top - APC-2010 with Dr Zakir Naik

Al-Khair Peace Convention 2010

Peace, internal and external be it on an 'individual' or at a 'worldwide collective' level is a must for effective human progress and realistic global unity.

Peace perishes in the use of unjust force. No matter which side of the fence you are on you are bound to lose. Upholding justice and human rights, eradicating poverty, as well as inculcating moral values based on our Creator's Divine Guidance are a must for achieving World Peace. We cannot effective world peace without good governance and morally sound human beings.

For people of all beliefs, this conference will be a learning opportunity to realize, reflect on and correct their misunderstanding (if any) about Islam in the light of talks by authoritative and renowned international speakers.

Conference Focus

* To create a better awareness and understanding of Islam and its message of peace for the entire humanity, in an objective way.

* To remove misconceptions, false fear and hate of Islam and Muslims globally.

* To realize that Islam is a just, righteous and peaceful way of life, with due care for human rights and moral values.

Speakers at APC 2010

Dr. Zakir Naik - President, I R F - India
Imam Qasim Ahmad Rashid - CEO, Al-Khair Foundation & IQRA TV - UK
Fariq Zakir Naik - India (son of Zakir Naik)

Register for APC 2010

Al-Khair Peace Convention 2010 has free entrance allowing all to benefit and be inspired by the message of Islam, however pre-registration is required. Please register online for up to four delegates per house hold.

For bulk booking or to secure additional seats, please contact us on [email protected] or call + 44 207 084 7199.

Please note age restrictions apply. Under 9 are not allowed. For front seating, VIP tickets and VIP Boxes, please contact us on 07595 381 379

"And whatever you will spend in good causes it shall be paid back to you in full and you shall not be treated unjustly." [Al-Qur’an 8:60]

This free entry Dawah event is costing approximately £15 per person per seat. We need your support and assistance in the form of donations to encourage and sustain this noble work of Dawah. Please donate generously.

For further information visit the website: or call 0207 084 7199.