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ok im curious...

  1. #1
    Imam786's Avatar Full Member
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    ok im curious...

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    (just felt like writing it cause u guys been writing it too)Assalamu Alaikumkum Warahmahtullahi Wabarahkatuh:brother::sister: and Shalom...:blind:

    ok i just wanted to say i always felt something missing in mylife....i felt that God has put us to a test and im in the center of it all....I beieve that everyone has to die one day but i cannot understand what will happen to us....will we die and just rott...and pass away like all the life cycle.....and thats that?
    or is there really a Heaven and a Hell?.....is there really a god out there that created us ALL?...........or is there reincarnation...:confused:
    one day were born and another day were dead.....it basically like saying were"Born to Die"....you know im not really that god fearing as of yet but i do remind myself of death now n then....thats when i feel awful and everything feels worthless in this world.....soooo much mysteries and questions that are unanswered.... ..........do we really know what awaits us or we all really confused inside..? plz tell me something so i wont just skim through .....thanks
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  3. #2
    Mainul_Islam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    wa alaikum assalaam,

    u know, i would probably feel how u do if i did not know about Islam... curious about how can i be so sure that there is God and an afterlife and its just not a belief

    all thanks to Allah, He has blessed me with knowledge

    i dont follow Islam just because i was born into a Muslim family, but i follow Islam because it makes perfect sense (in terms of no contradiction, using logic, and comparing other religions); because of the scientific facts proven in this age which was already written in the Quran 1400 years ago; and because how many prophecies has come true

    if i am sure that Allah does exist, and Islam is not a false or made-up religion, then i can be sure of everything Islam says

    i dont understand how any1 can reject Islam unless if that person is arrogant
    ok im curious...

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  4. #3
    Tasneem's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mainul_Islam View Post
    wa alaikum assalaam,

    u know, i would probably feel how u do if i did not know about Islam... curious about how can i be so sure that there is God and an afterlife and its just not a belief

    all thanks to Allah, He has blessed me with knowledge

    i dont follow Islam just because i was born into a Muslim family, but i follow Islam because it makes perfect sense (in terms of no contradiction, using logic, and comparing other religions); because of the scientific facts proven in this age which was already written in the Quran 1400 years ago; and because how many prophecies has come true

    if i am sure that Allah does exist, and Islam is not a false or made-up religion, then i can be sure of everything Islam says

    i dont understand how any1 can reject Islam unless if that person is arrogant
    I agree with u.
    ok im curious...

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    Re: ok im curious...

    (just felt like writing it cause u guys been writing it too)Assalamu Alaikumkum Warahmahtullahi Wabarahkatuh and Shalom...

    ok i just wanted to say i always felt something missing in mylife....i felt that God has put us to a test and im in the center of it all....I beieve that everyone has to die one day but i cannot understand what will happen to us....will we die and just rott...and pass away like all the life cycle.....and thats that?
    In Islam, we were created to worship Allah. I doing so, we must pray 5 times a day; do good deeds; pay zakat (charity); believe that Allah is ONE and the ONLY One and he has no companions or children and that the Prophet Muhammed was the last of all His Messengers; and if we are able to do so, make a journey to makkah for hajj.
    After our bodies are buried, ofcoarse they are gonna rot away and stuff, but our souls wont. They will return to Allah.

    or is there really a Heaven and a Hell?.....is there really a god out there that created us ALL?...........or is there reincarnation...
    one day were born and another day were dead.....it basically like saying were"Born to Die"....you know im not really that god fearing as of yet but i do remind myself of death now n then....thats when i feel awful and everything feels worthless in this world.....soooo much mysteries and questions that are unanswered.... ..........do we really know what awaits us or we all really confused inside..? plz tell me something so i wont just skim through .....thanks
    There is both heaven and a hell, each with levels. We are living in the lowest part of heaven. In Islam Allah has created EVERYTHING. We as muslims do not believe in reincarnation. when we die, we die and we return to Allah on judgement day.
    I think that it is good to feel that everything is worthless in this world. I feel that way a lot sometimes, and i think it is because i dont hold onto the values of this world. I see that being Muslim is a job and you do ur job here and once you die you are rewarded with a paycheck..
    if you do ur job right, you get rewarded abundantly
    if you do more better than what u were supposed to do, you get a bigger reward
    and if you do bad, you get punished.

    In the end, this world is going to be burned in hellfire, just to show how worthless it was. All that is supposed to last with us is our deeds. if you have none lol ur screwed.

    if you have any other questions
    inshallah i will be able to help out
    bro ansar should be here soon to explain some in depth stuff lol

    fi aman Allah
    Last edited by *charisma*; 12-13-2005 at 12:03 AM.
    ok im curious...

    D e a t h

    is the easiest
    of all things after it
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    the hardest
    of all things before it
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    hidaayah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    islam removes all these confusions...We will die one day and return to answer our Allah what we did in our test of life....this life is just a short test that we've to pass by doing good.deeds so that we can go in heaven.and the logic i use is that how can such a HUGE universe with all the COMPLICATED and PERFECT SYSTEMS THAT WE STUDY ABOUT IN BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY AND LAWS OF PHYSICS...come into being without any creator?..if someone told us that a pencil came into being just by itself..there was wood and lead and they just came together by itself would we ever believe it???..i won't atleast..someone does put them together ...thats how it is with this world..someone made this and made it for a purpose!! and that creator was Allah Almighty and that purpose quran tells us is that
    " Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Forgiving" surah mulk: verse 2
    and in other pplace it is said that i made men and jinn for noo other purpose but to worship me...

    After our bodies are buried, ofcoarse they are gonna rot away and stuff,
    if we become shaheed(martyrs)(people who die while trying to establish Islam ...be it in any way) then even this won't happen...!!*smile*

    I answered according to my information..i hope it was ok .....*blush*
    May Allah guide you to the straight path..Ameen...n hope it helped...
    Last edited by hidaayah; 12-13-2005 at 06:18 AM. Reason: ...
    ok im curious...

    وإذا لم يكن منَ الموتِ بُدُّ فمِنَ العَجزِ أنْ تَكُونَ جَبَانا
    If death is something inescapable, then it is from weakness to be a coward-!

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  8. #6
    MetSudaisTwice's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    mashallah some very good and interesting things here
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  9. #7
    - Qatada -'s Avatar
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    Re: ok im curious...


    this is a really long subject and its something to think about.. why do we live if we all going to die? are we supposed to all make the most of this life, and whoever has the most fun was the successful one?

    most people ask themselves this and have different opinions; one person may think to himself that they should make the most of their life to enjoy it as much as they possibly can, whereas someone else may think to themselves - life is more than just fun and games, we dont just stay here to live, everything has an end to it and there is a reason why everything happens in the world.

    you ask yourself, can something as basic as a watch be made by itself? do you really believe that it can just evolve from loads of metals joining themselves together and then have the accuracy of always moving itself exactly the same way after every 12 hours? how come its so perfect that it can do that? if someone told you that it got created by itself - would you really believe them?

    or would you believe that it got created by something/someone that has a greater power? someone who has more knowledge of how the system runs.

    we as muslims, believe that Allah Almighty, created us. we have a purpose in life and that is to worship Allah alone.

    And I (Allâh) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). (51:56)

    this doesn't mean that we just keep praying every second of our lives, or that we keep fasting all our lives. but our aim in life is to uphold our family ties, to smile at your brother, to support the people in need of help. to enjoin the good and to forbid the wrong, to keep society just without any oppression, and to do good.

    this is what islam does, and this is a form of worship.

    in the qur'an Allaah Almighty swears by time;

    (103:01) I swear by the time,

    (103:02) Most surely man is in loss,

    (103:04) Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.

    so man is always in loss, except if they believe, do good and enjoin on each other the truth and enjoin on each other patience.

    there are only 114 chapters in the qur'an, and that chapter above is only 3 verses - yet it shows what we have to do in this life to be successful.

    now you think to yourself - why should i do all this good, how will it benefit me? why should i do good, why should i waste all my money to the poor when i could have bought myself a ferrari with it? why should i not steal - if i can make myself richer without anyone finding out?

    why should a person do things that are good if they not going to get anything good out of it? why should the bad be able to run away from their crimes without getting punished?

    from a non believers point of view, these questions are always going on in their head - but islam answers all of them. the answers simple. - believe, and do good in this life, and you'll be rewarded with something even better in the afterlife. surely you tried hard to do good, to help the poor - so Allah the Most Merciful will reward you for it.

    This life is only temporary so Allah the Most Merciful can test who does good and who does bad. whoever chooses to believe and do good in this life, they will get their just reward in the afterlife insha Allaah (God willing.) & whoever does bad in this life, will get their just punishment for it because they oppressed the people. this is fair dont you think?

    in the qur'an Allah the Most Beneficial says:

    Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good? (55:60)

    so the people who worked hard to do good in this world will get their just reward because they wanted peace within the world, so Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficial will give the person heaven/jannah - where they can abide forever in peace and get anything they heart desires - because they gave to the needy, enjoined the good and forbade the evil.

    those who dont believe and do wrong;

    And for those who disbelieve in their Lord is the punishment of hell, and evil is the resort. (67:06)

    And for those who do good in this life and forbid the evil:

    Surely Allah will make those who believe and do good deeds enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and (with) pearls, and their garments therein shall be of silk. (22:23)

    please ask more if you dont understand or need more info. thanks.

    by the way check this link out too.


    wa Allaahu a'lam. (and Allaah Almighty, the Most Merciful knows best.)
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 12-12-2005 at 05:46 PM.
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  10. #8
    A iz 4 Allah's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    wow brother u know what you are talking about. we should pray that there are more muslims in the world that know what they are talking instead of having no answer when asked about our imaan.
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    cihad's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    you can tell a blind man that it's raining outside, but it doesn't mean he will believe you.

    he can reject you

    or he can go outside into the rain feel it on his body, and accept what you said as true

    every person must go out into the rain and find out the truth

    -you get what i'm saying?
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    MetSudaisTwice's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: ok im curious...

    mashallah sis, taht is so well said and very true
    jazakallah for pointing out that in a clearer perspective
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  14. #11
    servent's Avatar Limited Member
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    Smile Re: ok im curious...

    good evening wow that mad my haet sad thats how i kind of felt befor than thanks to GOD ALLAH he gave me islam .think about this were dose the food the rain the things we need come from who created the firs human who gives us life than death of corse there has to be somone higher in power and might .and if we live to die than why well in islam we belive we live to worship our creator and try to get to heaven well for me it makes totle sence and if we did come back as somthing eles like an animal than we really would have no worries at all so you just have to think of the most logical explainations not the ones that are so far fetched and blown out of proption that is also why many people exsept islam cause it is so simple and beutiful and of course there are so many proffs that islam is the true religion of course one proff is that i am now muslim so who guded me to islam ALLAH he has the power over all no one tried to convince me i wanted it for my self and what ever GOD wills is what gose i hope you really study and put all the religions aside that you fell are not write i am sure islam will be the only religion left infront of you waiting for you to enbrace it and except it may ALLAH guide you to the sraight path and have mercy AMEEN........ thankyou..........
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