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Tips for Memorizing the Quran

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    madeenahsh's Avatar Full Member
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    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

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    Asalaam alykum warahmatullahi wabarakhatuh
    SubhanALLAH this Article Is very very Solid I needed to Specially share with All of you here For the Sake Of Allah subhanawatallah

    I am learning to memorize And SubhanALLAH
    This is very very beneficial to all of us

    My Brother and Sister Muslim - there is no doubt that you know of excellence of memorizing the Quran and the excellence of teaching it. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said: "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'aan and teaches it."

    Presented to you are some rules which will assist in memorizing the Qur'aan, may Allaah benefit us by them.

    The First Rule: Ikhlaas - (Sincerity)

    The purification of ones intention and correcting ones desire is obligatory. It is likewise for making ones concern with and memorization of the Quran for the sake of Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted, and for gaining success with His Paradise e and obtaining His pleasure.

    Also for obtaining those mighty rewards which are reserved for those who recited the Quran and memorized it. Allaah the Exalted said:

    So worship Allaah, making the Deen sincerely for Him. Is it not to Allaah that s sincere worship is due? [Zumar 39:2-3]

    He also said:

    Say: I have been commanded that I worship Allaah making the Deen sincerely for H Him. [Zumar 39:11]

    And the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said: "Allaah the Exalted said: I am so self-s sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus, he who does an action for someone else's sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me." [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    Therefore, there is no reward for the one who recited the Quran and memorized it to show off and to be heard of. There is also no doubt that the one who recited the Quran desiring by it the world and seeking some sort of worldly reward for i t is sinful.

    The Second Rule: Correction of ones Pronunciation and Recitation

    The first step in memorizing the Quran after that of Ikhlaas is the obligation o f correcting the pronunciation of the Quran. This does not occur except by listening to a good reciter or a precise memoriser of the Quran. The Quran is not learned except by acquiring it (from another). Thus, the Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) who is the most eloquent of the arabs in speech, took it from Jibreel (as) orally. The Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) himself used to recited the Quran to Jibreel once in every year and in the year that he died he recited it to him twice. [Reported by Bukhaaree]

    Likewise, the Messenger taught it to the Companions (ra) orally and those who ca me after them heard it from the Companions and so on for each generation after t hem.

    Taking the Quran from a good reciter is obligatory. Likewise, correcting ones re citation firstly and not depending on oneself in its recitation even if one is knowledgeable of the Arabic language and of its principles, is also obligatory. T his is because in the Quran there are many verses which occur in a way that is opposed to what is well known in the rules of the Arabic language.

    The Third Rule: Specifying a Daily Limit for Memorisation

    It is necessary for the one desiring to memories the Quran that he sets himself a daily limit for memorizing. a number of verses for example, perhaps a page or two pages or even an eighth of a juz (one thirtieth of the Quran). So he begins, after he has corrected his recitation and set his daily limit, to learn by frequent repetition. It is also necessary that this repetition is done melodiously and this is so that a person follows the Sunnah firstly and that it the memorisat ion is made firm and strong secondly. Melodious recitation is pleasing to ones hearing and also assists in memorization. Furthermore, the tongue will always ret urn to a specific tone (of voice) and as a result of this it will become familiar with any mistake whenever the balance in ones recitation and familiar tone becomes disordered or imbalanced. The reciter will know therefore, that his tongue will not comply with him when he makes a mistake and that if the tone is wrong o r out of tune, his memorization will return to him.

    All of this is because reciting the Quran and beautifying it with ones voice is a matter which has been commanded. It is not permissible to oppose this command due to the saying of the Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam): "Whoever does not beautify the Quran ( recite it melodiously) he is not of us." [Bukhaaree]

    The Fourth Rule: Not Surpassing One's Daily Limit until You Have Perfected its Memorization.

    It is not permissible for the memoriser to move to a new portion of the Quran until after he has perfected the memorization of his previous limit. This is so that whatever he has memorized is firmly established in his mind. There is no doubt that amongst those things which aid the memoriser is his occupation with what he has memorized through the hours of the day and night. This occurs by reciting it in the silent prayers, and if he is the imaam then in the loud prayers. Also in the supererogatory prayers (nawaafil) and in the times when one is waiting for the obligatory prayers. By this method the memorization will become a lot easierr. In this way it is possible for a person to practice it even if he is occupied with other matters and this is because he does not simply sit at a specific time for memorizing the Quran. Thus the night will not arrive except with those verses memorized and firmly established in the mind. And if there is something which has occupied the memorizer during this day, he should not move onto his next portion of the Quran, rather he should continue on the second day with what he h ad started with the day before until the memorization becomes perfected.

    The Fifth Rule: Memories Using the Same Copy (Mushaf) of the Quran

    Among the things which aid the memorization is that the memorizer should keep fo r himself a specific mushaf (copy of the Quran) which he should never change. This is because a person memorizes using the sight just as he memorizes using the hearing. The script and form of the verses and their places in the mushaf leave an imprint in the mind when they are recited and looked at frequently. If the me memorizer was to change his mushaf from which he memorizes or if he was to memorise from a number of different copies the places of the verses would be in different places and also the script may also be different. This makes the memorization difficult for him. Therefore it is obligatory for the one memorizing the Quran t hat he does so from a single script and mushaf and he should never replace it.

    The Sixth Rule: Understanding is the Way to Memorizing

    Among the things which greatly aid the process of memorization is understanding the verses that one has memorized and knowing their relationship and link, one t o another. This is why it is necessary for the memorizer to read the tafseer (explanation) of those verses which he desires to memorize and that he knows their connection, one with another. Also, that he brings this to mind when he is reciting. This makes it easier for him to memories the verses. Having said this, it i s also necessary that he does not depend on knowing the meaning of the verses al one in memorizing them. Rather the repetition of these verses should be the foundation. This should be done until the tongue can recite the verses even if the m ind is occupied with other than the meaning of these verses. This is sign that t he verses are firmly established in the mind. As for the one who relies upon the meaning alone then he will forget often and his recitation will be disjointed due to his mind being scattered and occupied with other things. This occurs frequently, especially when the recitation is long.

    The Seventh Rule: Do not move on from a Complete Surah until you have connected the first part of it to the last

    After one surah from among the surahs of the Quran has been completed it is desirable for the memorizer that he does not move onto another surah except after having perfected its memorization and connecting its first part to its last so that his tongue can flow in reciting it, from its beginning to its end. He should b e able to recite it without having to think or go through trouble in remembering the verses. Rather it is a must that the memorization (and recitation) of these verses is like (flowing) water and that the memorizer recites these verses with out hesitation, even if his mind is occupied with more than one thing, away from m the meaning of these verses. It should be as a person recites Surah Faatihah without any difficulty or having to think about it. This occurs by repeating these verses frequently and reciting them often. However the memorization of every surah of the Quran will not be like that of Surah Faatihah except rarely but the intent and desire should be to try to make it as such. Therefore, it is necessary that when a surah is completed it is firmly established in the mind, with its beginning connected to its end and that the memorizer does not move onto another surah until he has memorized it with precision.

    The Eighth Rule: Reciting to Others

    It is necessary for the memorizer not to depend on himself for his memorization. Rather he should test his memorization by reciting the verses or surah in quest ion to somebody else, or he should recite them by following the mushaf. And how excellent this would be if a person had with him a precise memorizer (who would test his memorization). This is so that the memorizer becomes aware of the possibility of his being forgetful or confused in his recitation (without knowing it) . Many individuals amongst us who memories a surah make mistakes and a person ma y not realize that until he looks into the mushaf. Furthermore, the one who desires to memories may not realize by himself at which place he makes an error in his recitation despite the fact that he may be reciting from a mushaf. For this reason making others listen to his recitation of what he has memorized from the Quran is a means of perceiving and knowing these errors and being constantly aware of them.
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    Re: Al-Bayyinah

    Assalamu alaikum

    I hope this helps you InshaAllah

    Quick tips that will help you in memorizing the Qur’an:
    By Muhammad AlShareef

    1. You absolutely must have a teacher.

    Do NOT memorize on your own. You must have a teacher who you respect and whom you fear. Don’t ask ‘how’ to memorize the Qur’an. Ask where you can find the best teacher. The teacher will then guide you on the ‘how’.

    2. Distractions.

    In memorizing the Qur’an, you must free your mind and environment of distractions. Imagine trying to memorize at a football game? Tough, huh? How about a theme park, could you sit down and control yourself to memorize? Probably not. Getting into a Qur’an Hifdh program with a teacher and discipline will assist you in creating the perfect atmosphere for memorization.

    3. Memorize through Audio.

    A lot of people think they are memorizing the ‘look’ of the Mushaf, but actually you are memorizing the ‘sound’ of Ayat. When I review, I record my recitation on CD and listen to it again and again. The students that read the loudest in class are all the strongest students. Why? Because they can hear themselves the most?

    When I was in Qur’an school, the boy beside me read so loud. I asked the teacher to ask him to read more quietly. He said a most powerful statement that became my motto: “No, you read louder!” I did and it benefited me unbelievably.

    4. Location of the Mushaf.

    Your eyes follow a specific direction depending on what you are thinking or doing. If you are lying, your eyes go left. If you are remembering something visual, like where you left your keys, your eyes will look upwards.

    When you memorize, the direction of memorization is right and left, not downwards. The mistake I see people make is that they put their mushaf low on the ground and then try to memorize. In order to fully harness the power of your mind, you must keep the mushaf at eye level, and not dip your head..

    5. Eat brain food.

    We’ve all heard the advice of uncles that you have to eat Badams (almonds) to improve memory. Well, I’m here to tell you that the uncles were right! The food you eat, the drinks you drink, directly affect your ability to excel in memorization of the Qur’an.

    Do not eat fatty, unhealthy food. Do not drink soda. Eat a nutritious light breakfast, a nutritious light lunch, with almonds for snacks during the day. Subhan Allah, you will find you accomplish much more in your day.

    6. Make everyday a victory.

    You can move a mountain rock by rock. Enjoy every page you memorize, every Ayah.
    I am often asked about my secret to memorizing the Qur’an. They are expecting me to teach them a special ‘south-beach-hifdh-diet’ or something. (I call it tip shopping, they are expecting a specific tip). I say again and again, there is no doubt that there are three ingredients. If you have these three ingredients, you will accomplish what you set out for:

    1. Dua, supplication (you must always reflect your desire to Allah).

    2. Sabr, patience (it will be a testing path, fill your bags with Sabr powerbars).

    3. Taqwa, protecting yourself from sin.

    If you do not remember anything from this article except these three ingredients (DST – Dua, Sabr, Taqwa - DST) then, bi idhnillah, it will suffice.

    `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`As (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (sal Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "The one who was devoted to the Qur'an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.'' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].

    How many ranks will you climb on the Day of Resurrection?
    How many ranks would you like to climb?
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    Sister Sameera's Avatar Limited Member
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    Lightbulb Tips for Memorizing the Qur’an

    Tips for Memorizing the Qur’an

    Allah says in the Holy Qur’an (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who recite the Book of Allah, establish regular prayer, and spend (in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for commerce that will never fail” (Fatir 35:29)

    Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-As may Allah bless him reported: The Prophet peace be upon him said, "The one who was devoted to the Qur'an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.''' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].

    This Hadith mentions the merit of those who memorize part or all of the Qur'an. Some scholars, in explaining this Hadith, have mentioned that the number of ranks (levels) in Paradise is equal to the number of ayahs in the Qur’an, and that a believer will rise one rank for each ayah that he or she memorizes.

    In another Hadith, Othman ibn Affan may Allah bless him reported that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it.'' [Al-Bukhari].

    In what follows we list a few hints regarding memorizing the Qur’an, some of which were presented to us by the knowledgeable Sh. Osama Abdul-Azeem of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

    First, make sure to correct your tawbah (repentance to Allah), as sins do not leave any room for the Words of Allah. The Imam Al-Shafie has a famous verse of poetry in which he complained to his scholar about having difficulty in memorizing. His scholar advised him to abandon sins

    Have your intention ready, and bear in mind the reward and virtues of this great deed as mentioned in the Hadiths above. Ask Allah sincerely to assist you in accomplishing this.

    Dedicate a specific time each day (or every couple of days) for memorizing. This should be a time when you are not busy with other things.

    Use the same copy of the Qur’an each time. This is because your mind takes a ‘snapshot’ of the pages.

    Start with the surahs that are easiest to you. Many people recommend beginning with the last five juz’s (the 30th, then the 29th, and so on).

    Other surahs to begin with are those that you enjoy reciting most of all, and those that you frequently listen to and thus probably already know part of by heart.

    The younger you are, the easier it will be. As you grow older, you get busier and your capacity for memorizing decreases. However, it’s never too late in shaa Allah. If you haven’t memorized a lot during your childhood or teens, you can still catch up.

    After completing a couple of ayahs, recite them in the next nafl (voluntary prayer) that you pray. Alternatively, practice them with a friend or your spouse.
    Finally, it might be a good idea to work in groups, encouraging one another. If you are trying to get your children to memorize, you might want to create a sense of competition among them and then provide some reward to whoever memorizes best. May Allah guide us to all that pleases Him, Ameen.

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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Qur’an

    Jazakallah Khair for posting that sister. Brothers and Sister who are more interested please follow this link for more detailed tips Inshallah:

    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Vedad's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Al-Bayyinah

    format_quote Originally Posted by sonz

    im trying to become hafiz (if allah wills)

    i started quran from last juz untill chapter al-bayyinah

    i have problem memorizing that chapter

    anyone has tips because it has long verses


    wa aleykum assalam

    i recently memorised it alhamdulillah, my secret: just listen to it, and after a couple of times then go and read it along. and after that ayah by ayah,r ead it will inshallah work
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    Re: Al-Bayyinah

    yeh i agree with akh vedad. i think the best recitor to listen to - to learn the holy qur'an is sa'ad al ghamdi. you can download his recitation of surah bayyinah from the following link insha Allah:


    or to get other recitations of his - go on the following link insha Allah:


    alhamdulillah they all excellent quality insha Allah. may Allah (swt) help you to learn the holy qur'an off by heart with really good understanding. ameen.

    wasalam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.
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    Re: Al-Bayyinah

    wa aleykum assalam

    Ameen! too bad i dont agree with you about saad al-ghamidi
    i recommend u to listen to: al-Qari Muhammad Siddeeq Al-Manshaawi , its "Learning" so a kid will recite after him, ayah per ayah almost, if not the ayah is too long... i listened to it, and when to learn u learn it almost immediatly cause u gotthe "rythm" and u memorized words and how they come in the ayah aso wa allahu alem

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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Methods of Memorization
    The author calls attention to the fact that the Holy Qur'an is divided into several divisions which are:

    1) the juz or part

    2) divisions of the juz into smaller sections like the hizb

    3) and the division of the ahzab into fourths.

    The author advises the memorization of Qur'an along these divisions. To begin with memorize the smallest section and that is 1/4 of a hizb, then 2 fourths of a hizb (half a hizb), then 3/4 hizb, until a complete hizb is memorized. The entire Qur'an can be memorized in this manner, by the help of Allah.

    As for the last juz, JUZ 'AMMA , he says that one fourth contains more than a surah, so in this case it is best to memorize one surah and then another, with the exception of the shorter surahs at the end of the juz , then he suggests memorizing two or three surahs at a time, depending on the person's ability so as not to lose a whole day memorizing a very small surah.

    Before actual memorization, it is necessary to choose a proper time, place and mental attitude:-

    1. The Preferred Times For Memorization of Quran:

    There are many preferable times for memorization: the time of sahr (before salat Al Fajr by a period of time equal to the last fourth of the night) and this is a good and blessed time; and there is the time after Salat Al Fajr until the time of Duha; and there is the time that is between salat Al Dhur and Asr, if you do not want to sleep during this time; and there is the time that is before salat Al Maghrib by an hour and a half, approx.; and there is the time between Maghrib and Isha prayers; and an unlimited time possible to choose from is the time that you see yourself inclined to memorization of the Holy Qur'an and revision of it. In other words, analyze your typical day. If you see that there are certain regular periods where you are more peaceful than other times, or there is less demands upon you at a certain particular time, then choose this time for Qur'an. These are the most beneficial times as some of them are periods of peacefulness and contentment of the heart and restfulness, and some of these time periods are not usually considered busy periods of the day for work or activity.

    2. The Preferred Places For Memorization of the Quran:

    There is no doubt that the best place for memorization of Qur'an and other acts of worship are the houses of Allah (masjids) and after that places that are clean and far from filth (najaasaat--impurities that break the wudu and are unlawful to make salat in the midst of) and far from work (business) and disturbing sounds--that is, to sit in a clean and peaceful room that doesn't have distractions in it or areas that attract your attention or noises that disturb concentration, or any machines going (especially the T.V.). And if you cannot find such a room, then go to any other place on the condition that it is clean and as previously mentioned above.

    3. The Best Mental Attitude (condition) For Memorization of Quran:

    Your mental condition must be settled and calm. [Translator's comment: I don't know why I did not finish translating this section. Basically, your mind should be clear and at ease, not caught up in sorting out problems or thinking of what else you have to do. You should be ready to concentrate even if it is for only 15 minutes.]

    Methods of Review
    [Translator's comment: This was basically the same as methods of memorization from the very beginning. Take it section by section and if you have memorized a large portion of Qur'an or the entire Qur'an, you should review everything at LEAST once a month.

    General Advice
    This section is a gift from me to you -- advice related to the method of memorization of Qur'an and revision and what that entails.

    1- Be free from the 2 hadaths (ceremonial impurities), major and minor when you memorize and revise Qur'an because of the greatness of what you are reading and reciting -- Allah's words -- and make a realization of what Allah said :

    Hajj: 32 which translates: "And whosoever honors the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart."

    2- Try to chose the most appropriate time and proper place to memorize and to revise.

    3- Before memorization and revision you must seek refuge in Allah from the Shaitan by saying "A'oudhu billahi AlSamieul Aleem min Ash-Shaitan Ar-Rajeem".

    4- Try to feel or sense the greatness of the words of Allah, and their meaning when memorizing and revising because this will cause good memorization.

    5- It is good when reading a quarter or memorizing or revising it in a room or other place to read with a moderate voice, not with high volume or extremely low volume, because reading aloud increases the strength of your memorization; except if you are in a masjid, for example -- under that circumstance you must read in a subdued voice (where you can hear yourself) so as not to disturb others involved in worship or in his salat or reading Qur'an.

    6- Try to improve your sound with Qur'an, carrying out the words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him [reported by Muslim] "Embellish the Qur'an by your voices".

    7- If you can memorize by yourself do so, and if not, agree with one of your companions (brother or sister in Islam) to memorize a particular juz so as to increase your activity.


    9- Try not to leave a quarter that you have memorized -- read it in salat as you memorize, and when revising.

    10- If you complete the memorization of a new quarter or new surah, do not move on to another one until it is perfectly memorized

    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Question :

    Assalaamu 'Alaykum, please could you give me some advice on memorsing the Quran such as techniques
    Answer :
    Praise be to Allaah.

    Important rules for memorizing the Holy Qur’aan:

    1. Sincerity. It is essential to have a pure and sincere intention and a proper aim. One should learn the Qur’aan and pay attention to it for the sake of Allaah and attaining Paradise and earning the pleasure of Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “So worship Allaah (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allaah’s sake only. Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allaah only” [al-Zumar 39:2-3]. According to a hadeeth qudsi, Allaah says: “I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does an action for the sake of someone else as well as for My sake will have that action rejected by Me to the one whom he associated with Me.” So there will be no reward for the one who reads and memorizes Qur’aan for the sake of showing off or gaining a good reputation.

    2. Correct pronunciation and reading. This can only be learned by listening to someone who reads well or has memorized properly. The Qur’aan can only be learned from a teacher. The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) learnt it orally from Jibreel, and the Sahaabah learned it orally from the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Then it was passed down orally from the Sahaabah to succeeding generations of this Ummah.

    3. Deciding the amount to be memorized each time. The one who wants to learn the Qur’aam should decide how much he wants to memorize each time. After he has set out his objective and learned the correct pronunciation, he has to keep on repeating it over and over. This repetition should be with the proper intonation so as to avoid getting bored and so that he can memorize it properly. The intonation makes a person enjoy listening to it, helps him to memorize it and makes the tongue get used to that intonation, so that he will spot mistakes immediately, as the rhythm will be interrupted. This is in addition to the fact that the Messenger wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “He is not one of us who does not recite the Qur’aan with a rhythmic intonation.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari).

    4. Not going beyond what one has decided to learn in one day until one has memorized it perfectly. The haafiz should never move on to a new portion until he has perfectly memorized the prvious portion , so that it will stick in his mind. One thing that will help the student to memorize it is to preoccupy himself with it night and day, by reciting it in the prayers where Qur’aan is to be recited silently, and if he is leading others in prayer, by reciting it out loud. He can also recite it during his naafil prayers, and whilst waiting for (congregational) prayers. In this way it will become easy for him to memorize Qur’aan. Everyone can do this, even if he is busy with other things.

    5. Adhering to one style of writing in the Mus-haf you use for memorizing. One thing that will help in memorizing Qur’aan is to have one's own copy of the Mus-haf (i.e., choosing a specific edition) and never changing it. This is because people learn as much by looking as by listening, so the pattern of the verses and where they appear on the pages of the Mus-haf stays in the mind as one reads and looks at the Mus-haf. So if a person changes the Mus-haf from which he is learning, or he learns from various Masaahif where the relative positions of the aayaat may vary, he will get confused and it will be difficult for him to memorize.

    6. Understanding is the key to memorization. One of the things which is of the greatest help in memorizing is understanding the verses one is learning and knowing how they are connected to one another. This means that the haafiz has to read the tafseer of some of the aayahs and soorahs which he is memorizing and he has to focus his mind when he is reading. This will help him to remember the verses. But when he is committing the verses to memory, he should rely on understanding; what he has to do is rely on repetition so that it will be easy for him to memorize them.

    7. Not moving on until one has learned a soorah well. After having memorized one soorah, the haafiz should not move on to another soorah until he has memorized the first soorah perfectly from beginning to end and he can recite it fluently without having to think too hard about it. Remembering it should be easy, and he should not move on to another soorah until he is sure that he has memorized the first one.

    8. Continually reciting to someone else. The haafiz should not rely upon training by himself; he has to recite what he has memorized to another haafiz, or to someone else who can follow his recitation in the Mus-haf. This other person should be someone who knows how to recite Qur’aan properly, so that he can point out any mistakes or omissions in pronunciation or reading. It often happens that an individual may memorize a soorah incorrectly by himself, and he does not realize this even when he looks at the Mus-haf. So the person who wants to memorize a soorah looks in the Mus-haf and does not see where he is making a mistake in his recitation. So reciting to another person is an excellent means of correcting one’s mistakes.

    9. Continually following up. When it comes to memorization, the Qur’aan is different from any other material such as poetry or prose, in that it may be quickly forgotten. The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, it tries harder to run away than a hobbled camel” (Agreed upon). One only has to leave it for a little while and it escapes one’s mind and is quickly forgotten. So one has to keep reviewing it and always work hard at retaining what one has memorized of the Qur’aan. Concerning this, the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who has memorized Qur’aan is like the owner of a hobbled camel. If he pays attention to it and takes care of it, he will keep it, but if he lets it go, he will lose it” (Agreed upon). This means that the one who has memorized the Qur’aan has to recite it regularly as part of his wird [regular dhikr]. At least he should recite one of the thirty juz’ and at most he should recite ten juz’ each day, because the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Tips for Memorizing the Quran (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever reads the whole Qur’aan in less than three days does not understand it” (Agreed upon). By continually reciting it in this fashion he will retain what he has memorized.

    10. Paying attention to the parts of the Qur’aan which resemble one another. The parts of the Qur’aan resemble one another in their meanings and wording. Allaah says: (interpretation of the meaning): “Allaah has sent down the Best Statement, a Book (this Qur’aan), its parts resembling each other (in goodness and truth) (and) oft-repeated. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (when they recite it or hear it). Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allaah” [al-Zumar 39:23]. So the good reader of Qur’aan has to pay particular attention to those parts which resemble one another, i.e., the parts where the wording is similar, as this will help him to memorize it properly.

    11. Making the most of the best years. The one who is truly blessed is the one whom Allaah enables to make the most of the best years for memorizing, which come approximately between the ages of five and twenty-three. During these years, a person is able to memorize things very well. Before the age of five, he is not able to do that, and after the age of twenty-three his ability to memorize declines whilst his ability to understand increases. So young people of these ages should make the most of it and memorize the Book of Allaah, because they are at the age when they will be able to learn it quickly and will be slow to forget it, unlike when they get older. He spoke the truth who said, “Learning by heart when one is young is like engraving something on stone; learning something when one is old is like engraving something on water.”

    It is our duty towards the Book of Allaah that we should memorize it properly, accept and follow its guidance, and make it the constitution of our lives, the light of our hearts, the comfort of our souls. Hopefully these rules will form a good foundation for those who sincerely want to memorize the Book of Allaah properly. And Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
    Islam Q&A
    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (www.islam-qa.com)

    Last edited by Muhammad; 11-10-2005 at 10:26 PM.
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    WHITEMUSK's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Some good words of wisdom on this topic. I my self would love to have the full quraan in my heart inshallah.... at the moment i am trying to perfect my tajweed inshallah. My 2 brothers have been hafiz of quraa'n for a few years, so they are teaching me. May Allah help them preserve the beautiful words of Allah... and share them with everyone. My younger 2 btothers Are however still studying to become hafiz aswell, they have been in islamic boarding schools where they are doing this and from what they tell me it requires a clean heart with the right intentions aswell as many hours of recitation, hard work and dedication. So inshallah Allah make us all successful as wel as them. Ameen!

    Also I just wanted to say thank you for ur articles and words of wisdom.... i have passed the advice on to them so they can learn something new from it inshallah.

    So thank you for that, it was really cool of you all!

    May Allah reward you all for your efforts.
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    Re: Al-Bayyinah

    1. Dua, supplication (you must always reflect your desire to Allah).

    2. Sabr, patience (it will be a testing path, fill your bags with Sabr powerbars).

    3. Taqwa, protecting yourself from sin.

    If you do not remember anything from this article except these three ingredients (DST – Dua, Sabr, Taqwa - DST) then, bi idhnillah, it will suffice.
    this quoute by muhammad shareef is fantastic.

    along with that this thread is fantastic, infact this thread should become a sticky. Not any sort of sticky, super sticky.

    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    I usually see the doughnut and the glass is half full but today, I'm going to highlight some major errors done by people who recorded the recitations of the imam and many readers of al quran.

    (1) Qurra (plural of qaari) in the recordings have gone an extensive training to recite Al Quran, may Allah reward them, but they are still human beings. They are not infallible. On the day of judgment, they will defend themselves from the hell fire like us. So, first and foremost for us, it is simply improper to revere them. Our reverence should only be to the prophet Muhammad.

    (2) these so called recordings, many of them have been contaminated by unnecessary echoes that defeat the purpose of Al Quran. I find the worst recordings are the recordings during taraweeh. The beauty of Al Quran lies mainly on the adherence of the recitor to the rules of tajweed. Echoes deplete the proper makharij of the letters thus inabling us to listen to the proper sentence. If the echo is unavoidable due to the acoustic nature of the hall, then there's nothing we can do about it, but being quite knowledgable in audio production myself, many of the echoes were added later in post production in the studio. These people should revisit their intention on why these recordings are produced. Al Quran recordings are not to be used as a "background entertainment" while you're doing your work or having an Eid party.

    (3) If the sole purpose of Al Quran is to be memorized than the word "tarteel" would not have been used by Allah in the method or reading Al Quran. And the word "ta'allam" would not have been used in the famous hadeeth on teaching and learning Al Quran.Tarteel is the BEST way to read it. Regardless. I cringe when I listen to young huffaaz who try so hard to emulate their favorite recitors but compromising greatly on their tajweed skills. Very often they make sounds longer than they should (even a second longer is really excruciating) especially at the end of an aayaah. This is an error that the people of Al Quran should avoid.

    (4) YOu memorize Al Quran not to become an Imam or lead the prayer. I know many huffaaz who are not imam or they lead the prayer sparingly. They don't CRAVE to lead the prayer and show off their memorization.You memorize al Quran so that you know the rules of Allah and it'll be easier for your to safeguard yourselves from your desires and the devil.

    (5) al Quran and tajweed go hand in hand. when you tell me that you're memorizing al Quran it means that you're memorizing it with a very strict adherence to the tajweed rules. No compromise there. If not, you are desecrating the speech of Allah. To read al quran with tajweed is fardh 'ain.

    Allah knows best.
    Last edited by Takumi; 12-30-2005 at 02:56 PM.
    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Takumi Nakashima
    WattaquLlah(a) wa yu'allimukumuLlah(u)
    (Be Mindful of Allah and He will teach you)
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Barakallahu feekum for this nice thread. The Prpohet(sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam) said:"keep on reciting the Qur'aan for, by Him in whose hand my life is, Qur'aan runs away(is forgotten) faster than camels are released from tying ropes" Sahi al-Bukhari, narrated by Abu Musa(radhi Allhu 'anh)
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Sorry for repeating myself if its already been mentioned but, reading at fajr is really good for memorisation, during this time you tend to be clearer minded, and its shafaa3a too (readind at fajr)
    Also drinking ginger and eating raisins increases the memory, as we benefited from sheikh muqbil may Allah have mercy upon him.
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran


    Dear Bro/Sis interested in memorizing the Quran,

    inshaAllaah, this software will help, for memorizing and toning up.

    just visit: http://www.imaanstar.com/juz30.php

    and download, and install.

    "Hadis(not quoted word by word): On the day of judgement a person will be called and will be told to recite the quran, he will go on reciting and his status in Jannah will keep on increasing." ----- subhanAllaah

    Pls. pray for me so that I can memorize the Quran too. JK.

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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    i think its excellent that more sisters are memorizing the quraan
    i myself being a hafiz think there is a need for more hafizas

    so i applaud u for what u are doing mashaallah

    may reward u and ur family
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    It is said that having almonds improves your memory, never tried it myself but many people say it really works.

    The most pivatol thing in doing hifz is keeping up with revision.

    Revision is a must. That will ensure that you remember it in the long run inshallah.
    Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    قال ابن أبي مليكة : أدركت ثلاثين من أصحاب النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كلهم يخاف النفاق على نفسه
    Ibn Abī Mulaykah said: "I encountered thirty Companions of the Prophet, every one of them fearing hypocrisy for himself." [Muslim]
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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran


    i would like to add that learning tajweed is important, but practicing it is more important


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    Re: Tips for Memorizing the Quran

    Here's a tip.
    If ur familiar with the arabic script, i've heard that writing what u know really helps.
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    Alhamdulillah I'm A Hafiza And I Regard The Time When I Used To Memorize Quran As The Best Period Of My Life.....

    Its Quite Fascinating That You Are Memorizing The Word Of Allah

    I Have A Tip Which I Would Like To Share With You .read The Sabaq Ten Times Which You Are Supposed To Learn The Next Day It Is Quite Helpful.......one Can Learn Almost 3-4 Rukoos Very Easily

    But One Point Even More Important.do Revise The Juz Which You Are Memorizing Daily...... Otherwise You Are Gonna Forgetting It!!!!!!!!!

    I Think The Cassetes Of The Imams Of Haramain Especiallly Shuraim Or Someone Else Are Very Helpful While U R Memorizing....besides It Teaches Non Arabians The Perfect Arabian Accent
    Last edited by Muhammad; 07-14-2007 at 11:17 AM. Reason: Posts merged
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