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Why Bother At All ?!!

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    Question Why Bother At All ?!!

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    So I've been thinking, judge me if you want, I'm not really bothered.

    • Why do we have desires? I mean why did God create love and desires and that, and put them in us? And then tell us not to sin?

    • Why is it that some people's desires are stronger than others, why is it that there are cases and cases of unrequited love?

    • Why is it, that some people go into depression because they can't have the person they desire/love?

    Someone answer. Islamic or unislamic, whatever. Thanks.
    Last edited by ------; 01-29-2008 at 08:07 PM.
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"]So I've been thinking, judge me if you want, I'm not really bothered.

    [LIST][*][B]Why do we have desires? I mean why did God create love and desires and that, and put them in us? And then tell us not to sin?

    Read these verses from Qur'an. This life is all about TEST So all things u mentioned r created to test us in different ways:-

    [2:155] Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,

    [21:35] Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good by way of trial. to Us must ye return.

    [3:185] ......For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. [186] Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship many gods. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,-then that will be a determining factor in all affairs.

    [2:245] ...... It is God that giveth (you) Want or plenty, and to Him shall be your return.

    [2:177] ........; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and a dversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing.

    [2:214] Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you?(Pray to Allah Q:2:286:-our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us they encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Apostle and those of faith who were with him cried: "When (will come) the help of God?" Ah! Verily, the help of God is (always) near!

    [70:19] Truly man was created very impatient;-[20] Fretful when adversity touches him;[21] And niggardly when good reaches him;-[22] Not so those devoted to Prayer;-[23] Those who remain steadfast to their prayer;[24] And those in whose wealth is a recognised right.[25] For the (needy) who asks and him who is prevented (for some reason from asking);[26] And those who hold to the truth of the Day of Judgment;[27] And those who fear the displeasure of their Lord,-

    [9:126] See they not that they are tried every year once or twice? Yet they turn not in repentance, and they take no heed.

    [3:142] Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without God testing those of you who fought hard (In His Cause) and remained steadfast?

    [11:7] He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days - and His Throne was over the waters - [that He might try you, which of you is best in conduct. But if thou wert to say to them, "Ye shall indeed be raised up after death", the Unbelievers would be sure to say, "This is nothing but obvious sorcery!"

    [11:9] If We give man a taste of Mercy from Ourselves, and then withdraw it from him, behold! he is in despair and (falls into) blasphemy.[10] But if We give him a taste of (Our) favours after adversity hath touched him, he is sure to say, "All evil has departed from me:" Behold! he falls into exultation and pride.[11] Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    & that there's good time after bad time if we persist:-

    [65:7] Let the man of means spend according to his means: and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what God has given him. God puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. After a difficulty, God will soon grant relief.
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    kitten's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Well said bro Sur.

    Life is a test. its as simple as that.

    "And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you lie a thing which is bad for you. Allaah knows, and you do not know."

    Al-Baqarah (2: 216).

    A person may want someone to marry, but it doesn't happen because Allah swt wont let it. Our knowledge after all is limited, whereas Allah swt's knowledge and wisdom is immeasurable. Who knows what is better for us then our creator?
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    “And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.”[65:3]
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  5. #4
    InToTheRain's Avatar
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    So I've been thinking, judge me if you want, I'm not really bothered.
    Mash'Allah that's a good atitude to have and it is Allah(SWT) who is the Judge.

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post
    [LIST][*][B]Why do we have desires? I mean why did God create love and desires and that, and put them in us? And then tell us not to sin?]
    But without it, how is one to achieve great heights of Imaan and Ibaadah? We need it... like many good things, it can be misused. For example you can use your sense of touch to feel the smoothness of the petal of roses and therefore appreciate the beauty of it more but go below and touch the thorns and your in for some pain.

    Desires are harder to control is all but as long as you take preventative measures, as prescribed by the Qur'an and Sunnah therefore not misuse it, those desires which are bad for you will die out; just not as fast as the pain caused by touching a thorn.

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post
    [*]Why is it that some people's desires are stronger than others, why is it that there are cases and cases of unrequited love?

    "When a man asked the prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, "O Messenger of God, when will the Day of Judgement be?", the Prophet replied, "What have you prepared for it?" he said, "I have not prepared for it a great deal of prayer, fasting nor charity, but I love God and His Messenger intensely," the Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love."
    (narrated by Bukhari)

    Rather sister, it is the reverse, it is Allah(SWT) love which goes unrequited by us...we have been given free will to choose, and we practice it at the expense of others, thats just the way it is...

    Hadith Qudsi says that Allah said, “I was a hidden treasure, and I wished that I be recognized, and this is why I created.” Hence the reason for creation was love (mohobbah). Allah created everything out of love, and therefore He loves what He has created. Subsequently He loves the believers even more intensely.

    Hadith also says that Allah divided His Mercy into seventy parts, and distributed one of those parts in the creation around us. Let us think of all the love in this world; be it between a mother and child, a husband and wife, a brother and sister, be it between animals and their young, be it between friends. All the love amongst these people and in this world comprises just one part out of seventy of Allah’s Mercy. This brings to mind the question that what tremendous mercy might Allah show on the Day of Judgment?

    Allah is extremely merciful. An idol worshipper used to worship an idol named Sanam. He sat up calling the name “Ya Sanam” all night, and towards the dawn he started getting drowsy and so he mistakenly took one of the Glorious Names of Allah, “Ya Samad.” Allah immediately turned His attention and asked, “What do you want My servant?” The angels said in astonishment, “O Allah, this is an idol worshipper and only took Your Name in forgetfulness.” Allah said, “This person calls on these idols all night and they don’t answer him. What difference is there between Me and the idols if I don’t answer him either?”

    Allah wants us to seek forgiveness and come towards Him. Hadith says that the Messenger of Allah was traveling and stopped on the way at a village. A woman was cooking at a fire nearby and he noticed that she constantly had to push her child back who would come forward. She said to the Prophet, “I work with this fire all day, my son wants to play with it but I have to push him back all the time because I’m frightened for him. If Allah loves us more than we love our children, how can He put us in Hell?”

    Hearing this the Messenger of Allah sat with his head bowed and his eyes filled with tears. He cried for some time and then said, “Allah does not want to send His creation into Hell, but it is man himself who buys Hell for himself through his disobedience to Allah. He forgets where he has come from and who his Caretaker is. He does not seek forgiveness from his Creator.”

    The Merciful Creator
    Allah is a Merciful God who wants to forgive us and His Mercy tries to find excuses for forgiving us. We must take advantage of the time that we have in this life and seek forgiveness and amend our ways. May Allah give us the ability to seek His forgiveness and amend our ways. Ameen

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post
    [*]Why is it, that some people go into depression because they can't have the person they desire/love?
    Someone answer. Islamic or unislamic, whatever. Thanks.
    If anyone desires, loves and holds only what this world has to offer as their only source of joy then they are in for a dissapointment for all things will be left behind upon death.

    The Messenger of Allah (SAW) referred to death as 'the destroyer of desires." [Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah & Nasaai]

    Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    Last edited by InToTheRain; 01-29-2008 at 09:51 PM.
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    Ward the Pirate - Muslim Warrior of the Sea
    "Go tell the King of England, go tell him this from me,
    If he reign king of all the land, I will reign king at sea."

    The Great Dive
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    we r taking an EXAM in this world & we'll be handed our score-report in hereafter.

    Some'll have score-report in right hand & some in left hand.

    May ALLAH, The KING of the Universe, make us perform best in this exam & make us successful. Aameen.

    AhLAAM sister, this is from ur website(shairi zabardast hae, waisay):-
    Jisse paa kar kho diya
    Woh naseeb tha mila nahi

    Actually that was NOT in ur naseeb. If that was u must have gotten it.

    Main ab jee kar kya karun
    Jab zindagi mein sila nahi

    sila is zindagani mae nahi milay gaa. wait for next life. But don't hurry to go there coz those who haste to go there they end up in trouble.Bukhari:52:147.
    Last edited by sur; 01-29-2008 at 09:51 PM.
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Here's my response:-

    yeh zindigi aasal nahee
    esay dil say tu lagaa nahee

    aasal ka hae yeh shaiba
    aasal ko chah, esay bhool ja

    omeedaen tootee nahee mahfooz hain
    kuch imtihaan maksood hain
    palak jhapknay kee baat hae
    teraa sab kuch oos(ALLAH) kae pass hae

    hain sabar aazmaa,enhain paar kar
    abhee aur bhee hain intazaar kar
    jab aasal ko toe paaey gaa
    sab guzray bhool jaaey gaa
    maa-zee yaad aaey gaa tu hansaey gaa
    laehaazaa koi ghaltee na kar, nahee toe pachtae gaa.
    Last edited by sur; 01-30-2008 at 09:12 AM.
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  9. #7
    Noora's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Well said and quotedmembers..Imagine what will happen to us if we all did what we please without guidance from Allah (swt). Allah knows best. If you want to break it down to this life, its like how our parents raise us when we are young, we question them for little things when we dont get our way or understand their behaviour, however when we are older and wiser we begin to understand the reasons behind those descisions and implement it with our own children thus the cycle continues.
    Allah is our creator and knows whats best for his creation and we beleive and trust in him to guide us in this world and the hereafter insh"allah..
    Be strong sister as this is a test to your faith..
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

    it requires someone special... pious... pretty amazing to go through such pain and hardship and still comeout out worshipping/thankful and praising Allaah.

    for this pain and hardship, for your adversity Allaah alone knows what his building for you in jannaah.

    for everything a reason is required, this dunya gives way for those reasons, try to realise that
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    GR8888888888 bahot achcha hai ji aapka response
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    1. The Believers; men

      And women, are protectors,

      One of another; they enjoin

      What is just, and forbid

      What is evil; they observe

      Regular prayers, pay

      Zakat and obey

      Allah and His Messenger

      On them will Allah pour

      His mercy; for Allah

      Is Exhalted in power, Wise.
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Think of it this way- if we didn't have any sorts of emotions, feelings, love, hate, sadness, depression etc

    we wouldn't care about anything that happened would we?

    what would be the test in that?
    anyone can go through hardships if they didn't have any feelings of hurt and the rest

    If people followed Allah's laws concerning all walks of life there would be a much lower number of cases like these.

    But of course there will be accidents etc and then this can happen...

    in this case babes you have got to remember one thing

    just one thing

    Don't say: Hey Allah I have a Big problem

    Say: Hey problem, I have a Big Allah

    of course there will be times when we fall apart and can't seem to get up, or get into an emotional fit and go out of control but then we weren't created perfect

    we are the children of Adam, we're human, and all humans make mistakes

    even the prophets made mistakes

    but the best of us are those who constantly ask for forgiveness InshaAllah
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    "Indeed in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest"

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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    Jazaak Allaah Khayr for all ur replies, and sur, for your poetry.

    Although one thing is, why do posters automatically assume that it's the thread starter who has these problems? I just wanted general answers, and I knew people will say 'oh it's a test, etc etc etc'

    I just wanted GENERAL answers to my questions. And just because I've got shayiri in my sig link, doesn't mean I necessarily feel that way. It might just mean my passion for poetry.

    Anyway, I'm still not clear on:

    Why is it, that some people go into depression because they can't have the person they desire/love?
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  15. #12
    IceQueen~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    because hon' the shaytan is always there- watching- waiting- to catch you at your weakest point

    it's how all enemies work, how they've always done it whether past, present or future

    that's what enemies do- they send out spies, to watch you and learn you till they know ur every move

    then once they've learned everything they can about you, and your life and what your weak points are

    they begin their attack

    they may attack openly and outrightly present you with problems

    if you manage to fight them off

    then they attck from within

    they'll pretend to be ur closest friends, agree with everything you say and then once you trust them and their ways

    they slowly slowly lure you to your doom

    Shatan is no different

    The lowly thing works from within us, grabbing us at our weakest dire points, adding salt and mirche to wounds

    and then he invites you to come and distract urself with his evil voices, his songs his instruments

    its ok you shouldn't have to go thru this hell, come and get ur mind away from it all
    lose yourself in music and songs they make u feel better

    they understand ur pain
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    "Indeed in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest"

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  16. #13
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    ^ Exactly. So why don't people feel that Islaam and Qur'aan can ease their pain when they are in depression...?
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  17. #14
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    Jazaak Allaah Khayr for all ur replies, and sur, for your poetry.

    Although one thing is, why do posters automatically assume that it's the thread starter who has these problems? I just wanted general answers, and I knew people will say 'oh it's a test, etc etc etc'

    I just wanted GENERAL answers to my questions. And just because I've got shayiri in my sig link, doesn't mean I necessarily feel that way. It might just mean my passion for poetry.

    Anyway, I'm still not clear on:
    Why is it, that some people go into depression because they can't have the person they desire/love?
    they use a word "Learned-Helplessness" for "Depression".
    When we want something but don't seem to get it, still want it without success, repeat our desire for that again & again in our heart but don't achieve it. These repeated series of failures of our "wish" leads our subconscious to believe that there's no use of making efforts for things, so our mind generalise it to all our affairs & that results in symptoms of depression.

    P.S:Learned-Helplessness = They experimented by rendering a mouse immovable & gave it electric shocks repeatedly. First it tried to run but since it was trapped so couldn't move a bit. With repeated shocks it's attempts grew weaker & ultimately mouse stopped responding to shocks. i.e., mouse went into depression. "Why bother when nothing works"

    ^ Exactly. So why don't people feel that Islaam and Qur'aan can ease their pain when they are in depression...?
    because [Q:70:19] Truly man was created very impatient...
    Last edited by sur; 01-30-2008 at 10:20 AM.
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    IceQueen~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    ^ Exactly. So why don't people feel that Islaam and Qur'aan can ease their pain when they are in depression...?
    cos that's exactly what shaytan is putting into your head billy
    mashaAllah excellent answer akhi sur
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    "Indeed in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest"

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  20. #16
    sevgi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    Jazaak Allaah Khayr for all ur replies, and sur, for your poetry.

    Although one thing is, why do posters automatically assume that it's the thread starter who has these problems? I just wanted general answers, and I knew people will say 'oh it's a test, etc etc etc'

    I just wanted GENERAL answers to my questions. And just because I've got shayiri in my sig link, doesn't mean I necessarily feel that way. It might just mean my passion for poetry.

    Anyway, I'm still not clear on:


    why does God give us such things as love and desire? then he tells us not to sin...catch twenty twenty ay!!!

    they are the strongest feelings in most ppl...the ones which urge us the most...is it fair that we have to fight against em? or is it fair that we have to go through so much heartache because we cant satisfy them?

    well...if u look at it plainly..then yes. its unfair...very very cruel actually...

    but think abt it this way...look into urself. what do u see...what makes u human? is it ur head of hair? is it ur arms and legs?

    ...or is it something less tangible...?

    we humans have two things which nothing else has...

    2)a brain/free will

    can you see that these have been given to us hand in hand...? god was fair to us...he gave us the package...he didnt merely load us with love and leave out the ability to control it....he said 'here u go...the most special thing just for u...love..." and then he said "oh...but thi sis a strong thing and you wont be able to carry it raw...here..have a brain..free will..unlike none other i have created...use it well and balance ur love using this..."

    he wanted to give us this love/desire because it is so speacial...and because he is so compassionate..he gave us the ability to control it...isnt that so sweet?

    so...we love someone or something...for this eg) ill use the love for a guy ok...

    we love him so much..it drives you nuts...but God is not allowing us to obtain him or his love...why? no one can never answer that...God works wonders through his wisdom...we usually need to be patient....if you do wait- two things can happen...
    1) all ends well and he eventually becomes urs through watever means..
    2) u see...in hindsight...how wrong it was...and how glad u are that god kept it away....

    not to mention the rewards for trusting in him...and being patient....

    its called 'tevekkul' in my language...letting go of ur unbearable load...into the arms of the almighty....

    coz face it...uve got noone else...and God is the strongest we know abt....it would be silly to continue carrying something you cannot handle on ur own...regardless of the fact that you have the power to control it...

    now...abt control...the brain...we are equipped enuf to deal with such matters alone...yet some of us cant...and wen we dnt trust god...were in trouble...

    some of us...due to many reasons leading from ur upbringing..to social environment...dont know how to correctly use and balance the brain and free will which god gave us to help control the other gift...the gift of love.

    what happens to these ppl? sadness is normal...being upset is reactionary....the brain is programmed to feel these...

    yet...depression...? its not normal...so there is an 'abnormality'...a 'disfunctioning'...would it be fair to blame God coz we couldnt get to know how to use our love or free will properly? i dont think so...

    its like...ur frend buys u a clock as a gift...a very special one...and u dnt know how to use it properly..and end up screwing it up....

    then u turn around and say "whyd u give it to me in the first place...**** u!"

    get me?

    we fall into depression due to a few things...
    -we missuse the love/desires
    -we missuse the brain/free will

    why and how?

    -the devil my dear...how? our love and desires are exagerated in our eyes...the smallest thing is like "whooowww....love love...lallalala...guy guy...eyes...words...letters...sms....first convo...."

    females fall into this so easy...(we are ready to believe that we are weak..) u no why...?

    coz the devil simultaneously makes the brain/free will seem small...he undermines them in our eyes...

    what do we end up with...

    ----this enless...pyscho love...undying...ultimate...'diffrent to the others', most perfect..love/desire...

    ----and the inability to help it...."what can we do...its ur heart right?...u can control that!?!?" its the love man....loooovvveeee....my brain? its taken over...i cant see or hear anything else...im in luuurrrvvvee...

    hope u catch my drift.

    if we love and rationalise consistently and in a balanced manner...if we love for true and sincere...or for good and logical reasons...whats to hold u back..? (unless offf course if God doesnt intend it...which we spoke abt earlier)...

    ur mental and emotional space will be distinguished..yet merged...and then u will love/ desire in the right way...for the right reasons...at the right time...etc etc...

    because we dont do this...and listen to the devil subconsiously....we are overwhelmed by love/desire...and when it is taken away...uve got a few things left behind:
    -a girl who feels lonely and empty...no more love= no life
    -depression...coz who can handle this heartbreak? my brain? pleeaaseee!
    - a girl who questions every act of God...coz he is so cruel...(tovbe)

    ..and one happy devil...

    lemme no if ive made things worse
    hope that helps...

    the world isnt out to get u...the devil is...by using u and only u...and everything which comes in that speacial body of urs...

    Why Bother At All ?!!

    "'Cause I hear the whispered words
    In your masterpiece beautiful
    You speak the unspeakable through
    I love you too"
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    Advice for sister Ahlaam

    Regarding her thread


    The Perfect Believer
    Imam Ibn ul Jawzee

    Translated from Sayd ul-Khatir, p. 364
    Publ. by Dar Al Yaqeen

    The believer is not one who performs the ordained religious duties superficially and avoids what is forbidden only, but he is one whose faith is absolute, with no objection whatsoever arising in his heart and no obsession dwelling in his soul. The more hardships he faces, the more his faith grows and the more his submission strengthens.

    He could pray and not see a trace of an answer to his prayers, yet he does not change because he knows that he is owned by One who deals with him in whatever way He chooses. For if an objection was to arise in his heart, he then forsakes the role of the slave and takes on the role of a protester such as that of Iblees (the devil).

    A strong faith unveils itself in strong hardships.
    A believer sees in Yahya, son of Zakariyya, a fine example. He was killed by a tyrant who confronted him, yet He (subhanahu wa ta`ala), who made him a prophet, did not intervene nor defend him.

    Similarly all the tyranny that befell the prophets and the believers was not held back from them. If one goes to think that Divinity cannot answer for them then one is an unbeliever. However if one believes that Divinity can answer for them but chooses not to, and that God (subhanahu wa ta`ala) can make the believers go hungry while infidels are full and inflict the believers with sickness and grant the infidels health, then one is only left with submission to the Owner even when tormented or scorched.

    Ya'qoob cried for eighty years when Yusuf son of Ya'qoob (peace be upon him) was gone, he never gave up; all he said when his other son was gone too is "May God bring all of them back to me".

    Moses (peace be upon him) prayed against Pharaoh, who killed children and crucified magicians and cut their hands, for 40 years before he was answered.

    In such submission the intense of one's strong faith is manifested not in mere rak`at (bowings in prayer).

    So many of those who glorify Qadar were afflicted with tribulations and this did not increase them except in submission and pleasure (with their Lord), and there lies an explanation of the meaning of His words, "Allah is pleased with them" (Qur'an, 5:119 and elsewhere).

    Al-Hasan Al-Basree said: "People are the same in health but when hardship befalls they show distinction."
    Why Bother At All ?!!

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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AhLÄÄM View Post

    ^ Exactly. So why don't people feel that Islaam and Qur'aan can ease their pain when they are in depression...?
    the answer to that is simple, blackened hearts....
    Why Bother At All ?!!

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    ^ What if before the depression they were religious but now they aren't because they are in depression?
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    Re: Why Bother At All ?!!

    ^ then they couldnt hold their sabr. They took others as companions over the sunnah

    an example would be music over Quran

    Assalamu Alaikum
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    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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