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Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to know :(

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    Zobia's Avatar Full Member
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    Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to know :(

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    Salam alaikum

    Ok I'm lost like I've never been lost before in regards to learning knowledge. Ok, so in learning knowledge obviously we have to look out for those who innovate and those who preach misguidance, and we are to avoid anyone who does this and only what is authentic should be learnt. But recently I've learnt that I shouldnt be looking at Islam QA, I shouldnt be taking heed of what ibn taymiyahh advised, I shouldnt listen to certain shaykhs because some of them have once or twice said something that wasnt supposed to be said (i.e likened Allah to the creation astagfirullah)
    So then I was introduced to AICP. There are a few opposing views to the people who are members of AICP; apparently AICP happens to be an organisation and they preach authentic knowledge and the shaykhs that teach are authentic but due to looking at various opinions of this organisation; I've read that they are deviated and some say they are not.

    How am I ever meant to know what I'm learning is authentic? Learning the knowledge is obligatory upon us and it makes sense that its obligatory but how am i supposed to know what is obligatory? What tafseer is authentic, what shaykh is authentic and its weighing me down because we need to learn the religion and I cant because I dont know what is authentic and what isnt.
    I know there are AICP centres around the UK and I want someone, anyone who has known about the AICP, who has visited the centres, who has been part of this organisation to tell me what is it like? What do they do? I read somewhere on the net that both genders sit together and there is melodious singing I think about the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wassalam) but I'm not sure about that so dont take that as solid evidence. Is any of this true? Do the AICP do anything like this?

    I want advice and insight into this organisation and what it is like from those who have been there and from those who are authentically informed about it (i.e. its actual factual evidence)

    Jazakallah Khairan

    Last edited by Zobia; 10-26-2012 at 09:41 PM.
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    Hulk's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to kno

    Relax sis..
    Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to know :(

    RE0IROm 1 - Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to know :(
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    Re: Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to kno

    Sister, alot of us have gone through this stage. I'll tell u this, simply listen to Islamic lectures like you used to, visit IslamQA, visit other fatwa sites too. If there is a difference, its probably valid and legitimate.

    DON'T have a sectarian or group mentality. Alhamdulillah most Muslim groups nowadays are sincere, and its quite easy to know if a person is speaking about the Sunnah because its quite obvious that they're not saying something questionable. And if you get any doubts about anything questionable, simply ask here on this forum and someone will give u a simple answer.

    Dont wind yourself up and stress yourself out. We're living in a time when its even recommended sometimes to unite with Muslims who might even do small innovations for the sake of Muslim unity, because the salaf only shunned innovators because the Sunnah was strong back then and shunning them made them return back to the Sunnah. Now we're living in a time when we need to approach all Muslims to unite under good things and ignore our small differences for the sake of Muslim unity (in dawah etc).

    So dont stress too much. Simply do it like you did before, listen to Islamic lectures (ie. from http://kalamullah.com) and visit IslamQA.com and other Muslim sites, then whenever in doubt - simply ask here.

    Also please see:

    the Low Eman blog.


    And watch Nouman Ali Khan's lectures on youtube because he helps you get closer to the Quran and how we can unite under it. He's a kool talker and funny too. It will remove your mind off this stress and unite all us Muslims under 1 thing - the Miracle of the Quran.

    Trust me, we've all been through what you've been through and things get easier if u listen to my advice inshaa Allah
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    Muwaahid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to kno

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zobia View Post
    Salam alaikum

    Ok I'm lost like I've never been lost before in regards to learning knowledge. Ok, so in learning knowledge obviously we have to look out for those who innovate and those who preach misguidance, and we are to avoid anyone who does this and only what is authentic should be learnt.

    *******You are correct sister, you see we have usool [principles] , and it is incumbent that we learn them and utilize them in our daily lives. Our Deen is based on the Qur'aan and the AUTHENTICATED Sunnah upon the UNDERSTANDING OF THE COMPANIONS. You see everyone of those groups and sects in existence claim the Qur'aan and Sunnah right? Maybe with the exception of the shias and the qur'aaniyoon. But in general everyone claims the quran and the sunnah right, then why do we differ? We differ because we have not restricted ourselves to what brings about success and happiness and salvation and freedom from the fire and do you know what that is? Understanding this religion [i.e the Qur'aan wa Sunnah] upon the understanding of the companions. What did Allah say concerning the companions "radhia Allahu Anhum wa Radhoo Anhu" Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him" [9:100] What else did Allah say concerning them? "whoever opposes the messenger after the guidance has been explained to them, AND FOLLOWS A WAY OTHER THAN THE WAY OF THE BELIEVERS then We shall turn them to what they turned themselves to and enter them in the hellfire, oh what an evil abode"[4:115] Who are the believers that Allah is referring to here? Ibn Abee Jamrah [rahimahullah] mentioned in Bahjatun-Nufoos which is an explanation of Saheeh Bukhaaree concerning that verse "Indeed those who were intended here are the companions, the first generation." So opposing the Messenger [alayhi salam] and following a way other than the companions is a sure fire way to the hellfire. Allah further gives us guidance in this affair when He mentions, "And if they believed as you believe only then shall they be guided" [2:137] So we must take our creed from the companions of the Messenger of Allah [alayhi salam] as they were the best of creation after the prophets and messengers [alayhimus-salam] And the prophet alayhi salam bore witness to their khayriyyah [their goodness] when he was asked,"who are the best of people?" To which he said, "I AM and THOSE THAT ARE WITH ME [MEANING THE COMPANIONS] THEN THOSE WHO CAME AFTER THEM AND THEN THOSE WHO CAME AFTER THEM" The Prophet [alayhi salam] spoke of three generations the companions, [the first generation] the followers of the companions [second generations also known as the Taabi'oon] and the next generation THIRD GENERATION [the third generation who are known as the at'baa'i taabi'een]. If this is clear, then we can proceed unto the next isssue which is? FOLLOW THEM IN WHAT? Since we know from the evidence listed above that Allah spoke of the companions with nothing but goodness and Allah's Messenger also spoke highly of them in another narration when he mentioned"the best generation is my generation and those who followed after them and those who followed after them"
    When the prophet [alayhi salam] spoke of their khayriyyah [goodness] he didnt restrict that goodness to one particular subject or area which means that their khayriyyah [goodness] in everything imaginable, they were the best in their Ibaadaat[worship] they were the best in their [fahm:understanding of the Book and the Sunnah] they were the best in manners and morals, the best in sticking to the sunnah, explaining the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, they were the best in implementing this deen,and they were the best in understanding the Aqeedah derived from the book and the sunnah. So we should follow them in all that was mentioned above and what has not been mentioned because they were the best of people and those who followed them in what was mentioned above. So with rspect to aicp then they are Ash'aarees or called the Ashaa'irah which is a deviant sect who believe that they know Allah better than Allah knows Himself and that they knew Allah better than the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu alayhi wa salam]. What do I mean? Allah informs us in the Qur'aan about Himself,[Allah and His Messenger informed us about Allah, what Allah affirms for Himself and what He negates from Himself, like Allah is Ar-Rahmaan and that He doesnt sleep] His names and attributes and qualities and actions, so by Allah mentioning them He is speaking the truth and the Messenger [alayhi salam] as we know only conveyed to humanity what Allah revealed to him from His Lord as Allah says,"and he does not speak of his own desires it is nothing but revelation revealed to him" so what ever the messenger [alayhi salam] informed us about Allah then we are to believe in it as well. Those in AICP negate from Allah what Allah affirms to Himself and they negate from Allah what the messenger [alayhi salam] affirmed for Allah, so who do we follow? Do we follow the AICP or do we believe in what Allah says who is Al-Aleem, Al-Allaamul Ghuyoob, Al-Hakeem? We believe in Allah as He described Himself and as His Messenger [alayhi salam] described Him we affirm to Allah what He affirmed to Himself and we negate from Allah what Allah and His Messenger negated from Allah. This is the way of the companions. Which AICP oppose, so do we follow them and hang out with them and sit in their gatherings and smile in their faces eventhough they opposed the way of the companions? And opposing the way of the companions is HARAAM! Something becomes Haraam when we find in the Qur'aan and the sunnah Allah or His Messenger[alayhi salam] mentioning the fire of hell or some type of punishment linked to a certain action like following a way other than the way of the companions.

    But recently I've learnt that I shouldnt be looking at Islam QA, I shouldnt be taking heed of what ibn taymiyahh advised, I shouldnt listen to certain shaykhs because some of them have once or twice said something that wasnt supposed to be said (i.e likened Allah to the creation astagfirullah)

    *******This is the dawah of AICP they do tashbeeh [liken Allah to His creation] so as a result they developed baatil [false corrupt]beliefs saying we cant say this about Allah, Who is more knowledgable about Allah? Allah or AICP?who is more truthful in speech than Allah? Allah or them? Who is better at conveying the truth about Allah? Allah or AICP? Is there anyone who knows Allah better than Allah knows Himself? Of course not! Not possible, so AICP have not only lied on Allah and lied on the messenger they are also leading muslims astray.

    So then I was introduced to AICP. There are a few opposing views to the people who are members of AICP; apparently AICP happens to be an organisation and they preach authentic knowledge and the shaykhs that teach are authentic but due to looking at various opinions of this organisation; I've read that they are deviated and some say they are not.

    ******They are from the 73 sects which 72 of these sects are in the hellfire, do you know who will be saved from these seventy three sects? Those who followed the companions in their beliefs, statements and actions and understanding and implementation of the deen. Their beliefs, their aqeedah opposesses the way of the companions so what do we do with their statements? their understandings? their aqeedah? we abandon it and distance ourselves completely away from them to preserve our beliefs.

    How am I ever meant to know what I'm learning is authentic?

    ********Utilizing the Usoool, Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions and those who followed them and those who followed them, three generations.

    Learning the knowledge is obligatory upon us and it makes sense that its obligatory but how am i supposed to know what is obligatory? What tafseer is authentic, what shaykh is authentic and its weighing me down because we need to learn the religion and I cant because I dont know what is authentic and what isnt.

    *****Authentic tafseer tafseer at-tabari, tafseer ibn katheer, tafseer al- baydawee tafseer al-baghawee are just a few to name.

    I know there are AICP centres around the UK and I want someone, anyone who has known about the AICP, who has visited the centres, who has been part of this organisation to tell me what is it like? What do they do? I read somewhere on the net that both genders sit together and there is melodious singing I think about the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wassalam) but I'm not sure about that so dont take that as solid evidence. Is any of this true? Do the AICP do anything like this?

    ****it should be clear to stay away from them becaUSE OF THEIR EVIL CREED AND LYING ON ALLAH.

    I want advice and insight into this organisation and what it is like from those who have been there and from those who are authentically informed about it (i.e. its actual factual evidence) please do not make this into a LONG thread of arguing or opposing views amongst yourselves please! I just need insight and its not helping anyone if there is some kind of arguement going on here

    There shouldnt be any arguing the truth is the truth, and by you only restricting the answers to first hand knowledge then you are restricting the truth as well. The truth is the truth no matter how it comes or who it comes from. One of the main issues of people who post on webboards with questions is that they expose the wickedness of deviant beliefs to the Muslim ummah thus opening the door to misguidance for other Muslims. There maybe muslims in the usa not familiar with AICP and because you want to restrict the way responses come instead of hearing the haqq period you open the door to their misguidance. Ask for the truth and do not conditions on it.
    Jazakallah Khairan

    I ask Allah Azza wa Jall to guide us all and to be very dilligent in upholding the truth and sticking to the way of the companions! Allahumma ameen
    Lost like I've never been lost. What's right, What's not? I'm too confused to know :(

    فمن كان يريد حقا الرجوع الى الكتاب والسنة, فليزمه الرجوع الى ما كان عليه أصحاب النبي عليه السلام و التابعين و أتباعهم من بعدهم
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