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Prerequites of Prayer

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    Khalisah's Avatar Full Member
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    Prerequites of Prayer

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    Can anyone please calrify for me what they are?
    Prerequites of Prayer

    x_Umm al Shokolaat_x
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    Rafeeq's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Prerequites of Prayer

    Those are;
    1. Niyaa
    2. Wudho
    3. Time of Sala
    4. Direction towards Kabaa
    5. Cleanliness of the place of offering Sala
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    Khalisah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Prerequites of Prayer

    JazakAllah! I thought those were the main ones.
    Prerequites of Prayer

    x_Umm al Shokolaat_x
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  5. #4
    Al-Hanbali's Avatar
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    Re: Prerequites of Prayer

    According to al-Muwaffiq Ibn Qudaamah (rahimahuAllaah), it is 6, as mentioned in 'Umdat al-Fiqh:

    1) Purity from ritual state of impurity - i.e. need to have Wudhoo.

    The Messenger said: "There is no salaah, without purification." [Reported Muslim & other than him]
    2) Entrance of specified time of prayer.

    Allaah mentions: "Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night..." [Israa 17:78]

    3) Covering the 'awrah.

    Allaah mentions: "...take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) at every masjid..." [A'raaf 7:31]

    4) Avoiding impurity on ones body, clothes and place of prayer.

    Allaah mentions: "And your garments purify!" [Muddaththir 74:4]

    5) Facing the Qiblah.

    Allaah mentions: "...so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Makkah)..." [Baqarah 2:144]

    6) Niyyah (intention)

    Due to hadeeth narrated by 'Umar: "The reward of actions are based upon the intention." [Agreed upon]
    Last edited by Al-Hanbali; 11-17-2009 at 11:48 PM.
    Prerequites of Prayer

    قال ابن أبي مليكة : أدركت ثلاثين من أصحاب النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كلهم يخاف النفاق على نفسه
    Ibn Abī Mulaykah said: "I encountered thirty Companions of the Prophet, every one of them fearing hypocrisy for himself." [Muslim]
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    Khalisah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Prerequites of Prayer

    According to the 'explanation of Important lesson' book there are 9. Does it matter how many? As long as each has sufficient proof, and seem logical?
    Prerequites of Prayer

    x_Umm al Shokolaat_x
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  8. #6
    AhmadibnNasroon's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Prerequites of Prayer

    The fard (obligatory) prayer has shuroot (conditions), arkaan (pillars), and wajibaat (requirements). It also has things that are sunnah (recommended), and things that are makrooh (disliked). Then there are things that are generally permissible to be done in the salah. I will briefly discuss the conditions, pillars, and waajibaat as these are the things that are necessary for the validation of the salah and for this reason a believer should not remain ignorant about them. If time permits I may briefly mention the other aspects of the salah. However my intention is to help others meet the basic requirements of their worship, so I would like to focus on what is priority.

    Conditions: The conditions are prerequisites that have to be met before a person begins their salah. They have to be met in order for the salah to be valid. If a person does not fulfill anyone of these conditions for any reason, whether it be due to ignorance, forgetfulness, or intentionally does not do them, then their salah is invalid. Once a person realises that he/she missed a condition they should repeat that salah, even if a long period passes.

    The conditions of Salah are 9. They are:

    1. Al-Islaam (Salah is only accepted from a Muslim)

    2. Al-‘aql (Sanity. The insane is not held accountable for his/her actions)

    3. Al-tamyeez (puberty)

    4. State of purity (having wudu or taking a ghusl to remove ritual impurity)

    5. Removal of filth (clothing should be free from impurities)

    6. Covering the awrah

    7. Commencement of time (The salah must be prayed in its proper time and not a minute before)

    8. Facing the direction of the qiblah

    9. An-niyah (the intention for the prayer being prayed should be present)

    Pillars: The pillars of the salah are those things that are necessary for the validation of the salah. If any pillar is left out due to ignorance, forgetfulness, or deliberate omission the Salah becomes invalid. The prostration of forgetfulness* cannot compensate for the omission of a pillar. The pillar has to be done or the salah has to be repeated, even if a long time passes.

    The arkaan (pillars) of Salah are 14. They are:

    1. Standing (An able person must stand while praying)

    2. Takbiratul Ihraam [ the opening takbeer (i.e. the first Allaahu akbar)]

    3. The recitation of Al-faatihah

    4. The rukoo’ (the bowing position)

    5. Rising up from the rukoo

    6. Sajuud on the 7 bones (1. forehead & nose, 2&3. both palms, 4&5. both knees, 6&7. both feet – all must touch the floor during prostration)

    7. Coming up from the prostration position

    8. Sitting calmly between the two prostrations

    9. Being tranquil and calm during every pillar position

    10. The pillars should be done in order (e.g. rukoo before sujood etc.) 11. The last tashahud (at-tahiyaat) [In fajr the last is also the first]

    12. Sitting during the last tashahud

    13. Sending the salaat and salaam upon the nabi salallaahu ‘alayhi wasalam (saying ‘Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad ….) in the last tashahud

    14. The two tasleems (saying ‘assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaah to the right and then to the left)

    * Prostration of forgetfulness (sajuudu as-sahw) is the two prostrations made at the end of the prayer to compensate for mistakes done within the prayer. The mistake of leaving a pillar cannot be made up by simply making these two prostrations.

    Waajibaat: The waajibaat of the salah are those things that must be done within the salah and if they are left out due to ignorance or forgetfulness the salah is still valid. If they are left due to these reasons they can be compensated for with the prostration of forgetfulness. However, if they are deliberately omitted then the salah is invalid.

    The waajibaat of the Salah are 8. They are:

    1. All of the takbiraat except takbiratul ihram [All the sayings of Allaahu akbar except the first one (first one is a pillar)]

    2. Saying: Subhaana rabiyal ‘atheem (at least once) in rukoo/bowing position

    3. Saying: sami Allaahu liman hamidah

    4. Saying: rabbanaa wa lakal hamd

    5. Saying: Subhaana rabbiyal ‘ala (at least once) in sujood

    6. Saying: rabighfirlee (at least once) while sitting between the two prostrations

    7. The first tashahud (at-tahiyaat) [in fajr the first is a pillar, in the others prayers they are wajibaat]

    8. Sitting down during the first tashahud

    If a person remembers that they forgot one of these wajibaat while still praying, then they only have to make the two prostrations for forgetfulness. If they remember a long time after they already completed the prayer then inshallaah they are excused.


    Conditions are prerequisites for the salah. A person is not excused from them regardless if he was ignorant of its obligation, or if he forgot, or if he deliberately left it.

    Pillars are those things that a person is not excused from due to ignorance, forgetfulness or deliberate omission. The prostrations for forgetfulness cannot compensate for the omission of a pillar.

    Wajibaat are those things that if a person omits them due to not knowing of its obligation or forgetting it, then the salah remains valid, and the prostration for forgetfulness can compensate for what was left out. Deliberate omission, however, invalidates the salah.

    UPDATE: If a person remembers that they forgot one of the waajibaat before they move on to the next position, then they should return and fulfil what they left, and then they do not have to make sujuudus-sahw at the end. But if they move on to the next position and then remember, it is now FORBIDDEN to return. In this case the person moves on and makes sujuudus-sahw before tasleem.

    Example: a person is about to stand after the second raka’a and while they are getting up they remember they forgot to make tashahud, they should sit back down and say the tashahud. If they stand up completely erect and then remember, they should not return. They make sujuudus-sahw at the end before the tasleem.

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