It is Nothing BUT MUHAMMAD S.A.W. The way he lived that's Emaan,the word he S.A.W spoke that's emaan. Emaan begins With MUHAMMAD S.A.W and will end at his door ON The DAY OF QAYAMAT.

Prophet S.A.W said a day will come brfore Qayamat when there will be no EMAAN in he world...Emaan will start shrinking. And it will come to Arab. Then it will be In between Masjid Al-HARAm n Masjid AL-NABAwi..

Then Emaan will ask YA Allah where should I move now... Allah will say.. Emaan go to the TOMB where MY beloved S.A.W is lying. There u will be safe n Protected.

Sahih BUKHARI BK. Virtue of madina. Vol-2 Pg-663 Hadis No.-1777

Sahih MUslim. Kitab-ul-iman Vol.1 Pg.131 Hadis NO.147