Medics jailed in Libya arrive home

By VESELIN TOSHKOV, Associated Press Writer 27 minutes ago

SOFIA, Bulgaria - Six medics sentenced to life in prison in Libya for allegedly infecting children with HIV came home to Bulgaria on Tuesday and were greeted with tears and hugs — and a presidential pardon that allowed them to walk free after 8 1/2 years behind bars

The five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor were flown from Tripolito the jubilant welcome in Sofia on board a plane with French first lady Cecilia Sarkozy and the European Union's commissioner for foreign affairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
EU officials said the bloc would move to improve trade and political ties with Libya after the release.
Libya had accused the six of deliberately infecting more than 400 Libyan children with HIV. Fifty of the children died. The medics, jailed since 1999, deny infecting the children and say their confessions were extracted under torture.
The six originally had been sentenced to death, but that was later commuted to life in prison. Last week, Tripoli had agreed to a Bulgarian request to allow the six to serve the rest of their sentence at home.
"Led by the firm conviction in the innocence of the Bulgarian citizens sentenced in Libya and fulfilling his constitutional rights, the president signed a decree for pardon and releases them of their sentences," Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin said.
The six came down the steps from the airplane and were welcomed on the tarmac by family members who hugged them, one lifting the Palestinian doctor, Ashraf al-Hazouz, off the ground. Bulgaria granted him citizenship last month .
"I waited so long for this moment," nurse Snezhana Dimitrova said before falling in the arms of her loved ones.
Kristiana Valcheva, one of the released nurses, told reporters that throughout their time in prison, they had kept alive the hope of freedom.
"We were afraid even to say aloud what we dreamed about," Valcheva said with tears in her eyes.
"Now I still can't believe that I am standing on Bulgarian soil. We were told the news at 4 o'clock in the morning and we left the jail at quarter to six to board the plane," she said. "Now I will try to get my previous life back."
From the airport, the medics were whisked to a government residence in the capital, where they will spend the next few days with their relatives and away from the intense media coverage of their release.
Along with the release, Libya and the European Union agreed to develop a "full partnership," with the Europeans promising a package of aid to develop Libyan hospitals and other infrastructure, Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul-Rahman Shalqam said.
Shalqam, who did not reveal how much aid the EU would provide, also said the Bulgarian president had the right to pardon the medics .
"According to agreements between the two sides, it is the right of any country after handing over the convicts to either implement the verdict or to pardon them. It is the right of the Bulgarian president to issue this pardon," Shalqam told reporters in Tripoli.

Under the agreement signed with Ferrero-Waldner, the EU promised to provide "lifelong treatment" to the infected children as well as aid to "improve the BenghaziHospital " where the children were infected, Shalqam said.
The EU also committed to "provide other aid for education, historical antiquities, as well as support for security on Libya 's northern and southern borders to combat illegal immigration," Shalqam said.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said, however, that neither the EU nor France paid money to Libya for the release. He said Qatar mediated the release and hinted the Gulf country may have had a broader role in resolving the crisis .
He also announced that he and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner would be visiting Libya on Wednesday in a bid to "help Libya rejoin the international community."
The French presidential palace said earlier that the deal included measures to improve the medical care of children with AIDS in Libya. It did not provide further details.
In Brussels , European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the EU would move to improve trade and political ties with Libya after the release.
"We hope to go on further (on) normalizing our relations with Libya. Our relations with Libya were to a large extent blocked by the non-settlement of this medics issue," Barroso told reporters.
He said the 27-nation bloc could move to include Libya in regional trade and aid ties with other Mediterranean countries.
The five Bulgarian nurses traveled to Libya nearly a decade ago, attracted by promises of higher paying jobs. They were sent through a Bulgarian recruitment agency to al-Fath Children's Hospital in Libya 's second largest city of Benghazi . The nurses were arrested the year after their arrival.
Some 60,000 Bulgarians were employed in the country in the 1980s, according to Libyan officials, before the U.N. imposed sanctions in 1993 and the links between the two nations weakened.
Associated Press writers Khaled El-Deeb in Tripoli , Libya , Christine Ollivier in Paris and Constant Brand in Brussels, Belgium , contributed to this report


Assalaamu 3alaikum wa rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh,
VIP treatment for the killers of Muslim children!

French first lady Cecilia Sarkozy and the European Union's commissioner for foreign affairs escorting the five Bulgarian criminals home who are then welcomed by a presidential pardon.

Salman Rushdi as well as the Bangladashi and Somali atheist females, who slandered Islaam and demonized Prophet Muhammad (salaa Allaahu 3alaihi wa sallam) were also received by heads of governments in Europe, honored and given highest level of protection.

Contrast this with Muslims kidnapped from their homelands, detained in Guantanamo and subjected to extreme torture and interrogation. No Muslim leader was ever put on record protesting or demanding the release of their citizens, let alone all Muslims! Those who were released to their countries, were not honored or compensated but were treated like criminals by the very governments that were supposed to protect them!

To ???? with European trade and ties! Libya and all Muslim states have no need for Europe or the U.S.; rather we are better off without them! It is the West that needs Muslim Oil, markets, professional talent and raw materials. Muslim governments trade Muslim blood and honor for the pleasure of Western governments that are not even permanent but last only 4 or 8 years at the most! Where is Tony Blair now? Bush will soon be gone too.

Does oil rich Libya really need aid from Europe or any other country? Why doesn't Libya improve its hospitals and medical care on its own?
