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America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

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    First victims of American air strikes on Syria are children and women

    Publication time: 24 September 2014, 01:05*

    First results of attacks by America on the night of September 23 were published.
    According to various sources, 120 Muslims were martyred and more than 300 others injured. Sources in Syria reported that most of them were civilians.
    Thus, in the province of Idlib, in the village of Kfar Derian, 20 civilians were martyred, more than half of them women and children. In the suburbs of Aleppo, more than 40 Muslim women and children were martyred (on the*video: a miraculously survived child is pulled from the rubble after the bombing by America).

    To murder Muslims, the Americans used 47 Tomahawk missiles, and bombed Syria at least 14 times.
    It is to be recalled that America announced as the target of their air terrorist raids the Ad Dawla al-Islamiyya/Islamic State (IS) units, but the positions of the Jabhat an-Nusra/Victory Front (VF) were also subjected to massive bombardments.
    As the result of the bombardments, five military bases of the VF (aka Al-Qaeda in Syria) are claimed to be destroyed.The headquarters of the al-Qaeda in Urm as-Sogra in the western suburbs of Aleppo was also claimed to be destroyed.
    30 Mujahideen were martyred or wounded. In Idlib, Americans destroyed the base of the VF. US planes also bombed a weapons factory of the VF near the town of Sarmad in the same province.
    American militarists has officially reported on the raids on bases and positions of al-Qaeda. They said their planes bombed the VF 8 times.

    Bahrein, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan also participated in the air raids along with Americans.
    Qatar said it had only "supported" the attacks on Muslim women and children.
    At least two American drones were shot down on Tuesday - the first in the region of Homs, and another one over the city of Raqqa.Large civilian casualties have been registered in Raqqa, which is the center of the IS in Syria.
    According to local sources, the Americans in the city brutally martyred 47 civilians, including many women and children.
    US planes attacked the former bases of Assadites that have been captured by the IS units.
    Attacks on Tabqa, Deir ez-Zor, and bases in the area of Raqqa were reported.The bases in Raqqa were empty and no one but security staff was there, because the IS previously relocated its units to other places in anticipation of US attacks.
    Americans also bombed positions of the IS in Tal Abyad near the Turkish border.
    Against the background of American air strikes, the Assad regime used toxic chlorine in the area of al-Duhanya in the province of Aleppo, and martyred or wounded numerous civilians.

    Department of MonitoringKavkaz Center

    Despite the fact that America (the country with the highest prison population on the planet) has no authority to interfere in Muslim affairs, and has rather used zionists and puppets to create turmoil in the region illegally - some of us still seem confused.

    Say: Verily my prayers and my sacrifices, my living and my dying are for Almighty God, Lord of all that exists.

    Peace to those who follow the guidance.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 09-26-2014 at 01:17 PM. Reason: God gave us the ability to use our brains in obeying and supporting Him
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    On the photo: The first victims of the US air raids on Syria were Muslim Children.

    On the night of September 24, aircraft of America and proxies from a so-called coalition conducted new raids into Syria. Bombardments and missile attacks targeted positions and headquarters of Jabhat an-Nusra/Victory Front (VF) in Aleppo.
    The positions of the Ad Dawla al-Islamiyya/Islamic State (IS) in the cities of al-Bab, Deir ez-Zor and Sirrin were also subjected to bombardments and missile attacks. Tel Abyad, on the border with Turkey, was not attacked last night. This was reported by residents of the Turkish city of Aksakal which is located opposite to Tel Abyad. They did not hear any explosions.

    According to information circulated in*social networks, bases of the Ahrar ash-Sham/Free Men of Levant (FML) were attacked in the previous night.The Pentagon said the missiles used in terrorist air strikes were launched from ships in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

    A*photo*of pilots of Saudi Arabia, who are taking part in the bombardments of Syria together with the infidels, has been circulated in the network.
    The Saudi palace "scholars" declared these pilots "real Mujahideen" who "defend Islam".

    Meanwhile, more and more*video materials*showing results of bombardments and missile attacks have been published.
    Local sources report about dozens of dead women and children who are first victims of night raids by the US-led coalition forces (see the*video).

    Here's another*video, uploaded on the net today. In addition to those martyred, more children were wounded and maimed
    (see*video 1*and*video 2).
    This*video*shows the results of the attack on a passenger bus near the town of al-Bukamal.
    26 civilians, including*6 children*and 4 women from the same family of local villager Barakat, were martyred in the village of Kfar Derian....

    New wave of American air strikes on Syria - Kavkazcenter.com
    Last edited by Muhammad; 09-27-2014 at 09:01 PM. Reason: graphic images are perhaps better linked to rather than posted
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    erim.k's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    بناء على طلب اخوتنا المجاهدين في سورية نتوجه إليكم بهذا الأعلان: . الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين .أما بعد بناء على رغبة من إخوتنا طلب المجاهدين في سورية, حيث طلبو منا وضع هذا الإعلان لمساعدتهم. انهم يجاهدون في سبيل الله, و لكنهم يعانون من مشاكل و صعوبات مادية كبيرة, حتى أن بعض الإخوة لا يمتلك السلاح, بينما في يد الكفار أقوى أنواع الأسلحة, المدعومة من روسيا و دول الكفر و الإلحاد. و هذا نص البيان: السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته إخوتي و أخواتي المسلمين, نحن أخوتكم في الإسلام من بلاد الشام و تحديدا في مدينة إدلب, و نقاتل في سبيل الله إن شاء الله و من فرقة "لواء العصر". هدفنا رفع راية الإسلام, ورب العزة عز وجل في بلاد الشام, وفرض الحكم الإسلامي, وإعلان دولة الخلافة الإسلامية لكل مسلمي العالم, إسقاط وهزيمة الكفار, وأتباعهم الذين يرفعون رآياتهم أعلى فوق راية الله عز وجل و شريعته. نحمد الله على ما نملك من قوة, وبصحبتنا المجاهدين السائرين على نهج الاسلام, وعقيدة سيدنا محمد صلوات الله و سلامه عليه إن شاء الله. نتوجه الى اخوة لنا في الإسلام, و الذين يملكون القدرة على مساعدتنا حتى ننتصر ونطبق الشريعة الإسلامية, نتوجه إليكم لمساعدتنا كي نمتلك السلاح, كما نتمنى أن نساعد أخوتنا المهاجرين واللاجئين الفقراء, الضعفاء منهم شيوخا وأطفال و نساء من بني المسلمين. فرض الله عز وجل على المؤمنين الجهاد في سبيله بما ملكت أيمانهم و أموالهم و انفسهم في سبيله, كما قال عز وجل في سورة التوبة الأية 41 "انفروا خفافا وثقالا وجاهدوا بأموالكم وأنفسكم في سبيل الله ذلكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون" صدق الله العظيم و كما قال في محكم التنزيل في سورة الحجرات الآية 15 "إنما المؤمنون الذين آمنوا بالله ورسوله ثم لم يرتابوا وجاهدوا بأموالهم وأنفسهم في سبيل الله أولائك هم الصادقون" صدق الله العظيم و السلام عليكم و من الله رحمة و функция = player_embedded & V = hRFt6TNZdm4 و لجمع التبرعات إن شاء الله: تلفون رقم الله خيرا و بأضعاف مضاعفة في الدنيا و الاخرة بأذن الله. بارك الله فيكم, و لا تنسونا من دعواتكم لنا

    بناء على طلب اخوتنا المجاهدين في سورية نتوجه إليكم بهذا الأعلان:

    الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين .أما بعد.

    بناءً على رغبة من إخوتنا طلب المجاهدين في سورية ، حيث طلبو منّا وضع هذا الإعلان لمساعدتهم . انهم يجاهدون في سبيل الله، و لكنهم يعانون من مشاكل و صعوبات مادية كبيرة ، حتى أن بعض الإخوة لا يمتلك السلاح ، بينما في يد الكفّار أقوى أنواع الأسلحة، المدعومة من روسيا و دول الكفر و الإلحاد.

    و هذا نص البيان:

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

    إخوتي و أخواتي المسلمين، نحن أخوتكم في الإسلام من بلاد الشام و تحديداً في مدينة إدلب، و نقاتل في سبيل الله إن شاء الله و من فرقة " لواء العصر " .
    هدفنا رفع راية الإسلام ، ورب العزة عزَّ وجل في بلاد الشام ، وفرض الحكم الإسلامي ، وإعلان دولة الخلافة الإسلامية لكل مسلمي العالم ، إسقاط وهزيمة الكُفّار، وأتباعهم الذين يرفعون رآياتهم أعلى فوق راية الله عز وجل و شريعته.
    نحمد الله على ما نملك من قوة ، وبصحبتنا المجاهدين السائرين على نهج الاسلام ،وعقيدة سيدنا محمد صلوات الله و سلامه عليه إن شاء الله.
    نتوجه الى اخوة لنا في الإسلام ، و الذين يملكون القدرة على مساعدتنا حتى ننتصر ونُطبّق الشريعة الإسلامية ، نتوجه إليكم لمساعدتنا كي نمتلك السلاح ، كما نتمنى أن نساعد أخوتنا المهاجرين واللاجئين الفقراء ،الضعفاء منهم شيوخا وأطفال و نساء من بني المسلمين .
    فرض الله عز وجل على المؤمنين الجهاد في سبيله بما ملكت أيمانهم و أموالهم و انفسهم في سبيله، كما قال عز وجل في سورة التوبة الأية 41
    " انْفِرُوا خِفَافًا وَثِقَالًا وَجَاهِدُوا بِأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَأَنْفُسِكُمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ "
    صدق الله العظيم

    و كما قال في محكم التنزيل في سورة الحجرات الآية 15
    " إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَرْتَابُوا وَجَاهَدُوا بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنفُسِهِمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أُوْلَائِكَ هُمُ الصَّادِقُونَ " صدق الله العظيم
    و السلام عليكم و رحمة من الله و بركاته
    aldjazeeera.com/? feature=player_embedded&v=hRFt6TNZdm4
    و لجمع التبرعات إن شاء الله :
    تلفون رقم :
    جزاكم الله خيرا و بأضعاف مضاعفة في الدنيا و الاخرة بأذن الله .
    بارك الله فيكم ، و لا تنسونا من دعواتكم لنا
    أخوتكم من فيلق أسود الحرب ، أهل العصر ، الشام ، مدينة أدلب

    أخوتكم من فيلق أسود الحرب, أهل العصر, الشام, مدينة أدلب
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    drkashifj's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    America/Israel were with rafdi basharul asad so they supported him from inside even when he used poisonous gas.but when isis came to free muslims from oppression of rafdi/kufar alliance than America and Zionists ran towards Syria and Iraq to aid basharul asad regimen secretly...this is a message to muslims that Zionist kufar /rafawid have joined forces against islam
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    Karl's Avatar
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    Hmmm if USA can crush Saddam Hussein in a few days, why has IS not been crushed? Where are they getting their weapons? This feels like an Israeli American Zionist covert operation. The behaviour of IS is very similar to the Marxist atrocities of the "Red Terror" in Russia and other Reds around the world.
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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    America and Russia in their Savage Attacks on the Syrian Lands are Two Sides of the Same Coin of an American Creation!

    The Syrian forces supported by Russian air power engaged yesterday, Saturday 10/10/2015, in fierce battles with the armed opposition in the north-western region of Syria… “This is considered to represent the first combined land and air attack on a wide scale since Moscow began its military campaign in Syria on the 30th*of September… The fighting is focused in the two provinces of Hama and Idlib which in the north of the country where a collection of armed resistance are active in addition to Jubhat An-Nusrah” (Al-Watan, 10/10/2015)…. “In this context it was mentioned that the Syrian government forces supported by Russian air cover began a land campaign against opposition strongholds in the strategic Sahl Al-Ghab close to Hama” (BBC Arabic, 08/10/2015)… And prior to that Russian battleships in the Caspian had “fired 26 cruise missiles upon the Syrian territories” (BBC Arabic, 07/10/2015).

    Before this Russia had begun air strikes upon Syrian territories on 30/09/2015 after the members of the Russian parliament agreed unanimously upon the decision to allow that… “And the Syrian presidency confirmed that the sending of Russian air forces to Syria had occurred as a result of the Syrian state’s request made in a message that President Assad had sent to President Putin, according to what the Syrian Arab news agency reported.”* (BBC Arabic, 30/09/2015)The Russian attacks were preceded by American attacks upon Syria in the name of the American (formed) alliance on 23/09/2015.

    “American officials said that fighter planes, artillery projectiles and missiles were used in continuous attacks… Activists said that five assaults were carried out upon the Military Tabaqah (Class) Airport, three airstrikes were carried out upon the town of Tal Abyad and there were three assaults upon Al-Liwaa 93 and its outskirts in the provincial town of Ain Isa… The US President, Barack Obama, had delegated his air force to carry out air strikes upon Syria and that was according to the BBC correspondent in Washington, Paul Blake… And the Syrian television carried the statement of the government that Washington had informed them in advance that it would target Raqqah.” (Sudan Today, 23/09/2015)

    The two savage attacks, the American and Russian, were undertaken under the pretext of fighting terrorism, whilst both America and Russia forgot or rather they have chosen to forget, that if indeed there is terrorism, then it is to be found in the crimes of the tyrant with his missiles and fire bombs in addition to the exploding barrels and the torturing to death that occurs in the spy cellars and their underground chambers… However the truth is not what they are pretending and that is because they are not breaching the Syrian territories with their aggression from the air, land and even the sea for the sake of fighting terrorism which they themselves are its creators. Rather these savage attacks are only for the purpose of protecting the tyrant in Damascus and keeping him alive as the current agent until America succeeds in its production of the next agent. It therefore represents a means of applying pressure as an introduction to political talks between the regime and the opposition after it has been groomed as a new alternative for the tyrannical regime of Bashar so that it can then take its place in serving the American interests. This is all clearly apparent in the statements they have made: “The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that all of the steps that Moscow is taking on the Syria track are designed to contribute to a political settlement within the country” (Russia Today, 08/10/2015). America had prepared for that as it had begun to announce that which it had been hiding in respect to not wanting Bashar’s departure immediately but rather after negotiations. This is to guarantee the transfer of the previous agents with the later agents in a consecutive process that guarantees its interests. Kerry said, “During the last year and a half we have been saying that Assad must go however what is the time period of this and how will it occur… This decision must be taken within the scope of the Geneva process and negotiations” and added, “It is not essential for it to be from the first day or the first month…” (Al-Arabiyah 5thDhul Hijjah 1436 AH, 19/09/2015).

    America has found itself in a serious predicament in ash-Sham. It had thought that changing faces would be very easy in Syria just as it had accomplished in the land of Al-Kinanah (Egypt). It infiltrated the revolution in Al-Kinanah and silenced them through those whom they labelled as representing moderate Islam. Then when those people failed, they removed them just as easily as they brought them in; and then they were able to bring back the old guard in a more heinous and terrible form emboldened in falsehood, to the point where this ‘new’ old guard had the gall to even interfere in the area of religious speech in the name of modernisation!

    This then is what America had thought… However the omen turned against them so its National Syrian Coalition fell and collapsed. It had prepared it as an alternative however it was unable to find any support base within Syria that spoke well of it. It therefore remained exiled and cast outside of Syria where it sings praises of America so that it will bring them into Syria so that they rule. However how was it possible for it to do this
    whilst the people (in Syria) were chanting: “It (the revolution) is for Allah, it is for Allah”
    and they were crying out loud for the separation of the Deen from life?!

    أَلَا سَاءَ مَا يَحْكُمُونَ

    “Certainly, evil is what they decide”(An-Nahl: 59)

    It then rethought and re-evaluated and feared that the regime would fall before the coalition would reach the stage of weaning! Therefore it supported the regime through Iran’s mercenaries and its party in Lebanon and so they supported it for a while…. This was until the ground was shaken from underneath their feet and no more than a tenth or some of a tenth of the land of Syria remained under its authority or some of its authority… Then America moved to the style of ‘truces’ lasting for six months in order to give the regime an opportunity to regain its breath and despite that the impendent danger for the regime still remained… This was a disaster for America as it had presented itself as being with the revolutionaries and as such it would be difficult to fight against them openly. They were bringing serious harm onto the regime whilst the American replacement had not yet matured. This then is where the dirty hellish ploy of Russia undertaking its task came to play. Its role is to support the regime openly and to oppose the revolutionaries openly whilst being at war with them is justified in their view. This is whilst the regime was prepared to summon Russia through American instruction and this is exactly what came to pass… As such Russia agreed to play this evil dirty role in Syria in service to America! This is whilst it knows without any doubt that the family of Assad from the father to the son are American agents and that America would monopolise the influence in Syria to itself alone if it was capable to upon the heedlessness of the Ummah… At that time influence for Russia would not have been consolidated and indeed it could be removed by the stroke of the pen if America desired that.
    This is because if Bashar’s support was to become strong America would throw them out of Syria just as Sadat did to them in Egypt! Putin believes that through the service he is providing to America in Syria the problems of Russia’s southern border will be quelled in respect to Ukraine however this is one issue and that is another altogether different one! Indeed Russia’s sliding into a war with the Muslims will afflict Russia with calamities upon calamities that will make the problems of Ukraine pale in insignificance compared to what the anger of the Muslims will bring and indeed tomorrow is close for the one looking forward to it.

    O Muslims:

    The Russian air assaults by air, sea and even by land through their bases and consultants is being undertaken in coordination with America.
    Indeed they are at war on their behalf and by their command even bearing witness to by one of their people, “The British Guardian Newspaper reported a statement from the Senator John McCain of the US Senate in which he said that the United States was involved alongside Russia in the war in Syria by way of delegation…” (Al-Jazeera 05/10/2015).

    In addition it is not farfetched to see that America’s decision to remove its patriot missile system, which had been on the Turkish southern border, to have been for the purpose of enabling Russia to undertake its air attacks without being challenged by the patriot missiles.

    “After two years since their deployment the missiles which were deployed in the summer of 2013 will be withdrawn during this current month in accordance to what has been decided and in spite of the developments in Syria.

    (Source: AFP)” (Russia Today 02/10/2015).

    In addition, if there needs to be another matter, then every sane person comprehends that if the planes of the two states are circling in the same sky, this means that it is happening either through coordination between them as two friends or it means that there is a war taking place between two enemies where they are clashing with one another and pelting each other with missiles like the reality of any other war. However they are two friends who are coordinating the skies between them in order to accomplish one single objective and not two different ones. Statements that have been made by the two sides confirm such coordination. The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement it published upon its internet site on Thursday 08/10/2015, “In line with the authorisation of the Russian President Putin and his American counterpart President Barack Obama at the end of their meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Conference, the two respective foreign ministers sought to finalise discussing the ways of settling the situation in Syria, which from one angle includes the necessity to avoid accidents happening in the sky above Syria in addition to strengthening the political settlement in Syria in accordance to the Geneva declaration on 30/06/2012”. The statement added that the two ministers: “Also sought to present steps for implementing the Minsk agreements in respect to Ukraine that was signed on the 12th*of February…” (Al-Hayat: Electronic copy, Wednesday 7 October 2015).

    This is not all but rather America silenced Turkey in respect to confronting these Russian attacks which are upon its borders and even penetrating its airspace. Despite that the weapons were silenced and even the tongues were silenced. Indeed it uttered out of shame to save face by saying that it would never be silent if it happened again and then it did happen again and again whilst they remained silent. This is because America wants Russia to undertake its attacks without its aircrafts being challenged by anyone. Indeed this military silence in respect to the Russian planes breaching its air space was not a concealed matter but was rather open… “Turkey mentioned that the Russian fighter planes violated its air space close to the Syrian border last Saturday and Sunday… And Turkey said yesterday that a ‘Mig-29’ aircraft whose identity was unknown harassed eight Turkish F-16 aircraft… And the Turkish military said that the plane readied its radar to lock on to its target in preparedness to fire a missile at the Turkish planes…” (Al-Hayat: Electronic copy, Wednesday 7 October 2015). Despite that no effective steps were undertaken but rather all that happened was a summoning of the ambassador and a warning of losing the friendship! “From his side the Turkish president warned Russia saying that it would lose a lot if it destroyed its friendship with Ankara and he said that Turkey’s patience would not remain forever with the violation of Russian war planes in its air space. Turkey summoned the Russian ambassador in Ankara for the second time in two days to ‘strongly protest’ after Russian fighters violated Turkey’s airspace again near to the Syrian border, as was announced by an official in the foreign ministry…” (Ad-Dustoor, Wednesday 07/10/2015).

    O Muslims:

    It is very painful for the Muslim lands to become a ground for the enemies’ aircraft, missiles and warships. It is not only that but indeed it is the very first time in the history of the Islamic Ummah for the enemy to attack it and then for that to be applauded, praised and called for. Indeed this is regarded as being treacherous to Allah, His Messenger and the believers. They are meant to fight the enemy so that they are defeated and victory is achieved and not to commend their aggression against the Muslims or call them so that they can vie with their planes over the land of Islam! But today we hear and witness those who praise the American coalition in its acts of aggression and underneath they even complain if their daily strikes decrease… On the other side, we hear and witness those who praise the Russian aggression whilst considering their air attacks as splendid heroic acts! Verily it is but one of the greatest calamities. Even the agents a while ago would be ashamed to declare their agency to the colonial disbelievers. They would rather serve them without announcing it let alone declare their support towards their aggression against the Muslim lands… And today America is forming an alliance from a number of states to aggress against the Muslim lands under the pretext andargument of fighting terrorism. This is whilst Russia is forming an alliance with Iran which Baghdad and Damascus are subservient to also using the argument of fighting terrorism. This is at a time when they represent the very core of terrorism and its source whilst acts of savagery follow them whether they turn. They have agreed to make war against Islam and its people and this is the habit of the enemies of Islam. This is because they have differed amongst themselves in issues whereas in their opposition to Islam they are united.

    ﴿هُمُ الْعَدُوُّ فَاحْذَرْهُمْ قَاتَلَهُمُ اللَّهُ أَنَّى يُؤْفَكُونَ

    ﴾“They are the enemy so beware of them. May Allah destroy them; how they aredeluded”(Al-Munafiqun: 4)America is the head of the aggression against Muslim countries. It fights us in ash-Sham, not only directly, but also with multi-coloured tools: local, regional and international; sometimes using the tyrant of ash-Sham and his gang. And if they are about to collapse, it supported them regionally through Iran and its party in Lebanon and their extensions from Iraq. If they did not find that benefit, then an internationally dirty deal would be contracted. Therefore Russia walked in its footsteps fighting for America’s sake in a no-win deal … This is in addition to Europe lurking around us, so it circles around America reiterating what it says in order to gain something or part of something!O Muslims:This situation that we are currently in has a known treatment and not unknown and its success by the permission of Allah is definite and not a matter of doubt. It has been uttered by the cave of Hira, the Hijrah of the Messenger ﷺ, the rightly guided Khilafah, the shores of ‘Uqbah, Tariq of Andulus, the word of Haroon, the response of Mu’tasim, the Hitteen of Salaah ud-Deen the liberator of Al-Aqsa and vanquisher of the crusaders, Ain Jaloot of Qutz and Berbas the destroyed of the Tartar and how good is the Ameer the Fateh of Constantinople… It is settled by France’s seeking help from Al-Qanooni, the Khalifah of the Muslims, to save their king from his captivity and it is confirmed by America’s submission to the tax of the Islamic State for safe passage in the Mediterranean… And the statement of Abdul Hameed about Palestine and the Jews warned about losing it when he said, “If the Khilafah is destroyed then they will take Palestine without a cost…” This is what happened so they took Palestine and our lands became an open house for every sinful aggression… This is the treatment and solution; that we return to the fortified pillar, to the rightly guided Khilafah, because within it lies the honour of the life of this world and the Hereafter…This is the solution…. Imprinted in the Book of Allah and cannot be erased and mentioned in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and it will not be forgotten… Engraved in the pages of history with ink of light by which every person can be reminded

    ,إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَنْ كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ أَلْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ“
    Indeed in that is a reminder for whoever has a heart or who listens whilst he is heedful”(Qaaf: 37)

    Hizb ut Tahrir
    27th Dhul Hijjah 1436 AH
    11/10/2015 CE


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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    doesn't Putin know that the Iraqi government is a u.s proxy puppwt?

    President Putin has called for Kurdish forces to form a coalition with the Syrian and Iraqi governments to fight the so-called Islamic State.Speaking at a meeting in Sochi, Mr Putin also said Russia was close to exchanging data about militant positions in Syria with the West.

    He said the terrorist threat represented an opportunity for Russia and the West to work together.The speech follows a surprise visit by Syria's president to Moscow on Tuesday."We need to join all our forces, the regular armies of Syria and Iraq and Kurdish groups," the Russian president said at the Valdai discussion forum.

    ....article: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34606804
    Last edited by Abz2000; 10-22-2015 at 06:00 PM.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    Check out this video where a former French minister tells a weird story

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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    did you notice the bordering on "roll eyes" expression on that tarted up reporter's face? (she distracted me and gave me an erection - probably what she's there for).
    amazing, that people can talk total bull with a straight and serious face, and look like they're humouring lunacy when they hear something that's nearer to the truth?
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    (she distracted me and gave me an erection - probably what she's there for).
    Technically I gave you an erection, as I gave you the material.
    I need to take a shower.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    (eyebrows shoot up)
    fear Allah, you know the end of the people of Lut.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    (eyebrows shoot up)
    fear Allah, you know the end of the people of Lut.
    i dont understand the thread, someone explain in basic?
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    did you notice the bordering on "roll eyes" expression on that tarted up reporter's face? (she distracted me and gave me an erection - probably what she's there for).
    amazing, that people can talk total bull with a straight and serious face, and look like they're humouring lunacy when they hear something that's nearer to the truth?
    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    did you notice the bordering on "roll eyes" expression on that tarted up reporter's face? (she distracted me and gave me an erection - probably what she's there for).
    amazing, that people can talk total bull with a straight and serious face, and look like they're humouring lunacy when they hear something that's nearer to the truth?
    Verily if your tool offends you, cut it off...

    Syria is very important for the Russians. There are thousands of them living there. It is a similar scenario to when the Roman Empire had Syria when the locals worshipped Baal. Assad is a stable governor for them and the Russians protect him from the fanatics whipped up and financed by the West. Putin is very intelligent and is practically a czar supported by the Eastern Church. There is propaganda on both sides, Muslim and non Muslim, but the only thing you can trust is God and good cold steel. Which side do you trust most or at all? The Western Zionists and atheists or the Eastern Christians of Russia. It would be good if Syria was independent and free but the world doesn't work like that. Why was Satan cast down on Earth? To be Lord of the wicked and he has many.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by BilalKid View Post
    i dont understand the thread, someone explain in basic?
    Syria is the nexus of East and West imperialism like Afghanistan. It's like chess, you have to get your pieces into the right places and hold them, the difficulty here is knowing who the pieces belong too and for how long. Basically a very dirty war. It's beyond me what's really going on. I wish I was living in the seventh century or the seventh century BC, any time but now, the evil is mind blowing and the masses seem oblivious to it. It's like "The Invasion of the body snatches" these days. I feel surrounded by demons pretending to be people.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Karl View Post
    the difficulty here is knowing who the pieces belong too and for how long. Basically a very dirty war. It's beyond me what's really going on. I wish I was living in the seventh century or the seventh century BC, any time but now, the evil is mind blowing and the masses seem oblivious to it. It's like "The Invasion of the body snatches" these days. I feel surrounded by demons pretending to be people.
    a bad workman blames his tools when he himself goes wrong,
    and a cowardly workman blames his tools or self when someone pushes his arm and makes his chisel slip.
    mate i don't wanna lose my blessings.

    regarding taking sides, it's essential to take the side of Allah and adhere as much as possible to the Quran and sunnah, and this becomes more evident in times of confusion and identity crises when you see the very elect being buffeted about and clutching for straws when the storm arrives. remember the world wars where leaders of nations sometimes didn't know what the hell was going on? they ended up playing b*tch to anyone who offered them a stake or seemed less likely to backstab them.

    they should've seen it coming after the rothschilds managed to take full control of the u.s via the federal reserve.
    (who on earth chooses 23 december to push through a multiple amended vote whilst senators are kept almost hostage due to the dragging on while they're almost about to miss the last trains? it's like a janitor at the station washroom gates slowly fiddling in his pocket for change for a 10 dollar bill when the dude's almost about to crap himself).
    it's recorded that that archduke ferdinand had confided to his friend a year before that the masons would be taking him out just like diana said she'd die of head injuries in a car crash.

    regarding your mention of time, the time itself is constant so it must be something to do with the generation.
    the sahabas lived through similar times albeit on a smaller scale (just read wikipedia on abu jahl / amr ibn hisham).

    here are some pearls of wisdom

    Allah is Preparing us for Victory

    Prophethood which is the beginning of the hadith ended with the death of Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam). The next stage is Khilafah Rashida and this is from Abu Bakr al-Siddiq to ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (radiyallahu ‘anhum). Then he said it will be Mulkan 'aaddah which is the Banu Umayyah, Banu ‘Abbas and al-Khilafah ‘Uthmaniyyah. Then after that, he said it will be mulkan jabriyyah - dictatorship, which we are living under today; it is oppressive rule. Then after that it will be Khilafah Rashida.

    Sometimes we complain about our times, that we are living in the worst times – the Ummah is weak, the Ummah is defeated and disunited, we wish we were living in the time of the Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) or times of the heroic Islamic eras.
    The following are reasons why we should not complain about our times:

    First Reason: One of the Tabi’een said to one of the Sahabah: “How did you treat Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) when he was among you?”
    So a Sahabi talked about how they used to treat the Prophet and that they did their best.
    The Tabi’ responded by saying, “If the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) was living in our time we would have carried him on our shoulders.”
    What the Tabi’ was trying to say is that the Sahabah did not treat him good enough and if he was living with them, they would have treated him better than the Sahaba.
    The Sahabi replied, “A person does not know what they would have done had they lived in that time; we were fighting our fathers and brothers and it was not an easy thing.

    Now your fathers and brothers and family are Muslims; you imagine you are going to treat Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) in a certain way. So do not ask or wish for something Allah did not destine for you.”

    Second Reason: We shouldn’t complain about our time; instead we should be grateful to Allah ‘Azza wa Jall that we are living in these days.
    Why? If you look at the status of the Sahabah, it is the highest status among the Muslim Ummah; they are the highest, the best and the greatest. And then the Tabi’een and then those who came after them.
    How come the Sahabah were the best? Some of the reasons include that the Sahaba built Islam from scratch; the Sahabah came and there was nothing so they established the foundation of the Deen whereas anyone else who came after them, the building was already there and they came and added pieces to that foundation here and there;

    choosing between taking sides with america and russia is like choosing between being fans of mcdonalds and burger king.
    at least the islamists do halal slaughter.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    choosing between taking sides with america and russia is like choosing between being fans of mcdonalds and burger king.
    at least the islamists do halal slaughter.
    The real answer is to work together to get us to a place where we don't have to take sides at all. Nationalism isn't pretty. Canada recently elected a new Prime Minister who promised he would get us out of these overseas messes. Myself and many others plan to hold him to that promise as best we can.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    The real answer is to work together to get us to a place where we don't have to take sides at all. Nationalism isn't pretty. Canada recently elected a new Prime Minister who promised he would get us out of these overseas messes. Myself and many others plan to hold him to that promise as best we can.
    Islam is not compatible with the cultural Marxist New World Order Pygoscelis. You would have to have everyone thinking in the same way and the media brainwashing doesn't work on everyone. I suppose the pope has joined your ilk and many Roman Catholics feel betrayed, but there are many strong minded people that will not join you. I suppose you will have to resort to violence to enforce your own oppression. It is also against God to even try to rule the world, that's why all the megalomaniacs have always failed. It doesn't matter if they are right or left in their politics. BTW Who will be the head of this New World Order? Come clean and tell us.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    @Abz2000 I don't choose sides. Americans generally annoy me but they are the pop culture clowns I see in films. Some of them are ok and not happy with the government turning their nation into a prison and blowing up other countries. That's why they buy land here as a bolt hole away from nuclear annihilation. The Russians are ok, they don't steal our fish like some of the Asian banana republics. Russians are generally down to earth good natured people. One thing I like about Russians is they don't play that lefty "what about the children" "women's rights" and all that other sanctimonious cr*p when they want to have a war.
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    format_quote Originally Posted by Karl View Post
    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
    The real answer is to work together to get us to a place where we don't have to take sides at all. Nationalism isn't pretty. Canada recently elected a new Prime Minister who promised he would get us out of these overseas messes. Myself and many others plan to hold him to that promise as best we can.
    Islam is not compatible with the cultural Marxist New World Order Pygoscelis. You would have to have everyone thinking in the same way and the media brainwashing doesn't work on everyone. I suppose the pope has joined your ilk and many Roman Catholics feel betrayed, but there are many strong minded people that will not join you. I suppose you will have to resort to violence to enforce your own oppression. It is also against God to even try to rule the world, that's why all the megalomaniacs have always failed. It doesn't matter if they are right or left in their politics. BTW Who will be the head of this New World Order? Come clean and tell us.
    What in the world are you talking about, and what does it have to do with the text you quoted from me?
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    Re: America unlawfully invades Syria - another Muslim country

    carefully constructed doublespeak from what i can perceive with the limited intelligence that God has bestowed.

    pygo, what do you know about the black hand and the killing of franz ferdinand?
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