CAIRO, December 28, 2005 ( – Increasing numbers of Muslim pilgrims from Macedonia and Bosnia are readying themselves for hajj this year.

"The number of Macedonian pilgrims has increased by hundreds this year," a source at the Muslim Scholars League told Tuesday, December 27.

"The increase comes despite most Macedonian pilgrims having to perform the Islamic ritual at their own expense," he added.

Hajj costs range this year between 1200 euros for land travel to Makkah, while it costs 1950 euros for air flights.

The first batch of Macedonian pilgrims left for Makkah by road last week and are expected to arrive in Saudi Arabia Tuesday.

Two more batches will fly to perform the Islamic ritual Wednesday, December 28.

Hajj is one of the “five pillars” of Islam, and thus an essential part of Muslims’ faith and practice on the condition of physical and financial ability.

It consists of several ceremonies meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith and to commemorate the trials of Prophet Abraham and his family.

Indefinite Numbers

Seeking to perform hajj, Macedonian Muslims either apply for the Albanian Islamic League or to private travel operators.

"The League has agreed with Saudi authorities to provide 700 hajj opportunities for Macedonian Muslims," the League's deputy chairman Bahri Effendi said.

"Indefinite numbers of Macedonian pilgrims also go for hajj through private travel operators," he added.

Gathering in main mosques in their cities before heading for the spiritual journey, Macedonian pilgrims receive religious lessons on hajj rituals.

Macedonian Muslims, mainly Albanians and Turks, represent 30 percent of the country’s some two million population.

Orthodox Christians represent some 67 percent, according to the CIA World Factbook.


In Bosnia, more Muslim pilgrims area also preparing for hajj this year.

Some 1279 Muslim pilgrims have applied to perform the Islamic ritual this year, compared to only 1129 pilgrims last year.

The first batch of Bosnian pilgrims left for Makkah December 21.

A second batch is expected to leave by air Wednesday, December 28.

Hajj costs range this year 1950 euros per person for air flights.