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The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

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    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

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    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    AUTHOR: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee
    SOURCE: Qiyaam Ramadaan (pg. 28-30)
    PRODUCED BY: Al-Ibaanah.com

    I spoke in detail about this subject in my book Salaat at-Taraaweeh (pg. 101-115), so I felt that I should abridge that discussion here in order to make it easy for the reader and to remind him:

    The First Manner: consists of thirteen rak'aat, which is commenced with two short rak'aat. According to the most correct opinion, these are the two rak'aat of Sunnah prayer offered after 'Ishaa, or they are two specific rak'aat by which one begins the Night Prayer, as has been stated previously. Then one prays two very long rak'aat (after that). Then two more rak'aat are prayed, and then another two rak'aat are prayed. Then two more rak'aat are prayed and another set of two rak'aat are prayed. Then witr is made with one rak'ah.

    The Second Manner: consists of thirteen rak'aat. There are eight rak'aat within them, in which one makes tasleem after every two rak'aat. Then witr is made with five rak'aat and one does not sit nor make the tasleem except in the fifth rak'ah.

    The Third Manner: consists of eleven rak'aat, in which one makes tasleem after every two rak'aat and then prays witr at the end with one rak'ah.

    The Fourth Manner: consists of eleven rak'aat, in which one prays four rak'aat and makes one tasleem after the four. The he prays another four in a similar manner and ends it with three rak'aat (for witr).

    Would the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) remain in the sitting position after every two rak'aat, when praying a unit of four rak'aat or a unit of three rak'aat? We do not find a clear answer for this, but remaining in the sitting position (for tashahhud) while doing a unit of three rak'aat is not legislated (in the Religion)!

    The Fifth Manner: consists of eleven rak'aat, in which one prays eight rak'aat and does not sit in any of them except for the eighth rak'ah. While sitting (in the eighth rak'ah), he makes the tashahhud and sends Salaat on the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and then stands up again without making the tasleem. Then he makes witr with one rak'ah and when finished, he makes the tasleem. This consists of nine rak'aat. Then he prays two rak'aat after that while in the sitting position.

    The Sixth Manner: One prays nine rak'aat, in which he does not sit except after the sixth rak'ah. Then he makes the tashahhud and sends Salaat on the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and then stands again without making the tasleem. Then he makes witr with three rak'aat and when finished, he makes the tasleem, etc. (the rest is the same as the previous manner)

    These are the manners in which it is reported that the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) performed the Night Prayer. It is possible to add other types of manners to it, by subtracting what one wishes from each set of rak'aat until he cuts it down to one rak'ah, acting on the previously mentioned hadeeth of Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): "So whoever wishes, then let him pray witr with five rak'aat, and whoever wishes, then let him pray witr with three rak'aat, and whoever wishes, then let him pray witr with one rak'ah."

    So if one wants, he can pray these five rak'aat or three rak'aat with one sitting and one tasleem, as is stated in the Second Manner. And if he wants, he can make tasleem after every two rak'aat, as is stated in the Third Manner, and this is preferred.

    As for praying the set of five rak'aat or three rak'aat by sitting after every two rak'aat and not making the tasleem, then we did not find any authentic report that the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to do this. The asl (foundation) is that it is permissible, but since the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) forbade us from praying witr with three rak'aat indicating the reason for that by saying: "And do not liken it to the Maghrib prayer." [1] So then anyone that prays the witr in three rak'aat must not liken it to the Maghrib prayer. This can be done in two ways:

    1. Making the tasleem between the even and odd number rak'ah (i.e. between the second and the third rak'ah). This is what is more strong and preferred.

    2. One does not sit between the even and odd number (i.e. he prays three rak'aat straight with one tasleem), and Allaah knows best.


    [1] Reported by At-Tahaawee, Ad-Daraqutnee and others. See At-Taraaweeh (pg. 99 & 110)

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    jazakaAllah khayr sis

    u should wake up aswell

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer


    Q: I would really appreciate if you could somehow provide with some hadith / reference in support of 3 rakah witr salaat according to the Hanafi Madhab.

    In the article that you forwarded to me, the writer has accepted that one may perform 3 Rakaats of Witr Salaat. However, he seems to be imposing the view that this should only be done in the manner that he has understood, i.e. 2 Rakaats with a salaam and thereafter 1 Rakaat. Whilst this method may be correct according to some Madhabs, to impose it on the followers of other Madhabs will not be proper.

    Hence, I would hereby mention those proofs that support the Hanafi view on this matter.

    According to the Hanafi Madhab, the Witr Salaat should be performed as 3 Rakaats with one salaam at the end only. This view is based on the following:

    1. Sayyidatuna Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) never used to make salaam after the first 2 Rakaats of Witr.’ (Mustadrak Haakim vol.1 pg.304; Imaam Haakim has classified this Hadith as Sahih according to the requirements of Bukhari and Muslim. Hafiz Dhahabi has also accepted this). Imaam Haakim then says, ‘There are various other narrations that support this, from them is the following.’

    2. Sayyidatuna Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to perform 3 Rakaats of Witr and he never used to make salaam except in the last Rakaat.’ (Ibid)

    3. Imaam Nasaaie (RA) has recorded (the following) on the authority of Sayyiduna Ubayy ibn Ka’ab (Radhiallaahu Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to recite Surah Sabbihisma rabbikal a’alaa in the first Rakaat of Witr, Surah al-Kaafiroon in the 2nd Rakaat and Surah, Qul huwallaahu Ahad in the third and that he (Rasulullah - Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) would not make salaam except in the last of those Rakaats. (Hafiz Iraaqi has classified this narration as Sahih - authentic) – refer Naylul Awtaar vol.1; also see Aathaarus-sunan pg.203; I’elaa-us-sunan vol.6 pg.42

    4. Thaabit al-Bunaani (Radhiallaahu Anhu), the famous student of Sayyiduna Anas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) says that Sayyiduna Anas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) lead us in the Witr Salaat he performed 3 Rakaats and he did not make salaam till the last Rakaat. (Tahawi vol.1 pg.206 – Hafiz ibn Hajar (RA) has classified the narration as Sahih (authentic) – see al-Diraayah; I’elaa-us-sunan vol.6 pg.44

    5. Sayyiduna Abu-Zinaad (ra) – a Taabi’ee – says that I found most of the Fuqahaa and the people of knowledge saying that the Witr is 3 Rakaats with only one salaam at the end.’ (Tahaawi vol.1 pg.207). Muhaddith Nimawi has classified this narration as Hasan (sound); see Aathaarus-sunan pg.204

    6. Abu Zinaad (ra) also stated that Khalifah Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (RA) had established through the verdicts of the Fuqahaa, that Witr Salaat is 3 Rakaats, with no salaam except in the last Rakaat.’ (Tahaawi vol.1 pg.207 – Muhaddith Nimawi has declared this narration as Sahih (authentic) – see Aathaarus-sunan pg.204)

    7. Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattaab (Radhiallaahu Anhu) is also reported to have performed 3 Rakaats Witr with one salaam only. (Mustadrak al-Haakim vol.1 pg.304; Tahaawi vol.1 pg.205-206)

    All the above authentic narrations have proven without a shadow of doubt that the Witr Salaat should be 3 Rakaats with no salaam in between. Narrations 5 and 6 have proven this to be the practice of majority of the Fuqahaa (theologians) during the era of the Taabi’een as well. From among the Sahaaba, this is reported to be the practice of Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattaab, Sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ood, Sayyiduna Ubayy ibn Ka’ab, Sayyiduna Zayd ibn Thaabit, Sayyiduna Anas ibn Maalik and Sayyiduna Abu Umaamah (Radhiallaahu Anhum). (refer al-Tamheed of ibn Abdul-Barr vol.4 pg.174)

    The following narrations prove that one should definitely sit in Tashahhud after 2 Rakaats and thereafter stand up for the third:

    1. Sayyidatuna Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) reports from Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) – as part of a lengthy Hadith – that he also said, ‘After every two Rakaats, there is ‘Attahiyyaat’.’ (Sahih Muslim). This Hadith is general and includes all salawaat as well as the Witr. (I’elaa-us-sunan vol.6 pg.51)

    2. Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (Radhiallaahu Anhu) is reported to have said, ‘Witr is 3 Rakaats like the Witr of the day, i.e. the Salaat of Maghrib.’ (Tahaawi vol.1 pg.206). Muhaddith Nimawi (RA) has declared this narration as Sahih (authentic). (Aathaarus-sunan pg.204). This narration also proves that just as one sits after the first 2 Rakaats in Maghrib Salaat, similarly, one should do so in the Witr Salaat. (I’elaa-us-sunan vol.6 pg.43-44)

    3. Abul-Aaliyah (Radhiallaahu Anhu) – a Taabi’ee – states that the companions of Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) have taught us that the Witr is just like Maghrib Salaat. The only difference is that we recite Qiraat in Witr, and not in Maghrib, i.e. in the third Rakaat. (Tahaawi vol.1 pg.206). Muhaddith Nimawi (RA) has declared it Sahih (authentic)

    This is a clear proof for the Hanafi Madhab in that the Maghrib Salaat and Witr will be identical in all aspects, except the Qiraat in the third Rakaat. Hence, the Tashahhud in the second Rakaat is also backed / supported by this narration.

    Now, as for the narrations quoted by the writer in that article, one should first understand that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) always encouraged that one should perform some Nafl Salaat before the Witr Salaat and that the Witr should not be the only Salaat performed after Esha. This was also the constant practice of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Hafiz ibn Abdul-Barr Maaliki (RA) states that Witr according to them is only after some other Salaat that precedes it.’ (al-Tamheed vol.4 pg.177)

    It is precisely for this reason that in some narrations – as quoted by the writer – there is mention of 5 Rakaats of Witr and 7 Rakaats as well which in actual fact refers to what we have just mentioned, i.e. from the 5 or 7 Rakaats, the last 3 are actually the Witr and the remaining 2 or 4 would be the Nafl that was supposed to precede it.

    The same answer will apply to the first narration that, ‘Don’t pray 3 Rakaats Witr, pray five Witr or seven Rakaats Witr, but don’t make similarity to Maghrib’.

    The reason for preventing the Witr from being like Maghrib Salaat is obvious, and that is because there is no Nafl Salaat that precedes it. (see al-Nukatu Tareefah of Allaamah al-Kawthari pg.186)
    As for the narration of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu) that mentions that one should make salaam after 2 Rakaats and thereafter perform 1 Rakaats only, this practice is further weakened by a narration of Mustadrak al-Haakim wherein Hasan al-Basri (RA) is reported to have been asked about this narration. It was said to him, ‘Verily, Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu) used to make salaam after the 2 Rakaats of Witr?’ He replied, ‘(His father) Sayyiduna Umar al-Khattaab (Radhiallaahu Anhu) was more knowledgeable than him and he would (not make salaam and) stand up for the third Rakaat.’ (Mustadrak vol.1 pg.304)
    This is besides the fact that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have prohibited from performing one Rakaat only. (refer al-Tamheed vol.4 pg.177; al-Nukatu Tareefah pgs.182-183)

    Lastly, I’m sure that the above information is more than enough to eradicate any sort of doubt concerning the Hanafi viewpoint on this issue.

    and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

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    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Q) Raising Hands in the Takbir for Qunut in Hanafi Madhab?

    I had said this a few months back to a young brother:

    Some evidences for Raful yadayn in the Takbir for Qunut (which in our Madhhab is before the Ruku).

    Imam al-Bukhari in his treatise on Raful Yadayn quoted some narrations:

    [ 96 ] حدثنا عبد الرحيم المحاربي حدثنا زائدة عن ليث عن عبد الرحمن بن الأسود عن أبيه عن عبد الله أنه كان يقرأ في آخر ركعة من الوتر قل هو الله ثم يرفع يديه فيقنت قبل الركعة قال البخاري وهذه الأحاديث كلها صحيحة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه

    This narration states that Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra) would recite in the last Rak'a of Witr Qulhuwallahu ahad and then raise his hands for Qunut before the Ruku.

    Imam al-Nimawi in his Athar al-Sunan (p. 210) said it has a Sahih Isnad.

    Also, Bukhari in his Juz Raful Yadayn narrated the following

    [ 95 ] حدثنا قبيصة حدثنا سفيان عن أبي علي هو جعفر بن ميمون بياع الأنماط قال سمعت أبا عثمان قال كان عمر يرفع يديه في القنوت

    The above narration mentions that Umar (ra) would raise his hands in Qunut

    Imam al-Nimawi declared this last Isnad to be Hasan in his Athar al-Sunan (p. 210)

    He also mentioned from Imam al-Tahawi's Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar from Ibrahim al-Nakha'I that he said that one should raise the hands in 7 places: One of which specifically mentions the Takbir for Qunut in Witr Salah. Imam Nimawi said this narration has a Sahih Isnad (Athar al-Sunan, p. 210)

    I also found some very similar narrations as above in the 2nd vol of Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba from Ibn Mas'ud and Ibrahim –

    ( 141 ) في رفع اليدين في قنوت الوتر ( 1 ) حدثنا أبو بكر قال حدثنا أبو الأحوص عن مغيرة عن إبراهيم قال ارفع يديك للقنوت . ( 2 ) حدثنا معاويه بن هشام قال حدثنا سفيان عن ليث عن عبد الرحمن بن الاسود عن أبيه عن عبد الله أنه كان يرفع يديه في قنوت الوتر . ( 3 ) حدثنا عبد الرحمن ب محمد المحاربي عن ليث عن ابن الاسود عن أبيه عن عبد الله أنه كان يرفع يديه إذا قنت في الوتر

    With Thanks.

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

    Sayyidatuna Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) never used to make salaam after the first 2 Rakaats of Witr.’ (Mustadrak Haakim vol.1 pg.304; Imaam Haakim has classified this Hadith as Sahih according to the requirements of Bukhari and Muslim. Hafiz Dhahabi has also accepted this). Imaam Haakim then says, ‘There are various other narrations that support this, from them is the following.’

    jazakAllah khair bro. Appreciate it very much.
    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    right all these different ways of praying is confusing me!!
    ive been praying the night prayer for quiet a while and from what ive read above, i cannot relate it to how i pray it!! i think ive praying it wrong all these nights....

    can sumone just explain all these in simple english terms? i mean dont we delay witr prayer and pray it at the end of the sunnah tajjud rakats??? and whats all this about only saying salaam once??

    and isnt it optional how many rakats u pray??

    i'd be greatful if someone cud explain it a bit more clearly...without all the pages of text....jazakallah Khair
    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    ...And resort to patience and prayer for help. Truly prayer is burdensome for all except the devout... [2:45]

    ...Be watchful over the prayers, and over praying with the utmost excellence, and stand before Allah as would utterly obedient servants...[2:283]
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by nuj View Post

    right all these different ways of praying is confusing me!!
    ive been praying the night prayer for quiet a while and from what ive read above, i cannot relate it to how i pray it!! i think ive praying it wrong all these nights....

    can sumone just explain all these in simple english terms? i mean dont we delay witr prayer and pray it at the end of the sunnah tajjud rakats??? and whats all this about only saying salaam once??

    and isnt it optional how many rakats u pray??

    i'd be greatful if someone cud explain it a bit more clearly...without all the pages of text....jazakallah Khair
    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

    there is a difference of opinion on the matter.

    the hanafi's have ample evidence for praying witr by making salam right at the end (of the third raka'at) whilst the other madhaahib have other evidence for making salam after the second raka'at and then standing for a single raka'at.

    sister your post only alerts me to the requirement of a madhab but as imam abu hanifa rahmatullahi alayh said, dont take a fatwa without first seeing the evidence inshaAllah Brother Musalmaan has informed me that the seeing of evidence was addressed to the students of imam abu hanifa who we all know were extremely well versed in their studies)

    if this didnt help forgive me inshaAllah and if i said anything wrong may Allah forgive me inshaAllah.
    Last edited by IbnAbdulHakim; 04-30-2007 at 11:34 AM.
    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    both forms of praying are right, (pray witr 2 rakats , give selam and then another rakat, or praying 3 rakats alltogether and give salam at the end) and you can;t tell someone "no my way is right and yours is wrong", bc both ways have arguments which means that both are right. so follow the one you think has stronger arguments.

    it's best to do night prayer and finish everything with witr, and u can pray as many rakats as u want in night prayer, it's not about "how many rakats should I pray? 8 or how many", just pray till you think you heart is rested and finish it with witr , if you would ask the sahabas "how many rakats do u pray in night prayer, they would tell u then they don't know, they don't count them, the just pray and pray till they think they are done"
    Last edited by vpb; 04-30-2007 at 11:08 AM.
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by nuj View Post

    right all these different ways of praying is confusing me!!
    ive been praying the night prayer for quiet a while and from what ive read above, i cannot relate it to how i pray it!! i think ive praying it wrong all these nights....

    you are confused because I believe you are not following a madhab. you should follow it at your earliest (yeah earliest) to save yourself from all sorts of ignorance, fitnah, confusion, misconception etc.

    Remeber following a madhab is waajib (compulsory).

    my intend here was to show the proofs of How to Perform witr prayer in Hanafi Madhab, because these days there is much propaganda going against hanafi ways, propaganda that is created by a group, who themselves do taqleed of their selected scholars but those who do taqleed of the best generations of the ummah and the mujtahid Imams--together with the traditional scholars who followed in each of their schools and evaluated and upgraded their work after them, they treat themselves as blind follower.
    may Allah guide them and save the muslims from their shar and fasaad.

    format_quote Originally Posted by nuj View Post
    can sumone just explain all these in simple english terms? i mean dont we delay witr prayer and pray it at the end of the sunnah tajjud rakats??? and whats all this about only saying salaam once??

    and isnt it optional how many rakats u pray??

    i'd be greatful if someone cud explain it a bit more clearly...without all the pages of text....jazakallah Khair
    sori my english bad, but above I have shown the proofs in hanafi madhab from the website which i have also mentioned in my post.


    1. Witr is three rak`ah, which one does not separate with salam.
    2. One makes [du`a] qunoot in the third [rak`ah] before ruku`, throughout the year.
    3. One recites the Opening of the Book, and a Surah along with it, in every rak`ah of witr.
    4. When one desires to perform qunoot, he pronounces takbir, raises his hands, and then recites qunut.
    5. One does not recite qunut in any salah other than [it, except on occasions of calamity].

    Witr is suppose to be last prayer of night, no nafil salaah after witr prayers, and Al Hafiz Ibnu Hajar al Asqalani has stated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) did not have a definite time for performing Tahajjud, simply following that which he was able to do easiest. However, the best time is that we should delay until the last third of the night.

    for easy steps of learning witr prayers in hanafi madhab,
    (also mentioning proofs in it).

    I hope it helps insha'Allah.

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    bro, just don't make things waajib definitely , bc scholars have different opinions on wether ordinary people (not imams or scholars, but ordinary people) should follow a mathhab or not. just say based on these scholars....... this thing is waajib.

    please no offence.
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

    there is a difference of opinion on the matter.

    the hanafi's have ample evidence for praying witr by making salam right at the end (of the third raka'at) whilst the other madhaahib have other evidence for making salam after the second raka'at and then standing for a single raka'at.

    100% agreed above

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    sister your post only alerts me to the requirement of a madhab but as imam abu hanifa rahmatullahi alayh said, dont take a fatwa without first seeing the evidence inshaAllah.

    if this didnt help forgive me inshaAllah and if i said anything wrong may Allah forgive me inshaAllah.

    brother this part is not addressed to layman "dont take a fatwa without first seeing the evidence" these statements were addressed to their students who themselves were mujhtahid (who know how to deduce rulings from the sources of shariah, a very extensive knowledge required).

    There are thousands of thousands of fatawaa of the companions of prophet Muhammad Sallalallahu alaihi wa sallam in the books of hadith and other books where there is NO daleel mentioned in their fatawaa.

    they are the truest follower of our prophet and what ever has reached to us in islam has reached us through them, so not mentioning daleel in fatawaa is clear proof that it is not compulsory for the layman to take fatwa with daleel.

    i hope you understand and if you need proofs for my above part i shall show it to you insha'Allah.

    jazak Allah.

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

    format_quote Originally Posted by Musalmaan View Post

    brother this part is not addressed to layman "dont take a fatwa without first seeing the evidence" these statements were addressed to their students who themselves were mujhtahid (who know how to deduce rulings from the sources of shariah, a very extensive knowledge required).
    subhanAllah. may Allah save me from ignorance, i should be researched more before making that post.

    There are thousands of thousands of fatawaa of the companions of prophet Muhammad Sallalallahu alaihi wa sallam in the books of hadith and other books where there is NO daleel mentioned in their fatawaa.
    subhanALlah... dont they mainly say "i have heard/seen etc the prophet sallallahi alaihi wa sallaam do/say such and such"...

    i dont know about this bro. i was of the understanding that the sahabi's radhiallahu anhum would always relate every matter to the quran and sunnah.

    Allahu a'lam

    they are the truest follower of our prophet
    Ameen ya rabb, may Allah be pleased with them all radhiallahu anhum

    and what ever has reached to us in islam has reached us through them, so not mentioning daleel in fatawaa is clear proof that it is not compulsory for the layman to take fatwa with daleel.
    i had understood, the layman here is the illeterate... but now you give me the understanding that it is one who hasnt taken to study indepth islam.

    i hope you understand and if you need proofs for my above part i shall show it to you insha'Allah.
    akhi i just want to see the proof for the sahabi's giving fataawa without dalaa'il inshaAllah. this will put my heart to rest

    jazak Allah.

    wa iyyakum akhi tabarakAllah

    wa alaikum ussalaam wa rahmatullah
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    what;s dalaa'il??
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    what;s dalaa'il??
    i thought its plural for evidences?

    my arabic isnt so good... was i mistaken? o man

    wa alaikum ussalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

    akhi i just want to see the proof for the sahabi's giving fataawa without dalaa'il inshaAllah. this will put my heart to rest

    wa iyyakum akhi tabarakAllah

    wa alaikum ussalaam wa rahmatullah

    sure. Alhamdulilah I found it on net as well. (by the way there are plenty of other as well in books).

    IMAAM ABU BAKR BIN ABI SHAYBAH (rahmatullahi alaih)

    One of the benefactors of Hanafi Fiqh was a Buzrook by the name of Imaam Abu Bakr bin Abi Shaibah (rahmatullahi alaih). He passed away in 235 A.H. He had compiled a voluminous Hadith Kitaab, which spanned 16 volumes.

    Nevertheless, there are two very important points regarding this Kitaab.

    This Kitaab has a compilation of Fiq`hi Fataawa of more than 30 000 Sahaba (radhiAllaahu anhum) and Taabi`een (rahmatullahi alaihim). There does not appear any Qur`aanic proof from the Sahabi or Taabi`i providing the Fatwa. Nor is there any Hadith cited in support of the Fatwa given. There is also no record of objectors to these Fataawa.

    This proves that during the era of the Sahabah and Taabi`een, Fataawa were given without and proof being cited from Qur`aan Shareef or Ahadith. The people practised upon these Fataawa without seeking any such proof. There is no evidence of anyone refuting these continuous practises. This is called Taqleed.

    (some more good info., if you have interest in it)

    The analysis of the differences Imaam Ibn Shaibah had with Hanafi Fiqh is as follows:

    It is stated in ‘Inaaya’, which is the commentary of ‘Hidaya’, that the total number of Hanafi Fiqhi Masaa`il exceeds 1 260 000 (i.e. more than one million, two hundred and sixty thousand). Imaam Ibn Shaiba has differed upon only 125 Masaa`il. If we assume that his differences were exactly this (i.e.125), then the ratio between correctness and incorrectness of the Hanafi Masaa`il, would be one incorrect one to every 10 160 correct ones. Therefore, (according to one Hadith), there will be two rewards for every one of the 10 160 correct rulings and one reward for every one incorrect. It is very possible that there is no Muhaddith, who has attained this ratio of incorrect to correct rulings, ever.

    When we study the differences of Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah, we note that there are atleast 60 Masaa`il, where there appears Ahadith on both sides. According to Imaam ibn abi Shaibah one Hadith is preferred and according to Imaam Saheb (rahmatullahi alaih) another Hadith is preferred. Imaam Saheb (rahmatullahi alaih) used to say: “If a Hadith is authenticated, then that is my Mazhab.” [Shaami]. Hence, we see that the Hadith he has preferred is an authentic one.

    Imaam Sufyaan Thauri (rahmatullahi alaih) said that Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullahi alaih) only used authentic Ahadith, where the narrators were completely reliable. He was also well aware of ‘Naasikh Mansookh’ (i.e. which Hadith was abrogated and which was abbrogatory). He was also very particular to ascertain which action was the one executed by Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) during his last stages. He also kept his views in agreement to the majority of the Ulama of his time. [Al Khairaatul Hasanaat, page 30].

    In those Ahadith where there existed ‘contradictions’, Imaam Saheb used to take that Hadith which he and other Muhadditheen accepted as the most authentic one. It is also apparent that he accepted the ‘replacement’ Hadith over the abrogated one and he considered those actions of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) which were done at the last part of his life. It is also apparent that Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah did not apply that much attention to authentic Ahadith, therefore the Muhadditheen have place his Kitaab in the third category. He also did not pay that much attention to ‘Naasikh Mansookh’.

    Hence, we can safely conclude that in the 60 odd differences raised by Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah, the view of Imaam Saheb is more correct and preferred.

    Besides this, there are approximately a dozen Ahadith, where Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah has presented a ‘Khabar Waahid’ (Hadith related by a single person), whereas Imaam Saheb has presented Qur`aanic text in support of his view. It is clear that proof from the Qur`aan Shareef is most preferred.

    There are approximately 1 ½ dozen Masaa`il where, Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah uses ‘Khabar Waahid’ whereas Imaam Saheb uses ‘Khabar Mash -Hoor’ (‘Famous’ Hadith). It is apparent that ‘Khabar Mash-Hoor’ holds preference over ‘Khabar Waahid’.

    There are approximately 1 ½ dozen Masaa`il, where Imaam Ibn Abi Shaibah refutes these Masaa`il, whereas these Masaa`il are not even proven to be directly from Imaam Saheb. These are not even recorded in the Hanafi Fiqh Kitaabs. Here Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah has also erred.

    There are approximately ten Masaa`il where there is a difference of opinion regarding the interpretation of the Hadith. Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah interprets it in one way and Imaam Saheb in another. It is apparent that there is no consideration given to difference in interpretation of Ahadith, whereas difference of opinion in Fiqh is taken into cognisance.

    [Jaami` Bayaanul Ilm, page 131, vol.2 / Zail Jawaahir, page 485, vol.2 / Al-Khairaatul Hisaan, page 61].

    Imaam Tirmidhi (rahmatullahi alaih) said: “He (Imaam Saheb) was a great Aalim in interpreting the Ahadith.” [Tirmidhi, page 118, vol.1].

    There is a consensus of opinion amongst the Ummat that Imaam Saheb was a Mujtahid.

    Nevertheless, there remains a dispute in six or seven Masaa`il.

    The condition of Allaah Ta`ala’s acceptance is such that, even after Imaam ibn Abi Shaiba has written his Kitaab, there are still millions of people who follow the Mazhab of Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullahi alaih). There is not a single person, the world over who is a Muqallid of Imaam ibn Abi Shaibah.

    Allaamah Abdul Qadir Qurashi, Allaamah Qaasim bin Qutlobugha and Allaamah Kawthari have written detailed refutations regarding this section in Imaam ibn Shaibah’s Kitaab.

    It is recorded in the Ghair Muqallid periodical, “Al-I`tisaam”:

    “Imaam A`zam (rahmatullahi alaih) has indeed, kept the conditions and needs of the civilisation of his era before him, and according to the Qur`aanic method of Mashwera, he formulated Fiqh according to sound Islamic principles. In reality, this is great achievement. It is impossible to refute this greatness and necessity (of his work).” [8 July 1960, page 5, column 1]
    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    bro, just don't make things waajib definitely , bc scholars have different opinions on wether ordinary people (not imams or scholars, but ordinary people) should follow a mathhab or not. just say based on these scholars....... this thing is waajib.

    please no offence.
    its okay. insha'Allah this may not turn into baseless arguements .
    The point is learning the laws of shariah is fardh , the thing which are fardh upon us (salaah, fasts, cleanliness tahraad etc) its knowledge become fardh upon us to learn. when you let the layman to pick and choose or to search for proof, then ultimately he/she ends with confusion alot. its not that easy to deduce rulings how many fardh are their salaah waajib in salaah, how to perform fajr and all the rest prayers, thus
    madhab is the simplification of ending up this confusion. One of the wisdom behind Taqleed is convenience. It is generally difficult for the layman to learn all the laws of all the Madhaahib and the basis of each law. For that, one will have to spend many years which is difficult for a layman.

    As madhabs are a centuries of detailed, case-by-case Islamic scholarship in finding and spelling out the commands of the Qur'an and sunna, a highly sophisticated, interdisciplinary effort by mujtahids, hadith specialists, Qur'anic exegetes, lexicographers, and other masters of the Islamic legal sciences. To abandon the fruits of this research, the Islamic shari'a, for the following of contemporary sheikhs who, despite the claims, are not at the level of their predecessors, is a replacement of something tried and proven for something at best tentative.

    This is principle of Fiqh that every action that has to be carried out, in order to be able to perform an obligation, acquires the ruling of being obligatory [or - All actions which if not performed first, an obligatory act can not be performed, acquire the ruling of being obligatory (even if they are not an obligation within themselves, such as walking to the Masjid for Salaatul Jamaa’ah (for men), since one cannot perform Jamaa’ah in the Masjid unless he walks there, the act of walking in order to get to the Masjid becomes Waajib upon that individual, and so on...)

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    jazakAllahu khair bro musalmaan.

    may Allah grant you jannah and keep you upon islam
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Musalmaan, I agree with u bro.

    its okay. insha'Allah this may not turn into baseless arguements .
    lol, no bro, what I wanted to say is just that when something is mentioned which has come as a result of ijtihad, also to mention who's thought it is, and not say this is this and this is this, of course I'm talking about things which ijtihad has be done on. but please forgive me, I didn't intend on starting any argument
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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    jazakAllahu khair bro musalmaan.

    may Allah grant you jannah and keep you upon islam
    jazak Allah for your dua. may Allah keep you and all of us steadfast in His deen.

    By the way I had just missed this one, well known in Imam Bukhari rahimahulla's collection of Hadith.

    Aswad bin Yazid narrates, "Mu'aath came to us in Yemen as a teacher and commander. We questioned him regarding a man who had died leaving (as his heirs) a brother and sister. He decreed half the estate for the daughter and half for the sister. This was while the Rasulullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam was alive."
    [Kitaabul Faraa-idh: Bukhari and Muslim Shareef]

    It will be realised from this Hadith Shareef that Taqleed was in vogue during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam. The questioner (in the Hadith) did not demand proof or basis for the decree. He accepted the ruling, relying on the integrity, piety and up-righteousness of Hazrat Mu,aath radiyallahu anhu. This is precisely Taqleed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    Musalmaan, I agree with u bro.

    lol, no bro, what I wanted to say is just that when something is mentioned which has come as a result of ijtihad, also to mention who's thought it is, and not say this is this and this is this, of course I'm talking about things which ijtihad has be done on. but please forgive me, I didn't intend on starting any argument
    You never did, you're asking questions in a decent way. (keep it up )

    Actually the concept of taqleed is only in ijtihad part.
    Masa'il or precepts are of four kinds:-

    1. Clear instructions from the Holy Qurãn and Ahadith. No Qiyas is allowed nor Taqlid permissible. The order is to practice on the clear injunction.
    2. In such propositions where there are two injunctions, one earlier, and one later, and through historical evidence both renown, then the earlier proposition is abrogated (Mansukh), whilst the latter command is ordered. Here too Qiyas and Taqlid ~ not permitted.
    3. Those propositions that have two clear injunctions but it is not known which is earlier and which later, i.e. no historical evidence.
    4. Those propositions of which there exist no clear injunctions.
    Propositions 1 (and 2) are clear. the last two (Propositions 3 and 4) need explanations. Since 3 and 4 are not clear, what must a person do? If he does not practice upon them, he is yet not allowed to go free. The Qurãnic verses state: "Is man under the notion that he will be left free?"'

    "Do you think that you have been created in vain?" It is not so, you have to obey Allah's command every second. Now how are we going to obey when it is not known, which is abrogated and which is not. In the fourth kind of proposition when one has no knowledge what is he going to practice on? Allah says: "Do not practice on anything without knowledge:"

    Thus the need of Qiyas and Ijtihad. In the third kind of proposition the need is to verify the clear injunction and in the fourth kind it is to find a clear order and command. This is a known fact that everybody does not have the ability or power to make Ijtihad and this verse also makes it clear.

    Everybody makes claims of giving opinions but only that ruling is accepted which is in accordance with Shar`iah and of a Mujtahid. The verdict of a Muqallid will not be accepted. The Mujtahid makes Ijtihad while the Muqallid makes Taqlid. Even if the Mujtahid makes a mistake he is rewarded as mentioned in Bukhari, Vol. 1 p. I1092.

    I guess it has answered your query.
    For more,

    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    Hadith: "The best of my community are my generation, and then those who follow them, and then those who follow them" [related by Imran ibn al-Husayn in Bukhari].

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    Re: The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

    there is a difference of opinion on the matter.

    the hanafi's have ample evidence for praying witr by making salam right at the end (of the third raka'at) whilst the other madhaahib have other evidence for making salam after the second raka'at and then standing for a single raka'at.

    sister your post only alerts me to the requirement of a madhab but as imam abu hanifa rahmatullahi alayh said, dont take a fatwa without first seeing the evidence inshaAllah Brother Musalmaan has informed me that the seeing of evidence was addressed to the students of imam abu hanifa who we all know were extremely well versed in their studies)

    if this didnt help forgive me inshaAllah and if i said anything wrong may Allah forgive me inshaAllah.
    i think ill just ask my sheik, and yup we follow the hanafi school of thought.

    i just assumed tahajjud was a simple prayer, so when my dad explained how to perform it i accepted it. but with all these different opinions its sounds so complicated now! im sure it was never like this during the time of our beloved Prophet (saw)

    nwy jazakallah brother for trying to explain...
    The Way to Perform the Night Prayer

    ...And resort to patience and prayer for help. Truly prayer is burdensome for all except the devout... [2:45]

    ...Be watchful over the prayers, and over praying with the utmost excellence, and stand before Allah as would utterly obedient servants...[2:283]
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