‎و يسؤلونك عن الروح قل الروح من امر ربي

“And they ask you about the soul. Say, the soul is from the command of my Rabb, and you have been granted a little bit of knowledge.”

(The knowledge of mankind and that of Rasul صلي الله عليه و سلم is extremely little compared to the knowledge of Allah. Man cannot even understand the reality of his own soul, how can he hope to understand Allah as he really is?)

Allah has given every human a body and a soul. The body being tangible, earthly, visible and the soul being intangible, divine, invisible. Allah has placed cure for the body in earthly things and cure for the soul in heavenly things.

Out of the two, the human is actually the soul, the body is just a case which will eventually deteriorate. Take the example of a horse and it’s rider, the horse is just a convenience and the rider is the dictator. The rider controls the horse, but if he succumbs to the horse then he is a dummy. Similar is the case of the body and soul.

Sad to say, nowadays full effort is made on the external and we lack in rectifying the soul. We find all types of treatments; pre laser, post laser, pre cosmetics, post cosmetics, pre surgery, post surgery and the list continues.

Why is everyone restless even though they have all the materialistic things? Because the soul is MALNOURISHED. The soul is weak.

‎لو كان جسم اهم من الروح ما كانت الروح تصعد الي السماء و الجسم تدفن تحت الارض

“If the physical body had more importance than the soul, then the soul wouldn’t ascend and the body wouldn’t be buried”

But because the soul is the main part of a human, that’s what goes up and then accordingly the righteous souls go in عليين (place of bliss) and the wretched ones go in سجين (place of punishment).

Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik RA once summoned Abu Hazim RA (a saint of his time). When he entered upon.......