Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu my dear brothers and sisters Me and my friends are building a research foundation where we will do research and bring saheeh things out of hadeeth and will do dawah.If you can support us with anything like books or by sending your zakat or with your knowledge then it will be much appreciated and our work will be little bit easy because we have to build a library and computer lab inshaAllah.Our area is full of bidat and shirk,peoples are going away from islam so we are trying to do something.If possible do support us.We have many projects in hand like bringing many scholars to work with us and building a teaching room of arabic and hadeeth so that people can learn true islam...

May Allah SWT reward your for support....AMEEN.

If you want to support us then send your charity to our paypal account :- [email protected]