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Some Etiquettes of Jumu'ah: Having a Proper Wudoo' & Being Silent

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    Some Etiquettes of Jumu'ah: Having a Proper Wudoo' & Being Silent

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    Some Etiquettes of Jumu'ah: Having a Proper Wudoo' & Being Silent

    By :
    Aboo Uways 'Abdullah 'Alee (Rahimahullah)

    http://www.salafita pes.com/

    From the regulations regarding Jumu'ah, the Sunnah and the manners of Jumu'ah is that you :

    1. Make ghusl as it is waajib upon everyone who has reached the age of puberty.

    2. Wear the best of your clothing.

    3.Using oil

    4.Walking to the Jumua'h is better than riding if there is no difficulty in your walking.

    5.Go early to the place where Jumua'h is going to be held.

    6. Making Tahayatull Masjid

    7. Reading Suratul Kahf

    8. Sending peace and prayers upon Muhammad ibn Abdulah sallallahu alayhe was salam

    9. Not going over the necks of people

    10. Total and complete silence while listening to the khutbah

    11. Using the time during Jumu'ah when du'aa is said to be answered to make du'aa

    The actions of Jumu'ah are of three types :

    1. The actions you do before Jumu'ah - ghusl, wearing your best clothing, using an oil, being early

    2. The actions you do after the salaah - making du'aa at the proper time ( the last hour before the setting of the sun )

    3. The actions you do before the salaah - reading suratul Kahf , sending prayers and peace upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam and like this

    The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe was salaam said al Jumu'ah is the best of the days and is the greatest of the days with Allah than Eid al Adha or the day of Fitr. It had five qualities. Allah created Adam on the day of Jumu'ah and Allah made Adam come down to earth upon that day. Also Allah caused Adam to die at that time. And in this hour is that no servant asks Allah for something except that Allah will give it to him as long as he doesnt ask for that which is haraam. And on friday the hour will be established. And there is no angel that is close, there is no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain, no ocean except that is fearful on yawm al Jumu'ah. It is fearful on the day of friday for fear that Kiyamah will be established on that day.

    The Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam said "The best of your days is yawmul Jumu'ah. On that day Adam was created. And on that day the soul was blown into him. And on that day the people will fall out before the kiyamah. Send a lot of prayers upon me because your prayers come to me." And they said O RasoolAllah, How can our prayers come to you when you have become dust or bones? He answered " Allah has forbidden the earth from eating the Prophets of Allah."

    Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam said " Friday prayer to Friday prayer is an expiation of ones sins he commits between those two fridays as long as he doesnt fall into the Major sins."

    Aus ibn Aus said , I heard the Prophet sallalahu alayhe was salaam say " Whoever makes Ghusl on the day of Jumu'ah and comes early and walks to Jumu'ah , comes close to the imam , and does not take his attention from the imam, he will have for every step he took a reward for a full year of fasting and standing in prayer. [ Abi Dawud ]

    The fact of listening and being silent during the khutbah

    Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe said " If you were to say to your companion sitting beside you on the day of Friday when the Imam is giving the Khutbah that he should be quiet , then you have done that which wipes away the reward of Jumu'ah."

    Ubay ibn Kab radiallahu anhu narrates that The Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam recited surah at Tabarak while he was standing and reminding us of the days of Allah, while Abu Darda or Abu Darr touched me , trying to get my attention. He asked a question regarding Ilm, " When was this surah revealed? I have not heard it until this time. " I pointed to him to be quiet. When the salaat was over he said , " I asked you when was this surah revealed and you didnt tell me." I said , You will have no reward for you salaah today because you have done that which wipes it away. So he went to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe was salaam and mentioned to him what was said " Ubay has told the truth. "

    Another narration that speaks about this issue is one regarding Abdullah ibn Masud radiallahu anhu and he was asking a question also. Ibn Masud sat by Ubay ibn Kab and he asked him something or talked to him about something. Ubay didnt speak to him at all. Ibn Masud thought that he had some problem with him. So when the Prophet sallalahu alayhe was salama finished the salaat , Ibn Masud said, " Ya Ubay, what stopped you from responding to me?" Ubay replied, " its as if you didnt even make Jumu'ah with us because you were talking." Ibn Masud asked RasoolAllah sallallahu alayhe was salaam , and mentioned what was said. The Messenger of Allah said " and obey Ubay."

    So this is regarding the matter of being silent when the Imam is giving a Khutbah of Jumu'ah.

    End of First Part Khutbah

    Jaabir radiallahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam said , " No person makes a ghusl properly on yawm al Jumu'ah and purifies himself in the best way , uses some oil, and he leaves his home not seperating between two , then he prays what has been written for him to pray, then he is silent if the imam talks, except that it will be forgiven for him the sins that he has committed between that friday and the next friday."

    So this speaks about cleanliness, being early , and being quiet. Abu Hurairah relates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam, " Allah misled away from the day of Jumu'ah those who were before us. The Yahud took Saturday and the Christians took Sunday. And there will be forever followers behind us in this issue until the Day of Judgement. We are the last of the people of the dunyah, and the first of those to be judged before the rest of the creation.

    Jabir radiallahu anhu narrated that an individual entered into the masjid while the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam was giving a khutbah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam stopped his Khutbah and said to him " Have you prayed? " He said no, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam said, " Stand up and pray two rakaat." So this is speaking about Tahayatul Masjid, stand up and pray two rakaat.

    Another hadeeth, and we have mentioned some of it, but this is in different wording. " There is no person who purifies himself on the day of Jumu'ah as he has been ordered , and he leaves his house and comes to salaatul Jumu'ah and he is quiet until salaat is finished except there is expiation for that which has preceded this jumu'ah. "

    Some may say that this is an issue that we know. Some may say that this is an issue that we dont need to be reminded of. But we have been told in the Quran to remind them , for the reminder benefits the believer. And as has been shown through experience, many times people forget these hadeeth and these narrations and we forget that Jumu'ah is from the great symbols of Allah and it must have some kind of glorification in our hearts because this is from the taqwa, from the fear of Allah subhana wa ta'alaa. It is an honourable day, it is a great day, it is a day full of virtues and blessings for the one who observes it - as he should observe it , sticking to the book of Allah tabaraka wa ta'alaa and the Sunnah of the Messenger sallallahu alayhe was salaam.
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    Re: Some Etiquettes of Jumu'ah: Having a Proper Wudoo' & Being Silent

    Assalam alaikam,

    Sister can you show me Which hadith as in reference for which Rasoolillah sws stated that the hour will be on Friday?
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