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My identity. Where is it?

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    vorx's Avatar Full Member
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    My identity. Where is it?

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    Hello everyone,

    I begin this topic relying on a suggestive and cooperative audience. As always, I welcome everyone to be part of this post regardless their religious backgrounds. I would appreciate it more if people logic with me based not on a religious book as righteousness.

    I take this matter seriously as it generates a generous amount of thoughts during my active days. Recently, unlike before, I noticed a slight change as I exercise daily. I run, sweat, and energize my body a lot more than I used to. Truth to the matter is that my life is complex. I believe that I put many barriers and limitations every time I try to shape my attitude. I put so much effort in understanding myself and my identity within this world that I feel it is not worth the extra mile.

    From my perspective, life is a wild challenge. Every living aspect is a survivor and every choice is self-imposing itself on us rather being masters of choice. Anybody is born with their unique identity and we serve our purpose in this world whether we think we chose to live or not. It is just not up to anybody to change the world. For instance, we have no remembrance of a previous life or visions of what life is going to be after we rot in the graves. It went on and it goes on. We are here, and we are living until our timer sets off. Whoever thinks has the best version of how life is going to be after we die is as good as the guy next to him.

    I believe that my life conditions are better than so many people and worse than many others that lived before me, within the present, or later to be existent. Is it true that the winner of the challenge is the specie that produces more offsprings and dominates others?

    I find myself in a dead end conversation when it comes to where we are going along life. What is our purpose, and certainly what can I achieve for myself in this life? I've heard it all from the theories of the big bang and evolution to human beings that lived in heaven along angels. I ask any Muslim and the answer I get is that we are sons of Adam, and we live to worship God Almighty.

    I respect Islam to a certain degree since my childhood experiences was lived in an Islamic country and I can not deny the fact that I love some of the brotherhood, family, friends, and self values that it teaches. I guess that makes me a good Muslim and paradise is mine. But am I such a bad guy when I say I strongly disagree with some Islamic teachings? Will I be fried in hell if I have an opinion of my own?

    What is God is beyond the human capability to reason. God can be existent or not depending on how do you look at the big picture. Of course reason demand from every creation a creator so I guess God is my creator and I am his tool. If choices come with the illusion of relevance to my freedom to pick, then why am I born with this identity? In other words, when I try to build who I am, why couldn't I pick from the start who could've been my parents.

    I just think that it is not up to us to decide whether we think we are making a difference or not. Same thing goes on when I ask God for help. I shoot an arrow in the dark and hope for results. I am Muhammad’s companion when God grants a wish but I am also an infidel when he gives me a blind eye. I’ve been there and I hate it. I guess I am a hypocrite that way but I try to think that God is also about light touch. He doesn’t want me to be so dependent on him which can be fun and frustrating along the road.

    It is not a question of whether God exist or is a myth but rather it is more about faith. I love fasting Ramadan because I take care of my health and set boundaries to some disturbing needs and emotions and it serves me to discipline myself. I like giving money to someone in need but I don’t do it all the time because I am not rich and I don’t want bums to be dependent on my salary. It is more for me than it is for people in need of help that I decide to contribute my time and money. I just don’t like to pray 5 times a day because I get so excited in being good to God that I screw up and feel like an idiot. I just don’t want to do it. Not yet.

    So, dear audience feed me back with your opinions. Let me know if I am screwing up or am I in the road of success.


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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    There is no 'purpose'. Neither is there any continuing identity or 'I' to worry about whether there is a purpose or not. The trick is learning to recognise and accept those facts, whereupon which you can just get on with being happy as there is nothing left to trouble you any more.

    It would take a braver Buddhist than me to explain that 'logically', and it certainly derives from religious literature, but I would also offer it as simple experiential common sense if you think about it a little.
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    - Qatada -'s Avatar
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    Asalaamu alaikum (peace be upon you) brother.

    I think that reflecting on yourself is something which is praised, i usually reflect on myself also to look at my personality, my attitude, the state of my heart, am i benefiting others? Am i being a good person? Or have i done more evil in my life than good? How can i make myself more positive? How can i remove the arrogance from my heart which may creep up every now and then? How can i draw closer to Allaah by doing this?

    Allaah says in the Qur'an:

    Do they not think deeply (in their ownselves) about themselves (how Allah created them from nothing, and similarly He will resurrect them)? Allah has created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, except with truth and for an appointed term. And indeed many of mankind deny the Meeting with their Lord.

    [Qur'an 30: 8]

    When i reflect upon myself, i feel that it has to be done for a purpose. This good which we do has to have a greater aim to it. Don't you feel good when you help a poor person? Someone in need? And don't you feel bad when you harm someone?

    I look at how Allaah has given us wealth, He has given us the health to be able to earn it in the first place. Then i wonder, if i've got more than i need - shouldn't this really be used to benefit others? For instance, i've got some wealth, - i spend it on the things required. Then one may keep a certain amount for future purposes, and the remaining can be given to someone in need. Yes it's for the good, but doesn't Allaah recognise our good? If we do good for His sake, shouldn't our reward actually be from Him?

    Allaah gives good to whomever He wills, i remember watching MTV Cribs a long while back, and i imagined - if Allaah gives the world to whomever He wills, even if that person doesn't even do much i.e. he's just a rapper/singer. Then wouldn't Allaah have a greater reward in store for one who does believe in Allaah's promise, and does good to earn His pleasure in order to get His reward?

    Those who belie Allaah's promise, and don't do good for Allaah's pleasure, and they don't believe in His reward. Then Allaah doesn't need to give them that reward, since belief aswell as good action proves that one really wants that reward from Allaah. Whereas those who disbelieve, then why should Allaah reward them in the hereafter if they reject it? So instead - Allaah will give them good in this life, maybe they will die being a well known famous figure, or a wealthy person, or having an easier life. But should they really be rewarded in the hereafter if they rejected it, or claimed that Allaah lied?

    When you say that people are different in many ways, that is totally true. We all have good and bad within us. Yet these can either draw us closer to Allaah, or they can distance us from Allaah.

    I.e. Allaah may have given someone wealth, now wealth in of itself isn't evil. Yet what the person spends it on will be the outcome. Someone may spend it on harming innocents for example, or the person may use the wealth to help those who are in need. Depending on what the wealth is used for, along with the intention - the person will get the respective good (i.e. more reward from Allaah) from it or evil (His displeasure.)

    We as Muslims believe that this life is temporary, we are created by Allaah, and yes - we are created to worship Him. But wait, worship doesn't just mean to continuously pray, fast, etc. Worship in the Islamic context is anything which is loved by Allaah. So for example, if a guy gives food to his wife, he is fulfilling a duty which is loved by Allaah. Since you intended to draw closer to Allaah by feeding your wife, then that is an act of worship in of itself. Therefore, you would gain Allaah's pleasure, therefore be rewarded by Him inshaa Allaah (God willing.)

    Similarly, all aspects of our life can be a means of drawing closer to our Creator, and Sustainer.

    Along with these acts of worship, we are also obligated to thank Allaah for the good which He has bestowed upon us. We are obligated to worship Allaah (which includes the 5 daily prayers) - so that we remain firm upon the correct path. During each prayer, we recite to Allaah - "Guide us to the Straight Path.." - if one stops praying to Allaah, they usually break their contact with Him due to the excessive distractions of this life. Therefore an obligation makes the believer firm upon keeping their duty to Allaah so they remain upon the correct straight path which leads to Him (The Siraat Al Mustaqeem.)

    Therefore, if one asks why Allaah asks us to worship Him - the answer is so we remain aware of God, so we continue doing good to please Him and earn His pleasure, so we abstain from the evil which He has forbidden us from - which is harm in of itself, and that is why it is forbidden.

    Islaam is the religion of ALL the Prophets of Allaah, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus son of Mary, Muhammad (peace be upon them) and all the 124,000 Prophets of God. They all called to the worship of Allaah, our Creator and Sustainer Alone. And it was sent to unite mankind on where they differed, so they could live together in peace and kindness with no injustice upon anyone.

    You may question why you have parents, parents which you never personally chose. But the main thing is - Allaah has made us all under different situations, different circumstances, and we are all tried/trialled under different ways.

    Some are trialled through excessive wealth (will they remain good/sincere/obedient to Allaah with all this power in their hands? or will they abuse it and fall into evil?) Allaah also tests people under poverty, will they remain steadfast? Allaah tries all of us in different ways, and He is the All-Knowing, He never overburdens a soul with what it cannot bear. And without a doubt, after hardship He grants ease. These trials can either raise someone high in Allaah's sight, or they can make someone the lowest of the low - if they were to follow their vain/false desires, and channel them in an impermissible way.

    Regarding your question about your prayers not always being answered, Allaah says in the Qur'an:

    ..it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.

    [Qur'an 2: 216]

    We are bound by time, we do not know the future. We are stuck in the present, yet Allaah is the All Knowing, Wise and He is outside the boundaries of time. Therefore, He may not answer a prayer of ours, knowing that it is harmful for us in the future. And He may delay it, knowing that in the future there is more of a greater benefit to it.

    This may be the answer to why your prayer is responded to at one time, yet not responded to immediately within another time.

    I hope i've answered some of your questions and given you a more wider outlook to your points. It's been an interesting discussion. And i pray that it is of benefit to you. Ameen.

    And Allaah Almighty knows best.

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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    Selam aleykum brother
    Some comments on what you said:

    But am I such a bad guy when I say I strongly disagree with some Islamic teachings? Will I be fried in hell if I have an opinion of my own?
    That depends. For a person who doesn't believe (or doubt) it's natural to disagree with some rules. Most likely because they are confused, or know little about it. But for a believer to disagree is to place his personal preference over his faith. And yes that is a truly bad thing such a person has done, because you could see it as saying: "Yes I believe in you Allah, but I won't follow your rules 'cause I know better then you."
    An exception would be if a person doubts on the authenticity of a rule, but in such a case he has the responsibility to look it up. Neglecting to do so, and thus not following the rule solely based on suspicion will also hurt this persons deen.

    What is God is beyond the human capability to reason. God can be existent or not depending on how do you look at the big picture. Of course reason demand from every creation a creator so I guess God is my creator and I am his tool. If choices come with the illusion of relevance to my freedom to pick, then why am I born with this identity? In other words, when I try to build who I am, why couldn't I pick from the start who could've been my parents.
    Just because we don't have absolute freedom in every little aspect of life (such as the choice in who our parents are) does not mean we have no choice at all. Your identity is not who you are born to be. It is not your in your DNA. It is in your mind, it is formed and developed by the choices you make throughout live. SO in that sense you choice your identity indirectly. For example if you choice to learn more about Islam, and you choice to do so with an open mind and good-will, then you will inshaAllah gain more knowledge of Islam, and if you gain more knowledge of Islam one tends to become more pious. SO indirectly one can choice to have a pious identity by making the right choices, like choosing what to do in your spare time.

    I just think that it is not up to us to decide whether we think we are making a difference or not.
    So you don't believe in freedom of thought? Of course you can think whatever you want. Who is going to stop you? Well, of course there are limitations to the deductions and philosophical capacity's of everyones brain. But that doesn't change the fact you're free to think of it what you desire. And that's exactly what a lot of people do, they allow their desires to make up their minds.

    Same thing goes on when I ask God for help. I shoot an arrow in the dark and hope for results. I am Muhammad’s companion when God grants a wish but I am also an infidel when he gives me a blind eye. I’ve been there and I hate it. I guess I am a hypocrite that way but I try to think that God is also about light touch. He doesn’t want me to be so dependent on him which can be fun and frustrating along the road.
    Just because a prayer is answered doesn't mean you're Muhammad's (peace be upon him) companion. And just because a prayer is not responded doesn't mean you're an infidel. Sometimes a person might make plans, but Allah subhana wa ta'ala has different (better or worse) plans. So we cannot make any deductions based on whether or not our prayer is answered. But you should know that when a prayer is heard, but you don't get what you ask, then you will get it in the afterlife inshaAllah. That's why it's important to know when prayers are heard and when not.

    I love fasting Ramadan because I take care of my health and set boundaries to some disturbing needs and emotions and it serves me to discipline myself. I like giving money to someone in need but I don’t do it all the time because I am not rich and I don’t want bums to be dependent on my salary. It is more for me than it is for people in need of help that I decide to contribute my time and money.
    You should know that every action is judged by it's intention. Also the good actions. So if you fast during ramadan only for the sake of your health, or because your family does it and you don't want to be a cast out; then you should know there is little reward in doing it; whereas if you do it for Allah subhana wa ta'ala that there is great reward in those things.

    I just don’t like to pray 5 times a day because I get so excited in being good to God that I screw up and feel like an idiot. I just don’t want to do it. Not yet.
    This is a trick of Shaytan. He's telling you: "It's better not to pray as opposed to pray, and then screw up." But that is a lie he is saying. It's better to try and fail, then not to try at all. And, nobody 's perfect, we all make mistakes and screw up sooner or later. But, the trick is not to let it get to you, and when you screw up, just ask for forgiveness and learn from your mistakes and try to do better in the future and avoid it. And I don't know how strong your faith is. You seem to imply you still have doubts about God's existance, but If you are convinced he does exist, then know that praying 5 times a day is an obligation for a Muslim, not a choice.

    May Allah subhana wa ta'ala help you on your path.
    My identity. Where is it?

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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    Hi Qatada

    I just hate the lifestyle of counting the good deeds and bad deeds I do everyday. I am never too good with God because when I try, I feel stupid.

    Today I pray, I don't swear a lot, I fast, I help a homeless dude to have dinner. But tomorrow I will be a different person. I will drink, smoke pot, spit on the same guy i gave 10 dollars to, etc...

    I don't sign contracts with God anymore. He will win and I will just feel dumb. If by regularily praying I am signing a faith contract with God, then at any moment i can pick an other routine which will make God angry at me. Whatever... really...

    Do I deserve God's anger if I am afraid to screw up the contract? Why sign it at all? All you get is his anger for the slightliest mistake. I am prone in changing my mind so easily and one little mistake will only make me feel so bad. I don't mess with God you know. It s a big deal to me.

    I also hate to think that I am forced to pray every time 5 times a day for the rest of my life. I tried it for like 2 months, just pure praying daily 5 times, staying out of "sins" and guess what? I felt stupid. I am not enjoying anything anymore. All I think of is Allah. It was too much that every little thing I did felt like a great sin and a big deal...

    I can't be that guy. I will dishonest if I continued that lifestyle of 5 times daily praying and being a good Muslim. Maybe i' ll go to hell who knows?
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    You know vorx.. I hate to not give you some advise from the heart but at same time can't dedicate to this topic the way I want to unfortunately ..
    I can't source this at the moment so Maybe bros Qatada can find the hadith for you insha'Allah
    if not then take my word this did happen..
    I think the problem with you, and I can't assume really that it is a problem rather a struggle with self like all of us experience at some point of another if not really for life?..

    Allah A3lam but one man came to the prophet PBUH once for advise, you see this man was horrible, he did everything
    fornicate, lie, cheat, steal, loud, you name it all the bad traits in one guy.. anyhow he came to prophet Mohammed PBUH and told him, please don't ask me to give all that up, but I do promise that I will give up just one bad habit, to change for the better!
    so prophet Mohammed PBUH told him ok just to stop lying
    so the man promised that he would stop lying.. then came about his reformation, you might ask how since lying seems insignificant in the scheme of all his other awful deeds..

    Anyhow everyone wanted to help this guy out so one day someone would give him salaam and say so and so did you fornicate today?.. knowing that he couldn't lie, he would tell the truth and feel awful about having fornicated, so he gives that bad habit up.. the next day someone asks him so and so did you cheat today? knowing he can't lie he stops cheating, the next someone asks him so and so did you steal today? and of course he gave up all his bad habits one by one gradually... moral of the story is, you can't change over night but just make a covenant with yourself, value yourself enough to make this covenant to be refined and I promise you being a Muslim is what it means to be refined, all these disciplined acts we do that others think are an inconvenience, or why would Allah want us to do this, it is a way to refine yourself, fasting in ramdan isn't just good for you mind body and soul, but on a very basic level how easy it is to drop a dollar or two in someone's hand how much more appreciated it is when you actually know what it means to be hungry... do these things out of love and therein lies the secret to happiness... I can't tell you that it comes out of fear..

    speaking for myself I didn't pray for from 7-23, I used to fake it if someone was watching... and I can't distill to you my life but by myself one day I discovered that Allah can be my friend and it is a struggle still good days and bad days like anyone else .. Allah is more tender and gentle with me than anyone else I know.. if you make that pact to know and find him, it will be a personal experience not a group effort and that is all I can say from the heart
    My Lord says, '

    If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "

    My identity. Where is it?

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    vorx's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia View Post

    If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "

    Thanks i get your point. By the way, what verse is that from?
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    - Qatada -'s Avatar
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by vorx View Post
    Hi Qatada

    I just hate the lifestyle of counting the good deeds and bad deeds I do everyday. I am never too good with God because when I try, I feel stupid.

    Then try changing one habit of yours per day, even if it's something minor. Just as sister PurestAmbrosia said. There are some people who jump into the religion in one moment, yet they may leave just as they joined in (i.e. really quickly.) Change yourself slowly, while placing your trust in Allaah. He knows your efforts, and He guides the hearts.

    Allaah says:

    “O My slaves, all of you are astray except those whom I guide, so ask Me for guidance, and I will guide you. O My slaves, all of you are hungry except those whom I feed, so ask me for food and I will feed you. O My slaves, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe, so ask Me for clothing and I will clothe you. … O My slaves, if the first of you and the last of you, your humans and your jinn, were to stand on a single plain and ask of Me and I were to give each one what he asked for, that would not cause any loss to Me greater than what is lost when a needle is dipped into the sea.”

    Narrated by Muslim (2577).

    Today I pray, I don't swear a lot, I fast, I help a homeless dude to have dinner. But tomorrow I will be a different person. I will drink, smoke pot, spit on the same guy i gave 10 dollars to, etc...

    That doesn't mean that Allaah will ignore your good, rather He will even take an atoms weight of good or evil into account. So that good which you did isn't going unrecognised.

    So you did good one day? Atleast you did some good compared to no good at all. Also, know that the greater the trial - the greater the reward.

    We know there are Prophetic narrations which state that Paradise is surrounded by disliked things, i.e. waking up for the morning prayer may be abit hard, yet the greater the trial - the greater the reward. We know that Hell is surrounded by false desires, and evil. So people incline towards it, it's almost like a mirage where the falsehood leads to an evil dead end. Even if you wanted to change yourself today, and you placed your trust in Allaah, and you died tomorrow - it may be that Allaah grants you Paradise. Allaah is well Aware of what we do, and He is the Most Appreciative.

    Why should Allâh punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him. And Allâh is Ever All*Appreciative (of good), All*Knowing.

    [Qur'an 4: 147]

    I don't sign contracts with God anymore. He will win and I will just feel dumb. If by regularily praying I am signing a faith contract with God, then at any moment i can pick an other routine which will make God angry at me. Whatever... really...

    And that prayer which you performed may be a step closer to Allaah, and we know that Allaah says:

    Allah the Almighty said:

    I am as My servant thinks I am (1). I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.

    (1) Another possible rendering of the Arabic is: "I am as My servant expects Me to be". The meaning is that forgiveness and acceptance of repentance by the Almighty is subject to His servant truly believing that He is forgiving and merciful. However, not to accompany such belief with right action would be to mock the Almighty.

    It was related by al-Buhkari (also by Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn-Majah).

    So you strive towards Allaah, if you miss one prayer. You've tripped up, but that isn't still the end of the journey. You get back up, and continue walking. That's the essence of the struggle in Islaam - to continue on the straight path even if you fall down many times in your life.

    Do I deserve God's anger if I am afraid to screw up the contract? Why sign it at all? All you get is his anger for the slightliest mistake. I am prone in changing my mind so easily and one little mistake will only make me feel so bad. I don't mess with God you know. It s a big deal to me.

    Allaah knows your efforts, don't you know the hadith on the man who killed 99 + 1 men? He still hoped for Allaah's Mercy, he died on the path to a town where he could change himself for the better. He was granted Paradise.

    So you see that this man, although he did so much major sins - Allaah forgave him because Allaah knew that he was willing to draw closer to the straight way which leads to Allaah. Yet he took them steps to Allaah, and he never gave up on Allaah's Mercy.

    Prophet Ya'qub/Jacob said:

    "O my sons! Go you and enquire about Yûsuf (Joseph) and his brother, and never give up hope of Allâh's Mercy. Certainly no one despairs of Allâh's Mercy, except the people who disbelieve."

    [Qur'an 12: 87]

    You shouldn't despair of Allaah's Mercy, rather you work on yourself. You work on coming closer to Allaah because you love Him, and you want to be closer to Him. You missed salaah one day? But you performed it the day after. It may be that you die and return to Allaah on the day you performed Salaah.

    I know of a brother who never used to be a practising Muslim, but he used to be kind to his mother. One day, he started practising Islaam, he never really had much knowledge of the religion - but he focused on his daily prayers. A few weeks or days later, he has a car crash and dies.

    Why did Allaah make it that right near the end of his life, he transformed into a good person who establishes the prayer? Because Allaah found good in him, he used to be kind to his mother.

    Allaah made that path easy for him, and He will do the same for you - because you too are sincere.

    I also hate to think that I am forced to pray every time 5 times a day for the rest of my life. I tried it for like 2 months, just pure praying daily 5 times, staying out of "sins" and guess what? I felt stupid. I am not enjoying anything anymore. All I think of is Allah. It was too much that every little thing I did felt like a great sin and a big deal...

    Like sister PurestAmbrosia said, change one thing about yourself. Make a target for yourself, maybe you won't lie as much? Maybe you'll pray one prayer more than you usually do? Pray to Allaah, asking Him to make life easier for you. Don't overwhelm yourself, because He knows your struggle, and He is going to fix your situation. He loves you, and you love Him.

    I can't be that guy. I will dishonest if I continued that lifestyle of 5 times daily praying and being a good Muslim. Maybe i' ll go to hell who knows?

    Or maybe you'll go to Paradise? Allaah knows your heart, and your heart is good. That's why you're still wanting to walk on the straight way, that's because you are sincere, and Allaah will keep your foothold firm.

    The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Allah the Almighty said:

    O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great at it.

    It was related by at-Tirmidhi (also by Ahmad ibn Hanbal). Its chain of authorities is sound.

    Peace, and we will keep you in our prayers too inshaa Allaah.
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    Self reflection is a good thing. That's a plus point brother . InshaAllah you will better your self gradually. May Allah guide you, Ameen.
    My identity. Where is it?

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    Self reflection is a good thing. It allows us to see our short comings and in what areas we fail.

    In this life there will be things we find success in, we will also find thing in which we think we fail miserably.

    The only true failure is to refuse to try.

    All things begin with attitude. The proper attitude is the first step toward success. Let us refuse to succumb to the temptation of allowing the world to determine our concept of success. Let us work first on what our attitude is for the things we want and the things we need,

    sadly we usually have more desire for the things we want than we do for the things we need. We do need to self reflect and come to a true understanding of what we need. We may not want them, but we will have difficulty in getting them if we do not begin to seeing that we really do want the things we need and that when we develop the attitude we truly want them, they are no longer a burden.
    My identity. Where is it?

    Herman 1 - My identity. Where is it?

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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by vorx View Post
    Thanks i get your point. By the way, what verse is that from?
    inna Allah 3ind 7osn zhann 3abdho beh...

    Volume 9, Book 93, Number 502:
    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    The Prophet said, "Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "


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    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - My identity. Where is it?

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    Re: My identity. Where is it?


    I wish Sister or any one show me how 12 video are embedded in above as "related", after surat fatiha there is choice of watching many more but how is done?

    Jazakum Allah Khayran
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    akhi or ukhty..
    it was a nice surprise as well for my person... I believe they are all connected? certainly wasn't through anything I have done --I just attached it as you'd any regular file and after listening to the first, all the others appeared, perhaps they are all embeded or linked by the first person who uploaded the video through youtube? I know I especially love suret ad-dukhan, it was a nice bonus to see it here

    I am sorry I couldn't be of more help =(
    My identity. Where is it?

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - My identity. Where is it?

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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post

    I wish Sister or any one show me how 12 video are embedded in above as "related", after surat fatiha there is choice of watching many more but how is done?

    Jazakum Allah Khayran
    go here
    http://youtube.com/watch?v=ifqVXB0S408 and you will see links to the related videos.
    My identity. Where is it?

    each man thinks of his own fleas as gazelles
    question authority
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    اشكركم اخواتي

    انا اخ
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?


    To the original poster

    if you want to earn a degree in college, do you decide to attend classes one day and not go the other? Do you take one test one day and not take another? It is very simple: If you want a degree, you need to attend classes and take all your exams. The thing is, in order to earn the degree, we dont have to get 100% in every test and 100% in class attendance. You on the other hand still want the prize without putting the work in. You need to work to earn anything in life. Why dont you wanna do good deeds (even without expecting rewards from Allah?). I can understand if someone were to say that I am too weak to stop myself but I love doing good. But you are alread saying that you will do bad, therfore it is better that I do bad all the time? Praying isnt easy for everyone. You have to understand why we are praying and how it benefits us. You need to have khushuuc in your heart. It seems that you have lost all hope in Allah. Allah says in the Quran:
    Do not despair of God's mercy; He will forgive you of all your sins".Qur'an (39:53).

    See..He didnt say "dont ever commit sin". He said

    Except those who repent, have faith and good deeds, those Allah will charge their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is most forgiving and merciful." (Qur'an 25:70)

    Dont feel stupid. How on earht did you come to the conclusion that we can never please Allah or reach a status of purity? We are told in the Quran/hadiths that we would slip and the self and satan will sometimes overpower us. We are told ways to avoid those pittfalls. We are told how satan operates. It is all there if you are interested. You want to understand Islam, put the work in. You want to make sense of Islam, read Quran/hadiths etc. attend the masjid, attend lectures. You owe it to yourself. It has been said that committing sins regularly will darken and harden the heart and make purifying it once again a difficult mission. It may even lead a person to reject Allah completely (Allah forbid) or lead him to commit a bigger sin. There is no recourse for a sinner except to ask Allah for forgiveness and to feel great regret for his actions.

    Allah says in the Qur'an:

    "Those (are the true believers) who, when they commit an evil deed, or wrong their souls, remember Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who but Allah forgives sins? They do not insist upon the sins they have committed, and they know (that Allah is forgiving)." (Qur'an 3:135)
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    Re: My identity. Where is it?

    I forgot to mention the key word..SINCERITY. This is a universal concept. Sincerity in its basic form being a common human value that’s shared, appreciated and sanctioned by the human spirit, irrespective of one’s race, tribe or creed.

    Sincerity in thought, word and deed that in a nutshell is what Islam’s all about. The prophet mentioned:

    ""No man is true in the truest sense of the word but he who is true in work, in deed, and in thought,"

    "Verily, the reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended"
    “Whoever leaves this world with sincerity to Allah Almighty, the One and Only, and performs the prayers and pays the Zakah will die in the pleasure of Allah.”
    (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    Sincerity to Allah cannot be accomplished without knowledge. When a Muslim acquires knowledge he becomes capable to recognize how he should be devoted to Allah. Sincerity means having no other goal in one’s life other than pleasing Allah.

    One thing I remember is the advice of Ali (ra)
    “Surely there are people who worship Allah out of desire for reward, and this is the worship of traders. And surely there are people who worship Allah out of fear of punishment, and this is the worship of slaves. And surely there are people who worship Allah out of gratitude, and this is the worship of the free,” said `Ali ibn Abi Talib.

    Please seek Islamic knowledge and seek the answers within.
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