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O Seekers of Knowledge!

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    MinAhlilHadeeth's Avatar Full Member
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    O Seekers of Knowledge!

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    Indeed all praise is for Allaah, We praise Him, seek His aid and seek His forgiveness. We seek refuge in from the evils of our own souls and from our evil actions. He whom Allaah guides, then none can misguide him; and he whom Allaah misguides, then none can guide him. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, having no partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) is His servant and Messenger.

    “O you who believe! Have taqwaa (fear) of Allaah as you should have of Him and do not die except as Muslims.” [1]

    “O mankind! Have (fear) of your Lord, who created you from a single person and from him, He created his wife and from them both He created many men and women; and have taqwaa of Allaah through whom you demand your mutual rights and do not cut relations of the wombs. Indeed, Allaah is ever an All*-Watcher over you.” [2]

    “O you who believe! Have taqwaa of Allaah and always speak the truth. He will direct you to do righteous and correct actions and forgive you your sins. Whosoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement.” [3]

    To proceed:

    The taabi’ee, Talq Ibn Habeeb - rahimahullaah – said, “Taqwaa is acting in obedience to Allaah hoping in His mercy, upon a light from Him; and taqwaa is leaving acts of disobedience to Allaah out of fear of Him, upon a light from Him.”


    Imaam al*-Aajurree (d.360H) [5] - rahimahullaah – said, “The seeker of knowledge should know that - the Mighty and Majestic - has made the worship of obligatory upon Him; and that this worship is not possible except with knowledge, the seeking has also been made obligatory upon him. He should also realise that ignorance is not befitting for a Believer. He should seek knowledge in order to dispel ignorance from himself, and to worship - the Mighty and Majestic - as Allaah has commanded; not as he desires to worship Him. So the seeker of knowledge should strive hard in this quest, be sincere in this striving and should not become amazed with himself. Rather, he should that this is a favour from Allaah upon him, since it was Allaah who gave him the ability to acquire such knowledge, by which he is able to fulfil his obligations and keep away from that which is forbidden.” [6]


    Said al*-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee [7] – rahimahullaah, “I advise you - O seeker of knowledge - to make the intention pure and sincere and strive to make the soul act upon what this knowledge demands. Since knowledge is a tree and actions are its fruits and the one who does not act upon his knowledge is not counted as being a Scholar. It has been said, ‘Knowledge is the father and actions are the offspring.’ Indeed, knowledge comes with actions; and riwaayah (narrating) comes with a diraayah (investigating).

    So do not feel satisfied with action as long as you are lacking in knowledge; and do not feel satisfied with knowledge when you falling short in action. Rather, combine them both - even if your share of the two is small. There is nothing worse than a Scholar whose knowledge the people abandon, due to the corruption of his ways, nor an ignorant person whose ignorance the people accept, because they look at his worship. So a little knowledge, along with a little action, will more likely save you in the end - when grants His Mercy bounteously and completely. However, as regards laziness, love of ease and leisure, preferring lowliness and repose, leaning towards relaxation - then the results of these traits are blameworthy and hateful. And knowledge leads to action, just as action leads to being saved. So if the action is lesser than the knowledge, then knowledge is a burden upon the Scholar and we seek Allaah’s protection from knowledge which becomes a burden and produces lowliness, becoming a yoke on the neck of its owner.

    Sahl ibn Muzaahim said, “The matter is tighter upon the Scholar than clenching the fist tightly, even though the ignorant one is not excused due to his ignorance. However, the Scholar receives a greater punishment if he abandons what he knows and does not act upon it.”

    So did the Salaf (the Pious Predecessors) of the past reach the high levels which they reached, except through sincerity of ’aqeedah (beliefs), righteous and correct actions and over*powering zuhd (abstinence) in all the attracting things of this world. And did the wise ones reach the great satisfaction, except by avoiding hastening to worldly things and being pleased with what was easy, and giving what was surplus from their needs to the poor and those who asked.

    Is not the one who gathers books of knowledge just like the one who gathers gold and silver? Is not the one who has an insatiable greed for them just like the one who is greedy about gold and silver? Is not the one who is a prisoner of the love of the former like the one who hoards the latter? So just as wealth does not benefit except by spending it, then likewise, knowledge does not benefit except by acting upon it and carrying out its obligations. So let a person examine himself and take advantage of his time, because the stopping is little, the riding beast near, the road is fearful; and going astray upon it is what is usual, the danger is great, the one who discerns has insight, - the Most High - is watching over and to Him is the return.

    “And whoever does an atoms weight of good shall see it, and whoever does an atoms weight of evil shall see it.” [8].” [9]


    Ibn Mas’ood - radiyallaahu ’anhu – said,“Learn, learn! So when you learn, then act.” [10]

    Said az-*Zuhree (d.124H) – rahimahullaah, “The people will not trust the actions of a person who acts without knowledge. And they will not be pleased with the saying of a Scholar who does not.” [11]

    Sahl Ibn ’Abdullaah (d.283) - rahimahullaah – said, “All of mankind are drunk, except the Scholars. And all the Scholars are confused, except whoever acts according to his knowledge.” [12]

    He - rahimahullaah - also said, “Knowledge is one of the delights and pleasures of the world. So when it is acted upon, it becomes for the Hereafter.” [13]

    Aboo ’Abdullaah ar*Roodhabaaree said, “Knowledge rests upon actions and actions rest upon sincerity, and sincerity for Allaah inherits understanding about Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic.” [14]

    Habeeb Ibn ’Ubayd - rahimahullaah – said, “Learn knowledge and understand and be benefited by it. Do not learn it for beautifying yourselves by it. Then it may happen - if you live long - that a person beautifies himself with knowledge, just as a man beautifies himself with clothes.”[15]

    Said al-*Hasan al-*Basree (d.110H) – rahimahullaah, “The concern of the Scholar is tending to the flock, whilst the concern of the foolish one is just to narrate.” [16]

    Fudayl Ibn ’Iyyaad (d.187H) - rahimahullaah – said, “The Scholar continues to be ignorant of what he has learnt, until he acts upon it. So when he acts upon it, he becomes knowledgeable.” [17]

    Said al-*Hasan al-*Basree - rahimahullaah – said, “Eemaan (faith) is not outer decoration, nor mere hope. Rather it is what settles in the heart and what is affirmed by actions. Whoever spoke good, but did not act righteously, then Allaah throws it back upon his saying. Whoever spoke good and acted righteously, Allaah raises up the actions. This is because Allaah - the Most High – says,

    “To Him ascend all goodly words, and righteous actions raise it.” ”[18]


    [1] Soorah Aali-’Imraan [3:102]

    [2] Sooratun-*Nisaa‘ [4:1]

    [3] Sooratul-*Ahzaab [33:70-71]

    [4] Related by Ibn Abee Shaybah in Kitaabul*Eemaan (no. 99) and it was declared Saheeh by Shaykh al-*Albaanee.

    [5] He is the Scholar, the Imaam, the muhaddith, Muhammad Ibn Husayn al-Aajurree. Imaam adh*Dhahabee said, “He was one Scholars who firmly followed the Sunnah.’’ He died in the year 360H. For his biography refer to Taareekh Baghdaad (2/243) of al-Khateeb, Tadhkiratul-Huffaadh (3/936) of adh-Dhahabee and Tabaqaatush-Shaafi’iyyah (3/149) of as*-Subkee.

    [6] Akhlaaqul-’Ulamaa‘ (p. 43) of Imaam al-Aajurree

    [7] He is the Imaam, the Haafidh, the Scholar of hadeeth, fiqh and history, Aboo Bakr Ibn ’Alee Ibn Thaabit better known as al-*Khateeb al-Baghdaadee. Ibn Maakawlaa said about him, “After ad-*Daaraqutnee, no one entered Baghdaad the like of him.’’ For his biography refer to: Siyar A’laamun-Nubalaa‘ (18/270) of adh-Dhahabee and al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (12/101-103) of Ibn Katheer. He died in the year 463H may Allaah have mercy upon him.

    [8] Sooratuz*-Zalzalah [99:7-8]

    [9] Iqtidaa‘ul*’Ilmil-*’Aml (p. 13-*16) of al-*Khateeb al-*Baghdaadee.

    [10] Iqtidaa‘ul-*’Ilmil-*’Aml (no.10)

    [11] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.13)

    [12] Iqtidaa‘ul-*’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.21)

    [13] Iqtidaa‘ul-*’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.23)

    [14] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.30)

    [15] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.35)

    [16] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.39)

    [17] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.43)

    [18] Iqtidaa‘ul*-’Ilmil*-’Aml (no.56)
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    FatimaAsSideqah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    MashAllah! So benefical for us! JakaakAllah Khair for sharing it to us.

    Remember to provide the source..

    Fi Amani Allah
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    MinAhlilHadeeth's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Wa iyakkum. Glad you benefitted from it, as did I.
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    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

    Said al*-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee [7] – rahimahullaah, “I advise you - O seeker of knowledge - to make the intention pure and sincere and strive to make the soul act upon what this knowledge demands. Since knowledge is a tree and actions are its fruits and the one who does not act upon his knowledge is not counted as being a Scholar. It has been said, ‘Knowledge is the father and actions are the offspring.’ Indeed, knowledge comes with actions; and riwaayah (narrating) comes with a diraayah (investigating).

    jazakAllahu khair for this very important reminder. may Allah protect us from becoming victims of shaytaan
    O Seekers of Knowledge!

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    MH-UK's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Jazak'Allah khayr for posting this
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  8. #6
    vpb's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    jazakallah khair sis, very benificial post.
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  9. #7
    .:Umniyah:.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Wow SubhanAllah. barakAllahu feeki sis for the post. very good reminder.
    May Allah aid us all towards that ameen!
    O Seekers of Knowledge!

    The Creator الْخَالِقُ The Makerالْبَارِئُ The Fashionerالْمُصَوِّرُ

    bannere0012 1 - O Seekers of Knowledge!

    :enough!: Getting entirely fed up with the foolishness :enough!:
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  10. #8
    Maimunah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    jazakaAllah khayr

    u quoted some of the famous ulamaa sayings mashaAllah

    O Seekers of Knowledge!

    رَبِّ ٱجۡعَلۡنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى*ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلۡ دُعَآءِ (٤٠) رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى وَلِوَٲلِدَىَّ وَلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ يَوۡمَ يَقُومُ ٱلۡحِسَابُ
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  11. #9
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    No sorry, I didn't write this!
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    niler's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    rasul salalahu Aleyhi Wassalm says: seeking knowledge is a must 4 every muslim male or female"

    let us work hard to achieve this.
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  14. #11
    m123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

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  15. #12
    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    It is obligatory on the student of knowledge to refrain from disobedience, for indeed disobedience kills the heart and weakens the understanding

    and it is narrated about Imaam Shaafi'ee he said:

    "I complained to my teacher Wa'kee about my weak memory so he directed me to leave of sin and then he said, `know!!!! That knowledge is light; and the light of Allaah He does not give it to a disobedient person."

    And I say the proof for that is found in the Book of Allaah when He Glorified be He Says,

    O you who believe! If you obey and Fear Allaah, He will grant you Furqaan (a criterion), and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you, and Allaah is the Owner of Great Bounty.
    [Soorah Al-Anfaal (8):29]

    O you who believe Fear Allaah, and believe too in His Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhe wa Sallam), he will give you a double portion of His Mercy, and he will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight), and he will forgive you. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
    [Soorah Al Hadeed (57):28]

    So what is important is that the student of knowledge needs consistent striving, striving against himself and against ones passions and lower desires and its greed, and to tire himself out in acquiring knowledge, and to hope that Allaah will enable him to achieve that, and the tawfeeq (success) is from Allaah.

    Taken from the Book: al-Fataawaa al-Jaliyyah 'an al-Manaahij ad-Da'wiyyah pg. 111
    al-'Allaamah Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najamee
    (hafidhahullaahu ta'aalaa)
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    Islamic students manual

    The ‘Islamic Studies’
    Student Manual

    Compiled and Written by:

    Abu Abdillah, Sajid Ahmed Umar

    In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


    All Praise is due to Allah. We praise him, seek His help, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides; there is non that can misguide him, and whoever He misguides, then non can guide him.

    I bear witness and testify that there is no deity that is worthy of worship except for Allah; He is alone having no partners. I bear witness and testify that Muhammed (SAW) is his perfect worshipper and messenger.

    The treatise that is in the readers hand is an extremely brief compilation discussing the etiquettes of a ‘student of Islamic knowledge’.

    Work on this treatise started in Ramadaan of the Islamic year 1428 which corresponds to the year 2007 in the English calendar.

    Reasons behind this effort originally were to provide a guideline to be used in educating students attending a youth development program in Lancashire U.K aiming to outline a basic perspective that is incumbent upon all students of Islam to adhere to, giving the seriousness and importance of inviting towards the Straight Path. An individual in this specialty holds high rank in both this world and the next, and indeed is a role model!

    Being an exemplar comes with great responsibility and conscientiousness. Appreciating the reality of ones meadow enables him to conduct himself accordingly through-out his endeavour, in a manner that invites constant success and progress.

    The number of individuals we see today entering various institutions with the intention of seeking knowledge and qualifying them to be part of a unique and distinct group are overwhelming. However, the actual effect of this exclusive group’s constitution in the avenue of activity and conduct, both during study and after graduation, is almost never seen, with the exception of a few.

    I hope, with this effort, to give a chance to firstly myself, as well as one and all to understand our true requirements, and encourage a ‘make way’ to achieving our goals in the most perceptible manner.

    I begin by seeking Allah’s (SWT) forgiveness for any errors or omissions. As human beings, we are without doubt weak and full of mistakes. Everything that is mentioned here which is correct is from Allah (SWT) and any mistakes are from myself and, and I seek Allah (SWT) forgiveness.

    I ask Allah Almighty's acceptance of this effort as well as sincerity, and
    his mercy and forgiveness. I also request all readers to remember me and
    my family in their modest du'aa, and ask Allah Almighty to grant us all the goodness that our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Allah to grant him. Ameen.

    ((Our Lord, accept this from us, indeed you are the all Hearing, the all Knowing))1

    Abu Abdillah, Sajid Ahmed Umar
    27 Ramadaan 1428 (A.H) – 9 October 2007 (C.E)

    Definition of Knowledge

    In the English language ‘Knowledge’ is the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning

    The Arabic equivalent for the word ‘knowledge’ is ILM.

    ‘ILM’ in the context of Islamic studies is divided into two categories:

    1. The opposite of IGNORANCE

    2. Knowledge of what Allah (S.W.T) revealed to his Prophet (SAW). Allah praises the individual that chooses to acquire it.

    The Shari’ah and Islamic texts explain in various places the importance and magnitude of seeking Islamic knowledge, and that indeed the one that sacrifices to learn all pertaining to Allah’s revelation is praised and honoured.

    The Prophet (SAW) says in a Hadith found in both the authentic compilations that:

    (If Allah wants goodness upon someone, he grants him the understanding of ‘Deen’)

    In another Hadith Rasoolullah (SAW) explains that Islamic Knowledge is from the inheritance of the prophets.

    In At-Tirmithi and other books of hadith, a narration states that:

    (Indeed, the Prophets never left behind dirhams and dinars they left behind as inheritance; knowledge).3

    However, an understanding should not be taken from this that knowledge in regards to other fields, such as those found in the secular world are irrelevant!

    In fact some Ulamaa have made becoming a doctor or an engineer Faradh Kifaaya due to their importance to our communities.

    In summary, the Students of Islamic Knowledge have great responsibility placed upon their shoulders. Nothing can be more important than being the vessels of relaying the traditions of the muslim ummah to the next generation.

    May Allah accept your effort and grant you true understanding. Ameen.

    The Benefits of seeking Islamic Knowledge

    The Qur’an and Sunnah praise those seeking the knowledge of revelation and those who strive to possess it, for indeed it is one of the best forms of worship. The individual that excels regarding his knowledge of Allah’s (SWT) revelation worships Allah (SWT) in the most excellent manner.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah az-Zumar, Verse 9:

    ((Say, are those who KNOW equal to those who don’t know?))

    Just as those alive, and those who are dead can’t be equal, and those who see, and those who are blind can’t be equal; the one who understands his religion, has knowledge of their creator, and is capable of worshipping Allah in a manner others can’t ever equal.

    Islamic knowledge removes one and all from the avenues of darkness, and places them in the boulevard of light. Allah (SWT) by it raises those chosen to tread this praiseworthy path above the rest by multiple degrees!

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al- Mujaadalah, Verse 11:

    ((Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees))

    That is why we find praise mentioned in regards to the Ulamaa. They are raised in rank by Allah (SWT) in this world and the Aakhirah,

    Indeed the true worshipper is he who honours his creator with true service based on true insight and knowledge, as opposed to based on his own whims and fancies.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah Yusuf, Verse 108:

    ((Say, “This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I as well as those who follow who follow me.))

    May Allah (SWT) place us in the same assembly as those who serve him with true wisdom. Ameen.

    The significant benefits of seeking Islamic Knowledge:

     Knowledge remains whilst wealth diminishes.

    Abu Hurairah (R.A) was from amongst the poorest of the Sahaabah (May Allah be pleased with them). In fact he used to fall down from severe hunger. He didn’t possess any worldly possessions but his riches were far more enduring. How many times we hear of him today when reading the books of Hadeeth! And for him are the rewards of all the occasions individuals read about his narrations of our beloved Prophet (SAW) words.

    Rasoolullah (SAW) says:

    (If a man dies, all his ways of earning rewards are severed, except for three ways: Sadaqatul- jaariyah, or knowledge that he benefited people with, or a pious child that makes dua for him)1

     Knowledge is a means of protection

    With every moment, knowledge protects its owner from adversity through Allah’s Munificence. In contrast, wealth requires the protection of its owner! It needs a safe place for storage, and constant accountability, and then, the owner is always on edge.

     A person with Islamic knowledge is from amongst those who can give testimony to the truth.

    This is found in the words of Allah (SWT) in Soorah Aal-Imraan, Verse 18:

    ((Allah witnesses that there is no Diety except him, and so do the angels, and those of knowledge))

     The path of Seeking Islamic knowledge is a path, which leads to Paradise!

    Aboo Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reports that Rasoolullah (SAW) said:

    (Whoever treads a path, seeking ILM (Islamic Knowledge), then Allah SWT will make the path to JANNAH easy for him).1

     Knowledge is the light by which a servant is guided.

    The owner of knowledge is able to worship his creator in the most excellent manner, as well co-existing with Allah’s creation with an unparalleled code of conduct.

    The above-mentioned benefits are merely a drop in the ocean with regards to the positives of treading this privileged path. Books have been published discussing only the benefits achieved from this noble journey of studying the knowledge of revelation.

    The Islamic Ruling regarding seeking Islamic Knowledge

    Seeking Islamic Knowledge is ‘Faradh Kifaayah’. This means that if some individuals from society undertake this journey, the compulsion of seeking it is lifted upon the rest of society.

    The Characteristics of a Student of Knowledge

    The seeker of Islamic Knowledge, must aspire to develop a noble character based on a calm temperament, excellent morals and noteworthy conduct.

    Bearing this in mind, here are some of the most important qualities needed for one to be truly successful as a Student of Knowledge

     Sincerity in Intention.

    The first and foremost characteristic required is sincerity. Everything that is done must be done truly for the sake of Allah.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah Muhammed, Verse 19:

    ((So know, that there is no Diety except Allah))

    Praise of the Ulamaa in the Qur’an is well known, and if Allah (SWT) praises something that he has commanded; it becomes worship, and all worship requires sincerity.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al- Bayyinah, Verse 5:

    ((And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, being sincere to him in religion))

    And Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) reports Rasoolullah (SAW) as saying:

    (Indeed all actions are judged by their intentions)1

    The reason why special mention is made to Sincerity is because everything has a foundation, and the strength or weakness of that foundation determines the success of its result.

    Sincerity is the foundation of being a student of knowledge!

    Having an intention of lifting ignorance off ones self and others

    The student of knowledge has to understand that throughout his journey, he will be making steps towards lifting himself and those around out of ignorance.

    Mankind in their original state are ignorant. Reference to this is found in Soorah an-Nahl, Verse 78, Allah (SWT) says:

    {{And Allah extracted you from the wombs of yours mothers not knowing a thing}}

    So when you intend to learn for the purpose of extracting from yourself ignorance, you begin your steps towards being from amongst those termed to be al-Ulamaa (The people of knowledge and understanding).

    And Allah says regarding them in Soorah Faatir, Verse 28:

    {{Only those of knowledge and understanding truly fear Allah}}

    Rasoolullah (SAW) said:

    (Teach something from me, even if it is a verse)1

    May Allah (SAW) make us from amongst the sincere and those who are of constant benefit to others. Ameen.

     At-Taqwa

    The recipe to constant advancement as a student of knowledge is Taqwa (God Conciousness and the fear of Allah)!

    At-Taqwa was the advise to those before us and is the advise for us and those to come after us.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah an-Nisaa, Verse 131:

    {{And we have instructed those who were given the scripture before you and yourselves to fear Allah}}

    And Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah, end of Verse 282:

    {{And fear Allah, and Allah teaches you}}

    At-Taqwa was also the advice of Rasoolullah (SAW) to his Ummah. Aboo Umaamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reports that heard Rasoolullah (SAW) say:

    (Fear your Lord, pray your Five (Salaah). Fast in your month (Ramadan), pay your Zakah, obey those of Islamic authority over you; and you will enter the Paradise of your Lord)1

    Allah (SWT) advises us to at-Taqwa in various places in his book. It’s the formula of success in this world and the next.

    It was the practice of Rasoolullah (SAW) to invite towards
    at-Taqwa, and after him his pious predecessors continued this noble habit.

    May Allah make us from ‘al-muttaqoon’ (Those who are conscious of him and fear him) Ameen.

     Love for Allah (SWT) and Love for his Prophet (SAW)

    It is incumbent upon us to love Muhammed (SAW) for he invited us towards Allah (SWT), and taught us the way of Allah (SWT). So all goodness that reaches us today, is because of the sacrifice of Rasoolullah (SAW).

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah,Verse 165:

    {{But those who believe, love Allah more than anything else}}

    And Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Imran, Verse 31:

    {{Say, if you love Allah, then follow me (Muhammed), so Allah will love you and forgive your sins}}

    Rasoolullah (SAW) is reported to have mentioned something to this effect:

    (There’s three things that if a person possesses them; the sweetness of Imaan will be found: For Allah (SWT) and his Prophet (SAW) to be the most beloved to him, more than anything else, and for a person not to love another except for the sake of Allah, and for him to hate going back to disbelelief after Allah (SWT) saved him from it as he dislikes being thrown into hell-fire.1

    And Rasoolullah (SAW) said:

    (None of you believe until I become the most beloved to him, more (beloved) than his children, his parents and all of mankind)2

    So Love Allah and His Prophet and as a result of that love learn with sincerity and benefit yourself and others, and express that love in conforming to all that Allah (SWT) has granted you from the knowledge of his revelation.

     Seek closeness to Allah

    It is highly desirable to seek closeness to Allah through performing acts of worship that has not been made obligatory, such as nafl Salaah, charity, acts of kindness etc. These actions induce increased love from Allah upon us!

    Aboo Huraira (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said:

    “Allah (SWT) said: ‘I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which my slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him, and my slave keeps coming closer to me, through performing Nawaafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides that which is obligatory) till I love him. Then I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection, I will
    protect him, and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him.’”)1

     Emulating our Pious Predecessors

    Take a page out of the lives of our pious predecessors and emulate their ways.
    Leave all speech of no benefit such as arguing, shouting and useless talks! As an alternative, seek poise, refinement, politeness, self-control and good character.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah, Verse 83:

    {{and speak good to people}}

    and in Soorah al-Qalam, Verse 4, Allah (SWT) says about Muhammed (SAW):

    {{And verily (Oh Muhammed), you are on an exalted standard of character}}

    and in Soorah al-Israa’, Verse 53, Allah says:

    {{And say to my slaves that they should say the best of words}}

    In many a place does Allah (SWT) give reference to good character

    The Sunnah epitomises the best possible example of social conduct.

    (Anas (RA) narrates that he served Rasoolullah (SAW) for ten years, and He (SAW) never said to him Uff (a minor harsh word denoting impatience) and never blamed him by saying “why did you do so?” and “why didn’t you do so?”) 1

    And Aboo Huraira (RA) narrates that Rasoolullah (SAW) said:

    (The most complete of the believers in Imaan, is the one who has the best of character)2

     Know that Allah (SWT) is watching you.

    Understand Allah (SWT) sees our every move. It is imperative that this is understood, as this understanding is a result of the knowledge attained in such a blessed journey.

    Sustained information in the field of a student of knowledge, with no understanding that Allah (SWT) is watching him, is an unambiguous paradox.

     Be Humble and distance yourself from Arrogance

    Staying away from arrogance and self-righteousness are absolute prerequisites for success in the path of knowledge.

     Be Contented and Satisfied

    Be contented with Allah’s decree and beware of falling into the blameworthy hole of chasing after the extravagance of this temporary world.

    Hold tight onto that which is permissible, and refrain from going anywhere near all that which is impermissible, and that which may contain elements of doubt.

    May Allah (SWT) make us from amongst those who are content!

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah ar-R’ad, Verse 28:

    {{Those who believed, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah: verily, in the remembrance of Allah do the hearts find rest.}}

     Endow yourself with the tools of leadership and learning

    Refrain from ineffectual playfulness and joking whilst in public. Laughing aloud, arguing for no purpose and speaking frivolously are highly deplorable acts! Without doubt this diminishes our self-respect.

     Be a MAN!

    Being brave and stern on that which is right (Haq) is essential. Never be an individual that thrives on sitting on the fence with the hope of appeasing the masses. Consequently, beware of qualities that don’t represent a MAN, such as cowardice, impatience, and bad manners, for undeniably they dwindle our ability to succeed in our quest of divine knowledge.

     Refrain from gatherings which result in sin

    TIME is precious! Trivial play is not our domain! Whilst balance is necessary in life, activities which result in the disobedience of Allah must be shunned at all cost. Presence in mixed gatherings, ‘hukka’ assemblies, aimless‘cruising’ are all detrimental to our ability to acquire knowledge.

    On the contrary associate with a dynamic friend circle that constantly remembers the hereafter and seeks closeness to
    Allah (SWT).

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah at-Taubah, Verse 119:

    {{Oh you who believe! Be afraid and God conscious of Allah, and be with those who are truthful (in words and deeds)}}

     Be gentle

    Adopt a moderate approach in your dealings with others in both your actions and speech. Severity in forms of scolding, reprimanding, shouting, sternness, seriousness and firmness in situations not suited is a predetermined recipe for disaster.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah, Verse 195:

    {{And do good, for indeed Allah loves those who do good}}

    And Allah (SWT) says to Moosa and Haroon (May Allah shower his blessings upon them) when sending them to Fir’own:

    {{And speak to him mildly}}1

    This was the advice given when being sent to a person who denied Allah! So what about when dealing with those who have declared the one-ness of Allah (SWT) and accepted the prophecy of his Prophet (SAW)!?

    It’s every worshipper’s prerogative that they receive their advice and warning from students of knowledge in a beautiful manner with wisdom.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah an-Nahl, Verse 125:

    {{Invite to the way of your lord (Oh Muhammed SAW) with wisdom, and good preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better}}

    And Allah says in Soorah Aal-Imraan, Verse 159:

    {{And by the mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from around you.}}

    So exercise restraint and enjoy superior results from a softhearted approach.

     Contemplate

    Be a person that thinks before he acts or speaks! Revise mentally the outcome of your speech and activities before acting.

    Conduct yourself appropriately to support your endeavours and if you need to ask, sort your questioning in a manner that provides the one asked with the correct understanding of your question so as to benefit from an appropriate answer.

     Practice what you learn!

    Practicing what one learns and preaches is an absolute prerequisite.

    Rasoolullah (SAW) is reported to have said:

    (The Qur’an is either an assistant for you, or against you) 1

    It will be an aid if one practices upon its teachings.

    Allah SWT says in Soorah al-Ahzaab, Verse 36:

    {{It is not for a believer, man or women, when Allah and his Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision, and whoever disobeys Allah and his messenger, has indeed strayed into a plain error}}

    Rasoolullah (SAW) taught the Sahaabah (May Allah be pleased with them) teachings, which for them might have been strange, but believed wholeheartedly without question.

    Allah (SWT) gives cognisance to this in Soorah al-Baqarah, Verse 285:

    {{The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his lord, and so do the believers}}

     Wisdom

    The endowment of wisdom is a great bequest upon a student of knowledge.

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah, Verse 269

    {{He (Allah) grants wisdom to whom he pleases, and he, to whom wisdom is granted, is indeed granted abundant good}}

    And Allah (SWT) says in Soorah an-Nahl, Verse 125:

    {{Invite to the way of your lord (Oh Muhammed SAW) with wisdom}}

    A wise person is an entity that uses all at his disposal in a manner that is suitable and rational.

    Every person and circumstance has a unique method in its handling. A successful student of knowledge determines the correct handling of every subject and executes his approach accordingly.

    Examples of this are many in the life of Rasoolullah (SAW).

    The incident of the Bedouin that urinated in the Masjid is a famous one. The Sahaabah (May Allah be pleased with them) were enraged as a result of this derogatory act!

    But Rasoolullah (SAW) prevented them from harming the Bedouin, and in fact allowed him to complete his urination!! Then when the Bedouin finished, Rasoolullah (SAW) called him and said something to this effect:

    (It is not appropriate to urinate or relieve yourself in the Masjid, Indeed this is a place where the remembrance of Allah takes place, and the performance of Salaah, and the recitation of the Qur’an)1

    Another instance is when the Sahaabah (May Allah be pleased with them) were performing Salaah and a man sneezed. Upon his sneeze, Mu’aawiyah bin al-Hakm as-Sulami recited the dua said to the one who sneezes, whilst in Salaah. As a result all the Sahaabah starred at him strangely. So he said, “What is wrong with you all that you look intently at me like that?” So the Sahaabah (May Allah be pleased with them) began patting their thighs as way to silence him, as they were all in Salaah.

    So he remained silent and after the Salaah was completed, Rasoolullah (SAW) said to something to this effect to him:

    (Indeed this Salaah does not cater for the speech of man, for indeed it is Tasbeeh and Takbeer, and the recitation of Qur’an)2

    Mu’aawiyah says: “I never saw a teacher after him that was better than him.”

    From this we learn the importance of inviting towards Allah with WISDOM.

     Put into effect Patience

    Seeking knowledge requires time, sacrifice and effort!

    Allah says in Soorah Hood, Verse 49:

    {{This is the news of the unseen we reveal to you Oh Muhammed SAW); neither you nor your people knew it before this. So be patient. Surely a good end awaits the pious}}

    Patience also necessitates restraining oneself from passing out one’s views regarding the commands of Allah (SWT), and passing Islamic rulings with haste.

    Allah says in Soorah Taa-Haa, Verse 114:

    {{Then high above all be Allah, the true King. And be not in haste with the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you Oh Muhammed (SAW), and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”

     Respect for TEACHERS!

    Reverence of the Ulamaa is essential as they were integral to Islamic knowledge being passed on from past generations. Engaging in paltry conversations regarding them is deeply disrespectful and becomes an obstacle to one’s own progress in gaining knowledge.

    Give the Ulamaa their due. Never ask a question to test them! And when they speak, listen attentively. Avoid calling them by their names, but instead call out saying ‘our teacher’ as this is more polite.

    Nonetheless, whilst it’s relevant to give them their due; it is also important not to over do! It should be understood that none of us are free from making mistakes! The only human being free of that was our beloved Prophet (SAW), the other Messengers of Allah (SAW) and the Angels.

    Rasoolullah (SAW) said:

    (All the children of Adam make mistakes, and the best of those who make mistakes are the ones who repent)1

    It should be noted though, that any questioning of one’s teachers in the event they do err; must be done with utmost respect and humbleness, and with a pure intention of learning. If our teacher does make a mistake; it is disrespectful for us to spread this mistake.

     Remain upon your books!

    Let traditional texts be an escort throughout one’s life. Never abandon them.

    Also don’t hasten to call yourself an ‘Aalim’ (Someone knowledgeable)! We will all remain ‘STUDENTS OF KNOWLEDGE till the day we die.

     Call unto Allah

    Dua is an essential part of a believer’s life. Dua is indispensable to one’s progress in learning Islamic knowledge whilst serving Allah.

    Moosa ((May Allah shower his blessings upon him) called out to Allah before continuing upon his way saying:

    {{Oh my Lord, open for me my chest, and ease my task for me, and loosen the knot from my tongue that they understand my speech}}2

    Allah says in Soorah Taa-Haa, Verse 114:

    {{Then high above all be Allah, the true King. And be not in haste with the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you Oh Muhammed (SAW), and say: “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”

    And Allah (SWT) says in Soorah al-Baqarah, Verse 187:

    {{And when my slave asks you concerning me, then (tell them),I am indeed near. I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on me. So let them obey me and believe in Me, so that they be led alright}}

    And Aboo Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger (SAW) of Allah said that:

    “Allah (SWT) said: ‘ I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which my slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him, and my slave keeps coming closer to me, through performing Nawaafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides that which is obligatory) till I love him. Then I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection, I will
    protect him, and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him.’”)1

     Rome wasn’t built in a day!

    It is utterly important to conduct one’s calling to Allah (SWT) in stages.

    The Qur’an and Sunnah are full of examples teaching us this lesson.

    An example from the Way of Rasoolullah (SAW) is the occasion when he deployed Muaadh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) in Yemen.

    He advised him to offer the message of Islam to them in stages by inviting them to the oneness of Allah (SWT) and the acceptance of the prophecy of Allah’s Messenger first.

    Rasoolullah (SAW) then told him, that only after they have accepted your message; then advise them to the performance of the five times daily prayer. Thereafter, he offered him the same advice as previously and said that only when they accept the compulsion of the five times daily prayer should you advise them to the payment of Zakaah, and so on.1

    There are many other examples of this in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah that you will come across during your blessed voyage.

    So exercise wisdom and reap results from a more considered approach in all your activities.

     Never speak without knowledge!

    The aspect of passing Islamic Verdicts and Rulings is a great responsibility. With it, difficulties are removed and problems resolved. This activity should never be done except by those who are qualified to do so!

    This is why it is important to fear Allah (SWT) and not offer any verdict that one doesn’t have absolute and complete knowledge about!

    Realize that it is Allah (SWT) alone who makes anything permissible (Halaal) and impermissible (Haraam). Allah (SWT) detests those who pass verdicts regarding his Religion from their desires!

    Allah (SWT) says in Soorah Younus, Verses 59-60

    {{Say (to the polytheists) “tell me, what provision Allah has sent down to you! And you have made it lawful (Halaal) and unlawful (Haram).” Say, “has Allah permitted you to do so, or do you invent a lie against Allah.”}}

    {{And what think those who invent a lie against Allah on the day of resurrecton?}}

    Indeed the most terrible thing a person can utter is to say something is permissible or impermissible in the religion of Allah (SWT) whilst he doesn’t have a clue regarding its true reality. This is sheer disrespect to Allah (SWT)!

    Allah (SWT) after warning against associating partners with him mentions the immorality of speaking about him with that which you know not!

    Allah (SWT) in Soorah al-A’raaf, Verse 33 says:

    {{Say, the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are great evil sins and every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse (fawaahish), whether committed openly or secretly, all sins, unrighteous oppression, joining partners in worship with Allah for which he has given no authority, and saying things about Allah for which you have no knowledge}}

    Unfortunately today we witness many members of the public speaking about that which they don’t know, terming things permissible and impermissible whilst not knowing anything in regards to the subject.

    It is from intelligence, Imaan, and Taqwa to answer a question you don’t know enough about by saying “I DON’T KNOW” or “THIS QUESTION REQUIRES FURTHER RESEARCH AND I’LL GET BACK TO YOU.”

    Even Rasoolullah (SAW) waited until revelation occurred before he answered certain questions.

    How many times do we find in the Book of Allah (SWT) the statement:

    {{They ask you concerning….Say…}}

    Such as in Soorah al- Baqarah and al-Maaidah and al-Kahf etc.

    May Allah (SWT) increase our knowledge.

    These are just some of the characteristics that a student of knowledge is required to inculcate during the glorious voyage of seeking knowledge and becoming an inviter.

    As Allah (SWT) says in Soorah as-Sajdah, Verse 24:

    {{And we made from among them, leaders, giving guidance under our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in our Aayaat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs and revelation}}

    I ask Allah (SWT) to make us all successful in our Islamic activities, and to shower upon us his mercy; indeed he is the Most Forgiving, the most Merciful.

    I offer gratitude and seek Allah (SWT) blessings upon all involved in making this work a success from both near and far.

    Praise is to Allah whom with his blessings goodness is completed, and salutations be upon our Prophet (SAW), His companions, and all those who follow in their footsteps till the Last Day.


    Abbreviations and Translations

    (SWT): Subhaanahu Wa Ta’aala

    (SAW):Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

    (A.S): Alayhis Salaam

    (RA): Radi- Allahu- Anhu (for a male) or
    Radi- Allahu- Anha (for a female) and
    Radi –Allahu- Anhum (for a group)

    Ulamaa: Group of Islamic Scholars

    Aalim: Scholar

    Soorah: Chapter

    Imaan: Belief in Allah (SWT)

    Sahaabah: Disciples of Prophet Muhammed (SAW)

    Shaitaan: The creation from amongst the jinn that refused to prostrate to Adam (A.S) and better known as Iblees and the enemy of mankind.

    Al-Ansaab: Animals that are sacrificed on an-Nusub. These are stone alters at fixed places or graves, whereon sacrifices were slaughtered on certain occasions in the name of idols, jinn, angels and pious men in order to honour them or expect some benefit from them.

    Al-Azlaam: Arrows used for seeking the right decision or luck.

    Faradh Khifaayah: Acts of worship or life aspects which are catagorised as obligatory, however, if a few members of society perform that act of worship; the obligation upon the rest is lifted.


    I would like to thank my parents first foremost. They made beloved to me the seeking of Islamic knowledge. I ask Almighty Allah to reward them abundantly as well to assist me in my obedience towards them.

    I thank all those who have been of assistance to me from both near and far.
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    The taabi’ee, Talq Ibn Habeeb - rahimahullaah – said, “Taqwaa is acting in obedience to Allaah hoping in His mercy, upon a light from Him; and taqwaa is leaving acts of disobedience to Allaah out of fear of Him, upon a light from Him.”

    Never speak without knowledge!

    Aboo Huraira (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said:

    “Allah (SWT) said: ‘I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which my slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him, and my slave keeps coming closer to me, through performing Nawaafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides that which is obligatory) till I love him. Then I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection, I will
    protect him, and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him.’”)1

    O you who believe Fear Allaah, and believe too in His Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhe wa Sallam), he will give you a double portion of His Mercy, and he will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight), and he will forgive you. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
    [Soorah Al Hadeed (57):28]
    Last edited by Tilmeez; 02-01-2011 at 10:22 AM.
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Assalaamu Alaikum

    Jazakallah Khair!
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Jazakillaah khair
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    Re: O Seekers of Knowledge!

    Cordoba Academy for Classical Islamic Sciences

    would like to inform the Muslim Community of one of its latest project to improve Islamic literacy in the Ummah:

    The Knowledge-Seeker Library

    The library currently contains over 70 classical Islamic texts from different genres with complete tashkeel (diacritics). More materials are being regularly added to the library in order to offer the avid student of Sacred Sciences the tools they require to continue on their blessed journey.

    Some of the books that are currently in each of the following categories are:

    Arabic: al-Ajrumiyyah

    Fiqh: Muwatta (Imam Malik)

    Usool Hadith: al-Bayquniyyah

    Usool Fiqh al-Waraqaat

    Quran: al-Jazriyah

    "When the son of Adam (AS) passes away, his good deeds come to an end, except in three cases: an ongoing charity, knowledge from which people continue to benefit from or a righteous child who prays for him.” (Sahih Muslim)

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