Yasir Qadhi

A man who described himself as a 'patriot' attempted to blow up a bomb in a park in Georgia, and frame Muslims. He packed a copy of the Quran (as if Muslims blow up Qurans?!), and wrote a foreign sounding name on the backpack.

Thankfully, he was caught before he could set the bomb off. His motive? He wanted Americans to fear the threat of 'radical Islam', so he wanted to bomb something to terrify them into action.

Not surprisingly, as of yet, he will NOT be charged with terrorism related offenses (which carry a much more severe penalty). Also not surprisingly, this news has barely made any headlines in America (and I don't need to tell you what would have happened if a Muslim had actually been caught with such a device).

Rather than fear 'radical Islam', America has more to fear from radical right-wing terrorists and Islamophobes who want us to fear 'radical Islam'.