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The Lives Of The Sahabah

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    The Lives Of The Sahabah

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    As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

    hayatus - The Lives Of The Sahabah

    By Muhammad Yusuf Khandalwi. Hayatus Sahabah is a masterpiece. A Large Collection of events and incidents involving the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA), meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals these incidents symbolise. Meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals these incidents symbolise. The author has organised together a vast amount of information to paint a vivid picture of the Sahabah, and their training by the Prophet (SAW), a must for every Muslim, and every reader of Hisory.

    Qur'aanic Verses Concerning Rasulullaah
    and the Sahabah

    Muhammad (SAW) is not the father of any men among you, but he is Allaah (SWT)'s Rasool and the seal of all Ambiyaa (after whom there shall never come another Nabi). Allaah (SWT) has knowledge of all things. {Surah Ahzaab, verse 40)

    O Nabi (SAW)! We have certainly sent you as a witness (who will bear testimony against the Kuffaar of all nations on [he Day of Qiyaamah), a carrier of good news (to the Mu'mineen that they will enjoy Jannah), a Warner (to the Kuffaar that they will suffer the punishment of Jahannam if they do not accept Imaan) and as a caller to Allaah (SWT) by His command and an illuminating lantern (who lit up the world filled with the darkness of kufi and Shirk with the light of Imaan and also produced the Sahabah adguiding stars to guide people after him). {Surah Ahzaab, verses 45,46)

    Verily We have sent you (O Rasulullaah (SAW)) as a witness (to testify to the actions of people on the Day of Qiyaamah), a carrier of good news (to the Mu'mineen) and a warner (to the Kuffaar) so that you (O people) believe in Allaah (SWT), believe in His Rasool, assist Him (His Deen), revere Him and glorify Him morning and evening. {Surah Fatah, verses 8,9)

    Undoubtedly We have sent you (O Muhammad (SAW)) with the truth, as a carrier of good news (to those who believe you) and as a warner (to those who refuse to believe you). You will not be questioned about the people of the Blaze (about those in the fire of Jahannam. Allaah (SWT) shal not ask you why they did not believe because your duty is to give them the message and not to force them to believe). {Surah Baqara, verse 119)

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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Verily We have sent you (O Rasulullah (SAW)) with the truth, as a carrier of good news (to the Mu'mineen) and (as) a warner (to the Kuffaar). (Your duty is nothing strange to people because) A warner (who cautioned people about the consequences of kufr) passed in every nation. {Surah Faatir, verse 24)

    (Do not also forget) The day when We shall raise against every nation a witness from their midst (the Ambiyaa of every nation who will testify against the Kuffaar of their nations), and We shall make you (O Muhammad (SAW) )witness over them (to testify in favour of the Ambiyaa that they did fulfil their responsibilities). We have revealed the Book (the Qur'aan) to you, that explains all things do you (including the fact that all the Ambiyaa fulfiled their duties) and which is (a means of ) guidance, a mercy and good news (of forgiveness, rewards and Jannah) for those who submit (the Muslims). {Surah Nahl, verse 89)

    Verses of the Qur'aan concerning the Sahabah

    Allaah (SWT) has certainly turned in mercy towards the Nabi (SAW) and towards the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar who followed him in the hour of difficulty (to Tabook) after the hearts of some of them were almost shaken (causing them to hesitate). Without doubt, He is Most Compassionate and Most Merciful towards them (by blessing them with steadhstness and devotion). And Allaah (SWT) (has also turned in mercy towards) the three (Sahaaba namely Murara bin Rabee (RA), Ka'b bin Maalik (RA) and Hilaal bin Umayyah (RA)) whose matter (forgiveness for not marching to Tabook) was postponed (for fifty days) until the earth narrowed for them despite its vastness (and they could find no place to hide themselves), their own souls narrowed for them (they became frustrated with themselves) and they were convinced that there was no safety from Allaah (SWT) except (in turning) towards Him. Then Allaah (SWT) turned towards them (in mercy) so that they (could) turn to Him (in repentance). Indeed Allaah (SWT)'s Most Pardoning, Most Merciful. {Surah Taubah, verse 117, 118)

    Allaah (SWT) was well pleased with the Mu'mineen (the Sahabah) when they pledged their allegiance to you (O Rasulullaah (SAW) beneath the tree (at Hudaybiyyiah) Allaah (SWT) knew what was in their hearts, sent tranquillity to them (causing them to accept Allaah (SWT) commands without hesitation) and rewarded them with a victory close at hand (when they conquered Khaybar soon after signing the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah) and (Allaah (SWT) will also reward them with) abundant spoils of war that they will take (after conquering Khaybar). Allaah (SWT) is always Mighty, Wise. {Surah Fatah, verse 18, 19)

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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Allaah (SWT) is pleased with the first to lead the way from the Muhaajireen, the Ansaar, and those who followed them with sincerity and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them such Jannaat beneath which rivers flow, in which they shall live forever. This is the ultimate success. (This verse clearly illustrates the great status of the Sahabah and it will therefore be wrong to revile them.) {Surah Taubah, verse 100)

    (A share of the booty received without a fight is also reserved) For the poor Muhaajireen who were removed from their homes and their possessions. They seek Allaah (SWT)'s grace and pleasure and assist Allaah (SWT) and His Rasool (SAW). These are the ones who are true (in their claim to Imaan). (Part of this booty is also for Those (the Ansaar) who adopted the place (Madinah) as their home before them (before the Muhaajireen) and (had adopted) Imaan. They (the Ansaar) love those who migrate to them (the Muhaajireen) and find no want jealousy or envy in their hearts for what they (the Muhaajireen) are given. They (the Ansaar) prefer (others) above themselves (they prefer to give others) even though they are themselves in need (of the things they give). (Like the Ansaar) Those who are saved from the miserliness (and greed) of the soul are really the successful ones (who will attain salvation). {Surah Hashar, verses 8,9)

    Allaah (SWT) has revealed the most superb articulation; a Book (the Qur'aan) with subject matter of similar import (to reinforce teachings), which is often repeated (by people throughout the world and throughout time). The bodies of those who fear their Rabb shiver with it, after which their hearts and bodies soften to Allaah (SWT)'s remembrance (causing them to do good deeds). This is Allaah (SWT)'s guidance, with which He guides whoever He wills. There can be no guide for the one whom Allaah (SWT) sends astray. {Surah Zumar, verse 23)

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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Mention of Rasulullaah (SAW) and the Sahabah
    in the Divine Scriptures that Came Before
    the Qur'aan

    Hadhrat Ataa bin Yasaar (RA) reports that once when he met Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Amr bin Al Aas (RA), he asked him, "Tell me about the description of Rasulullaah (SAW) in the Torah." Hadbrat Abdullaah bin Amr bin Al Aas (RA) replied, "Alright. I swear by Allaah (SWT) that the Torah describes him just as the Qur'aan does. (It says) 'O Nabi (SAW)! Verily We have sent you as a witness, a giver of glad tidings, a Warner and a protection for the illiterate nation (the Arabs). You are My servant and My Rasool and I have named you Mutawakkil (One who relies on Allaah (SWT) only). You are neither ill-tempered, hard-hearted nor one who shouts in the marketplace. You do not resist ,evil with evil, but rather forgives and overlooks.' (The Torah continues to say,) Allaah (SWT) shall never take him (Rasulullaah (SAW)) from the world until people straighten their crooked religion by saying, 'Laa Ilaaha Illalaah' (There is none worthy of worship but Allaah (SWT)). By him shall Allaah (SWT) open blind eyes, deaf ears and veiled hearts." (Ahmad) Hadhrat Wahab bin Munabbih (RA) narrates that Allaah (SWT) sent the following revelation to Hadhrat Dawood (RA) in the Zaboor, "O Dawood! There shall soon come after you a Nabi whose name will be Ahmad and Muhammad. He shall be truthful and a leader and I shall never be angry with him. I have forgiven all his errors even before he can commit them. His Ummah shall be showered with My mercy. I shall grant them such Nawaafil (optional) that I have granted only to the Ambiyaa and I shall make compulsory for them such Faraa'idh at I have made compulsory only for the Ambiyaa and the Rasul. They will eventually come to me on the Day of Qiyaamah shining with the same light that shines from the Ambiyaa." Allaah (SWT) then said to Dawood, "O Dawood! I have granted superiority to Muhammad (SAW) and his Ummah over all other nations." (Al Bidaayah wan Nihaayah Vol. 2 Pg. 326)

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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Ahaadeeth Describing Rasulullaah (SAW)

    Hadhrat Hasan bin Ali (RA) says that he once asked his uncle Hadhrat Hind bin Abi Haalah (RA) to describe Rasulullaah (SAW) because he could describe excellently. His reason for asking for a description of Rasulullaah (SAW) was to adopt something of the description (because Hadhrat Hasan bin Ali (RA) wasonly seven when Rasulullaah (RA) passed away, he did not have sufficient opportunity to study the appearance of Rasulullaah (RA) in much detail).

    Hadhrat Hind bin Haalah (RA) being, "Rasulullaah (SAW) was of outstanding stature, appearing such to others as well. His face shone brightly like the full moon at night. He was taller than the average person yet shorter than a lanky person. His head was gracefully large and his hair had gentle curls. If his hair formed a path, he would leave it that way, otherwise he never took pains to make one (while he would make a path if a path formed easily, he would not take pains to make one if it became difficult). When his hair grew long, it would be below his earlobes. His complexion was radiant and his forehead was wide. His eyebrows were full though fine a?d stood separately. Between the two was a vein which would swell when he became angry. His nose was smooth with a high bridge and had a lustre about it, which made an unacquainted person think that it was large (whereas its lustre only made it seem such). His beard was thick, his eyes were black and his cheeks were smooth and unobtrusive. His mouth was moderately wide, his teeth discreet with a slight gap between the two front teeth."

    "The hair of his chest formed a thin line up to the navel. Because of its smoothness and clarity his neck appeared to be that of a carved silver statue. His body was firm and moderately built with his stomach in line with his chest. His chest was wide, his shoulders broad and his joints prominent and powerful. The uncovered parts of his body were always radiant. He had a lirie of hair running between his chest and navel and although his abdomen and breasts were hairless, his arms, shoulders and upper part of the chest had hair. He had long forearms, broad palms and his bones were well formed and straight. His hands and feet were well-built with his fingers and toes proportionately long. The inside of his foot was deep with the upper part so smooth that water easily flowed down them."

    "He lifted his feet well off the ground and leaned forward when he walked. He put his steps down lightly and walked briskly, taking long strides as he went along. He walked as if he was descending from a high place. When he turned to someone, he turned his entire body towards the person. His kept his gazes lowered and would more often be looking down than up. (Out of modesty) He never looked at a person straight in the face, always walked behind his companions and greeted whoever he met before they greeted him."

    Last edited by FatimaAsSideqah; 10-07-2008 at 06:59 PM.
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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Love for Da'wah and Preoccupation with it
    The Concern of Rasulullaah (SAW) for Mankind to
    Accept Imaan

    Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA) narrates that Rasulullaah (RA) was extremely concerned that the whole of mankind should accept lmaan and pledge allegiance to him. Allaah therefore revealed Qur'aanic verses such as:

    Among them (mankind) are the fortunate (those destined for Jannah) and the unfortunate (those destined for Jahannam). {Surah Hood, verse 105)

    In these verses, Allaah informed Rasulullaah (SAW) that people will accept Imaan only if the good fortune of doing so has been destined for them in the Lowhul Mahfoodh. Similarly, only those people for whom ill-fortune has been destined in the Lowhul Mahfoodh will go astray. Allaah (SWT) then revealed to Rasulullaah (SAW):

    (O Rasulullaah (SAW)) It seems like you will destroy yourself (with grief) because they (the Kuffar) are not becoming Mu'mineen. If We willed, We could have revealed a (great) Aayah (miracle) to them from the sky, causing their necks to bow before it in humility (because of which they would be forced to accept Imaan. However, Allaah (SWT) does not do this because forcing people into submission would defeat the object of testing them and rewarding or punishing them according to their merit). {Surah Shu'araa, verses 3, 4)

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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Rasulullaah (SAW) Preaches to his People at the
    Time when his Uncle Abu Taalib is about to Leave
    the World

    Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA) narrates that when Abu Taalib was about to leave the world, a group from the Quraysh came to see him. Among this group was Abu Jahal. They complained to Abu Taalib about what his nephew (Rasulullaah (SAW)) was saying and doing, including insulting their gods. They expressed the wish that Abu Taalib call for Rasulullaah (SAW) and forbid him from what he was doing. When Abu Taalib sent for Rasulullaah (SAW), he promptly arrived and entered the house. When Rasulullaah (SAW) came to the room, there remained a space for one person between the group of the Quraysh and Abu Taalib.

    Narrating further, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA) states, "The accursed Abu Jahal feared that if Rasulullaah (SAW) occupied the empty space next to his uncle, Abu Taalib may become more lenient. Therefore, he jumped to occupy the place, leaving no place for Rasulullaah (SAW) near his uncle. For this reason, Rasulullaah (SAW) was forced io sit near the door. Addressing Rasulullaah (SAW), Abu Taalib said, 'O my nephew! Why are your people complaining that you insult their gods and tell them so many things?' Upon this, those present started saying many things."

    Rasulullaah (SAW) finally addressed his uncle saying, "O my uncle! All I want these people to do is to accept a single statement that would make all the Arabs serve them and make all the non-Arabs pay them taxes." Taken aback by this, the people exclaimed, "Only one statement! By the oath of your father, we are prepared to accept ten such statements! What is this statement?" Abu Taalib also asked, "O my nephew! What is this statement?" Rasulullaah (SAW) replied, "Laa Ilaaha Illallaah ("There is none worthy of worship but Allaah")."

    Upon hearing this, the people hastily stood up and brushing down their clothing, they said, '"Does he make all the (many) gods (that we worship) into one god? This is indeed something strange!"

    Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA) states that it was with reference to this that Allaah (SWT) revealed the verses:

    (The Mushrikeen say,)"Does he (Rasulullaah (SAW)) make all the (many) gods (that we worship) into one god? This is indeed something strange!" A group of their leaders passed saying, "Carry on (with what you are doing without paying attention to what Rasulullaah (SAW) says), and remain devoted to your gods (idols). Undoubtedly, there is some ulterior motive behind this. We have not heard about such a thing (this message) in the other religions. This is (therefore) merely some fabrication. Does some speech (revelation) descend on him (when he is merely a human being) from among us (and not an angel)?" (Allah (SWT) says further,) However, (the fact of the matter is that) they are in doubt concerning My revelation. The truth is that they (behave in this manner because they) have not yet tasted My punishment. {Surah Saad, verses 5-8)
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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Subhaanallah ...thnx for sharing
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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Downloadable links for this book were posted in another thread. Please find them here:

    Arabic (with explanation and references)

    English translation (all volumes)
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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    The cover is decent, though it could have been better, the life of the Sahabah was all about sacrifice, theirs as well as others.
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    Re: The Lives Of The Sahabah

    Hayat us sahaba is a great collection of lives of Hz sahaba ikram RA: http://www.central-mosque.com/index....ompanions.html
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