I have been reading different translations of the Quran and I came across one particular translation of Surah Al Baqarah (2:25) which says the following :

25: In this turmoil, there is no cause for anxiety for those who believe in the Divine Laws and in life's higher values, and who follow the plan designed by Allah Almighty for the actualisation of their potentialities. O Rasool! tell them that they will, thereby, lead a life of bliss both here and in the Hereafter. This promise of joy and success is not exclusive to your present community. Whenever and wherever any community followed the right path the outcome was similar (24/55, 39/74). Similar actions always lead to similar consequences though forms of these may vary according to the dictates of time. In the society to be formed by Momineen, others who are like them in purity of conduct will become their companions. As long as this society remains steadfastly rooted in the foundations of the Divine Laws, it will continue to prosper and be safe from disorder and disintegration.

Please note that in the highlighted portions, it seems as the translator is saying that all people regardless of which Abrahamic religion they follow are going to be successful IF they follow the divine laws of allah.

Please clarify this ! I am going to be truly grateful