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It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

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    It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time? (OP)

    I really want to know if I can ask God To To reverse the time till the moment He wants To Create Pen, Before we reach 2018, only for one time and finish?

    I want to know if I can ask like this.

    “My Lord! Please, hear my voice, and reverse the time till the moment You Created Pen, because I have too much problems and sometimes I have problems for nothing and I have unjust life. And plus I have simulation exam next year in March 2018 and I’m in a dangerous situation that I might fail the simulation and To Send the Bible in the “Age of Prophets”, and To Protect the following books from corruption: Torah, Gospel, Bible, Zabur and Quran. And To Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books that Heaven is only for Jews, Christians and Muslims only, and To Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books that, “Whoever dies as a Christian, will definitely enter Heaven” and “Whoever dies as a Jew will definitely enter Heaven” and “Whoever dies as a Muslim will definitely enter Heaven” even after one of them are Punished.

    And please My Lord, Make in such that it will be permissible for us to make images of living things even for fun. And To Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books that the angels of mercy do not enter a house where a person have the intention of worshiping the image and imitate You and it is a great sin. And To Make in such that You can Say that Whoever wish to play a game that contain images, strong violent and language and nudity, it is permissible, but with condition for this person to play only for a short period of time, because there are other important things to do like: studying, performing prayers and doing good deeds. And Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have to celebrate: Adha&Fitra, Halloween, New Year, Easter Day, Names Day, Ramadan, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and April Fool’s Day with exception not to make lies against or about prophets, angels and God but rest, it is permissible. And To Make in such that today there will be the same movies, TV series, video games and platforms. And please My Lord, Make in such that from year -10 we( Romanians) are the most advanced nation in all point of views in the world so that the doctors can have the second chance to save my grandfather from death by Your will, and please, Make life for the following planets such as: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn itself, Jupiter itself, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto and others too from outside our Solar System, and To Make life for entire galaxy Milky Way so that every planet from galaxy Milky Way to have life.
    And To Make other new countless of alien advanced alien civilizations and To Make other new countless of human civilizations around galaxy and Universes. And please My Lord, Make other new galaxies, planets, continents and islands and Make new human races on Earth. And please My Lord, Make in such that the body and the brain of a child to fully develop at age of 28 not at age of 18, so that I can have second chance to enjoy my childhood even though I’m 18 years old and to make more good deeds and honor my parents so that I can tell You on the Day of Judgement that I was kind to my parents, relatives and neighborhood and I used to perform prayers a lot. And please My Lord, Make in such that the person under age of 28 is everywhere in this life is a child, but if one is above age of 28 is an adult with all point of views. And please My Lord, after I will born again, please! Help me to be damned ambitious on studying worldly sciences and performing prayers and studying culture and other things, and please Make in such that the colleagues from my high school and from old secondary school, to be everyone in the kindergarten, where I was, so that I can build with them a very strong friendship and trust and to build a very nice memory. Please My Lord, I beg You, even though I’m not a prophet nor a messenger, but please do this miracle only for second and the last chance and this chance You have to every creature in this life to be as a warning, because if one did not took the opportunity You gave, then, game over, no more third chance. And please My Lord, after You will bring me again on the same date You created me, Help me study in such that today I can be in one of the best high schools in Romania, and To Help me reach to one of the top best college in the world and to be successful in passing the final exam at the college. And please My Lord, Send Your holy books in every language ever existed on Earth, so that if one wish to perform prayers in his language than Arabic, then it will be valid. And please My Lord, Give To Whoever You wish to ability to resurrect someone death after 20 years or more, and To Make this ability to be extremely rare as a sign that You can do whatever You wish. And please My Lord, Make another best prayer for night, and To Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books that: “Whoever does not perform 5x a day the daily prayers, then at least say the obligatory night prayers while you are in bed ready to sleep in case anyone of you feel lazy to perform the daily prayers, but if one feels lazy even to perform the obligatory night prayers, then it is a disbelief and if one say the night prayers is like he performed 5 times a day”. And please My Lord, Make in such that it will exist this phase about “3:00 AM Siri challenge” and other things. And please Make in such that Synagogues, those three Christian Churches and Mosques to be Your holy Places of worship and praying, and To Make in such that You can Say that Jews, Christians and Muslims are My true believing nations, and To Make in such that it will be permissible for a Muslim girl to marry a Christian boy or a Jewish boy only. And To Make in such that it will be permissible for a Muslim to change he his or her religion, but after this must accept Christianity or Judaism, and To Make in such that the birth day of Jesus Christ to be on 25-12–0 and To Write in Your holy books when is his birthday. Please My Lord, I got to admit that You created us to worship You and To Text us, but please!! I need only second chance and last chance to fix myself. And Please, Make other new plants for smoking and To Make these plants to be good for smoking so that we can make choices which cigarette we want, and some are haram and some are halal. And To Make in such that every prophet You Sent, To Make in such that they can wish blessings for Jews, Christians and Muslims. And To Make in such that we can have access on intergalactic travel and interstellar travel in 2017, and To Make in such that we can have also access on traveling with a speed of light, speed faster than the speed of light and traveling through wormholes to any destination we want to go. And To Make in such that today we can live in a much cleaner environment than on the “Age of Dinosaurs” and much advanced and futuristic world. And To Make in such that few countries that I know to have 900.000 years old and To Make in such that we can form a very powerful friendship and history and so on. And please My Lord, Make in such that the birth day of prophet Muhammad to be in 1977, in Bucharest so that I can have chance to be his best friend ever and To Make in such that I can be an Christian Orthodox, because right now, I can’t change my religion( Islam), because that would me a disbelief and I don’t simply wish to change my religion just because I hate it or something bad, no, I have nothing to do with Islam, and plus I like Islam, but I’m curious to know, how is to be a Christian boy at age of 18, and To Make in such that a person can memorize the Grave Questions and then even if he wasn’t able to follow Quran and the teachings of prophet Muhammad, but still he will be able and To Make in such that this person can be able to ask Your forgiveness even though he is in Grave. And To Make in such that prophet Muhammad would not marry a little girl, but a woman in his age only so that people of today would not have any reason to make fun of him, and To Make in such that Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are the greatest religions of all and true believing religions, and To Make in such that You can Say in Your holy books like: “Whoever force or suggest a believing male or female from amongst the believing group of people, has committed a great disbelief” so that if my Muslim father will suggest my Christian mother to convert to Islam, even with anger then my Muslim uncle can tell him that it is disbelief to do that, and I have my own reason why so wish that. And To Make in such that every level of education to have the winter vacation to be 5 or 4 weeks and the Summer vacation to be from the first day of Summer till the last day of Summer, because I want to have fun and to have extra time to study in Summer vacation and in Winter vacation. And please My Lord, Change the other things of human body and To Make it be lawful. And please My Lord, Make in such that You want To Reverse time and fulfill these wishes and not because I wish so. And To Make in such that the new life You Made after You reversed the time, to be as You Made the life in first place. And please, please, please My Lord, Make in such that You can Send new life lessons, like for example.

    Prophet Muhammad used to visit an cimintary and suddenly he heard a voice of a person in Grave that is crying sooo badly and the angels beat him sooo badly and start asking himself: “What is going on with me?” And suddenly this man or woman hears a voice saying:

    “I’m Allah and your Almighty Father, the Lord of the World, I’m the only one God. My child: “you have been an evil disbeliever, you mocked My Signs and Me, you mocked and disbelieved in Prophets, angels and Me, so therefor taste the severe Punishment and the Punishment will continue till the Day of Judgement when I will wake every single creature I ever created including you, and I’m very angry and disappointed at you, and I had plan To Make reward you in Grave, but you did not wanted, so taste the severe Punishment and you will be thrown in Hell and I will decide when you shall be brought out from Hell and admit you to Paradise and you shall suffer more than the sinner believers and the other one is a good believer in Grave and I’m very pleased with him but as for you, no and I can be the most merciful and most punishing.”

    I know this one people of Scriptures believe in this but I want this belief to be true. And please, My Lord, Make in such that I can be half Romanian and half American by birth. And To Make in such that I can have luck to find ancient gold coins, and To Make in such that there is a ancient gold count that shows the face of prophet Moses in it, and To Make that this picture to be true that this how he looks and To Make in such that I can have luck to find by mistake other ancient gold coins that I wished to have. Please My Lord, Give us second and last chance, and then after You reversed the time, To Set the time in such that You don’t want anymore for no one ever To reverse the time again. Please, My Lord, Reverse the time only for one time and finish. Please? And please! Make for us a Supplication for snow. Please My Lord, I don’t have any intention to go against Your will but I only ask You To do that, only one time and please My Lord, Send Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad to all Mankind and Jinnkind, and please Make in such that angels and Jinns can celebrate Christmas and other things that I mentioned and To Lock the devils on New Year, Christmas, Ramadan, Adha&Fitra, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Easter Day and Names Day. and To Make in such that You can enjoy these celebrations, and To Make in such that it will be permissible for Muslims to celebrate birthday with cake, blowing into candles and so on and to be our( Jews, Christians and Muslims) traditions and the rest are not allowed to copy us, and To Make in such that non believers can have their own celebrations. And To Make in such that my parents can have jobs than today and To Make in such that they can have villa near beach and Make in such that even today we can send people on Moon and on other moons and planets for exploration. And Make in such that we can make Space camps on Moon and Make in such that every Summer vacation to have opportunity to get registered to go to space camp and Make for us sports and Add in them acts of worship and praying, please My Lord, I’m even afraid to go anywhere in future and I hate this life because I have unjust life and too many problems and I promise You that when I’ll born again then I will study more and pray more as You asked and Make in such that it will be permissible for a Jewish to become Christian and a Muslim to become a Christian or Jew or Jews and Christians to become Muslims only. And To Make in such that people of Scriptures and Muslims love each other and help each other in good and To Make in such that the devils to have people of Scriptures and Muslims and To grant a great protection over the people of Scriptures and Muslims.”

    Please can anyone answer this question? And before this, read a whole text carefully, and answer it and tell me if it is ok to ask from God this? And if, yes, can you tell me how to make this Du’a to be answered? And if, no, can you tell me the reasons of why I can’t? I really want to know if I can or no to ask Him this. It’s urgent to know, because I don’t whether if I can or not to ask Him this. Do you think that these wishes are ok and do not go against nothing?

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

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    So this means that, even if I keep making this Du’a, this doesn’t mean that it will going to happen? Because anyone can make Du’a, right? Because God Says: those who don’t call Me, shall be Punished severely, and I’m making this Du’a for some good reasons that I have.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    So this means that, even if I keep making this Du’a, this doesn’t mean that it will going to happen? Because anyone can make Du’a, right? Because God Says: those who don’t call Me, shall be Punished severely, and I’m making this Du’a for some good reasons that I have.

    As far as Dua is concerned, Any dua that is against a declaration or attribute of Allah SWT in itself becomes Haraam and instead of getting a reward - you will get punished for the dua.

    Example: In Surah Ikhlaas Allah SWT declares unambiguously "I beget not, nor am I begotten".

    Consider the following hypothetical situation: A Muslim for some reason now suddenly thinks it fit that Allah SWT should have a child. A child in the sense of a carnal reproductive act etc. And now this Muslim makes dua that Allah SWT produce a child.

    If this person understands the meaning of Surah Ikhlaas (and I am using this as minimum evidence) The very dua in itself will project the person into boarder line or even complete Kufr.

    People have already explained to you in the simplest of terms regarding this issue.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    Ok, I think I understand now. I’ll take away from my mind this thing.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    And not only that, there are other things which I wished to be and I have my reasons, why I wish that to happen.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    Oh, and can you tell me if other wishes than this, is ok? And they do not go against nothing? Just to know.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    And please Make in such that Synagogues, those three Christian Churches and Mosques to be Your holy Places of worship and praying, and To Make in such that You can Say that Jews, Christians and Muslims are My true believing nations, and To Make in such that it will be permissible for a Muslim girl to marry a Christian boy or a Jewish boy only. And To Make in such that it will be permissible for a Muslim to change he his or her religion, but after this must accept Christianity or Judaism, and To Make in such that the birth day of Jesus Christ to be on 25-12–0 and To Write in Your holy books when is his birthday.
    You are basically asking for kufr.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Prophet Muhammad used to visit an cimintary and suddenly he heard a voice of a person in Grave that is crying sooo badly and the angels beat him sooo badly and start asking himself: “What is going on with me?” And suddenly this man or woman hears a voice saying:

    “I’m Allah and your Almighty Father, the Lord of the World, I’m the only one God. My child: “you have been an evil disbeliever, you mocked My Signs and Me, you mocked and disbelieved in Prophets, angels and Me, so therefor taste the severe Punishment and the Punishment will continue till the Day of Judgement when I will wake every single creature I ever created including you, and I’m very angry and disappointed at you, and I had plan To Make reward you in Grave, but you did not wanted, so taste the severe Punishment and you will be thrown in Hell and I will decide when you shall be brought out from Hell and admit you to Paradise and you shall suffer more than the sinner believers and the other one is a good believer in Grave and I’m very pleased with him but as for you, no and I can be the most merciful and most punishing.”
    Allah is not a father nor are we his children. He is our Lord and we are His Slaves.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    My Lord, Send Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad to all Mankind and Jinnkind, and please Make in such that angels and Jinns can celebrate Christmas and other things that I mentioned and To Lock the devils on New Year, Christmas, Ramadan, Adha&Fitra, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Easter Day and Names Day. and To Make in such that You can enjoy these celebrations, and To Make in such that it will be permissible for Muslims to celebrate birthday with cake, blowing into candles and so on and to be our( Jews, Christians and Muslims) traditions and the rest are not allowed to copy us
    -_- I'm quite concerned about your tawheed. Are you new to Islam? Have you been raised as a Christian?
    It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    Yes, I’m new to Islam and I have been raised as a Christian, then I have converted to Islam at age of 15. And on here I referred on To treat us like that, because I’m curious to know how it will be then. And plus, of course He is our Lord, and I do believe in that, and the only thing is, that I’m asking His Permission only, if He agrees or not with that.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Yes, I’m new to Islam and I have been raised as a Christian, then I have converted to Islam at age of 15. And on here I referred on To treat us like that, because I’m curious to know how it will be then. And plus, of course He is our Lord, and I do believe in that, and the only thing is, that I’m asking His Permission only, if He agrees or not with that.
    Ok but brother, even when asking Allah we have to do so with utmost respect and do it in the way the prophet muhammed (pbuh) taught us to do it. You have to keep in mind that everything you do has to begin with a pure intention and you must meet it with the correct action. You may have pure intentions, but you are still learning about the actions, and that's ok. However, you should first start with the basics and understanding Islam truly before jumping to questionable and nonsensical ideas such as time-travel, for example.

    You also can't ask for the mixing of religions together. There are some similarities in the abrahamic faiths and they are all from Allah, but Islam is distinguished and is the final message to follow. You have to build your pride in the perfection of Islam as it is and in the oneness of Allah. Do you understand?
    It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    And, and what about other wishes that this? Are they ok?

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    And, and what about other wishes that this? Are they ok?
    Go to page 40 of this pdf Dua: the Weapon of the Believer. The heading on that page will be: 4. For respect to What is asked. Read that chapter. It should answer your questions and give you clarification inshallah. Read the entire book if you like. It's a really good book about du'a. If you have more questions about this, come back to this thread and ask
    It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    Well, I wars asking for both, for this life and in Hereafter, this is why I want to ask this from Him. So that I can have second and last chance to fix myself so that I can have better life in this and in Hereafter.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    There’s is something which is unclear to me. How is wishing for God To chose Catholic and Orthodox and Synagogue and Mosques to be His holy Places of worship and To Make Jesus Christ’s birth day to be on 25-12-0 and To Write in His holy books the birth day of Jesus is Kufr? This where I don’t understand.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    And my wish was that He would chose People of Scriptures and Muslims to be treated as true believing groups of people, so that even if my Christian mother does not want to enter Islam, at least she truly accepts and believe in prophet Muhammad because God Gas written in Bible too and other Christians, so that I can meet my entire family in Heaven even though my family is divided in Christians and Muslims, because right now, I’m afraid that she might not enter ever in Heaven and I would feel alone without her. This is one of the reasons.

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    Re: It is permissible for someone to ask Allah To reverse the time?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    There’s is something which is unclear to me. How is wishing for God To chose Catholic and Orthodox and Synagogue and Mosques to be His holy Places of worship and To Make Jesus Christ’s birth day to be on 25-12-0 and To Write in His holy books the birth day of Jesus is Kufr? This where I don’t understand.
    We don't celebrate birthdays. What is the purpose of having Isa's (Jesus) alayhisalaam birthday known or on that specific date except for to celebrate Christmas, which is a kufr holiday. As for holy places of worship, you can worship everywhere on this earth as long as you are not in a room with images or idols.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    And my wish was that He would chose People of Scriptures and Muslims to be treated as true believing groups of people, so that even if my Christian mother does not want to enter Islam, at least she truly accepts and believe in prophet Muhammad because God Gas written in Bible too and other Christians, so that I can meet my entire family in Heaven even though my family is divided in Christians and Muslims, because right now, I’m afraid that she might not enter ever in Heaven and I would feel alone without her. This is one of the reasons.
    You can make du'a that Allah guides your mother and guides those people to Islam. Shirk is one of the major sins, so it wouldn't make sense that they would enter jannah when they do not even believe in Islam. When you are in paradise, you will not feel alone. You won't feel sadness or any other negative emotion. You can ask Allah to open your mother's heart towards islam and you can be a good example to her for what a Muslim is. What islam is now can never be changed. We have to change ourselves instead. Ever second we are alive is an opportunity to make a change and worship Allah so take advantage of that.
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