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~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

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    The Miracles Of The Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him)

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    Book 030, Number 5656:

    Anas reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) called for water and he was given a vessel and the people began to perform ablution in that and I counted (the persons) and they were between fifty and eighty and I saw water which was spouting from his fingers.
    Book 030, Number 5657:

    Anas b. Malik reported: I saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) during the time of the afternoon prayer and the people asking for water for performing ablution which they did not find. (A small quantity) of water was brought to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and he placed his hand in that vessel and com- manded people to perform ablution. I raw water spouting from his fingers and the people performing ablution until the last amongst them performed it.
    Book 030, Number 5658:

    Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and his Companions were at a place known as az-Zaura' (az-Zaurd' is a place in the bazar of Medina near the mosque) that he called for a vessel containing water. He put his hand in that. And there began to spout (water) between his fingers and all the Companions performed ablution. Qatada, one of the narrators in the chain of narrators, said: Abu Hamza (the kunya of Hadrat Anas b. Malik), how many people were they? He said: They were about three hundred.
    Book 030, Number 5659:

    Anas reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) was at az-Zaura' and a vessel containing water was brought to him in which his finger could not be completely dipped or completely covered; the rest of the hadith is the same.
    Book 030, Number 5660:

    Jabir reported that Umm Malik used to send clarified butter in a small skin to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him). Her sons would come to her and ask for seasoning when they had nothing with them (in the form of condiments) and she would go to that (skin) in which she offered (clarified butter) to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), and she would find in that clarified butter and it kept providing her with seasoning for her household until she had (completely) squeezed it. She came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and (informed him about it). Thereupon, he (the Holy Prophet) said: Did you squeeze it? She said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If you had left it in that very state, it would have kept on provid- ing you (the clarified butter) on end.
    Book 030, Number 5661:

    Jabir reported that a person came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and asked for food. And he gave him half a wasq of barley, and the person and his wife and their guests kept on making use of it (as a food) until he weighed it (in order to find out the actual quantity, and it was no more). He came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) (and informed him about it). He said: Had you not weighed it, you would be eating out of it and it would have remained intact for you.
    Book 030, Number 5662:

    Mu'adh b. Jabal reported that he went along with Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) in the expedition of Tabuk and he (the Holy Prophet) combined the prayers. He offered the noon and afternoon prayers together and the sunset and night prayers together and on the other day he deferred the prayers; he then came out and offered the noon and afternoon prayers together. He then went in and (later on) came out and then after that offered the sunset and night prayers together and then said: God willing, you would reach by tomorrow the fountain of Tabuk and you should not come to that until it is dawn, and he who amongst you happens to go there should not touch its water until I come. We came to that and two persons (amongst) us reached that fountain ahead of us. It was a thin flow of water like the shoelace. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) asked them whether they had touched the water. They said: Yes. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) scolded them, and he said to them what he had to say by the will of God. The people then took water of the fountain in their palms until it became somewhat significant and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) washed his hands and his face too in it, and then, took it again in that (fountain) and there gushed forth abundant water from that fountain, until all the people drank to their fill. He then said: Mu'adh, it is hoped that if you live long you would see its water irrigating well the gardens.
    Book 030, Number 5663:

    Abu Humaid as-Sa'idi reported: We went out with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to Tabuk and we came to a wadi where there was a garden belonging to a woman. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said. Make an assessment (of the price of its fruit). And Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) also made an assessment and it was ten wasqs. He asked that lady (to calculate the amount) until they would, God willing, come back to her. So we proceeded on until we came to Tabuk and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The violent storm will overtake you during the night, so none amongst you should stand up and he who has a camel with him should hobble it firmly. A violent storm blew and a person who had stood up was carried away by the storm and thrown between the mountains of Tayy. Then the messenger of the son of al 'Alma', the ruler of Aila, came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) with a letter and a gift of a white mule. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) wrote him (the reply) and presented him a cloak. We came back until we halted in the Wadi al-Qura. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) asked that lady about her garden and the price of the fruits in that. She said: Ten wasqs. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: I am going to depart, and he who amongst you wishes may depart with me but he who wants to stay may stay. We resumed the journey until we came to the outskirts of Medina. (It was at this time) that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: This is Taba, this is Uhud, that is a mountain which loves us and we love it, and then said: The best amongst the houses of the Ansar is the house of Bani Najjar. Then the house of Bani Abd al-Ashhal, then the house of Bani Abd al-Harith b. Khazraj, then the house of Bani Sa'ida, and there is goodness in all the houses of the Ansar. Said b. Ubada came to us and Abu Usaid said to him: Did you not see that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) has declared the houses of the Ansar good and he has kept us at the end. Said met Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, you have declared the house of the Ansar as good and have kept us at the end, whereupon he said: Is it not enough for you that you have been counted amongst the good.
    Book 030, Number 5664:

    This hadith has been narrated on the authority of 'Amr b. Yahya with the same chain of transmitters up to the words: There is good in all the houses of the Ansar, and there is no mention of the subsequent event pertaining to Sa'd b. 'Ubada.
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    ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    The Messenger of Allah possesses many manifest miracles and signs demonstrating [his veracity], reaching thousands and they are well known.

    From amongst them was the Qur'an, the manifest and clear miracle and brilliant proof, falsehood cannot approach it from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Who is All-Wise and Praiseworthy. It incapacitated the most eloquent of people in the most eloquent of times to produce a single chapter that would be comparable to it, even if the whole of creation were to gather for that purpose. Allah, the Exalted says,

    "Say: If the whole of mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they assisted each other." [Al-Israa' (17): 88]

    It challenged them to this despite their large numbers, their eloquence and their severe enmity, and it challenges them to this day.

    As for the other miracles, it is not possible to enumerate them all due to their huge number and renewing and increasing nature. However, I will mention some examples:

    The splitting of the moon, water flowing from between his fingers, increasing the quantity of food and water, the glorification of the food, the palm tree yearning for him, stones greeting him, the talking of the poisoned leg [of roasted sheep], trees walking towards him, two trees that were far apart coming together and then parting again, the barren [and therefore dry] sheep giving milk, his returning the eye of Qatidah bin an-Nu`man to its place with his hand after it had slipped out, his spitting lightly into the eye of Ali when it had become inflamed and its being cured almost immediately, his wiping the leg of `Abdullah bin `Atiq whereupon he was immediately cured.

    His informing of the places of death of the Day of Badr saying, 'this is the place of such polytheists on the and-such a person.' His informing of his killing Ubayy bin Khalaf, that a group of his nation would traverse an ocean and Umm Haram would be amongst them and this occurred. That all that was drawn together for him of the ends of the earth and displayed to him would be opened for his nation, that the treasures of the Chosroes would be spent by his nation in the Way of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent. That he feared for his nation that they would be tempted by the wealth and allurement of this world and that the treasures of the Persians and Romans would be ours and that Suraqah bin Malik would wear the trousers of Chosroes.

    He informed us that Hasan bin `Ali would reconcile between two large warring parties of the Muslims, that Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas would live such that nations would benefit by him and others would be harmed. That an-Najashi had died on this particular day while he was in Ethiopia and that al-Aswad al-`Ansi had been killed on this particular day while he was in Yemen.

    That the Muslims would fight the Turks who were described as having small eyes, wide faces and small, chiselled noses and that Yemen, Syria and Iraq would be conquered by the Muslims.

    He informed us that the Muslims would comprise three armies, an army in Syria, and army in Yemen and an army in Iraq. That they would conquer Egypt, a land whose [unit of land measurement] was the Qirat, that they should deal with their people well for they have protection [being Copts] and ties of kinship [through Hajar]. That Awais al-Qarni would come to you from the auxiliaries of Yemen, he would be afflicted with leprosy and it would be healed except for the space of a dirham, and he indeed arrived during the rule of `Umar.

    He informed us that a group of his nation would always be upon the truth and that mankind would become many in number and that the Ansar would diminish in number and that the Ansar would not be given their due [with regards distribution of wealth and leadership]. That mankind would keep on asking questions until they would say, "Allah created the creation..." [Referring to the hadeeth, "the people would continue asking until they say, 'this is Allah Who created everything…but who created Allah?'" (al-Bukhari and Muslim)]

    He informed us that Ruwayfi` bin Thabit would live a long life, that Ammar bin Yasir would be killed by the transgressing group, that this nations shall divide into sects and that they would fight each other.

    He informed us that a fire would emanate from the land of Hijaz and the likes of this. All of this occurred exactly as he (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) said it would.

    He said to Thabit bin Qays, "You will live being praised... and you will die as a martyr", and he lived being praised and was martyred at al-Yamamah. He said to `Uthman, "He would be afflicted by a severe trial." [The meaning of severe trial is his being imprisoned in his house and his being killed by the transgressors.]

    He said about a person amongst the Muslims who had just fought a severe fight that
    "He would be from amongst the denizens of the Fire", and later he committed suicide. Wabisah bin Ma`bad came to him in order to ask him about righteousness and sin upon which he asked, "Have you come to ask about righteousness and sin?"

    He said to `Ali, az-Zubair and al-Miqdad, "Go to the garden of Khakh for indeed there is Dha`inah" who has a book with her. [Dha`inah is the woman with whom Hasib al-Balta`ah (radhiAllahu `anhu) sent a letter to the people of Mecca in order to inform them of the plans of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) to fight them. It was concerning this that the first verses of Surah Mumtahinah were revealed.

    The garden of Khakh is a place falling between Mecca and Madinah. Refer to Bukhari [no. 3983] and Muslim [no. 2494] and Tafsir ibn Kathir [4/344]]

    They found her there but she initially denied having the book and then took it out from within her braids.

    He said to Abi Hurayrah, when Satan had stolen some dates, "Indeed he shall return" and he did. He said to his wives, "The most prolific of you in giving charity will be the quickest of you to join me." and it was so [Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhi Allahu `anha) was the most prolific of them in giving charity and was the first to die. Refer to Muslim [no. 2452].]

    He said to 'Abdullah bin Sallam, "You will remain upon Islam until you die."

    He (sallallahu `alayhe wa sallam) supplicated for Anas that his wealth and sons increase and that he should live a long life and it was so. He lived for more than one hundred years and not one of the Ansar was richer than he and one hundred and twenty of his children had already been buried before the arrival of al-Hajjaj [to Basrah]. This is detailed further in Sahih Bukhari and others. [Bukhari no. 1982]

    He supplicated that Islam be strengthened through 'Umar bin al-Khattab or Abu Jahl, and Allah strengthened it through `Umar (radiyAllahu `anhu). He supplicated against Suraqah bin Malik and the feet of his horse sank into the earth and he was thrown off, he called out asking for safe conduct and was granted it, then he asked the Prophet to make a supplication for him.

    He supplicated that Allah remove feeling the bitter cold and heat from `Ali and so never did he feel cold or hot. He supplicated for Hudhayfah, the night that he sent him to spy on the Confederates, that he not feel the cold and he did not until he had returned. He supplicated for ibn `Abbas that Allah grant him understanding of the religion and it was so. He supplicated against `Utbah bin Abi Lahb... that Allah cause a dog from amongst his dogs to overcome him and he was killed by a lion at az-Zarqa`. [This is how it is in all of the printed editions; perhaps the author means `Utaybah bin Abi Lahb for this description fits him. As for `Utbah, he accepted Islaam in the year of the Conquest of Mecca.]

    He supplicated for the descent of rain when they asked him to at the time of drought. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and then when he had supplicated, the clouds gathered like mountains and it rained until the next Friday. It rained so much that they had to come back and ask him to supplicate and stop the rain, so he supplicated and the rain stopped and they walked out into the glaring sun.

    He (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) supplicated for Abu Talhah and his wife, Umm. Sulaym, that he bless them in the night they had spent together and she became pregnant and gave birth to `Abdullah. He had nine children and all of them were scholars.

    He supplicated for the mother of Aba Hurayrah (radhi Allahu `anhu) that she be guided and Aba Hurayrah left to find her performing the ritual bath because she had accepted Islam. He supplicated for Umm Qays bint Muhsin, the sister of `Ukkasha, that she live a long life and we do not know of another woman who lived as long as she did. This was reported by an-Nasa'i the chapter concerning washing the deceased.

    On the Day of Hunain he threw a handful of dirt at the disbelievers and said, "May the faces be disfigured", and Allah, the Exalted, vanquished them, filling their eyes with dirt. He once went out to one hundred of the Quraysh who were waiting to do something horrible to him and he put dirt on their head and went on his way without their seeing him.
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    ~ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) miracles ~

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was granted many miracles by Allah (SWT) and some of them are as follows:

    1. The Holy Qur'an is the living miracle bestowed by Allah upon Prophet Muhammad and this, Allah's Book, was revealed to him through Jibraeel(as).Today 1400 years have passed and nobody has been able
    to change a single letter or produce its imitation, as it is said in the Qur’an (See Surah Hijr, V.15:9) and the statement of the Prophet : "Before me, every Prophet was given a miracle and they practised it during their lifetime: e.g., 'Isa (Jesus) used to cure the sick and make the dead alive, etc., Musa (Moses) was given the stick etc., and I have been given the permanent miracle of the Qur'an till the Hour is established, so I hope that my followers
    will be more in number than all the other Messengers' as my miracle will last till the Day of Resurrection, and it is a Glorious Book; when anyone reads it, even if he is a pagan, etc., he is convinced that it is produced by none but by the Creator of the heavens and
    the earth."

    2. The splitting of the moon: Narrated Anas, that the Makkans requested Allah's Messenger to show them a miracle, so he showed the splitting of the moon. ( See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No.

    3. The crying of the stem of the date-palm tree in the Prophet's Mosque: Narrated Ibn 'Umar, that the prophet used to deliver his Khutba (religious talk) while leaning against a trunk of a date-palm tree. When he had the pulpit made and used it instead, the trunk
    started crying and the Prophet went to it, rubbing his hand over it (to stop its crying). (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 783).

    4. The flowing of the water from among the fingers of Allah's Messenger (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 779.)Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: I was with the Prophet and the time for the 'Asr prayer became due. We had no water with us except a little which was put in a vessel and was brought to perform ablution. The blessing is from Allah." I saw the water gushing out
    from his fingers. So the people performed the ablution and drank, and I tried to drink more of that water (beyond my thirst and capacity), for I knew that it was a blessing. The subnarrator said : I asked Jabir, "How many persons were you then?" He replied, " "We were one thousand four hundred men." (Salim said: Jabir said - 1500). (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.7, Hadith No. 543.)

    5. The Prophet's meals used to glorify Allah while he ate, and this glorification was heard by the companions of the Prophet (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 779).

    6. Stones used to greet the Prophet whenever he passed by through the lanes of Makka.

    7. The throwing out of a dead body of a Christian by the earth: Narrated Anas: There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat Al-Baqarah and Al-Imran and he used to write the revelation for the Prophet. Later on he reverted to Christianity and used to say, "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die and the people buried him but in the morning they found that the earth had thrown out his body. They said, "This
    is the deed of Muhammad and his companions. They have opened the grave of our companion and took his body out because he ran away from them," so they again dug the grave deeper for him, but in the morning they again found that the earth had thown the body out.
    They said, "This is a deed of Muhammad and his companions." So they dug a third grave for him as deep as they could, but in the morning they found that the earth had thrown the body out. Then they believed what had befallen him, was not done by mankind, and they had to leave the body on the ground. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 814).

    8. The screening (shading) by the trees, for the Prophet to answer the call of nature.

    9 . The rising of water in the well at Hudaibiya after it had dried. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4. Hadith No. 777).

    10. The increase in the amount of dates in the garden of Jabir bin 'Abdullah after the prophet went round the heaps of dates and invoked Allah for His Blessings. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4,
    Hadith No. 780).

    11. Speaking of the wolf: I has been written that a wolf also spoke to one of the companions of the Prophet near Al-Madina, as narrated in Musnad of Ahmad, Vol.3, Page 83, Musnad Abi Saeed Al-Khudri.
    Narrated Abi Saeed Al-Khudri: (While a shepherd was amongst his sheep) suddenly a wolf attacked a sheep and took it away. The shepherd chased the wolf and back the sheep. The wolf sat on its tail and addressed the shepherd saying: "Be afraid of Allah, you have taken the provision from me which Allah gave me." The shepherd said: "What an amazing thing! A wolf sitting on its tail speaks to me in the language of a human being." The wolf said: "Shall I tell you something more amazing than this? There is Muhammad (the Messenger of Allah) in Yathrib (Al-Madina) informing the people about the news of the past." Then the shepherd proceeded (towards Al-Madina) driving his sheep till he entered Al- Madina (city) , cornered his sheep to one side and came to Allah's Messenger (Muhammad ) and informed the whole story.
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    Re: ~ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) miracles ~

    mashallah such a great post
    jazakallah for sharing
    our Prophet SAW was the perfect role model for us to follow and admire
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    Re: The Miracles Of The Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him)

    Jazak Allah Khair
    ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    "Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators?
    Or did they create the heavens and the earth?
    Nay, they have no firm belief.”
    [Holy Qur'an: 52:35-36]

    Islam-A Way of Life ordained by God.
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    habib's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Miracles Of The Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him)

    Masha Allah nice sharing!

    ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    If you fail in your exams, there is always a next year.
    If you lose your spouse, there can be a second marriage.
    But if you die, there is no second chance. This life is only one opportunity.

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    islamicfajr's Avatar Full Member
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    Thumbs up The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~
    sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam
    By Imâm an-Nawawî rahimahullâh
    From 'Life of the Messenger'

    The Messenger of Allâh wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ possesses many manifest miracles and signs demonstrating [his veracity], reaching thousands and they are well known.

    From amongst them was the Qur'ân, the manifest and clear miracle and brilliant proof, falsehood cannot approach it from before it or behind it. It is a revelation from One Who is All-Wise and Praiseworthy. It incapacitated the most eloquent of people in the most eloquent of times to produce a single chapter than would be comparable to it, even if the whole of creation were to gather for that purpose. Allâh, the Exalted says,
    "Say: if the whole of mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'ân, they could not produce the like of it, even if they assisted each other."
    [Al-Isrâ' (17):88]
    It challenged them to this despite their large numbers, their eloquence and their severe enmity, and it challenges them to this day.

    As for the other miracles, it is not possible to enumerate them all due to their huge number and renewing and increasing nature. I will mention some examples:

    The splitting of the moon, water flowing from between his fingers, increasing the quantity of food and water, the glorification of the food, the palm tree yearning for him, stones greeting him, the talking of the poisoned leg [of roasted sheep], trees walking towards him, two trees that were far apart coming together and then parting again, the barren [and therefore dry] sheep giving milk, his returning the eye of Qatâdah bin an-Nu'mân to its place with his hand after it had slipped out, his splitting lightly into the eye of 'Alî when it had become inflamed and its being cured almost immediately, his wiping the leg of 'Abdullâh bin 'Atîq whereupon he was immediately cured.

    His informing of the places of death of the polytheists on the Day of Badr saying, 'this is the place of such-and-such a person.' His informing of his killing Ubayy ibn Khalaf, that a group of his nation would traverse an ocean and Umm Harâm would be amongst them and this occurred. That all was drawn together for him of the ends of the earth and displayed to him would be opened for his nation, that the treasures of Chosroes would be spend by his nation in the Way of Allâh, the Mighty and Magnificent. That he feared for his nation that they would be tempted by the wealth and allurement of this world and that the treasures of the Persians and Romans would be ours and that Surâqah bin Mâlik would wear the trousers of Chosroes.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ informed us that Hasan bin 'Alî would reconcile between two large warring parties of Muslims, that Sa'd bin Abû Waqqâs would live such that nations would benefit by him and others would be harmed. That an-Najâshî had died on this particular day while he was in Ethiopia and that al-Aswad al-Ansî had been killed on this particular day while he was in Yemen.

    That the Muslims would fight the Turks who were described as having small eyes, wide faces and small, chiselled noses and that Yemen, Syria and Irâq would be conquered by the Muslims.
    He informed us that the Muslims would comprise three armies, an army in Syria, an army in Yemen and an army in Irâq. That they would conquer Egypt, a land whose [unit of land measurement] was the Qîrât, they they should deal with their people well for they have protection [being Copts] and ties of kinship [through Hajar]. That Awais al-Qarnî would come to you from the auxiliaries of Yemen, he would be affected with leprosy and it would be healed except for the space of a dirham, and he indeed arrived during the rule of 'Umar.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ informed us that a group of his nation would always be upon the truth and that mankind would become many in number and that the Ansâr would diminish in number and that the Ansâr would not be given their due [with regards distribution of wealth and leadership].

    That mankind would keep on asking questions until they would say, "Allâh created the creation ..." [Referring to the hadîth, "the people will continue asking until they say, 'this is Allâh who created everything ... but who created Allâh?' "
    Reported by al-Bukhârî [no.7296] and Muslim [no.136] ]

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ informed us that Ruwayfî' bin Thâbit would live a long life, that 'Ammâr bin Yâsir would be killed by the transgressing group, that this nation shall divide into sects and that they would fight each other.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ informed us that a fire would emanate from the land of Hijâz and the likes of this.

    All of this occurred exactly as he wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~, sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam, said it would.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said to Thâbit bin Qays,
    "You will live being praised ... and you will die as a martyr."
    and he lived being praised and was martyred at al-Yamâmah.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said about 'Uthmân,
    "He would afflicted by a severe trial." [The meaning of severe trial is his being imprisoned in his house and his being killed by transgressors.]

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said about a person amongst the Muslims who had just fought a severe fight that,
    "He would be from amongst the denizens of the Fire."
    and later he committed suicide. Wâbisah bin Ma'bad came to him in order to ask him about righteousness and sin upon which he asked,
    "Have you come to ask about righteousness and sin?"
    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said to 'Alî, az-Zubair and al-Miqdâd,
    "Go to the garden of Khâkh for indeed there is Dha'înah* who has a book with her."
    They found her there but she initially denied having the book and then took it our from within her braids.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said to Abû Hurayrah, when Satan had stolen some dates, "indeed he shall return ... " and he did.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said to his wives, "The most prolific of you in giving charity will be the quickest of you to join me," and it was so.

    [Zaynab bint Jahsh radiallâhu 'anhâ was the most prolific of them in giving charity and was the first to die. Refer to Muslim [no.2452].]

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ said to 'Abdullâh bin Sallâm, "You will remain upon Islâm until you die."

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated for Anas that his wealth and sons increase and that he should live a long life and it was so. He lived for more than one hundred years and not one of the Ansâr was richer than he and one hundred and twenty of his children had been buried before the arrival of al-Hajjâj [to Basrah].
    This is detailed further in Sahîh al-Bukhârî [no.1982] and others.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam supplicated that Islâm be strengthened through 'Umar bin al-Khattab or Abû Jahl, and Allâh strengthened it through 'Umar radiallâhu 'anhu. He supplicated against Surâqah bin Mâlik and the feet of his horse sank into the earth and he was thrown off, he called out asking for safe conduct and was granted it, then he asked the Prophet to make a supplication for him.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated that Allâh remove feeling the bitter cold and heat from 'Alî and so never did he feel cold or hot.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated for Hudhayfah, the night that he sent him to spy on the Confederates, that he not feel the cold and he did not until he had returned.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated for ibn 'Abbâs that Allâh grant him understanding of the religion and it was so.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated against 'Utaybah bin Abû Lahab that Allâh cause a dog from amongst His dogs to overcome him and he was killed by a lion at az-Zarqâ'.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam supplicated for the descent of rain when they asked him to at the time of drought, there was not a single cloud in the sky, then when he had supplicated, the clouds gathered like mountains and it rained until the next Friday. It rained so much they they had to come back and ask him to supplicated and stop the rain, so he supplicated and the rain stopped and they out into the glaring sun.
    He supplicated for Abû Talhah and his wife, Umm Sulaym, that he bless them in the night they had spent together and she became pregnant and gave birth to 'Adullâh. He had nine children and all of them were scholars.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam supplicated for the mother of Abû Hurayrah radiallâhu 'anhu that she be guided and Abû Hurayrah left to find her performing the ritual bath because she had accepted Islâm.

    He wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~ supplicated for Umm Qays bint Muhsin, the sister of 'Ukkasha, that she live a long life and we do not know of another woman who lived as long as she did.
    This was reported by an-Nasâ'î in the chapter concerning washing the deceased.

    On the Day of Hunain he threw a handful of dirt at the disbelievers and said, "May the faces be disfigured," and Allâh, the Exalted, vanquished them, filling their eyes with dirt.

    He once went out to one hundred of the Quraysh who were waiting to do something horrible to him and he put dirt on their head and went on his way without their seeing him.

    * [This is the woman with whom Hasîb al-Balta'ah radiallâhu 'anhu sent a letter to the people of Mecca in order to inform them of the plans of the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam to fight them. It was concerning this that the first verses of Sûrah Mumtahinah were revealed. The garden of Khâkh is a place falling between Mecca and Madînah. Refer to Bukhârî [no.3983] and Muslim [no.2494] and Tafsîr ibn Kathîr [4/344].]
    Last edited by islamicfajr; 10-26-2006 at 02:17 PM.
    ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

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    Smile other kinds of miracles

    Examples of the Prophet’s miracles related to his effective increase in food

    As related by Anas ibn Malik, Abu Talha, on seeing God’s Messenger hungry, invited him to a meal. The Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, came with a crowd of people. Abu Talha had only one loaf of rye bread at home. Umm Sulaym, Abu Talha’s wife, spread some butter on it. The Messenger prayed for abundance, and since there was not enough space for all the people, they ate of the bread ten by ten and left satisfied. They were about seventy to eighty people.1


    • As another example, ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr relates that they, one hundred and thirty Companions, were in the company of God’s Messenger during an expedition. The Messenger asked them whether they had something to eat. One of them had about one or two sacks of flour . Dough was prepared to make bread and a sheep was bought from a polytheist who happened to pass by with his flock. They roasted the liver of the sheep, which the Messenger divided among those present, giving each a piece of it, and put aside the share of those who were not present there then. They cooked the meat in two bowls and everyone ate of it. After they finished eating all satisfied, the meat was still as if no one had eaten of it at all.2

    There are many other examples of this kind of miracle. They were all transmitted through various—sometimes as many as sixteen—channels. Most of them took place in the presence of large assemblies and were narrated by many persons of truth and good repute.

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    Examples of the Prophet’s miracles concerning water

    • The Companions were left without water in a place called Zarwa. They were going to do wudu’ (ritual ablution) but they could not find enough water. God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, ordered them to bring a bowl of water. He dipped his hands into the bowl and water began to run from his fingers like a fountain. Anas ibn Malik says that on that day they were three hundred people.3
    Anas relates this incident on behalf of three hundred persons. Is it at all conceivable that those three hundred people would not have confirmed him, if they thought him to be truthful, or otherwise contradicted him?

    • As a second example, during the campaign of Hudaybiya, the Companions complained to God’s Messenger about the lack of water. The Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, took an arrow out of his arrow-bag and ordered them to put it in the well of Samad. When they did that, the water of the well began to gush. During the campaign, all of the Companions drank from it and did wudu’ with it.4

    There are many examples of the Prophet’s miracles concerning water. They were related by numerous Companions and transmitted through various reliable channels.

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    Examples of the miracles of the healing of ill and wounded people

    Authentic books of Tradition, including primarily Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih al-Muslim, report:

    • During the Battle of Khaybar, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, asked where ‘Ali was. ‘He is suffering from sore eyes’, the Companions answered. He sent for him. ‘Ali came and the Messenger applied his healing saliva to his eyes. At the same moment the pain ceased and ‘Ali’s eyes became better than before. 5


    • ‘Uthman ibn Hunayf relates:

    A blind man came to God’s Messenger and requested him to pray to God to recover his eyes. The Messenger said: “If you desire, I’ll not pray—being blind may be better for your afterlife—or I’ll pray.” The man chose to be relieved of blindness and the Messenger told him: “Go and do an ablution. Then pray two rak‘as and say: ‘O God! Surely my appeal is to You and I turn toward You through the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy: O Muhammad, surely I turn toward God through you, that He uncover my sight. O God, make him my intercessor.’” The man did what the Messenger told him and his sight was restored.6
    There are many more examples concerning this kind of miracle God’s Messenger worked, all of which are recorded in books of Tradition.

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    The testimony of animals to Muhammad’s Prophethood

    The animal kingdom recognized God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, and became the means for him to work miracles. Although there are many examples, we will mention here only a few that have become well-known and agreed on by exacting authorities.

    • During the Hijra, when God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, took shelter from the pursuit of unbelievers in the cave of Thawr, two pigeons stood guard at the entrance like two sentries, and a spider, like a doorkeeper, covered the entrance of the cave with a thick web. As Ubayy in Khalaf, one of the chieftains of the Quraysh, was examining the cave, his friends suggested that they should enter, but he answered: ‘There is a web here, which seems to have been spun before the birth of Muhammad.’ The others added: ‘Would those pigeons, standing there, still be there if someone were in the cave?’7


    As another example, Jabir relates:

    I was with God’s Messenger during a military campaign. When my camel became exhausted and left behind, God’s Messenger prodded it slightly. This made the camel so fast that I had to pull on the reins to make it slower so that I could listen to the Messenger, but Iwas unable to [slow it down].8


    Anas ibn Malik reports:

    After the conquest of Khaybar, a Jewish woman offered God’s Messenger a roasted sheep. God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, ate a piece of it but, according to the narration of Abu Dawud, stopped eating and said: This sheep says that it is poisonous. Then he turned to the woman and asked her why she offered him a poisonous sheep. When the woman replied that she wanted to kill him, the Messenger responded: God will not let you attack and annoy me.9

    • ‘A’isha reports:

    We had in our house a kind of pigeon. When God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, was at home, it would stay quiet, but as soon as he left home, it would continually pace to and fro.10


    Anas ibn Malik relates:

    God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, was the comeliest and the most generous and courageous of people. One night the people of Madina heard some voices and set out to investigate in fear. On their way, they saw a man coming towards them, who appeared to be God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings. He said to them: There is nothing to be distressed about. He had mounted Abu Talha’s horse and himself investigated the matter before anybody else. He turned to Abu Talha and said: I found your horse fast and comfortable. Whereas, that horse had been a very slow one. After that night, no other horse could race against it. 11

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    Examples of the Prophet’s miracles concerning inanimate objects


    Jabir ibn Samura reports:

    God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, once said: “Prior to my Prophethood, a rock in Makka used to offer me greetings. I still recognize it.”12


    • ‘Abullah ibn Mas‘ud reports:

    We could hear food glorifying God while we were eating with God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings.13


    Traditionists unanimously report from Anas, Abu Hurayra, ‘Uthman and Sa‘id ibn Zayd, who said:

    God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, climbed up Mount Uhud, accompanied by Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman. The Mountain, either in awe of them or because of its joy, trembled. God’s Messenger ordered it: Be still, O Uhud, for on you there is a Prophet, a truthful one, and two martyrs.14

    • It is established through authentic narrations from ‘Ali, Jabir and ‘A‘isha Siddiqa that rocks and mountains would say to God’s Messenger, ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’ ‘Ali says: ’Whenever we went for a walk in the suburbs of Makka in the early times of his Prophethood, trees and rocks we encountered would say, ‘Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God!’15

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    The Prophet’s protection as a miracle


    • As related through various channels, during the military campaign of Ghatfan and Anmar, a courageous chieftain named Ghowras unexpectedly appeared at the side of God’s Messenger, who was lying under a tree. Ghowras unsheathed his sword and asked God’s Messenger, ‘Who will save you from me now?’ God will, the Messenger replied. “God!” Then he prayed: “O God, suffice me against him in any way You will.”16

    At that moment, Ghowras was knocked down and his sword slipped from his hand. God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, took the sword and asked him: Now, who will save you from me?
    Ghowras began to tremble and entreated God’s Messenger to spare his life. ‘You are a noble, forgiving one; only forgiveness is expected of you,’ he pleaded. God’s Messenger forgave him, and when Ghowras returned to his tribe, he said to them: ‘I have just come from the best of mankind.’


    Abu Hurayra relates:

    Abu Jahl once asked those near him: ‘Does Muhammad still rub his face against earth [i.e. make prostration]?’
    – Yes, he does, they answered.

    Abu Jahl added:

    – By Lat and ‘Uzza, if I see him doing that again, I will tread on his neck or bury his face with soil.’
    A short while later God’s Messenger came and set out to pray. When he was in prostration, Abu Jahl approached him but suddenly turned back in fear and amazement, trying to protect himself with his hands. When asked why he had done so, he answered: ‘Truly, between him and me is a trench filled with fire, and something horrible and some wings.’
    God’s Messenger commented on the event: “If he had approached me, the angels would have torn him to pieces.”17

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    God promised to guard him against people:


    O Messenger! Make known whatever is revealed unto you from your Lord, for if you do it not, you will not have conveyed His Message. God will protect you from people. Surely, God guides not the unbelieving folk. (al-Ma’ida, 5.67)

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    The acceptance of the Prophet’s prayers


    • The authorities of Hadith (Tradition) including, notably, Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, unanimously report that whenever God’s Messenger prayed for rain, his prayer was immediately accepted by God. There were even times when the rain unexpectedly began before he had lowered his hands while on the pulpit. As mentioned in books of Tradition and the Prophet’s biography, when his army ran out of water, clouds would appear to give them water. Even in his childhood, his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttalib would go with him to pray for rain, and rain would come out of God’s love for him. This fact became famous through a poem of ‘Abd al-Muttalib’s. After the Prophet’s death, once ‘Umar took ‘Abbas as a means to pray for rain, saying, ‘O God, this is the uncle of Your beloved Prophet. Give us rain for his sake.’ Thereafter it rained.18


    As was reported by Anas ibn Malik, while one Friday God’s Messenger was giving a sermon, a man came into the mosque and said to him: ‘O Messenger of God! There is drought. Please pray to God to send us rain.’ The Messenger prayed and it rained until the next Friday.
    The rain continued for one week. The next Friday, while God’s Messenger was on the pulpit again giving sermon, a man stood up and said: ‘O Messenger of God! Please pray to God to avert rain from us.’ The Messenger prayed: “O God! Send the rain onto the places around us, not onto us.” Anas, the reporter of the event, says: “By God, I saw the clouds scatter and rain fall onto other places, the people of Madina being not under rain.”19


    • ‘Adbullah ibn ‘Umar relates:

    When the number of the Companions was about forty, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, prayed: “O God! Give strength to Islam with which of those two, namely ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab and ‘Amr ibn al-Hisham, is more pleasing to You.” The next morning, ‘Umar came to the Messenger and accepted Islam.20


    • ‘Adbullah ibn ‘Abbas reports:

    God’s Messenger was in the toilet when once I carried water to where he would do wudu’. When he came out, he asked who had put the water there. ‘I did,’ I answered. Whereupon he prayed: “O God, make him profoundly knowledgeable in religion and teach him the meaning of the Qur’an.” 21

    It is because of this prayer of the Messenger for Ibn ‘Abbas that Ibn ‘Abbas would later be called with the titles of the ‘Profound Scholar of the Umma’ and the ‘Interpreter of the Qur’an’. When he was still a young man, ‘Umar included him in his consultative assembly which consisted of the high-ranking scholars and elders of the Companions.


    Anas ibn Malik relates:

    My mother took me to God’s Messenger and said:
    – O Messenger of God! This is my son Anas. Let him serve you. Please pray for him.
    The Messenger prayed: “O God! Give abundance to his wealth and offspring.” 22
    Anas remarked in his old age, swearing by God: “You see the abundance of my wealth, and the children and grand-children I have number about one hundred.”


    Abu Hurayra once complained to God’s Messenger about forgetfulness. The Messenger told him to spread out a piece of cloth on the ground. Then he made some movements as if he were filling his hands with some invisible things and emptying them out on the piece of cloth. After repeating this three or four times, he told Abu Hurayra to pick it up. Through the mysterious effect of these actions of the Messenger, Abu Hurayra, as he himself later stated swearing by God, never forgot anything again. This is also among the well-known events related to the Companions.23

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    The Prophet met with angels and jinn and spoke to them


    ‘Umar reports:

    We were sitting with God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, when a man appeared beside us. He had dark black hair and was wearing a white robe. There were no signs of traveling upon him. He sat before the Messenger and, touching his knees to the Messenger’s, asked him about faith, Islam, perfection of virtue (ihsan) and the Last Day. After the interview, the man left and disappeared. God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, turned to me and asked who that man was. ‘God and His Messenger know better’, I answered. The Messenger concluded: “He was Gabriel. He came to teach you your religion.”24


    Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas relates:

    At the Battle of Uhud, I saw two men dressed in white at each side of God’s Messenger, fighting for his sake. I had never seen them before, nor have I seen them since. (Sa‘d meant that they were two archangels, Gabriel and Michael.)25


    Rifa‘a ibn Rafi‘ reports:

    Gabriel asked God’s Messenger what was their opinion of the Companions who participated in the Battle of Badr. The Messenger answered like this: “We consider them among the most virtuous of Muslims.” Gabriel responded: “So do we; we consider the angels who were present there among the most virtuous of angels.”26


    In his Musnad, Ahmad ibn Hanbal reports from ‘Adbullah ibn Mas’ud that God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, invited jinn to accept Islam and taught them of the Qur’an. 27

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    The appearance of invisible objects and realms to the Prophet


    ‘A’isha Siddiqa reports:

    One day the sun was eclipsed. God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, performed the prayer of eclipse and then explained:
    Surely, the sun and the moon are two of God’s signs. When you witness an eclipse, pray until it ends. By God, in this place where I have performed the prayer I have seen everything promised to me. When you saw me move forward during the prayer, I did that to take a cluster of grapes which appeared to me from Paradise. Again, by God, when you saw me move backward, I did that because I saw Hell roaring with its parts piling one upon another.28


    • ‘Adbullah ibn ‘Abbas relates:

    God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, passed by two graves and said: “Heed what I will tell you: Those lying in those graves are suffering torments. They are suffering torments because of two grave sins. One of them used to backbite and slander others everywhere. The other was not careful [about guarding himself] against urine-stains.”29
    The testimony of trees to Muhammad’s Prophethood


    Jabir ibn ‘Adbullah reports:

    We were walking with God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings. We went down a wide valley. The Messenger searched for a place to relieve himself. When he saw that there was not a single covered place, he went to the two trees he had caught sight of by the valley. He pulled one of them by one of its branches, next to the other tree. The tree was like an obedient camel being pulled by its reins. He addressed them: Join together over me by God’s leave! The trees joined together and formed a screen. 30


    ‘Adbullah ibn ‘Umar reports:

    God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, used to lean against a pole called the ‘date-palm trunk’ when delivering a sermon. Later a pulpit was built and when the Prophet started giving his sermons from it, the pole moaned because of its separation from him. The Messenger climbed down and stroked it. The pole stopped moaning.31


    ‘Abu Sa’id al-Khudri relates:

    God’s Messenger gave Qatada ibn Nu‘man a stick on a dark night, saying: “This stick will light up your surroundings as far as seven meters. When you get home, you will see a black shadow. Without giving it respite to tell you anything, strike it with this stick. Qatada did what God’s Messenger told him to.32

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    1. Bukhari, Ayman, 22; Muslim, Ashriba, 142.
    2. Bukhari, At‘ima, 6; Muslim, Ashriba, 175.
    3. Nasa’i, 1.60; Bukhari, 4.233; Muslim, Hadith No. 2279.
    4. Bukhari, Shurut, 15.
    5. Bukhari, Fada’l al-Sahaba, 9; Muslim, Fada’il al-Sahaba, 34.
    6. Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 119; I. Hanbal, 4.138; I. Maja, Iqama, 189.
    7. I. Hanbal, Musnad, 1.348.
    8. Bukhari, Nikah, 10.22.
    9. Muslim, Salam, 45; Abu Dawud, Diyat, 6.
    10. I. Hanbal, Musnad, 4.112.
    11. Bukhari, Adab, 39; Muslim, Fada’il, 48; I. Hanbal, 3.147.
    12. Muslim, Fada’il, 2; Darimi, Muqaddima.
    13. Bukhari, Manaqib, 25; I. Hanbal, Musnad, 1.460.
    14. Muslim, Fada’il, 50.
    15. Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3630; Hakim, 2.607.
    16. Bukhari, Maghazi, 31, 33; Muslim, Fada’il, 13.
    17. Muslim, Sifat al-Munafiqin, 38.
    18. Bukhari, 2.35; Bayhaqi, Sunan, 6.147.
    19. Bukhari, Istisqa’, 7; Muslim, Istisqa’, 1.
    20. Bukhari, Istisqa’, 7; Muslim, Istisqa’, 1.
    21. Bukhari, ‘Ilm, 17; Muslim, Fada’il, 137.
    22. Muslim, Fada’il, 143.
    23. Muslim, Fada’il, 159.
    24. Bukhari, Iman, 37.
    25. Bukhari, Maghazi, 18; Muslim, Fada’il, 46–7.
    26. Bukhari, Maghazi, 11.
    27. Musnad, 1.455.
    28. Bukhari, Abwab ‘amal fi l-Salat, 2; Muslim, Kusuf, 3.
    29. Bukhari, Adab, 46; Muslim, Tahara, 3.
    30. Muslim, Zuhd, 74.
    31. Bukhari, Manaqib, 25; Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 6; Nasa’i, Jumu‘a, 17.
    32. I. Hanbal, Musnad, 3.65
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    Smile Prophet Muhammad and the split of the moon

    The Hour has approached, and the moon split. But whenever they see a sign, they turn away and say, ‘This is evident magic.’ (54:1-2)

    The miracle of the splitting of the moon was demonstrated before a certain gathering who persisted in denial of Muhammad’s Prophethood. As was related by ‘Adbullah ibn Mas‘ud, while they were in Mina’ one night, the Prophet split the moon into two by a gesture of his index finger. The halves of the moon appeared one behind the mountain and the other in front of it. Then, the Prophet turned to us and said: ‘Be witnesses!’1

    The splitting of the moon happened momentarily at a time of night

    The Qur’an refers to this miracle in the following verses:

    The Hour has approached, and the moon split. But whenever they see a sign, they turn away and say, ‘This is evident magic’. (al-Qamar, 54.1-2)

    Materialist philosophers and their unreasoning imitators, who want to cast a shadow with their vicious delusions over such a bright miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, as the splitting of the moon, say: ‘If the splitting of the moon had taken place, it would have been known to the whole world and related in all subsequent books of human history’.

    Answer: The splitting of the moon was demonstrated before a certain gathering who contradicted the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, in his cause as an evidence of his Prophethood.

    It happened momentarily at a time of night. Also, there were obstacles which prevented the others from seeing it, such as mist, clouds and time-differences between different parts of the world. Besides, at that time science and civilization were not yet well advanced and not widespread, and, therefore, the observation of the sky was very limited. Last but not least, there was nothing to necessitate that it should have been seen all over the world.

    It is because of these reasons that the splitting of the moon was not witnessed in the whole world and related in the history books of other nations.

    In order to remove such clouds of delusions concerning the miracle of the splitting of the moon, heed the following Five Points:

    First point

    The extreme stubbornness of the unbelievers in the Hijaz at that time is well-known and is recorded in history. When the Qur’an, however, announced this incident to the whole world through its verse, The moon split, not any of those unbelievers, who denied the Qur’an, dared to contradict it in this announcement. If this incident had not occurred before their eyes, they would certainly have taken this verse as a pretext to attack the Prophet more formidably in his cause. However, neither the biographies of the Prophet, nor the books of history report anything to suggest that they denied the occurrence of this incident. What was reported concerning their reaction is as the verse records: They say, ‘This is evident magic’. The unbelievers declared the event to be magic, and they added further that if the caravans in other places had seen it, it truly happened, otherwise the Prophet bewitched them. When, however, the caravans coming the following morning from the Yemen and other places announced that they had witnessed the event, the unbelievers showed their usual reaction, saying,–God forbid!–‘The magic of Abu Talib’s orphan has affected even the heavens!’

    Second point

    The majority of the foremost scholars of meticulous research such as Sa’d al-Din al-Taftazani concluded that like the flowing of water from the fingers of the Prophet, upon him be peace, and his satisfying the thirst of a whole army with that water, and the grieving of the dry wooden pole–against which the Prophet used to lean while delivering sermons–because of its separation from him, and its being heard by a whole congregation, the splitting of the moon, too, is mutawatir, that is, it has been transmitted by one truthful group at each period to another, forming such a vast community that their agreement on a lie is inconceivable. It is as certain as a famous comet–named Haley–having appeared a thousand years ago, or as the existence of an island which we have not seen but exists. Therefore, it is unreasonable to foster baseless doubts about such certain, witnessed matters. In fact, it is sufficient for their acceptability that they are not impossible. As for the splitting of the moon, it is quite as possible as a mountain’s being split by a volcanic eruption.

    Third point

    Prophets work miracles to prove their claim of Prophethood and to convince deniers, not to compel belief. Therefore, every miracle had to be, and was, manifested to convince those who heard the claim of Prophethood. So, if they had been demonstrated in a way that could be seen by the whole world or would compel everyone to believe, this would have been contrary both to the wisdom of the All-Wise and the Divine purpose for creating man with free will, and sending religion, which entails that the ground be prepared for the mind’s acceptance without the power of choice being annulled. If, then, the All-Wise Creator had, because materialist philosophers fancy it so, left the moon split for one or two hours in order that it would be seen by the whole world and recorded in all books of human history, then it would have been no more than other astronomical events, without having been special to the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, and an evidence of his Prophethood. Or, it would have been such an obvious miracle that everyone would have felt compelled to believe for there would have been left for the will no way but to accept belief in him. This, in turn, would have resulted in that someone with a coal-like spirit like Abu Jahl would have remained at the same level as someone with a diamond-like spirit like Abu Bakr the Truthful, which means that the purpose of the creation of man with a special function and responsibility and the purpose of sending revelation would have been negated. That is why the miracle of the splitting of the moon was not shown to the whole world to be recorded in all books of human history.

    Fourth point

    Some unreasoning opponents argue that if that incident had taken place, in would have been mentioned in the histories of such nations as the Chinese, the Japanese and Americans. How could they have witnessed it, given that, when this event happened, in addition to other obstacles, it was barely sunset in such European countries as Spain, France and England, which were then enveloped in mists of ignorance, daytime in America and morning in China and Japan. A thousand curses on such toadies and sycophants of Europe!
    (In some books there is an additional record that the moon fell to earth after it split into two parts. This was rejected by veracious scholars on account of its being added by a hypocrite who intended to reduce to nothing the value of this evident miracle.)

    Fifth point

    The splitting of the moon is not an ordinary incident which happened either due to particular causes or randomly so that it should be criticized from the viewpoint of the law of cause and effect. Rather, the All-Wise Creator of the sun and the moon made it happen as an extraordinary event in order to confirm the Prophethood of His Messenger and to support him in his claim. Therefore, it was shown as a convincing proof to certain people specified by Divine Wisdom because, as stated above, the nature of Divine guidance and human responsibility, and the purpose for raising a Messenger required it to be so. If it had not been concealed from the eyes of those who were not intended to see it and who had not yet heard the Prophethood of Muhammad due to some obstacles such as fog, clouds and time-differences, and if had occurred according to the law of cause and effect, then it would have been an ordinary astrological event, not a miracle peculiar to and connected with the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.

    In conclusion, these arguments must be enough for any mind to be convinced of the possibility that the splitting of the moon occurred; now out of many evidences of its occurrence, we shall mention only six which have the strength of a six-fold consensus:

    • The Companions of the Prophet, who were all men of justice and truthfulness, concurred upon its occurrence.

    • All of the exacting interpreters of the Qur’an have agreed that the verse, The moon split indicates to the splitting of the moon with a gesture of Muhammad’s fingers, upon him be peace and blessings.

    • All the truthful Traditionists narrated this incident through various authentic channels of transmission.

    • All the men of truth and sainthood, men of inspiration and spiritual discovery have borne testimony to the occurrence of this incident.

    • All the foremost theologians whose way differ greatly from each other and all the learned scholars have nevertheless agreed in their confirmation of this event.

    • The Community of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who, as established by an authentic Prophetic tradition, never agree on an error, have accepted on its occurrence.

    These six evidences are as clear as the sun to prove the splitting of the moon.

    Conclusion: What we have put forward hitherto on this matter has been to establish the splitting of the moon by way of refuting the objections to the possibility of it. In a few concluding sentences we will now speak in the name of the truth and for the sake of belief.

    Now it is the turn of the truth to speak:

    The Seal of the Prophets, upon him be peace and blessings, who is the luminous moon of the heaven of Messengership, proved his sainthood through his Ascension, which is the greatest miracle of his sainthood achieved through the quality of his worship–so elevated as to make him the beloved of God. In other words, by making Muhammad, an earthly being, travel through the heavens, God showed to the dwellers of the heavens and of the highest realms his superiority to them and his being His beloved.

    Similarly, through the splitting of the moon, which is set in the sky and bound to the earth, upon the gesture of the same earthly being, another great miracle was demonstrated for the inhabitants of the earth as an evidence of the Messengership of that earthly being. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, flew to the summit of perfections on the two brilliant wings of Messengership and sainthood–like the two bright halves of the moon split into two; he ascended so near as to the distance of two bowstrings–that is, to the highest rank, the nearest station to God–and so became the cause of pride of both the beings of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth.

    Upon him and upon his family be blessings and peace such as to fill the earth and heavens.

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, Your are the All-Knowing, All-Wise.

    ================================================== =

    1. Bukhari, Manaqib, 27; Muslim, Kitab Sifat al-Munafiqin wa ahkamihim, 44.
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    Smile Predictions of Prophet Muhammad

    Examples of the news the Qur’an gives concerning the future

    The triumph of the Byzantines over the Persians
    • The Byzantine and Persian Empires were the super-powers of the time. It was during the years when the few believers were severely persecuted in Makka that the Persians utterly defeated the Byzantines. They had sweeping victories, and conquered Aleppo, Antioch, and the chief Syrian provinces, including Damascus. Jerusalem fell to their arms in 614-615. The Christians were massacred and their churches burnt. The Persian flood of conquest went on to Egypt, and reached as far as Tripoli in North Africa. Another Persian army ravaged Asia Minor and reached right up to the gates of Constantinople. The Makkan pagans rejoiced greatly, and redoubled their taunts and persecution against the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, whose Message was a renewal of the Message of Jesus preached in Palestine. The following Qur’anic verses, which were revealed just at that time, gave certain tidings of a very near victory of the Romans over the Perisans:

      Alif Lam Mim. The Romans have been defeated in a land close by, but they, after their defeat, will be victorious, within nine years. God’s is the command in the former case and in the latter, and on that day believers will rejoice, with the help of God. He helps to victory whom He wills. He is the All-Mighty, the All-Compassionate. (30:1-5)

      No one at that time could make such a prediction. But the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, conveyed these Divine Revelations to his followers. They confirmed him without hesitation and Abu Bakr bet the Makkan polytheists that the Romans would be victorious in nine years. Heraclius, the Roman Emperor attacked the Persians initially by sea in 622 (the year of the Hijra), and after decisive battles and three successive campaigns, put them to rout in a few years. His victories happened at the same time as the believers won the victory of Badr over the Makkan polytheists. Thus the verses above contained two predictions, both of which came true in nine years.
    The Qur’an gave the news of the conquest of Makka two years before
    • It was only six years after the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, had emigrated to Madina that he left for Makka for a minor pilgrimage. However, the Makkans stopped him at Hudaybiya and a peaceful treaty was concluded after negotiations. Some articles of the Treaty were objected to by the believers but the Qur’anic verses which were revealed following the conclusion of the Treaty described it as a manifest victory and gave the believers the decisive glad tiding, which is as follows:

      In truth, God fulfilled the vision of His Messenger: You will surely enter the Sacred Mosque, if God wills, in full security; you will have your heads shaved, your hair shortened, and you will have nothing to fear. He knew what you knew not, and He granted, besides this, a near victory. He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion. God is enough for a witness. (al-Fath, 48.27–8)

      One year later the Muslims performed the minor pilgrimage and the year after they conquered Makka. Also, Islam has been prevalent over all other religions for centuries and, if God wills, it will have a world-wide superiority in a near future.
    The Qur’an gave the news that the dead body of Pharaoh would one day be discovered
    • In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh used to torture the Children of Israel. God sent Moses to him with the mission of inviting him to believe in One God and allow the Israelites to leave Egypt with Moses. Pharaoh refused and the struggle between them continued for a long time. However, one night Moses succeeded in marching towards the frontier with his people but Pharaoh, becoming aware of his attempt, set out to follow him. When Moses reached the Red Sea, he touched it with his staff, and a furrow opened across the sea. Pharaoh attempted to follow him, but was engulfed with his legions. While narrating this event, The Qur’an makes a very interesting prediction:

      Today We shall preserve your body that you may be a sign to those after you: although most men give no heed to Our signs. (Yunus, 10.92)

      The dead body of Pharaoh was later found floating on the Western shores of the Sinai peninsula. The native residents can still show you to this land, which is now known as Jabal Firawn (Hill of Pharaoh). A few miles from this hill is a hot spring called Hammam Firawn (the Bath of Pharaoh).
    Tidings of the Last Day
    • A considerable part of the Qur’an is about the events of the Last Day. The Qur’an describes how the world will be destroyed and rebuilt again and how the dead will be raised, assembled in the Place of Mustering, and, after being judged, will go to either Paradise or Hell. The Qur’an also gives a vivid description of Paradise and Hell and the life in them.
    Does Muhammad have predictions to be found in books of Tradition?
    • Umar reports in a narration recorded in Sahih al-Muslim:

      ‘Before the Battle of Badr started, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, walked around the battlefield and pointed to some locations, saying, Abu Jahl will be killed here, ‘Utba here, Shayba here, Walid here, and so on. By God, we found, after the battle, the dead bodies of all those men in the exact places that God’s Messenger had pointed out.’1
    While in Makka under great tortures, the Prophet predicted the future victories of Islam
    • Bukhari and Abu Dawud quote Habbab ibn Arat, who said:

      Once, during the days of trouble and torture in Makka, I went to God’s Messenger, who was sitting in the shade of the Ka‘ba. I was still a slave in the hands of the Makkans then. They inflicted on me severe tortures. Unable to endure those tortures any more, I requested God’s Messenger to pray to God for help and salvation. But he turned towards me and said: “By God, previous communities had to endure more pitiless tortures. Some of them were made to lie in ditches and cut in two with saws but this did not make them forsake their faith. They were skinned alive but they never became weak against the enemy. Surely God will perfect this religion, but you display undue haste. A day will come when a woman will travel alone by herself from San’a to Hadramawt fearing nothing but wild beasts. However, you show impatience.”

      Habbab concluded:

      By God, what God’s Messenger predicted that day, have all come true. I have personally witnessed it all.2
    The Messenger predicted ‘Ammar’s martyrdom in a civil war
    • Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad ibn Hanbal record:

      During the construction of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, told ‘Ammar: “What a pity O ‘Ammar, a rebellious group will kill you.”3

      ‘Ammar was killed in the Battle of Siffin by the supporters of Mu‘awiya, who rebelled against Caliph ‘Ali.
    The Prophet foretold that Fatima would join him first of all after his death
    • Before his death, the Messenger called his daughter Fatima to his bedside and informed her that she would be the first among his family to join him after his death.6 Fatima joined her father, the pride of mankind, six months later.4
    • The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, predicted the Mongol invasion, saying:

      The Hour will not come before you fight against a people with red faces, small, slant eyes and flat noses. They wear hairy leather boots.5
    The Messenger predicted the caliphate of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar
    • As related by Hakim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Maja, by repeatedly declaring, You should, after my death, follow the way of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar,8 the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, meant that Abu Bakr and ‘Umar would succeed him as caliphs. He also predicted that Abu Bakr’s reign would be short, whereas ‘Umar would remain longer to be able to make many conquests.6
    • The Prophet predicted the conquest of many important cities

      According to authentic narrations, the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, gave his community the glad tidings that they would conquer Damascus, Jerusalem, Iraq, Persia, Istanbul (Constantinople) and Cyprus, and that the religion of Islam would reach as far as the remotest corners of the world in the east and west.7
    The Prophet predicted the forms of government after him
    • The Prophet declared:

      This affair began with Prophethood and as a mercy; then it will be mercy and Caliphate; afterwards it will change into a cruel monarchy, and finally into an iniquity and tyranny. He also prophesied: Surely, the Caliphate after me will last thirty years; afterwards it will a cruel monarchy.8
    Whatever the noble Prophet predicted came true.
    The Prophet predicted the caliphate and martyrdom of ‘Uthman
    • According to an authentic narration, the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, declared:

      ‘Uthman will be killed while reading the Qur’an. God will dress him in a shirt but they will desire to remove it from him.9

      By this saying, he meant that ‘Uthman would become Caliph but his deposition would be sought, and finally he would be martyred while reading the Qur’an. This happened exactly as he predicted.
    The Prophet foretold the future victories of Sa‘d
    • As narrated in a authentic Tradition, the noble Prophet of God, upon him be peace and blessings, said to Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas when the latter was gravely ill:

      It is hoped that you will be spared so that some people may benefit through you and some others be harmed through you.10

      By this, he suggested that Sa‘d would be a great commander and make many conquests, and while many peoples would benefit from him by converting to Islam, many others would be harmed through him as a result of the collapse of their states.

      Sa‘d, just as predicted by the holy Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, took the command of the Muslim armies and destroyed the Persian Sassanid Empire, bringing many peoples within the guidance of Islam.
    The Prophet predicted the conquest of Cyprus
    • Once, when the Prophet woke up in the house of Umm Haram, the aunt of Anas ibn Malik, who served the Messenger for ten years in Madina, he smilingly said:

      “I dreamt that my community would be waging war in the sea sitting on thrones like kings.” Umm Haram asked: ‘Pray that I too may be with them’. He said firmly: “You shall be.”11

      All this came true forty years later when Umm Haram accompanied her husband ‘Ubada ibn Samit, on the conquest of Cyprus. She died there, and her tomb has since been a visited place.
    The Prophet predicted the appearance of Mukhtar and Hajjaj
    • According to an authentic narration, the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, declared:

      From the tribe of Thaqif will appear a liar who claims Prophethood and a blood-thirsty tyrant.12

      By this, he gave tidings of the notorious Mukhtar, who claimed Prophethood, and the criminal Hajjaj, who killed tens of thousands of people.
    The Prophet predicted the conquest of Istanbul
    • Again, according to an authentic narration, the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, declared:

      Surely, Constantinople (Istanbul) will be conquered (by my community); how blessed the commander who will conquer it, and how blessed his army.13

      He thus foretold the conquest of Istanbul by Muslims, and indicated the high spiritual rank of Sultan Mehmed, the Conqueror, and the virtuousness of his army. What he foretold took place centuries later.
    1. Muslim, Janna, 76, 77.
    2. Bukhari, Manaqib, 22; Abu Dawud, Jihad, 97.
    3. Bukhari, Salat, 63; Muslim, Fitan, 70, 72; I Hanbal, Musnad, 12.161, 164.
    4. Ibn Maja, Jana’iz, 65; Muslim, Fada’il al-Sahaba, 15; I. Hanbal, 3.197.
    5. Bukhari, Jihad, 95, 96; Abu Dawud, Malahim, 10; I. Maja, Fitan, 36.
    6. Hakim, Mustadrak, 3.75. Also related by Tirmidhi, I. Hanbal and I. Maja.
    7. Hakim, 4.445; I. Hanbal, 4.303; also related by Muslim, Tirmidhi and I. Maja.
    8. Abu Dawud, Sunna, 8; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 48; I. Hanbal, 4.273.
    9. Hakim, 3.100; I. Hanbal, 6.114; I. Maja, 5.188; also related by Tirmidhi.
    10. Abu Nu‘aym, Hilyat al-Awliya’, 1.94; also related by Bukhari and Muslim.
    11. Suyuti, Jami‘ al-Saghir, 6.24; related by Bukhari, Muslim and Tirmidhi.
    12. Hakim, 3.453; also related by Muslim, I. Hanbal and Tirmidhi.
    13. Hakim, 4.422; Bukhari, Tarikh al-Saghir, 139; I. Hanbal, 4.335
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    Smile Muhammed (PBUH) No. 1 With A Chapter By Michael Hart

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    Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    thanks for da info bro
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    Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    43fvojp 1 - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~
    Sabhan Allah!
    Jazakallah Brother.
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    Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    Alhumdulillah, good post.
    ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    "Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators?
    Or did they create the heavens and the earth?
    Nay, they have no firm belief.”
    [Holy Qur'an: 52:35-36]

    Islam-A Way of Life ordained by God.
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    Smile Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    salam alaykum..

    yeah brother and sister..Alhamdulillah 4 islam blessing..

    our prophet Muhummed (PBUH), is Allah's greatest creation and was sent as a mercy for all mankind. A thousand million Muslims however, do not require any surveys, lists or research to arrive at this conclusion. It is a non-negotiable article of faith that Muhummed (PBUH) is the greatest

    May Allah Muhummed (PBUH), his family, his companions and all the believers. Insha-Allah!
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    Re: *!* Miracle of the Crying of the Tree Trunk *!*

    wwwislamicboardcom - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~
    Thank you

    Did Muhammad, peace be upon him, do any miracles?The point is, Allah and
    not Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the One doing the miracles to give
    proof in fact, Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the Messenger of Allah.
    From Ummah.com

    su1a - ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was granted many mirales by Allah (SWT) and some of them are as follows:

    1. The Holy Qur'an is the living miracle bestowed by Allah upon Prophet Muhammad and this, Allah's Book, was revealed to him through the (Gabriel). Today 1400 years have passed and nobody has been able to change a single letter or produce its imitation, as it is said in the Qur an (See Surah Hijr, V.15:9) and the statement of the Prophet : "Before me, every Prophet was given a miracle and they practised it during their lifetime: e.g., 'Iesa (Jesus) used to cure the sick and make the dead alive, etc., Musa (Moses) was given the stick etc., and I have been given the permanent miracle of the Qur'an till the Hour is established, so I hope that my followers will be more in number than all the other Messengers' as my miracle will last till the Day of Resurrection, and it is a Glorious Book; when anyone reads it, even if he is a pagan, etc., he is convinced that it is produced by none but by the Creator of the heavens and the earth."

    2. The splitting of the moon:
    Narrated Anas, that the Makkans requested Allah's Messenger to show them a miracle, so he showed the splitting of the moon.
    ( See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 831)
    3. The crying of the stem of the date-palm tree in the Prophet's Mosque:
    Narrated Ibn 'Umar, that the prophet used to deliver his Khutba (religious talk) while leaning against a trunk of a date-palm tree. When he had the pulpit made and used it instead, the trunk started crying and the Prophet went to it, rubbing his hand over it (to stop its crying).
    (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 783)
    4. The flowing of the water from among the fingers of Allah's Messenger (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 779)
    Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: I was with the Prophet and the time for the 'Asr prayer became due. We had no water with us except a little which was put in a vessel and was brought to perform ablution. The blessing is from Allah." I saw the water gushing out from his fingers. So the people performed the ablution and drank, and I tried to drink more of that water (beyond my thirst and capacity), for I knew that it was a blessing. The subnarrator said : I asked Jabir, "How many persons were you then?" He replied, " We were one thousand four hundred men." (Salim said: Jabir said - 1500).
    (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.7, Hadith No. 543)
    5.The Prophet's meals used to glorify Allah while he ate, and this glorification was heard by the companions of the Prophet (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 779).

    6. Stones used to greet the Prophet whenever he passed by through the lanes of Makka.
    (can't find daleel)

    7. The throwing out of a dead body of a Christian by the earth:
    Narrated Anas: There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat Al-Baqarah and Al-Imran and he used to write the revelation for the Prophet. Later on he reverted to Christianity and used to say, "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die and the people buried him but in the morning they found that the earth had thrown out his body. They said, "This is the deed of Muhammad and his companions. They have opened the grave of our companion and took his body out because he ran away from them," so they again dug the grave deeper for him, but in the morning they again found that the earth had thrown the body out. They said, "This is a deed of Muhammad and his companions." So they dug a third grave for him as deep as they could, but in the morning they found that the earth had thrown the body out. Then they believed what had befallen him, was not done by mankind, and they had to leave the body on the ground.
    (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No. 814)
    8. The screening (shading) by the trees. (can't find daleel)

    9. The rising of water in the well at Hudaibiya after it had dried. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4. Hadith No. 777)

    10.The increase in the amount of dates in the garden of Jabir bin 'Abdullah after the prophet went round the heaps of dates and invoked Allah for His Blessings. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Hadith No. 780)

    11. Speaking of the wolf: It has been written that a wolf also spoke to one of the companions of the Prophet near Al-Madina, as narrated in Musnad of Ahmad, Vol.3, Page 83, Musnad Abi Saeed Al-Khudri. (looking for more daleel)
    Narrated Abi Saeed Al-Khudri: (While a shepherd was amongst his sheep) suddenly a wolf attacked a sheep and took it away. The shepherd chased the wolf and get back the sheep. The wolf sat on its tail and addressed the shepherd saying: "Be afraid of Allah, you have taken the provision from me which Allah gave me." The shepherd said: "What an amazing thing! A wolf sitting on its tail speaks to me in the language of a human being." The wolf said: "Shall I tell you something more amazing than this? There is Muhammad (the Messenger of Allah) in Yathrib (Al-Madina) informing the people about the news of the past." Then the shepherd proceeded (towards Al-Madina) driving his sheep till he entered Al- Madina (city) , cornered his sheep to one side and came to Allah's Messenger (Muhammad ) and informed the whole story.
    Allah's Messenger ordered for the proclamation of a congregational prayer , then he came out and asked the shepherd to inform the people (about his story) and he informed them. Then Allah's Messenger said: "He (the shepherd) has spoken the truth . By Him (Allah) in Whose Hands my soul is, the Day of Resurrection will not be established till beasts of prey speak to the human beings, and the stick lash and the shoe-laces of a person speaks to him and his thigh informs him about his family as to what happened to them after him.
    (Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 83. Musnad Abi Saeed Al-Khudri)
    12. The Mi'raj: The Ascent of the Prophet to the heavens. (See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadith No. 345 and Vol.5, Hadith No. 227).

    wAllah Aalim
    Last edited by NoName55; 03-07-2007 at 10:11 AM.
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    Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

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  22. #18
    A-Way-Of-Life's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad

    I have a queation about the splitting of the moon, did the prophet Muhummad (PBUH) split the moon by a gesture of his finger or did he pray to Allah (SWT) to split the moon for him?

    I also have a question about the walking tree miracle, did some people ask the prophet (PBUH) do the tree miracle?
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  23. #19
    Abdul-Raouf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    Jazakallah khair for sharing ....

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  25. #20
    Muhammad Aseem's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ~ Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Miracles ~

    Subhan Allah - the best post ever.

    Thank your every one for sharing.
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