The 5th Message: "The mutual rivalry diverts you"

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

And may peace and blessings be upon the prophet, his family, his companions, and the ones that follow his path

My beloved in Allah…
I ask Allah the –AL Mighty- to cure our hearts with his love, to give us the pleasure that doesn't end in the paradise of the earth by longing to meet him, and to enable us to accomplish the everlasting pleasure in the highest heavens (AL-Ferdous) with the company of the prophet –may the best peace and blessings be upon him- .

My beloved…

Belal Ibn Sa'd –may Allah's merci be upon his soul- said:

"O' Allah's slaves: know that you are working in these short days, to the long ones, in an impermanent place to the ever lasting one, in the home of sadness and lassitude to the home of pleasure and eternity…the one who has not worked with certainty should not be arrogant for as destiny will surely take its way either to heaven or to hell" and he used to say: "It's like people are not thinking, it's like people are not certain"

Remember out motto "You were certain"

And let us learn from our teacher Ibn Al-Qayem – May Allah's merci be upon his soul -; what is the cause of our delay from achieving our goal? And what is it that makes life's garnish so breath taking to us that it attaches our hearts, leaving us helpless to let go of it???

Ibn Al-Qayem said:

"No one got late except from his love to life, to survive, to hear the laudation of others, and hating their
disparagement. Thus if he abstained in these two, obstacles got late to catch him"[Madareg Al salkeen 302/2]

And this is the meaning that has been pointed out in "Alyaqeen" certainty sura as I call it "At-Takathur" as it was mentioned in it "the certainty knowledge" and "certainty of sight!

As it started with "The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)." For no one will gather life's Debris except that whom his negligence is controlling him, and certainty is far away from him; and because of that Allah the AL-Mighty says "that is because they have rejected Our Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and were heedless (to learn a lesson) from them." (Al-Araf 146)

The prophet –may peace and blessings be upon him- said "If you know what I know then you have laughed so little and cried for so long" (narrated by Muslim and Bukhari)

And because Muslims suffer from insufficiency in the meaning of certainty and don't work hard enough to achieve the dignity residence; they got busy with the less important (proliferation) from the purpose of creation, which is working for the hereafter.

So the one who seeks certainty should never be distracted with proliferation.

The practical way to achieve this is what the sura has indicated:

1- There's no doubt that life will expire and there will be no existence

2- Death suddenly arrives, and the grave is the box of one's stock of good deeds
These two meanings are indicated in Allah's saying "Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)."

3- Turn your back to life's distractions and start learning how to reach the hereafter in the way the most satisfies Allah "Nay! You shall come to know! Again nay! You shall come to know!"

4- Live the hereafter in your imagination, read about it, listen to the lectures that will remind you of it, imagine seeing it, imagine heaven and its garnish, and hell and its perdition "Verily, You shall see the blazing Fire (Hell)!"

5- Start the stage of certainty and enter from the door of "thanking" the blessing of life, Islam, and guidance. Move along while feeling shy from his
graciousness, by which you use to cross over with abuse and disobedience. So ask Allah's forgiveness with bashfulness. Be grateful and do not deny. "Then on that Day you shall be asked about the delights (you indulged in, in this world)!"


A'tta' Al-Kharasani –may Allah's merci be upon his soul- used to say:

" O' Allah give us the certainty, by which life's disasters become easy on us, and by which we believe that we will not be harmed unless you allow and that we will not get anything unless that which you allowed "

A whisper ..

Do you feel that you are loyal to whoever does a favor for you?? Are you honest enough in seeking Allah's satisfaction? Are you certain that "whoever guides to good is exactly the same as who does it"?? I don't know…!!!

Written By: Sheikh Hani Helmy

17th Dhul Qa'da 1430 Hijri
