone who builds a house and lays out a fine feast in it and sends out a summoner. Whoever does not answer the summoner does not enter the house and eat from the feast."[Bukhari and Muslim ]

    The obligation to follow him and his Sunnah:

    As for the obligation to follow him and obey his Sunnah and follow his guidance, Allah says, "Say: if you love Allah, follow me and He will love you and forgive you your wrong actions." [ 3:31]
    "Believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in Allah and His words. Follow him, perhaps you will be guided." [ 7:157]

    "No, by your Lord, they will not believe until they ask you to judge between them in what they disagree about and then they shall find in themselves no impediment touching your verdict, but shall surrender in full submission." [ 4:64] i.e. obey your judgement.
    Allah also says, "You have a good model in the Messenger of Allah for one who hopes for Allah and the Last Day." [ 33:21]

    At-Tirmidhi said, "To take the Messenger as a model means to emulate him, follow his sunnah and abandon opposition to him in either word or action." Several commentators said words to that effect.

    In the first ayah mentioned, Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) promises His love and forgiveness to those who follow the Prophet and prefer him to their own passions and inclinations.

    Soundness of belief is based on submission to the Prophet and satisfaction with his judgement and abandoning opposition to him.

    It is related from al-Hasan al-Basri that some people said, "Messenger of Allah, we love Allah," so Allah revealed, "Say: if you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you." [ 3:31]

    Abu Rafi' reported that the prophet (ﷺ) said:
    "Do not let any of you be found reclining on his bed when he hears an injunction from me which is from among those things which I myself commanded or forbade so that he says, 'I do not know. We only follow what we find in the Book of Allah.' [Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.]

    Aisha [ra] said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) did something as an example in order to make things easier for people but some people still refrained from doing it. When the prophet (ﷺ) heard about that, he praised Allah and said, 'What do you think of people who refrain from anything that I myself do? By Allah, I am the greatest of them in knowledge of Allah and the strongest of them in fear of Allah.' [Bukhari and Muslim ]

    Abu Hurayrah said that the prophet (ﷺ) said: "The one who clings to my sunnah when the community is corrupt will have the reward of a hundred martyrs." [At-Tabarani]
    Amr ibn Awf al-Muzani said the prophet (ﷺ) told Bilal ibn Al-Harith:"Whoever brings to life any of my Sunnah which has died after me will have the reward of all those who act by it without decreasing their reward in any way. Whoever introduces a misguiding innovation which does not please Allah and His Messenger will have the like of all those who act by it without that decreasing their burden."[At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]
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    Mahmud(dkinx)'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Praying in islam

    Ok tnks , but is there any evidence that the prophet 5 times a day and told us to do so, and secondly is there any eveodence that the prophet said we should follow anything other than the Quran ( that is his Hadith )
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    Re: Praying in islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mahmud(dkinx) View Post
    Ok tnks , but is there any evidence that the prophet 5 times a day and told us to do so, and secondly is there any eveodence that the prophet said we should follow anything other than the Quran ( that is his Hadith )
    listen to what you just asked:
    Is there any evidence that the prophet said we should follow anything other than the Quran?

    in other words:
    you want evidence about something that the prophet said...which is the hadeeth...
    So what you basically want is to search for a hadeeth where the prophet said, we can follow the hadeeth
    hadeeth are simply the reporst about the things our Prophet sas has done or said

    now think about it yourself.
    Why would any prophet come and say...you can follow the holy book, but do not follow what I teach you?

    would that make sense?

    So, the prophet says how we should live, pray, behave, act, work, sleep, think, basically everything....and then tells us not to follow his example...

    is that logical to you?
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    Mahmud(dkinx)'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Praying in islam

    actually its not logical, you are right, we have to follow what the prophet does, but dont you think alot of things will be corrupted from the time of the prophet till these days, especially since we have alot of empires built on swords after the death of the prophet, pls undertsnad that i am not here with any agenda, i am here seeking answers, i was born and raised as a muslim, so am a muslim by birth, now i wanna know more about my religion, i just recently start reseaching about islam. and i pray For ALLAH, to show me the way
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    Re: Praying in islam

    Interesting thread...I am studying Islam for a while now and can't help feel that following what the messenger allegedly said is a deviation from the instructions in the Quran, that repeatedly states in numerous verses that it is a clear, complete and detailed guide and Mohamed(pbuh) is just the messenger...

    Of course, the people living at the time of the messenger were to follow him, but after that, the preserved and guarded word of our creator is what matters...only need to look at the history of the Umma to see how divided it has become from following men and deviations from that word, as the Quran clearly, completely and with detail warns against...Most Muslims are holding dear to ropes that are not of Allah...

    But i do get the reason for regular community prayers, but i can't see why they are called obligatory prayers if one has faith the Quran is True?
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    Mahmud(dkinx)'s Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Praying in islam

    well actually we have thesame concerns, they where too much divisons among the early muslims and too much infighting, so how sure are we that we are even following the words of the prophet, thats why i think we only need to follow what the quran says now
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  10. #8
    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Praying in islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mahmud(dkinx) View Post
    we have to follow what the prophet does, but dont you think alot of things will be corrupted from the time of the prophet till these days
    You may not be aware, but there is a complete science dedicated to the authentication Hadith and its narrators. Scholars have classified all the Ahadeeth available in all the major books of hadith.

    format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver View Post
    I am studying Islam for a while now and can't help feel that following what the messenger allegedly said is a deviation from the instructions in the Quran
    Read my above post once again. Allah Himself orders us in the Qur'an to follow the Messenger. The only deviation that I see here is the defiant refusal to follow the prophet .

    Both of you, take your time and read these threads in detail:

    The preservation of Hadith

    The Isnād System: An Unbroken Link to The Prophet
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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Praying in islam

    The Quran is a foundational book of wisdom, guidance, and legislation from Allah whose words could not be exhausted if the oceans and the like thereof were made ink.
    Think about it simply - does your brain not seek the most intelligent answer to everything? Do you not begin life by listening to your parents and many other voices for basic survival regardless of how flawed they might be? Do you not observe and process information all day long? if you do (and i know that you do) - do you not pick the best and most solid pieces of guidance for your operating system and keep other information in other less certain neuron clusters - and sometimes turn them over when evaluating new information? That's simply how you manage to make good decisions in life when you come across new information - you compare, evaluate, correlate, and process it with all relevant bits of information that you have available to you.
    Ask yourself why you accept the Quran as being the most solid and truthful piece of information. And whether you should move on to evaluating based on what joe sixpack and sally soccermom say next - or whether the people who were primarily guided by Allah and implemented the Books in their life take priority over how donald trump implements it.

    Ulaa-ika alladheena hada Allah - Fa bi hudaa hum muhtadih.
    They are the ones whom Allah guided - so by their guidance - be guided.

    How would you as a leader implement the Quran? Would you not use as a primary source of reference the recipient of the Quran who was duty bound to implement it - or would you cause confusion by allowing people to break any law they liked via personal interpretation?

    What knowledge comes after Quran and what you inevitably see, hear and experience other than ahadith? And do you not use your intellect to sift these for truth and just applicability just as you sift other information?

    Even the most logical mathematicians who are ignorant of Allah and His messengers seem to illogically assume that zero can be divided by x and actually return a tangible sum (the big bang from nothing).
    The messengers guide you to clear thought based on reality by showing you that it is the eternal Allah who says "BE" and it becomes, and they work on that higher logic - who will you use as primary source of human implementation of the truth? Shakespeare? Chaucer? Would you rather that M.A. Rothschild and his fan professors interpreted the verse on usury for you or would you seek what Muhamnad is believed to have said first - and then evaluate based on all that you know?

    You will not have perfect knowledge or be perfect even until the day you die - but you can try your best to follow the best and most truthful of what you know - that's what elevated our ancestors above all creatures.
    Evolution is not becoming God - evolution is not dismissing the truthful best and accepting less via self deception, cheating, and shortcuts. evolution is thinking rationally and clearly and patiently persevering according to the best and most realistic information - and attempting to be the best - otherwise - logically - we'd have been slithering on our bellies and would have had sharp teeth nd venom.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 08-25-2018 at 09:12 AM.
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    eesa the kiwi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Praying in islam

    The Sunnah explains the Qurān. In the Qurān we are told to pray the Sunnah gives the specifics. The Qurān doesn't tell us how many rakah zohr is or what duas to make in tashahud you will find the details in the sunnah

    You reject the Sunnah you end up interpreting quran according to your whims and desires like the Christians did with the bible. You put ten Christians in a room it seems you get eleven denominations. Put ten quranists in a room and it seems you get eleven interpretations of the Qurān

    Whose explanation of the Qurān is going to be correct? The Messenger of Allāh sallaho alayhi wa sallam or yours or your sunnah rejecting "sheik"

    The Sunnah is revelation and Allah protected it by raising in the ummah men and women who developed the science of hadith authentication

    Now our job isn't to make people believe our job is to convey the message. You want to reject the Sunnah that's on you, just don't complain on yawmul qiyamah when you're thrown into the fire with the other deviant sects
    Praying in islam

    “Allah gave you a gift of 86,000 seconds today, have you used one to say ‘Alhamdulilah"
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    Re: Praying in islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by eesa the kiwi View Post
    The Sunnah explains the Qurān. In the Qurān we are told to pray the Sunnah gives the specifics. The Qurān doesn't tell us how many rakah zohr is or what duas to make in tashahud you will find the details in the sunnah

    You reject the Sunnah you end up interpreting quran according to your whims and desires like the Christians did with the bible. You put ten Christians in a room it seems you get eleven denominations. Put ten quranists in a room and it seems you get eleven interpretations of the Qurān

    Whose explanation of the Qurān is going to be correct? The Messenger of Allāh sallaho alayhi wa sallam or yours or your sunnah rejecting "sheik"

    The Sunnah is revelation and Allah protected it by raising in the ummah men and women who developed the science of hadith authentication

    Now our job isn't to make people believe our job is to convey the message. You want to reject the Sunnah that's on you, just don't complain on yawmul qiyamah when you're thrown into the fire with the other deviant sects

    Imagine if a leader who rejected the ahadith came and told us that prayer according to the Quran is done via standing on your head and doing cartwheels - how would we have responded?
    Last edited by Abz2000; 08-25-2018 at 09:19 AM.
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    Praying in islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by umie View Post
    listen to what you just asked:
    Is there any evidence that the prophet said we should follow anything other than the Quran?

    in other words:
    you want evidence about something that the prophet said...which is the hadeeth...
    So what you basically want is to search for a hadeeth where the prophet said, we can follow the hadeeth
    hadeeth are simply the reporst about the things our Prophet sas has done or said

    now think about it yourself.
    Why would any prophet come and say...you can follow the holy book, but do not follow what I teach you?

    would that make sense?

    So, the prophet says how we should live, pray, behave, act, work, sleep, think, basically everything....and then tells us not to follow his example...

    is that logical to you?
    You’re perfectly correct. And also, Muslims prayed x5 a day since prophet Muhammad came, and then when prophet Muhammad taught Muslims to pray x5 a day, then they started to pray, and when they had children they also taught them to pray x5 a day all the way till 2018 and beyond. So voila! Here’s a proof for ya. And also, I’ve read a little story that thousands of years ago, prophet Muhammad ascended on a little journey to meet other prophets and he met Moses and he told him that on his time he used to pray x30 a day and he asked him to ask God to reduce the number of praying until finally God decided that there will be only x5 daily prayers only and Moses asked again and then the Prophet refused because he was shy to ask again from God. That is mentioned in Quran, don’t believe me? Search on internet and see. And about that thing with praying x3 a day, that’s only for Jews, they pray x3.
    Last edited by Nitro Zeus; 08-25-2018 at 11:49 PM.
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    Re: Praying in islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    You’re perfectly correct. And also, Muslims prayed x5 a day since prophet Muhammad came, and then when prophet Muhammad taught Muslims to pray x5 a day, then they started to pray, and when they had children they also taught them to pray x5 a day all the way till 2018 and beyond. So voila! Here’s a proof for ya. And also, I’ve read a little story that thousands of years ago, prophet Muhammad ascended on a little journey to meet other prophets and he met Moses and he told him that on his time he used to pray x30 a day and he asked him to ask God to reduce the number of praying until finally God decided that there will be only x5 daily prayers only and Moses asked again and then the Prophet refused because he was shy to ask again from God. That is mentioned in Quran, don’t believe me? Search on internet and see. And about that thing with praying x3 a day, that’s only for Jews, they pray x3.
    Exactly...ı do not know when that conversation between Mozes as and Muhammed sas took place exactly...but the atory is true.
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    Re: Praying in islam

    Prayer is the most fundamental pillar of Islam after Shahadah as well as the most supreme act of worship. The Holy Quran has emphasized many times on performing Namaz and described multiple benefits of Namaz. Namaz is not only worship but it connects you to Almighty and you will feel spirituality in yourself.
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