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Devils and others -why so evil?

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    Devils and others -why so evil?

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    The following examples are not for others to use to put others down, especially when examples include females as plenty of references-here the males need to remember that they have the same test in this world as females, prostitutes -that if they were in their position they wouldn’t have done so well of being ostracised, treated badly and having to still raise children and trying to do your best. The examples are over the years and references I did not write down (as didn’t think I would be writing this).


    To understand Iblis test is to use an example of those that do black magic. That person hears or even thinks that someone might even years down the line get married-no one needs to even tell them of this. That mere thought is enough to make them jealous -so then they allow themselves to be led by this emotions and then when they do black magic, they are essentially asking others to suffer because of their conjured up fantasy-the thought (even if it is realistic or not) was enough that they didn’t want anyone to live up to.

    Iblis was ultimately worse at this- here, as soon as he heard that Allah was going to create another being, he was upset he didn’t know what this person would be like, except knowing that they will be different, better somehow was enough to upset him

    Even though he prayed to Allah for plenty of years -he did not pray to Allah for one thing -he did not pray to Allah to help him with these thoughts, this arrogance, he did not pray to Allah with help to remove it.

    Here, it is assumed that Iblis was like some of those that you see at school, they like to do well in a subject to prove themselves better (not because they care about others, but they want to be better), so Iblis was already arrogant -but this might not been pronounced, because typically of anyone, he didn’t meet anyone to feel “threatened” by-not good enough. Here, as you see people do, they keep their eyes and ears open to anything to learn what goes on around the-this was not done in awe, but rather to have everything fit comfortably with himself. It is also assumed that there might have been incidences of Iblis competitiveness -it is unlikely that it was just demonstrated with the arrival of human being, but perhaps it wasn’t thought about as much as everyone in Heaven were being good, and wouldn’t dream of thinking that such and such a person would be competitive-but just being obedient to Allah. Such as you see people taking pride in their fields of science, maths, Iblis would have been in prayer- this is his subject and he is very competitive about this. So you can easily beat Iblis here, by praying to Allah with help to sort out your behaviours-something that Iblis himself didn’t do or work at. Even when Iblis had many years to ponder his thoughts, as it was years since Prophet Adam peace be upon him’s clay was moulded to him sneezing. Here, Iblis spent a lot of time, trying to find out all about this human being, fixated with it.

    Like those that fail, they wish others to fail like them, and that is why Iblis too wishes for others to fail-but his is much, where no matter that thousands of people have going to Hell it is not enough. Even thought there is much talk of their effect on humans. We put up with the devils since we are children -if they were that much, we wouldn’t be putting up with them since we are children. Iblis here, has affected his own kind, more than the humankind.


    Just as you see those that gossip and ignore their children, so do the devils to an extent-it is human doing this, human doing that-they are fixated, but there are those amongst them that are well educated (not all). I think here, like Iblis get a kick out of it-competition to be better than humans.

    They have been following humans for so much, they haven’t their own culture per se, or know how to speak in an original jinn language.

    Those that do black magic become arrogant, like they think they are in some sort of control -but remember if they are truly are, why can’t they not get the devils to deliver them gold?? As the jinn was able to move the throne at the time of King Solomon peace be upon him (lots of love to him) . Why is it they do request and wait for stuff to be done, when they can just ask them to deliver the gold or whatever to them-do they not think?? They are foolish. We do not want the help of these beings-remember the story of children being trapped even in wells, and attempts to reach them-no thought of asking these beings.

    Unfortunately these people that request their help, typically make it worse on how the devils think they are perceived-thinking they are much. But when as per Islam, they are feeble. And as per Iblis’s own words-written in the Quran-I think it is in Surah Ibrahim, his quote on the Day of Judgement that something like “I had no power over you, save that I called onto you and ye obeyed me”.

    What a feeble life! Imagine to try to get something done, you need to follow someone and keep and telling them to do some wrong! What a miserable life. Normally we look at what we can do for ourselves more, but for them, it is about asking others to do wrong.

    Iblis was already scheming and said to Allah that he will get humans to slit the ears etc-change things. I think therefore he would have already been aware of what his own children would have been like to an extent. This did not put him off, he exchanged his crowd of people in Heaven to his devil children.

    Using supposed “childish” levels to corrupt people

    There are those that think there lives can only be perfect when they married or have children, etc-but they were still supposed to be content and learn to live day by day-make the most of the little things. There are people-and people quote females more, where they gossip when they are young, looking at others. So she or male children or missing out on enjoying their childhood. As they are spending time being jealous and competitive of others. So when they are older, they actually bypass everything they supposed to learn to be functioning adults. They are not like children and that would be insulting children, but they are selfish, immature etc.

    They talk about people and treat them as if they are dumb. Even I have seen adults trying to please everyone so they won’t be jealous – here is too why you hear of stories were, Mothers have changed their children’s names to their stepfathers, or asking them to be adopted-here saying that they would not be jealous-treating them like they are incapable of doing anything else. This is also why females use their own mistakes as a benchmark, as I made mistakes, so all children should know about it, so they wouldn’t make the mistakes. In Islam we use the best people as examples, the Prophets, other top religious men and women. This is what everyone deserves.

    Here, when the devils walk around telling people to be evil, they treat it as it is normal for anyone to be evil. But, Allah never said it was normal for anyone to be evil, that is not our natural disposition. This is also the issue in the West, were the normalise being evil, even towards stealing, Allah never said it was normal to steal. But in the west they are accepting people’s not looking towards Allah and being weak as a result, they don’t fast in the month of Ramadan to build discipline.

    This has been reported by a few psychologists-should have noted down references, but they do agree that in the west being a victim has been taken way out of proportion, were you get some people readily mentioning their problems as part of their introduction-so a part of their identity. Also when people have been through abuse, it is actually worsened when they read about what other people say about it or their stores. Here, too is a an issue of using how a child responds to abuse to elevate who badly they have been treated even though their problem happens when they are adults. Evil people use the basic, level one -childish level, cannot handle, don’t know how, going to be upset that someone was treating them badly full stop. They don’t talk about as an adult of all the other complexities when they do fight back or do something else or say something as they are more capable, but rather they prefer to beat people as if they are cornered helpless like a child level, can’t do anything and they are upset about the situation.

    Recently I’ve heard even mention of someone’s childhood being lost when she was abused at the age of 17-this is not the age of a child. But she said she lost her childhood-even though she lost it before by being a troubled child -disruptive for whatever reason. Here, I have seen plenty of people, who when they are young children and are praised for example at writing a story by their teacher, when they disrupt their own childhood, they grow up holding onto what this teacher said and distort it thinking that they would have been good at this -when teachers are usually going to give you a praise of doing a job when you’re a child anyway. Here, people lie to themselves. Let us also not forget about what the evil people will be saying on the Day of Judgement, that if they returned to this life they would be good-but this is a lie. It is easier to blame others (unless of course extreme cases), rather than looking at your own capabilities-here wrongdoers are notorious for living on a fantasy.
    Things have gone downhill as they don’t wish to listen to mature men or women. This is why you get corrupt people, who even pretend to be children to be accepted as an asylum seeker-no Man would accept this, that is demeaning. Even if he had a poor job, he wouldn’t be leaving a place to relearn how to function in this world-basically to redo parts of being a child level. Of course there are genuine reasons of moving to other countries -but these are extreme cases, pretending to be child, not trying to do anything in your own country and say it is not good enough-when it was good enough for your Mother to give birth to you, to you having food to grow. There are those that have sold other people’s properties to try to pay smugglers to even go abroad. Here, again they use themselves as a benchmark, if you were in my position you would do the same thing-here they are not using the top religious people as examples, but themselves. Here, how many times have you heard of if you were in my position you would be doing the same thing-actually this is not what should be taught and we know that even Calipah Umar Ibn Al-Khattab wouldn’t have been impressed with them. This is were people should be not worrying and place their trust in Allah.

    The evil wants people to be worried, look at extreme cases they conjure up a fantasy for their lives (it is difficult when those fantasies are seen as normal)-so now you say to yourself you want your life to be like this standard, if it isn’t then you are no poor because of it. Then these people pray to Allah and complain they don’t get want they want-which is basically asking Allah to provide them stuff to fit in with their fantasy. Here, this is what Iblis didn’t wish to give up-his thoughts against Humankind, people now use Inshallah not for it’s intended purpose of what Allah wishes, but you have fixed goal in mind and that is what you want and say prays in the hopes of getting it, rather than praying to Allah for whatever is good for you.

    Attention from others

    Evil people typically don’t wish to repent as they won’t be accepted by others-here you don’t repent so people can be nice to you, but Allah can forgive you in the hereafter. This doesn’t mean that you get the life you want-here they hold onto evil tendencies-of whatever their minds want they think they should go by (even though they do little to control their emotions, minds)

    Here, if you spoke to someone in prison, they would be more interested on average in getting attention by people rather than Allah forgiving them. On the Day of Judgement you will not care for each other. Mother won’t care for her child etc. Everyone is looking forwards for their judgement, it is said that people will be moving quickly and some will be slowly (the bad ones will be pushed forward by the angels as they don’t want to go).

    Being kind is for the good of your own soul. No one needs your kindness, no one needs you in Paradise. Here, the evildoers are arrogant, even the good people will be rejoiceful on the Day of Judgement -well why shouldn’t they be? They are not going to be miserable because you chose to go to Hell. Here, when people reject and reject the message their hearts are hardened. When they reject and reject they are so stupid that they can’t even answer properly in the grave.

    Here to, wish what has happened with the transgender, homosexual movement it isn’t about freedom in the west as they are largely living how they want, they are complaining that when they walk down the street they are seen differently from straight people. They think they can change people’s minds so people in future will look at them the same -this will never happen. As if it did, we wouldn’t be tested in this world, as we would be too stupid. Also they are trying to do what no prostitute has been able to do in the history of this world -be looked at the same as a decent woman. It is impossible. The devils are tested in their world-they are actually starting at an easier level (like starting ahead in a race), as they used to ears drop in Heaven and still try to, they know of Iblis and can see him and he has been alive since before human kind was created. We humans are tested in this world, were we don’t see these things as our test is harder for them. If we were in their world, we wouldn’t try to do anything at all, except all just travel to Heaven-so what would be the point, no one would be interested in even getting married or anything as why bother, or even doing any job for that matter as just want to go up to Heaven and won’t stop trying until we get there.

    Likewise our test hasn’t been to just go against a creature- a huge monster, and we spend our lifetime fighting, building defences -as then we wouldn’t be spending anytime doing much else. The devils fail the test in their world, therefore they certainly wouldn’t pass it if they lived in this one.

    Not looking towards Allah

    As above, even though the devils know about Heaven, they don’t look towards Allah-this is because they can’t mess about with this aspect. You would have seen those that wish to get attention from someone, but they know if they prayed to Allah, you can’t be silly, pretend and just be an attention seeker, you need to make an effort, be responsible. So this is why to the evil doers it is boring, so they ignore Allah and look at people instead.

    There are those that share sad stories to get attention and feed off the buzz they get from it, then they share their sad story with someone else to get attention-and they talk as if it is the first time they shared it-this is because they do nothing with the advice they are given. This has gone too far that nowadays, people who are not doing well are actually dictating and teaching others who to treat them-well what is the point, if you know what you need, give it to yourself and sort yourself out if you’re an expert. Not everyone is going to understand being a drug addict etc- why has it come to wasting so much time trying to teach others what they are going through instead internally sort yourself out-here they can’t say this to Allah, you don’t understand etc. Go back to the same people again and again and here the same advice again and again.

    We even here of serial killers elevating themselves and psychologists supporting that they are “complicated people” rather that they are immature, people, If they are so tough, they wouldn’t need to go around seeking attention/ getting an emotional reaction out of others (when a evil person thinks of walking across town to beat someone, they are already anticipating their reaction-here they are enjoying this, even though they haven’t beaten that person yet-so they have created a fantasy, feeding off their own emotional reaction. When they do eventually beat the person, they are saying you are feeling like this or this-but it is actually them that are feeling it- how embarrassing. So even though the devils cause problems, they are always thinking of the reaction of the humans and feeding off their own emotional reaction but mistakenly think it is of others emotional response (as they already feed off it even before beating someone up).

    Evil is not complicated, evil is stupidity.

    Further affect on humans

    Like to touch upon, when people search for other life, like aliens-well the devils are another creation. It is they that cause a lot of problems. As we have devils following us all the time, they just share information with others.

    They can see us-our body is in both of worlds. What do people just think that they just follow people without touching them?? They can also touch humans and harm them. When they speak ourselves in their world can hear them all the time. When they affect some humans more, they can hear them as they are -best way of putting it, being pushed further in their side.

    The devils are very wary of people being able to hear or see them – it is all controlled, they certainly don’t wish for humans to hear what they don’t want them to hear or see. If someone does think they can hear or see them and they said for example “jinn” they would already feel the environment shift -they are very paranoid.

    There are those that are possessed and there might be a way of actually feeling this-if mentally. The issue is in today’s world people don’t look at what is normal for our brains to think about-yes people can do a lot, but what people who are possessed don’t always realise is that they are not doing what others do. If you asked them the following questions:

    1. When was the last time you said something to yourself -and they probably haven’t for a while. They are like TV mode, were they are just watching something and are not actively using their minds. It is passive -they think they are using their minds sufficiently but they are not, because whatever thought goes through their minds, is not “actively” done by them, but passive, so to check if you ask them to think of anything (not to tell anyone as we don’t want the devils to hear) and just think of a sentence to say to themselves etc-they would probably find this a bit of an effort.

    2. They could also, which they may be surprised about, actively be creative in their minds-here don’t tell anyone, as the devils could here. Like to say they would be confused as they think they have an active imagination and dream a lot-but if you asked them for example to think of a shape and in the mind to picture a shape and to think about following the outline -make any shape wornky or whatever, they will actually see there is an effort and they may feel movement inside their minds.

    3. The above two examples may be work, but we do know of tourettes syndrome -here when they actively use their minds to something their symptoms are lessoned.

    4. I like to add, don’t work in this field, but it would have been good to hear from those that actively do -would have been helpful.

    Digging up the body of the Mother of the Prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him’s grave idea

    During the time of the Prophet, there was a moment when a female (believed repented), but who thought she had a clever idea, this is who evil people speak, they get excited, and she said let’s dig up the Mother of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him’s grave. You would have also seen plenty of examples of how dumb people are, and how excited they get. In the above example the evil male thought and had to say no-here he had more sense.

    Those people that are projecting females rights, are also endorsing immature behaviour and asking everything to fit in around them, what is essentially happening is they don’t wish to be supported by a husband, but they wish for everyone else to take the place of a husband. Here, to look out of them, saying they feel secure if going in company with their friend-but are they able to protect each other?? Making standards of how they should be helped by a friend if they were drunk etc-but if you had a true friend, they wouldn’t be endorsing this. What people usually want is a healthy, supporting relationship and spending time in uncomfortable situations isn’t one of them. They will be disowning each other on the Day of Judgement.

    Being a muslim

    It is seen as restrictive as we don’t just see people being evil of those that commit murder, rape, it is also with people who disrespect others, wasting other people’s time and resources. Not everyone who is going to Hell would have murdered someone. Here in the west -and around the world, they have trivialised behaviours, like it is nothing.

    People are arrogant and dismissive. Even if you told them to take their feet off the chair, they refuse. This is a bad act-it goes on their bad record, but people don’t’ think it does. A person is being punished in the grave as he didn’t clean himself after urinating.

    We don’t keep animals like dogs -as this is a deduction on their record (unless it is kept for work), as you are using resources by other humans and even asking for other humans to adapt themselves to get along with your dog to get along with you-this is arrogance and how far they have sunk. Some even leave funds for them and expect a human to just spend time walking behind a dog and picking up it’s poop. This is beneath a human being. They are not farm animals -which are to be cared for with kindness. Dogs usually they take up time which reduces what they do and interaction. They think if they give to charity it makes up for it, but it does not. As it is supposed to be something of benefit and here, as in the west has allowed people to say dogs are better than children -how awful and how far they have gone. They even prefer the company of dogs over humans and say they give much, when the dog doesn’t give you food, help with your bills, your medication-get more from other humans. It is clearly the wrong way. They even take pets to old people’s home – they going to spend more time with dogs then their own children/grandchildren. They spent so much time helping people and all the get is a pet to keep them company and just because it cheers them up doesn’t’ make it acceptable-here using their own standard and normalise it. There is too much of it doesn’t hurt anybody. This is how much -which females talk more of as per the female who thought about digging up the grave, they don’t look at the wider impact.

    Treating everyone the same -wrong

    This is where you even now get those that have moved to different partners, asking for their inlaws to treat their children the same-even though they have a different father. This is actually arrogance-as they are asking everything to fit in around them -there is too much they think they are independent and then complain they need help. But no one is going to be treated the same, this is why people have failed in the past:

    1. Iblis was jealous as Prophet Adam peace be upon him was treated differently to him-when he should have been happy -there was no change in his personal life, Iblis wasn’t upstaged by Prophet Adam peace be upon him. Iblis could have led the same life he was leading. He just didn’t want to someone better.

    2. Prophet Joseph peace be upon him’s brothers were jealous that he was the favourite son-they should have just been happy that they have him as their brother, they have a good father. Again, their position with their father wasn’t upstaged, they should have been content, they were not stopped from doing their jobs, going about their day.

    3. When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said he will be giving this flag to how he and Allah loves the most, and when he gave it to Ali – the rest of the Muslims didn’t walk away, upset and getting jealous and refused to fight. Here, we are servants, there is also no change with their positions, how they go about their day and their status. Just because someone got something more shouldn’t make you upset of where you are at.

    4. Allah himself doesn’t treat everyone the same, this is nonsense in the west. No one is born equal. The Prophets are the top best people in humanity, then we have the other top religious men like the Calipah Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and Calipah Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, then the top women. Here, again the women’s in particular our roles, status are not changed because men get to do something else.


    When someone doesn’t accept them for who they are-they walk away, this is again arrogance and elevating themselves-when they have received no guidance, no angel has come down to give them a revelation. Here, around the world and not just in the west, they become upset as immature teenagers if they feel they are not accepted. Issue is they don’t wish to accept learning from someone who is not impressed with them.

    Without a doubt, even the companions of the Prophet and in particular Calipah Umar Ibn Al-Khattab would not be impressed generally with the Muslims today. This doesn’t mean we are going to be upset with him-rather we respect who is. If you respected Allah, respected the Prophets, respected the followers the time for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him you wouldn’t be asking them to change their standards to fit in your lowly ones.

    Here, the transgender, homosexual supporters have been saying people should just be accepting thiem if they are “kind”, that means everything that you believe in, values, is meaningless, and that people’s undisciplined selves are more important -and note you’ll probably be asked to change for those that think they should be allowed to dress and behave as animals. That they are not really a human, they are a dog, dragon or alien.


    This is what has happened with atheism (they actually used science to align it with themselves but are actually separate things-but hid behind it to try and strengthen their case. I wish I had the quote, from a western author, but it is the norm that a Man has convictions. The atheists are actually have been made fools, just like those think going around the world, they are cultured, that they can try different stuff.

    When Prophet Moses peace be upon him came down the mountain and saw the people worshipping the cow idol, he didn’t say lets get together and pray for peace and we accept our differences. The Atheists are actually weak -why are they so quiet about the transgender stuff?? Because they are scared, they are doing stuff they were accusing the religious people of, not giving them a choice, forcing their beliefs-but isn’t this what the transgender are doing?? Being violent and abusive, even to the elderly??

    Fact is that Atheists are usually cowards, even at work if there was a problem, you wouldn’t usually see them speak up.


    This is Allah’s world and everything belongs to him. You have not received a text from Allah to say you can go to paradise if you fight for corrupt leaders (and I don’t support any leaders), even Muhammad Ali refused to fight in Vietnam-if you can’t stand up for your own principles-why are you going to war?? You are not fighting for “your way of life” as you even have to fight for single-sex changing rooms etc. Fighting someone is a personal decision -it is just as an important decision as getting married as you are responsible for what you do-Allah is All-forgiving.

    Apostasy was only for those that believed -and I’m not convinced from what those that are saying understood Islam. But here, they don’t understand, remember the story of the table spreadth, when Prophet Jesus peace be upon him had food from Heaven and even Allah said that whoever who takes this food, makes a mistake, he will punish them like he has punished no one before. Now, this world is a test, so let’s say someone has received everything and just rejected Allah -like Satan-so Allah has allowed the Muslims to get rid of them -this is what apostasy is as there is no need to keep them in this world longer to have more time and be tested.

    This is where also we see the evil leaders think they are in control of this world, the population-they think we don’t’ have a choice as they had placed restrictions on how people live, get food from-here I am not asking anyone to get involved, this is not to learn about the evil of leaders as it is a distraction. But they plan and as per Allah he is the best of planners. We are only in this world to be tested, not to pay taxes to keep countries going, when Allah sees fit, this will be no more, as people don’t need to be tested like this (these countries will not be around-not that any Muslims would be praying for it, as the test of the Dajjal and when the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, it is not state building, no Prophet would ever come back to distract people to build a state (people at this time, no formal education, know that these are the end times, casual living day by day-signs following each other-when the Dajjal comes, know that the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be coming, when he is here, people will get respite after the test of the Dajjal-but don’t be fooled as then the Gog and Magog will be coming then the rest of the signs). But the US is telling soldiers they will face punishment if they refuse to fight (be in a position that they may be killed or kill someone else). Going to war is not a job-at the time of the Prophets, people lived their lives and left it to join the war-how they are asking even teenagers who aren't mature done nothing to support people to end up fighting for "their country"-going to places that people can't pinpoint on the map and don' t understand what's going on and not even sorting out poverty, quality of care for old people.

    Jizyah tax-indignation

    Again, as above it is the indignation, but if you don’t believe for example, why should you benefit from the believers protecting the lands?? Allah does allow people to be tested and to have time – we are not told to specifically raise armies to alienate people -it is only to defend and fight those that refuse to allow prayer etc-as this is Allah’s world and they have no right. It is easier to think if it was in Heaven and you don’t have a choice, if you don’t accept it you go to Hell.

    Prophet Jesus peace be upon him wouldn’t need to do much to abolish jizyah, as then it would be obsolete as who will they be fighting? No one, but when people talk of these days they lie about an Islamic state-there is no state. Time flies and only a fool especially would be sitting there-they would be more stupid then anyone else alive today, if they thought they can build a state, government buildings, no one is going to have a formal education -all finished already. There will be no internet the Dajjal and the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him are not going to be giving interviews. Already stated that people will be fighting in the middle east-no passports, they will be moving across.

    The bad leader when he raises his army to go down to attach the Mahdi but he is destroyed-as fighting is to help others and those to repent-but their test has finished. Allah is the one who alienates people like the people of Aad and Thamud.

    Just before the Dajjal arrives, a group of men who will be looking at spoils of war, will hear a cry that the Dajjal has come-they drop everything and rush back-now if you said that to anyone today, they wouldn’t believe it -this is how much the heightened tension is and real, where they are at. When they go back, they realise that person lied-but then the Dajjal (anti-christ) does appear.

    Remember Allah and the Day of Judgement much, don't join anyone accept the Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him when he returns. Don't spend time discussing the sins of people, leaders-distraction of what is really going on, as it is only Allah who allows places to continue to test people like this and end is when he wills.
    Last edited by Sunshineday; 10-26-2022 at 04:39 AM.
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