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My book (working Progress)

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    My book (working Progress)

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    Asalaamu Alaykum wa rahmutallahi wa barakatu. All praises due to Allah for making us muslims and giving us the oppurtunites that many have not. My Dear Respected Brothers, Sisters and Elders of Islam, I kindly request for you to review my current working progress. It is about the meaning of Life and the promises and Dawah. Please note, that I am of only 18 years of age, and need as much guidance as possible, Jazakharallah Khair.

    Al-hamdu lilahi zin fadli walgaan was salatu was salam a'la khairi khalqihi muhamad zil aayaati wat tibyaan, wa a'la aalihi wa sahbihi wa man tabihum ila yaum qiama bi ihsaan,wa ba'd.

    "Praise is for Allah, full of Excellence and Owner of Souls, and Peace and Blessing upon Muhamad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) the best of all creationm owner of signs and manifestations and on his family and companions on those who followed them, until the Day of Ressurection with kindness, and so".

    Respected Readers! I hope to present to yoou some general insigth and knowledge of Islam and to prove the existance of God, and that Allah is the Creator and that He is without partner.

    The aim of this book is to help us ponder over our True purpose of our creation, and to lighten our reliance on worldly affairs. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but they should worship Me. I seek not any provision from them, nor I desire that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah! He is the Provider, Owner of Power, Firm." (51:56-58)

    Become concious of your true purpose of your creation. Devote oneself to the worship of Allah, the Exalted, the Most High. Doing so, will grant you all ones desires and neccesities in this world and the next. He is your creator, who apportioned your Sustenance even before you came to exist. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And in the Heaven is your Provision and what you are promised". (51:52)

    This world is full of trials and tribulation. Even when a child is brought to this world, the mother must endure extreme pain and make considerable sacrifice. This world is full of disease, pain and adversities. If one is patient and does not partake in the lustful worldy activities and is observent towards his duties towards Allah, then for such a person, Allah will bestow upon him innumerable bounties in this life and the Hereafter.

    This world is worthless. When one becomes rich, he yearns for good health; if one is healthy, he lacks wealth; if one is youthful, he is without worldy possesions; if one owns property, he yearns for youthfullness.

    It is said that Allah values this world as much as the broken wing of a mosquito. (To the nearest meaning).

    Here Allah, the Exalted, has said to whom such a person is observent towards their duties to Allah, for such a person as reported by the Holy Prophet (SA) : "An Announcer will announce that it is ordain that you will remain forever healthy, no illness will touch you, and you will live forever, death will never come to you, you will be youthful always and old age will not approach. For you is Favour wherever you turn! You will never be dejected". [Muslim]

    See how Allah, the Exalted, has promised- His Promise, the One who never breaks promises, to the believers.

    Every single being in this Earth, every single being- be it a poor man or the President of the United States of America, wants peace- true peace. Even Modern Day Christians are seeking it, however, the problem lies within each and every single one of the Believers, today. Instead of conveying the True Message of Islam, we choose to hide it under a veil and keep it locked away at the Masjid. These non-believers want what we have so badly, but, there appears for them no known outlet for them to get it. We should strive to make it as easy as possible for these people to come towards Allah. Why should we obstruct the True Path? We are not Jews, we are not selfish and keep our belief amongst ourselves alone. If one ever comes into contact with a revert- be it an elder or whoever, they will always, always say, "Why were we never told sooner? How is it that you benefit from such a religion yet you don't spread it to others?" Even at the time of writing this, hundreds of people have died, starved of the Truth, people who could have been saved.

    Now let me ask the reader a question. How is it that if we are the last Ummah- the last people on this Earth, yet we are amongst the first to enter into Paradise?

    The answer is clear cut. It is because we invite people towards good, and forbid against evil.

    Allah T'ala says in the Qur'an: "You (the follower of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)) are the best of all nations who have been raised for (the benefit and salvation) of mankind. You command what is right, forbid from evil and believe in Allah." (Al-Imraan 110)

    Allah the Exalted also says:

    "There should be a group from you who invite towards good, command what is right and forbid evil. These are indeed the successful ones." (Al-Imraan 104)

    I shall now ask you to ponder. If you see a pig (the dirtiest animal- Haraam to eat) and you see it walking towards a fire or towards its doom, you will try to save this animal from the fire by leading it away from it.
    Even the dirtiest animal, we would have Fikr (worry and concern) over it- yet we are able to live every single day knowing that there is even amongst our proximities that someone is dying without the Kalimah.
    We should have worry and concern for our fellow muslims, even, who decide not to pray, or pray in congregation let alone those who have no belief instilled in them.

    Do we Muslims have something to be ashamed about? Do we have secrets hidden to the outside world? No! Then why do we shy away from inviting the people towards what is Right and True?
    We should not feel annoyed at a person if he decides not to believe in Islam if you have given him an explanation of Islam and the truth of it. These people will see on their death beds what they have rejected, and they shall scream and cry and beg for a second chance, but it is too late for these people. If we save one person from the Fire of Jahanam (Hell) through Allah's mercy upon us, then we shall have the reverted' s rewards for their actions without them losing their reward. This is why this religion is so perfect. Everything is fair and just- why should we keep it a secret? Every single problem that faces us in the world today can be solved by Islam. For example, the current economic crisis could be solved even overnight (figuratively). In the USA- after the "Credit Crunch" Housing and Finance plummeted drastically, however, there was one region of the Housing and Finance, which, instead of plummeting, was increasing in its value steadily. The region which was steadily increasing was of the Islamic Housing and Finance sectors. This is why bankers today want to take parts of the Shariah regarding housing and finance and put it inside their programs.

    Here is a truly beautiful Hadith by with the Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam) describes the importance of the spreading of the Deen of Allah and the consequence of not spreading it.

    It is stated in Hadith:

    Hadhrat Nuúmaan bin Basheer (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) gave an example of people sailing on a boat having an upper deck and a lower deck. The people from the lower deck require water and request water from the people of the upper deck. The people from the upper deck refuse water so the people from the lower deck decide to make a hole on the floor of the ship and get water from the sea. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "If the people from the upper deck don't stop the people at the bottom from making a hole, the ship will sink and all the people travelling will drown." (Mishkãt vol. 2 p. 436)

    See how this Hadith beautifully illustrates the problem and consequence of not addressing this problem. We are represented by the "Upper Deck" the ones with the "Water" yet we refuse to give it to the "Lower Deck" and therefore we all sink as a result. Like this, we have the Deen of Allah Ta'la within us, and it is our very duty on this Earth to spread the Deen of Allah Ta'la to each and every single Human being. Not partaking in this action will result in us being "sunk", and we will have the same torment as the non-believers (lower deck) unless we do something. We, as True Muslims, must invite others to the Truth which has been revealed by Allah as the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has instructed.

    If we spread the Truth that is Islam properly, as instructed by the Holy Prophet (Sallaahu Alayhi Wassalam) then we shall arive at our destination, i.e. Paradise, Inshallah.

    There is, of course, other problems which resulted in the Ummat of this Generation to suffer tremendously.

    One of the reasons why the Ummat is being trialed so harshly as of recent is because the Ahklak (Mannerisms) of the Muslims has deterioated. I am not discussing things which are to do with table manners, however, these are included in this discussion also.

    We see today, the Youngsters of this Generation in such a terrible state and sometimes even worse of that of the Kafirs (Non-believers). We some of our brothers with earings and wearing all kinds of items of clothing which portray a disgusting image of Islam. We see our women-folk without Hijab (Scarf), and talking in a flirtatious manner with men. This is Haraam (Forbidden). We also see our women-folk uncovering that which is forbidden to be uncovered- this is a regular occurance. We also see the youth using swear words and sometimes words not even the Kufar would say. We see today, the youth of this Ummat trying to imitate "Celebrities" and "Personalities" and trying to imitate the "Gangsta' Culture". I'm not talking about people with no education, either. I am talking about the youth who have education, and if you stop and you explain to them what they are doing is wrong, they will complain and say that they know and to stop talking about the "Camel Ages". We see our fellow brothers and sisters have boyfriends and girlfriends and sharing relations with eachother. Some brothers would rather miss prayers to be with their girlfriend, instead of instructing the partner about the Fitnahs of this Dunya, instead they would rather talk about their inate love of this Dunya.

    What is worse? A Muslim who shares relations out of marriage with their partner who has been instructed by the Shariah and the Sunna that it is strictly prohibited, or, a non-muslim who has no knowledge (due to ignorance or lack of oppurtunity) that it is strictly prohibited? Of course it is the first example. It is stated that when the Holy Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wasalam) when he went on Miraj, he saw two people being punished severely, one of them, in particular caught the Prophet's attention and so he inquired as to why they were punished so. They (the Angels), replied that he is being punished because he never acted on what he preached, e.g. a corrupt scholar. The punishment as reported was the person had his lips continously cut off by fiery scissors- so a truly horrible punishment.

    We must sharpen up our Ahklak and our Ikraam- not just in front of our parents or relatives, but to the entire world. We should forgive our fellow Muslim brothers and try to forgive all of Creation at the time of going to bed. There is so much Ajr (Reward) for doing Ikraam, for example, if one removes something harmful which obstructs a path, Allah Ta'ala, bestows upon such a person 73 rewards. 1 reward will be sufficient for this World and the other 72 shall raise his stages in Paradise. Such a huge volume of blessing Allah Ta'ala has blessed us and given us chances to secure innumerate more blessings. It is stated that whoever visits the sickly, the Angels will make dua (prayers) for that person until he has returned home. If we have good Manners and show Ikraam to others, then others will inquire as to who these people are, at may even lead to a person joining Islam, because as we know, first impressions are very important.

    Failure to do this will result in a humiliating and agonizing trial after we have left this Dunya (world). This may seem extreme, but Allah has made it clear, and He is the Keeper of All Promises, unless of course out of His sheer mercy He may forgive us, but who can say that they will be forgiven?

    In the present day, Muslims are being down trodden and the religion of Islam is called a 'filthy' religion, whose ideals are based in the 'Camel ages', and have little or no relevence to Modern Day Society. This did not happen overnight. The Atheistic approach has become favoured with the masses in countries such as the United Kingdom. Religions such as Islam and Christianity are being spat on and ridiculed, yet, if anyone steps out of line they are taken away never to be seen again. A country which the majority are of Atheistic background are more easily taken over and dominated. This is all done in preparation for something, but, what?

    It is simple, it is due to the theories of a Charles Darwin, i.e. Darwinism- the disproved theory of Evolution and the disproved theory of Natural Selection.

    It is said that Great Britain alone, a country whose land mass is 244820 square kilometers (a dwarf compared to many other countries) controls over 500 million people. This is through years and years of preparation and there never-ending goal of controlling the world. People in power in such countries use dirty tactics to achieve such high levels of control. For example, if you research the reasoning behind the African and Oriental Studies being conducted by the UK, you will be astonished. They know each and every thing there is to know about their "enemies" or those they seek to control. They spend time aquainting themselves with the culture, religion of the populace they seek to control.



    Is there God?

    Answer: Yes, uncategorically, no doubt, scientifically and or otherwise.

    Proof: Scientific evidence(s)- Physics has tought us of some of the Fundamental laws of the Universe, to which every particle and planet must abide. One of the fundament principles of Physics is that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted into other forms. This Law underlies that there must be God. For if there was no God, then how was Energy first created let alone the Universe.

    Also, Physicists tell us of the theory of how the Universe came to be, 'The Big Bang'. This theory is used as an excuse not to believe in God. The theory states that a Quark ( the Fundamental Particle) had gained absolutely collosal amounts of energy in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, etc. of a second.

    This theory leaves the door of belief wide open. All one has to do is ask the following questions:
    1. How or where did that Quark come to existance.
    2. Who or what provided the energy to begin the process ( Remember the Energy Laws)
    3. Time- who created time at pre-creation

    Also, another perspective (based upon Dr. Zakir Naik's explanation)

    In Mathematics there is to be found a theory entitled the "Theory of Probability". This theory gives the probability of an event taking place or not taking place. For example, if one is to flip a coin- there is 50% chance for it to land "heads" and 50% chance for it to land "tails". Let's say that we want to find the probability of getting three heads in succesion. Getting "heads" gives us 50% chance, then if we flip again the chance is still 50% but because it is dependent on the first event be "heads", therefore, we need to multiply 0.5 (50%) by 0.5 to give us 0.25 or 25%. Similarly, to toss the coin the third time we must multiply 0.25 by 0.5 which is 0.125 or 12.5%.

    If we apply the Theory of Probability to the Qur'an, and assume that a person has guessed all of the information that is mentioned in the Qur'an that which is unknown at the time the Qur'an was revealed.

    At the time the Qur'an was first revealed, people had different theories of the Earth's shape. Some believed it to be flat, or triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, spherical, etc. If we assume that there could be a total of 30 different ideas on the structure of the Earth, then the chances of the Qur'an saying it is spherical is 1/30.

    The light of the moon was also another aspect which was revealed. Some believed the moon to generate its own light, others believed it was reflected. The answer is that the moon appears to be illuminated due to reflection of light. So, the probabilty of the Qur'an revealing this fact is 0.5 or 1/2.

    Also, up till the few decades, people did not know the structure of every living being- i.e. made of water. If we define 'living being'- this could be wood, plants, fish, steel, gold, humans, every catologued and unknown specie of animal, etc. The possible options could amount to let's say 100,000. The chance that Qur'an is correct is 1/100000 (as a general value).

    Therefore, the chances of the Qur'an being correct in just these cases (there are many more) is 1/30 * 1/2 * 1/100000 - or (0.000000167). The Qur'an reveals these things centuries before the technology was there to prove it scientifically.

    The Qur'an reveals hundreds of things which were unknown at the time of revelation, and the chances that the Qur'an being correct guesses simultaneosly and not comprising of a single error if one can imagine is beyond human comprehension. Therefore, this in itself, is a proof to any logical person that the origin of the Qur'an is Divine (i.e. from Allah).

    Are there Gods or Godesses or just a single Being?

    Answer: Islamic Monetheism teaches us that there can only be one God, Allah.
    (There are many, many reasons why there cannot be more than one God- however, I will try to take a slightly different approach)

    For the purpose of clarification, if let's say for example, that you put together in a single area the world's greatest thinkers. After which, you asked each one to create something simplistic and with function. Doing so will result in utter chaos. Some would interpret the instructions differently, some may not even attempt it, what is certain, however, those who attempted such an experiment- there would be huge differences fundamentally with design and function. This is due to the fact that each person will percieve the task differently, methodologies will be different in the fragmentation, etc.

    Like this, there could be no way fore even a microorganism to function correctly if there is more than one creator. Let alone entire species, planetory functions, orbits, processes of the Universe, etc.

    Q: Which Religion is the True Religion?

    Answer: There can only be one True religion, one which grants favours from Allah, closeness to Allah, Peace, Equality, Tranquility, Genuine Brotherhood, Fairness, Manners, amongst others and that is Islam.

    Islam is the first "religion"- and started as we know it from the time of Sayidinah Adam (AS) and will never cease to exist. Islam isn't a religion but a way of life (Deen), in which one is constantly absorbed in the worship of Allah T'ala.

    It involves 5 main pillors- deficiency in 1 pillor will result in the rest collapsing.

    The Kalimah- La Elhah Ill Lal Lah (There is none worthy of worship apart from Allah).

    Prayers (Salat Fardh)- Prayers which have been obligatory to muslims (The 5 times daily Prayers)

    Fasting in Ramadan- The fast be held for this month by Muslims (it is Fardh)

    Hajj- Pilgrimage to the Kabah in Mecca

    Zakat- giving to the poor. 2.5% per head of SAVINGS goes to Zakat.

    Every person, from Adam(AS) to the last man is in search of true peace, love, amongst others- and this is what was promised to all believers who undertook the Kalimah.

    Islam is Truth, its fundamentals lie on firm belief in Allah (Ta'ala) as the sole Creator- to which He has no partner. Also, firm belief in the Holy Prophet (SA) as the Seal of the Prophets, and Slave of Allah.
    To have firm belief that EACH and EVERY action drives one closer to the Hellfire unless it is done as the Prophet (SA) did, only then will it benefit and grant success to the user in this life and the Eternal Hereafter.

    All background research in any religion should lead one to the conclusion that Islam is the True Religion.

    Allah (Ta'Ala) has Himself promised that the Quran shall never be altered.
    Other Religios books (Torah, Bible, Gospels, etc.) have all been altered someway during its time.
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    Re: My book (working Progress)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ubeyde View Post
    I shall now ask you to ponder. If you see a pig (the dirtiest animal- Haraam to eat) and you see it walking towards a fire or towards its doom, you will try to save this animal from the fire by leading it away from it.
    Even the dirtiest animal, we would have Fikr (worry and concern) over it- yet we are able to live every single day knowing that there is even amongst our proximities that someone is dying without the Kalimah.
    We should have worry and concern for our fellow muslims, even, who decide not to pray, or pray in congregation let alone those who have no belief instilled in them.
    You mean to say...."My book (a work in progress)", right?

    You're right in saying - in the words quoted above - that we must have worry and concern for people, both Muslims and non-Muslims. After knowing what the Truth is, it's highly essential to have compassion for others. We must want other people to be guided to Islam as well.

    Your arguments are very interesting. Mashallah!

    May Allah help you to finish your book. Ameen.
    My book (working Progress)

    It is pointless to watch other people's houses crumbling when our own house is in need of repair and attention.

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    Re: My book (working Progress)

    Jazakarallah Flame yea its a working progress, ALOT needs to be added to it to finish it, however I got exams around the corner

    Inshallah ta'ala Allah will make it easy for me and beneficial contribution to the Ummat of Rasoola Sallahu Alayhi wasalam.
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    Re: My book (working Progress)

    I have updated it:

    Al-hamdu lilahi zin fadli walgaan was salatu was salam a'la khairi khalqihi muhamad zil aayaati wat tibyaan, wa a'la aalihi wa sahbihi wa man tabihum ila yaum qiama bi ihsaan,wa ba'd.

    "Praise is for Allah, full of Excellence and Owner of Souls, and Peace and Blessing upon Muhamad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) the best of all creationm owner of signs and manifestations and on his family and companions on those who followed them, until the Day of Ressurection with kindness, and so".

    Respected Readers! I hope to present to yoou some general insigth and knowledge of Islam and to prove the existance of God, and that Allah is the Creator and that He is without partner.

    The aim of this book is to help us ponder over our True purpose of our creation, and to lighten our reliance on worldly affairs. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but they should worship Me. I seek not any provision from them, nor I desire that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah! He is the Provider, Owner of Power, Firm." (51:56-58)

    Become concious of your true purpose of your creation. Devote oneself to the worship of Allah, the Exalted, the Most High. Doing so, will grant you all ones desires and neccesities in this world and the next. He is your creator, who apportioned your Sustenance even before you came to exist. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And in the Heaven is your Provision and what you are promised". (51:52)

    This world is full of trials and tribulation. Even when a child is brought to this world, the mother must endure extreme pain and make considerable sacrifice. This world is full of disease, pain and adversities. If one is patient and does not partake in the lustful worldy activities and is observent towards his duties towards Allah, then for such a person, Allah will bestow upon him innumerable bounties in this life and the Hereafter.

    This world is worthless. When one becomes rich, he yearns for good health; if one is healthy, he lacks wealth; if one is youthful, he is without worldy possesions; if one owns property, he yearns for youthfullness.

    Here Allah, the Exalted, has said to whom such a person is observent towards their duties to Allah, for such a person as reported by the Holy Prophet (SA) : "An Announcer will announce that it is ordain that you will remain forever healthy, no illness will touch you, and you will live forever, death will never come to you, you will be youthful always and old age will not approach. For you is Favour wherever you turn! You will never be dejected". [Muslim]

    See how Allah, the Exalted, has promised- His Promise, the One who never breaks promises, to the believers.

    Every single being in this Earth, every single being- be it a poor man or the President of the United States of America, wants peace- true peace. Even Modern Day Christians are seeking it, however, the problem lies within each and every single one of the Believers, today. Instead of conveying the True Message of Islam, we choose to hide it under a veil and keep it locked away at the Masjid. These non-believers want what we have so badly, but, there appears for them no known outlet for them to get it. We should strive to make it as easy as possible for these people to come towards Allah. Why should we obstruct the True Path? We are not Jews, we are not selfish and keep our belief amongst ourselves alone. If one ever comes into contact with a revert- be it an elder or whoever, they will always, always say, "Why were we never told sooner? How is it that you benefit from such a religion yet you don't spread it to others?" Even at the time of writing this, hundreds of people have died, starved of the Truth, people who could have been saved.

    Now let me ask the reader a question. How is it that if we are the last Ummah- the last people on this Earth, yet we are amongst the first to enter into Paradise?

    The answer is clear cut. It is because we invite people towards good, and forbid against evil.

    Allah T'ala says in the Qur'an: "You (the follower of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)) are the best of all nations who have been raised for (the benefit and salvation) of mankind. You command what is right, forbid from evil and believe in Allah." (Al-Imraan 110)

    Allah the Exalted also says:

    "There should be a group from you who invite towards good, command what is right and forbid evil. These are indeed the successful ones." (Al-Imraan 104)

    I shall now ask you to ponder. If you see a pig (the dirtiest animal- Haraam to eat) and you see it walking towards a fire or towards its doom, you will try to save this animal from the fire by leading it away from it.
    Even the dirtiest animal, we would have Fikr (worry and concern) over it- yet we are able to live every single day knowing that there is even amongst our own proximities that someone is dying without the Kalimah.
    We should have worry and concern for our fellow muslims, even, who decide not to pray, or pray in congregation let alone those who have no belief instilled in them.

    Do we Muslims have something to be ashamed about? Do we have secrets hidden to the outside world? No! Then why do we shy away from inviting the people towards what is Right and True?
    We should not feel annoyed at a person if he decides not to believe in Islam if you have given him an explanation of Islam and the truth of it. These people will see on their death beds what they have rejected, and they shall scream and cry and beg for a second chance, but it is too late for these people. If we save one person from the Fire of Jahanam (Hell) through Allah's mercy upon us, then we shall have the reverted' s rewards for their actions without them losing their reward. This is why this religion is so perfect. Everything is fair and just- why should we keep it a secret? Every single problem that faces us in the world today can be solved by Islam. For example, the current economic crisis could be solved even overnight (figuratively). In the USA- after the "Credit Crunch" Housing and Finance plummeted drastically, however, there was one region of the Housing and Finance, which, instead of plummeting, was increasing in its value steadily. The region which was steadily increasing was of the Islamic Housing and Finance sectors. This is why bankers today want to take parts of the Shariah regarding housing and finance and put it inside their programs.

    Here is a truly beautiful Hadith by with the Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam) describes the importance of the spreading of the Deen of Allah and the consequence of not spreading it.

    It is stated in Hadith:

    Hadhrat Nuúmaan bin Basheer (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) gave an example of people sailing on a boat having an upper deck and a lower deck. The people from the lower deck require water and request water from the people of the upper deck. The people from the upper deck refuse water so the people from the lower deck decide to make a hole on the floor of the ship and get water from the sea. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "If the people from the upper deck don't stop the people at the bottom from making a hole, the ship will sink and all the people travelling will drown." (Mishkãt vol. 2 p. 436)

    See how this Hadith beautifully illustrates the problem and consequence of not addressing this problem. We are represented by the "Upper Deck" the ones with the "Water" yet we refuse to give it to the "Lower Deck" and therefore we all sink as a result. Like this, we have the Deen of Allah Ta'la within us, and it is our very duty on this Earth to spread the Deen of Allah Ta'la to each and every single Human being. Not partaking in this action will result in us being "sunk", and we will have the same torment as the non-believers (lower deck) unless we do something. We, as True Muslims, must invite others to the Truth which has been revealed by Allah as the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has instructed.

    If we spread the Truth that is Islam properly, as instructed by the Holy Prophet (Sallaahu Alayhi Wassalam) then we shall arive at our destination, i.e. Paradise, Inshallah.

    There is, of course, other problems which resulted in the Ummat of this Generation to suffer tremendously.

    One of the reasons why the Ummat is being trialed so harshly as of recent is because the Ahklak (Mannerisms) of the Muslims has deterioated. I am not discussing things which are to do with table manners, however, these are included in this discussion also.

    We see today, the Youngsters of this Generation in such a terrible state and sometimes even worse of that of the Kafirs (Non-believers). We some of our brothers with earrings and wearing all kinds of items of clothing which portray a disgusting image of Islam. We see our women-folk without Hijab (Scarf), and talking in a flirtatious manner with men. This is Haraam (Forbidden). We also see our women-folk uncovering that which is forbidden to be uncovered- this is a regular occurance. We also see the youth using swear words and sometimes words not even the Kufar would say. We see today, the youth of this Ummat trying to imitate "Celebrities" and "Personalities" and trying to imitate the "Gangsta' Culture". I'm not talking about people with no education, either. I am talking about the youth who have education, and if you stop and you explain to them what they are doing is wrong, they will complain and say that they know and to stop talking about the "Camel Ages". We see our fellow brothers and sisters have boyfriends and girlfriends and sharing relations with eachother. Some brothers would rather miss prayers to be with their girlfriend, instead of instructing the partner about the Fitnahs of this Dunya, instead they would rather talk about their inate love of this Dunya.

    What is worse? A Muslim who shares relations out of marriage with their partner who has been instructed by the Shariah and the Sunna that it is strictly prohibited, or, a non-muslim who has no knowledge (due to ignorance or lack of oppurtunity) that it is strictly prohibited? Of course it is the first example. It is stated that when the Holy Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wasalam) when he went on Miraj, he saw two people being punished severely, one of them, in particular caught the Prophet's attention and so he inquired as to why they were punished so. They (the Angels), replied that he is being punished because he never acted on what he preached, e.g. a corrupt scholar. The punishment as reported was the person had his lips continously cut off by fiery scissors- so a truly horrible punishment.

    We must sharpen up our Ahklak and our Ikraam- not just in front of our parents or relatives, but to the entire world. We should forgive our fellow Muslim brothers and try to forgive all of Creation at the time of going to bed. There is so much Ajr (Reward) for doing Ikraam, for example, if one removes something harmful which obstructs a path, Allah Ta'ala, bestows upon such a person 73 rewards. 1 reward will be sufficient for this World and the other 72 shall raise his stages in Paradise. Such a huge volume of blessing Allah Ta'ala has blessed us and given us chances to secure innumerate more blessings. It is stated that whoever visits the sickly, the Angels will make dua (prayers) for that person until he has returned home. If we have good Manners and show Ikraam to others, then others will inquire as to who these people are, at may even lead to a person joining Islam, because as we know, first impressions are very important.

    Failure to do this will result in a humiliating and agonizing trial after we have left this Dunya (world). This may seem extreme, but Allah has made it clear, and He is the Keeper of All Promises, unless of course out of His sheer mercy He may forgive us, but who can say that they will be forgiven?

    In the present day, Muslims are being down trodden and the religion of Islam is called a 'filthy' religion, whose ideals are based in the 'Camel ages', and have little or no relevence to Modern Day Society. This did not happen overnight. The Atheistic approach has become favoured with the masses in countries such as the United Kingdom. Religions such as Islam and Christianity are being spat on and ridiculed, yet, if anyone steps out of line they are taken away never to be seen again. A country which the majority are of Atheistic background are more easily taken over and dominated. This is all done in preparation for something, but, what?

    It is due to Corruption, whereby, corrupted leaders and people who are easily influenced are placed into power in countries of strategic interest.

    An example of such corruption could be the United Kingdom.

    It is said that Great Britain alone, a country whose land mass is 244820 square kilometers (a dwarf compared to many other countries) controls over 500 million people. This is through years and years of preparation and there never-ending goal of controlling the world. People in power in such countries use dirty tactics to achieve such high levels of control. For example, if you research the reasoning behind the African and Oriental Studies being conducted by the UK, you will be astonished. They know each and every thing there is to know about their "enemies" or those they seek to control. They spend time aquainting themselves with the culture, religion of the populace they seek to control. They put in place their people who are weak and easily tempted with money and are easily corruptable. This means that they are much easier to control and therefore is better for their strategic interests.

    Corrupt media show a portrayal of Muslims and Islamic Nations in the worst light. They use puppets and actors to fulfill their agenda and portray Muslims terribley in their Propaganda Regimes. They hire actors who were so-called ex-Muslims converted to other religions to give talks about how Islam is a filthy religion based on Terrorism. Western Civilasations are given books about Moslems (a derogatary term) and how they practice some form of Devil worship and believe in the slaughter of innocents. All rubbish invented by those in power to spread corruption and to confuse the general populace and to mask the Truth which is in front of them.

    Allah Ta'ala hates corruption and those who corrupt the world. It is mentioned in many Ayaats throughout the Qur'an about those who spread corruption.

    For example:

    Surah Al-Qasas Verse 77 :"But seek the abode of the Hereafter in that which Allah has given you, and forget not your portion of the world, and be kind even as Allah has been kind to you, and seek not corruption in the earth; for Allah loves not corrupters."

    Surah Al'araf Verse 56 : "Work not corruption in the earth after it has been set in order, and call on Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of Allah is near to those who act with excellence."

    May Allah Ta'ala save us through His sheer Mercy save us from such Corruption and make us not of the Corrupted. Ameen.

    As Muslims we should rectify ourselves and then there should not exist such corruption in our beloved lands. We need to address the real issues which are happening in this Ummah today. Biddah or innovation is commonplace amongst many of the Islamic Countries throughout the world. Sects are exploiting the weak-minded and those who are strict in the accordance to the Qur'an and Sunnah are labelled as "Wahabi" and many other derogatary insults. Grave worship is rampant amongst many of the Islamic countries. The celebration of the Holy Prophet Muhamad Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam birthday in many countries even though it contradicts Qur'an and Sunnah. All are examples of the deception of Shaitan. We live in a time where people are very weak-minded and are very easily lead. Where people don't think to look at the consequences of their actions on the communities they reside in.

    We must help to change the persepectives of the ignorant and non-practicing Muslims or suffer the consequences.

    The only solution to the Degeneration of Islam

    Here I have summarised and inputted some of my own work from an already established section from the ever-popular book Tabligh Nisab by Maulana Zacharia Iliyas (RA).

    What to look forward to if we fulfil our True mission in this life.

    Of those who have been granted by Allah Ta’ala Divine Blessing are those who will enter Jannah. Here is a brief description of the make-up of Jannah and Inshallah Ta’ala it shall inspire those who read this to aspire for such an abode in the Eternal Hereafter.

    The Gates of Paradise

    There will be 8 gates in Paradise. The Kalimah, “La illahah illallah” (There is no deity worthy of worship apart from Allah) is the key to these gates. Each of these 8 gates will have a specific requirement before entering.
    These gates are listed below (Narrated from Hadith):

    1. Baab us-Salaah: For those who were punctual in prayer.
    2. Baab ul-Jihad: For those who took part in jihad.
    3. Baab us-Sadaqqah: For those who gave charity more often.
    4. Baab ur-Rayyan: For those who fasted.
    5. Baab ul-Hajj- For those participated in the annual pilgrimage.
    6. Baab ul-Kaazimeenal Ghaiz Wal ‘Aafina ‘Anin Naas: For those who forgave others and withheld their anger.
    7. Baab ul-Aiman: For those who by virtue of their faith are saved from reckoning and chastisement.
    8. Baab udh- Dhikr: For those who showed zeal in remembering God.
    See how Allah Ta’ala is merciful and offers us many opportunities to be amongst those granted Jannah. He has bestowed upon the creation 8 pre-requisites for the entering of these gates. It will be our fault alone if we are not among those on the Day that those who believed in Allah Ta’ala and His Messengers (Alayhimus Salaam) will be granted Jannah of varying ranks and take our Eternal Residence in the Hellfire.

    In each of these gates there will be, depending on the rank attained by the person's actions in this Dunya varying landscapes and blessings. There are many levels of Paradise, it is narrated in Hadith:

    The Prophet (saw) explained that the people will be in different levels in Paradise according to their status. al-Bukhâri and Muslim report from Abû Sa'îd al-Khudri that the Prophet (saw) said,

    "The people of Paradise will look at the people dwelling in the chambers above them in the same way that people look at a brilliant star shining far away on the horizon, in the East or West, because of their superiority [in reward] over them." The people asked, "O Messenger of Allâh, are these the dwellings of the Prophets which no one else can attain?" He replied, "No by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, they are for the men who believed in Allâh, and also in His Messengers."

    [Sahîh al-Bukhâri, Kitâb Bid' al-Khalq, Bâb Sifât al-Jannah wan-Nâr, Fath al-Bâri, 6/220; Sahîh Muslim Kitâb al-Jannah, Bâb tara'i Ahl al-Jannah Ahl al-Ghuraf, 4/2177, no. 2831]

    See how the Holy Prophet (SAW) describes the superiority of these lofty ranks in Paradise over others. Also note that it is not those Prophets (alayhumus Salaam) who will have such high ranks but those people who believed in Allah Ta'ala and His Messengers (Alayhumus Salam). Allah ta'ala knows best.

    Allah says:

    "I have prepared for My slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human heart can imagine". Recite if you wish, "No person know what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do." (32:17).

    In the version reported by Muslim from Abû Hurayrah, there is the addition regarding Paradise and its greatness:

    "Never mind what Allâh has told you; what He has not told you is EVEN greater".

    It is mentioned in another Ahadith:

    The Prophet (saw) said, narrated by al-Bukhâri from Abû Hurayrah:

    "...Paradise has one hundred levels which Allâh has reserved for the mujâhidîn who fight in His Cause and the distance between each of the two grades is like the distance between the heavens and the earth. So when you ask Allâh for something, ask for al-Firdaws which is the best and highest part of Paradise. Above it is the throne of the Most Merciful, and from it originate the rivers of Paradise".

    [al-Bukhâri in as-Sahîh, Kitâb al-Jihâd, Bâb Darajat al-Mujâhidîn fi Sabîlillâh, Fath al-Bâri, 6/11]

    It is mentioned in another Ahadith:

    Muslim reports from al-Mughîrah ibn Shu'bah that the Messenger of Allâh (saw) said:

    "Musâ asked his Rabb, "Who will have the lowest position in Paradise?" Allâh said, "A man who will come after the people of Paradise have entered Paradise. He will be told, "Enter Paradise",and he will say, "O my Rabb, how? The people have already taken their places." He will be asked, "Will you not be content if you could have the equivalent of a kingdom on earth?" He will say, "Yes, my Rabb". So he will be told, "You will have that and as much again, and as much again, and as much again, and as much again."

    On the fifth time, he will say, "I am content with that, my Rabb". He will be told, "You will have all that and ten times more; you will have whatever your heart desires and whatever will delight your eyes." The man will say, "I am content with that". Musâ asked, "My Rabb, who will have the highest status in Paradise?" Allâh said, "They are those whom I choose. I establish their honour with My own hand and then set a seal over it, [and they will be blessed with Bounties] which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human mind can comprehend."

    “Gardens of perpetual bliss- they shall enter them as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their offspring. And Angels shall enter upon them from every gate (with the salutation): "Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!" [Surah ar-Rad, 13: 23 & 24]

    “And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds until behold, they arrive there. Its gates will be open, and its Keepers will say, ‘Peace be upon you! Well have you done, so enter it, abiding in it Eternally.” [Surah Al Zumar, 39: 73]



    Is there God?

    Answer: Yes, uncategorically, no doubt, scientifically and or otherwise.

    Proof: Scientific evidence(s)- Physics has tought us of some of the Fundamental laws of the Universe, to which every particle and planet must abide. One of the fundament principles of Physics is that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted into other forms. This Law underlies that there must be God. For if there was no God, then how was Energy first created let alone the Universe.

    Also, Physicists tell us of the theory of how the Universe came to be, 'The Big Bang'. This theory is used as an excuse not to believe in God. The theory states that a Quark ( the Fundamental Particle) had gained absolutely collosal amounts of energy in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, etc. of a second.

    This theory leaves the door of belief wide open. All one has to do is ask the following questions:
    1. How or where did that Quark come to existance.
    2. Who or what provided the energy to begin the process ( Remember the Energy Laws)
    3. Time- who created time at pre-creation

    Also, another perspective (based upon Dr. Zakir Naik's explanation)

    In Mathematics there is to be found a theory entitled the "Theory of Probability". This theory gives the probability of an event taking place or not taking place. For example, if one is to flip a coin- there is 50% chance for it to land "heads" and 50% chance for it to land "tails". Let's say that we want to find the probability of getting three heads in succesion. Getting "heads" gives us 50% chance, then if we flip again the chance is still 50% but because it is dependent on the first event be "heads", therefore, we need to multiply 0.5 (50%) by 0.5 to give us 0.25 or 25%. Similarly, to toss the coin the third time we must multiply 0.25 by 0.5 which is 0.125 or 12.5%.

    If we apply the Theory of Probability to the Qur'an, and assume that a person has guessed all of the information that is mentioned in the Qur'an that which is unknown at the time the Qur'an was revealed.

    At the time the Qur'an was first revealed, people had different theories of the Earth's shape. Some believed it to be flat, or triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, spherical, etc. If we assume that there could be a total of 30 different ideas on the structure of the Earth, then the chances of the Qur'an saying it is spherical is 1/30.

    The light of the moon was also another aspect which was revealed. Some believed the moon to generate its own light, others believed it was reflected. The answer is that the moon appears to be illuminated due to reflection of light. So, the probabilty of the Qur'an revealing this fact is 0.5 or 1/2.

    Also, up till the few decades, people did not know the structure of every living being- i.e. made of water. If we define 'living being'- this could be wood, plants, fish, steel, gold, humans, every catologued and unknown specie of animal, etc. The possible options could amount to let's say 100,000. The chance that Qur'an is correct is 1/100000 (as a general value).

    Therefore, the chances of the Qur'an being correct in just these cases (there are many more) is 1/30 * 1/2 * 1/100000 - or (0.000000167). The Qur'an reveals these things centuries before the technology was there to prove it scientifically.

    The Qur'an reveals hundreds of things which were unknown at the time of revelation, and the chances that the Qur'an being correct guesses simultaneosly and not comprising of a single error if one can imagine is beyond human comprehension. Therefore, this in itself, is a proof to any logical person that the origin of the Qur'an is Divine (i.e. from Allah).

    Are there Gods or Godesses or just a single Being?

    Answer: Islamic Monetheism teaches us that there can only be one God, Allah.
    (There are many, many reasons why there cannot be more than one God- however, I will try to take a slightly different approach)

    For the purpose of clarification, if let's say for example, that you put together in a single area the world's greatest thinkers. After which, you asked each one to create something simplistic and with function. Doing so will result in utter chaos. Some would interpret the instructions differently, some may not even attempt it, what is certain, however, those who attempted such an experiment- there would be huge differences fundamentally with design and function. This is due to the fact that each person will percieve the task differently, methodologies will be different in the fragmentation, etc.

    Like this, there could be no way fore even a microorganism to function correctly if there is more than one creator. Let alone entire species, planetory functions, orbits, processes of the Universe, etc.

    Q: Which Religion is the True Religion?

    Answer: There can only be one True religion, one which grants favours from Allah, closeness to Allah, Peace, Equality, Tranquility, Genuine Brotherhood, Fairness, Manners, amongst others and that is Islam.

    Islam is the first "religion"- and started as we know it from the time of Sayidinah Adam (AS) and will never cease to exist. Islam isn't a religion but a way of life (Deen), in which one is constantly absorbed in the worship of Allah T'ala.

    It involves 5 main pillors- deficiency in 1 pillor will result in the rest collapsing.

    The Kalimah- La Elhah Ill Lal Lah (There is none worthy of worship apart from Allah).

    Prayers (Salat Fardh)- Prayers which have been obligatory to muslims (The 5 times daily Prayers)

    Fasting in Ramadan- The fast be held for this month by Muslims (it is Fardh)

    Hajj- Pilgrimage to the Kabah in Mecca

    Zakat- giving to the poor. 2.5% per head of SAVINGS goes to Zakat.

    Every person, from Adam(AS) to the last man is in search of true peace, love, amongst others- and this is what was promised to all believers who undertook the Kalimah.

    Islam is Truth, its fundamentals lie on firm belief in Allah (Ta'ala) as the sole Creator- to which He has no partner. Also, firm belief in the Holy Prophet (SA) as the Seal of the Prophets, and Slave of Allah.
    To have firm belief that EACH and EVERY action drives one closer to the Hellfire unless it is done as the Prophet (SA) did, only then will it benefit and grant success to the user in this life and the Eternal Hereafter.

    All background research in any religion should lead one to the conclusion that Islam is the True Religion.

    Allah (Ta'Ala) has Himself promised that the Quran shall never be altered.
    Other Religios books (Torah, Bible, Gospels, etc.) have all been altered someway during its time.
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    Re: My book (working Progress)

    Updated it.

    BTW after I add all my references, I will begin to start to structure my "book", i.e. adding chapters, etc.

    Al-hamdu lilahi zin fadli walgaan was salatu was salam a'la khairi khalqihi muhamad zil aayaati wat tibyaan, wa a'la aalihi wa sahbihi wa man tabihum ila yaum qiama bi ihsaan,wa ba'd.

    "Praise is for Allah, full of Excellence and Owner of Souls, and Peace and Blessing upon Muhamad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) the best of all creationm owner of signs and manifestations and on his family and companions on those who followed them, until the Day of Ressurection with kindness, and so".

    Respected Readers! I hope to present to yoou some general insigth and knowledge of Islam and to prove the existance of God, and that Allah is the Creator and that He is without partner.

    The aim of this book is to help us ponder over our True purpose of our creation, and to lighten our reliance on worldly affairs. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And I have not created the Jinn and Mankind but they should worship Me. I seek not any provision from them, nor I desire that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah! He is the Provider, Owner of Power, Firm." (51:56-58)

    Become concious of your true purpose of your creation. Devote oneself to the worship of Allah, the Exalted, the Most High. Doing so, will grant you all ones desires and neccesities in this world and the next. He is your creator, who apportioned your Sustenance even before you came to exist. Allah the Exalted has said:

    "And in the Heaven is your Provision and what you are promised". (51:52)

    This world is full of trials and tribulation. Even when a child is brought to this world, the mother must endure extreme pain and make considerable sacrifice. This world is full of disease, pain and adversities. If one is patient and does not partake in the lustful worldy activities and is observent towards his duties towards Allah, then for such a person, Allah will bestow upon him innumerable bounties in this life and the Hereafter.

    This world is worthless. When one becomes rich, he yearns for good health; if one is healthy, he lacks wealth; if one is youthful, he is without worldy possesions; if one owns property, he yearns for youthfullness.

    Here Allah, the Exalted, has said to whom such a person is observent towards their duties to Allah, for such a person as reported by the Holy Prophet (SA) : "An Announcer will announce that it is ordain that you will remain forever healthy, no illness will touch you, and you will live forever, death will never come to you, you will be youthful always and old age will not approach. For you is Favour wherever you turn! You will never be dejected". [Muslim]

    See how Allah, the Exalted, has promised- His Promise, the One who never breaks promises, to the believers.

    Every single being in this Earth, every single being- be it a poor man or the President of the United States of America, wants peace- true peace. Even Modern Day Christians are seeking it, however, the problem lies within each and every single one of the Believers, today. Instead of conveying the True Message of Islam, we choose to hide it under a veil and keep it locked away at the Masjid. These non-believers want what we have so badly, but, there appears for them no known outlet for them to get it. We should strive to make it as easy as possible for these people to come towards Allah. Why should we obstruct the True Path? We are not Jews, we are not selfish and keep our belief amongst ourselves alone. If one ever comes into contact with a revert- be it an elder or whoever, they will always, always say, "Why were we never told sooner? How is it that you benefit from such a religion yet you don't spread it to others?" Even at the time of writing this, hundreds of people have died, starved of the Truth, people who could have been saved.

    Now let me ask the reader a question. How is it that if we are the last Ummah- the last people on this Earth, yet we are amongst the first to enter into Paradise?

    The answer is clear cut. It is because we invite people towards good, and forbid against evil.

    Allah T'ala says in the Qur'an: "You (the follower of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)) are the best of all nations who have been raised for (the benefit and salvation) of mankind. You command what is right, forbid from evil and believe in Allah." (Al-Imraan 110)

    Allah the Exalted also says:

    "There should be a group from you who invite towards good, command what is right and forbid evil. These are indeed the successful ones." (Al-Imraan 104)

    I shall now ask you to ponder. If you see a pig (the dirtiest animal- Haraam to eat) and you see it walking towards a fire or towards its doom, you will try to save this animal from the fire by leading it away from it.
    Even the dirtiest animal, we would have Fikr (worry and concern) over it- yet we are able to live every single day knowing that there is even amongst our own proximities that someone is dying without the Kalimah.
    We should have worry and concern for our fellow muslims, even, who decide not to pray, or pray in congregation let alone those who have no belief instilled in them.

    Do we Muslims have something to be ashamed about? Do we have secrets hidden to the outside world? No! Then why do we shy away from inviting the people towards what is Right and True?
    We should not feel annoyed at a person if he decides not to believe in Islam if you have given him an explanation of Islam and the truth of it. These people will see on their death beds what they have rejected, and they shall scream and cry and beg for a second chance, but it is too late for these people. If we save one person from the Fire of Jahanam (Hell) through Allah's mercy upon us, then we shall have the reverted' s rewards for their actions without them losing their reward. This is why this religion is so perfect. Everything is fair and just- why should we keep it a secret? Every single problem that faces us in the world today can be solved by Islam. For example, the current economic crisis could be solved even overnight (figuratively). In the USA- after the "Credit Crunch" Housing and Finance plummeted drastically, however, there was one region of the Housing and Finance, which, instead of plummeting, was increasing in its value steadily. The region which was steadily increasing was of the Islamic Housing and Finance sectors. This is why bankers today want to take parts of the Shariah regarding housing and finance and put it inside their programs.

    Here is a truly beautiful Hadith by with the Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam) describes the importance of the spreading of the Deen of Allah and the consequence of not spreading it.

    It is stated in Hadith:

    Hadhrat Nuúmaan bin Basheer (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) gave an example of people sailing on a boat having an upper deck and a lower deck. The people from the lower deck require water and request water from the people of the upper deck. The people from the upper deck refuse water so the people from the lower deck decide to make a hole on the floor of the ship and get water from the sea. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "If the people from the upper deck don't stop the people at the bottom from making a hole, the ship will sink and all the people travelling will drown." (Mishkãt vol. 2 p. 436)

    See how this Hadith beautifully illustrates the problem and consequence of not addressing this problem. We are represented by the "Upper Deck" the ones with the "Water" yet we refuse to give it to the "Lower Deck" and therefore we all sink as a result. Like this, we have the Deen of Allah Ta'la within us, and it is our very duty on this Earth to spread the Deen of Allah Ta'la to each and every single Human being. Not partaking in this action will result in us being "sunk", and we will have the same torment as the non-believers (lower deck) unless we do something. We, as True Muslims, must invite others to the Truth which has been revealed by Allah as the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has instructed.

    If we spread the Truth that is Islam properly, as instructed by the Holy Prophet (Sallaahu Alayhi Wassalam) then we shall arive at our destination, i.e. Paradise, Inshallah.

    There is, of course, other problems which resulted in the Ummat of this Generation to suffer tremendously.

    One of the reasons why the Ummat is being trialed so harshly as of recent is because the Ahklak (Mannerisms) of the Muslims has deterioated. I am not discussing things which are to do with table manners, however, these are included in this discussion also.

    We see today, the Youngsters of this Generation in such a terrible state and sometimes even worse of that of the Kafirs (Non-believers). We some of our brothers with earrings and wearing all kinds of items of clothing which portray a disgusting image of Islam. We see our women-folk without Hijab (Scarf), and talking in a flirtatious manner with men. This is Haraam (Forbidden). We also see our women-folk uncovering that which is forbidden to be uncovered- this is a regular occurance. We also see the youth using swear words and sometimes words not even the Kufar would say. We see today, the youth of this Ummat trying to imitate "Celebrities" and "Personalities" and trying to imitate the "Gangsta' Culture". I'm not talking about people with no education, either. I am talking about the youth who have education, and if you stop and you explain to them what they are doing is wrong, they will complain and say that they know and to stop talking about the "Camel Ages". We see our fellow brothers and sisters have boyfriends and girlfriends and sharing relations with eachother. Some brothers would rather miss prayers to be with their girlfriend, instead of instructing the partner about the Fitnahs of this Dunya, instead they would rather talk about their inate love of this Dunya.

    What is worse? A Muslim who shares relations out of marriage with their partner who has been instructed by the Shariah and the Sunna that it is strictly prohibited, or, a non-muslim who has no knowledge (due to ignorance or lack of oppurtunity) that it is strictly prohibited? Of course it is the first example. It is stated that when the Holy Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wasalam) when he went on Miraj, he saw two people being punished severely, one of them, in particular caught the Prophet's attention and so he inquired as to why they were punished so. They (the Angels), replied that he is being punished because he never acted on what he preached, e.g. a corrupt scholar. The punishment as reported was the person had his lips continously cut off by fiery scissors- so a truly horrible punishment.

    We must sharpen up our Ahklak and our Ikraam- not just in front of our parents or relatives, but to the entire world. We should forgive our fellow Muslim brothers and try to forgive all of Creation at the time of going to bed. There is so much Ajr (Reward) for doing Ikraam, for example, if one removes something harmful which obstructs a path, Allah Ta'ala, bestows upon such a person 73 rewards. 1 reward will be sufficient for this World and the other 72 shall raise his stages in Paradise. Such a huge volume of blessing Allah Ta'ala has blessed us and given us chances to secure innumerate more blessings. It is stated that whoever visits the sickly, the Angels will make dua (prayers) for that person until he has returned home. If we have good Manners and show Ikraam to others, then others will inquire as to who these people are, at may even lead to a person joining Islam, because as we know, first impressions are very important.

    Failure to do this will result in a humiliating and agonizing trial after we have left this Dunya (world). This may seem extreme, but Allah has made it clear, and He is the Keeper of All Promises, unless of course out of His sheer mercy He may forgive us, but who can say that they will be forgiven?

    In the present day, Muslims are being down trodden and the religion of Islam is called a 'filthy' religion, whose ideals are based in the 'Camel ages', and have little or no relevence to Modern Day Society. This did not happen overnight. The Atheistic approach has become favoured with the masses in countries such as the United Kingdom. Religions such as Islam and Christianity are being spat on and ridiculed, yet, if anyone steps out of line they are taken away never to be seen again. A country which the majority are of Atheistic background are more easily taken over and dominated. This is all done in preparation for something, but, what?

    It is due to Corruption, whereby, corrupted leaders and people who are easily influenced are placed into power in countries of strategic interest.

    An example of such corruption could be the United Kingdom.

    It is said that Great Britain alone, a country whose land mass is 244820 square kilometers (a dwarf compared to many other countries) controls over 500 million people. This is through years and years of preparation and there never-ending goal of controlling the world. People in power in such countries use dirty tactics to achieve such high levels of control. For example, if you research the reasoning behind the African and Oriental Studies being conducted by the UK, you will be astonished. They know each and every thing there is to know about their "enemies" or those they seek to control. They spend time aquainting themselves with the culture, religion of the populace they seek to control. They put in place their people who are weak and easily tempted with money and are easily corruptable. This means that they are much easier to control and therefore is better for their strategic interests.

    Corrupt media show a portrayal of Muslims and Islamic Nations in the worst light. They use puppets and actors to fulfill their agenda and portray Muslims terribley in their Propaganda Regimes. They hire actors who were so-called ex-Muslims converted to other religions to give talks about how Islam is a filthy religion based on Terrorism. Western Civilasations are given books about Moslems (a derogatary term) and how they practice some form of Devil worship and believe in the slaughter of innocents. All rubbish invented by those in power to spread corruption and to confuse the general populace and to mask the Truth which is in front of them.

    Allah Ta'ala hates corruption and those who corrupt the world. It is mentioned in many Ayaats throughout the Qur'an about those who spread corruption.

    For example:

    Surah Al-Qasas Verse 77 :"But seek the abode of the Hereafter in that which Allah has given you, and forget not your portion of the world, and be kind even as Allah has been kind to you, and seek not corruption in the earth; for Allah loves not corrupters."

    Surah Al'araf Verse 56 : "Work not corruption in the earth after it has been set in order, and call on Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of Allah is near to those who act with excellence."

    May Allah Ta'ala save us through His sheer Mercy save us from such Corruption and make us not of the Corrupted. Ameen.

    As Muslims we should rectify ourselves and then there should not exist such corruption in our beloved lands. We need to address the real issues which are happening in this Ummah today. Biddah or innovation is commonplace amongst many of the Islamic Countries throughout the world. Sects are exploiting the weak-minded and those who are strict in the accordance to the Qur'an and Sunnah are labelled as "Wahabi" and many other derogatary insults. Grave worship is rampant amongst many of the Islamic countries. The celebration of the Holy Prophet Muhamad Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam birthday in many countries even though it contradicts Qur'an and Sunnah. All are examples of the deception of Shaitan. We live in a time where people are very weak-minded and are very easily lead. Where people don't think to look at the consequences of their actions on the communities they reside in.

    We must help to change the persepectives of the ignorant and non-practicing Muslims or suffer the consequences.

    The only solution to the Degeneration of Islam

    Here I have summarised and inputted some of my own work from an already established section from the ever-popular book Tabligh Nisab by Maulana Zacharia Iliyas (RA), may Allah enlighten his grave.

    For every problem, there is a solution. Moreso, Islam teaches us that every single problem, disease, disfunction, destruction, can be overcome by following the Sacred teachings of Allah Ta'ala through His Book, The Holy Qur'an and through the example of His Beloved Prophet Muhamad (Sallahu Alayhi Wa salaam).

    Thus, before every solution can be found, a sound diagonosis should be made of the problem.

    Verses from the Qur'an

    Allah Ta'ala says:

    "And whose words can be better than his who calls (people) towards Allah and performs good deeds, and says: I am one of those who submit to Allah."

    Commentators of this verse have stated that this verse is not limited to a set persons or group, rather it refers to Muslims in general, i.e. Prophets (Alayhumus Salaam) call towards Allah by means of signs. Scholars call to Allah by preaching and making valid arguements. The Mujahid by calling by means of the sword (protecting the religion from the infidels). Therefore, the list isn't limited, and goes on.

    Therefore, the honour of calling towards Allah deserves the person as being categorized as one who submits his will to Allah, a Muslim.

    Allah further states:

    "(O Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasalam) preach them (the Truth) for preaching proves very beneficial for the believers."

    The reader should take note that this verse is realating to the believers specifically.

    "O Muslims! there must be a group among you who invite people to good; and would command them to do good deeds, and would prevent them from forbidden things; and these are the people who will attain salvation". (Surah Al-Imraan Verse 105)

    See how this verse clearly commands the Muslims to atleast put forward a group amongst themselves who will propogate Islam and to invite towards good and forbid evil. Such is the state of the Ummah today that the majority neglect this clear commandment of Allah Ta'ala. Non-muslims, especially the Christians, put forward and send out missionaries to propogate their faiths day and night, all-year, every year. Have we no shame? Have we lost our minds? These non-Muslims have categorically identified that because in certain locations in the world, people have little or no belief in God and have little intellect, and they have realised that such places are key areas to target for their Missionaries. These people have little need for evidences of God as they have been searching for it all their lives, all it takes is for us to target these areas for them to embrace Islam in large numbers, Allah willing. Examples of these types of missionaries set-out by the Christians are the South American sub-continent, i.e. the Spanish Missionaries.

    As the Ummah of the Holy Prophet Muhamad (sallahu alayhi wa salaam), we accept that there is no more prophets to come after him. Even at the time of the Prophet's (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) lifetime, many were not Muslim because Allah Ta'ala had ordained so, and because Allah Ta'ala had not given him (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) the capacity to change the hearts of the unbelievers, but atleast, he (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) went, where he could to spread the Truth of Allah, through great sacrifice and struggle.

    The Ummah collectively today, if Allah willed, has the capacity to fulfill this sacred mission. Whereby, everyone is taught the message of Islam properly giving clear clear proofs where applicable. This is the very least that we can do to help mankind embrace Allah's Truth and Soverignity. It is then upto the individual what to believe after clear proofs have been shown.

    Instead the Ummat of this generation tries its upmost best to resist this sacred cause and clear commandment from Allah Ta'ala.

    Allah Ta'ala further says:

    "O Muslims! You are the best of peoples who have been selected for the guidance of mankind; you enjoin them to do good deeds, and prevent them from forbidden things, and have firm faith in Allah."

    The commentators of this verse have said that in this particular verse, the preaching of the Truth and preventention of evil has been mentioned before faith even, where faith (emaan) is the underlying factor of all Islamic beliefs and actions.

    The reasoning is because "Faith" is and has been a common factor amongs the nations of this world (be-it present and past nations), however, the uniqueness that has distinguished the soley the muslims of this ummah is the inviting towards people to do good deeds and forbid them from evil.

    Therefore, this is the basis of the superiority of the Muslims whenever they have fulfilled the commandment of this verse and Islam, actions, however great, without the correct intention have little or no weight and is therefore specifically mentioned at the closing of this verse. Furthermore, the main objective of this verse is to emphasise the importance of enjoining people towards good and forbidding them from evil and acting as a guide for the whole of mankind. It is therefore the distinguishing criteria and feature of Muslims. Also, such practice was conducted by non-Islamic religions, the difference is that these nations did it for a short while, whereas Muslims should make it a permenant action.

    Furthermore Allah Ta'ala says:

    "In the talk of an assembly of common folk there is no good at all, except those who command people to give charity or instruct them to do good things, or make peace between people (they will be rewarded by Allah). And whoever does this to please Allah, soon he will recieve a great reward from Allah."

    In this particular verse, Allah has Himself promised a great reward for those who preach Truth in gatherings of common-folk.

    What to look forward to if we fulfil our True mission in this life.

    Of those who have been granted by Allah Ta’ala Divine Blessing are those who will enter Jannah. Here is a brief description of the make-up of Jannah and Inshallah Ta’ala it shall inspire those who read this to aspire for such an abode in the Eternal Hereafter.

    The Gates of Paradise

    There will be 8 gates in Paradise. The Kalimah, “La illahah illallah” (There is no deity worthy of worship apart from Allah) is the key to these gates. Each of these 8 gates will have a specific requirement before entering.
    These gates are listed below (Narrated from Hadith):

    1. Baab us-Salaah: For those who were punctual in prayer.
    2. Baab ul-Jihad: For those who took part in jihad.
    3. Baab us-Sadaqqah: For those who gave charity more often.
    4. Baab ur-Rayyan: For those who fasted.
    5. Baab ul-Hajj- For those participated in the annual pilgrimage.
    6. Baab ul-Kaazimeenal Ghaiz Wal ‘Aafina ‘Anin Naas: For those who forgave others and withheld their anger.
    7. Baab ul-Aiman: For those who by virtue of their faith are saved from reckoning and chastisement.
    8. Baab udh- Dhikr: For those who showed zeal in remembering God.
    See how Allah Ta’ala is merciful and offers us many opportunities to be amongst those granted Jannah. He has bestowed upon the creation 8 pre-requisites for the entering of these gates. It will be our fault alone if we are not among those on the Day that those who believed in Allah Ta’ala and His Messengers (Alayhimus Salaam) will be granted Jannah of varying ranks and take our Eternal Residence in the Hellfire.

    In each of these gates there will be, depending on the rank attained by the person's actions in this Dunya varying landscapes and blessings. There are many levels of Paradise, it is narrated in Hadith:

    The Prophet (saw) explained that the people will be in different levels in Paradise according to their status. al-Bukhâri and Muslim report from Abû Sa'îd al-Khudri that the Prophet (saw) said,

    "The people of Paradise will look at the people dwelling in the chambers above them in the same way that people look at a brilliant star shining far away on the horizon, in the East or West, because of their superiority [in reward] over them." The people asked, "O Messenger of Allâh, are these the dwellings of the Prophets which no one else can attain?" He replied, "No by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, they are for the men who believed in Allâh, and also in His Messengers."

    [Sahîh al-Bukhâri, Kitâb Bid' al-Khalq, Bâb Sifât al-Jannah wan-Nâr, Fath al-Bâri, 6/220; Sahîh Muslim Kitâb al-Jannah, Bâb tara'i Ahl al-Jannah Ahl al-Ghuraf, 4/2177, no. 2831]

    See how the Holy Prophet (SAW) describes the superiority of these lofty ranks in Paradise over others. Also note that it is not those Prophets (alayhumus Salaam) who will have such high ranks but those people who believed in Allah Ta'ala and His Messengers (Alayhumus Salam). Allah ta'ala knows best.

    Allah says:

    "I have prepared for My slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human heart can imagine". Recite if you wish, "No person know what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do." (32:17).

    In the version reported by Muslim from Abû Hurayrah, there is the addition regarding Paradise and its greatness:

    "Never mind what Allâh has told you; what He has not told you is EVEN greater".

    It is mentioned in another Ahadith:

    The Prophet (saw) said, narrated by al-Bukhâri from Abû Hurayrah:

    "...Paradise has one hundred levels which Allâh has reserved for the mujâhidîn who fight in His Cause and the distance between each of the two grades is like the distance between the heavens and the earth. So when you ask Allâh for something, ask for al-Firdaws which is the best and highest part of Paradise. Above it is the throne of the Most Merciful, and from it originate the rivers of Paradise".

    [al-Bukhâri in as-Sahîh, Kitâb al-Jihâd, Bâb Darajat al-Mujâhidîn fi Sabîlillâh, Fath al-Bâri, 6/11]

    It is mentioned in another Ahadith:

    Muslim reports from al-Mughîrah ibn Shu'bah that the Messenger of Allâh (saw) said:

    "Musâ asked his Rabb, "Who will have the lowest position in Paradise?" Allâh said, "A man who will come after the people of Paradise have entered Paradise. He will be told, "Enter Paradise",and he will say, "O my Rabb, how? The people have already taken their places." He will be asked, "Will you not be content if you could have the equivalent of a kingdom on earth?" He will say, "Yes, my Rabb". So he will be told, "You will have that and as much again, and as much again, and as much again, and as much again."

    On the fifth time, he will say, "I am content with that, my Rabb". He will be told, "You will have all that and ten times more; you will have whatever your heart desires and whatever will delight your eyes." The man will say, "I am content with that". Musâ asked, "My Rabb, who will have the highest status in Paradise?" Allâh said, "They are those whom I choose. I establish their honour with My own hand and then set a seal over it, [and they will be blessed with Bounties] which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human mind can comprehend."

    “Gardens of perpetual bliss- they shall enter them as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their offspring. And Angels shall enter upon them from every gate (with the salutation): "Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!" [Surah ar-Rad, 13: 23 & 24]

    “And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds until behold, they arrive there. Its gates will be open, and its Keepers will say, ‘Peace be upon you! Well have you done, so enter it, abiding in it Eternally.” [Surah Al Zumar, 39: 73]



    Is there God?

    Answer: Yes, uncategorically, no doubt, scientifically and or otherwise.

    Proof: Scientific evidence(s)- Physics has tought us of some of the Fundamental laws of the Universe, to which every particle and planet must abide. One of the fundament principles of Physics is that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted into other forms. This Law underlies that there must be God. For if there was no God, then how was Energy first created let alone the Universe.

    Also, Physicists tell us of the theory of how the Universe came to be, 'The Big Bang'. This theory is used as an excuse not to believe in God. The theory states that a Quark ( the Fundamental Particle) had gained absolutely collosal amounts of energy in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, etc. of a second.

    This theory leaves the door of belief wide open. All one has to do is ask the following questions:
    1. How or where did that Quark come to existance.
    2. Who or what provided the energy to begin the process ( Remember the Energy Laws)
    3. Time- who created time at pre-creation

    Also, another perspective (based upon Dr. Zakir Naik's explanation)

    In Mathematics there is to be found a theory entitled the "Theory of Probability". This theory gives the probability of an event taking place or not taking place. For example, if one is to flip a coin- there is 50% chance for it to land "heads" and 50% chance for it to land "tails". Let's say that we want to find the probability of getting three heads in succesion. Getting "heads" gives us 50% chance, then if we flip again the chance is still 50% but because it is dependent on the first event be "heads", therefore, we need to multiply 0.5 (50%) by 0.5 to give us 0.25 or 25%. Similarly, to toss the coin the third time we must multiply 0.25 by 0.5 which is 0.125 or 12.5%.

    If we apply the Theory of Probability to the Qur'an, and assume that a person has guessed all of the information that is mentioned in the Qur'an that which is unknown at the time the Qur'an was revealed.

    At the time the Qur'an was first revealed, people had different theories of the Earth's shape. Some believed it to be flat, or triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, spherical, etc. If we assume that there could be a total of 30 different ideas on the structure of the Earth, then the chances of the Qur'an saying it is spherical is 1/30.

    The light of the moon was also another aspect which was revealed. Some believed the moon to generate its own light, others believed it was reflected. The answer is that the moon appears to be illuminated due to reflection of light. So, the probabilty of the Qur'an revealing this fact is 0.5 or 1/2.

    Also, up till the few decades, people did not know the structure of every living being- i.e. made of water. If we define 'living being'- this could be wood, plants, fish, steel, gold, humans, every catologued and unknown specie of animal, etc. The possible options could amount to let's say 100,000. The chance that Qur'an is correct is 1/100000 (as a general value).

    Therefore, the chances of the Qur'an being correct in just these cases (there are many more) is 1/30 * 1/2 * 1/100000 - or (0.000000167). The Qur'an reveals these things centuries before the technology was there to prove it scientifically.

    The Qur'an reveals hundreds of things which were unknown at the time of revelation, and the chances that the Qur'an being correct guesses simultaneosly and not comprising of a single error if one can imagine is beyond human comprehension. Therefore, this in itself, is a proof to any logical person that the origin of the Qur'an is Divine (i.e. from Allah).

    Are there Gods or Godesses or just a single Being?

    Answer: Islamic Monetheism teaches us that there can only be one God, Allah.
    (There are many, many reasons why there cannot be more than one God- however, I will try to take a slightly different approach)

    For the purpose of clarification, if let's say for example, that you put together in a single area the world's greatest thinkers. After which, you asked each one to create something simplistic and with function. Doing so will result in utter chaos. Some would interpret the instructions differently, some may not even attempt it, what is certain, however, those who attempted such an experiment- there would be huge differences fundamentally with design and function. This is due to the fact that each person will percieve the task differently, methodologies will be different in the fragmentation, etc.

    Like this, there could be no way fore even a microorganism to function correctly if there is more than one creator. Let alone entire species, planetory functions, orbits, processes of the Universe, etc.

    Q: Which Religion is the True Religion?

    Answer: There can only be one True religion, one which grants favours from Allah, closeness to Allah, Peace, Equality, Tranquility, Genuine Brotherhood, Fairness, Manners, amongst others and that is Islam.

    Islam is the first "religion"- and started as we know it from the time of Sayidinah Adam (AS) and will never cease to exist. Islam isn't a religion but a way of life (Deen), in which one is constantly absorbed in the worship of Allah T'ala.

    It involves 5 main pillors- deficiency in 1 pillor will result in the rest collapsing.

    The Kalimah- La Elhah Ill Lal Lah (There is none worthy of worship apart from Allah).

    Prayers (Salat Fardh)- Prayers which have been obligatory to muslims (The 5 times daily Prayers)

    Fasting in Ramadan- The fast be held for this month by Muslims (it is Fardh)

    Hajj- Pilgrimage to the Kabah in Mecca

    Zakat- giving to the poor. 2.5% per head of SAVINGS goes to Zakat.

    Every person, from Adam(AS) to the last man is in search of true peace, love, amongst others- and this is what was promised to all believers who undertook the Kalimah.

    Islam is Truth, its fundamentals lie on firm belief in Allah (Ta'ala) as the sole Creator- to which He has no partner. Also, firm belief in the Holy Prophet (SA) as the Seal of the Prophets, and Slave of Allah.
    To have firm belief that EACH and EVERY action drives one closer to the Hellfire unless it is done as the Prophet (SA) did, only then will it benefit and grant success to the user in this life and the Eternal Hereafter.

    All background research in any religion should lead one to the conclusion that Islam is the True Religion.

    Allah (Ta'Ala) has Himself promised that the Quran shall never be altered.
    Other Religios books (Torah, Bible, Gospels, etc.) have all been altered someway during its time.
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