Asalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

I would like one of us to be put incharge of this project. I don't trust the fund raising corporations... they take money for their own benefits.

If anyone here is interested please come forward. Create a website or a P.O box so we can all send our funds to that individual or group of individulas. This group will be incharge of sending the money to various parts of the world who are suffering from hunger and make sure that all the money goes to buy strictly food.

How can you eat till ur stomach is full while there are muslims who are dying from hunger.

Please, come forward so we can create a committee.

You can sit there and do nothing... or just make duah to Allah. Duah is powerful, but do you really want to stop there? "Oh I'll make duah and go about my business..." No brothers and sisters... we need to make an effort.

They are our brothers... would you like to see your brother or sister suffer from hunger and look for food in the garbage cans?

Mashallah we have a good community here... lets make a difference brothers n siters... lets show Allah that we are still believers... still care about his slaves.. still value the lives of others...

Lets do something about it!

Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state for themselves.] (Ar-Ra`d 13:11)

Lets change the state of our brothers and sisters... lets!