A Mother’s heart…

A Mother’s heart is fragile so treat it with care.

A Mother’s heart worries so be careful not to joke too much with it.

A Mother’s heart cannot be bought with money but will be sold for love.

A Mother’s heart is never full so eat where her eyes can see you.

A Mothers heart pines so never be far from it.

A Mother’s heart is one in a million never to be seen again.

A Mother’s heart is precious so give it its worth.

A Mother’s heart needs watering so drown it in kisses.

A Mother’s heart breaks easy so careful what you say.

A Mothers heart is attached to the heavens above so be mindful of her dua.

A Mother’s heart beats with yours so tell it that you love her.

A Mother’s heart is easy to please but never stop trying.

A Mother’s heart can stop your Shahada so obey it.

A Mother’s heart is forgiving but never wrong it.

A mother’s heart is a mother’s heart.

It will love you more then you will ever know…

A Mother’s heart… « Moosey