
Our daily routine and our interaction with the duniyah takes us away from the remembrance of Allaah(swt), whether in the house or in office/school/college etc, it is becoming more and more difficult to hold on to our principles.

here are a few tips to make the atmosphere in our houses more Islamic:

1. By the walls of the stairs/lift u may write "Allahu Akbar" for going up, "SubhanAllaah" for going down.

2. By the side wall of the bathroom the dua for entering and leaving the bathroom can be written.

3. A weekly family gathering can be set in which some quran and hadis will be discussed.

4. All things that spread fahsha(sins, corruptions) like movies, magazines, western channels etc should be band.

5. Inviting poor people, or relatives, or orphans for a meal would increase ones gratefullness and humility, inshaAllaah.

6. Taking out pictures of living things including human and animals, acording to the hadis(not quoted word to word): "..angels doesnt enter in those house which has got picture in it.."

7. Tell stories of the prophets and companions to the children, this will create in their minds heroes who are true heroes rather than clean-shaved superman, batman and spiderman. inshaAllaah.

(pls. if any bro/sis has more tips feel free to add in)

