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Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

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    Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

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    1 Definition & Classification of Miracles.

    2 Evidence from Quran.

    2.1 Bibi Maryam (ra) Mother of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him)

    2.2 Bibi Maryam (ra) and The Dead Palm Tree.

    2.3 People of Cave (Ashab-e-Kahf)

    2.4 The sun changed its orbit for the People of Cave (Ashab-e-Kahf)

    2.5 Dead fish became alive at place of Khidr (alihis salam)

    2.6 Kashf & Miracles of Khidr:

    2.7 Asif bin Barkhiya(ra) brought throne of Bilqis (ra) in blink of the eye.

    3 Evidence from Hadith.

    3.1 Hadith Qudsi: Allah says “he becomes hands and legs” of His Pious worshiper.

    3.2 Hadith-e-Nabwi regarding power of Aulia:

    3.3 Beware of the gaze of a momin for he sees with the Noor of Allah.

    3.4 Blessed presence of Khidr (AS) used to turn a barren land into greenery.

    4 Demonstration of few acts of Sahaba.

    4.1 Karamat/Kashf of Abu Bakar (ra) (1st Caliph)

    4.2 Karamat & Kashf of Hazrath Umar (ra) (2nd Caliph)

    4.3 Karamat of Hazrath Utman (ra) (3rd Caliph)

    4.4 Karamat/Kashf of Hazrath Ali (ra) (4th Caliph)

    4.5 Kashf of Bibi Fatima (ra)

    4.6 Karamat/Kashf of Imam Hussan ra.

    4.7 Karamat of Imam Hussain (ra)

    4.8 The Pious prisoner and bunch of grapes:

    4.9 The Light of Usayd Ibn Hudhayr and Abbad ibn Bishr (radhiAllahu anhuma)

    4.10 Sayyiduna Safina and Tiger in woods

    4.11 Three men and the cave.

    4.12 Abu Ubaida and the dead Fish Al-Anbar

    4.13 Reciting Quran in Grave

    4.14 Sending 1000 dinars placed in wood across the sea.

    4.15 Miracle of Juraij and child speaking from Cradle

    4.16 Miracle of an infant child his kashf and speaking to his mother whilst he is at age of suckling milk

    Definition & Classification of Miracles

    A miracle is a phenomenon not explained by known laws of nature, or an act by some super natural entity which is beyond the capability of common men and of his understanding. Quran states about the miraculous pious man Sayyiduna Khidr that, when Musa (peace be upon him) asked Sayyiduna Khidr (AS) to permit him to stay with him for some time, Khidr (AS) said “you can never stay with me and how you will keep patience over that which your knowledge encompasses not” [Surah Kahf 18:66-68]

    To say in simple words a miracle is an extraordinary act which a mind cannot comprehend or give logical explanations for.

    Miracles are agreed upon amongst the pious predecessors and the authentic scholars who came after them. The existence of miracles is also proven by the Qur’an and the Hadith. The existence of miracles of prophet, awliya and the pious is an established fact. Numerous miracles have been mentioned in the Qur’an and also in the life histories of the Sahaaba, such as sustenance given to bibi Maryam (ra), Ashab-e-kahf (ra), Asif bin Barkhiya and so on which will be discussed in forth coming sections, denying them would be similar to denying the existence of the sun.

    It must be understood that all the miracles, whether it be from prophets or from Aulia, is indeed the bestowed power and is by acceptance of Allah, who can bestow powers to whomsoever he pleases. To deny the existence of miracles is to deny Quran & Hadith and leads to astray.

    The Criteria of classifying the extra ordinary events as a miracle varies depending on Emaan and status of the demonstrator of the act. Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami has states the classification as follows :-

    1: Irhas – Irhas is manifestation/demonstraction of such thing by a Prophet before [the declaration of] his Prophethood.

    2: Mujizah – is manifested after the declaration of Prophethood, Mujizah (miracle).

    3: Karamah – If a similar wonder is manifested by a Wali, then it is called Karamat.

    4: Maunat – If exhibited by a Mumin (true believer).

    5: Istidraj – If such a supernatural manifestation is exhibited by some Kafir (unbeliever) or a transgressor, then it is termed as Istidraj.

    (Bahar-e-Shariat, vol. 1, pp. 56-58, publication of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, Pakistan)

    In this article we explore Karamah of Sahaba & Aulia i.e the miracles performed by Aulia Allah

    2 Evidence from Quran

    2.1 Bibi Maryam (ra) Mother of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him)

    Whenever Zakariyya entered the place where Maryam prayed, he would find unseasonal fruits there [i.e., the summer fruits during the winter and vice versa]. He asked her how she got it. She replied that this was Allah’s endowment. Allah gives whomever He willed whatever quantity He willed. [Al Imran 3:37]

    This verse of the Holy Quran explicitly establishes the miracles of the Saints. Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) was not a Prophet, but a saint.

    Unseasonal fruits and food/sustenance being present without any visible worldly means is the miracle of Hadhrat Maryam (ra)

    2.2 Bibi Maryam (ra) and The Dead Palm Tree

    When the time for the birth of Hadhrat ‘Isa (May peace be upon him) drew close, his mother Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) approached a dry date palm with no dates on it. Allah Most High said:

    And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee, thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall upon thee. [Surah Maryam 19:25]

    It is mentioned in the verse that the moment Hadhrat Maryam (May peace be upon her) touched the trunk of the date palm, it started shedding fresh dates in her lap. For a dead tree to become green again, it takes time. A tree does not become fruit bearing in a few moments or a few hours. It cannot become green and cover itself with foliage and flowers.

    A dead tree become green and fruit-bearing in just a moment is surely a bestowed miracle of Allah Most High to his pious worshipper Bibi Maryam.

    2.3 People of Cave (Ashab-e-Kahf)

    Allah says in the Holy Quran: “And (the people of the Cave [Kahf]) stayed in their cave for three hundred years and they added another (nine) years (to that).” [Surah Kahf 18:25]

    Here the incident of the people of cave (Ashab-e-Kahf) is being mentioned. These were those pious servants of Allah Most High who were asleep for 309 years. During this entire period, their bodies did not change at all. This whole period, they neither ate nor drank anything.

    This is the miracle through the power of Allah Most High that the People of the Cave spent a period as long as 309 years without eating/drinking. Their bodies were not affected at all and even the dog, which remained at their doorstep, was safe.

    2.4 The sun changed its orbit for the People of Cave (Ashab-e-Kahf)

    And you see that the sun, when it rises, moves to the right from their cave and inclines obliquely from them to the left when it sets while they are (lying) in the open chamber of the cave. This (change of the sun’s course) is one of the (great) Signs of Allah’s (Might). He whom Allah guides is the one who is rightly guided, but one whom He holds strayed you will not find for him any Wali (friend to help) and Murshid (guide to show the path). [ Surah Kahf 18:17 ]

    This is a reality that the sun moves in its own orbit. It neither delays nor makes haste anywhere in its path. It does not swerve a hairbreadth’s worth of distance from its path. This is the system of nature. In spite of all this, Allah Most High granted the People of the Cave such excellence that for the whole time they spent in the cave, the sun swerved from its path. When it would rise on the earth, it would move to its right and while setting, it would move to the left, so that the rays of the sun don’t fall on them.

    This is a sign of the power of Allah Most High and a miracle of the People of the Cave.

    Imam Razi writes in the Tafseer of this verse: “The rising and setting of the sun in this way is against what usually happens and is a great miracle, which Allah Most High has granted to the People of the cave”. (Tafseer Kabeer, Surah Kahf, 17)

    2.5 Dead fish became alive at place of Khidr (alihis salam)

    Quran states that at the place where the Khidr (AS) was living, the cooked fish brought by Moses (peace be upon him) came alive and went into the water.

    “Then when they both reached the meeting place of two seas they forgot their fish, and it found its way in the sea making an underground passage. Then when they had passed over from there, Musa told his servant, bring my breakfast, we have no doubt faced great hardship in this Journey. He said, please see, when we took rest near that rock, then undoubtedly I forgot the fish, and the Satan (devil) made me forget so that I may mention it and it took its way in the sea, in a strange way. [Surah Kahaf18:61-63]

    2.6 Kashf & Miracles of Khidr:

    When Sayyiduna Musa requested Khizr (peace be upon them) to permit him to be with him, he accepted with condition not to ask anything until explained, Quran states the whole narration of his knowledge of unseen and miracles in Surah Kahf

    He (Khidr) said, ‘If you remain with me, then ask, not anything, unless I myself mention it. Now both of them set out, until when they embarked in a boat, he cleaved it. Musa told, ‘have you cleaved it in order to drown its passengers, undoubtedly you have done a wrong thing.’ He said? ‘Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to stay with me.’ Musa said, ‘catch me not for what I forgot and put not difficulty in my affair on me. Again, both of them set out, until when they met a boy he killed him, Musa said. ‘Have you killed an innocent soul without his having killed another? Undoubtedly you have done a hideous thing’. He said, ‘Had I not told you, that you could never keep company with me’? Musa said, ‘If I ask anything to you after this, then keep not company with me; undoubtedly, your excuse is already fulfilled from my side’. Again both went on till they came to the people of a village, they asked the villagers for food, but they refused to entertain them, then the two found a wall about to fall, he set it up right. Musa said, ‘if you had wished, you could have taken a wage for it’. He said, ‘this is the separation between me and you’; now I shall tell you the explanation of those things over which you could not have patience. As for the boat, it belonged to certain poor people who were working in the sea, then I intended to make it faulty and behind them, there was a king who used to seize every perfect boat forcibly. And as for the boy, his parents were Muslims, then we feared that he might involve them in contumacy and infidelity. Then we intended their Lord might give them one better than he in purity and nearer in affection. As for that wall, it belonged to the two orphan lads of the city and underneath it was their treasure and their father was a noble man; then your Lord desired that those two should reach their maturity and bring forth their treasure as a mercy from your Lord, and this I did, not of my own biding. This is the significance of those things on which you could not have patience [Surah Kahf 18:70 to 82]

    The whole story of Moses and Al-Khidr is also told in a hadith and the best commentary of verses & event in words of our beloved Prophet himself:

    Narrated Ibn Juraij: Ya’la bin Muslim and ‘Amr bin Dinar and some others narrated the narration of Said bin Jubair. Narrated Said: While we were at the house of Ibn ‘Abbas, Ibn ‘Abbas said, “Ask me (any question)” I said, “O Abu Abbas! May Allah let me be sacrificed for you ! There is a man at Kufa who is a story-teller called Nauf; who claims that he (Al-Khadir’s companion) is not Moses of Bani Israel.” As for ‘Amr, he said to me, “Ibn ‘Abbas said, “(Nauf) the enemy of Allah told a lie.” But Ya’la said to me, “Ibn ‘Abbas said, Ubai bin Ka’b said, Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Once Moses, Allah’s Apostle, preached to the people till their eyes shed tears and their hearts became tender, whereupon he finished his sermon. Then a man came to Moses and asked, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! Is there anyone on the earth who is more learned than you?’ Moses replied, ‘No.’ So Allah admonished him (Moses), for he did not ascribe all knowledge to Allah. It was said, (on behalf of Allah), ‘Yes, (there is a slave of ours who knows more than you ).’ Moses said, ‘O my Lord! Where is he?’ Allah said, ‘At the junction of the two seas.’ Moses said, ‘O my Lord ! Tell I me of a sign whereby I will recognize the place.’ ” ‘Amr said to me, Allah said, “That place will be where the fish will leave you.” Ya’la said to me, “Allah said (to Moses), ‘Take a dead fish (and your goal will be) the place where it will become alive.’ ” So Moses took a fish and put it in a basket and said to his boy-servant “I don’t want to trouble you, except that you should inform me as soon as this fish leaves you.” He said (to Moses).” You have not demanded too much.” And that is as mentioned by Allah: ‘And (remember) when Moses said to his attendant …. ‘ (18.60) Yusha’ bin Nun. (Said did not state that). The Prophet said, “While the attendant was in the shade of the rock at a wet place, the fish slipped out (alive) while Moses was sleeping. His attend an said (to himself), “I will not wake him, but when he woke up, he forgot to tell him The fish slipped out and entered the sea. Allah stopped the flow of the sea. where the fish was, so that its trace looked as if it was made on a rock. ‘Amr forming a hole with his two thumbs an index fingers, said to me, “Like this, as in its trace was made on a rock.” Moses said “We have suffered much fatigue on this journey of ours.” (This was not narrate by Said). Then they returned back and found Al-Khadir. ‘Uthman bin Abi Sulaiman said to me, (they found him) on a green carpet in the middle of the sea. Al-Khadir was covered with his garment with one end under his feet and the other end under his head. When Moses greeted, he uncovered his face and said astonishingly, ‘Is there such a greeting in my land? Who are you?’ Moses said, ‘I am Moses.’ Al-Khadir said, ‘Are you the Moses of Bani Israel?’ Moses said, ‘Yes.’ Al-Khadir said, “What do you want?’ Moses said, ‘ I came to you so that you may teach me of the truth which you were taught.’ Al-Khadir said, ‘Is it not sufficient for you that the Torah is in your hands and the Divine Inspiration comes to you, O Moses? Verily, I have knowledge that you ought not learn, and you have a knowledge which I ought not learn.’ At that time a bird took with its beak (some water) from the sea: Al-Khadir then said, ‘By Allah, my knowledge and your knowledge besides Allah’s Knowledge is like what this bird has taken with its beak from the sea.’ Until, when they went on board the boat (18.71).

    They found a small boat which used to carry the people from this sea-side to the other sea-side. The crew recognized Al-Khadir and said, ‘The pious slave of Allah.’ (We said to Said “Was that Khadir?” He said, “Yes.”) The boat men said, ‘We will not get him on board with fare.’ Al-Khadir scuttled the boat and then plugged the hole with a piece o wood. Moses said, ‘Have you scuttle it in order to drown these people surely, you have done a dreadful thing. (18.71) (Mujahid said. “Moses said so protestingly.”) Al-Khadir said, didn’t I say that you can have no patience with me?’ (18.72) The first inquiry of Moses was done because of forget fullness (**or not recalling as forgetfulness does not suit in respect for prophet), the second caused him to be bound with a stipulation, and the third was done he intentionally. Moses said, ‘Call me not to account for what I forgot and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you).’ (18.73)

    (Then) they found a boy and Al-Khadir killed him. Ya’la- said: Said said ‘They found boys playing and Al-Khadir got hold of a handsome infidel boy laid him down and then slew him with knife. Moses said, ‘Have you killed a innocent soul who has killed nobody’ (18.74)

    Then they proceeded and found a wall which was on the point of falling down, and Al-Khadir set it up straight Said moved his hand thus and said ‘Al-Khadir raised his hand and the wall became straight. Ya’la said, ‘I think Said said, ‘Al-Khadir touched the wall with his hand and it became straight (Moses said to Al-Khadir), ‘If you had wished, you could have taken wages for it. Said said, ‘Wages that we might had eaten.’

    And there was a king in furor (ahead) of them” (18.79) And there was in front of them. Ibn ‘Abbas recited: ‘In front of them (was) a king.’ It is said on the authority of somebody other than Said that the king was Hudad bin Budad. They say that the boy was called Haisur. ‘A king who seized every ship by force. (18.79) So I wished that if that boat passed by him, he would leave it because of its defect and when they have passed they would repair it and get benefit from it. Some people said that they closed that hole with a bottle, and some said with tar.

    ‘His parents were believers, and he (the boy) was a non-believer and we(Khadir) feared lest he would oppress them by obstinate rebellion and disbelief.’ (18.80) (i.e. that their love for him would urge them to follow him in his religion, ‘so we (Khadir) desired that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy’ (18:81). This was in reply to Moses’ saying: Have you killed an innocent soul.’? (18.74). ‘Near to mercy” means they will be more merciful to him than they were to the former whom Khadir had killed. Other than Sa’id, said that they were compensated with a girl. Dawud bin Abi ‘Asim said on the authority of more than one that this next child was a girl. [Sahi Bukhari Book Prophetic Commentary on the Quran 60, Hadith 250]

    All these incidents from Quran & commentary of prophet, prove the following miraculous powers of Sayyiduna Hadrath Khidr alaihis salam.

    – The dead fish became alive.

    – Knowing about beliefs of boy, his parents and the future that he will a rebellion and force his parents to disbelief in Allah.

    – Knowing that the parents will be compensated by a girl child.

    – Knowing about future seizure of boats and hence saving ship of the poor man.

    – Making the falling wall straight by a simple touch or gesture of hand.

    – Bestowed knowledge to Khidr as par from Musa as.

    – He was on green carpet on middle of the sea.

    2.7 Asif bin Barkhiya(ra) brought throne of Bilqis (ra) in blink of the eye

    Asif Bin Barkhiya, A wali [friend of Allah] and a member of court of Hazrath Suleiman(AS) brought the Throne of Hazrath Bilqis (ra) from thousands of miles away in no time.

    “He said: I would bring the throne of Bilqis to you before the blink of your eye. And when [Solomon] saw it placed before him, he (Solomon)said,” This is from the favor of my Lord…” [Sura Naml 27:40].

    The throne was known to be of gold and was bejeweled with various precious stones. It was installed in the innermost palace of all 7 chambers with doors were locked and heavily guarded. It is beyond comprehension that how Hadhrat Asif bin Barkhiyya carried such a heavy and securely kept thing from Yemen to Syria within the blink of an eye.

    3 Evidence from Hadith.

    3.1 Hadith Qudsi: Allah says “he becomes hands and legs” of His Pious worshiper.

    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Allah said, ‘I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him. [Sahih Bukhari, Book 76 To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq), Number509]

    Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’la) does not take Human form [The Quran states “Allah is like no one”42:11] and it is obvious that this Hadith does not literally mean that Allah becomes His Worshiper’s hands and legs. This expression shows the specials powers Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’la) has bestowed to his Pious worshipers. Their seeing is not like ours. Their hearing is not like how we hear. They see what we cannot see and they hear what we cannot hear. They can do what we can do.

    3.2 Hadith-e-Nabwi regarding power of Aulia:

    Hazratha ‘Ā’ishah RA relates that the Holy Prophet (صلى اللهعليه وآله وسلم) used to mention in the context of patients: In the name of Allah, with the help of the soil of our land and the saliva from the MOUTH OF SOME OF US, our patient shall recover by the will of our God.

    References: [Bukhārī transmitted it in his as-Sahīh, book of tibb (medicine) ch.37 (5:2168#5413) – Muslim, as-Sahīh, b. of salām (peace) ch.21 (4:1724#2194) – Ahmad bin Hambal, Musnad (6:93) – Hākim, al-Mustadrak (4:412) – Baghawī in Sharh-us-sunnah (5:224-5#1414)]

    3.3 Beware of the gaze of a momin for he sees with the Noor of Allah.

    The exalted status of the saints’ firasa is mentioned in the hadith whereby the Prophet said: ittaqu firasat al-mu’min fa innahu yara bi nurillah “Beware the vision of the believer, for he sees with the light of Allah,” then he recited the verse: “Therein lie portents for those who read the signs” (al-mutawassimin) (15:75) [Tirmidhi (gharib) from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, and Tabarani from Abu Imama with a fair (hasan) chain according to al-Haythami in the chapter on firasa of Majma` al-zawa’id], al-Sakhawi in al-Maqasid al-hasana (#23) mentions another authentic hadith whereby the Prophet said: “Allah has servants who know (the truth about people) through reading the signs” (tawassum) Related from Anas with a fair chain by al-Bazzar, Tabarani, Abu Nu`aym in al-Tibb al-nabawi, and from Ibn Sa`id by Bukhari in his Tarikh, al-`Askari in al-Amthal, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in his Tafsir for 15:75, Ibn Abi Hatim, and Ibn Mardawayh) – (8)

    Abi Amama (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Beware of Momin’s Firasah because he sees with the Nur of Allah – Imam al-Haythami said: This is narrated byTabarani and the chain is “HASAN (FAIR)” [Majma az-Zawad (10/473, Hadith #17940)

    3.4 Blessed presence of Khidr (AS) used to turn a barren land into greenery.

    Narrated Abu Huraira: The prophet said, “Al-Khidr was named so because he sat over a barren white land, it turned green with plantation after (his sitting over it.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book of prophets 55, Hadith 614)

    4 Demonstration of few acts of Sahaba

    4.1 Karamat/Kashf of Abu Bakar (ra) (1st Caliph)

    a. ‘A’ishah(ra) narrated: “When he ( Abu bakr (ra) ) was on his deathbed, my father(Abu bakr) said to me: “Verily, you have two brothers and two sisters.” So, I became startled at this, as I only had two brothers and one sister. He referred to his then-pregnant wife, Bint Kharijah, saying: “I see that she is pregnant with a girl,” and that turned out to be exactly the case.” [Reported by Muwatta imam malik Book of Judiciary ,Hadith no 1438, baihaqi in Sunan al Kubra 6/169 hadith no 12267 and 12268, Imam Aqalani in Isabah 7/575 Hadith no 11023 ,Imam Nawawi in tahzeeb ul asma 2/574, Hadith no 1030, Ash-Shatibi in ‘al-Muwafaqat’ (4/85), and Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned it in ‘Majmu’ al-Fatawa’ (11/318)]

    b. Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be well pleased with him) had willed that after his passing away, his body should be placed before the grave of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and a request should be made: O Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)! Abu Bakr requests to enter your presence. If the blessed doors open by themselves, then bury me by the side of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), otherwise bury me in Jannatul Baq’ee.

    Thus, as Imam Razi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) relates: The bier of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be well pleased with him) was placed before the sacred shrine of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and the request was made: Assalaamulaikum O Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)! Abu Bakr is here. Lo and behold! The doors opened by themselves. A voice was heard from the shrine: Bring the beloved to the Beloved! Verily! The Beloved desires to meet with His beloved. (Tafseer Kabeer, Surah Al Kahf-09)

    c. Once an Abyssinian (Negro) slave, who had great esteem for Sayyidunā ‘Alī, committed the crime of theft. The people took him to the court of Amīr-ul-Mūminīn, Sayyidunā ‘Alī. The slave also confessed that he had committed theft. Sayyidunā ‘Alī cut his hand implementing the law of Sharī’aĥ. When the slave was on his way to home, he came across Sayyidunā Salmān Fārsī and Ibn-ul-Kawwā Ibn-ul-Kawwā inquired, ‘Who has cut your hand?’ The slave said, ‘Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Maulā ‘Alī has severed my hand.’ Ibn-ul-Kawwā said amazingly, ‘He has cut your hand and you are still taking his name with such an honour!’ The slave replied, ‘Why shouldn’t I admire him? He cut my hand lawfully and saved me from the torment of hellfire.’ Sayyidunā Salmān Fārsī listened what they conversed and related same to Sayyidunā ‘Alī who summoned the slave and placed his severed hand back to the joint of the wrist covering it with a handkerchief. Then Sayyidunā ‘Alī started reciting something. Meanwhile, a voice was heard from the unseen, ‘Remove the cloth.’ When the people removed the cloth, the severed hand of the slave was found reattached with his wrist leaving no scars behind! (Tafsīr Kabīr, vol. 7, pp. 434)

    d. There is detailed narration from Abdur rahman bin Abu Bakr (ra) in sahi bukhari, where once Abu Bakr (ra) invited companions for a feast, he and the companions had the meal – at every morsal of food they took there was increase in quantity of food. Abu Bakr addressed his wife (saying) ‘O the sister of Bani Firas! What is this?’ She said, ‘O the pleasure of my eyes! The food is now three times more than it was before. Hence, all the companions to their fill and then took of it to the Prophet, which prophet also ate. [Gist- Sahi Bukhari, Book “Time of Prayers” 10, Hadith 576]

    4.2 Karamat & Kashf of Hazrath Umar (ra) (2nd Caliph)

    e. When Umar Ibn Khattab(ra) sent out an army, he appointed a man named Sariyah as their leader. Then while Umar (ra) was delivering the Khutbah he started shouting, “O Sariyah, the mountain! O Sariyah, the mountain, the mountain!’ Then a messenger from the army came and he [Hazrat Umar (ra)] questioned him [concerning the army], he said,’O Leader of the Believers! We met with the enemy and they had [almost] defeated us, then a voice proclaimed, ‘O Sariyah, the mountain!’ So we put ourbacks against the mountain and Allah vanquished them.’

    [Baihaqi dalail un naubuwwah 6:370. Ahmed bin Hambal in fadail e Sahaba1:219:300 ., Ibn Taymiyya, The Decisive Criterion between the Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaitain page 316]

    f. Hazrath Abdullah bin Umar (ra) narrates “I never heard Umar (ra) saying about something that he thought it would be so-and-so, but he was quite right” (Whenever Hazrath Umar (ra) said about something that it could be like this ,the reality would never be different from what he had said) [Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 5,Book 58, Number206, Hakim in Mustadrak 3:4503]

    g. Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “A man from among the Companions of Muhammad met a man from among the jinn. They wrestled, and the human knocked down the jinn. The human said to him, ‘You look small and skinny to me, and your forearms look like the front paws of a dog. Do all the jinn look like this, or only you?’ He said, ‘No, by Allah, among them I am strong, but let us wrestle again, and if you defeat me I will teach you something that will do you good.’ The human said, ‘Fine.’ He said, ‘Recite, ‘Allah! None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever-living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists…’ [Aayat al-Kursi – al-Baqarah 2:255 – interpretation of the meaning]. The human said, ‘Fine.’ He said, ‘You will never recite this in your house but the Satan will come out of it like a donkey breaking wind, and he will never come back in until the next morning.’” (Reported by al-Daarimi, 3247 also in Majma’ az-Zawa’id’; 9/71)

    4.3 Karamat of Hazrath Utman (ra) (3rd Caliph)

    h. A person by name, Jahjaah Ghaffari snatched the staff of Hadhrat Uthman (May Allah be well pleased with him) and broke it on his knee. An abscess developed in his knee. (Tafseer Kabeer, Surah Kahf-09)

    Imam Qazi Iyaz (May Allah shower His mercy on him) has written in Ash-Shifa and Imam Nabhani has written in Jame’ Karamaat Ul Auliya that this person died because of this abscess. (Shifa, Vol. 2, Pg. No. 57; Jame’ Karamaat Ul Auliya, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 151)

    i. Narrated by Imam Malik that when Usman (ra) was martyred, his blessed head was saying “Bury me, Bury me”, therefore the blessed head along with the blessed body was taken to and buried at Kaukab Cemetery (Bagh-e-Kaukab) [Gist of hadith – Tibrani in Al maujam ul kabeer 1/78 no 109, Ibne asakir in tareeq e damishq 39/532, haytami in maujamuz zawaid 9/95, ibne saad in tabaqat ul kubra 3/77, mizzi in tahzeeb ul kamal 19/457]

    4.4 Karamat/Kashf of Hazrath Ali (ra) (4th Caliph)

    j. At the time of riding the horse, sayyiduan Ali ra, would start reciting the holy quran putting the first foot in one stirrup of the horse and would complete the recitation of the entire holy quran before putting the second foot in the other stirrup (Shawahid-un-Nabuwwah. Pp212)

    This is Mowla Ali’s (Blessings Be Upon Him) miracle (karamat) to recite the quran in a moment – and a miracle is something which neither the mind can fully comprehend nor can explain logically. Think of it this way: The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) goes on the night of miraj on a journey that takes according to many sources many years but when he (Peace Be Upon Him) returns to this world, his (Peace Be Upon Him) bed is still warm as though it’s been only a few seconds. Time in the spiritual world for the prophets and awliya is something we cannot comprehend.

    k. It is mentioned in ‘Sharh-us-Sudūr’, ‘Sayyiduna Sa’id bin Masaib has stated, ‘Once we went to the graveyard of Madinah Munawwarah with Amir-ul-Muminin, Sayyiduna Ali-ul-Murtaza. Sayyiduna Maula ‘Ali greeted the people of the graves with Salam and said, ‘O people of the grave! Will you give your news to us, or shall we give news to you?’ Sayyiduna Said bin Musayyab,said ‘We heard the words of greeting back from the grave, and somebody was saying, ‘O Amir-ul-Muminin! Give us the news about what happened after our death.’ Sayyiduna Maulā ‘Ali then said, ‘Listen! Your assets have been divided, your wives have remarried, your children were included in the orphans, and your enemies are living in the houses which you made so strong. Now tell us what happened with you.’ Listening to that, reply came from a grave, O Ameer-ul-Momineen, Our shrouds have been ripped to shreds, our hair withered away, our skin worn into pieces, our eyes poured out onto our cheeks, and pus is flowing through our nostrils. We have got whatever we had sent forward (i.e. the deeds we performed), and we have incurred loss in whatever we left behind.’’ (Sharh-us-Sudūr, pp. 209); (Ibn-e-‘Asākir, Vol. 27, pp. 395)

    l. A heavy flood subsided

    Once there was such a heavy flood in the River Euphrates (Al-Furat) that inundated all the agricultural fields. The people turned up to the court of Sayyidunā ‘Alī . Sayyidunā ‘Alī stood up at once and got dressed in the Prophet’s Blessed Robe (Jubbaĥ), Sacred Turban and Holy Shawl. He then mounted his horse. Ḥasanayn Karīmayn ” and others were also accompanied by him. On the bank of Al-Furat, he offered two Rak’āt Nafl Ṣalāĥ and headed towards the bridge of Al-Furat. After reaching on the bridge, Sayyidunā ‘Alī pointed his staff towards the river that lowered the water level by a yard. He again pointed the staff towards the river which further lowered by a yard. The third time he pointed and the water lowered more up to three yards and the flood subsided. The people requested, ‘O Amīr-ul-Mūminīn! This is enough. Please stop.’ (Shawāĥid-un-Nubūwwaĥ, pp. 214)

    m. Severed hand of a servant was reattached back.

    Once an Abyssinian (Negro) slave, who had great esteem for Sayyidunā ‘Alī, committed the crime of theft. The people took him to the court of Amīr-ul-Mūminīn, Sayyidunā ‘Alī. The slave also confessed that he had committed theft. Sayyidunā ‘Alī cut his hand implementing the law of Sharī’aĥ. When the slave was on his way to home, he came across Sayyidunā Salmān Fārsī and Ibn-ul-Kawwā Ibn-ul-Kawwā inquired, ‘Who has cut your hand?’ The slave said, ‘Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Maulā ‘Alī has severed my hand.’ Ibn-ul-Kawwā said amazingly, ‘He has cut your hand and you are still taking his name with such an honour!’ The slave replied, ‘Why shouldn’t I admire him? He cut my hand lawfully and saved me from the torment of hellfire.’ Sayyidunā Salmān Fārsī listened what they conversed and related same to Sayyidunā ‘Alī who summoned the slave and placed his severed hand back to the joint of the wrist covering it with a handkerchief. Then Sayyidunā ‘Alī started reciting something. Meanwhile, a voice was heard from the unseen, ‘Remove the cloth.’ When the people removed the cloth, the severed hand of the slave was found reattached with his wrist leaving no scars behind! (Tafsīr Kabīr, vol. 7, pp. 434)

    4.5 Kashf of Bibi Fatima (ra)

    n. Narrated by Umme Salma (ra), “I used to take care of Hazrath Fatima (ra) during her severe illness near to her demise. As far I remember, during the entire span of her illness one morning her health seemed better a bit. Hazrath Ali (ra) was away for some reason. Hadrath-e-Fatima (ra) said “Mother, arrange water for my Ghusl (bath)”, I have arranged water for bath and as far as I think she had a exceptionally good bath, then she said to me: “Mother, give me new dress, I did so. Then she laid-down directing towards Qibla with hand her hand placed under her face and said:

    “Mother, I am going to die now. I took bath & got clean, so let nobody open me (for bath or shroud)” and in the same place she passed away. Umme Salma continues, “ When Hazrath Ali (ra) returned I have relayed to the him the whole discussion”. [Gist of Hadith]

    [Ahmad Bin Hanbal Al-Musnad, 06/461, No- 27656, 27657, 01/113, Zayla’i Nasab-ur-Rayah, 02/250, 01/103, Haythami Majma‘-uz-Zawa’id, 09/210, Ibn Athir Asad-ul-Ghabah, 07/221]

    4.6 Karamat/Kashf of Imam Hussan ra

    o. Hadhrat ‘Abdur Rahman Jami (May Allah shower His mercy on him) has related this Tradition in Shawahid Un Nubuwwah:

    Hadhrat Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him) was going to Makkah by foot for Hajj. He developed swelling in his feet. His attendant requested him to take a mount so that the swelling of the feet lessens. Hadhrat Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him) didn’t accept his request and said: When we reach our destination, you will meet an Abyssinian. Buy oil from him. His slave says: We didn’t find any medicine on the way and when we reached our destination, the Imam said: This is the slave about whom you were told. Go, buy oil and give him its price.

    When the slave went to buy the oil, the Abyssinian asked: For whom are you buying this oil? The slave said: For Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him). The Abyssinian said: Take me to him. I am also his slave.

    When the Abyssinian was taken to Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him), he said: I am your slave, I will not take any payment from you. You please pray for my wife. She is in labor and pray that Almighty Allah should grant her a healthy baby. The Imam said: Go home! Almighty Allah will grant you such a baby the way you want it to be and he will be our follower. The Abyssinian returned home and found the situation as he was told it would be. (Shawahid Un Nubuwwah, Pg. No. 302)

    In this Tradition, various miracles of Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him) are related. One is the foretelling where the medicine for the swelling of the feet will be found. The second is the prayer that the Abyssinian will be granted a healthy baby and it became as he was told. The third miracle is that the Imam foretold that the baby will be a boy and will be a follower of Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him).

    4.7 Karamat of Imam Hussain (ra)

    p. ‘Allama Muhammad bin Yousuf Salihi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) relates in Subul Ul Huda War Rashad:

    Translation: ‘Abbas bin Hisham bin Muhammad Kufi narrates on the authority of his father who narrates on the authority of his grandfather, he says: There was a person in Karbala by name Zara’a. This accursed man had shot an arrow at Imam Hussain (May Allah be well pleased with him) when he had asked for water and wanted to drink it. His arrow had come between the Imam and the water. The Imam supplicated: Lord, make him thirsty. The narrator says: A person who was present at the time of his death told me that this person was feeling a lot of heat in his stomach and coldness in his back because of which he started screaming and shouting although ice was placed on his stomach and fans were used and at the back an urn was placed. He would shout: Give me water. This thirst is killing me. Honey mixed with barley, water and milk was brought to him in such quantity that it would suffice for 5 persons. He would gobble up everything and again cry out: Satisfy me. This thirst is killing me. At last, his stomach split open like a camel’s. (Subul Ul Huda War Rashad, Vol. 11, Pg. No. 79)

    q. Recitation of the Holy Quran atop the spear

    Minhal Ibn Amr has reported, ‘I was in Damascus at that time. By Allah, I saw with my own eyes that when the people were parading with the blessed head of Imam Hussain atop the spear, a person was reciting Surah Al-Kahf in front of the blessed head. When he reached the verse:

    The men of the cave and of the forest’s side were a wonderful sign of Uurs. [Surah Kahf 18:9]

    Allah has granted the blessed head capability to speak and the blessed head spoke out remarkably ‘My murder and roaming around with my head is stranger than the murder of the Ashab-e-Kahf.’ [Sharh-us-Sudur, p. 212]

    4.8 The Pious prisoner and bunch of grapes:

    r. Abu Hurayrah narrated that Bint al-Harith used to say, (referring to Khubayb bin ‘Udayy who was imprisoned by Quraysh in Makkah): “… By Allah, I never saw a prisoner better than Khubaib. Once I saw him eating from a bunch of grapes although at that time no fruits were available at Mecca, and he was confined with iron chains in cage, and in fact, it was nothing but food bestowed upon him by Allah. ” ,

    Detailed Hadith: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet sent a Sariya of spies and appointed ‘Asim bin Thabit, the grandfather of ‘Asim bin ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab, as their leader. So they set out, and when they reached (a place) between ‘Usfan and Mecca, they were mentioned to one of the branch tribes of Bani Hudhail called Lihyan. So, about one-hundred archers followed their traces till they (i.e. the archers) came to a journey station where they (i.e. ‘Asim and his companions) had encamped and found stones of dates they had brought as journey food from Medina. The archers said, “These are the dates of Medina,” and followed their traces till they took them over. When ‘Asim and his companions were not able to go ahead, they went up a high place, and their pursuers encircled them and said, “You have a covenant and a promise that if you come down to us, we will not kill anyone of you.” ‘Asim said, “As for me, I will never come down on the security of an infidel. O Allah! Inform Your Prophet about us.” So they fought with them till they killed ‘Asim along with seven of his companions with arrows, and there remained Khubaib, Zaid and another man to whom they gave a promise and a covenant. So when the infidels gave them the covenant and promise, they came down. When they captured them, they opened the strings of their arrow bows and tied them with it. The third man who was with them said, “This is the first breach in the covenant,” and refused to accompany them. They dragged him and tried to make him accompany them, but he refused, and they killed him. Then they proceeded on taking Khubaib and Zaid till they sold them in Mecca. The sons of Al-Harith bin ‘Amr bin Naufal bought Khubaib. It was Khubaib who had killed Al-Harith bin ‘Amr on the day of Badr. Khubaib stayed with them for a while as a captive till they decided unanimously to kill him. (At that time) Khubaib borrowed a razor from one of the daughters of Al-Harith to shave his pubic hair. She gave it to him. She said later on, “I was heedless of a little baby of mine, who moved towards Khubaib, and when it reached him, he put it on his thigh. When I saw it, I got scared so much that Khubaib noticed my distress while he was carrying the razor in his hand. He said ‘Are you afraid that I will kill it? Allah willing, I will never do that,’ ” Later on she used to say, “I have never seen a captive better than Khubaib Once I saw him eating from a bunch of grapes although at that time no fruits were available at Mecca, and he was fettered with iron chains, and in fact, it was nothing but food bestowed upon him by Allah.” So they took him out of the Sanctuary (of Mecca) to kill him. He said, “Allow me to offer a two-Rak’at prayer.” Then he went to them and said, “Had I not been afraid that you would think I was afraid of death, I would have prayed for a longer time.” So it was Khubaib who first set the tradition of praying two Rakat before being executed. He then said, “O Allah! Count them one by one,” and added, ‘When I am being martyred as a Muslim, I do not care in what way I receive my death for Allah’s Sake, because this death is in Allah’s Cause. If He wishes, He will bless the cut limbs.” Then ‘Uqba bin Al-Harith got up and martyred him. The narrator added: The Quraish (infidels) sent some people to ‘Asim in order to bring a part of his body so that his death might be known for certain, for ‘Asim had killed one of their chiefs on the day of Badr. But Allah sent a cloud of wasps which protected his body from their messengers who could not harm his body consequently. [Sahi Bukhari, a. Military Expeditions led by the Prophet Book 59:Hadith412, b. Ibid:Hadith 325, c. book of Jihad, 52:Hadith 281, d. book of Nikah 62:Hadith 125]

    4.9 The Light of Usayd Ibn Hudhayr and Abbad ibn Bishr (radhiAllahu anhuma)

    s. Usayd ibn Hudhayr and Abbad ibn Bishr (radhiAllahu anhuma) were speaking with the Prophet one night when it became very late. They left the Prophet’s home and they could not see their way due to the intense darkness. All of the sudden, the staffs that they were carrying in their hands, began to give out a bright light. With this bright light emitting from their staffs, they were able to see the pathway all the way until they reached their homes safely. The related hadith is mentioned below.

    Narrated Anas bin Malik: Two of the companions of the Prophet departed from him on a dark night and were led by two lights like lamps (going in front of them from Allah as a miracle) lighting the way in front of them, and when they parted, each of them was accompanied by one of these lights till he reached their (respective) houses. (Sahi Bukhari, Book of prayer-8, Hadith 454)

    Narrated Anas: Once two men from the companions of Allah’s Apostle went out of the house of the Prophet on a very dark night. They were accompanied by two things that resembled two lamps lighting the way in front of them, and when they parted, each of them was accompanied by one of those two things (lamps) till they reached their homes. (Sahi Bukhari, Book of “Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions-56, Hadith 833)

    4.10 Sayyiduna Safina and Tiger in woods:

    t. Sayyidina Safina, a servant of the Beloved Messenger, was once left behind by the Muslim army in the land of the Romans. As he was trying to catch up with them, he suddenly came across a lion. He said to it, “O Abu Harith (lion), I am a servant of the Messenger of Allah,” then proceeded to explain his situation. The lion not only spared him, but also showed him the route and accompanied him til he reached the army. [Imam Bayhaqi’s Dalaa’il al-Nubuwwah, Hakim 3:606. Also related by Tabarani, Abu Nu’aym]

    4.11 Three men and the cave

    u. The Beloved Messenger narrated an incident in which three men took shelter from the rain inside a cave. A huge rock rolled over and blocked the mouth of it so they were trapped inside. Each of them made a supplication to Allah, and the rock moved completely from the mouth of the cave. [Gist of hadith: Bukhari, book of sales & trade 34:418, book of hiring 36:472, book of Agriculture 39:526, book of manners (adaab)73:5]

    4.12 Abu Ubaida and the dead Fish Al-Anbar

    v. Narrated Jabir: We went out in a campaign and the army was called The Army of the Khabt, and Abu ‘Ubaida was our commander. We were struck with severe hunger. Then the sea threw a huge dead fish called Al-‘Anbar, the like of which had never been seen. We ate of it for half a month, and then Abu ‘Ubaida took one of its bones (and made an arch of it) so that a rider could easily pass under it. (Sahi Bukhari, Book of Hunting, Slaughtering 67, Hadith 401)

    4.13 Reciting Quran in Grave:

    w. One of the Prophet’s companions set up his tent over a grave without realizing that it was a grave, and it contained a man who was reciting the surah, “Blessed is He in whose hand is the kingdom,” up to the end. He went and told the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said, “It is the defender; it is the protector which is protecting him from Allah’s punishment.” [Tirmidhi Hadith 663]

    4.14 Sending 1000 dinars placed in wood across the sea.

    x. Narrated Abu Huraira The Prophet said, “A man from Bani Israel asked someone from Bani Israel to give him a loan of one thousand Dinars and the later gave it to him. The debtor went on a voyage (when the time for the payment of the debt became due) but he did not find a boat, so he took a piece of wood and bored it and put 1000 diners in it and threw it into the sea. The creditor went out and took the piece of wood to his family to be used as fire-wood.”. And the Prophet narrated the narration (and said), “When he sawed the wood, he found his money.” [Sahi Bukhari, Book of Obligatory Charity Tax (Zakaat) 24, Hadith 574f, Transferance of a Debt from One Person to Another (Al-Hawaala) 37 hadith 488 B]

    4.15 Miracle of Juraij and child speaking from Cradle:

    y. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “There was an Israeli man called Juraij, while he was praying, his mother came and called him, but he did not respond to her call. He said (to himself) whether he should continue the prayer or reply to his mother. She came to him the second time and called him and said, “O Allah! Do not let him die until he sees the faces of prostitutes.” Juraij used to live in a hermitage. A woman said that she would entice Juraij, so she went to him and presented herself (for an evil act) but he refused. She then went to a shepherd and allowed him to commit an illegal sexual intercourse with her and later she gave birth to a boy. She alleged that the baby was from Juraij. The people went to Juraij and broke down his hermitage, pulled him out of it and abused him. He performed ablution and offered the prayer, then he went to the male (baby) and asked him; “O boy! Who is your father?” The baby replied (*from cradle) that his father was the shepherd. The people said that they would build for him a hermitage of gold but Juraij asked them to make it of mud only.” (Sahi Bukhari, Book of Oppressions 43:662, similar hadith ibid Book of Actions while Praying 22, Hadith 297m)

    4.16 Miracle of an infant child his kashf and speaking to his mother whilst he is at age of suckling milk:

    z. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “None spoke in cradle but three: (The first was) Jesus, (the second was), there a man from Bani Israel called Juraij. While he was offering his prayers, his mother came and called him. He said (to himself), ‘Shall I answer her or keep on praying?” (He went on praying) and did not answer her, his mother said, “O Allah! Do not let him die till he sees the faces of prostitutes.” So while he was in his hermitage, a lady came and sought to seduce him, but he refused. So she went to a shepherd and presented herself to him to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her and then later she gave birth to a child and claimed that it belonged to Juraij. The people, therefore, came to him and dismantled his hermitage and expelled him out of it and abused him. Juraij performed the ablution and offered prayer, and then came to the child and said, ‘O child! Who is your father?’ The child replied, ‘The shepherd.’ (After hearing this) the people said, ‘We shall rebuild your hermitage of gold,’ but he said, ‘No, of nothing but mud.'(The third was the hero of the following story) A lady from Bani Israel was nursing her child at her breast when a handsome rider passed by her. She said, ‘O Allah ! Make my child like him.’ On that the child left her breast, and facing the rider said, ‘O Allah! Do not make me like him.’ The child then started to suck her breast again. (Abu Huraira further said, “As if I were now looking at the Prophet sucking his finger (in way of demonstration.”) After a while the people passed by, with a lady slave and she (i.e. the child’s mother) said, ‘O Allah! Do not make my child like this (slave girl)!, On that the child left her breast and said, ‘O Allah! Make me like her.’ When she asked why, the child replied, ‘The rider is one of the tyrants while this slave girl is falsely accused of theft and illegal sexual intercourse.” (Sahi Bukhari Book of Prophets 55:645)
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    But to let the miracles be happened at any time isn't in the hands of awlia, rather, this matter is subjected to the will of Allah swt
    Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    But to let the miracles be happened at any time isn't in the hands of awlia, rather, this matter is subjected to the will of Allah swt

    Everything is possible, Allah Can give.. it's very rare that someone has special powers - extraordinary gifts from Allah swt
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by space View Post
    Everything is possible, Allah Can give.. it's very rare that someone has special powers - extraordinary gifts from Allah swt
    and it's also a fact that miracle is not the essential condition for being a friend of Allah
    Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    and it's also a fact that miracle is not the essential condition for being a friend of Allah

    Agree, because

    The Criteria of classifying the extra ordinary events as a miracle varies depending on Emaan and status of the demonstrator of the act. Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami has states the classification as follows :-

    1: Irhas – Irhas is manifestation/demonstraction of such thing by a Prophet before [the declaration of] his Prophethood.

    2: Mujizah – is manifested after the declaration of Prophethood, Mujizah (miracle).

    3: Karamah – If a similar wonder is manifested by a Wali, then it is called Karamat.

    4: Maunat – If exhibited by a Mumin (true believer).

    5: Istidraj – If such a supernatural manifestation is exhibited by some Kafir (unbeliever) or a transgressor, then it is termed as Istidraj.

    this could cause confusion
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by space View Post
    Agree, becauseThe Criteria of classifying the extra ordinary events as a miracle varies depending on Emaan and status of the demonstrator of the act. Allamah Maulana Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Azami has states the classification as follows :-1: Irhas – Irhas is manifestation/demonstraction of such thing by a Prophet before [the declaration of] his Prophethood.2: Mujizah – is manifested after the declaration of Prophethood, Mujizah (miracle).3: Karamah – If a similar wonder is manifested by a Wali, then it is called Karamat.4: Maunat – If exhibited by a Mumin (true believer).5: Istidraj – If such a supernatural manifestation is exhibited by some Kafir (unbeliever) or a transgressor, then it is termed as Istidraj.this could cause confusion
    Nothing is confusing bro. If we aren't impressed by karamat then istidraj or magic will not affect us. Common folk of weak iman are often deceived. This is why superstitious Muslims can be seen in our Muslim society and imposter sufis stupify them easily.
    Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Nothing is confusing bro. If we aren't impressed by karamat then istidraj or magic will not affect us. Common folk of weak iman are often deceived. This is why superstitious Muslims can be seen in our Muslim society and imposter sufis stupify them easily.

    There are no significant difference between miracles but there are differences between persons as it was mentioned in the previous post in order to test them and to test other people too who will see the acts of miracles.. this proves existence of Allah swt this shows people miracles but those people who reject miracles are disbelievers.. so disbelievers who got such miracles (Istidraj) would think it was happened because something has gone wrong with nature and they'll reject these miracles given by Allah or otherwise, they can accept the fact that Allah exists and then they'll convert to Islam
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    It's not the matter of denying the occurance of miracles at their hands, rather relying too much on miracles for ascertaing criterion of wilayat, which often leads folk to deviation if caught in wrong hands
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    It's not the matter of denying the occurance of miracles at their hands, rather relying too much on miracles for ascertaing criterion of wilayat, which often leads folk to deviation if caught in wrong hands

    This was my point.. this. The supernatural powers are very different from each other, here is the wisdom behind all of it.. Almighty is the Greatest.. we ask him - He answers.. He knows the secrets and intentions of hearts
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by space View Post
    This was my point.. this. The supernatural powers are very different from each other, here is the wisdom behind all of it.. Almighty is the Greatest.. we ask him - He answers.. He knows the secrets and intentions of hearts
    Oneday A disciple of Khuwaja Junaid Baghdadi ra who had spent 10 years in his shadow said,'' Shaykh, Now I am going but I didn't see any miracle''

    Khuwaja sahab ra asked him,'' Did you ever see that I missed any sunnah during 10 years ''

    ''No'' he said.

    Khuwaja ra said,''Is it not a karamat that entire life is spend in accordance with sunnah''
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Oneday A disciple of Khuwaja Junaid Baghdadi ra who had spent 10 years in his shadow said,'' Shaykh, Now I am going but I didn't see any miracle''

    Khuwaja sahab ra asked him,'' Did you ever see that I missed any sunnah during 10 years ''

    ''No'' he said.

    Khuwaja ra said,''Is it not a karamat that entire life is spend in accordance with sunnah''

    That's interesting story. Indeed, this was the karamat out of the other karamats that was given by Allah, since they are different..
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    here is more detailed explanation about karamats, unfortunately texts are in Russian


    need to be translated
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    Sayyiduna Hamzah ibn ‘Amr Al Aslami (radiyallahu ‘anhu) said that once they were on a journey with Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) on a very dark night [and lost sight of each other]. Suddenly Sayyiduna Hamzah ibn ‘Amr’s fingers shone forth with light so that they were able to round up their mounts and gather again.


    Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration with a suitable chain.

    (Al Mu’jamul Kabir, Hadith: 2991. Refer: Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 9 pg. 411)
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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

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    Re: Miracles of aulia Allah evident from Quran & hadith

    the extraordinary thing is called Mu'jizah, when it happens at the hand of one of Allah's Prophets, peace be upon them, and it is called Karamah when it happens at the hand of one of His Awliya'. On other hand, when it happens at the hand of magicians, then it is called delusions which happen with the help of the Jinn with whom magicians deal. They can do things beyond human capabilities like crossing enormous distances quickly, getting unrevealed information and so on… However, the Jinn, with whom the magician deals, does not provide him with any information from the unseen future, but rather from the concealed present, or the concealed past by the help of his Qareen (the Shaytan who is appointed by Allah to accompany a person, and who pushes him to do evil things and to disobey Allah).
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